The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 07, 1935, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page Two
Scholls Group
Plans Potluck
School C lin ic A rra n g e d
N e ig h b o rh o o d
P up ils
(B » L . B. Ile m n iin t
fo r
Peter’s Pentecost Sermon
T ext: Acts 2 22-2M, SA-41
Tin* In tern atio n al
I'liifo n n
Aiinilny School l.csson for Feb.
• • •
4 VERY changed man rrom
th e fearful figure who sat
by the fire In (he court of the
hall of judgm ent, and vehe­
mently denied th at he knew
Jesus, was the P eter of th e Pay
of Pentecost.
With the restoration of Peter
to the circle of disciples, with as­
surance of the Master's forgive­
ness and love, and with the tinea-
fold protestatious of his own love,
there ratne to Peter the old ! me
courage and the «elf-forgetfulness
of a passionnte hope and faith.
The opportunity of displaying
this faith and courage, that came
to him on the Pay of Peutecost,
was unique
The disciples, in
fear and perplexity following the
crucifixion of Jesus, had their
faith revived with the evidences
of His resurrection, and went
forth with the spirit of conquest
th at had inspired them in th eir
first coming to Jesus and their ac­
ceptance of discipleship.
Now on the Day of Pentecost,
we are told, they were gathered
in one place with one accord; old
Jealousies and ambitions were for­
gotten In the glory of the things
that filled th eir souls: outward
m anifestations of the tense spirit
th a t moved then, only increased
the sp irit of expectation and en­
thusiasm .
• • • v
EVERYTH ING was ripe for a
profound and deep experience,
and we have a deeply moving nar­
rative of the first great religious
event following the death and
resurrection of Jesus, in ihe
founding of the Christian church.
To Peter fell the responsibility
and privilege of being the chief
speaker on the occasion
exact nature of the scene and of
the audience is not indicated, but
apparently there were many on«
1 x?a s whose interest in what
• c m happening was not that of
an Intense discipleship, hut who
map, none the less, have been
drawn by sufficient Interest to
rente under the Influence of
Veter’s preaching
Apparently there was a number
of this sort there, otherwise Peter
would not have spoken so plainly
and Intensely concerning the guilt
of those who had crucified Jesus
I'e te rs polgnaut words struck
home, and the result of his
proachlng was that about 3000
souls were added to the church,
which now had been definitely
launched upon its historical x—
H IL L S B O R O .
I ’ knepper. I lo . IX . G*» »m * K lrk . 38.37;
E lvin C ra ile y . I I H Ò
Kili» W atson. 813 - !
56; W a lia r W illis, 830-60. Donald Uutta. 1; Tony K»*up«r. 830.69. A C W »r* I
ra«. 111.IS . K Natoon. 366.88; A C H a r ­
m i . li i. M . Ton> keu ipvr. 86-58 . IR mim IU
»U lla . |S * * » . I. Naisi»«. |& 58 ; H Nelson.
311-98. Gu» KeU'how, 33.79; L na I Panaer.
120. »4, AI Piere n. 37 8 6 . l.qeter lh»w»,
13.41. A l f m i Natoon. 33 48 ; J K käy .
33 48
H |) W iaw eil. 83-48; H Klee. |3 -
M al V rlic a k . |3 48 : F ra n k East. |3 .-
48, Krneat Townsen«!. |3 4S. O liv e r V a n -
I do malan. 83.48.
A rth u r Hum tlay. 13.48;
C ha rl ay P ialvr. 13.48; P m ! Yunuar, 13.-
I 48 ; H Siaehl,», 32 79; Saxton A l.oonay,
I 3100.51 . Orvqon State Huthw ay Commis­
sion. 123.77 ; Louis Lom aa. 336.88. V e r­
non R«te»abrauah. 832.80, State Industrial
Axvitient rontin taaton, | 3 i> .*| , S tate in-
d u » tr ia l
A cv idem
S tate
In d u atriai
128.47; Gaora« L Kendrick». I4 1 O 8 . Fred
h a n te r. 117.48; A I Pieren. | l . \ 4 3 . \ irg li
\ an tear, 14.18; I. eater K.»wc, |7.6? . A lfre d
Natoon, 13,38; J K Kay. 13.3.x. |( D
W is well. 13.38. Erank htost. 12.78. A r ­
th u r Hundley. 36.68; W S Salee. 36.68,
M at V riiv a k , 83.88, Charley F ix ie r. 13.38;
H Staehle. |3 .8 8 . Ernest Townsend,
6 3 . O liver S andtunelen. 85-68. W kies.
18.88. G E Valusse, 8123 2 4 . State In ­
Accident eommiaaion. 1307.31 ;
Constane* Cochran. 87.20; L 1. .MacIn­
tyre. 8143.7t>. J \\ Barney. 8188.60. W
A Tuppar. 1113. John Keri». 833.81. Bobby
K lin g er.
833.82. J E
M itte l.
C h a rit*
Au stin. 872.84;
\ irv ii Vm h»»e,
113 2 3 . H erm an
H tfltn aya l. 8117.26.
H C h antier, 806.03; N M ann. 864 36. E
H o lt. 133 . T Sm ith. 833.22; John Pendle-
ton. 13..»8. C A u alm . 32.7V. E 1. Brown,
387-28. John SpeiruiM. 12.7V. John Peter­
son. 33.48.
