Page F o u r T H E H IL L S B O R O A R G U S , R ills b o n jj^ r g us W itk Which la Cui*» hi ned th* Nillabor« Independent Hlliebowo A r published in its colum ns, hut in case« when- th u paper U at fau lt w ill reprint that part of an advertisem ent in which the typographical mintake occurs. A b Independent Newspaper. Wboae Services and are Baaed on th e Principle of the Golden R u le —“ And as ye wpuld that men should do to you. do ye ala»» to them like­ w ise.” - M atthew 7:12. Eliminate “Isms” Society Elects at Cornelius , .. Portland city council in spite of its Commissioner Bennett passed a resolution favoring a law which would make it com- pulsorv for each public school teacher— from lower grades to those in schools of higher education— to take oath to uphold “ <‘ dei« 1t* lf necessary the constitution of the United States and for strengthen- mg syndicalism \\ an hy not Oregon require criminal the teachers to take law. such oath. They ha\e a graye responsibility Ln...iheJ l ? i . i n£ 5 ,f _®U:if,^Udr ! nnsaVd Ah.e> e e a great deal of influence. This coun- tr> and its cherished institutions are worth fighting for and we don't want the insid- ious propaganda and the trickery of com­ munism to make any headway in our schools. News-Telegram and Oregonian head­ lines it as muzzling the teachers. Well if having them take an oath of allegiance to our country is “gagging or muzzling" there should be more of it. This is not meant as reflecting on teachers as a class, who with very few exceptions are 100 per cent American citizens and patriotic in every sense. H EA D S UP I The Elks lodges throughout the nation in co-operation with the American Legion, chambers of commerce, service clubs and patriotic organizations are undertaking a splendid program of Americanism that if enacted by the congress will do much Mrs. Stisbauer H eads A ltar to clear up the many "isms" that have S ociety; Burbank Hurt been breeding in this country. tRy Ml»» IV rvlhv Cook«) America is the land of true freedom CORNELIUS Indies’ A ltar so- and opportunity and the good citizenship ctety of the s t. Alexander church! wants it understood that communism or met with Mrs. A rthur Spiesachaert afternoon. Officers any other of the “isms” is not wanted in T hursday , ______ ____ _ were —. this e countrv organizations s e e k bauer, elected president; as follows: Mrs. Mrs. George Pete Bus- u u i i i r j . These m t.i . . i i n / . . u i o n s set Ue- governmental steps to outlaw orgamza- Pre«. vice-president; Mrs. Ashley tions that have for their purpose the over- •¡acks°a. secretary; Mrs. j , v a n - throw by force or violence of the Ameri- - ‘ ------- Included besldp Mes- " ,e can constitutional government. The way dunies C harles Gerrlsh. Fred W Evansnn and small daugh- the petitions are being signed everywhere I 'Schultz. ter. J. C. Sm ith and Edward Boos, leaves no question as to how good true all of Forest Grove. Benefit Tea Held American citizenship stands on such ques­ Cornelius Civic Im provement club tions. held a sliver tea in the city hall o ik ,, . sat' City Council Acts Host of Business ; k January 30 for benefit of scholar­ ship loan A large crowd of club members and friends attended. Rob­ ert, Jean and Bettv Jo Osborn put i on a radl° skd and tittle Prank ; Peabody sang. "Little G rass shack." Catholic young people's c l u b Sought for Year: A Good Move ... II I L L S B O R O , O R E G O N i -n -x .v i ... , Most people Will admit that the ob- jectives and principles of NR A w e r e praiseworthy and those who have h«d anything to do with it realize that lack of Mrs. Henry H offm an mid Delbert I teeth and co-operation have been a serious ' bp "u}sl1c hindrance in successful operation. If the Scoggins vill7y ^ i t ^ Cornelius state NR A act will help to bring some |frlS?