Page fo u r THE N O T IM E Club to Meet at Cornelius D ance S ponsored; FOR H IL L S B O R O H IT C H - H IK E R S Sunday im H IL L S B O R O . O R E Q JN Book Program North Plains Thursday, February 14, 1935 President Roosevelt at 53 WK IN MtCAl« KMT ATK \ \ ,11«. H r . and AiH«>m«4>lla In euranre Maha Luana and I m u « Hu rat y Honda IIK A I. KURATLI & WISMER IIIII.K IIO It ll. T . l. e t le n . ta s i P. T . A . Sponsoring E vent at School P la n * S u p p e r illy H A RG U S. O ltK U O N i a » S -e m d Ml K . P. H a ll on T uesd ay Dorothy Coofc«) Ill y N u rlh P la in ! I*. T . A .) CORNELIUS- Cornelius C i v i c NORTH PIA1NS Local 1’arent- Im provement club will meet a t the lVacher association is sponsoring city liall Tuesday. l*rogram topic a program, given by the recreation will be the departm ent ol art and d u o of Orenco at the K. ol P. hall music. with Mrs. Joseph Fuugnn l i t Tuesday. A small admission will l>c charge. Pest euntrol, with the topic, charged. Program consists of Iwo How to Destroy Earwigs, will be plays and oilier numbers. discussed by the chairm an, Mrs A School Held L, Brock. Mesdames Aioert R un­ Another cooking school or veget­ ning, Earl Hooos and Henry Belli - able cookery dem onstration was m an will be hostesses for the alter- , held a t the lwiiu> of Mis w E. noon. Mays February 6 with Lucy A. Case, Mrs. lo x Burned nutrition spectalsl oi O. 8. C . direct­ Mrs. Lolta Pox received severe ing. Twenty-four ladles attended burns on her arm Thursday when Next school will be held M ardi 13 she fell against the stove. at Hie home of Mrs. Clarence Meek Cornelius lire departm ent was All persons interested are cordially called to the Ray Trites home on invite»!. These schools are spon­ Wednesday evening lor a chimney sored by the local P. T. A. tire. Mrs. L. K. Cypher and Mi's. W. Miss Caroline and Frank H or­ E. Mays are attending the hom e-' lacher visited iriends in Vancouver makers' conference at O. 8. C. tilts Thursday. Herman Konning o i week. Steele, N. D.. ana brother Keldar Mrs. Reynolds 88 ol Vancouver returned home with Neighbors of Mrs. Susan Rey­ them for a w eeks visit here. nolds surprised her on her elghty- Mrs. Gordon Sahnow of Hillsboro elghth birthday Friday afternoon visited Mrs. Erwin sahnow Friday j a t tlie home oi her son. A. K Reyn­ SUrer Tea Held olds, Mrs. Reynolds is much itn- Epwortli League of M. E. church ! proved in health. held a silver tea Saturday after­ Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Davis of noon at the church. Misses Blanche North Bonneville spent the week­ Flnigan and Mildred Rock poured end visiting relatives here. and were assisted in serving by Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck Misses Myra Weidewitseh and Hel­ entertalntxl the P ast d u e ls ' card en Oliver and Mrs Mattie Sm ith club February 6. Honors were won Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gnos by Mrs. A. F. Chrlstener. Mrs. an d son of Otis visited relatives Henry Cypher, Earl Hollenbeck and here last week. Henry Cypher. Sponsor Daner Marvin l*oe returned to school Young People's club of the SL Monday, having been absent a week, Alexander church will sponsor a I due to a tonsil operation. dance a t Uie city hall Fridav night. Guy F air and family of Stayton Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Poffen­ visited at the Orin F air home Sun- berger. February 6, a girl. uuy. Frank Horlacher received em ­ The 4-H sewing club, with Miss ployment