T IW8& tv H K H I L L 8 B O R O A R Ü * 8 > H I »' RH B O K O , Page Three OREGON Fair and Warmer exp 94 45, total 951.99; Dra«on T y p e ­ w rite r Co., county court 99 90, county nurae 91-90, county school superintend­ ent 91 91. Bounty surveyor 93 *'», county s h e riff 1 19 0, tax dept 91 »1. county treasurer 91 W . county assessor 99.91» cxsurity clerk 99 91. county recorder 95.70, d istrict attorney 99 90, circu it court 91.- 90. Kftal 9 4 1 9 4 ; J W Copeland Yards, county ho-pital exp, 29c; M acken zie M o •h e r iff's exp. 99 7« , f ^ / r i ( e T M cG rath. e«njnty shenfCs exp. HM<- . Georye L Hendricks, court house exp, •¿15.57. Mays Brothers' M ercan­ tile Co., relief M in n ie Crane. 93 . H e nry & 00>- Tym er Co.. Inc.. T u a la tin valley flood control exp, 91125; P L Patterson, ju ven ile court exp, |1 0 ; Portland Gen­ ( \ eral Electric C o . eoonty ja il exp 977.- i l a m m u N PARK. Florid». January 30, court house exp 9110.49, total 9197.- highlight o r 1934 79 . Palm D ru y store, county ja il exp 95.- H f AO n» iwovery on tire farm As 95, relief exp 9I59.HO. c«»unty hospital M«UO»I exp 9217.10, total 9379.95; Hillsboro A uto i,.«ult of llw drought, the Amrrl- P reiyh t, county hospital exp 90c. c/runty * , I aim er Unit» himself better oft I ju d "« ‘x exp 91. total 91-50; Coalett Truck nîdav t h 2 ï a t «ny tim e »Ince l»S0 Service, county cliarp gain»* In moat other farm A card party given by the W B A basque. The belt I» of black ! ty exp 93.20, county sheriff's exp 99, tax the next year or so Lark of adequate products' price» the average ad- ; by the top Uns above. ladles at the Perry Retherford home ; dept exp 927.70, county school supt exp leather, with metal buckle; the Over a period of years, a change acreage control In 1935 not only Friday night was well attended. vanee being tw enty-nine pel cent 910.26. county assessor's exp 92^.4',. total model, a fair Parlxlan. for the year. Hence, the larin pic­ if one per cent In corn production would result In a large surplus of Seven tables were In play. Those |||M 9114.49; N ational Ro-emph/ymerit Service, re lie f exp. 925; L L C lark, justice court ture today lia» changed ' ’’ f.. y' has been followed by a correspond corn and low feed prices, but un­ receiving honors were: "500 —Mrs. i exp. 93; E Poorman. justice court exp. The farm er I» once again feeling I Clara Allen, high, and Gilbert Frost, doubtedly would be followed In 1938 93 ; J W Vandervelden. justice court Ing change of about one per cent In nappy lur he ha» more cash lh Ills low cribbage—-O erald Powell, high, exp. 93 , W illia m F Cyrus, commander (Continued from page 2» pocket than at any tunc »luce the Ibe number of bogs slaughtered un and 1937 by heavy hog feeding and and Mrs. Ethel Edwards, low Am erican I^egion p<»t No. 5, HU labor« <. IS . M vliw a K ay Richard. IS ; H a ttie G 9159.30. Carol Coman. clerk county court, dpurcastou began G randm a Thom as Is visiting her <’2trj>ent«r, d«r Federal Inspection. Moreover. relatively low bog price». |7 , Kachel E M cN abb. 110; /bile livestock anil grain lu m i­ 923; State In d u strial Accident commis­ daughter Mrs. Ethel Nelson W illiam F ra n k lin Sm ith, •*> ; D avid Rich­ T u a ltin valley fl ; Co., county house Of ionie In 1934 the farm er * bens­ “ ■“ s h e riff’s exp. 919; Cady M * ‘!r7UK“ t n it“ null c ie a le d ’a^i'im tagc ! iii’td l from hi» 1933 carry-over but Mr and Mrs. C. A Peterson, S at- Jmie M H o lt. •& ; Frederick G H a rc ourt, to r Co., county s h e riff’s exp, 9394 . M ac­ 17 John W C u rl. »5; A lva M W odell. k en zie M 'd o r Co., county s h e riff’s exp. urdny night. . Charlea D Staley. 