The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 07, 1935, Image 1

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    rg us
Two Sections—
Itoud “The Kennel Murder
W eek
W ith W h ic h is C om bined rlic 11 illsboro Independent
S ta te C a p ito l
N e w s s L e tte r
UY A. !.. t lN D H K C K
I S p e c ia l S ession of S ta le
Legislature Here
i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •
Delay on the purt of
In Uie emu t ment of
federal legislation dealing w i t h
unemployment relief, old age pen­
atomi and highway appropriations
may necessitate a apeclul session of
City Council
Acts on Host
of Business
A tte m p t
P ro p e rty
N a rro w
D e d ic a te
B lo c k e d
P a rk
M a r g in
Tax to be Revised
th e O regon legislature.
Tills possibility Is becoming more
nppurent us the session here pro-
grosses. With only a little more
than two weeks rem aining ot the
tu days for which the Oregon law-
makers can draw their »3 par diem
the legislators are still marking
tune on these m ajor problems of
......- concern.
. . . .
While both the house and senate
have memorialised congress to pro-
vide for
,t is adequate
not likely old
th a t age
Is going to get by with merely glv-
mg three cheers tor the poor Pres-
s s r i w
a r a s Ä
| j st o f P r o p o s e d
P re s e n te d
PW A Jobs
by M c G e e
T*1® *" * clly “dfnl“ ^ l2 l, v“rnm -n,
th e whee s
m ^*®1*“ * h o w e
moving steadily here Tuesday night
full ......
iiu c .g Its . first
. . . t .....
grinding out
out a a record
record am
am ount
mg. grinding
. . . umong
. . D„.
()j business
| rglalatlon considered was an un-
a , n tP,npt
u m T li7 -o w
e d 7 ra u,
T u dedicate
oYTand' cer-
k purposes
‘ ^ luPrP ^ „ b t a l n a favorable m a-
I.oca I Merchants
Plan Dollar Day
Sales Event Here
Dollar Day sales event will he
conducted In Hillsboro February 22
and 23 by retail m erchants of the
local chamber of commerce, accord­
ing to plans prepared this week by
the retail trades committee of the
commercial group. The event will
b® *"
n“ tu™,
an advertise-
m ent of commodities and services
available In Hillsboro rath er th an
a money-making scheme.
Dollar Items and combinations of
: merchandise on sale a t *1 will be
featured by m erchants during the
sales i venl Each of the dealers
expected to have a num ber of spe­
cials for the two-day sale. Adver­
tising messages of the event will bi!
broad, ast over the county,
Unlike the "bargain day” events
conducted here during the past
two years, the dollar day sales pro-
W*H not Include free gifts
“ nd stx>cl“l Inducements. I t will.
v e r , fu rther dem onstrate Hills-
boro's reputation as a trading center
r " n ab le
a t "reaso
gooda goods
a t reasonable
M ember, of the retail trades com-
„ilttce which "isI »ponsorinc to e event
J } " , ™ a a rd T X d e r s / n “ v X
P rL F n e d d n iv r w S
Merits Cited
on Housing
Drive H ere
S a le s m a n s h ip
H e ld
by V .
fo r
S e c ret
P la n
9 Proposals O utlined
S u rv e y
Hom es
L o c a l l y in
B e g in
S h o rt T im e
.d e -
quatc and the m anner In which
pensions should be financed. Two
bills purporting I,i provide t h e
thiA problem ho fur ua
Oregon Is concerned, have already
found their w .y into the legislative
(or a beautiful entrance to the
,.llyj u , ttM> oportuntty for obtain-
lng additional park property a t au
(H'ononucal cost uinl lo the fact
u ml lllt. alCa was ideal for u m uni-
.:1p.?»w .nu„l„g poo“
elude a church service a t th e local
Methodist Eplxcopul church, radio
programs by President Roosevelt
aik J C C. Colt. I’ortliind iirni pr<*Ai-
dent, and the annual district ban-
quel a t the Portland Masonic tern-
Cl —a..,. J T T _ .. .
•^lilted H e r e O1
rolls The ^ther known as H?e CouncUmeB Anderson Wtemer and dr
J, , ¡
o f ¿ i eKia n c é
d r rom
“ the ,'s flag
,r and J re-dedlcatlon
. h is,
. g of the
sponsor'd .......
by a group K
" ¡‘ ram ien favoruig the dedication
“ ®d ‘‘ “V**” to
. . u . Person and Robb
,w u ° scout oath
wlll be highlights
of c n a lo rs and representatives. Is “ nd « ’““ cllnien
inon* of a uompulflory old age pen-
the district rally called for , 7:10
¿Ion Mnee it propose« to provide
. ..
