•y M Thursday, February 7. 108ft S A V E fEBWWl M ONEY W T MATTRESSES and Sticks Spring F illed All big values BUY NOW SMASHING REDUCTIONS ___ BUY NOW! MATTRESSES On AH Goods In Our Entire Store RUGS DAVENPORT and CHAIRS I Pull-up Chairs nd ROCKERS Some M F ireside BENCHES Regular $7 and $3.50 SA LE Some as low Sale $ 1 9 x 1 2 V e lv e t $ 6 1 0 .5 0 R ug, sa le ....... t t t ) 9 x 1 2 A xm in- $ Q y | .75 ster, s a le ........... 9 x 1 2 D om estic O riental R ug. $ Q Q .5 O S ale .................... U V 9 x 1 2 W ilton $ 4 f t -50 S ale ................. Washing Machines Cotton - •• M ] * > j y1 h ‘n~ price Used Maytag Square tub. 45 lbs.— sale price Ö« Sale U* LOUNGING CHAIR w ith STOOL Homespun cover W ash R ugs, B ath Room R ugs, T hrow R ugs. Large assortment. Come and see! + ♦ ♦ FELT BASE RUGS 18x36 4 Q ~ (2 for 2 5 c ) E . RANGES ltJV Stand Lamps CH IN A DEPARTMENT Mohair covering Regular $89.50. SALE English tapestry. Regular $59.50. SALE Homespun. Regular $49.50. SALE BA R G A IN Sale P rice Smoker Sets Special Prize Offer A ssortm ent Sale A ssortm ent Sale 4 ft 1 O ft *5 ” Gift 0 3 REAL VALUES FOR THIS SALE d im ng ' set . A 26-p iece SILV ER W A R E 4 ft 1 3 A ssortm ent Sale To the customer returning to our store Sales Slips showing the largest amount of pur­ chases during the month of February, 1935: 1st Prize 2nd Prize COUNTERS A ssortm ent Sale China Sets SET W ood and Coal A R ubber Tired ROLLS-RACER W A G O N 3 Prize Large stock of new colors, etc. Come and see them! — CARPET SPEC IA L LOW PRICES — SSt 8 pieces— H«! Sale ......................................... Jug Bowls. Fine finishes ner Well finished, and going at D IN IN G ROOM Hardware Specials RÏ ■•- t p M standard makes sacrifice prices. > HR K - ir t '- END TABLES CIRCULATING HEATERS - S Lawn Mowers USED HEATERS Some as low as BED ROOM SETS CKIBS Many shapes and sizes. P er R unning Yard IR O N IN G BO A R D S SALE $79.50 Combination B ook case and S ecretary BATH ROOM SETS All walnut. $ ¿ J (^ -5 0 DRESSER CHIFFONER and BED G ilbert C arpet S w eep er Reg. $18.50. $ 0 .9 5 S ale ...................... O T h e B oltz SU C TIO N SW EEPER Reg. $17.95. $ f t .9 5 S ale ..................... COM PLETE- SALE PRICE .. $019 True value....... Tub, Lavatory, Toilet and Fixtures, COM PLETE— S A L E ............................ « VACUUM CLEANER Used. $R).49 Good shape..... / S ale $ 4 .1 9 P rice ................... X Ivory finished, wood or iron, large or small. SALE SPECIAL! 22-in. x 42-in. $ / » 9 9 Ivory finish, wood O L A W N LEA F BROOM S Garden Seed GARBAGE BU R N ER S Heavy wire and large. «7 C arpet S w eep er Special Sale .... While they 4 la s t.................... lO Simmon«* I SALE .................................... WATLU SYSTEM ELECTRIC PUM P A U T O M A T IC ELECTRIC W A SH IN G M ACHINE Special lot of F elt B ase LINOLEUM r sq u are Complete Water System. O ft BARN BROOMS With handle. Cft S p ecial P rice on all BULK SEED S Sale FOR FEBRUARY ONLY! $CO $59.95 value. “Save M oney’’ S ale .................................... tfU SAVE L E ST E R IR E L A N D & C O OREGON UD R A D IO S We are the exclusive agents for the R. C. A. line U SED R A D IO S fcTTTÄO z-r- ’1650 Ä -.... *1650 I I P K ' L IM ), $ 8 7 .5 0 Z en ith 9 tubes. $ 1 0 5 .0 0 P h ilco 9 tubes. C rosley T a b le M odel COME .................... Radio Tubeá Tested Free! ELECTRIC IRONS Spring-filled base, three cushions. Excellent cover­ ings. Twin type. $ 4 f t .9 5 A ir o w m o 1 AIR