THE 'I'iiursday, February 7, 1938 C o u n ty P .T . A . G r o u p M e e ts H e r e S a tu r d a y H IL L S B O R O New Pictures Given Kating Legion ul Decency committee of Hillsboro Christian Count II Issued this bulletin on pictures showing nt the Venetian theater during the coming week: "Transatlantic Merry- go-round" has been rated as a class ft picture, while the Saturday evening preview, "The Human Side," belongs In class A. Special atten­ tion Is called to "Our Dally Bread" showing next week-end, which Is not only a class A picture, but has been highly recommended by both Protestant and Catholic critics. (Class A pictures are recommended for family view, while class B pic­ tures are recommended for mature persons only.) ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Five “First Woman President” Coffee Club Will Convene Friday; Play on Program "The Allen,” a play dealing with citizenship, will be presented ut the Hillsboro Coffee club meeting In the chamber of commerce rooms Friday afternoon, beginning at 2:15 o'clock. Mrs. II. H. Stannard Is directing und the cast Includes Mrs. Marshall Elder, Miss May Cook and Mrs Stannard. Mrs. V. W. Gardner has charge of the musical program. Mrs. El- w o o d Johnson, A m ericanization chairman, has general charge. Hostesses for the afternoon In­ clude Mrs C. E. Wells, Mrs. J. H. Garrett Mrs. Fred Holznagel and Mrs. Elwood Johnson. finest» are welcome, according to Mrs. Fred J. Sewell, president. Plans for a Colonial tea. to be given February 22. In the chamber of commerce romos, will be made Invitations to the affair have been extended to all women's clubs In Washington county. A program will be given and early Washington county history will be depicted. Cuiidle-liglitliig ceremony honor­ of the Washington county chapter, to attend as many sessions as pos­ i 'I ' h will be held at the lia ul Melno- dlst Episcopal church during the sible. county in gunlzntlun meeting Hat- urday Irom 10 a. m. to 4 p. in Mrs MRS. DOIIIM4 SI'EAKH William Kletzrr, .-•late president, Ill.lO lti: IH.I.PIIIANS will apeak hi the afternoon Delphian society met for lunch­ I’rograni Include» parliamentary Monday ul Mrs. H. A. Deck’s law drill hv Margaret Mooberry, eon home. Mrs J. 11. flarretl h u d 10 a in., business. 10:30 a. 111.: charge of the program with Mrs. roll call and president’» report, 11 M P Cadv assisting. Mrs. John K a. in ; lun stunt ul 11:30 a in. and Dobbs of Grove »(Mike on luncheon and candle-lighting serv­ her book. Forest "Men o f Ohainpoeg." ice, noon. Instead of the usual i»»l- George Fuller's "History the Pa­ luck luncheon, a 25c luncheon will cific Northwe.1" will be of presented be served by a local committee. At I to the local library by the Del­ ternoon program will Include poems phian society. BANKS Miss Hanna Krelche and by Mrs. Blaaslng. songs by Mrs. V Wayne B Thurman, both of Man­ — W Gardner, and a pageant under ning. were married January 26 at the direction of Mrs. W Nixon of b e n e f it p l a n n e d Vancouver, Wash. The bride Is forest Grove, utter which Mrs. AT PLEASANT VIEW the daughter nt Mrs. Charles Sweck- Klctaer will sneak cr of Manning and Is well known A Valentine basket social and pro- County I*. T. A. Stand» High | gram will be held at the school ul In Bunks where she attended high Washington county I*. T A stunds 3» p III. February 14. Proceeds school. Tile couple will live In Man­ high in the »lute contest for a ! , 7 from Mnull admission charge ning where Mr. Thurman Is the stiver cup to be awarded for mem­ I will be the used to upply on playground prlnelpul of the grade school. bership by the state executive board Tlie couple were chartvurled Sun­ Those attending are of the I’. T. A. Hie award will I»' equipment. promised a grsxl musical program day evening ut their home In Man­ made on following points: la > 50 by Hillsboro and Pleasant View ning. tsilnts for number of associations talent. Miss Naydeane Patterson was In­ making a gain, (bi 26 points for stalled president of Gamma chap­ new associations, of which this Mr. and Mrs Paul