Page Eight THE pressed with the recovery which has taken place throughout Dixie. My own business reports confirm the enthuslastl*- comments on trade activity which X have heard In the last few days. Personally, I feel th a t with only one o r two excep­ tions. the entire south offers ex­ P o p u la r H e a v y to F ea tu r e cellent sales opportunities for com­ panies doing a national business V . F. W . O ffe r in g F rid a y during the next few m onths at least. Copyright 193ft Harry K ent of Hillsboro, popular Publishers' Financial Bun heavyweight grappler who starred on Hilhl and Oregon Slate gridirons. will be featured in the top-notch \ | •«. l _ I , — D I,.» wrestling card slated for the V F. I ' l l D t S 1 1 0 1 1 5 1 1 1 0 i 1,111 W. hall here Friday evening. Kent ° will clash with Hanz Schultz, mat villain from Dallas. Texas, in the headline m atch of the double main tinned from ivage one) event card. ._, ____ ___ _ out th a t _ _ payment. He ,____ pointed the Local wrestler has been pitted program provided an economical fl- against some of the outstanding nancing nlan tor renalring a n d s r u s , E ; Kent Slated L ocal Card H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON FDK B< jams on Their Farm Program Funeral Held for (H A K IEN II Ex-Bonus A rm y Boyds Pay Levies Charles I>, Kidd. Former Resident C h id ill U. S. Job Oil Land Not Owned «»»•••>• »»»Hl p n eu m on ia Funeral services for C harles M. at Yamhill Monduy. erable improvement since lus last appearance here. Schultz, recently "Title II" is the long term ft- headlined I n Portland, employs nancing plan and may be paid off rough and ready tactics while Kent ovr, a period of 15 vears or more relies on clean, are m.uit m ade m on th lv on "K hz" Kitzm fast iller grappling. of Portland. * Payments ‘‘.'m eins art monthly on brother of the University of Oregon an am ortization plan C ha r g e s “Flying Dutchman." will meet Kay amount to five per cent plus in- Lampm an of Denver in the first surance and carrying charges. "Title half of the double m ain event. Both I I I ” provides for the sale of long Projects for promotion under the wrestlers are coming to the fore term mortgages made under the new public works program were rapidly and local fans are promised program by banks. Careful inspec- discussed at Oregon City Thursday * T W v S il S? of Gaston a n d V°n ’ P * ? * 11“ « for loans un- during a meeting called by C. Shorty Dethlefs of Seighers are der T tie H I prevent improper Hockley, public works engineer. slated for a 30-nnnute preliminary, building methods. Dent declared. Several county, city and SERA rep­ Both men use everything but the Total of $330.000.000 has been resentatives from this area a t ­ ring posts in th eir wrestling and a loaned on renovating programs im- tended. wild exhibition is in prospect. der “Title I" and approximately Washington county was repre­ The curtain-raiser will find Snoose $i80 000tXW more has heen Eplrng of Gaston and Shorty Van- ± sented by Donald T Templeton, Loo of Cornelius m tile opposite . rd ‘ 1 J s ba' e county Judge, and H D Kerkm an corners of th e ring. been noted ,n the building indus- commissioner. Mayor J. H. G arrett The local arena nas been dark for tries, transportation companies and and City M anager George McGee the past two weeks, but M atch- allied industries. Dent stated, A far-reaching program which these farm leaders subm itted to attended for Hillsboro, and W. J. aker Ray Dillon expects to offer Meetings for contractors build- _ ___ - P resid en t R oosevelt, calling for a tigntem ng-up of