T 11 E 11 IL L S B O K O A R G U S , Thursday, January 31, 1935 of the W ill. M er., and then«'« run­ H H F .M IF F ’M M ALE ning East 24.33 chains to the center Notice I* hereby given, th a t by virtue of Hcbolla F e rry llo m l; thence N o rth of an Eseeutlon. O rder and Daerae of 20 Deg. West 8.41 chains, thence Hal« l«auad out of and under the seal of We»t 22 12 chains, and th em e N o rth (he ( I n u i t C o urt of the H 'a ie of Ora* M chains to the place of beginning, gon fo r ilia County of W ashington dated situate in W ashington County, (>re- the 88tk day of December, 1034, In fav- ('UmUflrd C olumn» ( low ut 10 o'clock Wednesday Morning gon, described in Desai recorded in or of H u rry 1«. Kohtnaon, Executor of hook 121, Page 244. Hubject to 4139.* llie Katate of Itaiclgh H. Kobtn-xon, d«> 33 delinquent taaea us of Septem ­ cettsed, aa p la in tiff, and against It. B A ItKAOY MAKUUT WITH FARM horse and mula cheap John Denny mid M u rg arat A Denny, huahand ber 14, 1934. liila n i, Iti 2. Ilo« |U7. |||||ahor< rlvur and w ife, and A. Track No. 2. B eginning a t a point A. H«hra/oni, S tale M G HFHULTH AT road near harniin uton , about ' mila» Superintendent of Hanks, defendant», foi on the aouth lin e of the Thoa Denny southeast u f H illaburu LITTLE COST Gup , i be aum of 41500.00 w ith Interest thereon D L C No. 4 / T . 1 H. It. I W W ill. M« r W ashington County, Oregon, aaid >f Ju n u a iy , IBM» at TEAM black horaaa, .'I'Jon pound«, fo r 1 h*nn tha l i a t day beginning point being H. M9 Deg. 46’ trade Kay Dalainan. Phone I the rate <»f 7 per rent per annum and aale or F irst Insertion, P»r word I® E. 1494.7 ft. fro m the atone a t the ftOtf , the fu rth e r aum of 4H.Ho, coats and dis­ 1107. (N u aarvira I« m thaw 24«) Has*, corner on the West boundary bursements, and the fu rth e r aum of W A N IT I l I Leap horaaa fo r f o i feed. a He«. 23 T. 1 H. R. 1 W. and Karh addUluiial I n a e r l l u n , p e r 41X4.00, atto rn ey fee», w ith Interest there­ Argua, H IT . 41-ftUp fro m which beginning point an iron IfOKMEM fur »al« ; uotal fa rm or L*Klfhiu on fro m the 22ml day of Dacemoer, 1934, . nipe hears H. 0 Deg. 23’ W . 20.0 ft. (N o aarvlc« lean than horaea, 1400 I l»a. end up. F W Walch. at th« rata o f (I per cant pro annum , Itun nin g thence along the south line Mud which E lo cu tio n , O rd er, a.id Dtcree Itaa.lark, par llna l°® I5'io feet aouth New ton alallon. U lti of Hale la also In favor of A A UchrsMini, ! of «aid Denny C laim , H. 89 Deg. 45' (N o aarvlua la»» than M a ) IIO K H Í.H for «ale or trade. Itay Dala* H tale Superintendent of lianas, as one I E 413.0 feet to a point in the center of the Hcholla F e rry llo a d ; tlience man, H O?. 4 M f defendant against It. II. Denny and M ar- j Count Worda Maud o H 19 Deg. 07’ W along the center garet A. Denny, huabaud and w ife, ns Count Your 1’ m flta of aaid read a distance of 283 4 ft. Ur the other defendants fo r the aum of 27. CATTLE H lark Faaa llo ad I tin« Not par- 4 1tfOO 00, w ith liilerea l thereon fro m t h e 1 a point fro m which an iron pipe ( ll'» « ilf f - lT r u t quick 29. 4th day of February. 