Rees and ter. Hillsboro Christian Council, county lias three, i n 28 per cent Monday evening. J Robert Patter­ for the greatest, gain as u whole, Mr and Mrs. Charles Rees of Port­ son. Council'» president, officiated this county having made a gain of land visited hi Forest Grave Sun­ The A-l health Plaque Issued by at the Installation ceremony, and 38 per cent, and 5 points for day. Mrs. Charles Rees lived there Representative James «W. Mott of Oregon Introduces to the world the Washington county public health the council attended. Other officers each association paying county dues. 46 years ago. his daughter, born Monday, January 7th. He says she will be the At lust report Washington county Mr. and Mrs J. L. Anderson and assixlatlon was presented to the Installed: Jean Person, vice-presi­ stood Ultra In the contest which Esther Hasselblud o f Champion. Hillside school on Friday by Mrs. dent; Shirley Kelly, secretary, and first woman president of the United States. Little Miss Mott is Hugh McGIlvra, association presi­ Grace Bowman, treasurer. March 31, 1936 Mich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. the first congressional baby bom during the new session. H ie , David Loagren of Portland Sunday. dent. This school is the first In A council dance may be held photograph shows the baby at the age of three days.—Washington Washington county to fulfill the 14 either March 4 or 5, to conclude Glen Norton of Toledo spent Sun­ requirements of health necessary to Star Staff Photo. the social season before Ixmt be­ day with Ills grandmother, Mrs. obtain the plaque. gins. Chapter meetings, which were Mary Babin. Three of tils high Brandaw of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. A health program was presented discontinued during the examlna- school pupils accompanied him. Walter Pautz of Vancouver, Wash. the pupils and a short talk on , tlon period, were resumed during I Mr and Mrs. L. P. Stranahan ' | by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robertson, Miss­ this week. Committee for the dance the seal sale was given by Mrs. and Mrs, Doris Jacobson of Port­ George es Cornelia and Ruth Liebenow, El­ will be Presidents Maurice Peeren- Bauman. land were week-end guests of Mr. NORTH PLAINS—Albert Bolma lxx»m. Mac Grogan, and Allan Sig­ and Miss LaShella Ohmacht. daugh­ sie and Dorothea Matthes, and Os­ und Mrs. E. Barham at Salem. wald and Edgar Matthes of Port­ ler. Birthday Observed— ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ohmacht, land. Mrs L E. Furrow and Mrs. J. B. .Several speakers are on the P ar­ were married in Portland January Mrs. Roy Stuart celebrated her ent-Teachers' association meeting Sutton of Aloha uttended the coun­ 31. After a short trip to Seattle Entertain Sunday— Saturday night with a late Auxiliary Meets— program next Tuesday night In the cil of the V F. W. Auxiliary last I 1 birthday Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Easter en­ and other northern points the young buffet supper. Guests were Messrs Wednesday night in Portland American Legion Auxiliary meet­ I couple Junior high school auditorium. Rev will make their homo in tertained with a supper party Sun­ und Mesas lame's E. B Watts. Walter ing Tuesday evening at the Vet­ John Beehen of Klamath Falls ! Tews, Charles M Iteed. program chair­ day night. Guests were Messrs, and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bolma are Ross Tupper, Adrian Young, erans' hall was well attended. Re­ was in Portland on business last man. also announces a playlet. I by Mes­ both popular young folks of this Mesdames O. B. Gates, E- B. Tongue, Dr Charles Iatmkln will discuss week and spent u few days with Roy Stuart, Mr Glenn Rood, and freshments wen J W. Bailey, T. H. Tongue. L. J. Misses Helena Mohr of Portland dames Leah Nicodemus, R. J. Nicol, vicinity. children's teeth, their cure, diseases, thr Bechens at West Union. Merrill, C. T. Richardson, J. H. S. E. Olsen, Lucille Imlay, and and the correct diet necessary for Mr and Mrs. Kelly Jones of ■ and Josephine Stuart. Rossman, Herbert Deck, and C. B. Christine Kelly. their proprr development M rs. Pendleton visited Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 Dr. II ukk I hs , Son III— Birthdays Observed— Georgia Hniltb Hillsboro librarian, G. Varner and Mr and Mrs. John A birthday party was given at Buchanan of McMinnville. Dr Harrison D Huggins und will talk on "How to Use the Li­ : Gardner over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Gardner. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R Mrs. Amacher Hostess— I son Douglass have both been In brary." Women's Missionary guild of the Mr and Mrs. W. H. Ragsdale of the Jones hospital with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Alt O. Johnson, Mrs. Watkins Saturday night for Mr. Rfforts »re being made to obtain Moro spent the week-end with Dr. Huggins was able to go home M. Wick. Rev. Wlsecarver, Mrs and Mrs. James Valley of Beaver­ M. E. church met Tuesday after­ a speaker from the Oregon State their son-in-law George Fischer and Mrs N. E. ton, Mrs. Lowell Brown and Joe noon with Mrs. F e d Amacher. Mrs Wednesday, and the boy Is much and daughter, Mr college faculty at Corvallis to talk improved Dr. A. O. Pltmun Is a t­ Haworth attended the annual Epis­ Collins, whose birthdays occur in William Bucher was assisting host­ on 4-H club work, and the possi­ 1 und Mrs. J. L. Bearcy. copal diocese dinner Saturday eve­ February. Others present w e r e ess. Mrs. M. W. Johnson led devo­ Mr. and Mrs Robert Jones and tending them. bilities for continued activity In ning at the Portland hotel in Port­ Messrs, and Mesdames Harry Mer­ tions, Mrs. A. W. Havens had liaby Guernsey , herd. 3 to 7 years, 5 to 7 gallons, j double-tested, clean stock, take your choice. Also team and harness f o r sale. , B irch, l 1^ miles south, out F irs t 8L p S E V E R A L well matched teams and single I horses, weight fro m 1200 to 1700 lbs., fo r sale.— H illaboro Horse M a rk e t. 1 block west of condenser. 61 p a HOLLYW OOD E. M. llames, Prop. ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier WAYNE EMMOTT Phone 2143 for appointments ITHURS - FRI - SAT. X 5» I S M atinee Saturday, 2 P. M. — Evening at 6 :3 0 1 ¡A TOUCHDOWN in L» ROMANCE I Here com es the a l l - t i m e . All«» American college ' picture that'll set .J, the whole world, cheering! $1 A Very wonderful NEW PRINT is here — 80x80 count, of course. Guaranteed fast colors. See our windows. 19® Phone 2601W PLUS SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS I I p PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, 11:15 a “ Music in the Air” | /« ’AÄcer-.x SUN - MON - TUES. Continuous Show Sunday — 2 until 1 1 P . M . f « g J I D RESSES has just arrived for street or house wear and plenty style in these Frocks—made of an extra fine qual­ ity of Prints............. at W oman’s Shop County Representative for .1 r VENETIAN -,Bk, j HAitDWAliE COMPANY Another New Shipment of 1 Sweet Young Thing: “Why are you running that steam-roller over that field?” Farmer: “I ’m going to raise mash- "d potatoes thus year.”—Ex. Super-Value Days K GOAR’S boro p itie s is fuund D r. Thomp­ son's service to be prom pt, accurate and reasonable in coat. — H otel Wash­ ington, Tuesday, 12th. P- D. E. M cLaren, miles south on Lau rel r o a d . __________ Sip Program Given M. E. Church You can base your en­ tire spring w ardrobe on your suit, this season! Choose a soft casual one of m en’s suiting woolen. Or a b o x y ja c k e t one with button trim. You’ll find these and more styles Our classified columns may have Just what you are looking for — Read them. ’ The C. C. Store yard J. H. Garrett * ' THE 15-STAR PICTURE with , VACK BENNY-NANCY CARROLL-GENE RAYMOND* a n d 1? otH er s l o t i of sta g e, MrMn an d r a d io 1 Plus the Best of Short Subject« I I II COMING SOON to the ■l I Coming Soon ENETIAN D Place Your O rders I "David Copperfield” Through the I "Broadway Bill” I Bing Crosbv in "Here Is Mv Heart” ■ OTlsborö#(&\ro u s Zane Grev’s ’’Home on the Range” I Telephone 3101 I “Lives of a Bengal Lancer” Calendar Samples