‘lsoFrLd»y order into the problem locally let us have home ¡t. The fair trade practices contained in Jo h n Burbank of a c c c eamp the codes the ha"e very K things that i!Par assoc’ are Sions tte ir our o” K S / i l W ls , " POI’ftnPd ““" ‘"l to " his — home < jectives for generations. There must be , *,KBunninc Buvs Boaine« force of law hack of such agreements in lnto^niin®“ nRearmnpirthSSht order to keep the “chiseler” from carrying Miss Dorothy H orlacher spent the week-end with Esther Peabody of &]] down to his level and eventual finan- near Forest Orove. cjai jeopardy. Mrs John Black Is able to be I j out after being confined to h e r 1 home with Illness. | ------------------ Clifford Mapes, who is a tte n d ­ Mrs. J. W. Goodin, pioneer daughter. w«>it°eim ^i«mnSor£uH’ spp.nt the' who was buried last week, was loved and Mr and Mrs J o s e p h M a n n * In d p **’i.‘,'ed " \ ° knew her. Mrs. with” Mre » L ^ ^ a n n spent , a re81.emhered for her Family M o m Here kindness and fine qualities of character. , M r anti Mrs. clarence K iatt and Ctornrtlus"1 C arlton have moved to Public Forum Mrs. Robert Bellinger of Forest •niesda the M' Edson h' rnse allow- ex ists in in in is t countrv o u n t r j a and n a no gpt ttdth the false that and the exP cM e worker defenders of the nation and its institutions, slips around to get "just another check-up" on people The attack is made because the legion and to keep them back, make them feel as though has called upon the country, while it is i ere “ no use of expecting much fu rth er help— expending billions on public works, to ®et on th e‘r « m . and pay the adjusted compensation, recog- thing from th e 're h e f. S C> mUS "y “ « * « any- nizeci as the veterans due nearly ten years People should be able to do a little thinking for church win hold a ¿ iv e r tea S a t- ago by the government. It is not commer- themselves, not In a selfish way. but considering urday afternoon In the parlors of cializing patriotism as Harold Warner, iIL ^ e in,t$resU of others a® * e u as c o m m u n k v ' m v o J adlcs of the A Pretty State THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME HORACE, ISN'T -TT-llS BEAUTI­ F U L ? NOW, ulSTE-N TO mother T H A T S E TTLE S it MOTHER > ou \ e neveq c h a s e d a S C H O O L BU S O N A r a in y afternoon / -----IT SAYS HERE "H A PPIN E SS IS THE P u P S U lT OF SOMETHING 1 national vice-commander of the legion, so deal of he'ip “ ^ f a L i y C ^d S famu ‘n

n»?k^ as this d h n a ta a S d ^ U ooro visiting rel.« Value of Winery Cited by Herbolt W . I Altkctl-RnSS Milk auuu la i iu u w iu r s in M easure KCVlSCd , Ma£ , i add th a t it is any public C iUn, funds could 56 be nrtv«P„u dS could -— „ b n r iv a in iv ly owned ------- cemetery? ___ I * abio add th a t I movement toward general t h e several cemeteries.—L. Establishment of a wage scale will br considered by the local u„ll of the Oregon Builders' congress at « P m. Tuesday a t the chamber -ix in s o r e d h v t h » f a r m e r m e m k .» o u tlie house farm er-m em bers ure. It Is said, would Increase th r of commerce. Plans will also be ¡m arket value of county bonds and completed . _ __ for __ the proposed house _____ k... ... , . u ~ W .¡'aV'L 'nO.n ''V ‘V ? * * coun“ M t o '>««»« canvass of Hl'l'lib^» m the l,u * n ,,la drafted by the legal bonds could be sold to interests of the federal housing ad advantage th an the inistration program ■ non mg ad division I of the Public Works •*- war-1 — - I m - ----------------- Mlivvliiti-n» a hin w w ad- e C -a . P better m inistration A In «. »If., Washington. D. rants. X rt , dUimped ? nt°Jshe 2‘ip\ ° f lh t Gov- *rn° r M artln ,or thelr attention. Wm1h ULrên m im m ^ m^ d“ tl,’m The bills are Intended to enable . ______ ____________ ______ win1 ‘ m i , ib'.,ro bowllnlf t e a m Hilhi Leads Race County Hoop Title ------- — ■ ■ - H —“ u, i» .u i, iI ..n iin u ^ l from a n on«) on«) (Continu«»! from p i»«v* Local Bowlers Meet Portland Team Here I le in l« " <>r n ’? D P , S •»«»n m aking a profitable enterprise and >nd grants to be made available was nln and l u r k o n .im » «„ . , , P o r i la n d L ‘ .» V „ 1,1 a good living for hundreds of fam - by congress through the federal lx o,. r n " , " K ? B,2 3 i, in 11 ™°<'a,1 at 8 '» llles in this state, and even though emergency adm inistration of nub oi. ? 