The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 14, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    T H E
Honor Roll at
Helvetia Given
'"dhia. Weski PatUnn^
Masquerade Dance Attracts
Large Attendance
(B y M r *
John M. Da»id«on)
HELVETIA -Honor roll at Hel­
vetia school for the mid-term in­
cludes Pearl Pieren. Helen Young-
erf, Fern Pieren, Lucille Youngen.
Doris .lossy and Delores Bleuei
■rtey have had no grades lower
than II many others have an;
ayerage grade of II. Those neither (
absent nor tardy were John Lulteh.
Irene Ritter, Paige Ritter and Mary j
Mercep. Tliere lias been more sick- I
ness than usual in school this win-
ter, which has caused many a b - ,
A record crowd attended t h e
masquerade dance at the Helvetia ,
hall Saturday night. Eastside En­
tertainers furnished music. Prize
for best dressed couple was awarded
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson, for j
cQrflic couple to Victor Feucrstem 1
and Joseph Wenzel, for most or­
iginal to Jean Wenger and Harry
Badertscher. Other prize winners
were Mai J. Brooks and Miss Byling
Hector Peuersttin and Carl Boh-
ren returned Saturday from a fish­
ing trip at Tillamook. Mr. Bohreu
spent part of the time visiting rela­
tives there.
Batchelders Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Batchelder
entertained with a dinner party
February 6 in honor of their ninth
wedding anniversary Guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zurcher, Mr i
arid Mrs. Otto Scholtz of Bethany
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoeffel!
of Reedville. The group spent the
evening playing cards.
Hector Peuerstein returned t o ,
work Monday at a logging camp
near Brightwood on the Mt. Hood
loop road.
Mrs. Pete Reichen of Portland
visited her brother, Abe Youngen
a few days last week. She returned
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Florrie Hemmy and
Florence and Verna Hemmy of Bor­
ing attended the masquerade dance
here Saturday and visited friends.
Clarence Badertscher. who has
been ill, is better and was visiting
relatives here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jossy a n d
children visited her sister. Mrs. H
Butterfield, in Portland Sunday.
Local Bowlers Trim
Team From Portland
evening. Attendance
' creasing.
Robert Gmduff was a guest of
Ills aunt. Mrs l\iiii Shuck, at Hills­
boro from Thursday till Sunday
Birthday Celebrated
Mr and Mrs. Earl Pearson en­
tertained a number of friends Fri­
day evening In honor of her birth­
day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. El­
mer Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs Mer­
lin Whitmore. Don and Lauren
Haynes and Walter and Leonard
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Whitmore,
Mr. and Mis E V. Hanson. Ray
Shook and Walter Wlrftmore a t­
tended a dance at the O. A. Hanson
home In Portland Saturday evening.
Miss Mary Tromp returned home
Sunday from an extended visit with
a sister at Walla Walla, Wash
L. T. Finigan and daughter, Miss
Wanda and Mr. and Mrs Otto
Orndutt attended a dinner party
at the 17.1111 Shuck home i l l Hills­
boro Sunday. Covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hags and
daughter ot Reedville spent Sunday
evening at the L. T. Finigan home
Hodson and Ira McCormick made
a trip to Tillamook Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elery McDougal
were guests Sunday evening of ills
brother. Winnie McDougal, and fam- I
fly at Dayton.
Mesdames B. L. Price. C. L. Demp­
sey. John Fox and John Denny,
the Misses Puddy Dempsey and En­
ola Barlow of Portland visited Mr
and Mrs. W. F. Wohlschlegel Feb­
ruary 6.
Miss Ann Orndutt of Portland
spent last Wednesday and Thursday
here with her parents, Mr and Mrs
Peter Orndutt.
Thursday, February 14, 1935
West Union Local
Has Busy Session
As Flood Brings Death, Privation
West Union local of the Farm ­
ers’ Union meeting at North Plains
K P. hall l'hursday. voted to be­
come a member of the state pur­
chasing board and also of the coun­
ty federation of farm organizations
Delegates Include William II Dler-
tlorff. John Pubols. Clyde Lincoln
Arthur Connell. Russell Isiflls and
John Hare. Alternates are Pete
Jorgenson and John ltlley
Russell bottls represents West
Union In the baseball league,
Mrs Ruth Gales Is attending the
home economics school at Corvallis
as a delegate Io represent the le
creation committee of the West
Union local.
