Page Six 1 H E H IL L S B O K O A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OR E G O N Thuisduy. Eebruury 7. 1986 ert Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Cllf- ers have been preaching on It but I ton Bagley, all ot Portland cedar timbers (or the new mill a t I can t give you the exact location 1 Mr. and Mrs. W P. S artain of P enult Imueil Manning otf the Jam es Penman , You are welcome to come and hear I Portland were Monday callers at _ Frydei ...... ululi» __iu lati lianling perm it waa issued property. The ami M tilts. Sermon will also lx- ,,|>eii tor the Soule home. Finlaiuis are planning on building I Monday to N J. Persons by the ilat questions at any time on a n y th in g ! Club lia s Party a mill. ____ you want to ask, come ami meet county , court. Bond of * toon wu The Laurel Lights 4 11 sewing Mr. ami Mrs filarles F ('m illiini Dotted with us Tilts won't "burn you up club, a number of th eir friends and of lllllaboro visited a t tile Gito * Evangelist Melvin E. Janies, pastor, j their leader. Miss Irene Stevens, Tim merm an hour Tuesday after B irth d a y * Observed; Tesch enjoyed a party at the Mrs. Lena S to p g e ttin g u p n ig h t« Free Methodist Church Meyers home Saturday. The girls Roy M ille r H u rt, John C u rl *“£ " Ewdng hiked Leaves fo r W a lla W a lla —_ ------- lióme from Revival services will close Sunday arc now sewing on th eir pm cush­ Make This 25e Test Hillsboro 'lffiesdav with Ills pro­ ntglit Evangelist A C Archer has ions. Ten members and the follow­ Honored on B irth day Use Juniper oil. Bueliu leaves visions on m.s back. been with us two weeks. Services) ing guests were presen t: DeLaunce ele. to flush out excess ai-IUs ami (By Mr». F. L. Brown> The Caterpillar anti g r a d e r Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Cady. Millicent Dunsmoor. R uth and < Hv Mrs Jchtt M luvltlaon I smoothed the road from Banks to waste m ailer (le t rid of bladder 7 30 p. m Sunday morning. Sunday i LAUREL -T h e electric "juice'' Julia Eastman. Dorothy W lnsnand Irritât ton th a t causes waking up school, 10. preaching at It. P re a c h -; HELVETIA A group of young tin1 "Y " Thursday. will be turned on this week for Helen Otto. Mary Joyce. Helen Mr. amt Mrs Clarence Updike frequent desire, scanty flow, burn ' the homes which are prepared for Vorhees, Irene W hitmore and Nor- Illg Sunday evening, 7:30. by Evan- fulks had a party i at the A. II amt lug amt baekuehe. G et Juniper ml son moved back to their lt on the extension west of the ma Meyers gellst A C. Archer. the closing mes- Merer home Si Sal in day night The home small Bueliu leaves. e tc . Ip little green Thurstla lay evening after store. The line extends to Raleigh John Watkins President sage to m e ami hear the , closing evening was sue ----- — pent in dancing. Pres- tablets called I,ukein, the hladtln sermon from "the man wtth with the the ent cut v were Misses *• W hitmore's place O thers who are John W atkins was elected presi- Hilda. Anna and two-week stay f in Port land. laxative In four day* If not pleased thorn In Ills f l e s l i Y o u will tlnd H H erta erts Meyer, Marguret lltnlon. _ _ prepared are Ray Vorhees, B B B. dent of the newly organized calf go back amt get your 3fte. G et void a welcome here. B. Y. Yates Pastor Cooley. W. J. Shaw. John Will. M M. club in the Laurelview school dis- . Inez Erdman. Jean Wenger and M r x 'i f - i . - L M d > l / l c regular sleep and feel "full of ' pep Keyser, and Lloyd Dailey. Adolph trici. Wilour Moore is viee-presi- Clara Thi-linlhild. ami Messrs Lewi . 