Thursday, Februury 14, 1936 THE P ie S o cia l at H I L E S RO K O ARGUS, J u n io r H i to H IL L S B O R O , M o u n ta in d a le G iv e P rogram T est: I F rier 2 :1 1 -1 7 ; 4 : l-A The Inlrrnallotial Uniform Mun­ day M< Iliad Lesson for Feb. 17 Lutheran Service* Sunday; Several Partie* Held Postponed Event Scheduled for Friday Evening I JETEIt'S leaching and counsel* MOUNTAINDALE ( le-liet-u-liH • • to (he early Christian*. *■ contained In a Inner to the church**, emphasize* good be­ havior and abstinence from evil. The Christian wai In an unlqu* and difficult position In (he an­ cient world, as he Is In som* measure In the world of today. Ho had given Ills heart and mind to a heavenly kingdom and to heavenly Ideals while still living In an earthly situation, sur­ rounded by people whose religion and ideals were pagan. With this pagan religion and Ils Ideals, all manner of thing* were consistent that are not con­ sistent with purity of life and Integrity of human relationship«. Thu ancient cities and society In which these Christians lived were permeated with licentious prac­ tices. The standards of life were low. Hence It was necessary con­ stantly to warn the Christian* against the ways of the world and to turn their eyes to the holiness of Christian llviug. • • • ' I ’HESE Christians lived under 1 political condition* where their very faith was apt to mark them for persecution. Therefore, it wag all the more necessary that they should obey the law and give alle­ giance to rulers In everything in which their consciences could per­ mit them to do so. In general, Peter suggested that Christians . should su- . . . . , show ... the . ... f,er ,r their faith and life by the quality of their living. r Mrs. Gutschmidt Johnson Phone 2102 , PUTA 'SWING in I youp stride Feel new vigor and tingling good health, by keeping f it with a quart of m ilk a day! That goes for youngsters and adults! Let us deliver your daily quart! FIR G RO VE DAIRY Phone 4RX1 You are a I’m glad you ^splendid hostess1 didn’t visit us Milly... so much before we -Hot Water! * Hillsboro DecoratingCo. Bus Driver H u rt in Sherwood Wreck Bend > They were men who bad com* Into a great freedom; only they must us* their freedom not as a privilege to offend their follow men, hut rather as an occasion of love and service. I'eler admonished them to fear Ood and to honor the king. It Is not difficult to fear Hod. but It I* not always easy to honor kings. Kings have not always shown themselves worthy of much honor, and though we have no king In a democracy, our rulers and states­ men do not always command our respect. • • • V ET we ought to have respect 1 for all that rulers and states­ men themselves should stand for. If our laws are not right. If our political leadere are not men of Integrity and honor and wisdom, we ebow the proper attitude of reverence toward law and govern­ ment by doing all In our power to make them right. The Christian should never per­ mit himself to become cynical a* a citizen. It le upon the quality of his faith and vision that the hope of a country depends. He must train his vision not upon the things that are defective In the world, but upon the glory of the Christ who came to make things rig h t The deepest contribution he can make Is to make his own life worthy, to avoid the evils that corrupt and destroy Individuals and nations, and to find the satis­ faction of life In seeking to IP s according to the will of God. It Is the way of disciplined living that Is the way alike of true happiness and of security for Individuals and nations. ited Mr and Mrs. Charles H. Brooks “Our Daily Bread’* at at Newberg Sunday. Venetian Three Day* Bruce Dodge of Middleton has “Our Dally Bread," with K.u. n taken over the Oregon Journal Morley, Tom Keene and Barbara route In this