TH E T h u rn d a y , F e b r u a r y 7, 1935 Classified Advertising Classified Columna Close at I« o'clock Wednesday Morning. A BRAIlY MARKET WITH UK) RESULTS AT LITTLE COOT D U D L E Y 'S Leghorn thick«, the b»»l you can buy Illg txallad birds laying large white w e « A ll produced on our own farm Male» fro m high pedigreed dam« of fin« generation breeding. It W D tmtoil The bulk of our order« from obi • m liu iie r» llaby chick«, 110.50 per 100; • lo in 50U lo t« . «rami «hick« If de- ■Ired Paul Dudley, l L ip 2 , South of Range 1, WgBl of the W illam ette M eridian, W ashing­ ton t.'ounly. S tate of Oregon, con­ ta in in g Five (5 | acre«. Bids for «ahi property should he sub­ m itted to < hu«. F. Lenon, atto rn ey for the a d m ln b tra iri« herein, at <>15 Couch Bldg Portland. Oregon, on and a fte r the ith «by of I cliruary, IW8&. D a le of firs t publication Jan uary lo th , 19.16. D ale of laat publication TeLruary 7th. 1WJJ6. E V A It. S T E E L . A d m in b lr a tria . Cha». I Lenon, A tto rn e y -a t-la w , 615 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 47-51 A RG U S, H IL L S B O R O , O REG O N P a g e S ev en of Bank.. Friday after an Illness notice, to -w it : W illi sia month« iruni Jan uary 31. 1936. Orditoli, th¡ Daie«l at H llbLor* «lay of Jan uary, 1936. H E L E N E T T IE B E f K E I t , A d m in b tra - trix <»f Ute T «tale «»f E ffie Be« ker. De- cea«e«l ’I b««» If 'Tongue J r , A ttorney for A d m in is tra trix . 60-2 several month«. ','áZ Former Banks William Voting of Portland vta- Junior H i 7B I lted In Bahka Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolford and Play P ostponed Resident D ies .son daughter» Hazel and Juanita and Vernon spent Sunday with Mr. , 'i t N O T H F. T O < K F D IT O K H In ihe ('ounty Court of Ihe S tata o f O re ­ gon, for the County o f W ashington, ProLale Depart merit. Notice i» hereby given that tha under­ signed David J •« haLohi ha« been ap­ pointed Executor of the T e la le o f K arl H u cfliger, de«o-aived, by the County Court (B y Mrs. Fred W o lford) «.f the S tale of Oregon, f«»r W a»hinglon BANKS Rehldents of Banks and County, und ha, qualified. A ll person« . . . vicinity were grieved Bunday to having claim« against said estai hereby notified to p r .-« n t the lam e, duiy iiPar of the death of Charles Dooley »«•rifle«l. kN by law required, to the u f- Of B e a h id e . W h o grC W U p I n t h U n«e of K iratii & Wismer, llllbboro. Ore- community. Saturday evening. Mr. gon. w ithin »lx month» fro m the «1st« I > y , l e y p ic k e d t ip a shotgun to kill and Mr». Ralph Kennedy, who live north of Mountalndale, Banks P upils to A p p ear in A group of tile Bank» Epworth M easles R educe A tten d an ce; D-ague member» made up a skat- O p eretta D uring March C lasses N am e L eaders ' ing party at the Forest Grove akat- joyable dinner given them at the chamber of commerce on Monday. A candv sale Thursday noon by the 8B2 class cleared *3.35. Money raised will be used to help finance the eighth grade banquet In May. Reedville Group Dinner Saturday 1 mg rink Tuesday night. (B y Hazal C hurrhlay) Operetta Slated REEDVILLE—ladles' Aid Will give Play, which was to have been Banks grade school ha» started practice on an operetta. "Bits of given by the 7B clas» In the Ju n ­ another of their Saturday dinners Blarney,” to be given the first ior high auditorium Friday night, in the building adjoining Olinger Bros.' store next Saturday. part of March. Cast includes Ger­ has been called off on account of Friends of Don a nd Robert Oeorge aldine Kessler. James Cason, Don an epidemic Reader». par Una KM of measles. gave them a surprise party Satur­ Moore, Beulah Shlgeno, H o l l i s (N o service la»« than >5« I Many 111 day at their home. The friends Hartwick, Sheila Hall, Alta Brown. Count Word« H«nd Money Epidemic of measles Is raising were Vivian and Bert Fink, Marion i *..i .......... . junuar« 24 11 dip' that wiu having fiw. Another The cast will be supported by two Count Your P ro file IV '.' D ata of laat pul-lK'Ullon Fal-rusry HI that was In the habit of «o- ctioruses of girls and a chorus of havoc with perfect attendance rec­ Lewis, Lelia O'Connor. William and Black Face Headings N ot par* ¡11. iv if. b i# huntln« with Mr. Dooley ¡jot boys. ord« at the Junior high. Those re­ Flora Frost. Helen Becker. Marian m l t tad. iiAvm thi H A li o i .D . F.aeriiinr Eim-'i excited and a» he stood the gun Miss Vcrnita Raines o f Salem ported 111 are Loren Bronleewe, and Bud Isaacson and Hazel and ¿ft,. l*l(iH in , "1 tt,» h»ut. of Karl iiaafHaar. o. gun went off and the load hit Banks grade school lost In basket­ Frances Smith, 8B2; Loretta Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Imlay of N O T H F TO ( K F D IT O K H O ut of falrnaaa to all no In fo rm a ­ Kt 2. H illaboro. 51 Mr. Dooley In the chest killing him ball Friday afternoon to the Watts 8A; Dan Nosier, Raymond Esllnger, Portland visited Mrs. Kelly Sunday. In the (.'ounty Court of the Stata of Ora- tion <•« the alaaained pa«a w ill I I l l ' l l ' , It W hite Weanling pig« f o r «ale. Instantly. school in the Banks playshed, 9 to g ,n. for W ashington C««unty. Anna Webb and Douglas Seymour. Miss Margaret Imlay, who spent ba given out u n til tha papar le Erneet Meyer, m ile aouthweet F««re»t In the M u tter <«f tha F atata of Cora Charles Dooley was born 45 years 4. 7B; Ivan Kaufman and Delmer the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. K ill. OoU ■ . taauad. 60-5 Ip E lira Ixrw ry. ago near what Is now Hanks, the George Drake of Portland and Mohr. 7B2, Elmer Coomes, Edna Imlay, returned home with them. I ( ) | ( S A L E Three young (>. I ( hoar« N . „ „ - ,» h .'.« l„ ulvan. that the I.ruler llpn an(] N(jra Oooley. He Mr. and Mrs. J. M Kessler and Rasmussen and LeRoy Campbell. «m l «ooie young «owa G. W S tiff, Mr and Mrs. C T. Imlay and ^ T . X o ^ " , « ? “V e ~ e? £ «“ *< ■ h U m a r - daughters were Sunday d i n n e r 6B; Irene Darnell and Robert Ogil- I. ANNOI’NI I.MENTN Itredvllle Phone >'1704 line V«r loti i - ,i three children spent Sunday in A N Y O N E deeirlAg to lia*» a piano stored P H IS riage to Ruth Dyer. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mou u I a lu- bee. 7A. Other students absent De­ Depoe Bay. for «ale Fred J« last W ill and Teetam ent of said «1* in Loma where It w ill ba appreciated 49-61 He is survived by his widow and Kessler and lamlly. dale ceaaed, amt ha« duly q u alified a« such. cause of Illness are Elvin Kiepke. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cecil Mr. and M ild wall taken ra re of la requeeled tv Now therefore, «11 person« having clainta four children of Seaside; his moth- Clinic Held 8B2, and Ruby Brown. 7B2; Doro­ Mrs. Fred King. Mrs. A. Anderson w rite Pave Torbal, llill«boro. against said «mtate are hervh tifiwi er. .Mrs Nora Dooley of Forest Second health clinic was held at ¿41. N O U SI S thy Gillette, Edith Mae Latimer, and son Don. all of Portland, vis­ and required to present the rt lO M At It ulcer. gaa pain«, and liidin«*— Grove; two sisters. Mrs. Wilma the school house Thursday. The 6B. Walter Henry, teacher in Ju n­ (Im i «1.11111., » I i r . u f l r r T ► "» qu'H» J U S T received uhlpment of h«. brothers, .Marian Dooley of Ver- made. Vaccination for smallpox will burn P h a i.... > 47-5» At the Peter Boscow school Don­ w ith in «1* month« iron, the «lute h « r,..f. n O flla and Jat'ksOn Dooley of For- be given this week. All this has for their 4-year old fc, VK M Y M O D Y know« i h a t our Perfect W A N T to hoy gen tle hor«e. 1400 lb«, or Marlett, Juanita Shipley, Don­ birthday party Dated th b 6th «lay of J an u ary. 1935. “ “ Mrs M. " Ida Lou. Thursday. Chil­ more. S tale price 1, Gabel, Kt. 4. est Grove A _ Dodds of been done only to those children ald l t i u e VS Io l a Diamond« are priced Iowa« S H E R IF F 'S S A L E ald Elford, and Alan Spooner were daughter. H E N R Y A. L O W R Y . Fxecutor o f th< 51 p than m<«( jeweler« price Im perfect 1 Hillaboro. dren present were Clayton Stiff. Noth c b hereby given, th at by virtu e Banks L s hLs grandmother. whose parents desire it. Monday, from the 3B and 4A class. bought, «old or traded Kay of an T.xecution, O rd er and Decree of l«»t W ill and Te»tam ent of «aid de< i*a«»e5 H O U S ES Brownlee, Kathleen Imlay, w M. Funeral services were held at the health nurse. Miss Margaret absent A tto rn ey fo r Exi Donald Nelson, 5B, was also absent. Doris Debm an. G aribaldi avenue. Telephone Sale. ls»qed out of and under the seal W illia m G. H a re , Doris Weber and Lawrence Kirk­ 4?-5i Seaside Tuesday at 1:30 with inter­ Dixon, inspected those who had .'I" , 5 | t f « f the C ln u lt Court of the S tale of O re­ tor. 10. WANTED—MlM'rlli&nroua Officers Named wood. taken the tuberculosis test. She ment in the Sea.side cemetery. O N E team. 2900 |H>unda . one «pan, I and gon, for the County of W ashington, dated 9469ft Families Move W A N T E D « Inch top 22 fool ivd ar l»ol»* Many classes In the Junior high found that 100 per cent of the 5 year« ohi, >90 and up Erneet Lyda. the 22nd «lay of Jan uary. 1936. in favor GENERAL L A N D O F F K E. W ashlng- Nlederuieyer • M a ilm Lum ber Co., I Mr. and Mrs. R. Hacker and fam­ Insurance Kt. I. Corneiiua 5 l t f •»f The Union C entral L ife Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grindle of children had showed no reaction. have elected officers recently. They lon, D. C., Jan uary 7. 1936 Notice b Spalding building. Portland. Ore. 51-1 ily moved from the John Frank < ompany. a corporation, p la in tiff, and are as follows: 6B—Marjorie Kid­ One or two showed a slight tend­ BLACK gehling fo r aale. 3-yeer»-old. ________________ McMinnville and Crystal Gnndle here),y given that subject to tha condition W ANTED Fre»h pork for canning hr 1> < llueilefeldt, M o r e l. 5 lp « g a in .I Am y A W ahl. W idow. Howard and lim ita ti t the act« of June 9. of Portland visited Bert’s parents, ency, but It was not enough to be ney. president; Cloyce Bump, vice- home in Huber formerly occupied Helen P a rr, 721 Oak St. 1 W ahl. «lefendanta, fo r the »um of by Mr. and Mrs. J. Mann. Mr. and president; Jack Estepp. secretary; W E l .1. inatched p alr black gelding«, 2900 1916 (3 9 h ta i. 21ft). and M ay 17 192- Mr. and Mrs ^ i Grindle. Thurs- considered. W A N T E D Old faahloned op and down pouud«. fo r «ale rea«onah)e Itay mare, SIN.OU coats and dbhur»em enta, w ith In- (45 S la t. 697, Public No. 417), and pur- (Jgy A group from the Banks Ep­ Alice Pirie and Donald Cady, li­ Mrs. J. Frank and family will move ler«*»t thereon at the rate of 6 per suant to .b u rn In q u ire Argua 1W6| 51 , depart man tai regulations, C ir- y ‘ a-yeara*old, Iftftn pound«. Mob li'd t. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers and worth League attended the Ja p ­ brarians; Billy Cyrus. Orble Hoff­ in soon lleaverton, Itt. 2 . »■*j-uile north W ltr h cent t»er annum from the IVth day of r u la r 1200. the t i miter on the follow ing Reedville Grammar school quin­ Jan u ary, 1936, and the fu rth e r sum of la m b w ill he imld Fed». 2f “ ~»3i.’ " a i " i i little daughter of Iowa Hill spent anese Methodist League in Port­ man. Lillian Miller and Edna Ras­ Kare) » c h o o l HU IX WORK WANTED • 29 4 • w ith Intcreat there«»n at the rate A. M a t public auction at tha Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. T. land Sunday evening. Those fur­ mussen. reception committee; Akira tet lost to St. Mary's 29 to 9 last llo K S E M fo r «ale, guod farm or logging of 1(1 per cent | x r annum from the week. W A N T waahing« 1« do a t rny home s| ( i f f i r . at Kuaaburg. Oregon. Sellers. Amos Sellers returned to nishing cars were Miss Sylvia Sev­ Tsugawa, sports captain. hocen. ) |uo Iba. «m l op I W Wal« h. 2 llh «lay «»f October, 1933. and the fu rth e r ft! in iti T e n th Hl t Rev. Thomas Duncan has the t h . h ig h « ., hi.W er at not 1.«. ihan Hanks with them after a week's erance, A. C. Wahl, Joyce Tresnam L’iUO frei «outh N ew lm i «tatl<tf ■ urn of 1415 33 w ith interest thereon at 7A — Lucille Walters, president; () h * apprai«»ed price a« shown by th b M o T I IC It and daughter want houaework flu. Church and Bible class have and Rev. E. Tilton. After league Jack Goodman, vice-president; Lor- (he rate of 10 per cent per annum fro m th« an" vislt wlt^ hls brother, Charles, and notice, «ale to be subject t logether *»r «e|»aralely, either town or been dismissed for this week. games were played and refresh­ rean May. secretary. the 1st day of Sept., 1933, and the provai of the Secretary o f tli U. CATTLE In te rio r, family. country. W ant home more than wage« aum of 3416.33 w ith interest Th. i,ur< ha... price w ith an additional Mr. and Mrs. Prank Watson and ments of tea and Japanese cookies Jennie Deal. «'7 N. G allow ay 8« . T H IR T E E N m ilk cows fo r «ale Cali fu rth e r 8B2 — Virginia Garrigus, presi­ at the rate of 10 per cent per turn ,r o n t-n fth ..f m i. per cm thamd. Mrs. Susie Allison, all of Portland, were served. (»otter at Scholl«. Bip the« M cM in n v ille 61 dent; Oreille Miller, vice-president; annum from the la t day of Sept . 