1 fln.a l quarter the ,,8“ tllrdJX1.11l,‘ •‘" '“I t' am will the state tax was small, the volume n,. w o rk s * locals scored nine points and held , William Ooetter, Her- January 29, 1935 of business would give the state of . Beaverton to two. Engelke of — Beav- { i L “ i - « ai r ni,d Rogera^Hallle iiHiiir In in Honorable E L. Ross Oregon a very substantial Increase k author- : rt° n Wa•'‘ h "f,, ,nan * “ h I» Point* are Ulll° n n , r vUUor' _ one of the faste ? ? use °f R epresentatives in their Income from this source. e Gos»-MtCloskey bill ||(|||| (|<) C7> iiravrrtMi (earns in Portland n i a ? 1 «vir>rH™5: 1 would appreciate your keeping "ii. counties to Issue funding , F ...™ Kldn , ------ -------. F Vnn^dnuhHK« th X ls m ^ atter W ^ W M irnnw S ’ s , . ! ^ t w h ^ l ^ in T mind s t a f ô when e Œ revising bon • i? " '? ,’,ess. V pl‘r c cn tz b u t ln Louis Herboidt 2GÉ3E2QQQ32QE3GQEX2DE23QQGÎÏ2Ï*; ! concUtionf 'i*34' dUC U> ’" y flnanclal J!1 °,UR FRIENDS who are appointed to enough grapes to m anufacture what a . K and Ket back on our fw t."— I would have liked to of produced IV OSS IVlllK. ELMER M. GOLDER, Tualatin. for the m arket. I was only able to « « rv • i n ________________ inanufacture a little over 1800 gal- ^ 0 ^ 7 a t X Z ernlght8at7setonaaIla Opportunity in Will "“ pedetal Revenue Tax and decl<*e' Ft. Saskatchewan, Alberta, arrive to make home to ^ t i n X « 10 Pl“ ? ' hU- ° r ,h er’ nam e on an evet‘ ^ “ Im o S n t m an °S fac?u r^ a n ^ h e i r v t ‘ F county. lasting m onum ent can easily reach th a t desirable tax on each gallon is 2!£c while Eree textbooks for high school Russell Morgan named to fill one vacancy to B° a l the Internal Revenue D epartm ent students was defeated when the the bass section of the men's glee club a t University We have adequate laws to protect tru st funds charge would be the sam e as to house killed the Nelson bill on of Oregon. Byron G arrett, captain to cadet eorns , 1 for the upkeep of cemeteries to which your I li]!8 st,a te - T1,e state of Washington this subject by Indefinite postpone- nam ed on m ilitary tribunal. attention may well be directed. Wineries are very keen competitors, m ent this week. Monday was "Oroundhog Day " and the little cuss .M-v ,rien d . as you cast about for a worthy cause ‘“ Y tm w ih nnre *1 h^i “tl;s tale tax;, * * ’ h ad both sunshine an d shade to greet him ^ n i . , y° U m,a y end?Y a t your demi*e. I respectfully tors w h*h I Iwve menUone'd a £ ‘,ve 8onator Bynon thp author of A. C. Shute reports »2200 raised for cannery site * i y01i conslder a n y one. or all. of the many on both sides of i m makes “ blU whlch would create a de" and com m ittee nam ed to go after the additional une’}dowed cemeteries of the country. tremely difficult lor the producers tPntlon farr" lor Rest offenders. »1100 needed. T hp w riter has attem pted to interest the SERA 1,1 wine ln the state of Oregon to The bl11 carries an appropriation Obed Wells, 95, died a t home of son. C E W e lls , asslsUn8 in improving the several local ceme- stay ln business unless we can get of 1100,000 for the purchase of 500 here F ebruary 5. ■ ■ ■, teries, but to date, has received nothing b etter th an ¡"bje relief on our operating license acres of land to Marlon county and H arold Robinson of Forest Orove elected Dresl iavprable