The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 14, 1935, Image 1

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    r g us
Dollar Days—
V isit Hillnhoro Kc hr miry
22 and 23 fo r Values
W ith W hich is Combined rhe H illsboro Independent
II V A. L. I. I N II H «C i
I ’ W A Gives Approval
fo r Free Bridges
Coast Highway
Union High Gymnasium
7:30 I’. M. Friday
NO. flfe
i State Capitol
! N ews L etter
Hilhi vs. Grove—
Cannery Plans Big Packing, Building Program
Valnp Spun
V d lU U
J U U ll
in Airbase
by Chamber
Clash With Grove
in Crucial Series
/ ''/ z . e f c l F Í / f c C r n
Glee Clubs
Better Home
L°ca^ Plant
Milk Control Hilhi
Present Operetta
H onorsatR ally will Treble
Bill Change Here Next Week Drive Here
Under way s s s s 1!?-srzi Production
Fight Center
Championship aspirations of Hil­
hi lioopatera Will face the acid test
-------- •
here Friday night when the locals
CALEM Added ImpetiM wit» glv-
open the final two-game series with
the Ptorest Grove quintet. Hillsboro
en the drive for free bridge» on
has won all four games In the
* the Coast highway thl» week when
race while the Vikings are
the federal Public Work» adminis­
tration gave It» approval to th e , Possible L a rg e In c r e a s e s close behind with three victories P ro po sal to P e rm it Co-op
and one defeat to their credit.
plan Coiile» of a bill drawn b y 1
to M a r k e t O w n S urplu s
P a y ro lls , P o p u la tio n
Hllhl bu.sketeers have won two
the legal di |airtment of the PWA
and covering the change from toll '
P re c ip ita te s B a ttle
C ite d at M e e tin g
Tlgurd, and Forest Grove, meeting
¡•pan» to free bridge» were received
the sumc two teams, has lost only
this week by the highway depart­
to Beaverton. As a result, the coin­
ment and have been submitted to
ing series will have a decided In­
the legislature f o r consideration.
on the county hoop title.
The bill would veat In the highway
Announcement that Forest Grove
eommlnNlon authority to operate
and Hillsboro, conceded to be cham ­ F o rm e r Solons fro m C ounty
the bridge» without toll» and to re­
tire the bridge bond» out of cur­ R ev. J e f f e r ie s to S p e a k pion and runner-up In the county
race, must play St. Mary's high
A tte n d P resen t Session
rent revenue» front automobile 11-
nt Lun ch eo n on M o n d a y
school to qualify for entrance In
een»e» and ga»ollne luxe»
the district tournament at McMinn­
Governor Martin has added hl»
SALEM -T h e fight over t h e
voire to that of other free bridge
That increase» of 200 per cent In ville next month was made this
the annua! Hillsboro payroll and week. The St. Marys Institution, amended milk control bill, which
"We must have free bridges along 100 per cent In the city'« population boasting a strong basketball team passed the senate last week by an
this great highway to Increase our would probably result from the lo­ this year, lias registered as an A overwhelming majority, continues
to wage hot and heavy In the house
tourist travel," the governor »aid. cation of an army airbase near here high school.
Hllhl defeated Tigard here last committee on food and dairy prod­
"Hie bridges will be paid for out was the estlmute presented at the
of gasoline taxes and by the people rhumber of commerce Munday night. Friday night 17 to 12 In a rough ucts.
Representative Ross of Washing­
who use the spans. Tolls would re­ These figures were given in con­ and tumble basketball game. Thr
tard the development of Utls great nection with the local drive to bring visitors led 4 to 2 at the end of ton county, a member of this com­
section of the state."
one of the 10 northwestern frontier the first quarter but the home team mittee, explains that most of the
to lead 8 to 4 at the objection to the bill centers around
On the other liand eommunltles airbases proposed In the Wilcox bill ( h i o il
half. Play speeded up In the second the provision under which dairy
In southern, central and eastern to Hillsboro.
I tragOO w hich are still waiting for
Anticipated personnel for each lialf with Hllhl holding a 10 to 7 co-operatives would be permitted
completion of the original highway base has been set at 2000 enlisted lead at the close of the third quar- j to market their own surplus. While
In actual practices, according to
• system ore opposing the free bridge men nnd 200 officers with u prob­ ter.