1934, heih« eomn,i..i.,na allowed, m o .t he de- ytsiteh Mrs. Tilton Serves their aunt. Mrs. M. A W A N I work of any kind » arm «M "” Y i.A U L IN G Guernsey-Jersey hull f u r and ihe fu rth e r turn of •4I77.N 3 w ith in ­ pienitwl when the rig h t to purchase i* Norma Hammer, secretary; John .. „»» Mrs. E. Tilton conducted church Christenson, lence Eugene frleenor. G eneral D»11** ■«le Itay D e b m an , G aribaldi avenue. ternet thereon at the rate of 7 l»er cent aw arded by the K e gbter. hut certificate l - * * | d s . S u n d a y alt/ ITlOOn. sergeant-at-arms. • «V. lie»* • i *’* i i . 5 l t f l»er annum from the l«t day of Sept., <>f sale w ill not issue u n til the purcha-er I Incorporated* M r s . H a t t i e D a V id S O n c a m e OUt services Sunday night In the ab­ 8B—Vivian Bump, president; Ju n­ T o l l S A L E Freah Jer«ey cow. one heif­ 1934. and the fu rth e r aum «»f 16.2A, for h»» c«»mpited fu iiy w ith »aid regulation», from Forest Grove Sunday to stay sence of her husband Rev. E. Til­ I’l-.AM w o rt. p I owiuk . ior Pauli, vice-president; Louise n » b l. » " F a ll. I'b o li- MUUboro Collections — Credit Reports er I t month« old C arl llirh le r. 4 continuation of abstract, together w ith t irc u iar ,2oo. as to the execution of the with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Dodds, ton. A song service was held and 4 5 1 tf m ile« n o r th M o u n ta l n d a la U p lutereet thereon at the rate of 6 j»er Bal* required th e r.- u n t i j a f te r th e fu n e ra l of Mrs. Mrs. Tilton explained the history Rossman, secretary-treasurer; Al­ In cent per annum fro m the 19th day of bert Gillette, sergeant-at-arms. of the W ANTED W .irk of any kind by day or Krandson. Charles Dooley. Jan . 1935, am i the fu rth e r aum of l..,ur 0— 1 . " * M r .. A. C. G u il e . 29. Mrs. S. C. Inkley. who lives west Washington. Tillamook. Polk and REAL ESTATE Two of the four classes of the • r.n.00 attorney*« fees, w i t h interest patent w ill issue f-»r the lim iw r, which Celebrate Birthday . '. t >»*«•■ \ .< _ of Banks, is much unproved from Peter Boscow school elected offi­ Yamhill Counties M O D E K N home in Portland to eaefcango thcr««on at the ra le o f 6 per cent per m .ist he removed w ith in lo year». Bids Vernon Wolford celebrated h i s her recent Illness. cers as follows; fo r about 20 acre« In vicin ity of H ill«- annum from the 19th day of Jan u ary, i n i j - . s , x , " i . . . ,; x „ , : i’ ; 7 ,,: u;h ; w ,; l f 1 i h , n b ‘ r t h d a y 8 a tu , r d s 7 ( ONTK ACTING Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. b ,r o A. Green low, 715 N. K. b‘»th 1935. to me directed and delivered, com­ 5B — June Ireland, president; Personal Contact on Collections Avo., Portland. 51 p m anding me t<> make «ale of tha real xen., and r.,r|» r a n ...... orir.niaed under tertallllllg a group of Boy Scouts. C. B. Carstens were Mr. and Mrs. It I. R IC K M A N , bulldln« coolractor, Washington County Office described, I have th.- law« " i t h . U n itw l state«, or any An evening of games was enjoyed, Clark Inkley and son, and Mr. and Henry Hunt, vice-president; Alvin ranH .leluiu. h.»u,*'n»l»n*M »«d m ovuix, H » lt S A L E Hia.rtawn house. W *al00 lot, property h ereinafter Kraus, secretary; Dick M a r t i n , r r M . work. » « » o lio » « ir.o n r.~ » paved street, cement «idewalk ■ n d levied upon and pursuant to said Execu­ state. T e rrito ry o r D is tric t thereof only Those present were Jimmy Brown. Mrs. S. A. Roth and two children C om m ercial B uilding treasurer; Ruby Tanberg. sergeant- application .,f a qualified p ur- John Rosencrans. B i l l y Kessler, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ l.i l.. .. 'in .n l M llm a ie a Iras. * 'Jl r o c •ew er. Itea«on«hle 245 5th St. A lt i tion. O rder and Decree of Sale, 1 w ill Upon on Monday, lite 26th day of February, haaar. Ihe n m iw r .... . . . y leaal ...h d i- chest«- Thompson. Earl McPeak, at-arm s; Lois Hewitt, thermometer Second and Main Streets , . l A ,r J t l II •• I C A . I I ........ -to. »1-1» In - 1935. at the Ea«t door <>f the Courthouse vt»i«»n w ill l»e offered separately l*ef-«re H O I'S K »n«l l«»l fo r «al« o r trade. ence Meek of North Plains, Melda Phone 3071 *ug<_____ 491 f in ID Ib lm ro , W ashington County, O re ­ l>eing Included in any of fa r of a larger Dale Eberly. Don and Billy Moore, Heesacker of Cornelius, B a r n e y monitor; William Gettle and Bev­ quly U. SALE or TK W E-M I»ccllanr«u. Hillsboro, Oregon 3 8 . K. 3 Sec. 26. L o t 6 Prank, John and Bryce Wahl, scout­ Roscoe of McMinnville, Mr. and erly Well, room monitors. gon. at the hour uf ten o'clock a. m. of u n it T red f i r 110 A 6 . L o t 6 red f ir 210 M . master. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl and IB — Elroy Shindler, president; •aid day, «ell at public auction to the M A N U R E .prea.ler fo r “. I * uT Irs d s for TO. IHHiS— PETS Lot ft red f i r 20 Mr and Mrs Fred Wolford, Hazel Mrs. C. P Earp of Wilkesboro, and Jeanette Howell, I . Boa highest Lnhier f«»r cash In hand, a ll of L o t 7 red f ir 300 M vice-president; m ilk cow W illia m Doeru, Id Ethel Heesacker and friend of Gas­ Mr«. the follow ing de»crd>«'d real property, ly­ M . none <>f the tim ber to l»e sold for Al T H R E E W aUnvInok canary «Inger» and Juanita Wolford. Evelyn Stauss. health officer; Rob­ 612. Beaver \ '. i ; . ' .. u..', r. ' 1 M ton. P ing. being and situ ate in W ashington lews than | l. 2 5 per M. T . 3 N . K. 3 W ., Mrs. Daily Trips to Portland I A ll lA N i ’ K »» S • • M h»nno light a Nora Dooley „ of Forest Grove Miss Naomi Rieben and Marcella ert Miller, cloak room officer; Les- I ■» i l l HI.C» — • rae Hie i ounty. Oreg.m , and m«»re p a rtic u la rly Sec. 13. K E ’..