A dance will be enjoyed at the
meeting February 31, members to
give written invitations to friends
Members from other locals are wel­
come, Women are a-'ked to bring
luneh was served by the
Next sewing meeting Is to la» held
February 37 at the H. K Waldorf
The service» announced for lust
Sunday evening at the school house
bv Mr Everett were eaiieelled on
account of Illness.
M Conrardy and Olaf Olson
spent several days In Portland last
Beauty 1s only skill deep, accord­
ing to an oft-repoated saving Won­
der If our beauty sia etaltsts should
refer 10 their buxine»» a» a skin
game? And Is that why we hear
th e expre .1.011 IxailtlfItl but dumb
1 shallow >? Newberg Graphic.
Edgings and Inside, dry.
Rl-lneh. Cord ..................
Excellent kitchen wood, the best
buy you ran find.
Seasoned Slab and Block
Itf-lmh Old Growth H r
Mason HUI sewing group of the
Coal and Gaaco Briquet«
Sunshine club met Friday after-
noon ut the George lllll home
Present were Mix. Helen Kinsey
Herman Rehse
Mesdames Lola Solbetger, Maude
Res. phone 8063
French, May Waldorf. Ileryl John Phone 2383X
son. and the hostess. Mae lllll Aft-
*3 5
Mason Hili
This cluster of rooftop "islands,1* pictured In nn alrvlew of Falcon.
Miss , reveals the extent of tlio Hood whlrh Inundated several small
towns bordering the swollen Coldwater river, causing widespread dis­
tress and more than a score of deaths Intense cold aggravated the
plight ot 25.000 left homeless by the rising waters.
(B e Mi«« M a rth a Vandervanden)
v.Ì<O\ 7 ; \ J Ì Ì 0*wr,u'ÌbS Â m P m Î S Ï any time become of the virulent
Miss M ainila I v a L m I i . b n d t t It 1 1 , V1W» »»,, h no p . i i k ,» d n o t h H i g a h ii it v
of Tony Vandehey. at the Roy hall J" * -
Funeral services for Ephraim John
January 30. Many beautiful and
printed and sntd about In- Johnson. 57. were held Saturday
useful gifts were received and danc- fluensa t that
, \ “t
“ most
i,2 t
know at the Tigard I. O. O. F hall. In ­
ing was enjoyed during the eye­ what they ought
to do. H ie trouble trement w is in Crescent Grove
is simply th a t people do not act
Party Tonight
as they should. At the present time “ im terj.
A card party will be given at the it is important to the community
Rov hall 1 tonight» Thursday by and to tne Individuals in it. for all
the Sodality Girls.
Doily Trips to Portland
to these points. Suspect
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of to attend
cold. Oo to bed Immediately
Hillsboro Auto Freight
.Aloha visited friends here over the every
tf you have fever with a cold, call
Bonded and Insured Carrier
your doctor and do exactly what
Live in Hillsboro
Serving Beaverton, Aloha. Keed-
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vandehey until you are well rested, as in­
vllie, Hillsboro, Cornelias and
(Marcella Kalsch» will occupy a fluenza
is a great deceiver, leaving
Forest Grove
house in Wilkesboro.
Pickup and Delivery Service at
A party was given at the home
of Mrs Henry J.
Package Kates
Thursday Pres
Pre*- ‘“'-‘tt'U and
near Wilkesboro
Wilkesboro Thursday.
UH.ludlng Eat
Hillsboro Phone 542
ent were Mesdames
t„ ,„ .
P ra n k e
ta o iv s a and
no v
e r m is . m
a u iu iiii
East Side Terminal Portland
' vander^rid’J n'' Prink efficient working condition of the
Phone EAst 9131
iiS r m r k v
w . l h a n ^ V a n d e h e v ? Brn excretory organs. Keep in the stui-
lewiiHani shine as much as feasible, and be
Vanderzanden. John Plass. William sure to . take
„ v ,, n
Vandomelen. P. J. Vanderzanden,
. « .w v .» » « ..,, d
ln out
., door exercise
Cornelius Vandehey. George Duyck. !