1 O l . I I K I I t ,K1S Delta Drug store Adv. Schm idt is having his house wired dent. Marie Smith, secretary, and Donaldson. W alter Heraliey, Roy Amos Watkins, leader. The two this week. and Wilmer Holer. Clarence and Mrs. W. L. Stevens and Mrs. J. other members are Jean Watkins Wk Ilk'AI. IN HUAI, ESTATE! Ernest Tschabold. Lovat ami Jim H. Haase attended the Blooming and Junior Dunsmoor. First meet- Davidson. Albert and Wilfred tlros- Wrtla HLOOMINQ Ladles Aid of tin* Ladies' Aid a t the Fred Haase uig is scheduled for February 15. sen. Wesley Pleren, Carson Hanson Lutheriin church met with M i n Fire «ml Aetomablle Inaurane« home a t Firdaie Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Amos W atkins and I By Mr. Frank Pei.ddl I Daniel llo slik . Rudolph Meyer amt Fred Haase Officer.', wei M.k« I.a«ti« «n,! laatia Hural y 11«. tut. Mr. Whitmore Honored children and Mrs. A. Naderer vis- KlX'K CREEK Tile members of Allen Berger elected as follows Mrs John Btark A T L I & W IH M E R Herman Whitmore was pleasant- ited the Hagg dairy at Reedville Battery A . O. N. O . celebrated the president; Mrs lem uird Mullly I K U R Early Press Time Appreciated ly surprised Saturday m gnt when Sunday afternoon, IIII.I.HIUIIIO. URMIUN sixty-eighth anniversary of the o r­ vice-president; Mrs E W Hlnrleli. Many appreciative rem arks are relatives and friends gathered at Anne Margaret, little granddaugh- 3-alvpb. il« I Sill I]]« Haoutd g| ganization Saturday night at The h iu u d In tnt«, v lc ln lfv secretory; Mrs Frank nr.nm„w his home to help celebrate his ter of Mr. and Mrs. M Kevser. Red Steer ‘ “ th irtieth birthday anniversary. His spent Saturday and Sunday with brother-in-law . Leonard Kober- j them. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs stein of Oaston. was a guest of Charles Keyser, of Portland were honor also it being his seventeenth Sunday guests and took then- birthday anniversary. Pinochle and daughter home. “500'' were played. Guests from a Mr and Mrs. John Will and a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Al- daughter Marjorie visited Mr. Will's bert Koberstem and sons Oren and parents. Mr. and Mrs John Will about two weeks ago while sleighing Schrroo At the incettiiu of the F.rrrylliliig In Inaurane« Miller Hurt Albert of Gaston. Mr. and Mrs. Sr., at Beaverton Sunday. came home from a Portland lies jailing people of the church on Frank Hill of Hillsboro. Mr and Mr. and Mrs. George Tews and epO TS will love the pretty new frocks of chains. P attern 363, pital Saturday. He still limps Flume |» | |UK W ashington utlou to I Mrs. Marion Boge of Portland Mr. son Jimm ie visited Mrs. Tews' aunt , Is recovering. The freedom of m ovem ent which children like Is furnished and Mrs. Leslie Lee and three cliil- Mrs. C ns Zinsli. of Boring Sunday' Spring Activities Here Angeles ( by th e sm art pleais th a t hang so slrn ig h t below (lie drop yoke; dren and Teon Lovegren of Cherry They were accompanied by Mrs Spring seems to be on the uinann. and the perky puff sleeves are very m a t. P attern s available in I here Fred Burns. Robert Moses Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Savage Harry Cline of near Hillsboro. Y O U N G 'S of Portland, and Miss Sophia Jack- ------- ----------------- sizes 4 to 10 years