Thuraday, February 7, 1988 THE H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page Three clliinri' liunorlng Hudson McCur- THE DAWN VEGETABLES IN THE WINTER add the cabbage, cover to keep tn nilck. the steam Cook slowly and stir DIET All Uve pupilli at the IJuck lleav- j 1} cn .rh n o l wrltlng «n the Htutu ex- ' W inter vegetables are w hat we ih laalonally When the cabbage haa anilnutliiii reielved 1,annlna uiaden. ' have to plan with now and sinre lout some of Its crispness but still neenrdluu lo the teaelier, Mina Hel­ choice, in most cases, is limited to is green, sprinkle with pepper, more en Hollini Dorai Huxtmi wa» the a f> w standbys as carrots, turnips, salt if needed, and aerv; at once. Carrots in Parsley Hut ter olily olle bere havina peiteet ut- cabbage, onions, and a few greens, 8 or 10 medium-sized carrots tendanee fui thè nix Week , all id tho; v>getables have the '¿'.e 7 jM " A ffa ir Benefit Piano Fund; Meunlen and nnoW culi:,ed poor a t ­ ‘A teaspoon salt Mountaindale Family Given same or better food value than '1 cup butter te, idillici' liete. those of higher price. The question 2 tablespoons lemon Juice Honor Roll Announced Party on Anniversary is tuiw to find ways to make these Mrn. Roy Harrlliatoii entei lulned 1 tablespoon finely chopped old standbys seem new ana .....ii- al her home In Middleton Thnraday parsley. ent. evenlna for a llleee, Vivimi Zelgler. Wash and scrape the carrots and - _______ ___ ln g t M"1'.... 'J','“ , I It ledila bring Iter m r blrthduy. bit Ottieni Iroin I t is im portant to serve a n cut them in slices, or dice them G range will entertain the 4-H - lub CHEIIAI.EM MOUNTAIN Picas- | lcn. jilt.lxIliiK were George and of vegetaoiea au< mg toe in a smal quantity of boil­ members and their families first abundance a n t View community d u b will glv” Melburn Zeirler winter months as they, along with Cook ing salted water for 10 to 15 min­ Saturday in March. L. E Francis a vailed pruKimn Saturday evening. .... . milk, fruit, and eggs, make up our utes. . iun lil.i.. . a .h.iri aim an . i ilio O rnduff and or until tender, drain add the a...istant county agent, will be a list Mrn. Jne Eao In coaching short I non Robert, protective foods. This means butter, lemon T. !■ Iinaan und Juice, and parsley, meeting guest. A basket dinner will th at of these oue-ac let play, "Ank M Me Another." | daughter, Miss E W anda particular foods are our Fllllgun, via- and serve a t once. be served a t naon. Two new candi­ alni In, .li il fee will **• c l m r u c d M No admfBMon iiuuu ut best sources of the minerals and date;. will be taken into the Grange the bunch, candy, popcorn and punch Ott" ,r ut vitamins, and are Just as Im­ and all of the old members are to portant AT WORK will lie wild niter the piogiuui One M Hhlrley Jarm on of Corbett the winter months bring articles made out of paper to as during during eup of coffee will la- nerved free „„eat of honor at a eanl narlv the summer when gardens With din n er bueltM la hi« hand, the meeting. Money raised will la- lined lor the ^ t h e t hm rU Z e lle r h o m M i i r - H e hurrica by w ith air ■<> irrand; producing. Mrs. Ham R affety is quite ill at are T here ration« beat w ithin hia m ean »— I m ik II i of the piano fund. day eventin'. O ther guests w e r e are many ways to serve Slim To him . at n ,« a , a f«a«t (t u m x : the Jones hospital in Hillsboro. Cant of the play to la- given at Mr and Mrn. Carl Wohlschlegel of winter vegetables. Panned cabbage He eat«, and dream«. , Hunday visitors at the Joe Baker or pleanant View Saturday evenlni! Scholls. Mr mid Mrn. Rufua O rn- five-minute creamed cabbage home were Mr. and Mrs Ed Mo- Hi» hreait become« the ehoiceet rake, gave a pot hu k dinner a t the H. j duff. G eraldine, Jean und Doris are delicious, as are creamed greens heur and Mr. and Mrs. Moheur and ! rhe bacon torn» to ju ieim t «teak , H. Neill home Holiday Present were I orn d u ff. Mr und Mrn. Elmer Wlilt- daughter M argaret, Johanna and or greens panned in milk. Mixed I He see« hi« children, w arm ly etad, Mr und Mrn Itav Ego and funilly, more, Vivian und Melburn Zeigler. vegetables au gratin, or a cream ! Forttee tha ram that they had had Agnes Baker of Portland Harold Mr and Mrn Wayne Jones und | W alter Whitmore and Frank Shook, A nd oh I how « la d McGibbons of Forest