< NE*<« red f i r 1.504 M . ....... o f lh , i.,..h r r I . , h o ...1.1 f..r I«u spent several days last week with Clyne ol Portland spent the week­ ter Clark, room officer. ed a« follows, to -w it: H illsboro A u to F reigh t M. m v sk a l INSTKlME.VrS than i: ... |.. r M T . 2 H . it 3 w , Soo her mother. Mrs. M. A. Dodds. That |M»rtion <>f the George W . end with Naomi's parents. Mr. and The Junior high established a Bonded and Insured Carrier I I . N E % S E ’ d t red cedar P IA N O W anted Ca»h fo r b argain, pre­ „ . ' f ir w 62<> B M. red M WL, E E. Fulgham of Dayton is vis- Mrs. Chris Rieben, and daughter new i am aide ami W ife Donation Land speed record in a fire drill | 16 M T . 15 S. “ ‘ --------- fer player J A. Sewell. Telephone 14. »OH NAIE—Ml» ll«k» rx », u M fo r the red f ir and 11.00 per M for Carrier Iteturns fu rn itu re , or w ill pay raali II M Forest Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wahl as fo llo w s : Several interesting projects are in TEN a c r i of tim bar. ¿ m ile. from the red cedar. ............. T . 7 8 .. „ K. 7 . W .. . Se< Donnelly, S2H S. E M o rrb o n St.. Po rt­ John Kessler returned to his job and family Sunday evening. Beginning at a atone in the N o rth ­ H llb lM .ro . 4• process in the schools. The 5B class Pickup and Delivery Service at land. »’• JS b '» rM ?,ri J X k M7«0 a 7 " & 2 “ m»U c>rrter on route one out east corner o f «aid c la im ; thence Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kessler and of the Peter Boscow school has prie« Ilo ilo , termo W. t» Ido. Package Rates along the T-a««t line thereof South no daughter Elsie, George Kessler and a cotton exhibit. They have two re«l f i r 2,050 .M. hemlock 630 M L«M Ili ,HHI N i . I "T «".!»•« N " - ■K“" « 1«* f " r Everett L . P ars o n s; D. D Bump and «legre«*« 2 m inutes Weat 32-51 chaina NOISES 3 red f ir 1.H25 M , larch HO M, hem ha k ..I. I U , n » l.i.i» ti. « ¡» n li.W l A»», m . 39. Hillsboro Phone 542 Ellen W ickstrom , doing business under Mrs. Cliff Thompson visited at the new goldfish called Humumu and to a |M»int In the County K<«d ; 49“ M BW ‘, N E ‘ 4 r d f ir 2.(7^ M Elmer Lyda home near Glenwood Kukunu. The 8B class of Junior HOCSF fo r rent, A-ruum. I AAA Oak < W * I ’ or H—il Fir». «>■" , r " thence along the said road S«>uth H4* East Side Terminal Portland larch 70 M h e m l« k 615 M . S E 't NW«.« the assumed busineMS name of Com m er­ M r .u ... . . . . . h « .... ■ treet. Alp 30* We»t 1.35 chain»; thence South high have chosen sides in reading red f ir 1,710 M . larch 35 M. hemlock c ia l Adjustm ent Co. ; The Federal Land January 30. Phone EAst 9131 65* 24 Weat l.NN chain«; thence Mr. and Mrs. John Hartwick and class. Each side has a castle to 25 M N W »« SE«.4 red f i r 2.190 M . Bank of Spokane, a c o rp o ra tio n ; Chester hemlock 345 M N F »« 8W «« red f i r 1,350 Bridge^. and Inm an-1 «>ulaen Lum ber daughter Joyce were guests of rela­ South 25* 46* West 4.47 chaina ; H l I ll E rrc o ir .ho|> to . Juh,> U w T?*; 42. KAUM LOANS build and the bricks are the books th em e South 3A* 16 Weat 7.13 chaina 1JI M . i . H> ‘ ‘ M. larch 65 M hemlock 4ft0 M .Sec. 31. Company, a corporation, defendant», for tives in Portland Sunday. F A R M mtmey to hwu The Federal Land that each member reads Lucille I.«.t I red f ir 125 M. w h ite pine 20 M . ’ be »um of 116.ft5 coat and the fu rth e r to an iron corner » ÍL fro m the Ed DeBolt ol Boyer visited at Rasmussen and Evelyn Haworth bank now !»«« am ple fund« in bomb to f e n c e p r - i . Ill’ ‘‘•“" ¡ „ r SAXTON & LOONEY «'enter o f the old m ill race; thence • liver f ir 5“ M larch 26 M. hemlock 415 of I6ft2.ftft w ith interest thereon K „ , 11, l« n .» n I ‘ the Clell Carstens home Saturday. loan l** farm er« at 4 S ',k - O ver 1 1.000.- are captains. The 6B English class leaving «aid County Road and parallirl M NE«« NW «« red f ir 290 M w hite from the 5th day o f October. 1934, at Producers of Quality 000 ha« been loaned to W aahlhgton John Wahl of the state school Is engaged in a story and poem pine 10 M.. silver f i r 6«» M larch 110 M. the rate of 7 per cent per annum , and w ith and N ft. distant fro m «aid eounty f t r m e i i by the bank. W rite o f 15. CARS ANI» TIRES the week-end writing project. Colored thumb­ m ill race N o rth 44* 30' West 29 59 haanloek 600 M T . 7 S . K. » W .. Sec. fo r the fu rth e r sum of >76.00 A tto r- for the deaf spent S A N D and GR A V EL call fo r particulars W ashington Coun­ » .il» HAI I Î-H g i G raham Brother« chaina to an iron corner 1.7A chains 13. SF.»t SE»« red f ir . 2.0(H) M . hem- ney’s fee« w ith interest thereon fro m at hls home here. tacks on a poster mark the pro­ Plant located 4 miles north of For­ î r i îî k , .«¿d condition Cal» 1 « « ty N a tio n al F arm Loan Association, Ea«t of the Waat line of aaid sec­ lock 540 M SW *« SE^ a red f ir 1.670 the 22nd day o f Jan u ary. 1935, a t the Several from here attended the gress of each member Prizes will J M I., ......... .. ». Hilblkoro t lf tion 27 , thence N o rth no * IN' East M hemlock 560 M . 8 B w S W *« red f i r rate of 6 per cent per annum , to me Washington county Legion Jamboree Gales Creek. Phone ond St ___ be awarded to the contest winners. est Grove on 1609R parallel w ith the aaid section line 1.690 M. hemlock IftO M . S W *» SW»« red directed and delivered, com m anding me 21 »7 chains to a point in the N o rth f ir 550 M silver f ir 40 M. larch ftO M. to m ake sale o f the real property here- in Hillsboro January 29. W e b uy a n d «ell u se d c a r s - Defeat Hllhi C Mr. and Mrs. Eli Grindle ac­ line of aaid C laim No. 49 a t a hernlock 650 M ; none of the tim b er in in a fte r described. 1 have levied upon and — U scii C a r E x c h a n g e . 4*4« Hillsboro Junior high team won l*>lnt 2.7A chains East of aaid sec­ Frank T. 7 S.. Ka. 7 and ft W ., to be sold fo r pursuant to said Excution, O rd er and companied Mr. and Mrs. tion lin e : thence along the N o rth , S H , . . . l o p * .t* t o , I . . m u .;- ." * less than 12.00 per M fo r the w hite Decree of Sale. I w ill on Monday, the Genzer and son Everett to McMinn­ a game from the ”C” string of the N O TH K OF F IN A L S K T T L R M K N T line of aaid claim north »9* 29' East pine, 11.75 per M fo r the red fir . I l 25 lH h ,Jay of M arch. 1935, at the East door ville Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hillsboro high school recently. Fri­ R h « m . i ». M M O M » " »O In the County Ctm rt of the State of O re ­ 29.76 chain« lh«' place of begin­ l»er M fo r the red cedar, and |1 00 per ,,f the c ^ r t House in H illaboro. W ash- Bert Grindle. day Junior high team suffered its gon. for W ashington County. M f««r the <‘ E “ '1? J?