Lloyd Stout. 31.3V. Albert
Meyer. 37.32 . E B randaw . 37.32.
Borgett. 38.71; Em il Ktfirvr, 82.7V; A E
Schm idt, 34.18. Ed H o ffm a n . 82-78, Eric
■ her. 33 f t E D i.
1. W Loria. 311.86. Chris Reichen. 30.«
A daring bathing suit ii'c in t
38 . E a rl G ilm ore. 82.77; K E Susbauer.
hardly In keeping with a halo —
U G G ardner.
Kasmusaen 8118-44; K W W illiam ». 348.-
but It Isn't really a halo. T hat
68 ; R L Cham berlain. 3105.25. Jack IL *.-.
circle about Lily Danilin a head
364.41 . Geo Fisher. 338.82 . John B ill. 35 58 .
Is th e brim of a tra n sp aren t
• Ered W atson. 321.62. George k ir k . 3 1 -
| 7 4 ; O N ia l son, 31-74. H Peterson. 88.76.
beach hat th a t protects the
E C K nap par. 32 78. E F Mead. 12.78
vivacious French actress from
H o yd B u rn w o rth .
W iaw eil.
311.16; K k Reynold», 38.37; P J Chris-
the sun s glare nt Palm Springs,
I tensan. 88.3?; George Schneider.
J C Radke. 32.78. Lou Layton. 86.87.
•W illia m Enetty. 34.18; J H Berger. 3 5 8 -
A ‘Water’ Lily
SCHOLLS—A pot luck dinner will
be given a t the J. E. Bennett home
Tuesday sponsored by the Scholls
Woman's club. The program Is to
observe W ashington and Lincoln's
birthdays and American citizenship
Mrs. J. M S tretch er and Mrs. F.
F Stearns have charge.
George Zeigler and Melburn and
Vivian Zeigler and Velma Wohl-
schlegcl went to th e Roy B arrin g -
tou home Thursday evening to a t­
and all the Influences of feme-
tend a birthday party given in h o n ­
cost were as extensive and re­
or of Vivian Zeigler.
m arkable as they were deep.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R Stanley of
Swept away by the vision and
P ortland were Wednesday visitors
power of tlie new Ideal, a spirit
a t the M. B. Bozorth home S un­
day visitors were Mr. and Mrs
of brotherly love and devotion
Stanhope S. Pier and Miss Lulu
took hold of the disciples, lifting
Trueblood of Portland.
them above all selfish Interests
Union to Meet
and leading them even into giv­
Laurel-Scholls Farm ers' Union
ing up their private property and
will meet (tonight» Thursday eve­
ning. Mrs. Julius Christensen, Mrs.
pulling It Into a common fund
Ed Denunin and Mrs Ed Boge are
The world, for the most part,
on the refreshm ent committee.
has condemned this ecouontlc
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wohlschlegel
manifestation of th eir religious
and Velma Wohlschlegel attended
a party given at the George Zeigler
earnestness and Interest as uni­
home Saturday evening. Velma
versally as It has commended the
Wohlschlegel h ad spent the w eek -,
quality of the experience lt«elf.
end there
Out one may well pause to won­
Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider and
family o( Oregon City were Sunday
der whether a sim ilar great out­
guests a t the Chris Suhrbier home
pouring of religious grace, with
Members of the W. C Heaton
Its consequent enthusiasm , would
fam ily have been ill with the flu
not solve many of our modern
Ship to Germany
problems, and one wonders at
A truckload of m aple burls was
shipped from th e W. W. Jaquith
times whether such problems can
farm Monday to Portland, from
ever be solved except as men and
where they are shipped to Germany
w.mien everywhere are baptized
to be cut into veneering 1-64 inch
with a new power of unselfish
thick. Machinery for this special
motive and action.
cut Is found only in Germany.
Teacher HI
Certainly. If we could bring all
Groner school was dismissed Mon­
men under the power and experi­
day because of illness 01 the teach­
ence of Pentecost. It would mat­
er, Miss Laura Alstroni
ter little what forms the social
Party Success
Scholls Woman's club benefit card
change might lake
party a t the F. E. Rowell home S a t­
A world buill on unselfishness,
urday evening was well attended
such as these disciples displayed
Eight tables of cards were played
following Peutecost. would be a
and 64.70 were the proceeds. Mrs
world where most of Its problems
George Lewellyn won first and Mrs
F ran k Potter second.
could be easily solved.
Clinic Planned
J J M W t om
S P ans Ä club
« - ! will
« » be » . held
“ ! boro
! « • In t honor
" — ~ of 2 ....
for the Mountainside. G roner and and his son Erwin's birthdav
Midway schools in th e n ear future
Mrs. George Lewellyn spent Thurs-
for the purpose of testing for tuber- day and Friday at th e Della Fink
a x • S a - t t s s s f » x s ? home
h »
S p & X 1
glVen lhe PUPUS fOr te«arL-edd w ntrSa W alter
io r™ a V t e M o o n ^ d
CrlwridaVh7T'eSU' a t v e
LaATS “?e *" honor of their daughter* Ma‘e on ^ e n U , 1 M r . ^ d Mrs V p . Vander'S ,‘
Thursday, February 7, 1935
aing. delinquent t a t foreelusure axp. 36» -
6 0 . Gladys Elaner. delinquent la « fore­
closure axp, 83.