Grove, and of vegetable soup are nourishing family, I’rnuilcc Eno. Mi mid Mrn Mr. and Mrs. Curl Wohlwhlegel dishes. Here are a few win­ Mr. and Mrs. A1 K rotch of North main II. H Nelli ami family and Tom of Scholls visited M r und Mrn. E ter vegetable recipes: ' And when an honeet day 1» done. Plains. ' He haatens hom e could iilmo«t run— Twlgg. C. Wotolsehleael January 29. Panned New Cabbage Visitors Feted Hl« heart Iwata hiirh, and every throw Mr. und Mrn W. Aldridge midi Mr. und Mrs. Don McInnis und 3 quarts shredded or chopped A party was given at the C. 8 S u it s thru hi« vein« "I*ve (rot a job— son of ISirtland were guests u t the children of Iteedvllle visited at the catioage Reynolds home Thursday evening A t last, a job I” Jerom e Ituzan home Sunday eve- D. M. McInnis home Holiday. Sher- 4 to 6 tablespoons butter IDA KAYS, route 2 Hillaboro. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Broad­ nliig O ther guests here Hiuuluy man mid Virginia Murray were Salt Pepper. us Davis and Grover Davis of P al­ were Mr mid Mm Roden und Mr here all week and L aura Luc and Put the butter in a frying pan. isades, Wash., who were visiting Subscribe for th e Argus. mid Mrs W Roueher. also of Port- Roderick Murray came out from a t the Reynolds home. The eve­ laud, recently from Oklahoma. She Portland Saturday with Miss Alice ning was spent In playing games Is Mr HuzatVs niece Mr Biizaii has McInnis mid Frank Painter and fx o e . P E f 1 3 /O a / , and stunts. Present were Messrs o^° been III but Is recovering, remained until Monday. Mr. M cln- and Mesdames Harold Reynolds and Jessle Versteeg wus 111 with lu I'bi s,u '’ until Thursday, Mrs. I., Miss Ella Bean of Hillsboro, C. J. HASUPAfvCf- grippe the first of the week and I- M urray spent three days the Williams and Leora Williams, Vern­ unable to attend Newberg high. of the week here on Hahn. W 3. H ahn, W J Wall, H o n o r R o ll ( l i v e n Ml "• E,,,,ll‘ Barlow went to Port- George Connolly C. S Reynold; the ... I , children, ■ ‘“ “d Jm m ary 30 where she u ein- honor guests, ar.d Robert and Mary Pleunint ■ rn View school who ployed Riley, Orville and Ruby Reynolds. were neither absent nor tardy for Mr mid Mrs Ira McCormick and VanDomeions Honored I'hnifn.1 DX| . WT i i i°^don Hodson McCormick spent part of W ashington Grange surprised Mr. t bristle. Ralph Hintz. IJoyd Ver- last week ut their place at W hlt- and Mrs. J. L. VanDomelen J a n ­ n . ' . ' i ? ' ? n ,,y *■'.'!? .* * ” ford, altering the interior of the uary 29. it being th eir sixteenth V. H l,,ti a '» 'h . . . l l house. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stassen wedding anniversary. Cards and Jfhitz Russell Rodgers bus rum - j and two sons have moved from games were played. Present were pleteit the eighth grade work here „ear K tnton to this place Messrs, and Mesdames Thorsten Jlls diploma will be presented to Mrs F. E. Hoffman entertained Patterson, Joe Baker and daughter him Saturday evening at the com- with a dinner party Wednesday Lucille, Andrew V a n derzanden. mindly chib. During the cold evening of last week for Mr und Frederick Mills and family Clyde weather lrnt lunches were served Mrs. Mervln Whitmore. Miss Helen Lincoln and son. Floyd Raffety ‘"'siL.iur. . . , ... ... . Homm an d Leonard Whitmore and daughter Velda, Fred Meyer. Nudyne and Jean Wohlschlegel Mis. Alice McInnis. Miss June Ready to supply you with the Rudolph Scherrer and daughter of Heholls were overnight guests of HolcOme of Scholia, Miss Cluru finest MEATS at the least cost. Margaret, Russell Loftis, Badie Lof­ Hat'irduy F ,n |R“ "- «look. Miss Enola Harlow, Miss tis, Mrs. Fay Mills. M aria Jackson Hodaon McCormick Honored iieth" M\Oni"its,l\hxirw>nXM>cCorndck rv, nl11« oi music, dancing and were guests of Mr and Mrs. John Antonia Baker. Mary Ann Schmidl- Beady to advise you In purchasing. kofer. R ita Duyck, H arry and C har­ Walker Sunday. Ready to give real values. Miss June Holcomb of Heholls and the host and hostess Mr und card-< January 2» les Chapman, Pasely and Jam es Mr and ‘ Mrs. Granville Everest Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Whitmore WHS a guest Hunday a t a birthday Mrs. Ira O. McCormick, enjoyed All meats Inspected by Dr. Nicol Meek, Alvah Logan. Edgar Evans, Visited her brother, John Oroff, a t visited his cousin. RoUln Meyer. and