Page Two THE II I L L 8 B O KO ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . O renco H on or and son of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Holmes of Dallas. Lose to Gales Creek Orenco grade school basketball team was defeated b.v Gales Creek Friday afternoon 17 to 14. Shin hip Trees B A. Mitchell, proprietor of O r­ B irth d a y * C e le b ra te d ; F ive enco Nursery C o . shipped a large anti order of fruit trees for China last D e fe a ts Rose C ity week. Miss Viola W arren visited her grandm other, Mrs. C hris Larson in (H> Mm. Hugh Burdette! . Portland from Thursday until Suu- ORKNCO -Honor roll in Mr. Serai- day fo ld s room for the mid term with m and M rs. B A MiteheU were a grade not lower than 2 is as fol- guests of Mr ,,)d Mrs H E w u . lows: Arlene Bernards, Barbara Cox in Vancouver Sunday Jeanne Burdette. Robert Anderson. Mrs Ch n s Larson of Portland Ernest Loehden Bernice Ensley. h er daughter. Mrs. Frank Hobson D ¿.O> W arre". and family Thursday. Hoague, Helen Wllfert. Esther Bella The adult gym class conducted bv Those neither absent nor tardy Mrs m n W hitford will start were Elya Bradley, Esther BeUa and Wednesday evening at 7:30 Junior Curmgton. 1 Medford Person and Ernest Brown Mr and Mrs Jam es K Ensley spent Saturday evening and Sunday entertained with a party Saturday at Estacada with friends night in honor of their daughter Mack Hess of Los Angeles is vU- H elens fourteenth birthday. Those ¡ting; Mr and Mrs. C P . Beck. urt,elvdln*‘, S.elTi a? d Nancy a transcription lecture was given W taks of Portland. Shirley M artin at the school auditorium Sunday of near Hillsboro. Rose Marie Bella, evening The m achine was operated Virguna Robson. Jennie W arren, by Mr K em m ett of P o r t l a n i c P ®ai;Oaia J ' ’S nne. and B " - Beck followed with a n interesting dette. Bud Baughman. Jack Curry, lecture. Jimm ie and Helen Ensley. ¿j j Reck of Portland, fath er of Rev. and Mrs Dun, an 111 c P Beck, and Mr and Mrs, O No morning worship was held at w Layson and family spent Sun- the community church Sunday day with Mr and Mrs C P. Beck morning, as Rev. and M rs. T. C. Tltev stayed for evenine lecture at Duncan are both ill with flu. the school auditorium in the evc- Mrs W. H. Rmg spent a couple of ning days last week visiting friends in Substitute in PulDit Portland and Capitol Hill. Tile p u lp it a t th e n w im im iir Mr. and Mrs. A1 Leonlvardt of church will a ^ s u tT b s e t'tu te 81 the W H « ^ S r next be S u n filled d a? d bv V lo ’ M? Ring home &unda> ness of Rev T c Duncan The lanV vlsitedt r M i ^ n d ^ v l r s ’ rn 'ii “ n JV™8** 1S being installed and K anv-'saturdav evenmg * Wffl * rV3dy for « SundJV R o ll A n n o u n c e d / W LLLJV t l V - - - í > O Y O G H t A f 'ir v i V 11 rvi ik r Ì r » --fi «t* ' '’— io (Hr Mr* M l <1 Mtrullwrai Col. William A. Aird of Oregon Mrs. Chris Christensen enter City mid Canby has been one of j lalntil members of the Tigard K, the most constant visitors at the j bekah club Tuesday capitol during the past three weeks Il II. Prangcr sold his J L. Haggerty a n d Kenneth Aird. who was a candidate for the ) Guernsey cow Immediately Struthers spent Momluv nt Bilvri after the first publication of | post of director of agriculture four I ton. his advert lament In the clas­ Mrs, fa-e Olson ami son of p ,„ . I years ago. I* understood to be again sified column« of Hie Argils, , e r e ,, visited Thursday with Mrs v In a very receptive mood In case i the quickest route between ■Sophia Olson and Miss Mabie o : ' ' the governor should ask him to, soli buyer and seller In W ashing­ succeed Max (iehlliar who wants ton-county, He ordered the | to retire from the Job. . ad Inserted If or milII forbid I I and (lie charge would have M~ ■*“ ....... i Cheese sandwiches and m i l k j been 30 cents for the first seems to constitute Governor M ar­ I time and -’ft rents for each Mrs Alice Willoughby was call. I additional lime. Io Portland Wednesday by , i , , tin s favorite luncheon menu The I serious illness of her father M, governor does not even take time 1 _____________________ Burch. at Emanuel hospital. ’ "Hl to Ml w h ile the legislator* are a -n >v i Mi amt Mrs C. Christensen \ hi session. having nis lunch brought A u t llS V lIlc P e o p le lied al the J B Phillips home m to his office and often * ____ eating a ling while Hillsboro Sunday " lonierrlni: with stale official,, or flllV L ir d llc t und Mrs Is,well R uhr amt 'some visiting delegation. » r u y I H U t l l t i l i l i l son Mr Delbert of Ht. Johns visited FIRDAI.F Mr. and Mrs Parson | Here Thursday ami son la-onard of Aumsville have bought the old Mundv place and A rv un chusainnl tufi get rtwulb are now living here. Blooming Ladles' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Herb Flcken Thttrs- IIEAVEHTON Newly elected Girl ll,tv T hirty women were present. OL^ r '.,'e . 'i ? 1'? rs J T . 9 lorla R"» - Mr. and Mrs Keith McClure ami v lw nresh e n .'t; J£i8 t V*’1?,1" ' I*’liiiry. son Keith ami Mr .lurk olt of Pori p r ,™ll.n ti t?. Hl,nt. seere- I land and Mrs. Ben Benjamin and t f a r le , visited 7-room plastered house, w it b e,e n , m u . L . h<‘’>tatned Mrs Grace Mr and Mrs Frank I.orenco In meid garage chleke. 1... . for 2 ^ tta™2.n4bg ? !'ld«‘ Donny Jr. und D a rrell ! G irl Reserves* cabine» „fr,ee';u a ixit Jack d t n n e r T h u r s d H v e e J n i Ht v ls i,,’‘l Mrs. Pearson's inotlier. Mrs A waffle lun dieo, w\7s ‘ ^ ' Callsler. In Portland Hunduy Insure with twelve ladies* à i ih» i ’b ,2 7* 1 i Celestine, Norbert a n d Morris C hrW W M nesday. *’ ° f W * ‘th thè measles TUALATIN VALLEY Mrs W C , M.'Kell Ls again able ; ,n" W¿ ° f H' ,£î!'Isd“y. . i'v,.T."’K « ° in a Visit to 1 “ IU1 Ryderwood. Wash. A. M. Kennedy Honored by Mrs. .......... ««ixing on .vus, .......................... v . ., i.u-u oy Mt ■ T O K 'K M T B /’SI O /V S herr> B,owwn- »n operetta to be **enry Luclu. aM Mra Sam Good- I | I WT £/'■*'" at R'i1 b lg h s,-h ,x,l audit,>rtum “i*. .J'.1,“ ''1 l n Honor of the I ¥ lss Edyna llroadbent -■seventh birthday aiuilver- | kJ w J I Y V Z I b'. d*re« lnk production, while i. " ' ' " Kennedy at his home M R A ¥ ' M. R °nli« ks supervising the con- '" Reaverton Sunday Those present Phone 771 F re e D e liv e ry . . — ---------- -------- . .. ■ -- -> »»- .. ........ ..................' Beaverton Group Selects Officers To Exchange Local Guardsmen W. G. IDE A y H o ld s Interesting Meet i By Mm. K. L C ok ) k T le at the school has been afftx-ted by so many of the scholars being obliged to rem ain at home. Mrs. E. L. Cox spent last Wednes­ day in Portland and in th e eve- Prepare Operetta W IIIDV'v I I ^^V/IYIV I |\ |\ I J I g K I II K |\ Y aiiuuic. is siigntlv improved „’.