17 ; John Frància 91.50 ; FLaxtman Kodak stores. Inc., coun­ and Mrs E Mercer of Hills- 17 I ll y N o rth Plains P. T A .l Gilleapie. 97 , Alonso Clapahaw. |7 ; Lydia ty s h e riff’s exp. 914.90; Perfection Ba­ piles. Dairy pra«- J ° t l drought If wr have normal crops we cannot NORTH PLAINS—Local P arent- aren t- boro visited her m other. Mrs. Alice Belle L illy . 96 . Josephine A m ato, 94 ; kery. county ja il exp 99.71. county h<»- been less sr nsUH lo l , expect a further rise In price» w ith- Teacher group met at the school Estepp, Sunday Norm an A Fuller. 97 : M arh m TfModora p ita l exp 9150, total 910.21; Hillsboro th an *«<* f ' ““ .»,: J|U. latter ha» out Increased consumption. The January 30. Mrs Clara Troutm an Mr and Mrs. D. C om utt went U) Hutchison. 97 ; Daniel P e rry Earp. 97 ; C a rte r, 97; A lb ert T G illia m . 97 : b ^ te r rcliinu. lor latter In turn depend.» upon more spoke on The Child of T o d ay !« Portland Sunday. Mns. R o b e rtH ll- Smiley Fred Scheel, 97 ; John A llen. 95 ; Cath­ H u t t Consuinp- employment at home and bigger t| 1P citizen ol Tomorrow." The nker cared for S tanton and Patty erine M orris. 9" ; A rth u r B enjam in H o lt, milk, b u ltir, and I th e 1 , exports abroad Rising world prices „„„u» of the primary room present- Rhea during th eir absence their l r> ; J a* per A M orris. 95 ; John C M ille r, tlun. however. la »»•■>» wid rPl.,I)r(K.al tariff agreem ents a play -if 8lgns Could Speak.' Work on Highway 97. Louiaa A M iila, 95; H erm an H enry price, arc . ^ ‘" » „ .‘{Kjui'tm enU >‘°W Üjê m«rtt p ro m is for m crea-ed S jm aF y won In th e m irror Work on the state highway from ____ ... . . 97 . ; . _____ vaiaan *. _____ 95 ; M a ry Meyer, C labom time gor» un contest. T reharne to Top hill began Monday k Bryan. 17; Ro»a New m an. I l l ; Joaeph fmwi 1 rxix»rt» Hm outlook w i l l lx* be Ironed ‘™ned out Il g , • u t cr ,,.w while ln„nlhh the i* excellent will Miss Hila Cornelius »pent the morning. i.aM nre. »». prices have also llHluenced Ult wealher m a„ th(. blg • week-end III Corvallis Visiting her Operations to S tart W a lte r K Hutebinaon. clerk rfia tn rt pou try Ph»“" >’Y y (or the farm er in the second hall narents. Mr and Mrs. Robert Cor- Some work a t the Elwood m ill; aitorney. n o » T h e C C »tore, relief exp ¡Is being done The mill Us expected «<*» ? 2«. doling layer» in lurm ll°ck»: __ ( J 1U3f> us a» registered by K5hu" »21.- ! Colton Kiports Cut In Hall the Babeonchart. U ruing rapidly. Mavis F air has been 111 and ab- to resume operations sometime this ______ __ c Luce . county clerk, county j iSoutlirm rollon grower» are al»o It 1» now 14 per cent ubovr a year sent Irom school the past week. rle rk ’a exp 920.61, circuit judire 96. total month. feeling much belter Frice» In the ago and only 18 per cent below 926.51 ; J W Connell, county ahenffa Annivt-rsarv Observed ,l- *• Meet Saturday 921.80; State In d u s tria l Accident last year have averaged 43 per cent nonnal A special meeting of the W. B. exp, Past Chiefs card club surprised rommia»»ion. court house exp 92.36, coun- 1 ('■•pyritfht 1935 above IVJJ The fly in Die oin t­ o n ; A was ncia held a at t the home o of . Mrs. Mr and Mrs. J. R