W idews* Psnaisn
E m ilia I* Am ato, 825. Ruth Beatrice
Anderson. 830; M ary K Batcheiar. 310.
Cora Mnl-el Bell. 8t6 . Ed llh M arie D r.—
Iro m . 810. G race Colvin, 810. Grace D
Creee. 317. E d ith C u ller. 317. Ile rlh a k
Dailey. 315. Km m a D e l’res. 815; M arie
J Ding lay. 315. M ary Maude Dix»on. 3».
Elate M Dodge. 815. L o ttie Blanche Eaell,
3 '3 . M yrtle Einaley. 822. I.o tta II Ko».
325; Boaelta Eleenor. 820, O pal Gibbon»,
8 io .
K ld ir
Noble Huaon, 835 ; Althea
Harm on.
||0 .
Aunuata lla ffn e r . 315.
Lau ra E tta llayn«— 318. A m elia l«awc»<>u.
32 ‘ . Stella k e a ru . 320; M a ttle k in s
C atherine M arshall. 315. Donna Schanck
M eredith. 322. Mabel C M ille r. 315. Cora
Elsie Moe, 832, L au ra I
M urra y. 325;
Florence J Newton. 320. A n na J Pavey.
310; Frances Randolph. 320.
Ib c h lic k
llu ld a
S Kydm au,
Addye M S h affer. 315. S tella Shaffer.
315. M in n ie 1 Sharp
323. Ilerth a A
315. Jennie
Y Shepherd. 815.
M ary L Sm ith 322;
____ _______
Sm ith. _ 315.
O l«a Geneva H a ll. 8- < M. . J P W aters. .
328 t ia r a Eliaabeih W e»,coti. 822 . Mabie
Catherine l.<m i. 810; John l.undecn 810, Caleb Cheney Dennett, 815 Danlal n l
lla t t ie le r. 84. M ia Lydia M M aree- 310. Amy I. Drow n. 3 7 . 4'harlwi I ,i
• -n 84. Charle» M arahall 81
Mr» M ary |
i ’lora Campbell |Z
M yra I i '
V icto r lluckley Raymond. 3’ ; C“ r ,,,a Newm àn
- , .' ,
Alila«,»». 312. W illiam
A rth u r. T
3 1 - 0
J ..... ,.h ‘ W arren
Vian,». 31" . M .a Eteil 1 ; ‘ " n\ , •
M ary .......... ml»
8- , • .
- » • “ • Geurij,
Edw ard
E ll-w o rth ,
M abelle Ih o rn e,
| l
nnni. ril.a J.m«.
|t, ; J u. | u. ,.
N s ff.
A nna
kenne Motor Co
unty »bertff'a e«p
G ray. 812
W illia m J Gulden. 85. Jame»
|| ,
M 0S.
V sll»» W s lr r f , . , r s ll.r U . n
horn Gibbe, I s . John Fradrlekson. 37.
7 ( «,,(.. 1
k in g . 1 1 5 0 . C B aum gartner, c attle In- J V H a ll. 37 5o. M argaret Jane Hall. 35 . Stsphrn Tlglrn gn D lsrk.
.U-n,liity . » I M I . I»r J w I'«, k. l y l i . f J W 87.50. Henry Gehrke. 17 . Anna H o ff­ E Chaitry. 8 5 . A rth u r /.«l«»itàs l> w
3 7. G r-.ig » M m , ,
I Attains, »4; I. E W ilk ,-., r.'lief syp. ,|p :e . m ann. 85 . De«la Fredleka Jt»haiison. 85 . Mury II
• Ttasrd rta .n n s .-y , raltaf L o t t i, Pomrvy. J,than Peter Johatiaon. 8'> . Gitlauto Hickey. lt,4»ilta»n. 87 . E t«adrrI« k W illiam M i.In
M a i, j‘| ...
¡» tilt
Itay-lM .I H r,»
E u ,l Co., w l.l..» .' 810. John II la m b e r l. 8 lo . Nathan J,4> 36 . Jama» I l H utrhlson. |5
( ( untlnuad un paga
rulunui 3»
I pM ulun ,»1>. , t
k J M n h . f i . county i« ll K irk . I*
W illiam Ledvala, 812. t'ln a
•x p . I l 21» . ('..m tncrcinl N n th .lis l hnnk. l a t r i la k e lly , 812
George Schnell. I*
county I r c u r c r « p . » I . C h u r l« It.« . Thomas (
Maiiaen. 312 . Charlee P M«*r
I county h .» p tl« l c»p.
S« «<• .
K IlM h M h rell.