High point man In the game was Ross, the co-operatives have al­
program on the ground that It able annual payroll of between
would take money out of the high­ <2 000 000 and <2 500.000 Present an - Cox. miniature Hllhl forward, with ways followed this practice it has
way fund which should be spent ual payroll for Hillsboro, based on seven points. Wahner of Hillsboro j been with the consent and under
on projects already long delayed. the 1930 census of 3039 persons, was and Holmes and Hughes of Tigard the supervision of the milk control
all tied for second honors with 1 board which Is now opposed to re­
The controversy promises to be­ estimated at <1,137,000,
linquishing this supervision and has
four counters each.
come one of the warmest of the
Itaor Im p o rta n ce Seen
Forest Grove defeated Beaverton Injected itself into the controversy.
• n t session, not e x c e p t i n g that
Maximum appropriation for each
An attem pt by Senator Walker
whleh will wage around the pro­ of the bases has been promised at 27 to 20.
Hllhl second team ran wild In the of Polk to recall the bill from the
posed amendment of t h e Knox <19,000,000 Two-thlrds
of this
liquor control act and the biennial amount or about <12,000.000 would final quarter to swamp the Tigard house Monday failed when friends
fish fight.
be- spent for labor and It was as­ 11 squad 17 to 9 In the preliminary of the bill charged Walker with a t­
• • •
sumed that much of this would be game Tigard led 7 to 8 at the half j tempting only to defeat the meas­
(Conllnued on p *«. S, column I I
The Pendleton round-up, t h e for local labor. That such an air­
• • •
lakevlew round-up. t h e eastern base project would be second only
Senator Aitken of Washington
Oregon livestock show at Union and In Importance to Oregon to the
county has Introduced a resolution
the Oakland turkey show are nil Bonneville dam was the opinion ex­
providing for arbitration of dif­
out after a share of tire state’s pressed.
ferences between the board of con­
racing revenues. Pendleton wants
Considerable fund would be nec­
trol and King Brothers, Portland
<5000, Union Is asking tor <7500. essary to conduct an aggressive cam­
contractors, over the cost of the
lakevlew could use <2500 and Oak­ paign to bring the proposed project
state prison cell fronts. The firm
land modestly suggests that <1200 to this vicinity. It was declared Ac­
was paid the full amount of Its
would come In handy In meeting quirement of some parcels of prop­
bid on the Job. <19.885. but claim
expense» of the turkey show. At erty. representation at Washington.
nn additional sum of more than
the sonic time Senator Zimmerman D C , pictures, map«, graphs, charts E ndorsed by O rg a n iz a tio n
<9000 by reason of losses Incurred
a bill In repealing the act of of the proposed site, and a booklet
In fulfilling their contract.
1931 which legalised horse and dog setting forth the argument of this
• • •
racing and the pari-mutual system district would be necessary.
Stale milk control lnw and any
Truck legislation pending belore
of betting which last year produced
Proposal that the "Happy Days" necessary strengthening amend­
»¡I: ikh ) lo r the suppmt of fairs celebration be placed In the bands ments were endorsed by the Wash­ the session has attracted m a n y
throughout the state.
of a permanent commission resulted ington County Jcraey Breeders' as­ Washington count}- folk to Salem
• • •
In considerable argument. The m at­ sociation In nnnual meeting Mon­ during the past week. Farmers, par­
Salaries of county officials would ter was finally plnced In the hands day at the Forest Orove chamber ticularly, are Interested In the a t­
be fixed by the hoard of county of u chamber of commerce commit- I of commerce. W. T. Putnam Jr. of tempt to provide some relief for
commissioners rather ttian by the tee Instructed to confer with the i Farmington was elected president the operator of small trucks, espec­
ially In connection with the pres­
legislature under thr terms of a city council on the proposition
of the group.
ent compulsory Insurance provision.
Arguments for the commission
bill by Representative Patland.