Slie S calls for 2 ' , yards of 35in,-ti fabric Return« from New York Christ Jaggl have planted early Florence Meyer, who for several son of Scholls. and ts yard con trast These easy-to-ni.ike dresses are splendid garden and others are plowing anil Harold Pleren. who returned years was confined t<> per home Jacob P arr sang a solo at Sunday- | seeding and pruning trees iu w ashable cottons, crepes, o r woolens. January 12. from a trip Io Now through Illness, is again able to at- I school Sunday on his eighty-iourtii Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. York and oilier eastern ports, i- tend Sunday school. F o r th e m ature of figure, few- fro rk s are as becoming as the "Thoughtful. Sym pathetic birthday anniversary. Mr. Parr, who German M. E. Church. Bethany Frank Pezoldt were Mr. and Mrs. spending a short vacation with his Mrs. |, Hackett, who for the past trim ly tailored one. P attern 375. The soft ruffling can he om itted Service’* was born in Germany, . has been a On Germantown road. Sunday- Dave Hershey. Mrs. Margaret Hager parents. Mr. and .Mrs Al Pleren f,'w m onths has been residing with Thune »72 Hlllsboru w ithout d etractin g from the modish excellence of this model. resident of this community many school every Sunday. 10 a. m.; Ger- and Mr. and Mrs. E Korn of Hel­ Mr. Pleren was a s.-aman on board her duugiiter. Mrs. E W Hinrichs. years. P a ttern s come In sizes 36 to 52. Size 44 requires 5 yards o, | m an service. 11 a. m . firs; a n d vetia , , Mr. , and , .Mrs, „ Korn also - - vis — (,’e 8. S San Gabriel and Is now **'11 January 2» for Berkeley Cal Tesch Leaves third Sundays; English service. 11 SSJnch crepe, satin or woolen, and »» yard contrasts for the ¡¡ted Mrs. Louisa Fuegy and at the waiting his turn for a call to sail vlslt her sister. Fred Tesch Sr. departed for Walla a. m.. ____ _ ___ second and fourth Sundays ruffles. ; home of Mr. and Mrs. C hrist Jaggl. ------------- ' ' tl. ------ probably to the o * rien t. Mr. pteren Herbert ~ Flcken made a 1500 pi­ Walla. Wash . Monday where he has i —E. Julius Traglio pastor Mrs. Fred Jossy has b»‘en s u f f e r- r - has __ _____ ____ __ trips to C hina since nochle bid at J. Henry- Haase's tf made two a position with the canning com­ Ing an attack of flu but is recover- he become a sailor. To secure a PATTERN and 8TEP-HY-S1 EP SEWING IN. birthday party Jununry 27. pany there. Andy Egesdahl has Christian Science Society 108 „ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace MeCuen R 1 1*1 < I It INS. fill out the i u ;>on b lo w , being sure to MENTION rented the Tesch farm and will Services are held every Sunday ’•“^ » h o e .season (iix-ned and children of I-ongvlew Wash "T h e Band P l - v . THE' N AMK OF THIS NEW SPAPER. The 1935 horseslxie season was visited her parents Mr and Mrs ?. n * **y * v»n place S e r v in at 8 o 'c lo c k ; s in d a /s c h r o i opened at the John Schneider home David Tschabold Sunduv Feature at " *’ Venetian H ^ , 1S a JunWr a‘ “ «. m. Pupils up to the age ^unday. C hrist Jaggl Sr Christ Mr. and Mrs. H erm an Zles and cue, romance aaietv n„. syu- romance, galety -the in Hillsboro high school. of 20 years are welcomed. Free Jaggl Jr . Alfred Jaggl and Arnold children of Vancouver. Wash., mid onvms oi i.m lh ill arc io la- FASHION BUREAU. 