.. p. m. Friday. The program will be
annuities for a ll pdr*w u HO years
’ J 1* council completed by 8:3C p m so th a t and over
lcss7> of f th
n,a 7 _____
attend” tt^ ' H U h lT v
of t age
eir *■>'* * » h the chamber of com- __________
financial need. This program would mere® in forming a "Happy Days" gard basketball game
be financed through compulsory i?’""?.1“ 1?". ? o,’*T“‘e the annua* " M em b ers'o f"th e Hillsboro. Aloha
ixintrlbutl,>na from all gainfully em-
July celebration waa pre- and Helvetia troop» will assemble
ployed p erso n s 1H years of age or ?*.n tcd1)by A n d eison . l i e con ten ded at 7 p
and m arch to the gym-
over. While the Grain plan Is es- th at the scope of the project ile- „asmm. Competitive d e m o n s lra -
tlm ated to yield something like nianded the attention ol a perm a- Uons
nnd algnaun g and
95.000 000 a year and w ould'prob- »«>«’ board.
rare aKr„ pi^ “ d
ably p r o v id e sufficient revenue to
Fropuaed revision of fees In the A radio talk by C. O. Colt and the
enable the slate to m atch federal city occupation ordinance was sub- re-dedlcatlon of the scout onto is
funds for pensions to llic needy niltlcd by tin ordinance committee, set for 8:15 p. m. Taps and Uie
It would not provide any thing like Revisions suggested included t h e scout evening song will close the
an adequate annuity for all per- raising of th e quarterly tax on event.
sons 80 years ol age as Its author electric service with un appliance
Rev. Charles M. Reed wlll deliver
store Iron, 930 to 940. on newspa- the sermon for the scout church
The Oleen plan Is estim ated to P®1* wllb “ Jub “hop from 920 to service a t 11 o'clock Sunday morn-
VI,'Id approximately 91.OOO.OOO a *“5' on »id«'*aik gas pumps from lng. Troops will assemble nt 10:30
year at the rate of four c u t s a w to »12. und on veterinarians from a. m. and m arch In a body to the
(lay from each employe in Indus- ,fi 1<I *12' Heductlons suggested were Methodist Episcopal church,
tries employing us many us
tour cl®a«»lng u n d pressing establish- Final activity of the anniversary
u n ...
persons. TWO objection» to this pro- ni®nt-s from »10 to »8. drug stores week will be the annual w
room of
........ any contribution toward m id -
port of the aged professional men
,aa.. nnd
p ro iesu
m ai m
ns uw
»mall Industrie» employing fewer
than four persons.
Word from Washington Is to
the effect that Oregon m ust p ro ­
vide 94.(MM).OOU toward toe relief of
unemployment thia year. However,
this Inlormutlon ls only tentative
and. officiala here hope, not final.
Congress is still wrangling over
the president’s unemployment re-
lief program and until som ethin*
definite ls done there It wlll not
be possible for the state legislature
to act with any degree of lntelll-
T entative Information from the
national capital indicates Huit the
states will again be called upon to
match federal funds for highway
purposes Hhould th a t be the case
It nu,v be necessarv for Oregon to
find some means for increasing
highway revenue* If the state ls
to realize the full benefits of Uncle
Sam's beneficence.
The federal governm ent which
has been dealing out funds to the
states with a lavish hand for the
every Indication of tightening Us
purse strings, which means th a t the
stnics, Oregon Includixi, will either
u R n n -
have to shoulder a bigger share
Of tile load or get along w ithout
th a t have
l)een en of io v the
e d \rV
.» »Gy. i V (
expense of the
national government.
• • ’
Starting with a loan of »107,000
from the general fund last Feb­
ruary the stnte liquor commission
ran It un to a n r o fi, o f *iiS9oa7
(n it.
prom . *1>1»2.947
more" 11,an X ' . t r
,h i
original investment Hfsiftps whirl
,iw .nm .oiu.iJj u " . H
.. wlllrl’
1 ,P
eral fund loan. , .
a » i.sau» f,.,, /
h. «
" t
H o b ta ^ ’tote'’. J”b. n,>w beM by E. C.
u a w i , ± nvPrtntT £ l® . ° i tlT P
mer suoeilnlem lent
The Z ^ te ^ e d 8 e , U X
t.« - w u n n i
la v o r e u
i - n w i r a i r o a is e v c u w u a p r a s o v .
•‘dJU'>toirnt of some of the q u ar- er a nation-w ide radio hookup at
,vo,m llu«
co,umo „
S:45 p m. Friday, according to
— -
word received by local comm ittee-
Purpose of the anniversary pro-
k J L IV t-l g J V IIC IIlV
Rranl ls to
, he tw enty.
_ _
fifth year of scouting, to tone up
(T W
P O f W * morale of scouting ln tills area and
1 1 1 A V J L C C , o brt
scouting before the public.
I TkJW m
purchasing power of workers as 75
c 'n t* out of each »1 loaned goes
, th
fprf. ra i
B usk purpose.
of th
housing plan are to provide m eans
a " d »n®«Tt‘v® »°r immediate re-
NO. 51
Î Work Relief
for County
“The Kennel Murder Case."
a thrilling and baffling mys­
tery serial by 8. 8. VanDine.
begins In this Issue of the
Argus and will appear each
w eek hereafter. The first In­
stallm ent wlll be found on
the first page of the second
Untangling the bewildering
ma.s.> of conflicting clews th at
surround the m urder of a
man behind a locked door
forms the absorbing plot of
the mystery. Philo Vance, the
famous detective of fiction.
Is the central figure a n d
readers are Invited to accom­
pany him In his breath-taking
escapades to untangle t h e
strands of evidence and find
the murderer.
Slows Down
Z~" •
Projects Continued
llon oi the "gaK rule" ln tb e feder-
al Congress and endorsing the state
h“ 0*1 were adoPu*d here Saturday
du « n6 lh® regular monthly meeting
WaghlngWn county unR of
the Fenners'
Fenners' Union.
