THE Page Two H IL L S B O R O ARUUS H IL L S B O R O . Thuraduy, February 14, 1935 OREGON with their sou Charles and fumlly, expose graft In public affairs, to funeral of Mr. Denunln's aunt. Mrs. to Reedsport to visit Mrs S tanton's forestall It by publishing Itemised ; Augusta Elsetihardt t n fo i l land sister and family and finally Io accounts of all public moneys spent. ) Thursday Burial was at the Bloom­ 1'oli‘do. where they will visit wllli You expect your newspaper to ing cemetery. their youngest son, Oeorge. and m aintain a high standard of m oral­ Mr and Mrs. J. D Tobin and fumlly. They expect to return this ity. supporting tilings th at are I Mrs. M W. Jones and son ot P ort­ , Tenra uro »nhl lo ho vory offre- week. right and eondcmntiig things Ihut land were Sunday guests at the J. are wrong. Miss Ju an ita Nelson and Miss La- -------- ■ M Stretcher home tl ve In protecting tlio eye. And Veils Berg siient the week-end in _ . . „ Mountain Home C hristian En- You expect your newspaper to In helping n womun gel u now M ra . R o w e l l Celebrate» Her d eavor made their Marly visit to Monmouth with Miss Nelson's p a r­ m aintain a high standard of en ter­ bprlng cout. ents. I the Springbrook church Sunday prise devoting column after column 83rd Birthday i evening and had charge of the serv­ Mrs Geoffrey Brown underwent io propaganda. sup|K>rtlng the baud, Lincoln*« b irth d a y HiiggeHtH to ice. an emergency «>|»-i a 11< >■ i Hiimlax^ (lie baseball learn, ixniununlty eele • I Sunday guests at the A. B. Flint uh th a t w lia t tlio n a tio n uoode In moi nlng In Hillsboro for upiiemll- brat ions, ltoy Scouts, high sellixil (By L. B. Demmin) home were Mr. and Mrs. Wes more r a il H pllttern m id fewer o f ! cltls athletics, school programs, home ta l­ SCHOLLS—Scholls Orange will Baney, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Liver tlio h u lr, «hie. and loot variety. ent plays and dosens ot such causes Westlmber unit of the CCC will more of Aloha and Mr and Mrs. hold an ______ all day meeting K a Saturday _____ .... . • • • and events. give a dance In Hit- Timber hall __ ___ Mr and ____ Mrs. ___ Mike McCann and W M Baldra of Portland. | itonight! Thursday. Ladles are to Itecnuse th e ir ciiblnota change You expect your newspaper to viva McCann went to Amity Sun- Mi M argaret Phoenix of Port- be adm itted free of ehurge Tills Idei build up confidence lit your home ho o ften, there are now 235 fo r­ day to visit at the H Frewmg home land Is spending several weeks with I Is the Ilrst dance held since the luianclal Institutions and protect M r. and Mrs Max Bennett and her daughter, Mrs W B Chand- m er cabinet meuibere liv in g In holiday season. I home Investors from making un­ daughter Joan and Mrs J Mush- lee before gouig to California for Frunce. I f tlilw k(*eiM on, nlinont Hnow fell here Tuesday morning. wise Investments ot surplus funds, alik and daughter Jakie of Blue an indefinite stay warning against take salesmen, and ( any French m urd e r w ill ho ) Urns pulling an end Io the balmy Lake park spent Saturday at the .1 Wlldmer Hanson and Teddy Karp- spring weatlwr, which we have been clawHcd an an UNHUHHlmttlon. E Beiuiett home. stem attended a surprise party for other financial pirates. • • • enjoying. Mr and Mrs ltoss were callers Mr and Mrs. Oeorge G raff m P ort­ You expect your newspaper to es­ a l the Julius Christensen home land Saturday evening. tablish friendly contact with the | I f H ille r over hegliiH to I ohh C hauffeur Test I'luiinrd Mrs Ross formerly taught the