neighborhood. Donald Edy, Scott Haynes, and Pepper, will be at the Venetian John Strickler have been employed tonight. Friday and Saturday. It on the potato washer In Shprwood. Is the thrilling romance of n young Mountain Home Ladies' Aid met city couple who return to the land with Mrs. Harry Schmeltzer Feb­ to begin hie all over again. ruary 7. About 25 ladies were pres­ ent Each brought a Valentine and The old fashioned farmer was a reading on Lincoln or Washing­ hard to convince. ton. "No," declared he. "Ill have no Mtse Ruby Hodson has a new such contraption In my house. Pl­ Chevrolet car. anners are bad things." Mr and Mrs. H. P. 8trlckler, C. "Oh. but father." protested hl* 8. Haynes and Mrs. Garfield Hite, daughter, "this Is an upright piano." representatives of Sherwood Grange, — Ex. went to Salem Tuesday evening to attend a committee meetln» at the legislature. SAXTON A LOONEY Fred Aeblscher will return soon Producer, of Quality to North Bonneville. He has em­ ployment on the dam. SAND and GRAVEL The V. M. P. class of Mountain Home Sunday school held a class Plant located 4 miles north of For­ party at the home of Mrs. George est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone 1606R Allison Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Demmin and daughters of South Tualatin CORWIN HARDWARE visited Mrs. Joseph Werre 8r. Sun­ day. Mrs. Werre returned home with Headquarters them for a short visit. The Misses Hunting and Fishing Melba and Alda Demmin also vis­ ited at the Daniel Werre home. Supplies Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peters. Norma Aladdin la m p s and Burl of Mountain Home, and Tubes Tested Pre* Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Baugh of Port­ Long'* Radio land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I H. P Strickler Sunday. Mr. and i Mrs. Baugh also called on the John i Strickler family in the evening. Painting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aeblscher Paperhanging and family were guests 8unday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raz at Mult- - I . a , C O O F tB Z O N O I nomah. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. John Goode of Portland. Grange Has Meeting Sherwood Grange held a social meeting for members and friends Saturday evening at the Olson hall in Sherwood. The time was spent in playing folk games, cards and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peed furnished music for the dancers. , Ladies of the grange served re­ We Do Estimating in Full freshments for the fifty people who | Co-operation with the were present. Federal Housing Administration Mr. and Mrs. Willard Downey and daughters June and Jo Ann of j “W e Cover Surfaces’* Longview. Wash., spent last week­ end visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. P | Strickler and other relatives in the 1 neighborhood. B. R. NICKESON. Prop. Junior high school will present a program In the school auditorium i Frlduy night ut 7:45 o'clock. Num­ bers will Include u play given by munity b.di. followed uuii dam the 7B class, a short comedy skit, Illg, Everyone 1» utu''(l to eome and mill several selections by the boys the ludlt's are reqipieiiled to bring chorus mid the Treble Clef club plea. Weiners, coffee und wafers will be . Regular Lutheran < luireh serv­ sold. There will be u small udmls- ’ ice* will be conducted uguln ut the slon charge. This program was or- ! Mouiltulndale school Hunduv. Hun- Iglnally scheduled for February 8. 