Union. Many
Many other
measures now pending before state
and natlonal legislatures were dis-
cussed and analyzed.
Two school bills, county unit sys-
tern and the equalization measure •
wete discussed
discussed a a t t length
length by
by the
^ county
^ t ^ o organization
p p c ^ T h and
e t r a j P resolu-
^ _
‘^ t h ? ' ^
abm d _ USM>d
‘"o ^ th e T 're M W o m r'p re ^ n te d '1' ^
F a r m U n io n
“ °P‘*d
J » ™ U, av "e d favored
a ’ledJe“ a n [ n5 ° 'lt7 ? L i ! « fn L d ?in
lng of all innerltance tax lunds in
“ ^ V a ^ r '- I ^ m k e
o o n e la n d -T u e w e ll m ire
and drue a c t and onnosed the
im portation of A rgentin^ wheat
“¿'d ^ b®r fa r7 ,£ iOdU?m n»?d h ^ k
^ -e n actm en t of the national check
tern. Dent pointed out th a t home tlon in Congress indicating action
arkedly »<*“ d be
ng had
be taken
taken to
to prevent
prevent the
the low-
had fallen
fallen off
off m markedly
8lnce ,oea
1925 . and
of 'rin g of tariff rates on Im portation
. a th at t the
h . n„
mh ber
. . nt
fa r e x - ° t competing agricultural products
building trade unemployed far e x - --------- ------------- ---------------- ------ ;—
prof«*- ’ " e read. A resolution requesting
such action was adopted recently
Principles of the program were by toe county unit_ and forwarded
outlined by Dent "Title I" pro- 10 Oregon representatives
Legislative committee of the coun-
vldea ior >‘»ans ot the character type
* lth no security offered. Amounts O unit Inc Judes Ed ward R W lrtz of
loaned range from 9100 to 92000 iS'insas_^ll>
Jepson of
wlth , n annual cost of not to ex- R oom ing J. E. Blazer of Laure.-
ceed 95 per 9100 borrowed. Pros- Sc‘» lls'
pecUve borrowers are required to
a" d
,la’r® an income of a t least five J
tlm es^th e am ount of the annual
wll£be in charge
(C ontinued «m page 8. column 11
He will be assisted by Earl W aldron
of K ansas City. E. E. Morgan of
Oaston. Dick Wismer of Cedar Mill,
R ichard. Schoeler of Blooming and
A. Vanderzanden of Verboort. The
group will meet Monday a t 8 p. m.
in the court house to discuss plans.
Details of the Oregon Agricultural
Forum, organized recently a t Salem,
(B y Wm. F. Cyrus. C ounty Airent)
W heat must be seeded up to the wer® outlined by J. H Jacobson of
minimum acreage requirem ent if West Union. Jacobson is secretary-
Wheat Contract
Data Explained
T his a d v an tag e
»as o ffset m
th e
i o
5ign-up to be boon
Law Backed
aav vv
Mills, county SERA m anager. Ap-
proximately 517 men and women
were employed on the 30 projects
rinrini? th e m o n th h e sAid
Re-claswlication of applicants for
» T k U p ? o ^ e « ln g “ phUy"
P®” °j“ haw6 he«“ ®la“ H ie d out
°£ a total ol
on file
7 825
“ “ „7*
• I m He
n n n stressed
‘‘tiifhiri ro
do _ m ,Hh,
do i*>
result in
for the county during the past
w" k o However. IS men will on begin
on a short shift basis on the
road fVlday
pum itpr,. factory operated by the
SERA olfice in Hillsboro Is
^ A m n ce m HilisTOro B
t h X i i ^ u t toe ite te k v t e s S
Several other counties have in-
vestigated the set- Up here with
'ystigaien tne set-up nere witn
the hoP®
organizing similar pro-
^ a,m s “] thelr own area. The local
factory Is now construcing files for
* “ dmb*r of SERA oificea ln the
sta t®-
^ f lll
ÎY •
K d lO e C l
I t
C3F I I '«/-rzww
taken opp?sln? tb e.
kill a n d
linquent tûxcs. the Ross oil Dill ænd
the P ^ P 08®1 to Permit any person
° ' er 21 yearS ° f ag® 10
same as everyone did in regard to
the 1934 contract Those individuals
who h a’ e 1934 contracte will simply
Hove their rw*rviii/'tirkn Hato —~~a —
the o lT c o n tra c t to the new
¿w p S
toe ^ 5 ’
condemned the movement to repeal : l ^ ” t™ th c0linty committees
any person
person or
or persons
persons I i ^ d county control associations to
th e law and any
representing Washington county who i
tb e contract signcis.
u o n s^ r .n t^ te ^ e n tT e d .
m ent fay
leglslature to
measure to the people
T hat "pulling most of toe teeth"
. . . by th©
from the syndicalism law
1933 legislature had made m atters
worse ra th e r th a n better was the
opinion expressed by E J. McAlear
f Hillsboro. He declared th at the
action had been taken to pacify the
>®ft element McAlear favored re-
enactm ent of the old law with all
« ....
fo[ (^ pm®a8dfe( . h(Wlsf. . . . . .
w^ ^ ®
tv eo u ru
?,r Karels of com m issioners' to ad-
or boards of commissioners to ad
just delinquent and unpaid taxes
if the value of the property had
Iteaoii “nHnr-oH
one vote
»ww « each.