the ag ric u ltu ra l Mills represented the county SERA wrestling cards regularly in the fu- ing m aterial dealers, business men and ■ farm ers were co n d u c te d ^ t"th e * dl ustm eBt law- ,o raise iarm Prices siili higher while pu ttin g the * t-u p . K enneth TUlotsou also at- ture. " chamber of commerce during the brakes otl Prices of Industrial products, has be. n pronounced "spleu- f c ^ e d . afternoon. A house to house canvass canvass d id ” by the eh iei executive. Shown, left to rig h t, leaving the W hite J , suggested projects for sewers, water of Hillsboro to determ ine canvass needed H ouse, are W. R. Ogg, se c re tary -treasu rer of th e A m erican E arm Hillsboro ’ Including -------- • t? - L repairs, to obtain pledges for ren - B u reau F ed eratio n : Ju d g e John D. Miller, president of the N ational aystem- Pa r k improvements, swtm- ovation programs and to explain n ° -° P e ra tiv e C ouncil; R. W. B lackburn, the FHA proposal Is to be started F a rm B u reau : Secretary of A griculture (Continued from p ase one! H enry W allace; Di- “ hester Davis; Edw E dw ard A. O'N O'Neal, thirty per cent above 1934. Elec- soon, according to T. G. Bronleewe, re c to r C eal, president of the A AAA m erican trical supplies, furniture, and hard- campaign chairm an. Workers have F arm B ureau^ and L. J. Taber, m aster of th e N ational G range, ware lines have been particularly been obtained through the SERA. honse^and work until their successors are elect- Models of a _ pouîtrë ___ active. X h , __ the 4- h ed «• they ar* re-elected. K lg h t-o t-W a y S u it /->• I T * _____________ hog bam constructed ___ Southern Mills _____ More Active — A schedule of community meet- The trend of industrial activity building club at Hilhi were shown / _ . - , in the south is also encouraging by M. M. Romig. instructor. The V? a^buaint contract signers ^ h Ä C.5 * kW te“î" The Birmingham district has shared *°cal chapter of the Oregon Build- J ”A de’j uls oi thls program Orenco Resident Funeral Friday „i W C •«. Filed Local Court a result orders have been pouring ___ ___ mills, which are final- in to textile ly recovering from last Septem - ber's labor violence. Frankly. I am bullish on textiles, especially if the code continues in effect and if sotiihera mills buy the most modem received from Senator Steiwer to _ the effect th a t the senator was working for the WUcox bUl 'to e ^ tablish arm y air bases. The letter pointed out th at no definite plans as to location of the field in the P eniic n o rth « ,s t district hriTbeen p. m.. G ran ge hall: Sherwood. Thursday. February H j p m cUy hall; V e s t U i ^ ' . ^ A vp H?"„clty h a l1: UnUm. 15' 30. p~ “ " Forest Grove. Wed- “ " ‘ “ 20' 9 30 tn ," P rid e .* w?l Office «VU Koura ® SO < n, i g m I so t» m. t„ 6 p ro I FUEL ' Edgings and Inside, dry. \3 1 16-lneh. Curd Excellent kitchen wood, the best buy you can find. Seasoned Slab and Block 18 Inch Old Gruwth Fir Coal and (¡aseo Itrlqurls W aller W. W aters, head of (lie bonus arm y routed from Ilia cap ital In 1932. Is pictured nt work in tho W ar D epartm ent a t W ashington. G eneral Douglas M acA rthur, who headed the C o u n ty F ou r-H C lu bs troops which dispersed tbo to R e c e iv e C h a rters “ arm y ,” gave him the Jeb. , C harters for 4-H club groups at H erm a n K eh se Raleigh und Beaverton were g ru n t­ ed tins week, according to infor­ Phone 3383X Res. phone 3082 mation received at the county school superintendent's office. The Raleigh group Is a camp cookery club while . the Beaverton organization I* Townsend Old Age