1 duy school will be ut u und *erv- but was postponed due to an epi- ] Iccs ut 10 u. m. demlc of measles Mr*. Hum Itnflety 1» Improving 'There are still several cases ol and will return home this week measles In the schools. Dun Nuslei from the Jonil* hospital In Hills­ ol the 7U class just returned to boro. school utter being quarantined a ! MiillileM-iu Entertain week. Duane Hash of the 7A class Mr. und Mrs James Mutlilesen missed school because of measles enterlulned u lew friends Hulurduy Elvln Klepke broke Ills wrist and evening. rile evening Win «pent In missed several days of school. playing curds mid dunning Present New officers were elected In sev- . were Mr und Mrs. HUI Everetts, era I rooms. The Peter Boscow 2B Mr und Mrs Wilbur Dillon und elected Kenneth Seevers, president; Bernice und Verna, mid Vincent H obs Olson vice-president; Doris Sharp ol Hillsboro, Dennis Hull, Anderson, secretary: Lowell Huene- Mrs M Jackson und daughter Lu- 'ardt. treasurer; Waller Johnson Velle Mrs. Ed Moyer mill Frances ■ealth Inspector; Gloria McGuire und Put. Mr und Mrs. Delbert song leader; Catherine Enschede Fowlcs mid Muriel, Robert u n d Dorothy Well. George VanArnum Leonard und the host und hostess, monitors. Junior high 8A elected Mr. mid Mrs James Mutlilesen mid Alice Rice, president; Neva Ziegler Nicolai mid Marguret. vice-president; Marlon Ruecher, sec­ Mtsn Iola Huns ol Sheridan spent retary; Billy Corwin, sergeant-at- Saturday evening »nd Sunday at arms. the Floyd Ralfety home. Peter Boscow school third and fourth grade class elected Velma , Entertainment Planned Gollup, president; Robert Lee Mil- ’ An entertainment mid social hour Her, vice-president; Doris Hawkins will be given by the Indies of the secretary; Hulph Ellis, sergeant-at- community March 2 ut the Moiin- arms; Rosemary Huppu. health of- tntndaie school house. A one-act Ilcer. piny will be presented. Cust will During the months of January include Mrs. Puge Gardner. Mrs. J and February the third and lourt rtn , Powers. Mrs. Otto Vogea mid Miss grades of the Peter Boscow school I llailys ltlelil Proceeds will be used in their nature study work have, lor school electric lights. Everyone been studying mosses and fungus la urged to uttend, growths. Many specimens have been I.. It. Iwyton Honored brought In and observed by th e ' , w n i .............. — — — Friends culled Monduy evening to class. help I. II Layton celebrate Ills Demmin were entertained at the At the present time Ctoyce Bump R e a v C r t o n S p i l l O F S birthday. The evening wus spent in ■ home of Lona Werre at Sher­ la ahead In the story-writing con- u v m u iia playing curds. Present were Messrs, wood Sunday and Mrs. Joe Werre test in the 6B. Winifred Wllev C l a i~ \ £ £ ‘ mid Mesdanics uabe Essner. George returned to the Demmin home for GAY BANNERS Jink Estepp und Akira Tsugawa ¿5ClCCt v ’tllCCTS ; an Mem hum. Orville Mundy mid son. indefinite time. And so the sum m er died— are not far behind. Dun Itoes. Elmer Meacham, mid John Liebenow, who Is employed Ar.iid the dogwood*» flam e and m aple’» . Junior high 6B class defeated the BEAVERTON—Markey Sayre was the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs ; 7A class W indoor last week. elected president of the senior class near Scholls, spent Sunday with A g alla g o n ld t death, a» though it wished to relatives here. Layton. •li-lure i,hove Is takrn from ekrlrh of proi Mi-r.l m em orial to men of The 7A class students, who had last week. Other officers are Carl hold Mrs. Mahoney of Portland ar­ Hollenbecks Hints Civil war rank- to la- erected at statehou se ground-, Halen, by Ho. wWle one-hundreds in deportm entC ornlls, vice-president: June Pol- rived Gay banner» to it» heart, to bravely hide j Sunday to visit Mrs. Linn The w ars where »pring*» fu lfillm a mu , i i i , o, i or. for the last weeks enjoyed a lard, secretary, and Amos Blerly. Mr mid Mrs L U. Hollenbeck e n t wa« I Hons nuil llan glilera of Yet rea ns of II,•• t lili war, O regon a —ocia i O’Connor. entertained u number of friends theatre party February 5. The 8B3 treasurer. denied. Ilon. Jos, pli I'. P ullia, New 5 