Other officers elected Included
• • •
which has already passed the house plan stressed the necessity of con­ Oscar llagg of Reedvllle, vice-pres­
John Thornburg. Forest Orove
and 1» now before the senate for tinuous planning, operation of the ident; L. T. Sills of Forest Grove,
consideration. County salary prob­ event on a non-profit basis and secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. David banker and former member of the
lems occupy much of the time of conservation of the celebration as Storey of Forest Orove and George house o I representatives f r o m
Washington county, has been an
the legislators at every session and » community asset Those opposed Blersdorf. directors.
c o lu m n 8)
os some of the members h a v e to the plan pointed out the neces­
pointed out such action as Is taken sity for a large sinking fund to off­
Is without any Information as to set possible failures due to rain. Ed Hillside dairyman, would present a
the sentiment of the county In­ L. Moore, secretary of the chamber registered Jersey heifer calf to the
boy or girl showing the highest
(Continued on png« 8. column 1)
volved exrept such as Is provided
scoring grade for a grade Jersey
by the county's delegation In the
heifer at the 1935 Washington
house and senate.
county fair was made by W. F.
• • •
Cyrus, county agent. That the heif­
King brothers. 1X0-1181x1 contrac­
Organization of a Washington
er shown should be sired by a regis­
tors. who installed the cell fronts
tered Jersey bull was the principal county utility district to distribute
it the sta’c prison four years ago
electric power In this area Is planned
requirement set by Lilly.
are now asking the legislature to
Dr. W B. Coon, Forest Grove at a county wide meeetlng sched­
make good a loss of more than
uled for March 8. The proposal 1»
Resolutions favoring the Grange
<9000 which they incurred on the power bill and the single house I veterinarian, spoke briefly on the being sponsored by a committee
Job, although the contract price of legislature were adopted by the federal abortion control program. from the county Pomona grange
Later the association adopted a
<19 885 has been paid In full.
Hillsboro Orangr during (he all-dav resolution endorsing compulsory and representatives of various farm
• • •
meeting of the group here Satur­ eradication of the disease from organization, and Incorporated towns
Don Kellaher. state parole offi­ day Action was also taken oppos­ dairy herds.
are being invited to attend.
cer, says that only five per cent ing the county unit school legisla­
of the utility district is
Dr. I. R. Jones of the Oregon to Purpose
of the men released from the state tion and the September primary
provide and distribute electric
State college dairy department, ad­ energy
prison on parole ever come back election bin.
by steam, diesel
dressed the group, stressing the Im­
to the institution
Recommendation that n county portance of good herd sires. He de­ or hydro power and from the Bon­
• • •
advisory agricultural
committee clared that It cost no more to keep neville dam. according to J. E. Lew-
It has been generally understood should be appointed by the grange a good bull than a poor one. Mrs. ton, of Hillsboro who presided at
for sometime that Barnett Gold- was made by W J. OUlmore of Estelle A. Fenne of Portl. nd spoke an informal meeting here Friday
afternoon. Members of the sponsor­
|| III of P o rtlan d WM one of the Spokane. Wash Oillmore spoke on during the noon meeting.
ing committee propose flnaneir>
principal beneficiaries of the liberal the federal housing program as It
the project with a bond issue to
disbursement of attorneys' fe e s ^ npplled to the farm.
Dr. L, J. Allen, assistant state
be liquidated with Income from the
which characterized the Meier ad­
noon meeting of the Forest sale of power.
ministration. but the exact extent 4-H club leader, spoke on 4-H club regular
Two committees are to be ap­
of Goldstein's fees were not re­ matters during the lecture hour at
other meeting of the association Is pointed at the meeting March 8
vealed until this week. A rep o rt; 1:30 p. m
One of these will have power to
prepared by th e sla te corporal ion
department In compliance with a grnngc Is planned for Monday eve­ for the purpose of discussing shows act for co-opcrating organizations
while the other will disseminate
house resolution shows that O old-1
Information throughout the county.
stein and hts associates received [
Representatives of the Washing­
more than <54,000 for legal services J
ton county Farm Union, Pomona
during the past four years. Gold- I
grange and officials from several
stein himself received <18.700 for
coiuily towns attended the Informal
prosecuting officials of savings and
meeting here Friday. Lewton, L. M.
loan associations on fraud charges
Graham of Forest Grove and N. P.
and <12.075 for legal services In
Editor'* N ot»- Mr. IfotMon hi»« broken the four above persons combined Johnson of cedar Mill form the
connection with savings and loan
aortlonnl «erl«* thin week to Insert get more mall each day than do sponsoring committee.
...m lallon liquidations. An addi­ hi«
th e •ncl<»*ed article on polities.
both the White House and con-
tional <22.825 wns paid to B. H.