Revolving Pen- named ttie "Nimble Thimble ' club slon club of Hillsboro Is sponsoring “ 35-cent luncheon a t the C hris- M e n t a l H v iri ie n e T a lk s February B r r O o Ä a Q d C c a st O v er K E X n m. n i Judge .Indus» A. Jeffrey Ts»rfr».v of awf Portland, .»,« D p. o Series of radio broadcasts on SP«“ “ ^ HUS g a th e rin g us one o i ■Psychology of l*ers»nal II coat» mi little to keep your Radio at the peak ol effirlrne) With our modern equipment we ran bring hark (hat lull re being sch ed u led M e»her , .7 , < i~ ‘ vu “ « ■ « w earer V ancouver w««h ‘ N * berK and in Beaverton. Around Interested cejved rsr.A, by O l H Kraus county ! sonant tune and lho»e »lalion« ______ 100 _______ Vancouver. u .w .h » Wash. » .u . I folk of th a t community gathered to 8C,>° o1 superintendent. you I'NEII Io enjoy. ^ Members ' * r, L of ± the C,°U,?2y teani »’ear Judge Jeffrey of Portland Eluded n ^ h t y . K ci'order Fer» Krportrd Dillon. K uratll, ' present the plan, set a tem por- All make« repaired — re«ul(s up Putmttn L e„tJ! and ch aae of „ Fees collected by Jam es Davb. (iiaranleed boro; and Damon “ . ary organization for th a t comrnu- rounty recorder, during January ° d o d m a“ Prtrreott and Pubot, of "'M em b er« '"ii'.i irirn d a " m t h e “ » • » d »«JUTS, a.,',' rh i'« m a re- Coll n* with ronlldenre Townsend Group AmillgC LlIIiehC0n County Team Wins Checker I ournev tlan rhu«b A u at a so bacco m anufacturing had one of its the recent social evening honoring r tr H o r . I . r a i _ . i . — _a . I were Duri**. Dunton. T autfest, Pul- cers to be present for the luncheon At these meetings the 1935 con- ?Hd *5.* sk>' and EHls of Newberg; e a rn s most active years m 1934. Cigarette former members of the city council There will be no meeting Sunday act will be explained Next j e s « * ¿ « b e « p la in e d and appli- B consumption made a new peal. ___ ( s. R. H. Ellison et al. or- of McMinnville; Sherm an of Day- Those expecting to be a t the lunch- above the 120,000.000.000 m ark and commerce wil be the regular busi cations wUl be lzc, signed. Unlike Y“ “ v upon construction activity, principal- ers to oppose this measure Thev al atiuwH r r o r u a r )’ I is f fau a in lt . °rie?r0¿ aces , a ? ^ , . e. L ali 7 wl.u . sho* n February ly home building. In Decemoer. the so declared th a t the plan would latter was almost a t the depression prove unworkable and could not be low. While there has been some enforced. improvement since then, there are tp nnnr«in<. u«, R otarians In brief expressions of Stowell, default, judgm ent; E sther W ashington county and all per- , ,b,y / h e TW“i h “ !*i,on ®ou,ltv no definite signs of an immediate ed to Dermir ' 61’ design* opinion at request of M. P. Cady. N. Johns vs. O. P. Matson et al -»ns Interested are invited to a t- . P‘ r f ,th f Iz““ k Walton I«»«»'* revival. R R ents e n ts have h ave been s in w lv * P?1™ 1 any Pers°n revival. been slowly t o 'S T s Z m chairm an of ih o o l dUtrict No 7 order; Maxine V ¿ L ¿ ^ w illiam tend. ‘............... ........................ — ■— • ' — -- - ------ ^ ln a resolution adopted Monduy creeping up and will force some members of the league e ^ ? ^ S at the Rotar>' club Thursday «ave Ya n H?r' order; O raham 8. Young M anagem ent and feeding of poul- night a t the court house. Members 5PrLEg' ° “ the the opinion th at the law w o E ^ ' l e"'S ° " the bulIdlnt-' of a Ward E r a r o n d n FTe; o'** try on “ Iarm th at has fed ° try on a farm th a t has fed over í the «roup held th a t the supply other hand, building costó, p ar- n r i v s t h . »7 would de- new school to replace th e nresem 7 d fc « f » ® , « - Rose C. Landry, half a million birds since its be of game was being depleted mid ticularly labor rates , remain remain at at doUa„ a - n - — annuaUyJ ____ ‘ ,,ty ° th f at “ te it ra receives l hundred Hill nmvid«d ,a nd. Liquidation Shute «"ining will be the subject m atter asked game commis- cotnmis- H, , in David P 3™1 HiU Provided ™ a m 30 per cent Saving's bank author y to of ° rl?reM T n 'Q f th " “ a 1 t .