*"” mgton County. Oregon, at the hour o f ning . eaceptlng therefrom that cer­ second defeat by Beaverton, 13 to In the M a tte r of the R elate o f John K Auxiliary to Meet tain .<>3 acre» conveyed hy deed dated lock. (Sgd. I F R E D W J O H N S O N , ( «»m- te|| a, m. of »aid day. »ell at : H illab o ro Stephenson, lkveaaed American Legion Auxiliary unit 14. The second team of the Junior P h o n e 953 Dec. 20. 1913. recorded in Book 9ft. m iaaioaer.______________________________ 49-1 |,u|>|jc auction to the highest bidder fo r À y TAU — K*r. -l«K •— ‘ N otice 1« hereby given lh a t the under- , page 601 of the Deed Records o f the R. N. A. hall high defeated the Beaverton team FVNER.VL DIRECTORS u u .D ia -L " . u a iK * .a«h in hand, a ll of the follow ing de- will meet at ■igned a d m ln b tra to r of the Estate of J W ashington County. Oregon. The on the same day. 10 to 3. h H K H ir r s baub ( .crihed real property, lying being and Wednesday evening. and John K. Stephenson, deceased, has filed land hersby conveyed containing net , ,„i.i A .» I I . ] - 1'' ' ' 1 Notice la hereby riv e n , th at hy virtu e | situate in W ashington County, O regon, Miss Ethel Smith and Mrs. A. C. H ie teachers of the grade schools hi« fin a l account and report as such LICENSED EMBALMEBS I M . I 8 aeree. of an Execution. O rder and Decree of more p artic u la rly described aa fol- ad m inistrator in the County Court of the Wahl attended t h e recreational thank the Service club for the en­ to aatiafy the hereinbefore named sums Sala, iaauad out of and under the seal |UWaa t o - w it : i>. State of Oregon fo r W ashington County, classes in Hillsboro Tuesday and! and fo r the coat and expenses o f sale of the C irc u it C o u rt of the S tate of » i u l * F -I.__ wood fo r «ala. Hay Deb* •J’l j , Southeaat Q u arte r of Section 3», and th at said fin a l account and report Wednesday ev en in g s. Mrs. M.| and said w rit. A .» .■ h o n » . . . U » . Oregon, for the County uf W ashington, Tow nship I N o rth of Range 5 W aat, ha« l»een »el fo r fin a l haarlng and set- , Said sale w ill he made subject to re­ datad the 14th day of Jan u ary. 1935, in Schramel of Forest Grove accom­ W illa m e tte M eridian. lament before said court at the court . ¡ r ' Ä i r Ä ¿ ‘.e I i, demption as per statute of Oregon. favo r of W . E. Raavea. P la in tiff, and to satisfy the hereinbefore named iu m » panied them. Mr. Wahl and Theresa thereof In Hillaboro, Oregon on Dated a t Hillsboro, Oregon, this 22nd E m il Charlea O tt, Executor of tha laxl and fo r the coat and expenses o f »ale Faetsch attended the classes which ***, T b ». b K dry. go"d range and Monday. February IN, 1>3A, at lo o’clock w ill and testam ent of E lm er R. S ta rk , day of Jan u ary, I93A. and said w rit îX « ? r.iMihu«. I.»*«*.'-- a. m of said day. were under the direction of Miss J W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing- I dee>ra»ed, O rig in a l Defendant«, and Jamea Said sale w ill he made subject to re­ Gertrude Skraw of the O. S. C. Dated and firs t publi»h«d Jan uary 17, , Our fresh stock of Garden Seeds is now in—Our stock is com­ P h ilip Ham m ond. I Lande. G uardian of the person and ealata demption a» per statu te o f Oregon. » W I 3 ______ , , . I93A I,aat publication February 14. 193A. ton ('o u n ty, Oregon of H annah S ta rk , an incom petent, sub­ plete—Buy your Garden Seed from Imperial. Lower prices, higher extension department. SIU G u aran ty B uilding, Portland, Oregon. Kr.AHUNKU o.» »i.d ¿*7""'’ • •*' W Dated at Hillaboro. Oregon, this Atb J < MAY A d m in m l r a t o r o f the T'-stale stituted of a E m m u il v Charle» O o tt. . Ex- u le n in lieu neu oi s s rm o r-*- , f t-K -.....- 1935 69-1 , •tu Mrs. Walter Beard spent several quality. H..MI *«r l«i.'»i •‘i,1’*;* tu of John K. Step hen «on. Deceased. M II A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiff. •v u to r and Eran k H. J W C O N N E L L . .Sheriff of Washing- days last week in Portland with Bump, residence and addraa«. HUbhoro. lX fe n d a n ta . against L«wt I a rk . a c o rp o ra -¡ , on Countv Orwron P L Patterson. Nin.k’1'»? r"ò « ion.»-»»« »••»» »«a Oregon, N O T IC K O F S A L K A tto rn ey fo r «aid Eatate. 4 H- Ait her mother. Mrs. Ella Mizner, who No. 36090 f f i j t j s ’a a . - h x - k - ü I “a a - 51-2 was 111. In the C irc u it Court o f the State of O re- N O T IC E O F H H K R IF F 'H W ALK Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McGraw and M l fee the County «»f M ultnom ah. Ky virtu e o f M ortgage foreclosure ex- We have a complete stock of Field Seeds. Re-cleaned Grey Oats, Probate D epartm ent. children of Vernonia spent Satur-1 e«-ution issued by the C irc u it Court of I*. SRKDK— PLANT» In the D is tric t Court of tha U n ited States dav night with Mr. and Mrs. George I Victory Oats. White Oats. Kanoata Oats, Marquis Wheat. Common the State of Oregon fo r the County of In the M a tte r o f the Last W ill and Teat- of 115.000.06j w i t h M t* ™ » ’ rate of six per cent per annum rrora ine , r»____- ► R I I I T ITM ». *P V l*. >•»*"»• I * * j am ent of M ora G erm an. Iiecease»! W ashington. In H u ll No. 10421. The Fed­ McGraw and Sunday with Mr. a n d ! for the D istrict of Oregon. Notice is heraby given that the under­ p rim ., plum . . p r i e * . Vetch. Red and Alsike Clover Seed. I t pays to sow good, clean seed. eral I and C a rrie N. Cam pbell, husband and entitled estate, w ill on and a fte r the ln ° f IU m l«lU « • * ! « » • " * « M » B n » . N u .( Cornelius visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Imperial—Quality seeds at less money. M . February 1ft. w ife . Geo. H Jew ell and Lou It. Jew ell, hour o f It) o'clock A __J .U_ «Mi P la in f» tif f ’s H illsboro in the County ol w asn- H enry Building. Portland. and the fu rth e r ___ sum «-on of >700.00, P tif la in J. Atlee Sunday. •erlaa. _____________ . husband and w if e . M R. Johnson ; J. R. 1935, at ington and district aforesaid. at Henry Atlee and Dick Doherty Raley and L illia n Raley, husband and (>re«on. o ffe r fo r sale at p rivate sale for Attorneys t fees w ith interest thereon K H O lM W K N D K n N B . r«e ber ri«» t mne t«» ren«M»n thereof, at the fro n t d««or of Smithwest nship 1, Stnith of Range 1, Waat coat, w ith in ta rw t th»r»on at t h . r a t . (hfa # o u n >s cough. V««I OÍ Oreme». 