“ ’ JF ood health.
. . . Dress to .
Bertha Derickx. J. M Vanderzan 1 nrzxiv*»
evewwss lightly
1«, clad Just
We Want to Select
going f from tw
den, and Henry Vandehey.
because the air Is warm. You may
A re lia h l* roting man. now rm -
have to return ln cold and storm.
rl-.yr,!. w ith K l K K S U a iT . fa ir « I-
z Bride-Elect
Honored at Party
T UNCHEONS or afternoon teas are Infinitely more entertatn-
lng with a model such as Patlern 4 27 to lend color to your
personality. Make It sheer woolen or bright crepe.
The soft, graceful revers and vestee slenderize the flgure,
and the turnback cuffs give a neat touch to the sleeves. Patterns
are sized 36 to 52. Size 44 calls tor 4% yards ot 39-lnch fabric,
plus si yard contrast.
A fascinating little apron is Pattern 473. excellent for pro­
tecting your frock Available only In medium size (38-40 b ustl,
It requires 2 $4 yards ot 32-ineh fabric (2 yards without ruffle),
and 10 yards 1 ^ -ln cb bias binding.
A slip that gives the figure the much desired molded appear­
ance is Pattern 327. Silk crepe, satin, or taffeta can be used.
P atterns come In sizes 34 to 50. Size 44 requires 3*4 yards ot
39-lnch fabric with 2% yards of lH -ln ch bias binding or facing.
STRl't'TlOXS. fill out the coupon below, being sure to ME.NIIO.N
103 PARK A
Hillsboro bowlers defeated the
Market Drug company team of
Portland 2718 pins to 2699 on the
local alleys Saturday evening. The
cents each:
home team dropped the first game
882 to 910 and then won the second
Pattern No. 427
4 27
and third 907 to 891 and 929 to
898. respectively.
Pattern No. 435
(B y Oregon State H .e r ii o f Health»
William Goetter of the local squad
In the week ending January 5.
had high score for the tournament
Pattern No. 327
1935. the physicians of the United
with 682 Dins and high game with
(B y V iv ia n Hudson)
States reported 4965 cases of rfiflu-
255 pins. Hillsboro players were
N a m e . . . . . ...................................... Address.
enza. as compared to 2051 for tlie
Axel Pederson purchased several
Ray Dillon, Bud Rogers. Hallie Ire­
nearest corresponding period last thousand strawberry plants from
land. Herman Rehse and Goetter.
C ity........................................................ State.
winter. In Oregon the week ending George Wright of Orchardale Tues-
Leaders in the various l o c a l
January 12 had 96 cases as com- ¿ay.
bowling leagues maintained their
Name of this newspaper............................... ..
pared to 31 for the seven days con-
Ernest Hudson and Floyd Updike
advantages in play last week. Scores
eluding with January 13. 1934. Thus called at tlie Tolke brothers home
were as follows: City league—Lentz
we might say influenza Is three at North Plains and at the Ernest
3, Ireland’s 0; Pastime 3. C. C.
All materials specified in above patterns may be purchased
times as bad ln this state as at the Lyda home near Verboort February
store 0 National league — Union
same time last winter and more 3.
in local stores.
"76" 3, Pharmacy 0; Bristol 2, Na­
than twice as bad as in the United
w R. Hudson left Tuesday mom-
tional Guards 1. American league
I Buck Heaven district Sunday. He States as a whole. Winter before ¡ng for south Bend. Wash., to vts-
-—Hillsboro Ice Works 2, Hillsboro
z».-» P i i m l c
his mother, who is past 88 years
■ was accompanied by a nephew.
Motors 1: Home Laundry 2. Royal W l O U n i a i n K U p iI S
. .
Homer Davis, who will operate the this one has been so far while last of age and lives with her youngest
Soda Works 1. Commercial league
winter was exceedingly mild. In daughter, Mrs. C. W. Wheeler.