Mid- Charles. Philip. Delbert and Floyd rural readers so tts to induce them I i I h g rip , he m ig h t aeud over to way school , Burke were Sunday guests a t the M arlin Rixldlng. examiner of op- to make your town their town. the United Htnte« fo r h o iiio of Peas Planted l’e,e Johnson home in Beaverton. | erators and rhaiiffetirs. will be In You expect your newspaper to p o tllk k e r, M any acres ot peas are being Mrs. Carl \\ aibel of Sheridan Hillsboro Wednesday, February 20, give notice of ull public meetings, th a t cornpone • and • • planted for the Ray -Mating can- ! spent several days last week at the at the court house from 9 a m. to public observances, conventions, etc. N«»w we uiideiM tand why they n<*r\ in th is vicinity O h v I Steffen hiune. 5 p. m. You expect your newspaper to S L iluse of a serious illness with* Mrs. M an S tretcher spent Thurs- urge support of poor relief benefits, ca ll (ho TowiiHond old uge meaH- tMieumonia Sea- I day Friday at the home of her D aughter "Oh. papa, what Is library drives. Red Cross drives. ure a "R e v o lv in g P o u h I o ii I ' I u i i .” S d c " n o t b John £ u Oerrilse r t t e ta c of S n tfe u Jso m and Everett Stretcher of Portland M arshes and beaches along th e Uulf of Mexico wers converted Into bleak cem eteries when a up] your blrthstone?" C hiistnias seal drives, l.cglon and T ry in g to figure It out note yo u r how ling b illia rd raged out ot the north, and swept Texas' vast eoaslal glarin g groaud t'a n a s a e s < > ( ______ Mr and Mrs Bischoff of the sale of his property here, winch F ather of seven: "My dear. I'm I Auxiliary drives, poppy sales, forget- head w h irlin g . 60.000 cattle, which had huddled together vainly for w arm th, littered the district. Caltleuieu esti­ not sure, but I think It's a grin d ­ has been ____ pendi ling for sometime Sherwood visited at the John Hitch- m e-not sales, have-a-heart drives, S P. Taylor and E. L Sieffert arei cock home Sunday stone." Ex. m ated the loss a t more than 61,000,000. 1 etc Sunday guests at the S. A. Got ter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the prospective buyers. You expect your newspapers to m home were Mr and Mis. L. Q. I school. 9:45 a in . T B. Harris, publish church notices, church pro­ Mrs. Rebecca RoweU observed her » " W ^ o ^ i l l s b c r o L ahd M a n n i n g P e o p le (lly Lola Richmond) superintendent, communion serv­ grams. club news, farm bureau In­ N EW Mrs. Marguret Beals of Seaside ice followed by preaching. 11 a. ni.; formation. dem onstration unit news, X l a d d c k e n d \ m w r f ^ V h T ? a m - i ^ C lirence Heaton and Harold German M. E. Church Bethany young people's meeting. 6:30 p. in.; uiurket news, weather news, bring visited her sister Mrs. Kminu rhoni- am - On G ermantown road Sunday tly. Many friends called during th e 1 , 1 G rlnj[c „ a s Social Meet preselling. 7:30 p. in. Evangelistic you the market reports and cover ,i scvcnil il.ivs lust w ick , school every Sunday. 10 a. m ; Ger- service every night during t h e all doings of the many scml-publlc Irene Richmond worked in the da 5' it a I i f iv»A About 40 attended the Grange n r l -J T1 T 1 1 1 'P r SSI r \ 1 nian service, U a. in., first a n d week except Monday You are in­ organlsatlons. You expect your news­ 'lim ber Merehantlle store lost week P e rf e c t" “ m d a iu 'e ^ t the Moua- c /f i . T / i i u i t i o u i j third Sundays; English service, it vited and urged to be present at BOOKS day cake was baked for the George paper to support every meritorious