2 mil«« north of Ueed- the W ashington County Court House, Tow of the W ill Mcr . and thence ru n ­ liillshoro. O regon, «ell at public auction Miller» of Quality Feed» South Second St. A Mizner of Scofield is visiting Phone 91 ville Service «tallon i 1 , J L dTr^tlS f > ■ "■ < « " » W * ~ “ o " • »"<• th * < “ ** f i r , t ning Fa»t 25 33 chains to the center 2nd f h v j i d ' ’ r T m m li d in . nT. t. m2k2 n t a r tin , of h i. crtdttora w ill b . held at R H U B A R B planta fo r aale Mr» Edith f r ■ a«h. all rig h t, title and interest had Mrs. Walter Beard this of Scholia Ferry Road; thence N«»rth « l d. £ H illaboro in t b . County Court R«mx at Mr. and and p4waea«ed by said «lefendanta, on or S te w a rt. Brogden Acre«. R t. 4. 2t> Deg W a t 11.51 chains; thence week. «Ince the date «if execution of p la in tiff'a •crib».!. 1 ha»» l»vt»d upon and pursuant t h . ® ® °"*» C o urt Houa» on the 19th Weat 22.42 chain», and thence N o rth boro. Mrs. Hutchens Hostess .^ ,1 fo r « I* . M a r t , Iir o . . m«*rtgage, in and to the follow ing de­ to M id E x « u tlo n . o r d » r and I » « r « of ' l * r o f / ' • ’ P * * '? ' * • D 1® '* * ft chains to the place of beginning, IX» V E R Mothers* club met Friday with scribed real p ro p e rty: n mila . » r « l .»f lirih ä n » » '» S a l., I w ill on Monday, t h . 4th day of o"lo ck in th» forenoon at w hich tim e situate in W ashington County, O re ­ Beginning at a point on the South Mrs. J. J. Hutchens. Mrs. W. G. M arch, 19S5. at the Eaat door o f the 'h r. »•'•« rr e d tto r . may attend, prove th e ir gon, described in Deed recorded in A lU .IK S T of A ll und M ill • * '“ • Itoundary of the J. H W alker D L . C. Mrs Cochran and Mrs Courthouae 1 n Hillaboro. W ashington c la im ., exam ine the del-tor and tranaact Walker, Rook 121. Page 266. Subject to >139.- , |,r « m l i«Hal.— I r l>»r Ih < ali Mr«, No. 49, In Tow nship Tw o, South County. Oregon, at t h . hour of t .n »uch other hu.ineaa aa m ay properly com . Robertson of Banks and Mrs. Or­ 33 delinquent taxea as of Septem ­ l ir o r » . K l t lr r a i N I ’ . U F I » ; or E. » Range Three. Weat of the W illam e tte ber 16. 1934. uclock a. m. of aaid day. aell at pub- l-e fo r. ««id meeting ville Hutchens of Forest Grove were M eridian, «aid point being 11 »rated Anderson Feed atore Tract No. 2. Beginning at a point lie auction to the higheat bidder fo r ; Dated th i.. .11 at ,lny of •»«■uary, t m . visitors. Original charter of the South ftft* 57' Weat. Ift.97 chain» from K A L E «red for »ale. 1W34 crop- A rth u r on the south line of the Th«w. Denny caah In hand, a ll o f the follow ing de- A . W . H O K K M A N . C onciliation Com- Mothers' club, which was organized the Southern«! Co rn er of the J. H. I , »ara,ni. ««a io n . Pation V n llry rond. l 'l t N o I. r i s K 1 W W ill. scribe«! reel pro p e rty, lyin g , being and missioner. 61 W alker I» L. C., thence South Hft* A7' K E D H K A R T »trnw l.o rry pinniä fo r anla. 23 years ago. was displayed. Names M er. W ashington County, Oregon, aaid situate in W ashington County, O r e g o n . ___________ _________ _ Weat 7.Oft chain«, thence N o rth 7* A n d A ll U se rs o f D ra in T ile J o . K o m p o r. Il, I. E o r « l < !" •« • » I * of the charter members are en­ beginning point being 8 . ft9 Deg. 45' and more p a rtic u la rly described as fol- N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S K»' East 81.92 chain« to the center E. 1694.7 ft. from the stono at the In the County Court of the State of O re ­ graved on it. Three of them are low», to -w it : l t l . i l , iovnr wnd foi ml». •"* • if a «mall creek (course N W ) thence H illsb o ro y a r d p ric e s re d u c e d on a ll siz e s— u p to a n d 1« Sec. corner on the West boundary Il II G rn f. R l- «• Po rlland. Ih o n * gon. fo r the County of W ashington. The East o n e-half (H ) °f still living in Banks and one i n . South 47* 9' F.ant along the erttter o f Sec 23 T. 1 8. R. 1 W . and In the M a tte r of the Estate of M ary Forest Grove. northeast one-quarter (H I of Se«v ' in c lu d in g 8 -in ch . W e w ill a lw a y s m e e t c o m p e titio n a n d of «aid stream 7.2ft chain«, thence I I , 11 I . " , " I H H ' fro m which beginning point an Iron L . Peterson, Decease«!. lion 34, Tow nship 1, N o rth of Range .South 33* Went 5.66 chain«, thence R E D -hnnrt » Ira w h rrry pinni» for •*!•. Misses Alice Lane, Sylvia Oasheim c o n tin u e to f u rn is h a p ro d u c t se c o n d to n o n e in th e pipe 1»«Mir• 8 . 0 Deg. 23' W . 20.9 ft. Notice is hereby given that the under­ I Weat of W illa m e tte M erid ian , con­ South 7* 55' W«*«t A chains, thence E » r llr n l cnnnrrn. JIJ1» l* . r11‘F ’“ n? R u nning thence along the »noth line signed C a rl O. Peterson has been duly and Phyllis Nelson spent the week­ . .N orthw est. ta in in g ftt) acres m ore o r leas. South 16* 55’ East 3 chains, thence you din W llll.n l Kolih Mlllahdco R l. of «aid Denny C laim , 8. ft9 Deg. 46' app4»inted Executor of the E atate of end with friends In Portland. Also th at p a rt o f the southeast South 2* Ea«t 14.03 chain« to the ». ph.m » H illabo ro » « « . » ",» l E. 613.0 feet to a point in the center q u a rte r of Section 84 in T w p . 1 N. M a ry L . Peterson, Decease»!. by the place of beginning, con taining 15.51 airs. Jeff Kennedy and daugh­ In a d d itio n w e w ill c o n tin u e o u r se rv ic e b y a ssistin g W IN K »rap » pinniä «ml hU fliw t « “ ■f“ » «»I the Scholls F e rry Road: thence of K. 1 W . o f W . M ., describe«! as County Court of W ashington County. O re­ ter Connie Lou visited relatives In acres. Alao a certain roadw ay 14 «„aran looil lim ite d » u r h . r l. .. filb e rt S. 19 Deg. 07' W’ . along the center w ith la y o u ts to th o se n e e d in g a n d a s k in g fo r sa m e . T hia beginning at the northeast corner of feet wide along the N o rth bank of gon. and has qualifie«!, I r e » , « a lm ila , pen ,he», prone«, r h e " » - Hillsboro Saturday. o f »aid road a distance of 2»3.4 f t. to the Thercsca C la rk 25-acre tract and the above described stream and ru n ­ A ll persons having claim » against said hea r apple, berrlea. r„— and • K r " 1" ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Dreeszen and se rv ic e is fre e — A nd h a s sa v e d h u n d r e d s o f d o lla r s to a p4»int fro m which an iron pipe the nvrtfcwwt cornar vf ihe land ning SoutheaM erly fro m the N o rth ­ ' Eatate are hereby notified to present Memi fo r b a rila ia Hat tndny. N ut hear» N . 