« i.
„ E nd" “ “ _ ? 'T rtoton? . ° i
Dd “ “ R a tio n on
the total area in the ... farm
, . th a t
“1 y b ?hd
<^ ops
n2 ^ ^ r.,° r k h?L?f 3?*®”
h08*' ° 8n_
'™Ct sl<?en' thw year mayv P*”
^ r ^ s ’T
J5®di r. t h
5^„t/l5 8ed irom other contract
,rhe reasOr the com -hog program
is l^ing conducted despite the pres-
®n t shor!a8e of com and toe rising
Price ot ho?s “ th a l P ^ t experi-
ence has always shown th a t an
undue expansion follows a severe
iwis » „ k
I Tl© pldtl fOF
ffro.inrls th
,h a >t t it
1, was
a is nre
on th
the e grounds
pre- Ordy 10
, 93p P®1" CeDt reduction belOW
pared solely for the benefit of Tim - J“ ®“?,
and ¿ " 3 BV,ersge “ .k6d
ber interests. The resolution pointed nr™?."
' X 3 10 a
out th a t the law would put county
courts in a critical situation and
T th .
tvnniH ciiHiis/’t tkiovYs ♦/% oriiieicm A»-» course. Doth included io th© ecu—
aiterr.a te measure designed to re-
However, the hog part of it
Jieve certain serious situations as
th® case of the Astoria fire was Wato “ >Kt®n < ^ n ty fanners,
The benefit paym ents th a t toe
T hat the cost per pupil in W ash- 98 ,b ® requirem ents are th a t they
ington county is now a t a low f i g - ' must have Produced 25 per cent of
ure and th a t adoption of the co u n ty , their Pas® in 1934 to be eligible
unit pian Wauld probably increase
(Continu«i »n p «««s. column 9)
(he cost to taxpayers was given as
the reason for opposing toe countv
W 7 -.-»
Unit bill. Members of the league
contended th at a law now provides
a way for i counties
f t o e / d to
w i adopt
r i ^ d « the
I\.12llt“O l“ W <1V
pressed the belief 'th a t the Grange
Eauallza’ion Dian w a s b e tt e r s u ite d
Action Filed
on the countv unit D t e i f X r e ' . p>r>d®mna tion proceedings to ob-
submitted bv O B K r a u s e n o n f ^ 1 “ n rl«h t-o i’ way for widening the
I h w suoerntendent
county West Side Pacific highway near
Fear that the Ross oil bill would Middleton were started Monday by
prevent farm ers from buying tractor the state W h w ay comission against
fuel at wholesale caused tax leagu- Mr. and Mrs. George R upprecht Jr.,
** Federal Land bank
— •- of
-• Spo­
and “ toe
(C ontinued on paae S. colum n 2)
kane. The commission asks th a t a
jury determine the compensation,
alleging th a t the value of the land
Involved does not exceed »2750.
C>tate 4-M Leader
Speaks at Grange
, 2 r- ,
AHe"; assistant state
c ub 'eade*’’ Wl11 sPeak here at
1.30 p. m. Saturday during the lec-
ture hour a t the Hillsboro Grange.
The public Is invited to attend.
w /
O ther activities are planned dur-
C. Miller. 78. resident ot lng the all-day session here.
Oregon for 72 years and veteran -------------------
of the Cayuse i ndlan war died a t
m m e v a y u se m a ia n war, cued a t < * <
« > •< <
Hillsboro Thursday. F uneral serv-
! V
ices were conducted a t the Donel-
lI V V 1 A
son & Sewell chapel here Monday
morning with
Rev. Harder in
in te r m e n t was at the R .na-
Indian War Veteran
SerVlCCS Monday
b^ eL ‘'"warohousT’nin F aillC S D cS trO V
m ustered out June 17, 1919. He then
)>«• i»f ■ Torl.i» for .. trip ti,r....Khout P1™®™. Rinners, waienouse men.
" m atu®d J " .I!?.®
m arines ? ?
,'“u,,,ry ,o
bu«ln«*ii condition« uinl exporters iir© iinturiilly agwinst
he served three years. He
flrnt K miu I for ncwupnppr rendern. The It,
mu.i»«"» Anm« will pubibh hl« «eri««
irol Is
opu lar
„ZT “
u i
pust o i
Cotton Control
Is P
"t five «rll.-l™ C«p|,i»lvcly for rcs.lera In
This season
th” i" werl«'« rnmrt
Hr,.,,. rover,
Next week grower,
instead o f immediately W aeffler Sr., a t W est Union Mon- J ^ n ^ e d a firing squad a t the
Mr. RahNon will report <»n the Muithwent. sending his cotton to large centers ^av even*ng with a resulting loss funeral.
f..ll.,w».l bv artklv. .,n th . I’aelfle c<m»t.
I estim ated a t »3000. The blaze ls
His widow, Mrs. Pearl Herod, and
c,„r.lw W.. .„.i rnWdi.wwt.
1» «ell or to store, has put K ln
two chHdren DflmBr Rnd Lomft
S ou th S h ak in g O ff D epression
of ,h e “^ ^ r o m ^ n l “ defective flu.
Jean survive.
stone cemetery near Silverton.