85; Robert
M .l.r a n ,
. d r i e r ' . ,» n . •« ,.0 0 ;
_ M ary ___
XLt.eau. 85. Charlea Ale«'
H tra lw lh T .-I.l t , A I' .» p « t m , pr.» Murn. » I
Prank A M o r e . I« . W illiam
ballon « M e u r e yap ».1 so. « - .10. 11 11 F ra n k lin M a a tll. » I H i Pou. » I
Jen n at,
kraua. c«n»uty «ehuul supt e«p. 320 7 5 . J Cochran P h ilip 81". John Severe Owen»
H’ Conneli. ta« dept e»p. 817 70. State 815
K o lx rt Joseph Potter. 3’i Am anda ¡
Industrial A c nlent rommiaaUm. peare « f- I Jane Perkins. 3*
Lau ra Alice Phillip». I
, ‘'“ n Jrlbuti»»,i. 3.(3 63; Aloba (¡raug e 87. Am anda Frough. 34. Daniel Pnm gh. ■
N«>. .73. elertions. 35. l ) r J II Dinsm ore, 34; Benjam in T R o eenrraM , 88 . A n n a t
insane e«|> H enry kru eg er. inaane.
l.eoiiora R<Herrnund. 17. Michael Reeves. I
G rand Jurnr»
bJmer Sli|«e. l i i ) . C arl
! R**«* J Rhhey. 31". Albert M iauer |
Clapahaw, 31J .
H Herahey. 88 so
1. \ 35 . James P Rhea
87. John E Rt
ffer you complete
ri«'ndly service f o r
It pays to deal
little thingM are
lone without your having to
tsk for ttcrvice!
Service Garage
flow would you like to lose 151
pounds of fat In a m onth and at i
Phon« 501
M a in St.
the «line time Increase your energy
nnd Improve your health?
H o* would you like to lose your ■
double chin and your too promt-1
nent abdomen and a t 11« same I
time make your skin so clean and
clear th a t 11 wilt compel adm ira­
John p itm a n 'o ’ P o rtlan d .and *
m n c f s ^ A r l e n a ^ ^ l U a ‘in d 'sh ^ly n zande"-
fam*»-' -Thursday morn
Mr. and Mrs. M B. Welch and Odell Alice W a 'ts o iiX n e H a tfie id mg Mr V anderzanden and his B«». » J f
w . c h n « , »2.7»; J c fund
E F. H . n y « . r elmut
V .V S 1 ! O «
0 * »coles today U.xl see
M tnnta «'..« l i f t . M ary
J h o w in U ' l l >'t>U w e ig h
(h e n
V t ah j
family of G resham were week-end ne'M Uinta nJttT?"o»»w*6..¿ t Lvl 1?' brother, Frank, left for Astoria to »u.kcr, »-• ;.. l M ick«. »2.7». I . m « - court reporter,
H a rry t
K.-t.i aln.on, C la rk .
iS S V i Ot
. . S th
w o i . I V
Y, ”*“
° la ' ®ett.y' ? ? “ ?. and
m it.
.v llccn.c
F le
i c c k k '. , <:, r.H-cry, C h urchill. »12
n o « « » , , ! * £ L ? n a 9 * % . v
““ “ r ‘ “ i- work
work in in a a lumber
lumber e cantD
« e n tin ,. »2 ; » . J"h’’
j..h n “
i t -*•
, » ,. «»«.»».
1 i m a A f F d dmr
tic c n ., fund c p »»
M n. itari.lcc C .antu
B S -C C Ilt 'lOttle ot KrUM'ItCH Halt* 1
i c£ ?
ett ho me
cis Burke Virgil Hatfield. Albert
u rb ln W aldron was a n overnight w* 'hn"
»*7«j. l m m ,, »a«.»». L r,i>-f c ► iir,.„. «.-. i'.,,f„.
b.ncry Ada Curtta. I I ; M ln .u a t'ra n a . »7; M r - w h ic h
» 111 la s t y o u
fo u r
SdP111* Jackson and and Elmer Lillegard. arl
M « ie "d
n ti.-
c . » t « i . o »».
: ; . P F ra
t i » 1» ; ?2
* »»
I 'r i n t w
i m «t C o c«?.’“K
. c u n t y n O h.«d
Rueck and
and r guest
Thursday of
of hts
his teacher
teacher Miss
Miss i£„“
c n k R u Itch,
S t. ’«
n / * ...p
{¡“ ’ t
,7’ " j L “? a X ’’
JJ ^ n .« ! 'n *kr
Arland Whitmore and Mr. and Mrs
Mr and Mrs Carl Rueck
? e:,t Thursday
Leonard Reh. i t t» . j c Kuckur. »s
Mike Jackson visited Mr and Mrs. Miss G race Miller left
» « Kellogg, of Forest G ro\e. I j . « r ---------
_ . M . a . rk » . 312.- <*•■. district atto rn ey e«p. 17.18; w < « t Kgli. 812; H enry ErtniMn 34 j«» win»»
for a tour « M —
B am ford. ------
333.14; _
Rhuss of lx>t H»t<r rV^ry morning
'a v
t o h e onJii
MLss Un» Brady spent Sunday 5 S ; c W'ylder. « l« .7 » . I L P u .d m . «11.- ru b liah ln u
('..., d o tr lc t
atto rn ey cap. u a n tM T . »10;
Hnuna ^ . . i d
».. J.!h^ ; and »'lien you h a v e finished Ih r
Mike Yunkers in Forest Grove.
of C alifornia Monday
1 J
10 W gone a (ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Edd
<-\ D illon . 35 57 . 1 P Brady. 35.57. 3 2 " . G Ruaaell M organ, district Attorney Fields. 38; John F »hry. 88. *A«I b
C u rti». ContCntH of this first bottle wrlgh
.^ v e ra l weeks _
Rnuide“ " --------------------1? a K m c. »«.„; r
w .
yourself again
After th a t you’ll want to walk |
around and say to your frlci^l*.