-a .. "" ...... •*..... ' m e e u n g n u n s a a v an oay neoexan lodge. Mrs. Robert Hofer of Portland u2hr such “ and 0 » home o fM rs. Lilly M Bierlv M r and Mrs J H A ten and visited her brother George McCul- «¡»an . 1 ™ addlt!0Ilal A P°t J t ‘ck d inner was served a t daughter Rosemary and son Jack loch and familv Sunday i4Tw, ,a rAn™ Hillsboro. noon Work consisted of quilting visited relatives and friends i n Mrs. Agnes Bryant haa been Ul m en , ? ere recently and cutting out blocks for another Sherwood Sundav. w ith the flu since last Monday, but w - ,i ^ UreS£.ej H?nel to scr,' qu,‘,It which bas been ordered and Born, to Mr and Mrs. Bruce G or- is slightly improved. to corporal, win soon be ready for - ...... - - — - I ........... ... ........... .... ■* « w e u o r Miss Shirley M artin of near Hills- S5^s M lllard Mor,ey to private first P ^ i a Ä r e ’ w e e Ä 7 u e & at COmpan-V U look!"g forward f h T j K. & s l e v i 1omed * * dunf ____ play. Defeat ...™ Rose City ,™ 1Sb i - ■ ° l d “ ‘ . y Is Mrs. Robert Pomeroy. They retu rn - Lawrence attend,\l E. L. Cox was emnloved a few “* uenatea nas been sehed- ----- -------- -- ar.ied by days during the p a s tPweek at the U, ed !° deternllne the district it*“,,1®3;! M»1« ’"-'»' club luncheon in Local basketball team defeated f event m the guard, out- ed home Saturday accompar. H.' E. O rabhorn 'farm farm on~ on Coorver C « .« r ‘¿ bamptonship ' » "• o. H negative team will meet Newberg day evening ut the sehixil house visited at the W F. H unter home S ,u ld rTmmH 10^ ? 50 andCu I r s L , Cox visited friends BEND—About all the farm ers of ^ reh ydeaI!l,bt*« of tWs team aro The program win include ’other Sunday. should remind some of the old in Sherwood Jan u ary 29 this community sold th eir potatoes ? 4 th C raft. Rena Hertel, Anna short numbers and a Mr. and Mrs. H E. Thornton and s, War' tlme camP® Board of directors of K inton l«-st week and have been busv get- St^ i a:I;ltt' and H,c le" Stannard. tlon after which a cafeteria lunch son of Portland and E Thornton ,„ 7 ? i comPa ">’ seems to give school met a t the school Saturday tm g them out and hauling to S her- , Debates have also been scheduled win be served by live women s of The Dalles were guests a t th e i 1805' of its members an appetite afternoon to talk over business in wood, where the buyer Fred Schwab i or February H and 21 with West club. " ns W. L. Woodward home Sunday n?Imh? J S ‘Ut?ry r i rvice'r, Tw'° co4 ? ection with the school and of Stockton. Cal . is receiving, wash- U nm Estacada G resham and Can- Next meeting of ladies' club will Mr. and Mrs Dwight Goodman F™ "* Bosvelt make plans for th e coming season lug and loading them into box cars by ..’rh e Question for these debates be with Mrs Lily Hanlev Februarv moved into the Wdliam Oelrich W ach"Sr are gom& to Mrs. Mary Kershaw of Oak Grove, to be shipped to Texas. j ‘s the sam e as that used this year 14 Ladles please bring needles iuul house Saturday try ou! tbe navy- This m eans two formerly of here, has been spending Local children are preparing to b)' high school team s in all parts thimbles. Mesdames M D. Whitford. Charles W u1C,h T* Vlled irom Lhe ,ba5t Week wlth Mrs LllIy M take part in tlle df,>'lam a:.on con- ? L .,h. i _ c?yi1}£y1' P anJ£ly ...R ''^ lv':d Carl Rogers. Fred Serjent and Miss M ar- E«e iist- local company Bierly. Mrs. Kershaw will visit o th - test a t Scholls G range hall Feb- l5a t the» federal (government should M Honorrd *. eon A rgus Sale Ad Sells