Flames were discovered on the
(Authentic ,U i« u .n t by <<.«,» W. B«l.,on) tw p lv e c e n t8 a pound loan rate.
Born ln Iowa. M arsh 4. 1856. he
m e to
to Oregon
O r e g o n ln
In 1862.
> crossing
p r o p in o
roof n ra r the chimney nt about
n k w ORLEANS, February 1, 1935 Thus, the storage and handling
-"Business In the south ls the best monev from toe 1934 crop
o p h a s 6:30 P
*>.v Miss M arguerite
the plains with h i, father. Ike Mil-
w « Prr,P. Neighbors called the Hills
. f
c >®r. and settling in Yamhill county,
slnc® I9301" T1,us du,1" K th ® p a it s,“>ed In the sm all towns. Now
as Waeffler.
lew c,uys liave tlle luaJwri|y oi the growers begin to arrange their to ro fire departm ent and furniture
He had lived in HlUsboro for 13
tradesmen, farm ers, nnd bankers finances for the 1935 season they ln tl,e IoWPr P“ rt of toe building
j u
I years.
' ------
answered my question: "How's your m id Hint thev have an equity of was «®ved. The loss was partially
, daPre ,’pi’nsor®d by *he
Deceased ls survived by four sons,
business?" So far the New Deal has alxntt »5 a bale on th eir stored eovp' ed by Insurance.
M° T ,t>d«? Jan u ary 30 David S. Miller of Albany, Sam
to the south. Cotton is cotton and in addition they have
Waeffler and his daughter ex- " t K nuve park auditorium swelled Miller of Hillsboro. Earl Miller of
selling a t thirteen cents a pound, their acreage lim itation checks. pF®f! ! i ' l . ,helL appreS,atlon i°F. th ®
.by J^ £ dIHa ' ^ ,aJlh" a.nd..L- c .Miller of
» o.... _ ...»
m ore
everv reason whv “««‘««mce
assistance given b y neighbors, approxim ately »76. This money, to- G rants Pass, and three daughters,
h, T e x t i l e mills, tobacco factor- the Bankhead act should be pop-
frlenda and the flre departm ent. ^®t *’e.L 1w,th an addR‘0'>al »20 con- Mrs. Ollie Coffey of Salem, Mrs.
'es. steel plants, and resort hotels uiar with the g reat m ajority of
the , ^ and drt 1 team BeafJ® Lund of Tacoma. Wash., and
are “ ll wp|1 »head of 11,34. In fact. „m»ll growers. The large planters. A l o h a G r a n g e P l a n n i n g
ln g ' fo r '’th e ^ n e ^ J v ^ ’w n .h i’ 7 ^ Mrs' H attle McDoweU ot Weed, Cal
th ® .O" ly.
U’dUStry W? K'1.' ‘8 h™ 8V®“ realize th a t curtailm ent Ls
fo r
“ H ills b o r o N ig h t ”
J ^ n ty
W ashington
Portland, but tem porarily employed ¡¿¡i’“ “ K
° W “ y*“ Rg° ’ Um‘ “ “J11' 8;, ° Ur iorelgb c° tto n m" kc,Vi A LO HA -A loha
grangers are busy
A1 j . Baratorl. past supreme die-
as chief clerk o i th e se n a te e n m .
. . . .
Southern m erchants apparently on preparations for the annual Hills- tator. gave an a d d r e s s ih.rino- t h e
mlttee on enrolled and engrossed
V-P®»0/ V’® (mBJP j ” 11***®’ °J
are as pleased with the control boro dinner and entertainm ent Feb- evening while the Portland drill
engrossed Ileld trlp l8 to « n d out w hat the prOgram as Hie small growers. The „ .ary 21. Committee members, who team put on an exhib Hon
. . .
average .southerner thinks “off the twelve-cent loan rate on cotton has have charge of the affair, are de-
— .
Speaker John Cooter has worked
gram. F irst and most Im portant, of have used their loans to pay up R not superior, to any of toe p r e - ,l ' o u n , y T e a c h e r s P l a __
ont a regular schedule of commit­ course,
the fact th a t cotton Is their bnck bills and are now buy-1 ylous Hillsboro nights.
tee meetings to avoid conflict In selling ls around
D p s v e rto n in s titu te
th irteen cents a lng new m erchandise ln volume f o r )
____________ ‘
engagements by members who serve
Local Institute for W ashington
against eleven a year ago. the first time since 1930. Automo- lvi«.rr,4,PP. k ; r .
on several committees. The plnn I«,und
county teachers wlll be held a t the
After five and slx-cent cotton ln bile orders are coming ln so fast m e n l D e r «n , P v o n t e s i
seems to be working out very satis­ 1931 and 1932 and the miserable th a t deliveries are delayed. De-
_ io n t o E n d T u e s d a y - , Beaverton high school Febm ary
failure of private crop control, n a t- partm ent store sales are' running
Hillsboro legionnaires will meet 16. according to an announcem ent
• * *
, urally growers are ninety per cent fifteen to twenty per cent above a Tuesday a t 8 p. m. This meeting this week by o . B. Kraus, county
One loan made
state land
n,ndP by y the
¡p Rt.nt,P
an.( behind continuation of the Bonk- year ago. Wholesale trade ls follow- m arks the end of the membership school superintendent. Thomas H
board 43 years ago Is still out- head act Tliose who oppose the lng the Improvement ln retail sales contest between the past com m an-; Gentle of Monmouth and Dr. Cur-
? ' program are mosOy big growers so with «AlM 'i a i i i n * 7 t w i ten * o |d« » and
r e ,t ®r th ® member-1 9U E. Mason of Beaverton will speak
I during
the program.
