THE Thursday, Februar}' H . 1935 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON nell and daughter Jean Ann of I THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Connell stutlon und Alfred Oucrbei i of Bethany Bunday. Mrs Austin Herafford entertained her 4-11 sewing club at u "buck- 1 TAKE A SQ U IN T A T TM lS CLOCK wards" party Thursday evening. The evening wus «pent In pluylng gumes, THIS Iff A FINE TIME OF the N IG H T f q Q TOO evening was s|ienl In pluylng game« Mr. und Mrs. (1. A Robson. Vir­ 'YOUNGSTERS TO COME PCoWLING HOME, F orm er R esid e n t K ille d ; B oy ginia and tails spent tile week-end with Mrs Robsons purents, Mr. TOUR MOTHEQ WILL WEAR ABOUT TH IS--ER- O b serv e* B irth d a y and Mrs Murk Blodget. at Dallus. THAT IS, WHEN SHE COMES HOME FPoM H E » - Itlrlbday Celebrated Richard Htewurt celebrated Ills b r id g e p a r t y » r illy M r* llutfh llu rile tte ) ninth birthday with a party ut his GIUSNCO Woman» Missionary home east of town Friday after­ .society will meet with Mrs. II K noon Attending were Donald and Kf'hetclt next Wednesday afternoon Charles Warren. Mury Jane and ut 2 o'clock Olllcer* will be elected Stephen MrBntee, Raymond Price. I'leiuse bring mltc Ixixri trad e r will Bobby Bernards. Camlle (loixhnan, be Mrs Ernest Wlllert. Frank Wood, Nancy Pitman, Lorenc Mrs H I, Gurlyle and Mr.s. Mary Scheldt, Bobby Duncan, Louise Reach visited relatives in Forest Parks, Valerie and Richard Stewart drove from Tuesday until Hatur- Show to be Given day. They were entertained at a “The Bashful Mr, Bobbes." a dinner party at the home of Mr and Mrs. II N. Itoblnson at which three-act comedy, will be given In Mr and Mrs Frank Cate aial Mr the school auditorium Murch 1 and Mrs a Lindgren, former resi­ Those In the cast are. Bob Kelly ol IflllslMiro. Luclle McGee, Julia llog- lient* of Orenco, were present. Mrs. Volk. (Irace Hamel, Ruth Dale Baughman from the CCC en Koleek, Edna Melhoff, Rosie Bella eamp at Range River spent the ¡out the Messrs. Stewart. Miss Marie i week end with nix parents. Mr and McKcrmls 1* coaching the play. Mrs H W Baughman, and family. In Areldent Mr. and Mrs Frank Hathaway and three children of Portland. Mr Mr and Mr* John A McGee and und Mrs. led Edwards and son Luclle met with an accident Satur­ Bobby of Ht Johns visited nt the day night on llielr way home fiom George Ooodmnn home Bunday. Portland, when a trailer broke loose I Mr and Mrs. Antoue Bella of from un approaching car and crash- j Bonneville spent Huturday at the cd Into their cur. The McGee cur Adam Bella home. was badly damaged but no one was Mr und Mrs. Bum Coy of Itllls- seriously Injured boro VC Ill'll ai ihe W. F Hunter Sunday visitors at the Frank home Tuesday. Warren liome were Mr. and Mrs Rev Everett, Presbyterian Bun­ Chris Larson, J Tobcn und family day school Missionary of Oregon, Mesduines B. Burns, I,. Golet. J preached at the community church Uoodnew and friend of Portland Bund*} morning in the absences Meyers* BUXTON Mrs. Julia Fisher died February 8 at the Forest Grove hospital after an illness of several years. She had been a member of Womans Benefit Association for 22 years and was treasurer at the time of her death. Funeral services were held at the Forest Orove Undertaking com­ pany chapel Tuesday afternoon with Rev M. A. Marcy of Portland officiating. Interment was in River­ view cemetery. Mrs. Fisher was born March 24. 1878, 1 n Chicago, 111., married George Fisher In Vancouver, Wash., July 29, 1893. and lived in Wash­ ington county 40 years. She had lived near Buxton since 1894 and in Buxton since 1911 Deceased Is survived by the widower and the following children: Mary A Wat­ son, Luclle G. White, Clara L. Lane, Harold G , and Irene M. Fisher Buxton; Charles N.. Olvm- pia. Wash.; Walter 8., Wheeler; Earl B. and Arthur L„ Timber; Edith M. Simonton, Tigard, and Frances B. Elliotte, Holton. Fol­ lowing sisters and brother; also survive: Mrs. Anna Wohliord and Mr- Thresa Husk. Portland. Mrs. Hattie Abernatny, Newb re, Will Jungnickel. Hillsboro. and John Jungnlckel, Oakland. Cai. W