A quarter-pi»un<| jar of Kruaohen
Pate. 3»1 36 . W 'illiam Vam levoexenng. 87b.- L Pa H e ru m , d«»g license fund e«p. 8 2 - Stella H o w e r.
hundred dfdlars
Mre MdJ r j t o n M uSg«, and
X u^M r01^
M?» ’c^Ù ^ v U 1
: H . n V " ^ . dX &
¿ j F “/hiS£ i f » Holm«. Ä 38. . Salts 18 w<rUi one =
y / ''
«?la ser'2£e À
Waò given Bvelyn and Hazel Arnholtz and
d ? n ? b r S r P tiiX ^ n f C o r - •
L F M e»«nt»n«. 33 »0. C Cook. 374. George 1. Hendricks, court h«mse (taM BMd, 322. RtMnlph KnaM e. 35 F r a r l I
Ix » a d H U
d r u g g is t s
llM T lC
to Patricia I.’ M
Paul Landgraver.
all _ of . Portland.
01 v
Reh. » 845.8«;
f e L a tim e r, e«p. 8123.24
E«iwar«i c
county F. Lumisi««it. 3 2 0 . Rttenm»r h*« . n s
tell Kruschen s»lts Adv.
. -a'
n h 'it i« Qa f n r n t v
. « 154
-, « i 45
. ; it H v Schindler.
u . - . i i — • 388.27;
v K u rt
. ■ Liebnuw,
. _x............... clerk’s
I..L •
« ■>« _i
exp •«
elections 822 e
c ir-
K „».»oil.
usm -II s Moving
C ari’ sciffert“
ri, >93.75; H Becker, euit court 36. total 840.38; The Irw in -
The Earl Russell family are mov-
Carl Seiffert received serious in-
/ ’t i ?
»nrt » 363.82.
» -« Joe C o rrie
R amm I. v 8 „ *9 i .7 7 , H Fun k. H«><U"n Co.. <l«>g license fund e«p. 83O.»
lng from the Henry Jack farm to juries to his shoulder and . xnV ,and
J A ^£5°'
J,; 7s a A Thomas
R.m «-oo
Bens, 8200. Veri Salee, 872.H" . 55; State In d u s tria l Accident commismon.
th e John F2!iher place.
while working with a horse which
p d5vvnde^zanden and 11 L
it’ 27 J w D ixon. 8136.- re lie f exp. 815.61 ; C C B annister, circuit
"*cn Keith H art
was down.
Mrs J. P.
. R
» 4 ; Fiwd h.m .r.
it - w
t-t— , < court
■-•>m b
- a a u iliff.
u i. w
A i l
850 , ; ; j J K
R I'.pp.m,
Peppard. iran»
Olen K eith cut his foot very b a d -' .Mike McCann has resumed build- son Ralph. Guy Raymond an a k u s »2p.»t vimii v.n.».« »6.5»; L « t . r ju ry bailiff, »* Ann Dorland, circuit
lL r-D ie X “
Ch° PP‘n *
h° U>e WhlCh W“ StartCd of“ MrlCa n d M r e .8S
Strohm aT e?'
£ £
w“»*.'*-a" S S X . «
»“ S a V d l ^
Mesdames Ltoyd Murray, g a th e r - ' m A B ryan Celebrate» B irthday
^ t u r d a y evening Music w m enjoy-J w u —
j a M; Fra.k k « .. •».»«. j
» h « .
lne Moore. Lucille Flint. Audrey
- county c • l« k • . »«,i
- F ...................
rev i Several friends and neighbors ed untl1 mlAnlgnA,
j , , r S u . , P- „ i-e n n n a n d 1 I - F r n c t - T o w c n d . »5
SN : A r th u r H - unt!- c Caldw ell, -v
Heaton and Miss Laura Alstrom
" - at the
- ran k - Bryan
om called
home „ «<-
Mr. —
and.M rs. vvarner vropp a
,ey , 5 5, tr o « t Towiuend. ».->,-.>. j lio n ., a e : M a w i w ih-eow. county tr««-
W aldron and Mr ana
Kay. 35.63; H H G rahm . 62.78; P o rt- « rar. 3100. L<na Deipianche clerk <*nun-
attended a meeting of Rebekahs at Sunday to help Mrs Rosa Bryan
I o b s e rv e h e r b ir th d a v
and berry
Elijah Beaman
t - land G «a«ral Electric Co.,
88.10. Tom t r treasurer- 36O. Jam «» H D a rla , county
T h i J &I^ ar^
lQjgp u-M
1 M r ' r u r r, dI n v r p a in r f M r s F a n r t v tended
a straw
meeting a in
M i l i n . »2 d I 2 .