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK b«’ found * \ T r a*'2n ‘ f * ........Schubothe and Ui.l Nelins of in ! i Birthdays Observed i reading room open on W ednesdays; most delightful college Francis (Toots) Coolidge of Port- and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p m J Mr? JohiL O utselunldt Portland were guests a t the A. H ro tn a tin ----- i to .oine cömVfrom HÓÙywólS,' Enclosed f i n d ......... eenis Pi-use seud me the patterns from “ " land and Verna May were honor Sunday's topic. "Spirit " attended a card party Tuesday night Meyer home Sunday- The Band Plays On. Checked beiow, at 15 cents each guests a t the Mrs. M. Coolidge — - on Sauvies' Island al the home e of John Curl Curl Honored Honored or John The picture, playing at the Vene- home Thursday evening c e le b rat-) their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. Mt Banks M. E. Church A group of friends had a surprise tian Thursday. Friday am Sat r- P attern No. 362 Size ing their thirty-sixth and seven- and Mrs. Carl Sehnabele. Mr Out 3 u t- party for John Curl January 32 day. Is sw lft-m A tag VglS pi a id m ' Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 tenth birthday anniversaries, re- i — m -- Mrs H. Jensen, superintend-« schm idt won honors. o n iiu u u is . the occasion being his birthday viu u ra tin u n th r iJ .. ¿ 1 .. -----ir- -- P attern No. 375 Size Farm ers In this vicinity are busy spklt a n d ’S t is a film ^ " 3 5 2 Mr. and Mrs. William B arret and spectively. Th«jse present besides ent. Preaching services by Ellsworth ret and Mr and .Mrs. S. r fields. The rainy weather weaUier rbllnz» college raiher"i>.rn ™ thrr thY , ", / " ‘.V u‘ . i ' the hostess and honor guests were Tilton, pastor, every Sinidav eve- Billie Barret ano ana Mrs. s . In th the fields Name ................................................. A ddress. Yu?' ¿oohdge and son Dale. umg. 8 o clock. Ladies' Aid meets M r s ^ i i 'i : t t U r s S X . M r } X , ^ r d t d W g rt* wfnU-r“ g ^ '.n b 7 , delightful , ^ “ " ’“ ^ boy-und-glrl - a n d - ’mcl romance Alden Rosevear and Alien Hansen first and third Wednesdays at 7 City ...................................................... of Portland. Elfred Trout of Glen- n. m . Wednesdays a t 2 Stale B arret was u local resident many m«»tv seeded „.vum«« J M to perfection by Iletlv However, » h a t grain was Furnew id Robert Young They WOOd. illiam and and Mickey wood. WasH.. Wash., W William , seeded Is looking fine and If good are supj Name of this n e w s p a p e r................. Reidweg of the Johnson district Herman Trachsel. former owner weather continues there will be u are ‘ supported win, » cast Including Congregational Church He'aly' ®rWUl L,'° c “ r r ‘ho and led and Messrs, and Mesdames H. J. of the Rcx-k Creek store, and Mary lot of grain seeded this week Sunday, io a. m.. the c h u r c h Borgelt, Fred Tesch Sr., Frances sehooi~Richärd“ wiÎÀ l\ n n e r o i n , / 1 Trachsel visited Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Mr. and Mrs VanVIlet and Mr Nibler, J. May and four children, ent Morning ' w'orihip n Aclock' All m aterials specified in above patterns may be purchased Ua Fuegy Sunday. Mr .Trachsel and Mrs. o . F. spencer of Portland Georee Ruv Coolidge. rvmiid«»«* Sermon o CIOCJC. i has been making some improve- and Mr. and Mrs" Clark Z ureiter'of ly 1 n.qifv* thJ.'KAr»?Itr “ kJn d : in local stores. George Rosevear Rosevear and and Rav "Is Youth God-Conscious?' ~ Velma Rosevear. Fred Coolidge. m ents In his Portland store Sandy were guests