Sandford Sandlord on h it nome . . . . . . tjr htMpital exp 915.29, to ta l 917.65; i ’uLliahvra Financial Bureau m ent In the rollon situation Is the their twenty-second wedding annl- Ethel Meyers Saturday afternoon H anel’a Electric shop, court house «rap. »harp drop in export». Colton ha» versary Junuary -’ll The evening The regular business meeting will 91 . O lia Elevator Co., court house exp. been our biggest export Item lor was »pent playing ;>00 Honors were be held at the O range hall Febru- 97.26; N E Stanyel. law lib ra ry fund. year». II we continue to follow tiie won bv Mrs A. F. Chrlstcner, Mrs. ary 9. Several members have blrth- 5 0 c ; C A C u nningham , f r u it inspector. 915.45; Nancy D<>ane. old atre pension AAA curtailm ent policy we may Jam es Mathlesen. J R. Sandford days this month. 97 ; John Brow n Hays, old aye pen­ eventually find ourselves producing u „ h A r t h u r R e y n o ld s Mr. and Mrs. Laurel rr o s t Ol exp. sion exp, 97 ; P ortland G eneral Electric for home consumption only. Tlu» Mr. and Mrs Eurl Cooper and Forest Orove visited his mother, Co., relief Ire n e A ltm a n . 91 ; C C Ban­ would alter the entire eeonoinle life CITY Honor roll for faniliv of St Helens visited Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Tillman, one day last nister, b a iliff c irc u it court, 98.09; 8 £ ’ of the South. The same comments the KANSAS F iy ra m , c«»unty school supt exp. 934 . Kansa» City grade school this Mrs A F Chrlstener Sunday. week str>w berrtes „ u(Wln< apply with leas force to the inld- month A Sattler. relief John Lam bert 910, Mrs Include» Malcom Esllliger. E ntertain Past Chief» dlewesi and ILs big farm export W 8 Reynold« 915. t o u l 925; C L Oakes' Work in the straw berries Is be- Rita, G ertrude Mesdames Faye Mills. Eugenia ._g done here, also early garden.» grocery, county ja il exp, 911-30; D P Item» such a» wheat and hogs For und Vincent Vinidomelen. Ih len and , ^ 7 M avs% nîcrt'aln- lnK done here' C o rrieri. county ja il exp. 912 ; J<»eph the time being, however, control Is Ralph Marr. Edward Lewis Doris cypher and enu W riam_ „ a -tw . O . . . J r . - M h i e f a . . y s e h .h it h a are being put In. Strawberries are Fairchild, relief E W M cCorkle. 96.82, club with bulslrrtng cotton prices Roth D a iry, widows* pension exp, Sylvia ' Bean. 96 2 "; Sunset D a iry , county ja il exp. 932.65. E A G riffith , personal prop- _ __ erty tax eotteeifcm exp, 918.80; B ert C buying (tower Floyd"W hitmore homes near Laurel Huntinx-t«»,. relief R»y Beighley »• n u n in i n u i u ' a n th e J - Leeter Ire la n d A Co., court bouse exp. Yenkel. of Wells were present. "good times." Kcal" buying power K i r Mr». D Caputo and m o i » u » / » wthel Einei Marvtn i,ad tonsils i v Sunday. • 1.90; 8 E Fay ra m . county «heriff» exp the II« u rc _ - ; - f i K x r f l n u H u u r n Miss k -p n d M a r v in I Poe 'W u au t his u a vuimuìs Is calculated by comparing priera of farm producta with the m .iï;r ,‘“ ’d m ™ Ä o n d nw ted S aturday nt the. Jones hos 939.75. tax dept exp 915.38. county clerk’» i Pol lee Courtesies exp 99. total 964.13; S E F ay ra m . dog »rices »I the goods which the furi - <»' Mr Mr* pital and 1» doing nicely. e er í m,¿ít buv^L Last ast vrai' and McGuinness had been posted to fund exp, 337.50; H illsboro M eat Co., i G uests of Mr. and Mrs. Jam es inu»t ‘ buy year finished im ished Vunderzanden on lluxton visiting and son of Beaverton and Mr. and ‘“ Y U ?1' . Mrs Lawrence Vandehey and fam - . W h a ts the m atter? growled the Cuast — Telephone Co., county hoapttal ' Hence, In the last twelve months m ght ln UuxWn ily of Hillsboro. driver. At th a t mom ent McGutness e,p . 