Section T ivo- Read Advertising Rcnd "The Kennel Murder (’Me” E ach W eek Latest Store News Always Appears in the Argus I VOLUME 41 NO. 51 HILLSBORO, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1935 completed the trimming of their thought you'd pick me up and --------------------------------------------- * blackcap bushes. Several have plant­ muke tt a conclave of acquain­ ed peas and other early garden tances." "Do you want to come?" de­ during the past month. manded Markham, with a trace of The Misses June Nelson and Vio­ Achievement certificates, signify­ let DeVault of Scholl* visited cous­ anger. ins, the Misses Mildred and Lily ing 100 per cent completion or pro­ "Oh. by all means," Vance re­ V. Heinrich ol near Hills­ jects by club members, were award­ Nelson, January 30. plied duleetly. "But, really, y' know. boro had a yearling bull for F. L. Brown. County Commission­ ed to six county 4-H groups this I ean't go in these togs." He rose sale and ordered the adver­ Grower» Sherwood District Community Club to Meet; er Lewis and Engineer Barney were week. Clubs receiving the awards and started towards the bedroom. tisement published t h r e e looking over road conditions here were the Aloha-Huber clothing club. "I’ll hop Into appropriate Integu­ weeks In the Argus. The bull O rganize Large Pool Church Service Held January 31 They found that the Mrs F. S Reed leader; Scoggins ments." As he reached the door he was »Id the day of the first Waldron fill and the turn at the Valley sewing club. Mrs. Eugene stopped. "And I'll tell you why your Issue and Mr. Heinrich was Allison corner are badly In need of Wahl leader; Bend sewing club, appointment enthrall:, me I hud an well pleased with the results. (Ity Ml«« Jean Hrnllh) LAUREL R ID G E — Agriculture some Improvements. Mtss Frances Post leader; S u r e aopointment with Archer Coe for The classified page of the I committees of Sherwood Grange Winner clothing club, Mrs. Harriet IIAZRI.DAIJC 1 Tin- Man from No- Play Draws Many i three this afternoon to look at a Argus Is the great market and of Washington County Pomona where" will be pre ruled by the A leader; North Plains cook­ | pair of peach-bloom vases fourteen The play, "Mr. Bob," was present­ ing Ford place of Washington county Grange sponsored the organization community club at Aloha Grange club, Mrs Della M. Cypher, inches high he had recently ac­ ed at the Gibbs community hall and tlu: cost ol bringing buy­ of a potato pool, including farmers leader and North Plains canning hall Hulurduv evening under joint quired And. Markham, a collector er and seller together Is small. of ttic district surrounding Sher­ Friday evening to a packed hall. club. Mrs. Ruth Moyer leader. MKMMomhlp wuh the grange A who has Just acquired a pair ol wood. A meeting was held January Cast included Earl Jones. Oeorge t dance will conclude the evening'» peach-bloom vases of ttiat size Wyman, Rae Bruce, Laura Jones. ,, entertainment with a small uddl- "Papa, I saved ten cents to-day. J doesn't commit suicide the next over Immediately. Mr. Wrede was M at which the organization was Reda Brlckell. Mildred Middleton W. C. Edy was elected tlonal charge The pluy Is a l l u c e - all the way to school behind good enough to come, and alter j effected. day." and Laura Compton. A. V. Compton a I ran president, Charles Haynes, secre­ ' act comedy drama and 1« coached street car.” looking at the muster he suggested With this remark Vance disap­ tary. The board of directors in- directed the play. Intermission by Mrs C I’ H v v c im h i Cu-.l in tliat I call you, sir, before doing "Why didn't you run behind a peared, and Markliam stood, tits cluues me president and secretary, numbers Included t a p dancing, taxicab and eludes Mi'wlaiitea Esther llell and ---------------- , save a dollar?"—Ex. ¡lands behind him, looking at the anything else—" songs and readings. This entertain­ and Fred Werre and Mr. GoLen ol Flavelle Jelderks Misses Dale Pow­ ' It was obvious”—Wrede took up Tigard. A potato wastier has been ment was sponsored by the Gibbs bedroom door with a deep Irown. ers, Doris Hyverson. Virginia Miller, S.V au the story "that poor Coe was dead, "I shouldn’t wonder if Vance w n u set up In Snerwood, where me p o -. Dramatic club They will sponsor Messrs. Jack l*owers, Donal Mc­ were right." he mumbled, as it to and I thought It best to leave every­ t a toes are graded. It is estimated a dance Saturday evening. CORWIN HARDW ARE A t a v ic a Intosh, Arthur Hyverson, Kenneth thing intact for the authorities. 