In the absence ol Cecelia Marchel, ta inside school for the past six W ashington and Lincoln birthday — a. in., second and fourth Sundays all services— M. Putm an, minister. organisation effort for the city's who visited Mi a n d Mis Gordon If vou u rr (tUitg (<> have nomr weeks was made tf weexs w as m aae by oj Raymond. n s j u v u u . Billy. .n n iv erx a n e« and also a valen tin e B AN KS- BANKS—Mr. and Mrs Chester —E. Julius Tragllo. pastor. good. Lester In Portland. She returned l*a|*rrliig d«mr wr would llkr to Berteen and Viva MeCanir John • FrvdendaU of Manning entertained Christian Church And you expect all this for 62 00 home Friday. *»how you our tuuiiplra. Thry arr Christian Science Society 2“ ? , , ? ° m *£rty W exler Mrs Audre' H eaton attended a with a family dinner January 31 Lord's dav church school. 9:45 a year. Mr and Mrs Paul Hankins mov­ nil the flne»t draigii*- H r have Philip S tretcher Robert \\caver. w coast telephone meeting in In honor of the golden wedding an - Services are held every Sunday a m.. C. H. Nosier, superintend­ ed to W ashburn Saturday, where 1 ovrr our hundrrd. No. it can't be done for th at. The Betty S »ank~ R u th ^Irm ajx n d ,H elen purest Grove Saturday. nlversarv of Mrs. Fiydendall's p ar- at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening ent. Our pre-Easter aim ts 300. If you, as a subscriber, pay for Mr Hankins will be enmloved. H o I c o iil Mrs Jessie Peppard Portlander Buys Farm I ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. M cFarlane services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school you are not enrolled In any class money Lu Rue Brown of Timber and this paper covers less than one- Forest Grove is the teacher teache a t 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age I specialize in C. A Barbo of Portland has pur- of Dufur. we Invite you to come. Classes for fourtli the cost of publishing the Mr Beverly Philips of Sunset Camp business trip chased the George M aynard farm , L W Guild made a sviH.v Jam es McFarlane and Rosetta of 20 years are welcomed. Free all ages. Men. we have the largest paper. spent lost Frlduy and Saturday lit The other tlirec-fourtlis Is to Woodland. W a sh . Friday — mountain and will plant June were m arried at Deerfield. readuig room open on Wednesdays men's class in the community Will PAPERING Portland. paid by advertisers. Mrs Leslie Moore of Tigard n s - “ veral acres of filberts. Mich . January 31 1885 They resid- and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. in. you Join us? Also the largest high Hum Hankins of Portland arrived Since the advertisers |wiy a large lted at the H. T. Hesse hom eT hurs- M rs j w Burge wtw> has been , ed there for three years and then Sunday's topic, “Soul." and ull interior school class. Boys and girls wel­ share of the publishing of your here Sunday night to help Ills <*»y- at the S. A G otter home, went to moved to Conway. Mich., where come. Morning worship. 11 o'clock, newspaper, don't you think you owe brother Clulr with the dairy ui the PAINTING Record Good Roseburg Monday to visit friends thev lived until they came to Ore- Ranks M. E. Church special music, sermon by pastor. absence of Paul Hankins Pupils of the G roner school neltli- Mr and M rs’ Fred G roff and gon and settled at Manning 27 years Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 C hristian Endeavor. 6:30 p. in.