orli -, olptor, Ita- prepared tin- Initia Preparations were made on Arbor February tl with u "500" S*rlV class spent an enjoyable evening Twelve young people of the Con- may m y going be— ,t<-ign wl,I, b -how- a young soldier In r e p o - e . « ,. I t . Mtover of Sa 1 ¡,t the .skating rink ' — Thursday regatlonal church attended t th< Honors were won by Mrs Andy hursday night 'regatlonal h e I day lor the future planting of So »ong upon my lipa and courage high l< n, heads the s | m -, I u I , otiiinittee securing funds for the memorial. Winners in ____. the lost "Most Attractive Attractive ' Young People’s league at the Park Pari shrubs and trees at the school A W ith Chrtslner mid Henry Cypher, high, _________ in m y heart, th a t a ll who may paa» ! house. Under the supervision of the mid Mrs. Henry Cypher a,id Eurl Room Contest" for the past month Rose church Sunday afternoon. by — - • -- t Mr. and Mrs s jj Lawrence. teacher. Miss Truenbach. the pupils Shall hear the singing, but w ill never »ee I . Samuel Lawrence Jr and Mr. and spaded and prepared the ground Th a t life le ft u n fu lfille d »ome dreams w ith me. i - Mrs. A. P Christensen attended the on the north side of the school — M y rtle B Ia*»ing. Hillsboro. , liouse for decorative shrubs, and state legislature Friday. I the ground near the kitchen for Grange Meets I hollyhocks. The front of the build- COW-BOY HITS TRAIL .... ..... - ............ . ,, . . Beaverton Grange met Saturday. 1 ing will also be planted to shrubs. RITBON Hlteon club met Feb- chairman “"’ a J d ^ M c id im i Nye O l M rs J,ohn » « b b m s d n lle d th e o i- "Give the kid a beer—’’ Utto v l X l T t h e j £ Bakr7 home »■> »rooks Hill. j HITBO! ; The members of the school have We had driven in a bunch of ..... 8 « i with Miss Margaret Sum- ‘J T 4’™ , mid Paul P a t t e r n il<-ers in 8 'Tatln(t 5lr111' 7 ” : enjoyed visits in recent days from -b!nd2v ,'vinbig Bl‘“ Lu,lhe of »rooks Hill, who ruary A report was elven .1., and Paul Patterson. terday and Today was the subject the Hillsboro mayor, J. H. G ar­ stock from off the range; made for M r a n i l Mr, Floyd lU ffrty und 1» attending school ut Newberg, was iners at Tiuurd 7 daug'b.efo K . W "»«■>«• rN over week-end with Lvlw hfo , .... on • the ta ex- ° ' the ‘ec‘uren £our a Mr, w rett. and from the county school the saloon and with this beginning *■• • • IM IU Mr n n d " Mr* a, .. I»,,»»,.. zJsvv l the l i u uuuilr _»•*» /« taslfl- k... .. imiinty' fede^tlorTrne'cll.,« „ ^ r o g V a d e and daughter Iola of Sheri- mother. Mrs T h ere» Luethe. at Hillsboro by Gladys Meyer Mrs £ « rat£ _ ' t o ^ B U l y , ^ i V "ere to m h « fo s ^ s at a ' superintendent, O. B. Kraus. the fire was set up inside me. After Teddy Leavitt, state evangelist, ! this came the first time they put me to bed drunk. When I awoke. j visited at the W. A. Bunnell home i I father nonla »ere Sunday guests at the Mr and Mrs. Chris Reichen en­ Japanese trees, wnc n uni n e Furniture store Tuesday. and mother either side o f ; ! last week, and Sunday the Bunnells tertained dinner _ ,______ party Sun- Clyde Lincoln home ___ _______ ______ _ with . . . . . _ a ____ __ . ,nany " " ¿ W T 1 z> ’“f ‘ slx ^ d e n t s °i the Beaverton land Wednesday Mrs. Amarher Amacher Mrs Dene Dane Hud: to Newberg to s e e their small that Jesus." con- 1 - nlnft ‘ Tuesday eve week fjwn a week s visit In Port- w „h school debating team were un- served lunch »t nuon to the ladles [ doctor's care and has been con-1 nephew. Kenneth Austin, who has . n d w i t h h e r n ie c e M r s R d S t o h - . So our man told it. Now for years rested ai at uw the u Linfield and guests. All officers were re- fined to her bed with heart trouble « i n , f g r, -mm West was brninrht home ' la I"“ “ -•••••— acieaica u u i c i u tournament n(J Mrs an