‘ the 2 ' state k“,ne discouraging ly high levels. The tees. They also contended coujd ^ “r r t from property. authority to sell real Qf MeeUng ^ m a tte r slon chise the season so that the t h i M»?»hb^ lldD.8 Permits issued in ¡aw now on the statute books had iedey?1 government through the Probate orders were issued in the 8 p m. At the conclusion of the b d nllg h t m ultiply \be feW dayS U Proven satisfactosv to a'l reliablp neW. pubUc works program Sentl- “ tates of Effie Becker. Mary L. picture, the meeting will be open ney i y double u ia t of a year ago attorneys reliable ment was divided, although those E?1?” 0” - Karl Haefllger. William for discussion ' with a poultry anrl rnP gam crair, down Hna-n here 4. . . D ocnp.j Schweers. ___ «. and the is much favoring *i_ the action seemed to pre- KniPVPF •'iahon' Bernard Henry pert. «mil lfinn Po 1 A > ra»»». w < * Krueger. John Campbell. Mary M greater than for the rest of the Greenburg. Casper Kchrli, a n d country. The actual volume, how ever, is only a fraction of norm al John Thornburg of Forest Gnive Southern Employment Clouded were h0W exact BlbIe prophecies Dooley. resigned this week from the W ash­ Employment conditions and pay­ ington county relief committee, m - Charles E. Wells will speak at f-IH I-G rolls in the south in recent weeks fn. . J 0,’™ * 1 ,r'"n o " e ®»’ ) C J have been following the improve- 1935 contract. Some leeway the Rotary club this noon on his T lO O p S q U ilU O tto Voges of Banks was named « ’rdlng to R. W Well, chairman. m in ail line« The iv,« one cloud „ir„,ri on ™ •’ auowed in tnese these cases R if R it can recent trip through the san th v » ,, »-a ri - „ - 1 president of the W ashington Coun Ill health was given as the reason m en ent t in all lines. , d. ln, the labor horizon is curtailed cot- « ,ncIusively shown th at they did Co-operative F ruit Growers as for , the resignation. His suc< c t s t v i l l l l l Mxtiatlon a t the annual meeting of w111 ** appointed by Governor M ir ton acreage. Many field hands. " ^ g0 out of the ho? raising busi- Hillsboro hoopsters defeated the the group here Frldav. He was tln - it “share croppers" and others 7 , 7 _____ x * i « - o u i c A d X IV IU S t tenant "share croppers” Gaston quintet 31 to 27 a t Gaston also designated as delegate to S a- connected with cotton activity have committeemen and L D i n Tuesday evening after trailing 20 1cm to oppose the establishm ent of A l o l l f l K l i V I n i l i r < > < l been forced to seek government re- , "1«’ r rec« ' e have been Y* 31 at_ the closc °f th e - third 1 C»47y i l l J l i r i U lief. From tlje purchasing power ihCrea^ d somew'hat. The theory is p „ h -_ , , * ___ J berry code. angle, the rise in southern hvmg if the am °u n t of feed pro- 5 1 tn,cdme tax returns must Quarter. Gaston led 8 to 4 at the - ................... . ..a c ­ costs is Interesting Higher food duced 18 controlled, the number of 7, iUed not later th an March 15. iirst quarter and 13 to 12 at half president and Mrs. G. C. Chase bills are boosting th e cost of livin? ™.?s th a t may ** raised will be . were mailed Jan u ary 10 to tim e- H ilhl staged a scoring rally secretary-treasurer. W. F. elected Cropp of t e t e ^ X r o k e ^ ’leg V u irs< !'iy 'a f t e r ­ _n d -— n '?t. and Voges were . autom atically controlled. 