— them Hie duly to patronise tliem Mr. and Mrs Emmett Murphy er absent nor tardy were Amy Alice ' D lana Lee. of Portland spent ago a m.. Mrs H. Jensen, superintend­ Junior with Theona Putnam , super­ whenever they offer equal or bet­ and two children Put and Lee of Howard. Loyal Howard. K enneth s undav wjth Mrs G roff's parents. Five of their nine children are ent Preaching services by Ellsworth intendent; I n t e r m e d i a t e w i t h ter values than non-udvertlsers? Portland visited Mrs M urphy’s sis­ Oarlsen and Rex Spencer. Honor Mr al;d Mrs c w Larkin. now living. Thev are Mrs. Ernest TUton. pastor, every Sunday eve- M artha James, superintendent, and And you. Mr. Advertiser,don't you Ben Hart, Saturday Uii M. Mh Avrnur roll includes Jean Trask. Wallace Mrs jen n te Farver visited friends Place of west of Banks. Jam es Mc- nlng, 8 o'clock. Ladles' Aid meets young people's with Gordon Bailey. think th a t In view of the many ter. Mr. Mrs Mrs Charles o Stanton t’honr 1602 IfllUboro. Orrgon Fllnt. Christine Peer. Amy Alice and relatives In Portland th e past Farlane of Hillsboro, Oeorge Mc- first and th ird Wednesdays at 2 president Evangelistic service. 7:30 services which tile newspaper per­ started and on a trip Saturday, which Howard. K enneth Carlsen two weeks Farlane of Forest Grove. John Mc- P m. p. m.. large young people's choir, forms. for which the newspaper re­ will take them to Roseburg to visit tf Sunday visitors at the M B Bo- Harold Christensen and family Farlane of D ufur and Mrs. Fryden- special music, sermon by pastor. ceives no compensation, but which zorth home were Mr and Mrs. M were Sunday guests at Joe Sandt- ! Jail of Manning. T here are also "Almost.” Mid-week service, T h u rs­ mean more business and more proi- I Congregational Church Wolfe. Mr and Mrs J. A. Buckley forth home in Portland. The Chris- fifteen grand children and two great Church school 10 a m . Richard day. 7:30 p nr. an Interesting Bible Its for you, the newspaper deserves of Portland and John O. Boaorth jensens received a shipm ent of 600 grandchildren, study for new members and all In­ your advertising and printing busi­ Wiley su p e rin te n d e n t M o rn in g and daughter Ada of Bay City. babv chicks Monday. - worship. 11 o'clock; sermon. "King terested. AU other weekly g ather­ ness? Make your community news­ Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Wlllard Taylor returned home Scotch Ekonomies ings to be announced Lords day. paper your advertising and printing Over the T ruth " , . . i r , q c a H o .. - «7 Saturday after several m onths spent -stand back of vour lover, false We welcome you to find a church- medium and you help build up the of Portland, were Sunday guests at at Westport H arlan Randall of woman shouted the Scotchman home with us and to worship with community. Send your advertising All Saints' Mission tEpiscopal • V A u A s ^ n l e y TYefren o f ! S £ ^ V returned wlth for 3 m ‘he °f Free Delivery • T-Ie Septuagésima Sunday. February us at all times.—R L Putnam , pas- dollar away from home and vou do Phone 771 Just what you wouldn't want others 1 ’’’ Ex. t0 shoot 17 Church school, 9:45 a m tor the j B n * 1' Mrs L W Crowder and Mrs the both of you."— to do to whom you look for your service and sermon. 11 a. m.. topic, ¡ lett home S u n d a y ___ Audrey Heaton attended the bene- ________________ business. It Is Just as Im portant Rrtlianv Baptist Church "Creation;" fellowship group. 6:30 Carl and Axel Lindberg received flt dlnner given by men of the M .. ... , Bible school classes for everyone. th a t the advertising dollar rem ains p m . topic "Prayer," led by Auth- a cablegram Saturday night from E church t ^ „ a y eve- 1 «settled 9:45; preaching service. 