W «t
C a a .t T»lcph<.u, r a c n W r . Ilftft
O phalia W tam ar. .Icpuiy
u i.u n n i . i .
c o ra Joyce and Mrs. r a n n j „ i]L^ ro F r,dav afternoon at the 0
iTirardt. «2 ns . w «t c«a,t Td» ««..ty rcr..rd.r. 1 - 1 . v . t , n c U n ,i,r w .-« i.
lttauon last Wednesday evening.
S n jd er entertained Rev. and Mrs. R
ph-oa Co.. » ia » u . ititiNboro Concrete deputy count, reenter, »no, j e C a r-
Mrs. Jesse Snyder spent th e w . O. Simpson at dinner S u n d ay ., court nouse.
» ra n - »H ek a
T ile c - . . » iwi . no ; ii.„e«u of i-otcr.
,is u : Helen
week-end in Portland visiting rel-
Mr and Mrs. Clyde Heffernan.
Quite a number irom tn e i x a n |
T h „ i rW i n. H od»..n ( .1 . 321. Steiaka, deputy county
rvm rder,
who recently came from Superior. sas City neighborhood at tended tn e
Mill (kxf 8A70; Oregon-Washing- VW« m Sundb«rg ci«rk to county •»-
Move Here from Kansas
W is
received a letter s t a t i n g th at W ashington county Farm ers union ton water Servira Co. 31 (••. The Hx- -<*««•/. 375. e m Bowm an, t«« extension
A’ le n T ^ nFn n a n d , 7
S ln J n
meeting at Hillsboro Saturday.
It Shop. 75c
Un ion O il Co. of C a lif.. <•«,«,n ty .» a » « *, r. 872
(> If Kraus, county
Mr. and Mrs^ Olen J ^ m to n and t had been 50 degree» below a t
p vanderzanden 3i: i6 .
te r Ire lan d a Company. 344 -
-up.. 8130; Zola f Morgan, w-
baby of Sm ith Center. Kansas, have their form er home. They live at
Mr. and Mrs J.
vanoerzat u
B ro w n '. T in ahx>. »7.8«; w»dRn«- «i.t.nt county ..ta-.l ,upt. «75; D on»M
moved on the Gene Lee farm.
the Mrs. Ida Kays place and are ar.d sons F rank. R alph ano Art r .
coumy Ne-^Time., » t.» 5 , itiii.b o r o T Tem pleton, county j n d „ . »2i«i H D
V anderzanden,
c«rw in J H ia
• —-e-»-»«
----- -
Jw..-, n n H Arvu.,
nrx'2». »
»I l w j ; V/'»rw»»i
a rd
tu w
n are.
a tr
I«.6(J; K erkm an.
'uiititio-iHiiri . 8125;
* I4 > ,
- - - Sr.
- attended a brick enjoying the mild winter.
brother. w
William Vanderzanden. ana
Sahwow James
and tile meeting last Friday.
Valentine Party Set
u H /. a rd w a re . C«*, , 333.33;
. r« i^ w ls . ro o m y commis»i<»ner. 3128;
Teacher Resirns
Miss Wilma Herd i* chairm an of family of Roy Wednesday
Brothers t.arage. 3«.42. I^ rn n A u t.. Part«, < aro l Ownan. clerk county court. 328.8«.
Miss Ä
Kere 'T eacher of a c o S m l i ^ m " e f t ^ e r t W l e S -
Gladys^ and Ethel M c C o y were j j . j , ; so,Rh A -ro P .« . c «.. inc. ,«..- «' c .ta-o,.„c .-tc.ut, ,ouc
6»; J b Kelley A Son. 8920.02: Pure 6 9 ; EstMer P irt«, enurt hen»» e«|«ense,
last tine e party 10
to v be c given a at i the
church on the - ‘“''TCI
honor ’«eLL«
roll for * the p a w s z-K
t cw-vl Ir«.»n C u lve rt A M fg . Gs*.. 3481.28. Van»- 334.69. L o ttie G ifTnrd. ci,«rt h»>u»e ex-
___ __ school, . resigned
m e vuiuvui
Tuesday and Mrs. Jesse Peppered of by the league February 14.
weens a t the K ansas C-itj sctioot. h ill E lectric Co.. 3373.33; Wewt Bearing P*nse. 8 3 4 6 9 . Gladya M r L ^ x l. clerk roun-
Forest Grove has been engaged to
Ed Hatfield was a guest a t the
Miss Beulah Quick of Hillside was Co.. 33.13; Beall Pipe A Tan k C o rp , (X court. 82.40; Elizabeth T<xi«i peuh«ti«>n
take her place
H erm an Boge home a t Farm ington an ovem ight &ues. Tnursaav oi 3394.09. Concrete Pipe C o . 3878.10; B u r- o ffic e r s «alary. 3 T 3 ; M a rv a rrt D ixon,
roughs Adding M achine Co., 87.10; O re - county ntim e. 8141.50. N E Stangel, sec-
Mrs. Elmer Quick
Plan Annual Event
i Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs P N V anderzan- gon T y p e w rite r Co., 3 1 9 1 . J W <«<*•- ret a ry circuit judge. 875; M a u l W H o l­
Twenty-one attended the Scholls i
"O’», county treasurer exp. 34.96
den of Greenville
spent M Sunday
at land Yards. 897 3 4 ; M arK en x ie Motor Carp
Ladies’ Aid meeting a t th e church
r ir x t r
r s I P I Co.. 3111.21; George T M cG rath, 32.33.
enter, county aeseaaor’s exp. 8l5.2<).
the home Of Mr ana
M r -
J . r . Q ^ trt[e J H endrick», 8113.75;
The Aua- Jam es H
Da via. county recorder'» exp.