Many people hnve untied Mr. lt»b*on hl* press. This mall—of course—could
r , . . . . lf
Goldstein and associates in connec­ Lien* about Huey I.onir. Since he h*« be charted as a very Important
£». W e l l s 1 ¿ llk s
recently been In N ew Orlenna anti hail
tion with snvlngs and loan llqutdn- »»me
he barometer I pass along the sug­
I Ions,
thought thl* wn* nn excellent tim e to gestion to the statistical division
• • •
nlr hi* view* concerning the »enntor.
of the Roosevelt Brain Trust. Sure­
week he w ill renuipe hl* article« ly It would be well worth having
George Neuner was the first to on Next
•eetlonnl condition*, lie w ill w rite
Charles E. Wells at the Rotary
feel Hu- effects of the drive against from I.o* A n selm nnd w ill cover either accurate figures thereon.
club luncheon Thursday discussed
Rrpiibllran Victory In 1936?
the employment of outside attor­ th e eouthwent or centrn1we*t.
The real thing which bothers the the recent trip through the south­
neys by state boards and commis­
Texans Is the fear that, If Long west made by Mrs. Wells and him­
sions. Neuner, who has been em- SOME POLITICAL THOUGHTS and his gang run a radical ticket. self.
He said that the auto camps
, ployed as legal advisor to the liquor (A n than tie « taien w n , by » o ttcrW .H n b .o n ) It will cleet a republican adminis­ proved
more convenient when trav­
control commission ever since the
HOUSTON, Texas, February 8 - tration In 1936. Although a peculiar eling by automobile. Referring to
Knox lnw beenme effective at a One In New Orleans naturally asks shifting of the vote lost November the California sales tax, he said
salary of <200 a month, was re­ about Huey Long. Let me give a elected a huge democratic congress, that although they spent quite a bit
based upon the actual votes
leased by the new commission at new and very Important sidelight yet
on this Interesting situation: The east the democrats lost ground and In California the tax only amounted
Its meeting here last week.
conservative Interest» of Louisiana the republicans gained favor com­ to about 45 cents. This method of
• • a
have no use for Huey Long. The pared with November. 1932. Presi­ taxation Is rnlslng millions for Cal­
The new game commission Is be­ better people of the state f e e l dent. Roosevelt knows this a n d ifornia. he said.
ing torn between two desires. In ashamed of him. They however— lienee Is quite worried notwith­
This section of the country is as
the first place it does not want to I do not swm to fenr him. They look standing his happy smile and big well off from a business and fi­
do anything that might be c o n -1 or a flood or an epidemic. They knows th at every vote which a new nancial standpoint as any visited
»trued as opposition to Oovernor have a conscious Intuition th at he radical party might get would come between here and Texas, according
Mnrtln's program f o r supervision will "go up like a rocket and come from him and not from the republi­ to Mr. Wells.
and control over the rtsvenues and | down like a stick" and In a few can candidate. Hence If such a
Support of the Rotary club In Its
expenditures of all self-supported years will be forgotten. They have radical group go on the ballot In activity to build up a historical
boards nnd commissions. In that
collection here was pledged for the
desire the board Is no doubt moti­ American people than to believe lie elected. This was the case In Daughters of the American Revolu­
1912 when the democrats a n d
vated In part at least by recollec­ that. Huey Long can ever be taken Woodrow
Wilson got In owing to tion by Mrs. Wells, regent of the
tions of the fate which befell the seriously.
The people In the south and the progressive vote secured by local chapter.
old board when Its members came southwest believe, however, that Teddy Roosevelt.
out against the governor's program. Huey Long will run for the presi­
This Is not all. The gossip here
Express Faith
On the other hand the commission dency In 1936 unless he Is shot or Is that Wall street money Is back­
Belief In the principles of the
Is anxious that all of Its revenues Incapacitated in t h e meantime ing Huey nnd that this money may Oraphlc Arts Code and the stabil­
shall be available for the propaga­ Thev think that Huey Long. Father lx- supplied by conservatives. Wall ization that has resulted In the In­
Sinclair, and some street always believed In “hedges." dustry was unanimously expressed
tion and conservation of fish and Coughlin Upton Dr.
Townsend—will Thev have always sold stocks short
game without having to divert any others—perhaps
combine to form a radical party to protect their long commitments. at the Yamhill-Washington County
of it to the general fund for the The only difficulty Is. that while The brain trust has stopped this Publishers and Printers' association
• support of other activities.