1 that forty carloads are signed up himself. "He's put my subconscious new garage has been erected Headquarters Waldele and A Hkyles didn't want to insist on having the lor this pool, winch are intended on A the CHAPTER I i "So early—and not a murder!" thought Into words." Simpson property, recently Club Meet Friday 1 1 could hear Vance's feet hit the A few minutes later V a n c e door broken In." Hunting and Fishing acquired from Harold Lamb. for the Texas market. About the Vance was watching the man same amount ts still available and Community club meeting will be floori. "You Interest me strangely emerged, dressed for the street. The Bolted Bedroom Mr. and Mrs Howard Brunson, Supplies i closely. hdd Friday evening ut the school* Your wedding morn perhaps?" "Awfully thoughtful ol you. and exactly three montlis alter pool will be considered in formerly of this community but "But what harm could that have another At the business meeting a the It was Aladdin Lamps "Archer Coe has committed sui­ all that, to pick me up." he said, sta rtlin g term in atio n «1 the the near luture. The pool is being now living at Rockaway, announce new vice-president Is to !«■ elected. Scarab cide." Markham announced, n o t smiling Jauntily a t M a r k h a in. done?" he asked mildly. "Since the handled by the Schwab Commis­ the birth of a daughter January 20. Long’s Radio Tubes Tested Free murder ease that Philo E ntectalninent will follow the b u si­ Vance was drawn Into the subtlest without Irritation. door was bolted on the Inside, sui-1 "There's something positively fas­ Valentine party of the local sion company which has handled clde was rather plainly indicated— J ness meeting In which each family and the most perplexing of all the cinatin' about the possibilities. It word!" Vance was now mov­ Christian Endeavor will be held at pools in adjoining counties. wliat?" present Is to be represented As criminal problems that came his ing "My about. "That’s even stranger might be convenient to have Ser­ eh, “Perhaps Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Graff is of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy you are r i g h t , Mr. m any memlM-rs of the family as way during the four years of John than u murder. I crave elucidation geant Heath on hand.” Jaquith February 15. Portland spent Sunday as guests Utah ma) ...... piapaiad » u h F.-X. Markham's Incumbency as . . . Come, lets sit down while I Painting "So It might," agreed Markham Vance." Wreue appeared HI at ease. Mtss Carman Hodson, with her Paperhanging Mr. and Mrs. James P- Harris. something to entertain. drily, putting on his liat. "Tlianxs "But— somehow my instinct told of Mr. district uttomey of New York coun­ | sip my coffee." parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hodson of and Mrs. W. F. Strong of me tliat It might be best—" the suggestion. But I ve already Hervlee Held ty Ran ly in the annals of modern Willamina, visited relatives here •t Of roopiAATn*« Markham re entered the library, for Quite—quite." Vance took out Metzger visited Mr. and Mrs. John several notified him. He's on his way up­ Fifty-one were present at Sun­ crime has there been a cum - tlutt followed days last week. Saturday. by Vance clad In sandals town his cigarette case. "You, too, were Strickler now.” day school Sunday In thr school- seemed to reverse so completely und John and Harry Schmeltzer haul­ Mr. and Mrs. Carey Haynes of an elaborate mandarin robe. Vance's eyebrows went up whim­ skeptical—despite the appearances." Sherwood house. Church service was held the rutlonul laws by which human­ Voncc rang tor Currie and ordered were Sunday guests of ed new telephone stubs for the Wrede gave a start, and stared afterward with Harry West of ltu- ity lives and reasons. In the words Turkish coffee, at the same time sically. farmers’ line In this district last Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes. "Oh, pardon! . . Well, let's