11 a. in., In the community as It Is for the their parental home in Sweden th at ning Advertiser: "Did you ever gee elva Cox. Specials for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15 and 16 subject. "The Baptism of Jesus grocery dollar and t h e clothing their mother, Mrs. John Lindberg Mr and Mrs Lloyd M urray and anything so unsettled as the weath- C hrist;" young people's meeting. dollar and the rest of the commod­ Methodist Episcopal Church *’aj L die£t . v. j j ti Miss Laura Alstrom attended a e r’ " ; song and preaching ity dollars th a t make your town Theo Murphy and Chad Haynes meeting of Yamhill I. O O F Editor "Well, since you've men- Church school. 9:45. Miss Rose 7:30 p. m 8 p. m. Visitors always prosperous to rem ain at home are 111 with the Ru lodges a t Newberg Friday evening tioned it. there's your bill.-'—Ex. Cave, superintendent; divine wor­ service. come.—Rev Theo Leger, pastor Springfield iM m n.l Advance-Press. H c i i i i & i i Coit'cn And Osrl C a t I ” Jnckt-own school is plAnninj .1 * " 111 '* ™ 1 ship. 11. sermon subject. " I Be­ S i's With a Ser»°'it, *1»*h.Tn t benefit program for the near future The price of bu tter is zooming lieve In G od;" Epworth League. T rinitv Lutheran Church Wednesday evening at the Robin- m is s Evelyn Hesse. Armour and and the dairymen are rejoicing. 6:30; evangelistic service. 7:30. men s Flour ia advancing, better buy n o w ! Public worship at 10:30 a. v . ■ son station when they ran into tne Reynolds went to Monmouth and in view of the low prices of chorus, sermon subject. "How Were , . signal post. /H iey were blinded by yjatt Miss Thelm a Hesse, who agricultiuul products for m a n y Thine Eyes Opened?” T hursday Sunday school at 9 45 and Bible Cream of Vegetable Soup BJi approaching car attends school there, and also vis- vears. this should be real stim ulat- evening pot luck. 6:30. Bible study at 8 p. m. Sermon topic. “The 2 tablespoons tuiely chopped Miss Helen Schmeltzer has a lted fnends in Salem. ing news.—Newberg G raphic following. You will find a welcome F aith of Joseph —Heb 11. 22. The M atches Washo turnips young g irls part In the play "The Mr and Mrs H T Hesse vlsited r „ ■ r at all of the s e r v e s of thischurch. Savior says: Blessed an- they that 2 tablespoons finely chopped at the Jacob Stritel home tn Pori- tertam ed 12 guests Su-idav in hon- O ur church school Is m inistering to hear the Word of God. and keep e-box G ranulated Soap carrots Iand Sunday. or of their children Allen and Eve- the needs of ail age groups. Our cordlahy welcomed to 2 tablespoons finely chopped Carton ^st^iV. the public speal speaking class of Tigard Party Tonight lyn. services of worship are built with worship with us. onions “ ^ C :h h r school. ™ c ucw » . . 5_,e.x.nrSd __ ______ — L______ S ^ " 1 PnHnovne U nnnta.n Epworth League members who Mr. and Mrs. u George Lewellyn s ___ - ^ ____ t^ tia n Large pkg. 2 tablespoons butter an1 attend ^the Valentine party this attended the funeral of* Ben "Fluke faith in mind. We urge you to PUgTim House 1 'v teaspoon salt Home will hold a valentine Dary­ come and mi ------- ----------- J worship with us.—Charles Thursday evening are asked to in Portland Monday. February 17 (Septuagésima S u n ­ 1 quart milk Toilet Paper a l the Roy Jaq u ith home Febru­ bring a Valentine day i; Chapel services of worship. Mr. and Mrs. William Days of M. Reed, minister. 