1936, a t tha Eaat 1 Joutnal No. 4 at Page 47 4, b e in g a p artitio n suit relative to a 3a.83- rulluf «at » ft— « a m y l- " I 0.1»« W ANTED 20 acres and building«, —» to i I loor . o f the -, Court House In Hillsboro, - . - . acre tra ct in the above dmcribed tra c t, lata, a doctor'« proscription, at lliila - rent or w ill buy on contract, must be W ashington < oun ly, Oregon, at tha hour the same having been ed by a Imro Pharm acy. 47«4p near Hlllaburo 10 o’clock a rn. of aaid day sail at conveyance of 2 92 acre» recorded H ava ranters fo r sm all chick- t’“ *’“ « auction to the h ig h e a t bidder for EVERYBODY know« th at our Par fart W A N T E D in D««ok 141, Page 434, W ashington CO ranch or party w ill consider buy- ’ , aH th« follow ing deaertbad b iua W h ite Diamonds a re priced lower . County Record. ai*o by 2 92 acres. I,,M real property lying, being, and situ ate In than moat Jeweler« price Im perfect Book 141, Page 433 and 5 acres re- Ore, W ill trade modern H illsboro W ashington County and m o re , „ ... w., reg« atouaa Anderson a Jew elry store. >4 T R A D E 141, Page 433, 4*/» "h.'!«» t u r ï i n 7 . ™ i t 7 i"r-.' ”w lth " b .’iiíd" ‘’• ' ‘ i ' “,1* ' 1» “ í f ,hí™' acres, hook 141. Page 434, 9>/4 acre«. Lots 3 and 4. Block 84, Deaverloii, Ing«, must be near lllllshoro. lb»ok 141, Page 432. a ll deed records 11. WANTED a« «hown by the duly recorded map E A G riffith , 1141 Mecond street of W ashington County, Oregon. Sub­ and plat thereof on f ll« In the office M A N wanted for Kawletgb route of moo ject to delinquent taxes unknown. Phone 171. ___ _______ 40 of the County Recorder of W ashing­ famUle» W rite t ,u S B » *R l. 3. Hillsboro, or i K '- Ä K g B e r s ä ä r-jF R jS S K s ra r - * O K EGON Muiloy Suffers Mangled Ankle Brown R e-elected Prexident Laurel C om m unity Club I ll y M r ., r . I. Ilrn w n l I.AUKED £. C. Muiloy had Ida ankle badly mangled last week wlien a horse, which he had hitched to a sled, IxTanie unruly and Jerked the sled over his ankle. He was taken to Dr. Robb's office for tre a t­ m ent and will be off his feet for several weeks His grandson. H ar­ old H athorn, of Hillsboro Is atten d ­ ing to his chores. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lee and chil­ dren of ch erry Grove were Sunday guests at the ¿'ally Whitmore home. Loreen Lee stayed with her grand­ parents until Wednesday. Mrs. George Schneider and chil­ dren Howard and Lillie of Helvetia were Sunday guests of Mr. Schneid­ er's sister, Mrs. Fred Schmidt, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos W atkins and children were Sunday guests a t the Ralph Christensen home a t Midway Mr. and Mrs. B. O. McNay and daughters Patricia and B arbara vis­ ited Mr. McNay's relatives in New­ berg Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Coy of Hills- boro were Saturday evening guests and required to preaent them w ith the proper voucher» to the und esig n ed ad- n iin ia tra trix a t her reahienee at 1793 HaraU*ga Avenue. Portland, Oregon, or at the law office o f Thus. H . Tongue Jr., In the Comm ercial Block in the City " f Hillsboro, W aahington County, Oregon, w ith in six months fro in the date o f thia notice, t o - w it : W ith in six months from Jan uary 81, 1934. S s ........