last week on a farm west Hila Cornelius, leader, met Friday of Forest Grove, He spent Sunday afternoon at the school. T his unusual c h aracter study of P resident Roosevelt, taken on a t his home here. Mr and Mrs Fred Poe and fam - the e»e of bis 63d birthday, Jan. 30. reveals th at the stra in and Mrs. S arah McCloughry and Mrs. of M r and Mrs- R. V andertanden. After a brief visit they left, taking m V s ‘ Flb?d*‘m ^ r e H G r o r e * ' worry of handling one of tb s h ard est Jobs In the world have failed Jessie Henderson are able to be out K r o f n f ’ rn tY fW T L I . . . L U I U U K T lI U U t l 1 lO lU !) following recent operations. w-as til this week and has been Mrs. Courtney with them to the ’ Eugenie Cypher and Bettv John- to leave th e ir stam p upon his expression. The chi. f exerullve absent from school. home of another of her nephews. | son motored Io Monmouth Saturday Mrs. Bishop Hostess appears as hale and vigorous today as when he assum ed the M r~ . Erlli’st M arr was ln HilLs- Wilber Gubser of Oswego, where n rev returned home bv wav o T st? Mrs. A rthur Bishop entertained Saturday evening with a party. ,ro T h u rs d a y S h e a also ls o v visited tsl.a d her h e r x Mrs. a ~ Courtnev was a house guest i V ilitod m Cypher's preeldeney. boro Thursday. She (B y V t . E. L . C o il brother. Ray Sandy, and family. for several days. Present were Mrs. Jack B arrett cousin, who is recovering from an opera- and son Charles of Westimber. Mr ______________ _ _____ __ family. Mrs. C arleton Hande. and Mrs. Alfred Lewis attended bridge G uests _______ of Mr. ____ and _____ Mrs _____ George KINTON'—Newly _________ Installed officers ilo n and Mrs. Fred Jensen and children of Albright Brotherhood of the c^u h a t the home of Mrs. Sant Allison Saturday evening were Mr Reunion Well Attended Mr. air. and ana Mrs. airs, Ttany tony Kemper Kein and Ruby and Bobby. Mr. and Mrs Evangelical church met February 6 W alker of Banks Friday afternoon, and Mrs Howard Hall, Miss Elaine Jackson and West Union schools children of Forest Grove visited Mr A rthur Grieg and A rthur Bishop at the E. L. Cox home. Present Mr- “ d Mrs- Je tt Kennedy of K indt and Mrs. victor Kindt all re-unton and dance at the K. of P. and Mrs. Louts Strohm ayer and and children Doris and Denny and were Raleigh Whitmore, president' Banfcs visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred of Portland. hall Saturday night was well a t­ • By Mrs. J A McCoy) Miss Frances VitnLoo Sunday the hostess. Evening was spent in Robert Pomeroy, vice-president’ Lewis Saturday evening. Given Farewell tended. Many of the old tim ers SOUTH K a n s a s o i t v Mrs Elmer Quick and son Dean dancing. Everett Wright, secretary; Edward Mrs. F. C. Savage of Springhill Mr. and Mrs George Wyman wUrnlf‘ilt;d by r lty Farm ers' Union locul n iet^ai Mrs. Henry Cummings Emma Jean Russell of Salem of the Ladies'A id society were pres- , Mrc , and„?I,rs- w E. M arr and Dramatic club presented Mr and Ell Poe of Forest Grove was a n 1 a,ld al!'t*‘r Betty, and Mrs. Hartneas was a week-end guest of her grand- en t Thursday afternoon a t the daughters Wilma and Marjorie, ac- Mrs Wyman with a gif, as a token Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Albert mother. Mrs. Edna Russell. home of M rs’ Cora M euennne of «.m pam ed by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd o i appreciation of* th e “ helpful" Bolma (LaShella O hm achtl. The overnight guest Monday of Mr and " f Portland