11 • •— year. S li . e_ cl° s}ng ------- * e - s. ° - f tbe n - m é Banks — -------- . • r to . all over the country—the average Benefit payments th at W ashing- Pa.Uur?, to receive the forms will t0 wm Cox was high point man the board of directors. advance being three per cent in noon when the bicycle he was rid ­ Ft o n ,,»»*«. ____ 1. D n o t FPliPVO tr»A . „ ’il l- ««* _^.z_a_ the last S m onths* C o m ^ r S ^ Ie^ ‘y, P ^ “- ™ from penal- with 13 points. ing was Involved with a county with the average for the country t b «n n 1934 However, when PIYV1J? d ,{ ,he retu rn is not The local "B" team swamped the C ady N am ed truck _ driven by O. a McLeod of southern ciU es'show the f S S Pr°Ce“ ing R epreV nU tives G aston reserves 37 to 17 In the M P Cady, local automobile deal- Hiiisboro. The accident occurred 011 Maloney • prelim inary game. percentage increases in living costs o t , , , 1 d Pald' many copZptrX , 7 . of J. W. --------------' er, was Friday in Portland elected the Farm ington road near Beav- and in retail food prices: i? e rs have indicated an ln- a . T? lnt^Tr.aI revenue, will a member of the state advisory erton The first column Xf hgures show *en,tio n , sign the new contract’ ¡X.,iP ,,H11,sb7 0 February 21 to 23 , Ask your attorney to send your committee of the Oregon A utonio-1 ____ 2 S f S 3 , , r " i ,h e " “ K ' ” ' S S ' S f i ’L l “ “ ’ « ' . ? « « « « » - • S l i . 'W a ? ! ! ? . '* •» • » « « » • ’ bile Dealers' association. Say you saw It In the Argus. re ’ ¡ 7 to.«get back part °f th e money iY.ary’J 5 l° ““ “ f ln ‘he prepara- th a t they will have to pay out for 1 1 returns. A tlanta .......................4% n % the processing p. uccasing tax. ------------------------- Birmingham ..............57« 12% Farmers Farmers who produced no hogs '„„C, a ttorney to send your Jacksonville.................2% 12% 1934 and who went otft of u S ' g advertlslng to th e Argus. in ______ ___ M em p h is.......................4% u - ; hog business entirely " w nf n^ t ■BBBBBBBBBBB b m b m - . « . . - Mobile .........................27« 11% eligible to sign the 1935 contract New Orleans ..............3% jj % directors who served ln 1934 m et a t WE KNOW is just around the corner Norfolk .......................3% j j Hilasboro Tuesday and went over Richmond .................37« 107« and we are showing beau­ the details of the 1935 contract Savannah ................... j% u % and made plans for the 1935 pro- tiful ready-made curtains I am fundamentally hopeful about gram- These committeemen and —YOU KNOW US! and curtain materials to the labor situation this year. Re- directors will serve on the new freshen and brighten up percussions from the serious tex­ those windows. tile strike are still being f e l t throughout the south, where a cer­ F in e st M a r q u ise tte 5 0 -in . tain number of disputes have not PANELS yet been settled. I believe, how -' Full length with two-tone ever, th a t these will be ironed out w ithout any serious disruption of rayon bottom f r i n g e . production and th at as the year works along, general labor peace will become widespread. There is some talk of a general textile strike Values to .