- - - pbona | ' Hillsboro *-“rk - ... »O musth „r.f.r,wl - ',5 . Hrnall down paym««it, bataneo , •' ' »r r r - MC'HICAI. INSTRUMENTS P IA N O W .n la •d l Cash f« r plar«r - J . A. HillalH.ru Ï7 F 7 CONTRACTING It j w --- . H IL L S B O R O , N O T IC E G F HA I F O F K F A I P R O P F 1IT 3 SA,'L Oi«"?AL PHO,''!,,T' £ £ £ Cf for « UÍ Multn tf 1 Legal Notices low ing described reel property, to-w it 1934. i . . . _ . .. .. Fifteen arrea in the South weat and fo r dogs over eight months old owned «yr kept w ith in the S tate of Oregon over q uarter «»f the northeast q u a rte r of ’°l *£ ‘3 Her >1, township 2ft. Houth «»f Kang« I W m t of W illam e tte M erid ian , 1« n . m . .n d i d 7 l 2 y ur i h . w r - W «»hington County, Oregon, dearribed as follows : wn whom l h . Ilc m .e u, b . and the sex of th e dog. The Southeast qu a rter o f the N o rth ­ Fee« are payable to: east quarter of HerGon 31. township F.DW . C. L U C E . County C lerk. 2. South Kange I , West of the W il­ Hillsboro, Oregon lam ette M erid ian , Washingt«xn County, Publi»he«l by order of the County Court Oregon. c«mtaining ten arrea, also the 48-49 of W ashington County, Oregon.. Houth half of the Northeast quar­ te r of the Houthweet q u a rte r o f the N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Northeast qu a rter o f Section >1. tow n­ n the County Court of the S tate o f O re- ship 2, South of Kange 1, Want of g«»n. fo r the County o f W ashington. the W illam e tte M eridian. W ashing­ 1 -r o b .t. D epartm ent. ton County, Htate o f O regon, con­ No tice ia hereby given th a t the under- tain in g Five (6 ) ac H id . fo r .a id property should he sub- signed David Tschabold h a . been ap* inm nas. K. k . Lxnon. P«inie«» E r .x « ru w r o o i f tile m e r Estate a ia ia of oi n m llt eq c l io to t Chas. Lenon, atto atto rn rn ey ey fo fo r r pointed xecutor K a a n rl .h r a d m ln l.tra .r l« herein, a t 616 Couch H a efb ger. deemmad.. by the County C o u rt SfU .T. U tion, also •,« L , J.16 ¿¡, itate sub- Ex- Additional against Lost P a rk , a w rp o ra - a defendant, fo r the sum of d-gm ident James Lande of «16.0«» ■<*» •*•»' "« >’ *«• • n.d l >>« fu rth e r .urn of «¿3.UU P la in tif f. coats w ith interest thereon a t the rate per, c.e nt * r» Court ..f t h . He auction to the higheat Dulder io r N O T IC E TO V K K D IT O K H _M h jn h>nd o, , he fo lU w iB , de. /• »cribed real property, lyin g , being and f ,,r W ..h m x to n ( ..u n ty * * " »ituate in W ashington County. Oregon, 17 I 1 I I N I I I KI. Bn. t«»treOxr w ith proper voucher» therefor, above entitled Court, as Executor o f th e ' beginning at the northeast corner of 48-4J t ^,<* un- to the n««rth line of the County road ; -40p 'h e State of O rv fu n fo r t h e C o u n t y o f Estate <»f said deecased. Bagley A H a re , undersigned at the law offices of north line of the aaid road 51 f e e t ; I- I « ., neh D ....I.. h l - » — -T w » W n g l - n , •" »UH N .. 10411, T h . Emf. Attorney» for A d m inistrator. 47-41 Bagley lla r e , in the F ir» t N a tio n a l! thence north 318.7 feet to the north .2 « «..«.1 in tw o cord Bonds. 1ft «bigie «'«'•I Land Bank o f Spokane, a corpora " - 1 —■ ■' ... -------..... , . Bank building. in Hillsboro. O regon,! line of said W alters t r a c t ; thence tw r c . , ram ie and I Oon, p la in tiff, va. W a lte r 11. Campbell — ,„ l n m h > 4 m r - « ™ « ; » ; i . „ J t .r r lu N C m p lm ll. h u .h .n .l ‘ . „ d S H E R IF F ’S S A L K w ith in six months from the date hereof. west 60 feet to the place o f begin­ wood. N o tice ia hereby n » r n , th at by virtu e Dated this 5th day of Jan uary, 1935. 