—Coslett's 3. Hall's Barber shop 0;
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bryan and December 1932. Oregon had 5734 George Laemerman. who was ill
Safeway 3. Fairway 0.
(B y M rs. Bird M cC erm ieki
children of Gaston visited Mr. and cases of influenza, but only 122 ln last week with flu, is improving.
High scorers were as follows:
December 1933; and in January
Moehnkes stopped loggt SUig t h e
American league, Ray Mann. 195;
CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Moun- Mrs. Wayne Jones Sunday.
1933. 2081 cases, but only 122 In last of the week to repair their
City league.
Jim Dickey.
223; T°
D ai?th ' seventh and eighth
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers were January
mercial league. M. Johnson.
193; grade pupils with their teacher, hosts Saturday night for a dancing
arid National league, Murray.
200. Mrs. M McCann, visited the state party at their home. Collin Cree last winter and the one previous to
UThZ Acknowledging th at business con­
Standings for fifth week of play: legislature February 6. They also and Don and Lauren Haynes furn- ' il su.ggeSt5
bad, there are still some
W L Pet. visited the penitentiary, paper mill, jshed the music. Other guests were
..........10 I M l school for feeble minded, and the Messrs, and Mesdames Vern Mey- ?'ea i ^ rt hTh,e1^ mAfOfv Z T rfnrOrin ? i^ P^Pl® who. now that things are on i
5 M l insane asylum. Others making the era. Marvin Omduff. Wayne Brun- e ™ a £ n k S S ^ ’t e p X ^ Ü : £ ed ^ - and-up’ did n o t -realUe. llow
5 M •US trip were Mr. and
son, and family. John Stryffler and
gs were, as Ln the Instance
„ Mrs.
.. Avery
. . . Wood.
„ , . son,
6 10 M3 Miss Ernestine Guenther,
___ __
Miss Vel- 1 _ family
and _ Every Wood ___
and family, These winter diseases. In other of the young man of Jewish ex-
— a Wohlschlegel, , . Melburn
.. .. ---------
W L Pet m
Am erican Laa«ue—
arey *n?ong the coT i Kin
traction who. when he was Inform-
11 4
Ernest Guenther, The cars left Messrs. Clarence Wood. Chub Brun
ri«e n 0Ur present stage ed that there had been a fire in
. 9 6 ? m u ! and
of civilization.
the school house at eight that s<,n and Cecil Schmidt,
........... 5 10 s gas,
does not call for the White House ln Washington, |
5 10
E. C. Wohlschlegel has blasted alarm, such as is likely to arise ln exclaimed. "My God, I didn’t know
School Has Piano
W L Pet.
N ational Lea<ae—
ìnishing clearing the minds of the people because things were th at bad."
Mountain Top school is enjoying ' the stumps and Is fini
..........12 j
Un ion “ 76”
they recall the terrible destruction
9 6 .600 a new_piano that was delivered M on-! sl* acres on his farm .
__ In 1918. People
_ jple "Daughter,” said the father. "Is
ers made
by _ Influenza
...... 6 10 .533 day. "rtiey will give a program and
Norma Meyers
mad an average w rought
4 11 .167
1 the county tests at should consider that the situation that young man serious in his ln-
W L Pet.
( ommereiai Leaffue—
to pay for the piano. I the Fir Grove school. Robert Voor- was then aggravated because of the tentlons?”
..........11 4 .733 to raise R funds
"Oues he must be, dad." she re-
irth a »
hees wrote a perfect paper in eighth virulence of the causative organism
..... .... 7 r, .6S3
olm an enUrtained
n X h er a b s ^ t ^ ^ r ^ y ’ 0? and also to some extent because plied. "He’s asked me how much I
4 8 .333
doctors and nurses were away make, what kind of meals we have,
F a irw a y
.............. ............. .. 6 10
ith a birthday dinner Thursday X la?t six w^ek! w-ere nlrid^OMo many
from home in the service of the and now you and mother are to
evening, for a nephew . Vernon ^ V w M U c e ’ w h V o 'r "
Uve with."