grope fixedly at Vance. k igli, president of the Portland of the doughty and practical Sergt. settling himself In a large Queen Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edy attended week. "Coe," Vance continued, "wasn't "amp ol Gideons. as the s|»euker Ernest Heath o f t h e homicide Anne chair and lighting one of his our way hence." Roscoe Courtney 1 s blasting the birthday dinner of Mrs. Emma We entered Markham's car, which exactly the suicidal type—was he?" Vincent at the home of her daugh­ stumps, preparatory to clearing At the dom* of the Sunday school bureau, the ease "didn't m a k e favorite cigarettes. "No-o.” Wrede’s eyes did not was waiting outside, and were driv­ hour next Bunday. Key Oeorge sense." On the surface It smocked ter, Mrs. Mabel Fmk, at Newberg more land. Dr. F. E. Ferrill Is hav­ "What did you mean, Vance," en rapidly up Madison avenue. The shift. Taylor, superintendent of the Port­ of strange and terrifying magic, Markham Tuesday. Twenty-three were pres­ ing some more of his land cleared. usked. "by Coe's suicide Coe house was an old brownstone Vance lighted a cigarette. land Union of Gospel Missions, will of witch-doctors and miracle-work­ He expects to put out more filberts ent. tra r I hen murder ’ "My own feeling is you acted of double frontage occupy­ speak. Everyone Is welcome. R C ers. and every line of Investigation Mr. and Mrs. Walter Führer and when the ground 1s ready. George "Nothing esoteric, old t h i n g," mansion We Do Estimating in Full quite wisely." ing two city lots, built In a day Doty of Beaverton Is superintendent ran Into a blank wall. is doing the stump blasting. Vance drawled danguldly. “Simply when dignity and comfort were Co-operation with the "Come!" Markham turned toward family and George Rogers were Allison of the Himday school, which Is held Mr. and Mrs Charles Flynn of Sunday guests of Mrs. Nellie Rog­ that there would be nothing par­ In fact, the cose had every out- Federal Housing Administration among the Ideals of New York the stairs and made a peremptory ers in Hillsboro. - at 10 o'clock. Portland were out to their country waid appearance of being w h a t ticularly remarkable I n anyone's gesture to Oamble. "Lead the way. ” As we ascended the • Mrs J. C. 8mlth left January home here this past week-end. President Visits delight In pushing old Archer Into the Be­ architects. The butler turned and mounted tile door was opened for us “W e Cover Surface»” 30 for Victoria, B C.. where she wus armchair the criminologists Sunshine Reoekah lodge of Wil­ This is the first time they have perfect crime. And. to yond He'» been Inviting violence all steps the stairs Markham, Vance and I before we had time to pull the old- called by the serious Ulnrss of her calling muke the plotting of the murderer in hie Not a sweet and love- fashioned brass bell-knob; and the followed, but Wrede and Orassl sonville invited Rainbow Rebekah been out for several weeks as Mrs. sister, Mrs. Margaret Gage Mr. ' even Flynn lias been ill. They were more mystifying, a diabolical chappie, don't y' know. remained below. Oamble. without a lodge of Sherwood to meet with guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Ferrill and Mrs Ihiol O'Connor of Beav- ! concatenation of circumstances was lnsplrlng them last Monday night. A special But there's something deuced re­ flushed face of Oamble looked out word, indicated the door. erio n “ le Slaying at llie Hm illi I superimposed upon the events by markable In thr fact that he should at us crtngingly. B. R. NICKESON, Prop Markham came forward, tried the meeting had been called at the re­ Sunday. "Thank you for coming, Mr. home during her absence whimsical and perverse god, push himself over the border He's Markham." His voice reeked of oily knoo. and shook It. Then he knelt quest oi the president of the Re­ Henry Ochoene. who was taken to some oekah assembly of Oregon, Mrs. Our classified columns may have Phone 2102 tended to strengthen every not the suicidal type — far to o subservience. "It's very terrible, down and looked through the key­ the county hospital last week In which wi-uk link In thr culprit's chain of egocentric." hole. When he rose his face was i Grace