report of the local officers to their su- AVp risSrJT 6 rllfX' and /. fpei, tbal' ' the con8tructlon of the necessary dent Well's W ashington county stock club at of io O appear - ^ to - have found PpUX s h o u l d ^ T a r o b n . X X . m « ¿ . C?n,, b u \ Caples re A s t C Orove and per ors wherp thp‘r »Pix-als dePp P‘gpbn X S m u ls8lon r t s bldld‘nKs wlll open store there. Arnold Blades, well known Hillsboro man died a t Cove O rchard S atu rd ay of pneumonia. Russell T. Jack of Farm nneii. Farm ington ington died died of of pneu­ monia a t M are Island naval hospital January 30. h p ln n ’ (C*>> i i I I i h i «»I frtMB i>M u« tm«i Icily tuxes In uetxirduner with the num ber of employes In the store. Report was also made on progress toward establishm ent of a building cixle ordinance Anderson stall'd th a t this wus being held up pend­ ing a city zoning measure. Application to the county dog ismtrol board for a contract to collect the tax in the city of Hills­ boro for l«3ft was subm itted by the «' o o. Freemun, chief of pollcf, wus nominated as deputy tax collector. George McGee, city m anager, presented a list of proposed I’WA lor III«' city of Hillsboro. These In­ cluded a sewer system, municipal water system, municipal electric distribution system, street lights, airport, swimming pool, municipal* warehouse. |Mrk Improvements, ten ­ nis courts and playgrounds, echoo] hospital, streets, sidewalks and curbs and garbage disposal plant. Ex­ penditures amounting to approxi­ mately W7I.WH» would be necessary for all of these, he said Helf. liquidating projects totaled »570.000 general taxation projects »110.006 and properly assessment projects »188,000. McGee reported th at this list had been subm itted to C. O. Hockley of the PWA engineering board ami stated th a t efforts would be made | to obtain appropriations for sev­ eral of these Mayor J 11 G arrett was named to assist McGee In keep­ ing In touch with progress toward this purpose .rC!?V‘ ,b'*r r 11 ommls. «Ion was accepted by Hle counr„ ¡and appointm ent of o Phelp. Us his successor was approved Ap­ pointm ent of Andrew Lenta as » ¡member of the local fire depart- incut was also approved. ' ,r 2 ! h.Pr h“-'1’1*'*» included a mem- f ¿ ¿ ° w,',’“rrM ur“ ln« th " P“® “«'- Of the Wilcox airbase bill, r e a .lln g of the annual report of the chief m {** » “" d n1* " 1 » “ h hman. and Instruction., for the preparation ,,1 a pin-ball” machine license and regulation ordinance a resolution was also adopted Indicating that the council was sym pathetic to the esubhshm ent of • county utility district. Proposal was also presented by McGee for the Installation of n city gasoline pum p and the mat ter was subm itted to the street committee with power to act Protest by Elmer Varner regard- -« lug the location of the bill board at the east entrance to the city was (gqsented. He declared that the sign bhx'krd llie view around the highway curve and constituted a traffic menace. Tin* council took action to request owners of the sign to move It back from the highway. not to be expected th a t ¡to preference to wine from other OnP of thp *nterpsHh< side-lights procured for use In any l«t*tes. To this date, I have not oi the Prespnt session ls the spilt l been able to sell, or even interest ^ w e e n the grange a n d labor will gladly assist to anv the P rp«on Liquor Commission to groups. Two years ago the lobby- improvement rovement of F T not i * o„ i l rw |OTd? cl; know th groups were working O. any any of or ls accollnt of I the ,,t a t i t ! l»ts hand for , these , E. WILKES our product as 1 have had I t « - ¡ o f anti-labor measures are S Poultrymen Attention Preview Showing of Poultry Management Talking Picture “W hat’s A head” at ALOHA GRANGE HALL 8:00 P. M. Friday Evening, February 15, 1935 ADMISSION FREE Bring the Family