visited Mr and Mrs 1J,'rt Heesacker and family Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mann of For- the Hiteon community. Another Anderson and daughters R uth Eileen ness t n carrying 01 draihaUc afternoon was spent with games Mrs. J A McCoy and family p , rtv »•„ 1 Mr and Mrs W arner Cropp and est Grove visited Mrs. M D- M ann quu t was started. Next meeting will “ d Donna Mae of Hillside, visited £„71 f t tCKe cmh dram atic and conversation. Mrs. Bolma re- ceived many lovely gifts Mr a n d ^ s b S w T stro h n iu v er I* ,rL'' and *°'i Miiton vis' Wednesday evening. be with Mrs. May Snider M arch 7. “ r, and Mrs. Sam Bledsoe a t St William Boulin' who has seemed eictis ounuay. ■ i»w.»wu-n«»4n ' who v.« nas hk seemco j ------71 Mrs. Albert Dolma re- and Miss PrAnce* Vanloo Un^^..n Mr. ;uid Mrs M. H rr f of Mr. and Mrs. John Burbank and All ladles are invited to attend. I Helens Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M arr and .'¡2 ^ n ^ h L wwk heaIth- ls not turned from their wedding trip and Hickey, and Guy Raymond Mr i n P<>,,'.tlan<, 8unday- daughters visited relatives ln Banks Church services Sunday will be <««. O H I«.. M arr attended a _ party —.. SO m v e t h e i r frie n d s a !V?reat t r e a t i lI\ n t h * . Mr». J P « 'v «7 " n<1 M r »nH U rv i A McCo* attend- Saturday as fo llo w sp reach in g bv the "pastor. Miss Wilma ¿ e Ls a h \ n f f e v and small son a m a V™ a n d e r r ^ n d e ir aiul »ons ti’^ B e d o r t h . A * « ^ d e ^ d a " e ^ T * h° m' \ . ? L Vancouver. Wash.* ar"e & ° * « a >P'> a" 4 . ah of FMirv.ew .« e e k W_o«mV. club ~ WUh the y° UtlK COUple M r .^ o d 'T i ^ . W R llirn 'v an d S w T -1 nliTt,‘!5 al1 d“y Wednesday The Mr. and Mrs. w uuam neao ru ia morning, followed by Bible school ',‘uc criuay evening. ¡guests of her mother Mrs Harrv « i f ' " to and daughter are making th eir a t 10:lS Everyone is invited. Mr and Mrs. Victor Lewis and S auM ers niotner . s. Harrv well den of Roy and Ell Poe of Forest ? / tf n,. Orove visited Mr and i . , v,»ian»i„«. Valentines were also exchanged , home in Hillsboro. Mrs. Mary Kershaw, who had i 800 Gene attended a family r re-1 re e - ! Miss Helen Schmeltzer announced Carl C hristener and daughter Phvl- » ¿ A * Mr. and Mrs. J i a,non« the members, Mrs. D»»her Injured been visiting during the past week union at the home of Mrs. Le w‘s, at Sunday school Sunday morn- Us attended a bT rthdS hlnehron ,u ™ °V«,an—*«— . - when her car sktdded into a ditch. Saturday. I ------------------------- due to a blowout in a front tire. Floyd Bierly and Edward L. Cox She was on her way to the Moun- attended Tigard Odd Fellows lodge l V J r S . v S t n i T l C l t Z C r taindale school, where she teaches, meeting Thursday evening. < nkley and little son were and E B Wpb(, ttnd z,.|h«.r t • lain« Miss Eleanor Reed of Hillsboro Officers and members i f th e H .1 - - I guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs u a i»ar ; Mr. and Mrs. M artin Vanderxan- was an overnight guest of Miss e . C. club of the grange m et Febru- vieil Carstens of Banks. Mr and Mrs Uie M wedSlng artin Vander™,, den and Wayne were guests Helene Shaw Wednesday. ary 3 to plan for the coming sea- (B y Mabel B. A lliaon ) Sue Davis of Portland visited.her den attonded d a n ™ « ' i 8l‘nda> ’ Mrs. V and ersaid en s Mrs M Ward of Portland visited son's work. Next meeting will be MOUNTAIN HOME—Twenty la - , , . , m other, Mrs. Julius Schoenberg. Balm Grove Saturday night for i .,am.,lyr. Mr and Mrs a t the W. A. Goodin home last March 14. Mrs. E sther Adams of Sherwood M o in tato Hom?’ L a d i S ' ^ d ' ^ ^ U B l o O m U l g H o m e S*M?‘\ n d Mrs Rav lack on e„ Mr’" and" Mrs. T ^ ^ V a n d H w y ‘U‘ Va0d<,,1‘,y R<’ week. -ojr. e n t . a few f e ^ d days .v c ...» BLOOMINO_ ^ bru» y u i „ M rs C harles Waddle and little Miss M arjorie Vanderzanden vls- Mrs. Elsenhart Buried spent last week . at . the ^ M ountain ^ ‘r M r s Home 'H a m L_adies ^ h m e l Aid i ^ r meet- honm tertained with a dinner Sunday daughter oi of uuiey Dilley _ were Funeral services were held at home of George Hawlev and H attie T h i.r^ o ,- D,On ? —rt-vtuo.i> was umi - PV ----------« uallKinrr guests of 1,cd «»»Uves In Hillsboro Sunduy Pninir n n r ln u Mr Mr artH Mrs. M rv Mr. and Mrs Ira Brown 7 ‘c the Lutheran church Thursday for Lawler. Jm 2im 2y'«,,PiiVhSihir2Le ered into tlle George Meyer home ^'¡FnlI' g „ h h ° n norln/ and Wednes- Mrs E E lsenhart of Portland, who Misses B ertha Gerig and cousin, fan f M%atR “’llho 8 Quiltlng party. The quilt Albert Bolma of Portland Those day. Willie guess my dad must ; ^ rd in ^ on ^ . R,w.C° ^ eyr dl* ‘«n...»««> P!«« .»•<*- “ esd8? ^ ..M r and Mrs. Albert Splering of have been “I a pretty died Monday. Interm ent was in Laura C eng, of _____ Salem ____ hks b ^ n £ 7 dln T o n The c h £ £ c t £ of w is h - bad boy.” w r «Jim -nn h . , g r-—- « » s T ^ 'k e d 'b y ^MMdames ¿am *a H Davis. Vernon _ Hahn HI*lkboro‘Usp7At' We’d i e s d n ^ T / t e r - , .o„ he spending the past week or so with ,1 J ne„,cna^ acÌ . r_ “ „ r aetl: ground L utheran cemetery. She was the £ £ to ii8 Mrs” Tommie: "What makes you think m other of Mrs F Krahmer. r e s i - , relatives relativa»«: here. h o rn ui^uvii mra. . . . . E. Simpson has Frank Brandaw, Henry H e’.mold. Jackson. Chris Ohmacht. noon with Mr .ind M r s i p V m . that*) E K rahm er, a a resi- d ent of Comeliua. I Mrs Ethel McCormick and chll- h l V ^ r the Wlth Albert Meyer. John Stark and Her- Albert Bolma and Mrs. M aria Jack- derzanden of Fairview Willie: "Because he knows ex­ Junior Aid of Lutheran church dren of Hillsboro visited Mrs. Lilly 5. f the March meeting. m an Ruecker, and t h e Mlsse son. Thelm a Raffetv. LaVelle Jack-1 j a McCoy called a t the Guy- w hat questions to ask me met Friday afternoon with Mrs. J M. Bierly Saturday . Y- M. P. class enjoyed a party at Helen and Dorothy Helmold. The S°U' Ed Vanderzander. Benton F a l r ,mon hospital In Forest Grove Wed- actly when he wants to know what I Wanke. | Mr and Mrs j . M Snider of ,and M rs' Oeon?f' enUre families of the quilters were and the host and hostess. 1 hesdav morning to see Dan Daffron have been doing."—Ex. and Mr and Allison Friday evening. Mesdames present in the evening Open Market Saturday Cathlam et. ______ s ______ _ the __ ___ Courtney and Elvin Lorenzen Miss Erna Stm antel left F eb ru ary 1 Learning Fast "Hank M arket.” new „___ gro- Mrs. W „. J. Edwards of Sherwood eery store and meat market, owned were recent guests of Mr and Mrs * \ r.e a58'31111*; hostesses. 