of Mr mid Mrs unm f 1 Argus direct und at extend a hearty welcome every Corinthians. Crusader service a t 6 ____ Gregory Nibler and Arkle Rosevear. Mcthodisi r c->. u Mrs c R d . : Portland. Mi and WUllam Z u rcn er S unday I _________________ STANDASS Olt COAVANT OT CAllTOSNIA Good Record Made Church s c h o o l u V« l,rCi> night a t 7:30 o'clock—R. L. P u t- p. m. Come and fellowship with Mrs Dirk Tocn, 'o f T jn n to n mid Mrs. Elmer O uerbcr' Is 111 this Perfect scores in arithm etic and C a V e ^ u p e r i^ n d e n t n . v ? ^ n am ' paSWr' , he fo ks Evangelistic serv- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grossen of week Mrs J. C. Wenger who has spelling were made by Evelyn Schu- ship i i bv toe ice 7:45 p. m . special music and West Union visited Mr. und Mrs been 111 for some tim e ' better niacher. a seventh grader of the snhiact good singing. Subject for the eve- Albert Toelle Sunday. now. Laurel Farms to H ave Light Helvetia Folk Attend Party '¿cue Lliecki Pctí&má Rock Creek Man Attends Reunion AicJ at Blooming RUSNLOW l imerai Home CHURCHES TO GET IT -« JU S T SAY DEARL O IL v s s '-s .M iu .c n u c Ottb- Sunda7 guests at thp the RAipiah Raleigh whitmnv» Whitmore hnn,o home. O toer Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs z' - " - Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. Her- Whitmore m n l. Sunday to sale at the late Kai l H aef,w. . , I liger's r i s 1 >^L3'r^ZurbruKK? s*-st<,r- MrR •>lnrc Haturduy Many old faaluon- Beaverton Church of Christ Elizabeth Dappen. who Is very 111. ed home-made articles sold for a Pilgrim House Febriiary 10: Public worship, fifth . We. Wli'h t0 remind you th a t Ted- Mr and Mrs. Mota and son are good price. The sale was a sucet “ being very few In tile neigh­ Sunday after Epiphany. 10-30 a d* Leavitt, who is now holding now located on Brooks Hill Mrs there m' .and 7 30 ,P- m. At morning at Hillsboro, is to begin Motz was formerly Jewell Brooks. borhood tills year prayer Pastor Henrv S. Haller will hls meetings in Beaverton February HR. FRANK II. INGRAM T rinity Lutheran Church speak Slaves.” in 15-. P M ? ti l d M rsd S iS e v ' R otS toom d«Publih w,o r s 5 l i p a"m .';"su n - ro i^ e m on o ra "Freeing H o n “ of the Abraham S'Lnv " n e x t Sunday C. F. sw ander. sec- , has rrceh ed by' Mrs id two sons wero J chdo1' 9 45 . and Bible class, coin s birthday. Sermon tonic a t retary of the state missionary socl- ¿'IL'f..?.ngI am J t h e death of her «II» V i.l.i, ll,„l.„ni S S ä d a T g u ^ i « rehlsa S S ^ n l ù b j S T t . T Î h e ' Œ i ï ë A birthday. t a g Sermon f c ^ T h topic ? K a t e ^ w i l ï p ^ a c T ‘b o t o ^ S ^ d Erank H " ^ ¿ r a m . T t Mr Peterson a n d William F 3 ïte rîy o r ^ r t l a l d th6r ““ a senes on tag of the Tares.” from the da™s ' vSning Services for the day are as Cat . January 20 Haase. president of the Farm ers «w « * H it a sC m P .S TAT S«*Q j » rX • U I« « 11. « r. cvcxc A N * « a -. V ««*— _ and - ■ Bible «-« I x_ « study T /A iollows I I ( X XX' «: * I k 1 I " " ... T «. Rr ' In g,ar’1 was born in W ash- Muuia'i AreSIInsuniticelIconiptuiy of Heb. gospel. I Sunday. Catechism Bible -SUP school. I * 9 45 a. nr. T U1h,omegUwèrea ‘M-‘r'e >tî>"'nhâm’ rouLUeveren °iU- ' ery Sunda>' ° '-er KEX at 14: St Valentine's Dav—Open house munlon service ■followed l bv prc.i,l,- * “ a “ n . ° f the late Mary mid school and the George toem er- Mickey N ÎS u ___________ nd a l ^ T ^ t l a ^ i 1 Youu are cordially wel- from 2 until 5 p. im. t o all frif^d ! ln“ - 11 a y< people's meet- o a *nuy R In?r,an’- ----- ---- man buildings Monday. A rthur rd M Îs'H2w arOH ______ _ to WOTshj» ««• the house. Especially for m oto? ^ _ ^ » . P - «" young • preaching. 