I - ship.
„ Z n ” Ve“K |w h a t the vote m ight be on a n .
(Cenllncd on p . „ S.eolun,» I ,
Set-up 1935
j . 1CA « 11 • StT»
S v t l (J
Immediate use of new house num - C o u n t y
D is tr ic t
bers and street names In mailing
t o b e O r g a n i z e d H e r e change ln this requirem ent al-
o f G a S , S u C C U I l l b s ‘»wful possession of a still and
addresses was requested this w eek
Form ation of a utility district In though it had been hoped for
mash. Sentence will be passed to-
by George McGee, city manager. W ashington county wlll be consld-
rr wheat ls n o t M d M t u n tk t h e
L ast rites for the late H erm an W. dav .T hursday).
Installation o f the "Philadelphia cred here Friday night at th e c h a m - minimum acreage ' requirement the Hprod- w °rld war veteran, who
T heft of a wallet containing ap-
system" has been completed and ber of commerce rooms. J. E. Lew- owner will lose o n ly h ls 1935 bene- dled
evening a t the Veter- proximately $600 from his coat Sun-
post office official, will now require ton of Forest Grove will be ln , , t paymente w ithout a i i y r e X n - “Ils'h o sp ital in Portland, were held day evening was reported to the
the use of new addresses.
charge of to e meeting.
sibilit.v for refunding any part of Tuesday afternoon front the Donel- sheriff by W. V. Wiley of Hills-
Particular attention w’as
previously received payments.
o°n,? n,<? Sewed chapel. P astor Henry boro. Wiley stated th a t his coat
« . . " ’^ T pk1,,nil?nt
" IT ,1
W^ * , , n , ’n ,<* a| Meets
Rlnk and j enkins CIub wheat S, ', H? ^ r , oi P^RVlm House offi- was hanging near his desk and
T ills Is vitallv Im portant ln
West Union local of the l ariners ,nay
seeded during February c*nted Interm ent was in the Hills- th a t some time during the evening
,,btn¡',lng tb e prop<T address des- Union will meet tonight (Thursday) with reasonable assurance o f a ‘"F ? cemetery. Mr. Herod has been the wallet disappeared.
‘«»«tlon under the new system. Me- at the North Plains K nights of good crop The Rink cftn
geedpd suffering from toe results of being
Q uantity of fixtures was stolen
OcP 2 ^ 7
Pythias hall.
___ even later. For later spring seed- ga“ ?d
tli r ’U£ n iU£ J l 1S
h??.m ,thc Pr?Perty of A. H Ber-
lng Marquis or Federation are not year s. ’?*idence In Hillsboro, and rell of near Huber Friday, accord-
j dependable. Such tvpical w inter I
for the week before ing to a report a t the sheriff's of-
1 i “ fice.
varieties as W hite Holland and hls death.
W hite W inter will not produce much , , Mr'.
?x>ni, in Texas,
crop when seeded In the spring or March 22, 1897. and enlisted in Co.
P.. 141st infantry, July i4. i9i7:
even late winter.
participated ln the Meuse. Argonne
Fund for Relief
on Corn-Hog
second period when Patterson, Blue
and W hite center, caged a field I
goal. Hilhi then opened up to es-
D is c u s s e d
F u r n i t u r e F a c t o r y P r o g r a m tabllsh a good lead 8core a t half ~ r o S r a m
*° ° e
time stood 7 to 4 in favor of the
a t C o m m u n ity M e e tin g s
H e r e A t t r a c t * In te re s t
home team and 12 to 4 at the three-
quarter mark.
Cox. Hilhi forward, was high
Work on the 30 SERA projects
(B y Wm. F Cyrus. County A Kent)
was slowed down this week due to point man with seven points, while
Benefit paym ents of *15 per head
a 60 per cent slash in the February Patterson and Richardson of the
federal allotm ent for all relief pur- locals and Mason. Beaverton cen- ™ ^ ^ e d ^ t o ro d u c ^ D rodJrtion
poses. Sim ilar reductions were made ter, were tied for second honors ^ .,„ „ ^ ,^ 5 ..
below their will be paid to
in the allotm ents to other Oregon with four counters each.
counties, according to R. W. Weil.
Hillsboro "B ' squad came from ;
rehef c o ^ u ^ e c h m r n ^ “ b e h ^ to“ trounce U e ^ a v e T t ^
O t '£
Notice V of I the
allotm ent O second
in the
V **C
I federal
C 5JC I»!