Guernsey PI CF Mr. and Mrs Louie Madden an d w? > f children Marylee and Patricia, Mr f c i l G l C O C r C i l l l l S I G F nf Portland and Mrs. Leo Madden of visited at the Floyd K arns home Sunday Mrs. Harold Sandström and little • By ‘ Buck*’ Private) daughter Lyun and Miss Pauline The eagle screamed in Hillsboro, ¿ Settles of W Vaneouvi 4 S F S . K in « > " Mis. George McCullock spent sev- for the eral days last week with her brother in Portland in e . Ior tne National G uard is paid by th e federal government By M u n ch siitiaiion was straightened out to their satisfaction. YOU 3AW ÒOME \ \ NOW W P PO SIN , OREGON X S pecial« F rid a y and S a tu rd a y , Feb. 8 an d 9 D alles F lo u r , „ , „ ch,rap‘ons Leisyvilie Comedy _ Bend Spud Crop This Fridiv Nicrht o , . * , DOUtfht in South Baileyi,?ow,sd MllIer alenn . $1.55 Why take a chanre on unknown cheap brands of Flour when you can buy this well known Flour at this low price. Every sack guaranteed. dutri, .,>, ■ Tomatoes Corn Large No. 2 ’ o can«. Golden Sweet Corn. 2.... 19c 25c - ............ - - ........ » '“ • » - a r U K f e f ’s « - ; - - 2 . s u - » • « 5 » s s a y S Bea'ær ^ . ' ^ s d i i ' y c a n c ^ c c ù i ^ ° ï n p ^ cy “ Va Kenneth Piper spent the week- ¡ £ £ 7 , occurs. Applicants s h o u 1 d and Mrs. J. H Aten Thursday eve « S Æ T Î L -5 S W S 'i S S Ä l S ' end with his mother Mrs William COni< arm ory in Shute park ning. Portland Sunday education Gisham. in Portland evenu^KS at 7:30 o clock Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dennison and Mr. and Mrs John Oates Jr. where they can be examined * 1 -g a llo n  'S K S V 'Æ " ! » Ï S Ä - - - « 1 1 . " ^ , - « « .ü . met « ■ Z V E . “ _________ S Æ _______ Ä ™ The guard is also out to take „ • Mrs. W. Weaver « S ü ,,?-.« « » . ... .. .............. Wflfert, Ju g ........ was quite til last issue. m nlly M rs,, LiP*ky was formerly Grange Meets Parks and Rebecca Webb demon­ week a t her home. _ , ic «n iln u «l fmm nn»i ---------- Mr b?ÜSneM.Robí'.'son Of n>,uooro Hillsboro strated how to make deviled eggs. the indoor baseball cham pionship, K inton G range m et in ail dav Mr an d Mrs Albert Scott snent T™ lo8ns haVe h**" « i " " 1"« I°r Mr and Mr' Howard Olnnle and r- The following Mr and Mrs William Dunlap of ^ n S,= 10 any “ut-of-tow n members were present’ several days in Portland last week 3b years aI^ 23? loaf“ are a t least to ^ v d sn ^ r *«7.rt m f r entr Portland were guests at the E Wil- O ther vniai^ £x<£d Mrs AUce Cutting. Tigard, and Mrs repairing damages in their resi- 20 years °ld- The board ls asking 10 yun Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Reese. fert home Thursday afternoon. dence caused during the cold snap I the legislature for authority to au- Z----- " Agt??s VanKleek and Mrs. M. C. i f f i s s a w , , « h “ - . —2 Leg» M cKercher of Beaverton. Mrs. Alice The first floor was flooded from thorlze future loans to Insure pay- Ijttly Godiva. cated in the armory' a t Shute park. Fluke, lecturer, had an Interesting w ater which cam e through from the I m ent in annual Installm ents over a abllltv ETf“ per cent dls- 1 Baughman Bunday. second story. R enters had moved | period of 25 years i pohev He Jv Z “ « d en t Insurance I lecture hour. Mr. and Mrs L. T Woodward M _ . ----- . . . ,ls completely in- L a rg e Mrs. Mabie Leachman (Mabie o u t during the freeze-up and left , and son K enneth visited at the ~ e w V e n e tia n P ic tu re d a v ^ w r e x ° me m Portland one T a k e * P la c e on L in e r VanKleek! of Portland spent a few htv ' ^ P ' " y— t of Frank Spencer * th “a '’ ' ' ' Pkg. . Wash Cloth FREE! days last week with her m other. t t f & l ^ o f and ^ ? / a todmlnis7rdatore wLe n ^ w rn ’X “ Pr° ' e“ “m al hRch-hlcker. p H u n te r M r .n w m "T ransatlantic J . * M U rs w AUW T H i i l s b ^ v i s Y t S d ram aCw !thSPm e M l ^ erry-G ^ t o-Round,'' e ^ i Mrs. Louise VanKleek. Many of the friends ln this com­ and Clarence Bowne of near Scholia i™ ” , «7“7 5 WM no ’ urPrL,e o °v- m ends in Portland one day last romance, staged aboard a palatial m unity were shaking hands and vislted last Sunday with Mr and ,rn.oy Alartln wwi¿i News m ^ . Letter . „ .n.... I-apitol * “ . C »1‘* Toilet Soap Roman Meal 2 5 c 4 b .„ ..... 1 9 c , « Purex 17c Sugar 10 a...... 4 8 c F a ir w a y M a rk e t W ILEY’S [NEW DEAL] GROCERY PIGGLY WIGGLY 4 Li France Flakes ......... 9c M 9C CATSUP 2 fo r ................... Satina 27C 23C tin ............... i4 c Snowdrift APRICOTS 2% 35c Pkg. 3-Ib. tin ............... 6-lb. tin ............. "Pure, Fresh, 56c $l»09 Creamy” Gay colors. Actual size 7 4 high. Mall 5 ZEE Tissue W rappers to Comfort Paper Corporation, San Francisco. Calif., and one will be mailed to you a t once absolutely free. Peets Granulated Soap 2 One large package Bisquick and relish tray. Bisquick Deal chromium 54c la rg e pkgs. .. And one large package FREE! one B oth fo r CALO DOG FOOD Singing Betty says, “There m ust be a 'dupe' for every ‘boop’.” But if you don’t want to be fooled when it comes | to getting the best in breads and pastries, then you’ll call the P e r fe c tio n B akery 3„„....... 2 5 c can» ....... His M aster's Choice’’ IVORY SOAP Medium size. Bar ........ . M. J. B. Coffee SALAD AID Durkee’s. P in t ........ Q u a rt Mb. 5c 3 -Ib . can BLEACHING FLUID Saniclor. Vg-gallon 18c PINEAPPLE S hredd ed W h e a t N.B.C. Serve ’em hot| —dip in hot water. 2 “There's no economy in cheap coffee” BROKEN SLICED. No. 2 tin................. CHEESE Tillamook 60c 22c 34c Sardines Food for Thought PEAS — Sifted. Dainty 3^ - . ....... 39c Tomatoe Sauce 3 25c Coffee C ry s ta l W h ite Tom atoes LARGE 21/2 IOC 10 reliable. b a r* TINS. E ach .............. BEANS — Cut atringless. 39c 3 cans .. Cocoa PEANUT BUTTER— 29c 25C oi'.» j . r .......... Bulk. 2 lb*. -................ TOMATO JUICE — Pre­ ferred Stock brand. 3 c a n * OQz* OYSTERS— F o u n t a i n ......... 2 5 c Raisins Rockwood’s Quality 2 * P ound can 16c Thompson’s Seedless -pound hair 4 F lo u r kitchen queen . Brooms GOOD QUALITY. 4-SEW POWDER. C alu m et In BAKING bulk. 4 9 -Ib . bag E ach 25c ................ ......... lb *. POST TOASTIES Affx» PEARLS of WHEAT Albers. Pkg 18c 2 27c BREAD i I MITY NICE 1-lb.. sliced . 1-lb., unAliced 9c| 8cl 3 p k g . ......................... PRUNES— Oregon. 4 1b*...... Z«>C ft _ Tuna Fish J. «PC Light Meat Flakes No. i / j , tins. Each SARDINES — Large oval ...... 25c See Our Display of BISQIJICK with Beautiful Salad Dish. Buy Quality Merchandise and Save Money. P hone 1001 FREE DELIVERY Corner Third and Main Street« 10c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FANCY RHUBARB ORANGES Strawberry variety. «■ Large size. Dozen POTATOES . . GRAPEFRUIT Those famous Deschutes. Arizona seedless. U. S. No. 2. 50-lh. bag Large size. L«»........................... 5C