89 Dper vouchers, w ith in six son Dale of Mountalndale visited i f a r m e r s o f W a s h in g to n c o u n ty . p ia m i.,« lio " '- <'!■ ltr,M,u" ' „ J J " , “" *• thence N . ftU Deg. 45 W. 533.09 feet ■bòve «leacrtbpd tv the property of knd ru n n in g thence South >09 feet months fro m th«* date of this notice to Mrs. George Moss and sons Sun- w rite or viali „e. < a rllo n N u m ery to an Irop p ipe; thence N . 0 Deg. 2V to the north lin e o f the County road; G eorre H arvey ; thence •ontinulng the Executor at Hillsboro, Oregon, o r at day. E. 229,9 ft to the place o ( hcgtni|ing, thence south 79 deg. east along the ¿ . « t o . J lr flfJ U — — 111 property of R aleigh W alker the office of R. A. Im lay. 1517 Yeon Otto Beard, who is with a CCC Containing 2.92 acre«. W ashington north line of the said road 61 feet ; er.* ----- Building. Portland. Oregon. South ?.. .*!' 10 Po,nt camp at Oak Ridge, spent the vOUttUr, Oregon, described in deed thqnce C’ . e.T f a t thc north . pate«! this 8|st «lav of Jan uary, 1^35. Î0 HAY ANI» FREI» intersection w ith the roadway a.- week-end with his parents, Mr, and r e i f i e d in n«a.k 141, Page 406. Sub­ line of said W alters tra c t; tneneé CA R la 6 . D F .TE ftS O N . Executor. R. A. lowed to Geo. H arvey hy Raleigh H A I.K D hay fo r «ule. .lo ve r, am i oal« ject to >49.2fl. delim iuent taxes. west >9 feet to the place 0 Î begin­ Im la y . A tto rn e y fo r Executor. >°-2 Mrs. Walter Beard. W alker, nituated in W 'a-hington Coun­ and vetch M K Toliver, « a a l,in I H illsboro Tract No. 3. A n undivided 1 /6 in ­ ning. Mr, and Mrs. Emmett Shipley of i W ash in gton Street b etw een 1st and 2nd ty, State of Oregon. P a llen Valley road r,1P terest in 1ft.2.3 ncree in See. 23 T. Also all o f Cedar Hom e in Wnsh­ J . W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W a -h ln g - Vernonia visited relatives In Banks F O R S A L E «at nn,I onl-vetch hny or 1. S. R. I. W est.. W ill. M cr. in P L A N T A T SC H O L L S, O R E G O N ington County, Oregon, except lota E d w a rd K. I ’ia- Monday. Mrs. Shipley's mother. W a»hington County, Oregon, and m ore I ratio fo r work h«»r»e. D w ight Sellers, t«m County, Oregon. 1 and 16 and the south one-half of 4ft-52 O u r M otto— “ F rie n d ly S e rv ic e . . . F a ir P r ic e s ” m ile north Hillaboro. K t. 3. 5’d f x eek l, tuie of I ’lu in tiff '« Attorney«. Mrs. O. D. Dreeszen. returned home p a rtic u la rly dearribed In C irc u it Court lot 2. Date of first publication, .lantinry 17, Jam»« W . W rig h t cl ux to Louis F. Jou rn al No. 4 at Page 474, Iteing after a week's visit in Vernonia. Also all that land lying south of lot L O O S E anrond cutting n lfa lfn h»*y at my 1935. Date of last publication. February I W rig h t. «0.2» acre« T I N RAW a p artitio n suit relative to a 3ft.33- 16. in said Ce«lar Home addition, and Mill Will Start farm at la u r e l M P C ad y 14. 193.3. j Hellnnah Jane Fellows to L etta Bay- acre tra c t in the above described tra c t, north o f the Cornell Road, being a Elwood logging camp on Green ' lias. W 1.. o f Lota 60 and 69 Durham the same having been decreased by a fraction of an acre. i T-"" N O T H F. O l F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Mountain will start Thursday after 22. FARM MACHINBRY conveyance of 2.92 acres recorded to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums M „ * - , w In the County Court of the State of O re­ .m l fo r the coat «m l e x p e n w of .« le „ Addle M Beer« e l v ir to Ge._ree » a long shut-down. Walter Beard. S U R G E m ilking machine fo r ”»1® *’r in R«H«k 141, Page 436, W ashington gon, fo r W ashington County. Beers et ux, part H um phrey s Addition. County Record, also by 2.92 acres. trafic fo r work mare. Charle» NU ch­ Amos Eellers. Ray Parmley. and In the M a tte r of the Mutate of Thetalore Said xule w ill he made subject to re- I - V a n V Ie e l to John R. Honey et ux. inan. Hillaboro. K l. 3. Al-AJp Book 141, Page 433 and 6 acres re­ Jake Narup are all employed there. Van Dyke. Deceased. demption »» per atatu te of Oreiron. i-»rt Lot 19 Garden Home. corded in B«a»k 141, Page 433, 4*^ J O H N Deere tracto r« and fa rm m achinery Mr. and Mrs. Cass Wilson vis­ Notice is hereby given, that the under­ Dated at H it labor««. Oregon, this 19th J- H Yeager et ux to Fete W alters. acres. Book 141, Page 434, 9 ' j acres, fo r aale Leater Ireland A Co. signed Executor of the last W ill and Steel's A ddition. Ileaver- ited with Mr and Mrs. Erin Coffey p a rt Block lha»k 141, Page 432. all «leetl records -lay of Jan u ary, 1936. My fa rm h a v in g b e e n so ld . I a m c o m p e lle d to m ove, S ÍX -h o ra e Stoeer gaa engine for »ale or Testam ent of said deceased, has filial in and children in Portland Tuesday 19.36. ton. of W ashington C ounty, Oregon. Sub­ F irst publication Jan uary 31st, w ill tratle fo r cow or heifera. C. E. the above entitled court and cause, hi.4 M ary Ann Schumann et v ir to A rth u r and Wednesday. ject to delinquent taxes unknown. I.ast t-nhlication • F e b ru a ry 23. , ____ 1935. a n d w ill sell a ll my p e rso n a l p r o p e r ty a t p u b lic sa le , on K orn. R t. 1, H illab o ro ; near H e l­ Final Account and Report as such, and J. w ” c '(? N N E L L .S h e r i f f ’ t>f W ashing- E C u rtis et ux. 40 acres Section 1« Bids w ill be received at the above Card Party Friday Ihe court has fixed and appointed the noted address and the right to reject any ton County, Oregon. v e tia . 