7:30 p „,?*£ lV?.VPS _a_dauKhter _Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Willis H iatt visited Mr. and Mrs Howard Rice" and ers or Christian Council club mem- m. Sisterhood meeting Wednesday Eii.'," . ^ i 1 ' aPd ,» s" n- Her- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H unger of „ . of Miss Marie Schmidt of Hillsboro R e v Pentecostal xr v A Tabernacle " L ----- --- ers. sponsored by Pilgrim Guild. WIth luncheon at noon. Midweek TPas!i' 2ls2. °T' l>ardaie January 27. visited at the B. G. McNay home mSokna™ f °?U8hrito« returned begins March 6 Confirmation Frray$r “ rvice Wednesday at 8 p. m T1>,°71a-S F ,„ and P uy of L Q. Laemerinan of Dilley came Sunday. & £ un4 2 ': J * 0? Communion on M Putm an, minister. >d a» d Or J W* of Seaside Monday morning to help Willis The e c h ^ th e “ su" Sundav « ^ < 5 ” T h u rsd a^ Y o u n r ^ p k " . Whosoever Will Tabernacle a t Laemerman timber. morning seemed not to excue Rev. Couehran b°n stre*t. ^ heduJed- Pilgrim Guild Crcsent City. people of this community very much thp wnrii* ^£?vezed around T^yrs'4a-'i. a t 2. for all inter- Fritz Stegm ann was getting out Above North Plains) m., a class having good growing in „ e memory certificates to all Fied who have learned the requirem ents Saturday Bethany Baptist Church on each card. The prim ary class win abtgm rSh ^ ailSi?»Ci oUdgP' “ d PpoP ^ UUâ n d Kcustom si Riley KaiffS , Blb,1,e “ bool, 9:45 a. m.. classes f1“5 som ething to "work "fo?'’an d “ U as1 » s,ec0Pd semester man is t h e piano’ accomna^ « io l , aU- Preaching service, l i a. m i,ear^nK of the Word. The pastor at high J h œ î He h ls h i£ „ Ro?Sru<,t Meetin«s »Hl be held every ^ S t o t "T Îie Cry m the “ £* " ill contiue hls sermon on g rln c ta Îto é r M r s ^ . Ä d g ^ a n d M° nday at 7:45' Ä , Stt r£ e.?__a A a2æ n Young peoples meeting. 7:30 p m. Song 17113 Sunday he will speak on “The attending Hillsboro high school.* and preaching service. 8 p. m.. sub- Church in the Heavens.” A special C hristian Church YOUR FUNDS "*V«ra!?d Mrs. p. Hebeisen and j e c t, "The Irresistable Power." P ow er" Abies' duet wui will sing "His E Eye is son 45 » ^ « t W T alter a f t t of e A d o U ---------- R u & Lord's l X day N b „ church Ci s H school N0sler' 8 superinteVden? z ^ M . rn . e frresisteble - Rev. T h e o ! laulpt “ uel T&e pastor will . -------------- A,., MQ?ler- superintendent. Leger txastor Safeguard your money by Investing In this institu­ speak a t 2 p . m. on more of the ..v,.uv . our chance to break all Ber’ P®st° r - tion, which is backed by seasoned First Mortgages. "Seeker.” The regular evangelistic Friday evening guests at the B In re E v iU ^ ¿ u 300 u1" , a tten d ' sermon a t 8 p m. You are welcome. Foursquare Church G- McNay home W€*re D- xrd \Tr t^»mp/xrx ipember should bring O ur type of monthly reducing mortgage has stood F rank P tit Sr and so n ? I ^ k ^ r ^ t o k " ' r — i Mornmg worship, n _ _____ .{’i ii a . 9.4o a. m. Contest for th e Read m v Titi© r*, IN V E S T TO D A Y I Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Rose young ’ s s s n r z s *? S  ’ regular service of prayer and dent « X “ Ä S ? 