911.16; M cNutt*» grocery, indigent f i ? m ! ? ^ l 5 5 d T S th a t ^ h t e t/h e Mr and Mrs. Claude Lyda and A n o t h a r " 5 0 0 " n a r t v Will be held recognized him as the county mag- «oldier»' fund. »5.25; Backeberg's Su- Anotner wo party WHi De neiu u t , p ,rio r A m h u U n re service, re lie f T V | {»uT h o i naV row id^H sIderably As M,“ s »»d Vernon and Alma verself ver H onor" he h»rn,lcn. »10; Kel»o General h o p iu l . re- r i e » u l“ ,U " i n l a n d in 7 the St. Edward church baseiiunl Vanu I i h iva st* t bghlight 3 4 Incom e Doernbeeber hospital In Portland January 29 to have an obatructlon removed from her tnroat. Hhe re ­ mained In Portland several days visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs F. E Beatty and daughter M argaret ol Portland vis­ ited Mr. and Mr». A rthur Reynold» Bunday Mr». Beatty la a slater of Mr. Reynold». . Mr. and Mr». Nels Yenkel of Well» visited friend» here Thursday The Yenkel» formerly resided here. Mr. and Mr». M erritt Jackson and daughter visited Mr». Jackson a »later. Mrs F. P Bush, ut Inde­ pendence Bunday. Friends atid neighbor» of Mrs Faye Mill« met a t her home Ja n - 1 uary 29 and enjoyed a day of quilt- I ing. Little Roy Btlgum of St. Helena »pent last week with his uncle. Tom ‘ StA "500" party will be held a t the K of P hall Monday, given by the Pythian Bisters Public la Invited. noo kuhmu «xxxw ovjasn » cc*« production M ,--------------------------------- . - * C T _______ ejo Show* p ______ - 2.25 G al« •< 30 P er C eni ■WWMI b» 1.73 * »*“•• ," * ,5 5 % 515 450 Buxton People- Honor Newlyweds | IOU A « Countv Court Feed Co., Inc., county hospital exp. 939.- t exp. 977 42. M archant C alculating Ma- 4 1 . H w iry Voung. r» l« J W W W tllo w h - k h ill. r , ,l ( 8T.4O; V . lt o , by, deceased. 922.50; Hanson Bros., do< t t w l u m . fund. 421 F r « | - . H»p—rio r m »r- I 1 c “ -. •*« » •» »™<«» •»e Powell, 9*.»»5; F J Sewell, coroner's inquest fee Em ilie Hogrefe. deceased, 96.20; D r. C T Sm ith, coroner's physician inqueat fee E m ilie , Hogrefe. deceaaed, 910; Packer-Scott Co., county h ** •s * waa snappy an - f>aeif»e M anifolding Book Co., county hiMTii» S u n d a y SWBT. Court exp. 930.85; w est Coast Telephone . Guests of Mr. and Mrs Ernest Wilmer Loftis. Richard and F ran- he stepped politely out of the way. »».so. «»untg reco rd tr Sharp Increase In Farm n Sale» M arr Sunday were Mr and * ** Mrs. K t‘ non and R*ub«n KiiraUl m I ,,f got Qrd<>rs Jet nQ trafflc k j is eoumy school . supt 34.70, For five years the tan mer n er ba* c liff Sandy, Lam ar and Mary. Mr. I s h e riff 317.80, elr- Just about been able to pay hu and Mrs Maurice Thompson and y . ^ Rundsv ’' P ‘ through because of the rotten X ^ S d g i county judge 99.85, I “ “ m 5 f X ^ R e y n o l d s . who h u bridge .b u t. seeln' It's you. yer Hon- X . ^ r surveyor 4 o r 93.45, M *« . subsistence bills without ____ county juvenile ¿ o v t a ^ ‘n‘h ” ^ “ t° 1^ ’ - E X 4 * Pl«*»“™- ° ° luxuries or new equipment. Willi pranrl» Thompson ol Portland district Confectioner» - Bowling Alievs the 1934 gain In hl» buying power. | Mr and m i » Raymond Hudson Home L au n­ Billiards dry. county h