Christensen, who made her just what you are looking for — ; sir. And 1 really didn't know just a serious condition, Is much better ratiocination, official visit to Sunshine lodge at Read them. "I think you're right. And that and to turn the entire 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ grim. I should do— " at this time His nephews. Walter bloody affair Into a muze of Incom­ Idea was probably In the back of what "It looks as If our suspicions that time. Markham brushed the man aside and Herman Hcliocnr. who came prehensibility. W. C- Edy and son Donald Edy my head when I told the butler to and we stepped Into the dimly were unlounded." he said In a low have purchased a new truck. irom Itltter In Eastern Oregon to enough, however. It was hold everything till I got there." lighted hallway. Ahead of us a voice. "Coe is sitting in his ctiair, be with their uncle, left for their I the Curiously very excess of ardor on the Mr and Mrs. Frank Brown and "Why should you be notified at broad flight of carpeted stairs led a black hole in his right temple, family home Munday. all? And what aid the butler pour of Portland visited Sunday port of the murderer when a t­ Oliver Cumpeau. formerly of this tempting to divert suspicion, tliat Into your ear over the phone? And upward Into a vault of darkness, and his hand is still clutching a evening with the Walter Führer revolver. The electric lights are nelghborlMMxt, la 111 at his home created a minute hole In the wall why are you here curtailing my o n the right hung a pair of deep family. maroon oortieres evidently veiling on . . . Look. Vance." In Portland Dorothy Cappoen has been ab­ slumbers? Why everything? Why of mystery, through which Vance Vance was gazing at an etching sliding doors. To the left l*arfy Reid ' why? Can’t you double able to see a glimmer of light on the wall at the head of the sent from school all week due to You can make your dollars go further by a were other portieres; but these A party was held at the home wus an attack of the flu. In the process of following that see I ’m bursting with uncontrollable were drawn back, and we could stairs. of Mr and Mrs Archie O'Connor, light to the truth, Vance did what curiosity?" And Vance yawned and look through the open doors Into "I’ll take your word for tt. Mark­ who live south of Tobias. Thursday I believe visit to our USED FURNITURE Department. the shrewdest a n d , closed his eyes. drawing room, filled with ham." he drawled. "Really, y' know, evening. Dancing and cards were profoundest was "I'm on my way to Coe's house." a all stuffy detective work of his manner of heavy ancient furni­ it doesn't sound like a pretty sight. enjoyed 'Hiose pre-.rni were M r. career. Mnrkham was annoyed at the oth­ And 111 see It minutely better Bedroom Suites Circulating Heaters srs. and .Me.vluines IJnn O'Connor years he had been a breeder er's attitude o l In d iffe re n ce. ture. Two men came forward from this • t e a wc-ve forced an entry ' and family. Earl Pierce, Clarence r ' For Scottish terriers. Sometimes I Davenport and Chair Ranges "Thought maybe you’d like to— At this moment the lront door Churehley, Paul O'Connor, Messrs j think he manifested a greater en­ what's your favorite word?—'toddle' room to greet us. The one in ad­ (B y Mabel B. Allison i Herald Jensen, William Frost and thusiasm 111 Ills dogs than In unv along." This was said with sarcasm. vance I recognized Immediately as bell rang violently, a n d Gamble Pianos Rugs MONTAIN H O M E- Mountain Wrede. He. I knew, was a hastei.ed down the stairs. As he Mis. Frost. recreative phase of his life "Toddle," Vance repented. "Quite. Raymond Radios Sewing Machines close friend of the Coe family, and drew the door bock, Sergeant Ern­ Home Christian Endeavor society I There have been several rases of other I mention that fact—or idiosyncrasy. Bui why toddle blindly? The corpse has made plans to go to Spring- j est Heath and Detective Hennessey particularly of Hilda Lake. Archer Oermati measles reported m the If you prefer because It so hap­ won't run away, even If we are a Tables Dining Chairs brook Sunday evening. This organ- 1 Coe's niece. He was a studious burst into the lower hallway. community during tiic last