Huey Is strong to share wealth, he temporarily: and Is now endeavor­ meeting at Newberg Friday night.
• • •
refuses to "¡mare the limelight, ing to stop commodity hedges also. A resolution to this effect was or­
Two automobile Insurance bills as William Trufant. Foster so well The only thing left for Wall street dered sent to the joint national
are now in the legislature hopper. G nts it. The authorities here say Is to hedge on politics. By secret- code authority.
(C ontinued on p in 8. column 8)
Is mall Is tremendous and that
(Continued on pair« i column 7)
Truck Problem Up
Labor Would Benefit
Putnam Heads
Jersey Group
Grange Backs
Power Project
Utility District
to be Formed
Senator Huey Long Declared
to be Factor in Next Election
Rotary Luncheon
Annual Hllhl operetta, "Miss
W 7
Cherryblossom." will be presented
a t the high school auditorium at
8:15 p m. February 22. Cast of
characters and the chorus of the
operetta, which Is directed by Miss R e p a ir, R eno vation P ledges
Edwlna Broadbent, have been chos­
en from the Hllhl glee clubs.
T o ta lin g $ 2 0 0 0 G iv e n
Frances Moyer Is cast in the title I
D u rin g F irs t D a y
role of Mis» Cherryblossom. Other
principals are Elwood Coslett Koke­
mo; Claire Beeler, Jack Smith;
Tom Stretcher, Henry Jones; Tom
Bronlccwe, Horace Worthington;
David Crittenden, James Young;
Ethyl Hendren, Jessica Vanderpool;
and Bob Ellingson, Togo.
T h re e Canvassers A ssigned
Plot concern« Miss Evelyn Barnes,
to H ills b o ro T e r r ito r y
an American girl born In Japan
and brought up as a Japanese
maiden following the death of her
for approximately <2000
parents from fever. Jack Smith, a in Pledges
home repairs and renovations
member of a yachting party of
obtained here Monday during
Americans in Japan, falls in love were
first day of the Hillsboro Better
with the girl, now known as Cher­ the
campaign, according to T.
Kokemo, who h a s Housing
Bronleewe, manager. T h r e e
brought the girl up as his own G
obtained through an SERA
daughter, opposes the marriage as workers,
are now conducting a
he has planned she should marry project,
house to house canvass of the town,
(Continued on page B. column 2)
explaining the federal housing ad­
ministration program and obtain­
ing pledges for building work.
Repair and renovation work. In­
cluded under Title I of the fed­
eral housing administration act. Is
being stressed In the present cam­
paign. However, several probable
pledges for new home construction
T a x L eagu ers to C on tin u e as proposed under Title II of the
act are contemplated. This phase
of the program Is expected to be­
Discussions S a tu rd a y
come effective on or about March
Co-operation Asked
State Welfare
Body Opposed
Creation of a state public welfare
commission to administer welfare
and relief programs as proposed in
senate bill 70 was opposed by the
Washington County Tax Equaliza­
tion league In a resolution adopted
here Saturday night. Another meet­
ing of the group Is scheduled for
8 p m. Saturday at the court house
for further discussions of pending
legislation, according to H. R. Find­
ley of Cedar Mill, league president.
Opposition to the welfare com­
mission measure was based on the
contention that It placed control
of all local charities in the hands
of state officials and was an at­
tempt to centralize affairs of the
state in a few persons. Leaguers
also contended that experience had
demonstrated that the proposed
plan would be more expensive than
the present method.
That the expense of handling
charities such as the county farm,
widows' pensions, old age pensions,
care of orphans, etc., would prob­
ably be doubled or trebled in some
cases lf the law was adopted, was
the declaration of County Judge
Donald T. Templeton.
Senate bill relating to the re­
funding of obligations of incorpor­
ated cities met with the disfavor
of the league. A resolution was
adopted citing the group's belief
that the bill was an attempt to un­
load part of the state's expense on
counties and that Washington coun­
ty would stand to lose <2700 by the
Non partisan primary measure
was opposed on the grounds that It
was a drift toward socialism. Mem­
bers of the league contended that
suoh moves in the past have proved
expensive to property owners and
that Increased taxes could be
traced to the first of the state's
socialistic laws, the Initiative and
referendum law. Belief th at a can-
C o-operation Asked
Co-operation of the public in giv­
ing information to the solicitors
Is asked by Bronleewe. The can­
vassers have identifying cards and
badges and the Information given
Is confidential, he declared. Data
obtained during the drive will not
be published or turned over to any
firm or individual for the purpose
of soliciting work unless the home
owner so desires. Those In charge
favor giving work to local firms,
architects or contractors.