Fridav Plans were made to make L \ i l l l O O l l S l L € 3 V l t t
Vanderzanden and lam iiy^
1 tin -W estern R<,ad M achinery C o . 3126.38; 810. J w Connell, county «h»-nff. 8140 -
the recent benefit birthday party
® w-.
, . «
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kline an a M arahall-W eU a Company, 80.20; W ashing- 69 . H a rr y Johnson, deputy sh e riff. 1124 -
an annual event and the fourth
\Y/,|I I .« ,] M pptinfTS children
and A rthur Smith of For tun County New s-Tim e*, 344. It Meacham, 69, R ichard Busch, deputy sh e riff, 8124.-
Friday In January. 1936. was selec-j
' v 111 E - I I U l V I C C l I l l g »
74; Stand ard O il Co. <»f C a lif.. 3948 - 60; G ra n t
Z u m w alt,
ja il 841.36. c«mrt
_ .. .
t. .
.. A est Grove were guests of Mr. ana 394
ted. Mrs H. L. Flint will have
Barde Steel Co.. 330 0 2 ; J E Hasel- houxa ja n ito r 348.34. to ta l 389.69. Mrs
Z ed. l v church, is drawing Hl!
Mrs I. P. Brady and family Sun- 37;
tin e A Co.. 811.39; Chain Belt Co.. 82 6 0 ; Z u m w a lt.
m atron. 324 .39;
M arie
charge of the M arch meeting.
j C hristian
T“As plain ns A. B. C.” is a commonplace expression.
" " " crowds
“ day.
. ______C a lifo rn ia Bag A M etal C u . In c.. 352.50 ; Schm idt. » fH u iffs exp 341.34. tax dept |
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. P otter of P ort- j ]a r
in years.
A " packed
Mrs. M. J Vanderzanden and Hea„ J,|pe A Tan k Corpk. 333.36; F rank 348.85. tot<l 368.89; l i s t e r Chase, clerk
In the publishing business the letters A. B. C. have a
land were guests at the Clifford ¡louse heard his sermon Sunday little
V anaken. 893«.81 ; H illsboro Lum ber Co., t «
dept. 860.69;
E L n e r.
Trask home Saturday evening
very plain menning. too. When a newspaper says,
Guest of Parents
“Member of the A. B. C.” it means that that newspa­
per’s circulation facts and figures are as plain as
A. B. C.
The Willing Workers S undaj
ht the BunneU slsters trio sang an^ rfa and Mrs Tony Mork and land B olt A M fg. Co 873.08; Pain«»
ochool clas* was entertained at th e
^ cred num bers.
T h aw h er were guests A u to Top Shop. 3 5 . Phuanix Iro n W ork»
home of their teacher, C. E arl, Thls week the
week of the *
.£ evening of Mr. and Mrs. 378.16; Po rtland B lue P rin t Co.. 36-*')
P o rtlan d G eneral Electra-. Co., 39.90; Pa-
Friday evening.
I local
I n r a t series
so rio e of
n f meetings,
m e e t in e s
t the
he e
v a n -r t ' 2
___ *'
— -------,
S unJ
p i. ¿ e e saeker
c ific M achinery A Tool Steel ( ’o., 817.86
Mr. Seifiert
geust wni teil of his wonderful ex- Be!l weesacaer.__________
* ffl — Honored
Loggers A
C ontractor»
M achinery Co.,
Mrs. Ed Seiffert entertained with penences as an evangelist In the
r r s T * v i w ix k f i
3207.16; Co I year M frlor Sale« company,
a dinner party January 30 in honor {¿ggine and mining camps of this
t 2“ ^ “ T 'V rn o E _ o u stav e J 346.64 . W est Cofluit P rin tin g A B inding
of Mr. Seiffert's birthday. Mr. and an*d8 0*th er sU tes Teddy Leavitt
LAUREL R ^ j E - O u M a v e j. Co., 82.70; Colyear M oto r Salee Co., 338, f
Mrs. Leslie Moore of TlS»fd. M r 5 , , ^ h is career as a logger and
UMrsldf,” d j "uddenlv of
o f «2; John A K«.»ebling's Sons (,’o. of C a lif.,
for 4o years, died
i 311.25; w w Shipksy Co.. 31.35. m r
and Mrs. H. T. Hesse and Mr. and sjnce has been evangelizing in ners
e.. Serit4?r Tool Work«, 33.08; standa rd o n
rs. Jam
es Moore were guests.
over one hundred a different
m e re n t com-
‘7 . " v<17 hv h ix'widow C h a r - 1 c Z , f r»iif «■»•«? ó M»,¿r a iSL-n-r»
Herbert Fischer, who has o p e ra t-¡ munities In Oregon. Saturday night g e J » T d a^ h r e r Mret D orothea
ed his fa th e rs farm the past two he concludes his talk on "Choked to 1?"!.'
p o?tland two grandchil-
years. has moved to the home of
by th e Devu." M odem pleas- Hucke of Portland, g o granoenu
his párente. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n , lires and what th e evangeUst thinks w m kel w ¿ born m G erm any 8ep-
Flscher, a t Cornelius.