; Smith, 9, of Portland. Present were
The ordinary case of Influenza
Varnon's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
rh e 4-H club of Fir Grove and
"How is It?" inquired the plumb­
Victor Smith, and son Wendel, Mrs tfae patrons of the school will give does not require any great amount
O n t t f ’ r v p R i r f h r l 3 V « i George Gould of Portland, Mr. and » party and program at the school of medicine, though the complica­ er, arriving at last to mend a brok- |
V /U N C r v c L M r u iU d y S ! Mrs E p Smith Glona and Mer. house Friday evening. Mrs. Lena tions which result from insufficient en water pipe.
"Not so bad," replied the house­
(By M r« Loo W r is h t)
ribelle Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs Meyers and Mrs. Cornelius Ott will care baffle the most expert physi­ holder.
"While we were waiting for
cians. The real danger is that a
THATCHER Mr and Mrs. Char- Hoffman
have c h a r g e ^ the refrrahments
you, Ive taught my wife to swim."
les Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haney
Given Farewell Party
ph h » r m o H ^ r
and F. A. Bennett attended the
The George Maynard family was
eL S ,rtland smiriav F
birthday anniversaries of Mr. and given a surprise farewell party Feb-, Mr and M rs° C la v to n 'W h itm o r e
Mrs. Charles Kern Sr. and Bert ruary 6 Attending were the Weav- ^ 7
Sears at the home of Mr. and Mrs er. Ray Ego. Wayne Jones. H. H a^ at_woJ i ,‘?s X “ “
Ervin Bailey of David Hill. Others Neill, J. P. Jones, Merle McDougal; g ‘a a Brown a t H illsboro S u n dav
attending were Mr. and Mrs Law - and L. D Warden families and Tom ° M r a?ri Mrs iJirr^ P?ew ^and
Kern and
and Twigg
The a v Maynards
will move to lwo
two cniiaren
children 01
of newDerg
Newberz jyisitea
visited ner
Mrs. Charles
sr»™ baby.
-r Mr.
M r
a n d ' ! r Oceanlake
v e a e i a k o soon
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oberg.
Mrs. avaai
Mark in ivdiiicia,
Daniels, ivu.
Mr. aiiu
and Mrs.
¿ vai a. ' i mr
Mr. <*iiu
and an
Mrs a. d B . i L.
_ i . Price
r n v c of
u i r Port
u n - Q n n r ta v
Cook, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs land spent Sunday with Mr. and
' Wirth of Baker arrived at
IX Z a lt o r G o o r c
n «4
a r » /4
X .f »-c
M rt
n h ls n R Ia o o l
Walter Sears o and
and Mrs.
S. Mrs.
W. f F. W Wohlschlegel.
the Arthur Hill home Sunday for
Folkdahl and baby of Forest Grove.
Program Success
i a few days’ visit.
Eve!yn Ortman smd Arthur Sears.
pleasant View community ------
« ,« h
v . , ,
« o -
Montgomery of i New-
See this new Esiy Wsiher—with
o Pro«ram was. «ell received Satur- berg played several violin solos at
a d
Iy .h i Da\ d .^ “h 11 ???h day evening The sum of $13.05 was , the Mountain Top church Sunday
the*e exclusive new inventions: the
surprise on them a«s all three birth- raised to finish paying for the
new No-Slip Easy Safety Wringer
days are close together.
piano. Next meeting will be March
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright spent 9 There will be a seven o'clock pot
that assures personal protection by
Sundav with her sister and family. ,uck supper in charge of Mrs. Earl
its instant Safety Release that
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Braun of Man- Christie, Mrs. W. F. Wohlschlegel
throws the rolls wide apart on con­
. _ .,
„ , , and Gloria Hoffman, followed by a
Mrs. A Buckley and son Ralph program. Mrs. Everett Morgan, Mrs.
tact—even without attention. Its
called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles gjery McDougal and Wanda Fini-
positive gear drive for both rolls
Sears Sunday morning.
gan are on the program committee.