couple pened tliat Vances ability to look bit latlsh." "This way. Sergeant." Markliam ization and the one at Springbrook I of weeks man in his late thirties, slightly a certain stray Scottish terrier Markham hesitated, and shrug­ exchange these visitations o n c e with an ascetic, calm face of called. Mr and Mrs John Kittrell and at und recognize Its blood lines and ged Obviously he was uneasy, and gray, Heath and Hennessey came noisily each year. The scheduled time for , the chevallne type. He was mildly Mr. and Mrs Ham Steele spent the show qualities, was what led him obviously lie wanted Vance to ac­ up the stairs. meeting is six-thirty. interested In Oriental ceramics — week-end at the roast to one phase of the truth In the him. As he had admitted, probably More than sixty attended church ! "Good morning, sir.” The ser­ as a result of his long as­ Ray Hyverson of Lakeview spent remarkable cum - which I am now company something was In the back of Ills Phone 21X 1138 Third St. sociation with Coe — though his geant waved a friendly hand to services at Mountain Home church » S atu rd ay with Ills, parents, Mr and recording head. Sunday morning. The Rev. W. E. ' Markham. Then he cocked an eye particular fancy was ancient oil Mrs. C. P Hyverson. That which lt*d Vance to another "Very well," he acquiesced. "Short­ Simpson preached a sermon on the J at Vance. "I mighla known youd lamps; and he owned a collection To Form Club phase of the truth was ly after eight this morning Coe's of be here. The world's champeen true meaning of liberty. Attendance specimens. A ladles sewing eluo will be or­ Important Ill s knowledge of Chinese ceramics. butler the obsequious Oamble— As rare he greeted us. there was a look trouble-shooter!" He grinned good- at Sunday school was 57. The Y. M. " ganised at the schoolhouse Febru­ He possessed a small but remark- phoned me at my home. He was naturedly, and there was genuine P. class was the banner class with g ary 14. 'Hie purpose of the club ablc collection of Chinese antiqui­ In a state of nerves, and his voice bordering on bewilderment in his seventeen present. alfection in his tone. will be to sew and help needy fam ­ ties museum pieces he had ac­ was husky with fear. He informed wldeset. gray eyes. Record Good "Coe, Sergeant," Markliam or­ BARGAINS IN He bowed formally to Markham, ilies. quired In his extensive travels—and me, with many hems and haws, whom Miss Mari Schmeltzer, teacher of dered. "There's a dead man in this he knew slightly; nodded had written various articles f o r that Archer Coe had shot himself, perfunctorily room, and the door's bolted on the the Chapman school, has three pu­ to me; and extended Oriental and art Journals on the and asked me If I would come to his hand to Vance. Then, as if inside. Break it open. pils who have been neither absent i subject of Hung nnd Ming mono- j the house at once. My first Instinct suddenly remembering something, Heath, without a word, hurled nor tardy all this school year. They chrome porcelains. was to tell him to notify the police: he turned toward the man behind himself against the crosspiece ot are Floyd Stone, Patricia Joyce and Hi oil It , and Chinese ceramics! A but, for some reason, I checked him. and made a brief presentation, the door just above the knob, but Mordell Donnely. Raymond Homer- 1931 Chevrolet Sport Roadster truly unusual combination And yet. myself nnd asked him why he had which without result. A second time his brook has not been absent thus far : BKITIAN Y-CEDAIt MILL Mrs without a knowledge of these two called me He said that Mr. Ray­ tion. in reality was an explana­ shoulder 1932 Ford V-8 Coupe this school year. The teacher and crashed against the cross- Wallace entertained with a Valen­ antipodal Interests, the mysterious mond Wrede liad so advised him—•" "Signor Orassl , . . Mr. Grassi piece. pupils are planning a social to take 1931 Ford Model A Coupe tine-. party lor her daughter.' murder of Arrher Coe. In Ills old “Ahi" place within a few weeks. "Give me a hand. Hennessey," been a house guest of Mr. Coe's "It seems he had first called has 1933 Plymouth P. C. Sedan Oeorgla Wallace on her eighth brownstone house in West Seventy- Miss Ruby Hodson, teacher of he said. "That's a bolt—no foolin.' for several days. He represents an birthday last week. Others present first street, would have remained Wrede—who. as you know. Is an Italian museum of Oriental anti­ Hard wood.” Mountain Home school, has given 1933 Plymouth P. D. Sedan were Dorothy Fowler. Betty Lou .1 l ie ted bonk for all time. Intimate family frien d -an d that The two men threw their com­ out parts for the play scheduled at Milan." 