Dr. Almquist. Kyle Reynolds and Mr and Mrs. Newberg Hunday Sunday. He has been 111 five weeks J. L. Vandomelen and family. Mr mid Mrs bee Oakes of Hills- at Laurel, Saturday, February 9 Special« Mrs. Chris Tschanz visited friends boro. Miss Shirley Jarm an of Cor- Norma Meyers entertained her Thla’d be a b e tte r world If the belt. Miss Velma Wohlschlegel of <-H club and Laurel Sunday school m otto of all w ere “service" in ­ several days last week in Portland. Visitors a t the Frank Corey home Scholls. Mrs Lena Meyers. Norma class Saturday afternoon. Twenty Home Cured stead of "serve u s." Sunday were Louise, H erbert and and Raymond Meyers were guests attended. Chris M aurer of Hillsboro, Mr. and SMOKED MEATS ut a dinner party at the Oeorge ------------------------- Telephone service sta rts be­ Mrs. Earl Luther, W alter and F red­ Zeigler home. Tschanz and Dale Van Dom- tween Japan and U. S.— H ead­ erick Mrs. Elery McDougal attended a elen. birthday party Jan u ary 31. honor­ line. W alt till Jap an calls our Benefit Party Held ing Arland. 5. son of Mr. and Mrs. num ber and th a t telephone girl Benefit card party and dance Half or whole. Winnie McDougal of Dayton. plugs In A ustralia. Then th ere a t the Mountaindale community Mr. and Mrs Elery McDougal (FORMERLY KRUCHEK’S KASH GROCERY) (Hy LoU R ichm ond! hall Saturday evening was well a t­ will be war. visited Mrs Phillip Oakes Sunday TIMBER The post office a t E n­ tended. Honors were won as fol­ • • • evening Mrs. Oakes Is seriously 111 right was opened up January 27 F rid a y, Saturday and M onday Specials lows: Miss Sylvia Duyck and Ed from a relapse of flu. A pproxim ately 60 per cent-of with Mrs. C. P Easley In charge.1 Biers, first, and Mrs. C. I. Williams F R EE D E L IV E R Y Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dodd and P H O N E 2001 Mr. S. D. Willis returned to school children who fail have de­ and Jim H ardin, second. Another son K enneth of Portland were Salem January 29 to be with her fective sig h t— News Item. P rob­ party will be given in two weeks guests Sunday of his sister, Mrs. husband. She has spent the past Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Davis and Elery McDougal. weeks a t her home In Timber. ably they c o u ld n 't read th eir Grover Davis of Palisades. Wash., Eva M uttern has recovered from two classm ates' test answ ers. Mrs. G. Blackwell and sm all son j visited at the C. I Williams home the measles and returned to her of Portland visited last week several days last week. studies at Newberg high Monday. Jerry w ith Mr and Mrs. Edwin Hallam Mrs. Wilbur Dillon and Bernice The custom of kissing is said Glen Mdlrr Honored John M archel was a business vis- and Verna, and Vincent Sharp of Glen Miller wus complimented ¡tor In Portland last W ednesday, i’l 8“ 1’, lD a “ clen t J ,m e’ ao Hillsborer can visited a t the Jam es with a birthday d inner party Sun- and Thursday. 1 husbands m ight know if Mathiesen home Friday. day. Invited guests were his broth- h t a j h Willis of Sherwood th p ,r wives had been tastin g Miss Millie Schloth, Mrs. Flor kri h roasted er-ln-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end in Timber visit- wines. Now It's the o th er way ence Schloth. Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Curl Rucck, and Mr. and Mrs. VIr- mg p er husband. They returned around. N. Lurand of Portland visited Mrs gtl Blsh of Heholls. Sunday evening. Mr. Willis Is cm- • • • Emma Schw ander and Elizabeth 1 Mr. and Mrs u George n u ir M .viuynaiu aynard ployed i as a railway telegrapher a t j An 18th cen tu ry English- Harms Sunday. closed a deal Monday for the Dixie Timber . Mr. and Mrs. Wade Armentrout cafe a t Oceanlake. They expect to nian iad “ nose 7 inches long of Banks visited Mr. and Mrs. Gabe " Mr ‘ a n d ^ M rs’ j V ^ B la r.-r vis e r ^ X ^ ^ k ^ U n g ^ M r . T nd I " . h.? “ “ ,8° 8ayth' h?‘ C1ha i Essner n, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkes of lLert iwr hrruher J a v Bi i r t o w ,* Mrs Gordon Lester in Portland. cha w hat a fu tu re th e talk ies ver Longview, Wash., visited Mrs. A. C „ M . ^ . a ‘ K t . AiMJ-.vIUChe Were! held iOr Wtrtz Sunday and Monday. E. P. Sm ith, who went to P ortland H1Usboro visitors Friday. ------------- Mr. and Mrs. H. Sahnow of with them, were guesta of th eir Mr a «>