Women s club met with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Wayne Jones and
eliminates slipping, stalling and ex­
Frances Herb of Hillside at the last two sons, who hive been making
cessive friction on the clothes.
mettmg and next meeting will be their home with his parents, Mr.
with Mrs. Lou Junker February 20 ; and Mrs. J P. Jones, moved last I
I t Will be an all day meeting.
week to the Burk place.
Mr. and Mrs. j Watkins and
and Mrs. George Maynard
son Arthur of Manning visited Mr. w,.nt to St. Helens February 5,
Priced as low
and Mrs Pannier Thursday.
where they were guests of Bill Wal-
Miss Katherine Hemmy of Bor-1 iace
lng _ was guest . at ..
the A.
H. . Meyer
. —
Elmer and Walter Whitmore are
home during the week-end.
getting out alder timber on their
A car driven by Kurt Meyer was place to be shipped to Portland.
hit from the rear by car driven
All twelve pupils at Pleasant View
by Frank Grill Sunday evening at school writing on the state exam­
the corner near the Peter Grossen ination received passing grades.
place Both cars were badly dam­
40-lb. Cotton
Miss Margaret Drake ot Witch
aged, although no one was seriously Hazel and Bob Henderson of Port­
injured. The Meyers were return land visited at the McCormick
ing from Vancouver, Wash where home Sunday
they were visiting the W. Zies fam-
l . V. Hulit of
Hillsboro was a
guest Sunday of his son-in-law and
„ , .7
~—------ -
! daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wohl-
Subscribe now to the Argus. In schlegel
Oregon $1.50 a year Six months
W R Davis, who has been in
85 cents. Three months 50 cents. Portland recovering from a slight
Two months 35 cents.
tf stroke, returned to his farm in the
Visit Legislature fa™
uratlon and itiw H anical inclination«,
who 1» w illin g t*> tra in «para tim e
or •venin«-« in lllll«h«»r<> to quai»
ify a« IN S T A L L A T IO N and S L K V .
K ’ K cm pert in Electric Kef r ite r a ­
tion and A ir Condi tio a i ng. New,
pro fitab le
in terview
w rite, g ivin g age and preeent oc­
<•« N.
W e ll.
We are completely equipped to supply
you with nil building and decorating ma­
terials for home or commercial building
construction. See us for itemized estimates
to be submitted in applying for a loan.
Pool-Gardner Lumber Co.
“For Everything in Building Materials’*
Phone 2691
1011 Baseline Street
„ u „
Thatcher People
A. B. C.
for Variety of Coverage
and Selling Versatility
That the modern merchant cannot do a profitable
business with only one class of customers was never
more true. So-called class barriers have been broken or
altogether removed.
Likewise, a newspaper’s success in its territory de­
pends upon its ability to satisfy the greatest variety of
readers with news—the greatest variety of merchants
with profit volume.
Analyze the people of this one newspaper’s audi­
ence—the families reading the Hillsboro Argus every
week and you’ll find the customers who patronize nil
classes of stores.
The Hillsboro Argus is now a member of the Audit
Bureau of Circulations subjecting its circulation records
to annual searching inquiry of A. B. C. auditors, the
results of these yearly audits are published every twelve
months. In these annual reports are the HOW, WHERE
and HOW MUCH circulation proof.
"A physician's formula
for compounding and ad ­
ministering a medicine."
For Sale
1 21-4.50 4-ply Regular India Tire
Your physician’s pres­
cription receives t h e
most cautious attention
by our pharmacal ex­
The Palm
Drug Store
Special ....
............... 9
1 21-4.50 4-ply Super India Tire
2 18-5.25 4-ply Regular India Tire
These Tires are all New Tires, have had them in stock
over one month. Watch for our next sale on Tires.
Third and Waahington Streets
Phone 1703
A newspaper’s sales power must he versatile. The
newspaper that is most successful in selling its own
product is most successful in selling other business con­
cerns’ products.
And becahse it has a large variety of readers, the
Argus consistently carries a large variety of local,’ na­
tional, and classified advertising.
S g .s o
Phone 266
Selfridge Furniture Co.
1138 Third St.
Phone 21 X