1 ning. furnace le ie p n e <7tf w ife ; Geo. II. Jewell and L«»u II Jew ell. 9903. _________________ Also all of Cedar Home in W ash­ H E N R Y A. L O W R Y , Executor o f the | hu«han«l and w ife . M It. Johnson ; J. It «»f an Execution, O rder and Decree of M F.AHONKD «»ok a n d c o u n t r y alab w o o d ington County, Oregon, except lots Sale, issued out o f and under the seal I * * 1 W ill and Testam ent of said deceased, Its Icy and L llila n Its ley, husband and o f the C irc u it C«>urt of the State of O re- W illia m G. H are. A tto rn ey fo r Execu- 1 and 15 and the south one-half of Sewwl any length before delivery. In ­ w ife , and Forest Grove N a tio n al Far lot 2. 47-51 8ft I Loan Association, a corporation, defend- g«»n, fo r the County o f W ashington, dated twr- aide block w ni. 'I rum an Boyd. Also all that land lying aouth o f lot N in th St Phone Htllab or« 2"8:t. «nt», therein pending am i to me directed. i»11* Jan uary. 1935. In favor 18. in said Cedar Home addition, and f The U nion C entral L ife Insurance N O TH K O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T I «hall, dii S a tun lay, the 16th day of FO VK -f«»A dry *x k wood. 44.uo; north of the Cornell Road, being a ’ «wnpany, a corporation, p la in tiff, and 1« *be County Court of the State of O re- b e fo re h 'lK c iy >1 I ’ h. ne t-3. MM February, 191 ten o'clock In fraction of an acre. forenoon thereof, at the fro n t door of againat A m y A W ahl. W idow. H o w ard g‘” ‘ . f ‘,f W ashington County. * W ahl, defendant«. fo r the aum of In (be M a tte r of the Estate o f B. K. to satisfy the hereinbefore named aums the W aahlngton County C o urt Hou 19 SI I DS VI W l and fo r the coat and expenses of sale Denney. Dereaae*!. public auction 318.90 c«>«ts and disbursements, w ith in - ~ KEI> heart straw b erry plant« fo r aaTe- Hillsboro, Oregon, sell at Noti«-e ia hereby given that the under- and said w rit. fo r rash, all rig h t, title s nd interest had tereat thereon a t the rate of 6 per F;xcellent cannera. 31.14 per th*m aand; and iHMsensed by said defendant«, on or ent i x r annum from the 19th day o f »igned ad m in is trato r of the above named Said »ale w ill be made subject to re- you dig- W illia m Robb. Illlbbor«» lit. ■ lio 'e the «Isle of execution of p la in tiff's lau u ary, 1935. and the fu rth e r sum of <"»txte has filed in the above entitled demption as per statute of Oregon. :i. Plum e MHMboro 2726. 50-51 m ortgage, in am i to tha follow ing de- 329.46 w ith interest thereon at the rate Court and cause his fin a l account and Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 19th of 10 P»r cent per annum from the c » !"'« «» xuch. and the Court hoa fixe d '•«>■ «• Jan u ary. 1935. l o l l S A L E 40 sacks of certifieil Bur- srrihed real pr«iperty: 24th day of October, 1933. and the fu rth e r ’ ^e J -Z **« F eb ru ary, 1935, at the h lfx t publication J an u ary Slat. 1935. hank». dr«n> seed. John P. M eurer, I Beginning at a point on the South . u r n of »415 33 w ith m tereal thereon at *"’>"■ 1,1 10 u'cloek A. M. of raid day. Laxt puhlication Feb ru ary 2S. 1935 boundary of the J. I I W alker D L. V. milaa east of Orenco the rate of 10 per cent i x r annum fro m * n<^ ***< Court room of the above en-1 J- W . C tiN N F .L L . b h e ritl o i W ashing- No. 4V. in Tow nship Tw o, South K F D -h e a rt atraw b erry and loganberry Sept.. 1933, and the Gtled Court in Hillsboro. Oregon, as the ton County. Oregon. 