C U U I I U team
t C 4 » H l AA*
W it
p e n i n g 1 g game
a m e
received by Weil revealed t h a t of the double-header 21 to 15. The ,
,.du^ ? * ‘h® n®?*
♦5396.25 was available for this coun- visitors led 5 to 1 at the close of ! X n i g e a n n u a r Z x l u c U o n f o r 19»
« — » — » — « • « •» «—
• *»
no indication was given as to on a scoring spree to tie th e score i
I ail.1
ey at nine all at the half. T hird p erio d , ^ f î Uyav^
w hether or not additional money
(Continuel on p*a« (, column 7)
proved average production in the
would be forthcoming. 8 trict orders
11934 contract. The reduction for
were given th a t no obligations were
; 1935 will be 10 per cent below this
to be incurred beyond present al-
average base production rath er th an
lotmenU However, Weil stated th a t
I th e 25 per cent called for in tbe
a a v g a w -ta a a o a a a
he expected
expected to
to receive
receive state
state liquor
1934 contract. Benefits in 1934 were
funds to u tin g approximately 97935
on or shortly after next Wednes-
the perm itted production while
' in 1935 they will be paid on the
Work C ut Down
of 915 per head for th e re-
Work on u the
s e a 30
v j projects
/iv jv v w
’ fiiiir P H
rp d u c M n n
der way has been continued, but T a x L e a g u e C o n d e m n s M o v e iq
ai _
All Eligible
allowed workers has been
¡ the
¡ ¡ hours
to R e p e a l S ta te L a w
All producers of hogs, whether or
l i S S . G la r e d
not they took p a rt in the 1934 pro­
if additional funds were allocated to
tb e county,‘double Shifts could“ be
Vigorous opposition to the pro- gram, are eligible to sign the 1936
t h r ^ S n a T 's y S i -
osed a t the end of the m onth to calistn law was voiced in a resolu- lers who did not have a 1934 con­
tion adopted by the W ashington tract,
“ Tr1- but desire to
w accept one
new P1*®- wU1 need to
t o l l W h « ^ a c c o r d ^ ’ t ^ w " 1 X Saturday night. Action was aho ^ s u p ^ ^ e v ^ ^ '
Vpfpran Virtitr»
n m s t f r e d m i H u n e " ^ ^ ^ He“ th e n
Detail Given
Chris Chulufas of Portland was
« ,»
.... . _
, v ----
arrested Tuesday night when coun-
» ” ®at th an usual was seeded ln
Arl , *2" ? as
proV‘,d ® a ,y and»!tf ,^ Offlcers sU ged a
W ashington county and many of representative from the county to on a distillery operation near the
those farm ers having wheat con- represent lhe interests of farm ers Red Rock dairy in the eastern p art
tracts found themselves unable to a t Salem.
of the county. Approximately 15
8f t in th eir minimum acreage.
Mrs Edna Corey wu] be chair- gallons of alleged whiskey, a 100-
Tills, naturally, has raised the m an of the M arch meeting schedul- gallon still. 600 gallons of mash, an
Question as to the necessity
of ®d ,o r tlle Hillsboro American a8®r and equipm ent were confis-
Planting spring w heat to make up L,‘kion hall.
cated' The apPar,a t,us was fouud in
tb e required acreage According to
the home o. C hulufas near Tigard.
. . . .
Chulufas was arraigned In the
now spring . .
need to of be any"'probable
seeded There ’ v l v r l i l a l - l , '
V l v l 1111
u wheat
no will
. a n circuit
d plead
to charges
ol un-
Improvement in Conditions
in South Cited by R. Babson
Hilhi Tops Race
for 1935 County
Basketball Title
Htlhl continued its successful
drive for the 1935 W ashington coun­
ty basketball title Friday night
by defeating the Beaverton quintet
16 to 7 In the second game of
the home and home series. The
local hoopsters will meet T igard
F e d e r a l A l l o t m e n t S la s h e d here tomorrow (Friday) night and R e d u c t io n 1 0 P e r C e n t o n
will open the series with th e sec­
B a s e ; B e n e fits A m o u n t
6 0 P e r C e n t B e lo w T h a t
ond-place Forest Grove squad the
following week.
to $ 1 5 P e r H e a d
A llo w e d L a s t M o n th
Beaverton opened t h e scoring
with a field goal and held a 2 to 0 '
< lead ®t the end of the first quarter.
Union Backs
State Bank
Federal housing program will sell
buildlna m aterials but Is designed
to make property owners "liome
conscious" and provide the opportu-
‘“ » V V ’ V i l
▼▼ V t B .
con sciou s a n o provide m e ppo
nlty for the sale of m aterials. D ent
n o in te d o u t T h e nlan Is a method
progress not a subsidy.
Benefit» Many
Beneflts of a successful building
A n n i v e r s a r y E v e n t P l a n n e d repairing and renovation program
wlU - - be reflected
----- - - ------------
to every -----------
D u r i n g C o m in g W e e k
In the community?
community, according
according to
Local observance of the stiver < ^ t m , u 7 to " e n h a n « ' th T 'C a a»
Local observance of the silver opportunity to enhance the value
Jubilee anniversary of Boy Scouts of their Property
n>al^ g necas-
of America will open Uuntirrow
.F riday, night with a rally of the tracto rs a n d
budding m a‘* rial
five dtatrlct troops at the Junior tradesm en benefit through stim u-
high gym. according to R R. Easter, latlon of b u sln e ssa n d bankers are
« " ® d benefit through Uie increased
" t 'h e 'a chairm
„ n T v an
,w p O
i^ ther
ra 'n , features
w ïlU n? “ chants
some 95.000.000 a year.
M<*L.r.VT.r_ i ulw >dl,-1“J‘
for providing some a>rt of
omlc security for th e aged
difference of opinion as la
the legislators
the deflnlUon
of the cen
M ystery Serial
S talled T oday
Salesm ....