Of them is to be presented.
Wmkel was teirn in u erm an y ^o ep -
Miss Erma Baker of Manning
Sunday Is the closing day of the
’J ' ,1 tn 'sh erw o o d In 1890
spent the week-end a t the H arry Leavitt meetings. An aim of 300 In ~
¿ rv ices were held Wednes-
¿chm eltzer and George K irk p atrick , the church schooi has been set
p r i c e s were held weanes_
; This goal if attained will be the day a t
°„ri ° at Overview
Theo Murphy and H erb Snyder ¡ highest ever reached in this city by
spent Sunday a t Mt. Hood.
, the local school. The highest record cemetery. Portland,_______
M argaret and Hazel Murphy of i was attalned last E aster when 273
Portland spent Sunday at the p ar- were reported. T hirty-five have re-
ental home.
! sponded to the evangelist's invlta-
A new cream seperator has b e e n , tions in first three weeks,
C L A IM S A L L O W E D F O R T H E M O N T H tl
installed a t the J. C. Hatfield farm
O F J A X t 'A R Y . IM S
and the cream will be shipped to
Forest Grove.
Stadelm an, -secretary o f state, 810; J w
Sundav guests at the W alter
Miss Helen Kinsey visited her Barney. 86.r» George Fisher. 850, SH E l
Burke home were Mr. and Mrs
------------------------------------------ ——-
Roy Berst and daughter W innifred
and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barns, land last week.
Mrs. Austin Scrafford of O ren-
all of Beaverton.
Wiley Fisk of M ultnom ah visited
a t the J e k ^ s n y d e / home* B u n d .? days last week while her sister Mtes
a lMr and Mrs Ed Albin were S u n - ; Madelyn Shattuck, was 111 a t her
day guests a t the Otto Jackson home In Hillsboro.
home of Banks
i Mr. and Mrs. Delmar M artin of
Mr and Mrs. Harold Christensen Yamhill arrived Saturday to visit
and children Erwin and Phyllis \ several days a t th e Charles John-
attended a birthday party at the son home. _________ __ __________
'»nitres-« county
h «*pital. 829 6 9 .
G ar-
tra d e M cL arao . laundress county hospital.
« 9 6 9 ; G a rtn id a Deanatt, w a l 'r m roun-
hoapitai. 329 6 9 ; A E Roehat, nurse
county hospital. 169.49 ; M rx Johnstone
nurse erma t y h<wpital. 329.90; D r G F
V ia , county phyaictan. 3108. B ert H en>
UAII this information every advertiser should have is
given in plain words that everybody understands—in­
formation as plain as A. B. C.
County Court
ilWhen a merchant buys his advertising by A. B. C.
standards he is being guided hy the one and only in­
dependent, impartial circulation authority.
Mason Hill
Fresh, Clean
Clothes Make
For Appearance
Drainage Problems - -
The "fundamental law of gravitation" bolls down to the
fact th a t apples fall from trees and w ater ru n s down hill. If
you need more retailed Information about drainage we can give
you the services of a professional tiler, who has laid tile in
W ashington county since 1884, If we can 't help you w ith our own
experiences. We can also offer you the best tile made in th e
S tate of Oregon either clay or concrete. In addition to our own
S tandard Quality Tile we handle Draln-TUe and Bulldlng-Tlle
m ade by the Willamina Clay Products Company.
Hillsboro Concrete Brick QC Tile Co.
Across W ashlnfton Street from Cannery on P. R- A N. Rallw iy
Office Phone 1341
Art Kroe<er 2546
—Home Phones—
Henry Kroe<er 1204
When you go to California, try
the train ’ Big changes have taken
place on our rail». Pullman
charges are a third less than
last year. Rail fare» are tout King
bottom at 2< a mile and lets.
Complete meal» in our dining
car» co»t as little as 80<. For de­
tails, »ee your local agent or
write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific
Building, Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific
Your impression on other
people, may make your
whole future! Keep your
clothes dry cleaned our
modern way . . . inexpen­
Home Laundry 8C
Dry Cleaners
Telephone 47
Hillsboro. Ore.
TThe Hillsboro Argus is a member of the Audit Bureau
of Circulations. Its circulation figures represent the
findings of the Audit Bureau of Circulations after a
thorough investigation of the entire circulation meth­
ods, distribution, number of copies printed, whether
subscriptions and newsdealers’ accounts are paid or
are in arrears, where the circulation is distributed and
what methods were used to obtain it.
d ic tio n a ry
‘ Uprightness of
The integrity with
which we conduct our
business has established
our reputation as an
ethical pharmacy!
‘ There are 1,016 other A. B. C. newspapers in the
United States. Those newspapers account for a total
of approximately 26,000.000 daily circulation through­
out the country.
tilt’s as easy to learn the facts of HOW MUCH.
WHERE, and HOW in those other 1,016 newspapers
as it is easy to know every detail about the
K ills b o r tjj^ A r g u s
The Palm
Drug Store
I’hone 266