B A. meet for February 9 was postponed until February 23 Party Enjoyed A card party was given at the R. W. Manley home Friday night. Four tables ot criobage and two of out)' were in play. Those receiving honors were : criboage— Harley Quier and Jesse Meyers; “500' —Mrs. Chris Tolke and Mrs Ella Stephens. A card party will be given at the Alex Alien home next Friday night Clarence Estepp and family of Mountaindale and Mr. and Mrs. Kooert Simpson of Forest Grove i visited at the Carl Estepp home Sunday. Mill Opreates Elwood mill sawed several days last week. Ira Powell, who is with the CCC at Westimber, was under the doc­ tor's care at the hospital there last week. Haight Chatters About Legislature Walter Fruher, Marion. 30; and Harry Bolvin of Klamath, 30 Ore­ gon, to you we dedicate these youth­ ful solons. Children That reminds us. They enjoy the legislature; It reminds them of their debating societies. Nearly every day the chldren from some school will visit the legislature in a txxly and they feel like rooting Just like they do when they go to a football game We would like to take the ltd off some day Just to hear them. Reading clerk. He Is Jim Vernon. He reads for hours. And then he 'u s a machine to spray h .t thr-iP with, for after reading old dry bills for an hour his neck gets tired. At first we thought that he was out of wind and was pumping himself up like a spare tire. Here are the bad children. Booze, beer, wine, speakeasies, hotels, res­ taurants. beer halls, dance halls; all fighting one another with legis­ 9c Ready to give real values. All meats Inspected by Dr. Nleol and Dr. Almquist. Saturday, Feb. 16 Special* Home Cured SMOKED MEATS Half or whole. P I C N I C S u .__________ 15C BEEF ROAST Lb. 10c (Continued from pave one) long line, and a little, Innocent1 bill can be a dynamite factory. Fish. The fight Is whether the fish shall ; be put Into a basket or into a tin 1 can. Sounds innocent. But If you | mention "Fish" in these historic halls you ought to have a wire j mask on like a catcher In a base- j ball team. The kids. Now we are on a sub­ ject that we will fight for—the kids. I Fish don't interest us but If anyone , says anything about our kids they will have to take our measurement for a wooden overcoat. We are proud of them. A fine lot of young­ sters—clean cut, alert, courageous and making very creditable appear­ ances upon the floor—They are all under 30. Millard Rodman, 24. of Crook Is our baby; Roscoe K ner of Wasco Is 25; William Knight, Doug­ las, is 25; Lyle Thomas of Folk,; Phone 651 25: Walter Norblad of Clatsop. 27; William Dickson of Multnomah. 28; 5 ------------ RIB BOIL , t. 8c BEEF LIVER TBO N E STEAK u. 10c 17c SWISS CHEESE Lb 25c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET Rea. Phone 321Z 5 Deliveries Daily ^ = = 3 = = = = O! /ccd il. “There’s No Better Place” Prices for Fri., Sat., Mon., Feb. 15, 16, 18 FREE DELIVERY IBB II S p in ach Walla Walla. Is tall. Can ........ Toilet soap. 3 bars ................ Potatoes Grapefruit HILLSBORO QUALITY 29c ! £ l . o " ' on:.. iul" MEAT 33c COMPANY SERVICE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 8c BOILING BEEF - 15c MUTTON CHOPS - 3 it. 2 3 c LARD COMPOUND • Il M hh Lb. 18c ilAm MUTTON ROAST u. 10c 25c OYSTERS 19c PICNICS ... Shank or Butt End. PHONE 962 FREE DELIVERY SrLz L ife b u o y 10c No. 2 can 20c H A M S,b L' 25c ¿ ' ¡ u " .......................... We specialize in quality Job print­ ing—Argus. Ready to advise you in parchasing. S afeway S tores 15c 2 »» lation for each wants the money — greed, selfishness, deception. But of course the saloon won't come book They are already here The flro will fly when the booze bills come hi. More fire -chain stores, tax exemp­ tions, tax bills, labor bills and elec­ tion rlianges But a fight can start any time on anything. Cigarettes There arc only three women members in the house. And so a tax on cigarettes would be taxation without much representa­ tion for the ladles would have to pay much of the tax on cigarettes. And then the proposed tax on cig­ arettes is the entering wedge for the sales tax. It Is a start. We are Independent for we smoke Bull Dur­ ham and roll our own. No major legislation has reached the house but It will he fast and furious for the next two weeks— maybe longer. Ready to supply you with the finest MEATS at the least cost. 17c POWDER 2 ibs. B eans Page Three An Event to Help DAIRYMEN G r a p e fr u it Ammonia Grapefruit 12-oz. Florida Gold Western No. 303, 1 can 2 bottles CHIPPED BEEF, Rex. 21/,-oz. jar ..........................9c MOP STICKS, Copper Head. Each ...................... 