3 for O aribaldl. where she will as- "Well, what are your views on by Henry Jacobsmuhlen and Henry J. c . Snider Mrs R . P. Courtney and Miss slst Mrs. William Martin. m atrim ony—now th a t you have Herlng will be open for business Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Saelens and Ruby Hodson attended the funeral Mrs. F rank Brandaw entertained been m arried a week?" a friend Saturday. daughter and Mrs. Esther West of a COUSU1- Jam es Pucket, in New- the Fern Hill club and others Feb- asked of the happy groom. Celebrates Birthday Portland visited Mr and Mrs bei.K Sunday. ruary 6. at which time two com- The happy groom responded. “I ’ve - - Sunday. - G uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. forters were knotted by the group got far enough to discover th a t It Little Paula R uth Jones cele- George Snider Magnuson February 6 were Mr. and Present were Mesdames John Her- 1» much easier to follow a woman brateu her third birthday a t her --------------------- Mrs Al B jur of Ridgefield, Wash., gert. Sook. Cooper. Hulsmann a n j th a n It Is to lead h e r.'—Ex home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Axel P ortin of Los daughter, Shay, McCoy, Buck. Bernt --------- --------------- A number from q wedding of Miss Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Ttille Noren Anderson and children. Jepson and A naval officer fell overboard ■tr W T OI Vancouver, w asn Mrs. Blur and Jean, oeorge of Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. Blur and Jean. George Meyer. Horner. Sel- He was by . a deck hand and Tony Vandehey at Forest Grove W ™ ■— fridge. rs»4e4rvA Alwine Alttflr,» TTnwJl«!« e»l... — * . ■— »« j rescued • K a n s a s C l t V n o m e Mrs- P crtm arc sisters of M Mrs. Saturday. Herdleln. Elsie Neu- The officer asked his preserver how / Magnuson's and Mrs. Noren is a kirk, and Rut " A large number from Cornelius he could reward him. have been enjoying the skating KANSAS CITY—Quilting bees are nl? ’e' "The best way. sir” said Jack, rinks In both Hillsboro and Forest numerous in the K ansas City dis-I _ Surprlse Buests of Mrs. Arena So You Can’t Take It, Eh’ “ls to say nothing about It. If the Grove. trlct. Mrs. C. H Hamilton enter- Courtney Saturday were h er nephew Dear Hazel: Whenever you make other fellows knew I'd pulled you tam ed a number of her friends and wlfe, Mr. and Mrs. Archie a joke about prunes you orta re- out, they'd chuck me in." with a quilting Wednesday, o n S ut>s? f ,°r Portland, and a niece, member th a t nobody looks like the quilt th a t the K ansas City Mrs E' L- Wataon of Seattle. W ash .1 himself when stewed.—Ex. Say you saw it ln the Argus. Woman's club made for her. Pres- ____________ :_____:____-------------- " ~ ~ _______ _________ Session at Kinton Don’t Get Up Nights Juniper O il, llu« hu I va*»a. K ir. Klush out »scaaa acida and « a a la m a i­ le r (]«t rid >d iiladilar irr lla lio n (hai cauaea w altina U|», frw juenl daalr», Beauty fl«»w, liornihtf am i l»»»«'l»i»i’h» Multa thia Sito to t (tal Junlpar <41, b m ìiu laava«, ?.. in lid ia y reati labiata called Nuli««., (he hladdar lavadva. In tour daya If m>l pleasml your il rumi Ut w lll retu rn ym ir (iella h ru y alora. Adv. C O M B IN IN G - the health elements of sunshine mid fresh nlr, milk odds the advantages of n o u r i s h in g , strength-building v i t a m i n s . Does your family drink enough? Order here I Q u a rt 10c M c F. t II Jersey Dairy •bone 2IUI im , U L M K IV P V Union Local Meets Kansas City Hall Entertains Group M t ”” j *»"“ ““.'