Information requested includes
the status of the owner, status of
property and contemplated improve­
ments. Suggested Improvements un­
der the campaign Include new ex­
teriors, new color, new kitchens,
new bathrooms, additional rooms,
new heating and new homes.
Clifford O. Mabee of Aion* and
George E. DePue and Howard At­
kinson. both of Beaverton, are the
local canvassers. These men are
contacting approximately 60 local
residents dally and making a
thorough survey as they go. Pamph­
lets explaining the federal housing
program are left a t homes where
persons are not familiar with the
(Continued on page 8, column 6)
"Dollar Days”
Planned Here
Hillsboro American Legion Boy
Scouts won the certificate of good
appearance here Friday night hi
competition with four other dis­
trict troops at the district rally,
opening event on the Boy Scout
silver jubilee anniversary week pro­ I
gram. Four troops attended t h e A ssurance F u tu re O p e ra tio n
Sunday service at the local Meth­
o f C on cern H e re G iv e n
odist Episcopal church.
Aloha troop captured honors In
by B. E. M a tin g
the first aid demonstration a n d
compass relay race at the rally.
Certificates of progress In good ap­
pearance were awarded to the Hills­
boro Rotary troop, the local sea
scouts and the Aloha troop.
Highlights on the rally program
were the taking of the oath of al­ A cc e p ta n c e Q u ic k -F re e z in g
legiance to the flag and re-dedica­
M e th o d by M a r k e t Seen
tion of the scout oath by 70 dis­
trict scouts. A radio talk by C. O.
Business future for Hillsboro and
Colt, Portland area president was
received and the rally closed with Washington county brightened m a­
"Taps" and the scout evening song. terially Wednesday with the an-
Close relationship of the scout | nouncement of a large scale pack-
oath to good citizenship was stressed ' lng and construction program for
by Rev Charles M. Reed at the the B. E. Maling. Inc., cannery
Sunday service. Forty-four scouts, here. That the 1935 pack of frosted
representing all but the Aloha troop, commodities would total approxi­
mately 7500,000 packages and that
Scoutmaster Jones led the scouts market conditions assured contin­
In the scout oath and Scout Charles uous operation of the local plant
Reed played a trumpet solo during for many years to come was the
the service.
declaration of President B. E, Ma­
Closing feature of the anniver­ ling, who returned here Tuesday
sary week was the annual district night from a six-weeks eastern trip
banquet at the Portland Masonic and a week at his beach home a t
temple last night. Several “Scout- Whale Cove.
ers" from this area attended.
"We are already In possession of
orders that aggregate more than
three times that handled in the
quick freezing department l a s t
year.” stated Mr. Maling. “We now
feel that the development of these
products has gone far enough along
that our management Is assured of
public acceptance of this method
of preservation and handling. This
S till
C h a r g e territory can now settle down and
be assured of continued operation
B rings F in e o f $ 2 5 0
of this plant for a good many years
to come."
Five indictments, one of which
C onstrnction P lanned
was secret, were reported against
A new concrete warehouse, two
three persons Thursday by the coun­ stories,
by 150 feet, will be con­
ty gra,.d jury. The Investigating structed 60 west
of the present office
body also returned one not-true
in that section of the can­
bill of indictment. J. E. Murray, building
property planted to lawn.
now being held by federal author­ nery
ities In Portland, was indicted on Construction of a new office build­
a bad check charge while Carl A. ing, probably 100 by 100, on Wash­
street at the west end of
Carlson of Midway was held on ington
the property Is also contemplated.
three bad check charges.
Fine of <250 was imposed upon A new concrete porch with steel
and iron roof will replace
Chris A. Chulufas of Portland Sat­ frame
urday on a charge of illegal pos­ the present east porch. Contracts
session of a still. Sentence was for this work will probably be let
postponed on another charge of Monday, according to President Ma­
illegal possession of mash. Chulufas ting. The buildings are to be com­
was arrested last week when state pleted by the early part of April.
In order to handle the Increased
and county authorities raided a
of quick frozen products the
distillery outfit near the Red Rock pack
department is being in­
dairy in the eastern part of the creased one-third.