9c FELS NAPTHA SOAP. 2 bars .............................. 9c TOILET TISSUE, Waldorf 2 roll* ..........................9c SANI-CLOR. Bleacher. Quart ................................. 9c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP. 3 bars ........................ 9c PUFFED WHEAT. Pkg............................................... 9c SARDINES, American, %a. 2 cans ........................9c CHILI CON CARNE, Libby’s, Is. Can .................9c The entire Safeway or­ ganization is co-operating with cheese producers. BUY CHBBBE THIS W E E K . SERVE IT OFTEN. Note these attractive prices! 19c CHEESE MILD. 15c CHEESE OREGON Lb............................ KRAFT CHEESE ' American. ‘ Brick, Limburger, Velvceta. h -lb . pkgs................... <4 Q / » J.«/V 17c MACARONI. 3 lb*..................20c SNOWFLAKES. 2-lb. box COFFEE, Airway. Lb. .......... 20c TEA, Edward*, black, Vg-lb. 25c SAFEWAY. Guaranteed satisfaction. |b. tack ............. or JERSEY CORN FLAKES. FLOUR 49. POST TO A STIES, pk„ HIGHWAY. MATCHES 6-box carton Minute Tapioca. Pkg.............. 12c Chocolate, Baker’s, ‘/g-lb pkg 21c Maximum Syrup. 2-lb., 5-oz. can ........ 23c Tissue. 1000-sheet roll* Scott, 3 roll* ........................ 20c Silko, 4 roll* ...........................17c Wash. Pwd., Pride. Lg. pkg. 9c Corn, Del Monte or Libby’s No. 2 can ...............................15c Rice, Blue Rose. 5 lb*.............. 19c 29c F lour $1.59 20c 22c Northern or Bell 49-lb. Sack fted Snow Crown, Drifted ’s Blend. or Fisher’s 49-lb. Sack ---- Goldettes, broken. 303s. 4 cans ............... 9Q <* Alt/V 19c All Bran, Kellogg's. Large ....................... Ftepjaek Flour— Pkg.............................. 19c 19c Snowdrift— 1-lb. ............................. 19c Coffee, Economy. 19c Lb. ................................. Beans, small white. 5 lbs. .......................... 19c PEAS, Island Belle, 303s. 2 cans ..............19c BAKING POWD., Clabber Girl. 2-lb. can 19c SALMON, Pink, Is tall. 2 c a n s ................... 19c Ocean caught. $1.53 DOG FOOD, Wag or Victory. $1.93 RICE, Elon Elon Head Rice. 5 lbs..............19c SOAP, Big Boy or Economy White 4 bars ...19c Van Camp’s Tomato Soup, Juice or Pork & Beans. 2 large cans ................... 19c 4 cans........19c Fresh Fruit* and Vegetable* 4 4/» J.J.V 29c <4 A/» IVU 4 ffp AWw*. CORN MEAL, White or Yellow. 9-lb. bag 29c STRING BEANS, Green Spot, 2s. 4 cans 29c CHIPPED BEEF, Rex. 5-oz jars. 2 for...... 29c SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR. Large pkg.....29c B & M Baked Beans or Brown Bread 2 large cans ................................................. 29c CHOCOLATE. 1-lb. can .................................29c BANANAS. Golden ripe 2 lb*...................................... COCOANUTS— ffx . Each ....................................... ONIONS. Boiling size. 10 lb*.................................. LEMONS. Large 300 size. Dozen ...................... GRAPEFRUIT. Arizona seedless. 5 f o r ................. S U G A R F,NE GRANULATE°:................ 10 iu . Ohlrardelll's ground. SPINACH, Del Monte, 2%s. 2 cans......... 29c TOMATOES, Alta Villa. 2 ’ z2s. 3 c a n s......29c CORN, Wilton, fancy, G. B. No. 2. 2 cans 29c TUNA, White Star, ’/^s. 2 cans .................29c 48c Grocery Price* Good Friday, Saturday, Monday, February 15, 16, 18 Bä OXYDOL— Large .......... With 2 bars giant P. & G. FREE. 23c SUNBRITE Cleanser. 3 cans ............... (1 can FREE) *1 J.ÖV OV ALTI N E Medium tin 29c TOMATO SOUP Campbell’s. Oû<» 4 tall cans