1927 Chrysler 4 Coupe Hills. Harriet and Esther Russell. The opening of the case w as! Wrede had Immediately come to quities next month. Miss Hodson says that bined weight against the door, and Grass! bowed very low. but said Patsy Helndrlche, Phyllis and Bev­ rather lame: It promised little In tlu- house." 1933 Dodge l ’ a-ton Truck all the children, who took county now there was a sound of tearing nothing. He was considerably short­ erly Thorne. Betty Craig, Marte the line o! sensationalism. But "And Wrede said 'get Mr. Mark­ than Wrede, slim. Immaculately wood as the bolt's screws were examinations In this district, pass­ 1931 Dodge li4 -ton Truck Johnson. Lottie Buyler, Betty Wulh- within an hour of llie »-lephone ham'." Vance drew deep on his er loosened. ed. with shiny black h a i r 1928 Dodge lV2-ton Truck rlek, Patricia and Rosetta Wallace tall Markham received from the cigarette. "Something about dressed, Mrs. Arena Courtney is a g a in 1 During the process of battering in straight buck from h 1 s Coe butler, the district attorney's in the recesses ol Wrede's brain, brushed and Juhc Mead able to be out after her recent ill­ the door. Wrede and Grassi mount­ forehead, and a complexion whose Mr and Mrs . Arthur Schulz and office and the New York police de­ too, no doubt . . . Well, any more?" unusual pallor was accentuated by ed the stairs, fololwed by Gamble, ness. She has returned to her home "Only th at the body was bolted large luminous eyes. His features and stood directly behind Mark­ here after having spent two weeks I Jeanette Hehulz visited Mrs. Schulz's partment were plunged Into one mother. Mrs. George Vail at Jeffer­ of the most astounding and baffling In Coe's bedroom." with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene were regular, and his Ups full liam and Vance. "Bolted on the Inside?” son Sunday. Mrs Vail returned mysteries of our day. Two more terrific thrusts by Taylor. and shapely His manicured liands 1125 THIRD STREET It was shortly after half-past "Exactly.' home wnii them lor a visit. The mild weather has caused a i Heath and Hennessey, and t h e moved with an almost feline grace. "Amazin'!” Elmer Zlnzer of Happy Valley eight on the morning of October majority of the farmers of this vi­ Hillsboro Oregon heavy door swung inward, reveal­ Markham wasted no time on "Oamble brought up Coe's break­ visited Mr. and Mrs. John Zltzniun 11. thnt Vance's doorbell rung; and cinity to plow and seed for hay, | He turned abruptly to ing the death chamber. Currie, his old English butler and fast at eight as usual, but received ceremony. Sunday. (Continued N e x t W eek) Some of the berry growers have I Oamble. tnajordomo, ushered Markham Into no answer to Ills knocking . . . " Mrs. Thorne Honored "Just what Is the situation? A "So he peered through the key­ police 4 a birthday party w aa given In j the library. I was temporarily In­ sergeant and the medical honor of Mrs Phil Thorne Saturday stalled In Vance's duplex root gar­ hole-yes, yes. butlers always do. examiner will be here any moment." night. Present were Messrs, and den apart inent at the time. For Some day. Markham. I shall. In a "Only I told you on the Mesdames John Meurer, James years, almost since our Harvard moment of leisure. Invent a keyhole telephone, what sir.” The man, beneath Walters. N, P. Johnson, B. B. Reeves, days. I had been Vance's legal nd- that can't be seen through by but­ his obsequious manner, was patently Sergeant and Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. vlscr and monetary steward in past lers Have you ever stopped to frightened. "When the master Sam Walters, Mrs. Brlteh and Mr which Included as much of friend­ think how much of the world's through the keyhole I saw I knew he was and Mrs. Calvin Katlrrm an of ship as of business i and his affairs disturbance Is caused by butlers dead—It was quite unnerving, sir— being able to see through key-1 and my first Impulse was to break Portland. Mrs. Sheldon of Beaver­ k e p t m e fu ll ¡v busy. On flits particular Autumn morn­ holes?" ton. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Owens, and In the door. But I thought it best "No, Vance. I never have," re­ to seek advice before taking such ing I was busily engaged with a Phil Thome. a Miss Pauline Brant of Portland mass of canceled checks and bonk turned Markham wearily. "My brain responsibility. And. as Mr. Brisbane spent Saturday night with home statements when Markliam arrived. Is Inadequate—I'll leave that specu­ Coe was In Chicago, I phoned to "Oo ahead with your chores. Van lation to you . . . Nevertheless, be­ folks Her father, A. Brant, visited Dine," he said, with a perfunctory- cause of your dalliance In the m at­ Mr. Wrede and begged him to come Ills daughter In Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schindler of nod. "I'll rout out the sybarite ter of Inventing opaque keyholes, Milwaukie visited Mr. and Mrs. W. myself. ' lie seemed a trifle per­ Oamble saw Coe seated In his arm­ turbed as he disappeared I n t o chair. a revolver In his hand, and Meier Sunday. Miss Nellie Larsen and Mrs. L. Vance's bedroom, which was Just a bullet wound In his right tem­ ple . . . ” »Farrell of Portland visited M. C. oil the library. for your co-operation and patronage "But what about Brlsblne Coe? I heard him call Vance a bit Larsen and family Sunday. Why did Oamble call Wrede when peremptorily, and I herad Vance Mr. and Mr.s. Byron Stark of of our Archer's brother was In the house?" Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. M. give a dramatic groan. "Brlsblne Coe didn't happen to "A murder, I presume," Vance H. Fey 8unday. be In the house. He's at present In complained through a yawn. "Noth­ Mr. and Mrs. Shipman nnd Roy Shipman of Beaverton visited M. ing less than gore would have led Chicago." "Ahi Most convenient . . . So your footsteps to my boudoir at C. Larsen Sunday. when Wrede arrived he advised A donee was given at the Cedar this ungodly hour." WqidXSXIK'XPCWCXIWMK "Not a murder—” Markham be­ Gamble to phone direct to you, Mill Orange hall Saturday night. knowing th at you knew Coe. Is A card party and dance will be gan. WE CARRY "Oh, I say I W hat time might It that It?" held Saturday night. "As far as I can make out." be, then?" COMPLETE LINE OF "And you, knowing that I had "Eight forty-five." Markham told visited Coe on various occasions, him. l Hazeldale Club Will Give Play Classified Ad in Argus Sells Bull ¿y- § Forty Carloads of Spuds Sold Six County Four-H Groups Get Awards D ine ~ Hillsboro DecoritingCo. USED FURNITURE Mt. Home Society Plans Visitation Selfridge Furniture Co. USED CARS Birthdays Honored Bethany-Cedar Mill CADY MOTOR CO. 1 Thank You! Mr. and Mrs. Motorist New Super Service Station Orchardale U . S. Tires and Tubes 111» Mrs Itlctisrd Hunger 1 Mr and Mrs. Ralph Umpehied oi i eDllley visited Mr. and Mrs. George Wright Friday. L E Francis of Hillsboro enlled1 at the R. C. Hunger home Frldny, leaving 4-H club pins nnd certifi­ cates. Quality Job printing—Argus. COMBINING- the health elements of sunshine nnd fresh air, milk adds the advantages of n o u rish in g , strength-building v i t a m i n s . Does your family drink enough? Order here I Quart 10c McFall Jersey Dairy Phone 2104 | G u a r a n t e e d for one year! And a s t y l i s h model that will harmon­ ize with any room in ( your home. Very quiet running with soft bell that gets action. UNA VO IDABLE Shell Gas and Motor Oils ACCIDENT Pennzoil and Quaker State Greases That may be true — but every accident takes its toll in life, health, or auto dam­ age. Are you completely covered by the RIGHT In­ surance for all forms o f auto mishaps? Agent Every form of protection — Fire, I automobile, casualty, liability, Fidelity, Surety and Life. Typewriter» For Rent anti For Sale The Delta Drug Store Phone 1732 SÊ Complete Lubrication Service Car W ashing — Painting Tire Repair Busch’s CHAS. L. WALKER ONLY ifiSiFSIS^WrxWxMiWil 1184 3rd St, Super Service Station 310 Baseline St. T elephone 391