2 2 K Serm on will be "W here is ’ a f c , “ 11 R “ - ’ . T t g e ^ ^ ^ f W a s h . . m. Songarì e ^ t o C Many questions have come o f in over this or late. Many preach- d t o - a k n . ? endrtm it,Mt i m T 'Idge h ° me S r X ^ ^ V Ä ^ S f s----- ttme, Sunday visitors a t the V tism al aerviPA uza» R E L IA B L E tismal service. We" ____ urge Soule home were Mrs Soule's si«- to aztinw V w i'i — “*BC everyone everyone ter, Mrs. w . F. Katoel Mr Kai nivhr 't i . Lf avltt m eetlnK« e« h bel and their son and daughter of in fh b 'le^ rt h v 1% ^ >nui’uli lty ls >*- Newberg. u uaugnter or “ ‘« b lessed by toe splendid gospel a Will nave the second nf nur cf.,^,. sroup meetings in preM ratfon for .. r S u ‘S e r i e s ™ °n be a “Pot Luck following." P aren ts^are urged*1“?5 ehn’rire^I?Y SiOn WlU ** made for ®e»*r’“ e room, d ur- 8 “ “ StUdy hOUr' Hayward 4% SAFEGUARD ä HOT WATER * 9 .2 5 a month “ b J a y « . a ¿ g Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n S S U S -J ^ S J -« ; a - L « J. M. PERHON. Managrr Havings 4c Ix»an Bldg. Hillsboro, Oregon HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN A. O. P IT M A N . M . D. Telephone US IX Bali ony ffill.horn Pharmacy PBTRIC1AN and HÜRdRON X-Hay and Phralo-Therapy Commercial National Bank Bid« Telephone« Office «281 Reeldence T#1Z Sanitary Beauty Shop DR. D. E. W IL E Y . M . D. Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. nt, E v eryth in g in Building M a te ria ls ” Phone 2691 1011 Baseline Street Commercial National Bank -1 «aro»,, "The Largext Independent Bank in Washington County” IFDICI HILLSBORO OREGON Phyxiclan and Surgeon Wells Building Office 2882 TELEPHONES Realdenee 2881 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection Dentist AND CANS Commercial Building Telephone 144 Erenlngs, Sunday hy Appointment INSURANCE D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 2325 BUY YOUR Waahlngtnn County Agmielaa INSURANCE H E H V liq RUBBER STAMPS Shut« Bank Bolldln | HILlaSBORO ARGUS For Information about Dlr« autom atic / u t , ^ • Modest liiidgeie rnn now nflf()r|j j( ...ff fo r tle M h o t w a te r n e rv ire l Don't i deny yonroelf n„ y |,lngcr lhp . ment o f plentiful, clean hot wuler o f safe ternpcrnlure, ready any time y«„ la m a fap e e t-d a y or night, winter ' or summer. < Just rent « Hlgh-Low Automa.l« G « Watcr H c rte r...I/A e y„ H Wo„ w rent " n y t h , ^ Th<> (| | | only » 1.25 n month. The operating cost alao very small hecausc of |„ w. k ol any k ln ,|_ .|gn „„ rontrfl<.,_ rtlk '" a ‘•'•«••ge-iake no risk. Ami if y„„ «ho.,Id ever find it neresHary to discontinue th l. rental -erncc, w c w ill u k e on, the heater without a removal charge RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH Phone 2211 A UNLIMITED SURGEON G eneral Beauty Work All Kinds of Bcaoty Work PERM ANENTS a ■ porta It jr Telephone 1471 WEIL’S APARTMENTS Mabel Schendel it toward accumulation for home ownership! Save regularly and as much as you can af­ ford ! and E V E ’S B E A U T Y S H O P Permanent« and all kind« of boatity work. We are completely equipped to supply you with all building and decorating ma­ terials lor home or commercial building construction. See us for itemized estimates to be submitted in applying for a loan. Operating cost is fow, tool from Hllleboeo nr Ita Advertisers rail Th< G e. complete d a t .II. « DIALERS, PLUMBERS or P ortland G as & C oke C ompany Arvoa — IMI 1300 M ain Street