«¿’ w k s SIS: J»*« Quilting Bee Held Scrub . . . scrub . . . scrub. Dry . . . dry . . . dry. Pretui . . . press . . . press. Y'ou do all the work — while youth w e a r s a w a y ! S ay — N E V E R AGAIN—«tart right now to let us do your weekly wash. Home Laundry ÔC Drv Cleaners Telephone 47 Hillsboro. Ore. Big C learance S ale Going Strong and Still Offers Many Bargains hMareelh»'tKalsch Q«»lting B C Held BATH ROOM SETS N. C. Nielson Dies After Long Illness l X" S FOREST OROVE—Niels Christian J 1? ? -' Rov Vander- Nielson 69. of Banks died here and w : E ^ ¥ 7 J . February 7 after an illness of a S o e s t s of Mr and Mrs. year. Funeral services were held „ ‘red_I^ L ls ®unday were Mr. and from the H. W Prickett chapel E. £ Sai'a8L . a,n d chlldr Howard. Donald and Eileen officiating. Interm ent was at Big , Springhill, Mr and Sirs. Victor Springs. Neb. I o O F. lodge and «°n. Gene The occasion was in charge of services. i J as *n honor of Mrs. Savage's birth- Mr. Nielson was born in Den- winter, why not go through California and Southern A riz o n a R id e our famiHit Suniet Limited or Golden State Limited through America's aunmeM winter region. Stopover anywhere. For detaili, sec your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, Genera/ Peoeager A gm t, 703 Pacihc Building, Portland, Ore. Southern Pacific COIL SPRINGS W OULD HAPPEN • Who would repay you? Who would buy hack the jew els anti valuables you treasure? If you are ROBBED TONIGHT— YOUR H O M E R A N ­ SACKED — will your THEFT IN S U R A N C E cover your losses? CHAS. L. WALKER FORD GAVE YOU THE V-8 TRUCK ENGINE . . . THEN THE FULL FLOATING REAR AXLE Phone 1732 1164 3rd SL While they film mona' Single Urk ......... RANGES last! 5 MATTRESSES W o o d an d C o a l Large stock of new colors, etc. Come and see them ! S pe c ia l $39.50 value for Another ADVANCED TRUCK FEATURE ''T R U C K IN G entered a new era of econ- omy when Ford engineers gave you the V -8 truck engine, the full-floating rear axle and the other truck-built features that are today saving money for thousands o f Ford V-8 users. Spring Filled Reg. »19.75. Sale ................... While they last! 10 MAGAZINE RACKS 39c AXE HANDLES ............... 19c DINNER SETS 32-plece. »n g» Npecal clone-out . . . t / BUY NOW! handling. Even so . . . th e n ew F ord For­ tt a r d L o a d D istribution w ill im prove on a ll these. In addition, you can now use full- width semi-trailers— and make acute angle turns. For 1935, Ford engineers have added im­ provements than enable you to make new demands on your truck—that w ill further reduce your operating and maintenance cost N o other truck in America, regardless o f price, offers the combination of features brought to you by the 1935 Ford V-8; D on’t fail to test these trucks on your own job, with your own d riv e rs !... 131H and 1 57-inch wheelbases. Perhaps your tire wear is okay. Perhaps your brakes are giving efficient, long serv­ ice. Maybe you have no complaint about the way your truck is standing up or AND UP P. O. tt Detroit. Easy Term! Through Universal Credit Co., the Authorized Ford Finance Plan A U T H O R IZ E D F O R D DEALERS THE NEW $ SAVE MONEY Agent Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, j Fidelity, Surety and Idle. TUB. LAVATORY. TOILET and FIX TURES Complete. SALE ................................................ FORD V 3 TRUCKS More than ever, America’s Great Truck Value for 1935 Studio Couches Special Lot of F e lt Base LINOLEUM Beautifully Etched Crystal Wine Glassc«, Gob- blets. sherbet m i d Cocktail GlassCM »PWW I ;fc Largr ( liiiuiware And English Napplra äa/C large clothes basket cushions. Excellent cov­ erings. Twin type. chopping BOWLS ’19 M 39c „ HARN brooms Complete with ^gx handle Spring-filled base, three Sale Platter» X * '“ "’ 39C f 89 c 59c "''".JT, Lester Ire la n d & Co.