A new freezing
has been installed, bringing
Elvin Cornlls of Bethany received unit
total units at the local plant
a postponed sentence Saturday when the
he appeared before Circuit Judge to Most
of the products for tho
Peters on a charge of attempted quick freezing
process come from
forgery. Sentence was postponed un­ Washington county
farms. An ad­
til March 2 for Charles Berthold ditional 1000 acres within
a five-
of Beaverton who recently plead mile radius of Hillsboro has
guilty to a bad check charge.
Suit to collect <711.75 alleged to contracted to peas.
be due from a partnership agree­
much brighter and a feeling
ment between William Robinson of are (CoDtinmd
on pane 8, column 4)
Hillsboro and P. A. Lee was filed
Friday by Robinson. The plaintiff
declared that the partnership to
buy and sell horses and cattle was
formed September 8, 1934. and that
he advanced <228 for the purchase
of stock. He alleged th at the stock
was sold for <920 and the partner­
ship dissolved January 3, 1935. Rob­
Traffic accidents in Washington
inson seeks his share of the pro-
county placed eight persons In the
(Continued on pare 4, column 8)
hospital Saturday night and re­
sulted In the arrest of Helen Earp
of Banks on a charge of driv-
[ ing while intoxicated. One o f
the accidents occurred near the
west Hillsboro city limits while the
Importance of giving proper in­ other. Involving three cars, took
formation in reporting a fire was place near the Heidelberg inn a t
stressed this week by S. W. Mel- Beaverton.
hulsh, local fire chief. He asked
E. O. Zimmerman of Beaverton,
that the telephone central be call­ brother of Senator Peter Zimmer­
ed and that information as to street, man, suffered an Injured chest when
house number, name of the person his car was crashed near Hillsboro
calling and the location of the fire by one believed to have been driven
be given.
I by Helen Earp of Banks. Helen.
Considerable confusion resulted Earp and her companion, H e l e n
last week when an alarm was turn­ ence Wiswell of Wilkesboro, re-
ed In at the city hall by a small , ceived severe lacerations and Ver­
boy who left without giving any non Robinet of Cornelius, who was
information. A proper report was riding on the side of the Earp
turned in by telephone at the same car, suffered shock. All four per­
time but was not reported on due sons were taken to local hospitals.
to the fact that the siren had al­
Four other persons were Injured
ready sounded.
at Beaverton Saturday night when
The firemen are planning a skat­ three cars piled up near the Heidel­
ing party at Shute park Tuesday berg inn. Reports Indicated th a t
(Continued on pane 8, column <)
Construction Planned
Grand Jury
Indicts Five
Plans for the Hillsboro “Dollar
Days" sales event to be held by
retail merchants of the chamber of
commerce February 22 and 23 are
progressing rapidly, according to
the committee in charge. Merchan­
dise and combinations of Items on
sale for <1 will be featured during
the event.
Each of the local merchants co­
lContinued on page 4. column SI
operating In the sales program are
expected to have a number of
specials. Under the "Bargain Day”
events conducted recently, retailers
were allowed but one featured a r­
Advertising messages of the sale
will be broadcast over the county
The event will be In the
Preliminary contests for class B next week.
of an advertisement of com­
and C schools in the annual Wash­ nature
services available in
ington county grade school de- I modities and
rather than a money mak­
clamatlon contest will begin Feb­ Hillsboro
ruary 22, according to O. B. Kraus, ing Members
of the retail trades com­
county school superintendent, com ­ mittee of the
chamber of commerce
petition for class A schools will be which Is directing
on March 8 and the finals a r e are: Howard Hadley, “Dollar
Weil. P.
scheduled for March 15 at the local j A. Anderson, Verne Jake
Curry, Fred
Baptist church.
Engeldinger, W. Durst. George Self­
Class B schools, those having ridge. George Fischer. Z. J. Riggs.
three or lour rooms, In the western ! Herman Schoen. L. P. Stranahan
part of the county will compete and Nye O. Bristol,
at 1:30 p. m. In the Congregational
church at Gaston. Similar schools
in the eastern part of the county I
will meet at the same time in th e '
Methodist Episcopal church at T l- !