60-2 the 1st day o f Range Three. West o f the W illam e tte plant« fo r aale Ben Layton . 4 mile« 3416*33 w ith interest * n>He.. B A L E D N«». 1 vetch hay fo r sale. 38-60 tion , O rd er and Decree oi naie, I ■ w . * . * . . * publication February above descrilxd to the property of , ,, MondlW. t h . 25th day of February, i’t 1 ic l trrt P“, p V “' 11" " »' 21. 1935. ton. Also haled straw . 31.61» ton. Fred Hi t.',, at A c East d.a.r o f the Courthouso 1 V f t L . j A ° ., f ‘ K 7 * bur* '. O r<-K''n - George Harvey ; thence continuing V Meyer. Kt. 2. Cornelius 60 W A L T E R S. ASHER. A d m inistrator. in the pn»perty of Italeigh W alker Hillsboro, W ashington County, O re­ to the highest bidder a t not leas than . W a lte r S. Asher, A ttorney. 49-1 2ft T O N S a lfa lfa hag. W ill deliver l«awe the appraise«! price as shown by this Houth "8* I V East to the »mint of gon, at the hour of ten o’elork a. m. of or baled. - Kay Delsinan. Telephone Z . m . liw ■e.'i’i '» i i - — •••• ?'• notice, sale to be subject to the ap- intersection w ith the roadway a l­ ;.'!.l.'!...d,"Xl.,..".rd ‘.‘I, ,h t p ro v .l of the Secretary of the In te rio r. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S 2107. ____________ lowed to Geo. Hnrvey by K.tleigh highest M ilder fo r <’a«h in hand, all of The purchase price w ith an addittonai I ,n lh e County Court of the S tate of Oro- W alker. nituat<*d in W a-hin gto n Coun­ the follow ing described real ......" 7 " ”. '" . — 7 property, . '* ly- x“ "1 *'« o n e -fifth o f one per cent thereof, k’onj «"!* i«16 County of W ashington. FARM I'KODUUr. ty. State of Oregon. 21. n, hnng and situate in W ashington |„ .,„ u commission, allow ed, must l.e de- ln M a tte r of the Estate o f M .r y J. W C O N N E L L . S h e riff of W ashing­ i»d SA C K S llurhn itk p olQ to« fo r xxlr. t ounly. Oregon and more p a rtic u la rly p , „ i, „ | w hen lhe rig h t to purchase is Peterson. Deceased. E dward K. Pin- Mir .m k If t a k - «II H«V D rl.m « » , ton County. Oregon described as t« — folbiws, - - > - w it: • awarded by the Register, hut c e rtific a te , . Notice is hereby given th a t th e under- seek i, one «if P la in tif f ’s Attorneys. 48-62 (.N rthxl.ll A vr. I ’h.«,» 2107. »'• T h a t portion of the George W . o f sale w ill not issue u n til the purchaser j film ed C a rl O. Peterson has been duly D ate of firs t publication, Jan uary 17, l-'earnside and W ife Donation Lnnd has eomplietl fu lly w ith said regulations, appointed Executor of the E state of 193ft. Date «>f last publication, February 22. FARM MACHINERY C laim No. 49 lying w ith in Section 27, C irc u la r 1200, as to the execution of the I M a ry L . Peterson, Deceased, by the 14. I93fi I Tow nship 1 N o rth , Range 4 W est of contract o f sale and bond required there- County Court o f W ashington County. O re- J O H N I k v r x lr» . l'«v- »«,1 f » n „ iiuirhim i