1 tablespoon fie ur ary 15. Soap 10:30 a m. and 7:30 p. m. On tlic Mesdames J. M. Stretcher, Eliza- Portland were Sunday visitors at Cook th e finely chopped vege­ Birthday Celebrated Blue & White three Sundav mornings before Lent tables in the butter for 10 minutes, Free Methodist Church ? the J L K err horae Mr. and Mrs John Schmeltxer he“ 1 R$Sd t C«. ? ’ ,v.Lairkli}S' Revival meetings still evangelist" going on. on Pastor Henry Perfection." S. Haller will 1003 sheets Fela N aptha n?ir5lao1Jird TiXt^,'iarX„4 « P th e ^ tlls b o r o Coffee club meet- ju^ ^ „ c h e o n ' meeting*3 Tuesday Wlth W\ "dliv'er "Christian and speak tak add tlie flour and stir until all their son T Donald s - ..,- on a his .. twenty- p r .day afternoon ¿he j E B ^ n ^ U h5me CitUen- AU “re lnv“ ' d to these meetings tag " F a ith .' "Hope' and "Love - are well blended. In the meantime heat the milk In a double boiler, fourth birthday Guests were Frank ro ll. b .r . Move from Minnesota ship program with reference to th e each evening at 7:30. Sunday school, as the three successive sermon topics add a little of It to the vegetable Peters. Joe S tretcher J r . Mr a n d . of iives of Lincoln and Washington 10 a. m ; evangelistic preaching. It; Catechism and Bible study, each mixture, stir well, combine with Mrs. Joe Magnuson. Mrs. Fanny _ Mr and, Mrs August Billings ind. Minn., have moved was held The ladies gave Mrs evening. 7 30 o c lo c k - B J. Yates. Sunday. 9:30 a m . until Easter Snyder. Mr and Mrs. Harry New Richland. ---- ---- -------- ------- „__ the rest of the milk, add the salt, ----------- place south B ennett a surprise household show- P«stor March 8 Is Ash Wednesday, first and cook for 10 minutes. The Schmeltzer and Helen Schmeltzer to the John Ferguson Hominy Kraut dav of Lent. Conflrmatlonon Palm flavor Is Improved If the soup Is Mr. and Mrs John Carson a n d ot Scholls. er. as she has been remodeling the lay Holy c o m m u n io n o n allowed to stand for a short time Whosoever Will Tabernacle Sunday G ertrude Peters of Portland spent! Party Friday interior of her house. Children of Red & W hite Red & W hite ndy Thursday. Young oeople's to blend before serving. Reheat and (Above ____________ North Plains) Maundy the week-end at the W L. P e te rs! The T ruth Seekers Sunday school Mrs. Bennett present for the oc- - - a s . scheduled Pilgrim serve. Sunday school. 10 a. m We are meetings bome. class will hold a pot luck supper casion were Mesdames H arry Hoel- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Demmin a n d ! and party Friday night at the C. fel. O tto Schulz of Bethany Nick having wonderful lessons a b o u t P ulld;, ea,ch, Thursday a t 3 p. m.. 2 c '" r ‘: ; r _____ The ___ _________ _ „ Is con- ,or au interested women Pa astor Lorraine Demmin and E W. Sandy Earl S tretcher home. Welch, and Mr. and Mrs Max "Peter." memory work l e t the advertisem ents help you tinulng. The pastor will speak at m“V be consulted any morning be­ make and daughter Donna attended the Mr and Mrs. Victor Boleen en- B ennett of Gresham. your si lopping [Hans. l l a. m. on "The Reward of the twee9 , 10 »clock and noon, or by Overcomer at the Comlnr of the appointment. Lord." Rev 22:12. Also special music on this subject. The pastor will ' -------- * ' Immune __ ... Talking in O ther nune From .... . * Tongues?" Regular evangelistic serv- w h a t d° >°u expect from your Ice at 8 p. m. You are welcome to newspaper? Well, you expect more worship with us. The pastor will fr°m your newspaper th a n you do speak on "By T heir Fruits." look from any other person or Institution up Gal. 5:22 and 23 if you are in- J to vnlch you pay the sum of »2 00 IN D E P E N D E N T L Y O W N E D A N D O PER A TED terested. Tuesday. 