Class C schools, one and tw o-, Walnut blight and filbert pro­
room schools, will also compete at duction problems will be discussed
1:30 p. m. on the folowing sched­ at the nut growers’ meeting in the
ule: Western, Forest Grove Central Hillsboro chamber of commerce
school; Northwestern. Banks union rooms February 21 at 1:30 p. m.
highschool; Northern. North Plains; Paul Miller, of the federal depart­
B y Clinton P. H aight
month. At the legislature we get
Eastern, Beaverton high school; and ment of agriculture, who has been
to y
in Oregon the past few years car­
southern. Scholls Grange hall
i Editor'« N o t» - Legioiator H aight, do- more than four hundred now In
Contestants are divided into three rying on walnut blight Investigation «cribmi
by l i n y , « Voter «« th« irrepre«- the house alone. There will be 56
groups according to grade In school. work, will be present to discuss n?,:: ¿ r“ n,‘.b!en
UP Monday for final
Entrants in lower gTade groups are both walnut blight and filbert nt«d ««lf>depreflation an«l drollerie* have PR ^ sagv. W e suggest that We Vote
allowed to give either humorous blight and will show the results ob­ iNipuiarized him w ith the people o f * o u th - ' for them, ten at a time, and then
or serious selections while the up­ tained the past few years In con­ east Oregon." i , w riting th is colum n, f ] lp h e a d s ftn d t a i l s t „ determine
which we hope to present to our reader»
' ,
per grade class Is allowed humor­ trolling this disease by means of a each
week during the present legislative w h e t h e r We VOte yes OF no for each
ous, dramatic and oratorical selec­ bordeaux spray.
•eesion. Editor H aight w ill present each i block of ten.
C. E. Schuster, also of the United week new s and com m ent* about the «es-
tions. Each school Is allowed one
entry in each section classification. States Department of Agriculture, *ion that are not appearing in th e daily ( Our working principle. Contrary
' of course. In law the defendant is
will discuss general problems of report* o f the legislatu re.)
STATE HOUSE, Salem— Let’s presumed to be innocent until he is
orchard management pertaining to
both walnuts and filberts, accord­ chatter. These spring days make us proven guilty. In the legislature we
twitter like a bird.
' always assume that a bill Is guilty
ing to W F. Cyrus, county agent.
Spring. Glorious spring. There Is until It Is proven innocent. First,
only one crop that is harvested In'w e get Its parentage and be sure
the springtime—the law crop. And i that Its pap« is not a foster father,
Reward has been offered for In­
what a crop! The legislature has Be sure that some lawyer Is not
formation regarding t h e where­
adopted about fifteen state codes, practicing law on you and be sure
abouts of Helen Stannard. daugh­
These codes may have as many that It Is not conceived In greed,
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stan­
Hillsboro Townsend Old Age Re­ as 250 regulations, and each regu­ bom In selfishness and nurtured In
nard of Hillsboro, who disappeared
In Portland last Wednesday. The volving Pension club Is sponsoring lation has the effect of a law. They deception and even then not many
girl, who Is a student at Hilhi was a feed tonight (Thursday) at the Include every human activity. And mistakes will be made by voting no.
A fight. The house can be so dull
last seen at Union avenue and Christian church. This Is one of a ! then we took on the NRA (state
series of Townsend meetings with j court enforcement) with Its 500 that It Is stupid with the reading
Broadway street In Portland.
drolling along with the mon­
The missing girl Is described as
each, making a modest 137,500 otony of the first and second read­
being 15 years of age, 5 feet 814 as speaker.
All Interested in the program ' regulations, covering everyth 1 n g ing of bills. All Is quiet, peaceful
Inches In height, weight 126 pounds,
auburn hair curled in a long bob, and developments of the Townsend from a corn doctor to a lead nickel and happy. Fish. Somebody said
blue eyes and fair complexion. She bill In congress are Invited. Those In an unlawful slot machine. And “Fish" and a dozen men were on
their feet ready to go over the top
was last seen wearing a blue sweater unable to come for the luncheon J two weeks yet to go.
Bills, bills, bills! At home we These fishing Interests fish with a
coat, gray skirt and patent leather are welcome to hear the address
I get our bills on the first of each
(ContlntMd oa p»gt I, eolnma 8)
Eight Injured
Auto Crashes
Proper Fire Report
Requested by Chief
Grade Schools
Plan Contest
County Walnut Men
to Meet Saturday
Editor Haight Says Law Crop
Only One Harvested in Spring
Reward Offered for
Local Missing Girl
Townsend Group
to Meet Tonight