V of the W illam e tte M erid ian , described under. The money depoaited w ill he re- gon. and hns qualified. fo r «»I». I.r» t« r lr» l» n ,l A •'., 43 ,f N O T K E O F F IN A L SETTLEMENT I I as fo llo w s : turned if sale is not approved, otherw ise , A ll persons having claim s against said S lX -h o r .» St,.v»r « » . »nuln» f**r ««le or In the County Court o f the State of O re- j Beginning at a stone in the N o rth ­ patent w ill issue fo r the tim ber, which ! E state are hereby notified to present gon, for W ashington County. w ill lr» ,l» io r row » r hrlfer«. C. hl. east corner o f said c la im : thence must be remove,! w ith in 10 years. Bids then,, w ith proper vouchers. w ith in six Korn. H I. 1. H lllx b o r,,; n»»r ll» l- In the M a tte r «»f the Estate of Theialore along the East line thereof Houth no w ill l»e received fro m citizens of the nu nths from the «late of this notice to Van Dyke. Deeeaaed. vM I». U n ited States, ass«'ciations o f such c iti- the Executor at Hillsb«>r«>. Oregon, or at Notice is hereby given, that the under- 1 degrees 2 m inutes W«*st 32.51 chains to a point in the County R o ad ; tens, and corporations organized u n d e r 1 (he 4»ffice of R, A. Im lay, 1617 Y o n signed Executor of the la«t W ill nud | •4. ro c iT iiv thence nl«>ng the said r«»ad South 84* th«« laws of the U n it e ! State«, or any Building, Portland. Oregon. Teatam ent of said deceased, hns filetl In 3«)’ W eat 1.35 chains; thence South State. T e rrito ry o r D is tric t thereof only. Date«! this 31st «lay of Jan u ary, 1935. H. I II. y r»r-o M hrnx «m l l»yin« IH ilIrl«. the ubove ent II le» I court and cause, hi.« 85* 24’ W est 1.88 chains; tbenco Upon application o f a qualified pur- _____ I t « , ,h . M r« . A All»n. K I. 2. Il»l,k» C A R L __ O. _ P ________ I T E R S O N ________ . Executor. R. A. Final Account and Report as such, and South 25* 48* West 4.47 chains; chaser, the tim b er on any legal aubdi- Im lay. A ttorney fo r Executor 60-2 D U D L E Y 'S l.ruhn rn rhli'k», Ih r h««l ym, the court hns fixed and a p p o in t«! the j vision w ill be offered separately before thence South 35® 16' West 7.13 chains ran buy. Ill« b ..,ll,.l b ird . Inylnit l»r«e 8th «lay of Febru ary, 1934, nt the hour being included In any o ffe r of a larger to an Iron corner 8 ft. fro m the w hit» ,« ,« .. A ll prnd„,'»,l “ l,r * '*•• of 10 o'clock A. M . of said «lay. and the unit. T . 3 S.. R. 3 E . Sec. 25. Lot 5 center o f the old m ill race; thence farm M»l,w from high p»,ll«r,«f the tim ber to be s«»ld for man. 144.50 acres T2S R3W . m ill race N o rth 41® 30’ W est 29.59 « ustoroera Baby chicks. 310.60 per 100; fin a l «-count and fo r the fin a l settlem ent I less than 31.25 per M. T . 3 N .. R. 3 W .. chains to an iron corner 2.75 chains S. M. W illiam s to H e ttie Keppel, 1 t i n in 600 lots; sexed chicks if «le- of said estate. See. 13. aSE>i NR»4 r c l f ir 1.504 M East o f the Weet lin e o f aaid sec­ acre Foreat G ro ve Dateil thia 10th lay o f Janunry, 1935. ................ ’ 1, “ Beaverton. -------- *“ “ »iretl. “ Paul • - Dudley. Iti none of the tim b er to he »old for less tion 27; thence N o rth no * 18’ East Cornelius State hank to H e n ry Jacob«- ftOtf WM V A N D E R V E L D E N . Executor of I'honv llenverton 0818. than 32.00 per M. T . 