8 p m., regular a y«ar. FREE D E L IV E R Y Second at Main Street service, the pastor will continue You expect your newspaper to Phone 3251 his sermons on the subject of give you ail the news for 52 weeks FR E SlPand CRISP............. pkga. for "Hell."—Melvin E. Jam es pastor j T hat's why you pay for It. but. —::— ' You expect your newspaper to Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, February 15, 16, 18 T ualatin Plains Presbyterian Church take the lead In advocating changes Sunday school. 10:15 a. m.; m orn- , for the betterm ent of the commun­ FLA V O R S .................................................................. pkgs. for ing worship. 11 o'clock; C. E and j Ity. song service. 7 p. m Ladies' Mis- i You expect your newspaper to sionary society meets last Wednes­ Hard w heat A w a a a ls a l fla ts a l One large pkg. Oxydol and 2 large P. & G. day afternoon of each month tf i Sermon for February 17 “Christ's Soap. ALL FOR ................................................. Solution f o r Suffering" Esther Robb. C. E. leader. o lbs............... M V V AMAIZO Beaverton C hurrh of C hrist Fridav night is the first night DOG FOOD SA N IF L U S H of the evangelistic meetings con­ W hite Rover ducted by Teddy Leavitt. There will be special music and a housing or KEI.I.HII SPKEAIt Corner 3rd Main ' song service each night. An or- ! chestra Is also being organized and and V cans Streets Per I we Invite anyone who can play or A Reindeer m eat product. sing to Join the orchestra a n d Will serve you with high H ard w heat blend chorus. Mr. Leavitt is perhaps the All popular brands. greatest evangelist on the Pacific quality m erchandise at 49-lb. coast and you cannot afford to the lowest possible cost. miss these meetings. Services for Sack Large pkg. These prices good next Lord's day as follows: Bible Iba. Fresh from the oven Fri., Sat. and Mon. $2.0» value for 25c—Genuine H and-cut Rock C rystal M armalade Jar. Send m anu­ facturers !5c and sales slip showing purchase. February 15, 16 and 18 Grim Aftermath of Great Texas Blizzard Scholls Grange Meet Saturday Tim ber CHURCHES Honor Parents W a ll P a p e r J. MURROW CURRY’S GROCERY DALLES F L O U R - ’ 1.55 Recipes 25c 4 V .Î Ï “. Ä Post Toasties Jello 2 2 ■ i"inrss What Do You Expect [NEW DEAL] 21c 3 MAYONNAISE "'^¡k 15c Flour Camay Soap 3 14c bars Minute Tapioca 2 COFFEE Hills. Bros., M. J. M „ Fob gers. 1-lb. can 31c 9Qd> 19c 55c 49c pink. J9c 27Ç 4 J Oc 4 J4c J 3c 9c 14c Royal Club, Shasta a n d Boka. 1-lb. can 23c Bulk. 1-lb................... FLOUR M USTARD SU N B R ITE H ard wheat F rench's Cleanser 49-lb. Sack ............ $4 .65 JL Jar .............. Golden-Bell brand Delicious on cold meat. GREEN BEANS No. 2 P E A S No. 1 tall PEAS and CARROTS TOMATOES U ll ran 2 cans J7) 15c 3-lb. glass 3-lb. tin 90c 85c O L E O M A R G A R IN E Dinner Bell lbs. 32c ?ou ? ¿ R- Disappointed Dolly says. “Stars may be the windows of heav­ en, but they’re Just a pane in the neck to m e!” iHcrritU HM0=OUf SuctfestioM PINEAPPLE— No. 2' J, sliced PEARS— No. 2 'j . PEACHES— No. F rid ay, Saturday and M onday Specials, Feb. 15, 16 and 18 3 lbs................. And 1 can FREE cans F Bulk. 15c cans tins. 1-11». glass 31c 9c| 3 19c 21c 19c Hillsboro, Ore. CANDY BARS IOC 3 $1.49 FIG BARS P'X °i. "The offer for enlargement of photograph, colored and framed from customer's sn ap ­ shot is still on. Three Camay wrappers and 25c to Proctor and Gamble. K