$1.50 H O L E P R O O F H O S I E R / in the spring, but I feel confident R U F F L E D C U R T A IN S th a t this will be averted as will B o u g h t an d S old Full width and full length. also any possibility of a general walkout in the automobile and steel Dots, bars, floral patterns indu£ tries. i a n d plain centers with H aro 1« tho Valentino th a t's sure to All ln all, I am very much lm- 1031 F ord R o a d ste r colored ruffles. L O O K IN G IN T O T H IN G S win to p rating in her favorl Sheer, 1931 W illy * S ix S ed a n On sale, p e r p a i r C / O L z London Magistrate (to shadowless stockings of a new and finer in Center 1929 N ash S ed a n 4 0 -in c h M a r q u ise tte Scot who has been o u t quality . . . certified by te s t o f the 1930 M a r q u ette C o u p e C U R T A IN IN G S Window ! “painting the town red” ) : B etter Fabrics Testing Bureau . . . in a Ecru, white a n d fifteen 1928 C h e v ro le t C o u p e “Seven days imprisonment.” different color combina­ quaintly old fashioned, y et modern, pack 1927 C h e v ro le t S ed a n The Scot: “Ye canno dae tions. In c lu d in g n e w specially designed for Valentine giving. that; I’m only up here on 1927 S tar R o a d ste r spring cretonnes. Big as­ an excursion ticket.” Wo'H help you select correctly the color 1927 F ord R o a d ste r sortment, full bolts. Val­ There’s nothing Scotch she will like. C om o in — or phonel ues to 1929 C h ev ro let T ru ck , E n jo y Y o u r of R a d io loo L D ouglass O>x>k Agent (to farm er); "Y ou1 ought to buy an encyclopedia now R i l f f l f l d » C x**o»»»•>■ Funeral services will be held 38 veins on 33 acres of land which lids afternoon (T hursday) a t two t‘l x y * .....- ......... ! In Forest Grove with Rev. C. p sought a refund, declaring tiiat since 1908 Mr lloyd had paid taxes Sabin officiating, Interm ent will on 8« acres of land between llllls- j tie nt Gaston. Mr. Kidd Is survived boro and Cornelius A recent *ur- by three sons, Earl of Yamhill vey revealed th a t the tract con- j Ray of Portland, and Howard of tallied but 57 acres. The refund was Carlton; and a daughter, Mrs Ei t granted to Mrs. lloyd by the coun- Hopkins of Carlton, __________ ni Shaffer, who died Monday at the home of his daughter in S acra­ mento. Cal., were conducted at the Donelson * Sewell chapel here Wednesday afternoon with Rev. ll. A Deck officiating. Interm ent was at Fir Lawn cemetery. Mr. S h atter was born April 31, I 1858, at Freeport. III., and lived in Hillsboro for 35 years. He is su r­ vived by a son. W O S hafter of Kennmore. N Y . two daughters. Mrs E t, Johnson of Sacramento. Cal . and Mrs R. L. Lumbcrson of El Monte. Cal.; and two sisters. Mrs. S arah Johnston of S tu a rt- ville. Minn and Mrs Angle Good­ rich of Glyndon. Mum Mr Shaffer was janitor at the local high school for many years and was well known here Cited at Local Meet HIHII 85. died 98c P a ir in charming Valentine wraps S p e c ia ls fo r F eb ru a ry 8 a n d 9 W a x P ap er 19c R ed & W h ite . 1 2 5 -foot B a k in g Choc. Red & White. */2-lb. B a k in g P o w d e r Red & White. Lb. CofSee R ed & W h ite . 23c 29c Lb. C offee Blue & White. 15c 25c Lb. .. C ereal Red & White. Wheat. 23c 28- 01. Many s aiany other oiner items specially nrieeri 1? 1 S„l„r,l„y. The,« price, „„„i* P e k / L J rf t yand YOU a re r e a d in g th is a b u n d a n t w h ite m ean s of a d v e r tis e m e n t— b e c a u .e s p a c e i . . n e f f ftctive a ttr a c tin g a tte n tio n . P ^ r l y displayed and properly p la n n c d -A rg IW advertising Is the most economical way of Increas­ ing your volume of business and your profit And rem ember you pay for a d v e r t ^ 1 w hether you s ^ „ d money w not. You pay In loss of patron- you more~ ‘f you fal1 advprtiw