2 S . R. 3 W .. See p aralle l w ith the said section line .. ax.-. . -.a.» a» i i m uhlen et al, part Lot I Block 29 Cor- (lo t- the Last W ill au«! Teatam ent of Theodore W H IT E Oat railot rooatera fo r sale, 11. N E *4 H E >4 red f ir 520 M. red cedar llA»j,ia 21.87 chains to a point in the N o rth De«*cuaed. H are. Me A lear & 60 Van Dyke, ter, at Scholia. 15 M T. 15 8.. R. 8 W . See. 15. N W 4 No. 49 a t a O le Pl From to J«>hn W . G ardner et al. 47-61 1 line of said C laim _ • ..« _— i, ... gun » i -i ■ ■■ » - I Petera, Attorney« for Executor. HWLg red f ir 1.03ft M ; none of th«’ Part Lot 7 Block 22. Hillsboro. l hlltiY-eight fin e W h ile Leghorn pul- ¡ ___ ________ point 2.75 chains East o f said sec­ tim tm r to b . »old fo r l « x than »1.50 per u |1 , w p , et J>n)ea shop, lets, layin g, anil tw o ew kerels, un re- tion lin e ; thence along the N o rth Ne. .« ,t ll. ll.Q *’ "• ’ It ’ I 19288 «» " M fo r the red f ir and 31.00 per M for T ra c t 1 Block 1 N o rth Hillsboro M f, a - » r K - K I « « . In thn D ia tric t Court o f the U nited Stater. lated, 9')c each line «tf said claim north 89® 29' East the red cedar. T . 7 H.. R. 7 W . Sec. et ux’ l r * l t 1 IMoefc 1 N o rth Phone . N o rth 1 lain« , „ r thc , Oregon , rn [n n . Rt. I, Hillsboro. --------- 29.78 chains to the place o f begin­ Acre». 19, L o t 1 red f i r 1.410 M. red cedar 2“ n in g ; excepting therefro m th a t cer­ George H. Johnson et ux to Agne« In the M a tte r o f M a rtin J. Bernards M . larch 40 M. hemlock 740 M . Lot 2 tain .(»3 acre« conveyed by hate D epartm ent. A rth u i Blazer to Ethel Rice, p a rt Lot per M for the red cedar, and 31-00 per C H E H T K R W h ite w e a n lin g p lg a f o r « ale February, 1935, a t 2 :()<> o'clock In the In the M a tte r of the Last W ill and Teat- M fo r the silver f ir , larch and hem- 291 Johnson Estate A ddition, Beaverton- nnient of Flora G erm an, Deeeaaed. lock. (Sgd.) F R E D W J O H N S O N . Com- Reeilville. Ernest M eyer, ntile «outhweat Forest afternoon at which tim e the said cre«i- Notice is hereby given th at the under­ missioner. _____________ 44-1 C la ra P ettijohn et al to H a rry IIills (i<»If course. 60-M p Itors may attend, prove th e ir claims, signed ad m in is trato r c. t. a. o f the above A ldinger et ux. L o t 3 Block 8 Fairview FO R S A L E Three young (> I. C. hoars exam ine the bankrupts, appoint a trustee enGtled estate, N O TIC E T O C R E D IT O R S w ill on and a fte r the Addition. Hlll»boro. and some young mow ». -G. W . S tiff, if it becomes necessary under the terms hour o f 10 o’clock A. M ., Feb ru ary 18. No tice is hereby given th at the un­ Jay Proat et ux to Thereaa H . W hite- of «aid se«’tion and transact such -'G u t Reedvllle. Phone 370 1 B e a v e rto n I » -l 1935, a t 800 H e nry Building, Portland. dersigned has been appointed Adm inis­ side, Lot 106 Beaverton-Reedvllle. PIGR fo r sale. Fre«l J ease, M ountaln- business as may properly come before O regon, o ffe r fo r sale a t p riv a te aale for t ra tr ix o f the Estate of E ffie Becker, C. J. 8tickney to H a rry A. Robinson said meeting. dale. 49 61 cash In hand «m day of sale the fo l­ Deceased, hy an order made and entered et ux. Lo* 278 Johnson E state A ddition. W IL L A R D L . M ARKS, Referee In in the County C o urt o f the State <»f O re ­ lowing described real property, to -w it: Beaverton-Reed ville. Bankruptcy. 