60-2 T 2N R 4W . . . . , .. A card party will be given Fri­ f a r m '¿ m ile so u th o f G a sto n , on h ig h w a y , ftth «lay of Febru ary, 1935, at the hour and all such bids la hereby reserved. - ---------- l -i N ational bank of Portland to day evening at the R. N. A. hall. of It) o'clock A. M. of said day. ami the Thia «ale w ill be made pursuant to an N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Richard Eendall et ux. p a rt Block 3 23. Sill I r —GOATS________ court room o f the above entitled court Little Miss Maxine Hartwick of order heretofore duly made am i entered In the County Ctm rt of the State of O re W alker's A ddition to E°rest^(ïn»ve. i, lin g C o ts w o ld yi w i I '" I' W II in Hillaboro, Oregon, as the tim e and in the above entitled court and cause. Vernonia spent Tuesday with her Haro ld J. Larsen et ux to E. F- M urphy. gun. fo r W nshington County. m a. on W illia m H em aw orth place, place fo r hearing objections to said O n ly sufficient of the the above de- Lots 6 6. 7. » Block 3 F in e land Ter- grandparents. Mr and Mrs. W. G Hank» Kt. 2 _ . M p fin a l ecount anti fo r the fin a l settlem ent scriltvd property w ill be sold to realise In the M u tter of the Fp-tnte of Ray V Walker. Sale to start a t 10 A. M. C ary. Ox-ceased. r * c*- of said estate. the sum of 1446.10. M. C. Salins Dow et v ir to State of Notice is hereby given, that the ttndei- Sunday guests of Mr. and N Dated this lt)th «lay of Jan uary, 1936. POULTRY 24. W itness my hand as ad m inistrator e. t. signed hns been duly appointed hy the Oregon, t-art Section 1 T3S R2W , Berdan were Mrs. J. R. Hargrave WM V A N D E R V E I.D E N . Executor of a. this 14th day of Jan uary, 1935. M arie H e n rie tta New land to J o h n IIIK K ID K .K soil rap ai'ily. •'" •I "11 bu rn ln ». the Last W ill and Testam ent o f Theodore above entitled C o urt, as A d m in istra to r of 20 head dairy stork, some fresh, others springers, all T. B. and D O N A L D G E R M A N , A d m in istra to r e. Ernest Johnson, 4 acres Kable A cre and two sons Bill and James of fur ««1« " r tra il" fu r m ilk «"•!■ M r « Van Dyke. Deceased. H are. M cA lesr A t. a. of the Estate of Flora G erm an, De­ the Estate of said deceased, and has duly Tracts. abortion tested: purebred Guernsey bull, 55 Hampshire eives with lamb«, Hillsboro. .1 0 . M ay »2» E. Oak »1 Peters, Attorneys fo r Exeeut«»r. qualified as such. 47-M ceased. Sima A Sims, Attorneys for C. C. Rennett et ux to H e n ry Young, Mrs. Stella Kelly, who has been 2 heavy farm teams, ages 5 to 9; 2 yearling colt»; bay mare, 8 yean Now therefore, n 1 1 persons having I'O ll R A L E l.ayin y pulliita fro m II. W . Estate, 690 H e nry Building, Portland. claims against said Eatate are hereby Lots 1. 2. 3, Block 16 Gar-ten Tracts, staying with Mrs N. Berdan for old. in foal; rhirkens, and turkey». 11. I"a«al l»Pa. W Q O rr. H I. 4. Box N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S O regon. 48-62 notified am i reqttlred to present the same, Hillsboro. the past tpn months, was taken to 2lft, SherwiB'd ; located at Scholia. 5 lp In the County Court of the S tate of O re- Bert C. H u n tin g to n to C lara B arrette, togetlier w ith proper vouchers therefor, I IE N N E T T S P o ultry Farm H a tc h in g g«»n, for the ('o u n ty of W ashington. Forest Grove, where she will be in N O T IC K TO ( K F D IT O K H to the undersigned at the law offices of part Block 1, Hillsboro. FARM M A C H IN E R Y Probate D epartm ent. egg« and chicks from our 9«Ht teated Notice is hereby given that the un­ Ragley A Hnre. in the E irst N atoinal C. J. S tirk n cy et ux to J. It. Im la y A the care of Mrs. Bertha Wells. Mrs. Notice is hereby given that the under­ dersigned bn a been appointeil A dm inis­ hen« on range. In q u ire Roecoe Hen- Kelly Is an Invalid. Rank building, In Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith ­ Sons, t-art L o t 191 Johnson E state A d d i­ New McCormick binder, hay rake, mower, John Deere cultivator, nett Rt. 2. B eaverton; 1% mile» north signed W alter ,S. Aaher has been ap­ tra tr ix of the E state of K ffie Becker, in six months fro m the date hereof tion, Beaverton-Reedville Acreage. pointed A d m in is tra to r o f the Ketate of Deceased, hy an order made and enteretl manure spreader, drill, walking plow. 3 farm wagons, 2 hay rakes. Reedville. Robert E. ltrow n et al to V ir g il W, Dated this 9th day of Jan u ary, 1935. Say you saw it In the Argus O rfem n Adams, deceased, by the County in the County Ctm rt of the State of O re­ RALPH ('A R Y , A«lmlnlstrat«»r <»f the Neifd el ux. .30 acres Sections 11 an«l D A Y old Leghorn pullets or straight run 3-sertion drag harrow, disc harrow. 3 sets double work harness, oat chirks, »11 Hughes stock. Also Rial« Court «if the S tate «if Oregon, for W ash­ gon fo r W nshington County on the 17th Estate of said deecased. Hnglay A Hare, 14 T 3 8 R2W . and vetch hay. wheat and oats for seed, fork, chains and doubletrees, George H. Johnson et ux to W illia m 47-51 and R«a*ha, available Jan u ary I I and ington ( ’ounty, and has qualified. A ll •lay of Jan uary, 1936. and th at she has Attorney» fo r A«1mlnl»lrator. milk cans, and all small tools to be found on a farm. T. Fluke el ux, L o t 3 Block 8 V illa ih e re n fte r. W rite fo r catalog. Visitors persons having claims against said estate duly qualified as such A d m in is tra trix . Now therefore, nil persons having claims DR. R. J. NICOL welc«»nte. Proven q u a lity, low prices. are hereby notified to present the same, H IIK R IF E 'H H A L E Ridge. FREE LUNCH AT NOON—Bring coffee cups. •Inly verified, as by law required, to the ngainst said eatate are hereby notified F irs t Inssrtlon, par word .... lr IN » aerelea than 15« > Karh additional I n i i r l l o i , per word t Nu «ervlra la»« than I5 c | Credit Bureaus Legal Notices , Donelson ÔC Sewell EVaNITURK GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS IMPERIAL FEED & GRAIN CO. NOTICE TO FARMERS ! SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Resti Estate I ranster* A U C T IO N SALE h Saturday, February 9th In vestig ate the Hughes breeding and hatching program . W e also do custom hatching. Hughes A Ron Hatchery. East Oak and Eleventh. Hillaboro. Tele- phone »162 W A N T E D P o ultry of all kinds. W rite , w ill call, or bring F riday. Saturday or Monday before main. Port land prices F K Barden, Corneiiua. 46tl undersigned at 714 P o rter llldg., Po rt­ land, Oregon, w ith in six months from the «late hereof. Dated and firs t published J a n u a ry 24, 1935. D a le of last publication February 21. 1936. W A L T E R 8. ASHKR. A d m inistrator. W a lte r S. Asher, A tto rn ey. 49-1 and require«! to present them w ith the proper vouchers to the un