Is the secret of
, h _ (,.d,.ra
lederal housing ad-
l ^ . ^ X t l for
o n the
I, nI alr?U„,n .E J^pnrii, declared V.
H Dent
061,1 of
oi the
Ule Portli
P ortland FHA
flee In launching an Intensive lo-
,.ai camDAlcn to arouse interest in
Monday a t lhe cham .
He u r ^ d X t C o u n tv U n t A r f . o
M anv
ber of commerce.
tradesmen and citizens co- C ° “ n ‘ y U n “ A c U ° " M > n y
and citizens co-
operate in putting over the project
M e a s u re s H e r e S a tu r d a y
and assured his au
audience th a t such
e Ä
OPPM„ , _
u ^ i e y tract a t Becond avenue and
j ackson street and the Tamlesle
property op p osite Htiulc park for
palk purposes. The ordinance was
lald on lhc lablp u|ltll lhe nPXl
session of the council with t h e
probability th a t an amended or-
d niance excluding the Tamlesle tract
ea»t Uf the highway will be pre
Expeiwe Cited
,„ Or„ J
against Uie ordinance fostered b ,
Councilman J. L. Anderson of the
P«rlt committee He contended Uia't
Uie triu;l dld not lrnd 1Ut.lf
p„rk use and th a t considerable ex-
,Mh.M. wouW p,. involved in lm -
d pr„¥cnie
r r o i ï ^ „ u ^ V and
t e S m Ï aint,n
Ï ^ i T a n t t c e e n An-
a ' io-50 »pill with the state on a
♦30 a m onth pension for the needy
aged If Oregon la to be hi a post-
lion to take full advantage of this
federal subsidy for old age pensions
It is going to be necessary to find
at least *3,000,000 a year from
, some source, according to the best
Information available here, should
labor leaders succeed In their ef-
forts to Increase the pension to
** p ^ r t l o n X T h ,c X - d ’ " Ut‘o
e r a l Cfim*rt lo a n h a S r ep #
Latest Store News Always
A ppears in the Argus
Read Advertising
suit to collect » in wages
alleged due H. 8. Arnold was filed
T hursday against the Tigard F u r
Farm by the state bureau of labor.
v . p c
m n plaint
ia in , alleges (Ua,
th a t Arnold
VM hlred t0 construct Dens a t the
farm and had not
[Klid the
fuli amoun t due E C C a n tr ill A l-
(CoMinurd o„ p . „ s . ^ a" , '
111K I OtTffol
T T 7 r« < i
A tYlPnrltnPn
Iien U IIien t i W
W /lll
III DC I v e \ v 71C is e a
.By a . l . L in.ib«k)
feet ,n th e house Monday In an
SALEM—(Special)—The "one cow effort
SIù ed un legislation Mem
IO j ’P®
farm er” am endm ent to th e m ilk ,
n ^ ®.“
r t .u
e ? d * æK'siatlon.
■ n l n u t M Mem-
*V n
control act was sent back to the dZ”a to but
get armmd th £
committee on agriculture for further • S ® bX r r o ^ n g fron^ some o to er
consideration this week when It | “ Pm ber. No 7u?h rute T o l l es to
u7 •»
e bouov
. u , . h p senate
was J‘“
Just >- *c“
to «un
run « the
whose members talk as
of the senate. A m isunderstanding often and a, long as thev feel like
as to its provisions was responsible ° Ken “ nd 38 l0ng aS they ieel ,,k*
for re-reference of the measure
« « •
which seeks to exempt th e owner
Zim m erm an's state
of one cow from the Inspection and
bank bill went down to defeat this
license provisions of the milk con
week when the senate adopted an
trol act. Senator Aitken ond R epre­ adverse report from the committee
sentative Ross of W ashington coun­ on banking. Only one other sen­
ty, co-authors of the bill, believe ator—G arney of Clackamas—voted
th a t the bill CAn be am ended to w ith the senator from Yamhill
m eet most, if not all, of to e ob­ In support of the measure which
w a zv a a
jections and passed w ithout con­ would have put the state in the
siderable difficulty.
banking business.
* e e
John Robert Dinsmore, son of
The Ross bill prohibiting whole-
One. and possibly two, of toe
Dr. J. B. Dinsmore of Hillsboro, was sale distributors of gasoline from normal schools would have to be
designated Wednesday as principal engaging ln the retail business ls closed tem porarily If the legisla­
for appointm ent a t Annapolis Na- still kicking around ln committee, ture attem pts to divert any of the
val academy by R epresentative Mott, but Representative Ross has been higher educational millage revenues
The appointm ent Is subject to final assured th a t it wlll be brought out
the general fund of the state
qualifying examinations. Reginald within a few days and put to the into
Chancellor W. J. K err told th e
Thorln of Beaverton was nam ed test on the floor of the house. Much ways and means committee Mon­
third alternate.
Interest has developed In the meas- day night ln defense of his bud*et
Young Dinsmore, now attending ure which ls being strongly op- requests. Millage revenues them ­
the University of Oregon, was an posed by the big distributors,
selves are already well below the
honor student and an outstanding
• « •
level of the past biennium as a
athlete at Hilhi.
, The “gag rule" was put into e f-|
(ContiniMd on ■>•*• 4, enlom n 9)
Robert DillSmorC c
Gets Appointment