50 gon for W ashington County on the 17th T ra c t No. 1. Th a t certain 19-acre HORSES Ew ald H. Greenburg et ux to M ary •lay of Jan u ary, 1985, and th at »he ha» tra c t beginning 28.68 chain« South ft ( >peland et al. 1.418 acres T tS R lW . H IIIP M R N T of Fxa«tern Oregon horse« duly qualified aa such A d m in is tra trix . NEA Features—Comic »trip, car­ fro m the Northw est corner of the Fred Haase et ux to Jenny Anderson, w ill a rriv e Saturday. February 2. at Now therefore, a ll persons having claim« toons, world news pictures, fashions, Houthweet Q u arte r of Section 23. Htunkard*« B a rn , one block south of againat »aid estate are hereby notified Lot 18 W itch H a ze l L ittle Farm s. Tow nship 1, South of Range 1, W eat tf Condenser. H illaboro Horae M arket, p etc.—Available ln th e Argus. 4«P McFall Jersey McNay home Saturday eve wlth onIy »5 000,000,000 on hand llfr and Mrs Howard Rice and 11 times more than « ’ey had. Miss Marie Schm idt of Hillsboro B a l e d » » r fo r ««I«. 24O egg lncubat«.r Max Berger. Itt I Beaverton 4op SHOE shop to r •«!«. John Owens. I l l M ain BC F E N C E pkwta fo r »«1« W ill deliver H iliaboru Auto Stf PeW’s n in ff IS. HALE or TKADE- Miner Un nroun C H E D aatx» p«o a fo r I Wrgrkeaw- Towsend Club Hears Bennett i r ^ M i N a T t t SSiSVeve* F A lltllA N K J F Mora« h«»m« lig h t and w ater p lant fo r aala o r tra d e for raitlo . 49-41 M o u atain d al« Fred J« We buy ami »ell used car». —Used Car Exchange. 48tf a t the Richard Whittle home and Ing kt the St. Cecell« church In later attended the Farm Union pro­ Beaverton. Interm ent was a t Cedar gram and dance a t the hall Mill cemetery. Recitation of the Mr. and Mrs. C. C Stafford of Rosary was given In Portland Tues­ CroHxfleld, Alberta, Canada, left day night. She was the m other of Friday for their home after .spend­ Theo. W alter and Werner Schall- ing acveral weeks with his brother, _____ berger all of Beaverton: Arnold C. P. Stafford. They went via T a ­ , Schallberger. Burlington, Mrs A<- coma and Spokane to visit relative , Townsend Old Age Revolv- ne8 Ulrich. l>ortland. and Mrs. Marie During ( t h e snow and cold they Ing Pension club of Hillsboro will W e b e r . Switzerland A brother Al- were willlng to stay close by the sponsor a mass meeting a t t h e ) oyslus VanBuren lives at Beaver- fire as they said It seemed as cold Ritz theater I n Beaverton Sunday ¡ ton. here at Li degrees above zero, which at 1 P m. with Judge John A. ________________ the therm om eter registered ,t the Jeffrey of Portland as the speaker ,,,„ v ... íí? f , . t k ,< , Stafford place, as It did a t 12 de To familiarize a new community with the Townsend plan, action . TIGARD Funeral services were grecs below In Canada Miss Irene Stevens, teacher of I was taken by the local club last r tie^ — , c . i _ u esi------ w j 1(> Çhapel at l. —* Midway, had I 4^444.44,4, Sunday » afternoon for a 1 meeting J ° hn Erick Olson. r i— a , . 4 — a , , 11.4U 4 - 4 4 4.4—. . . 4 4,4 » ,4L L 4 4 ,1 „ for . "T the primary g grades Thursday and Friday in Beaverton Instead of Hillsboro. Tigard Monday at a vacation on aci - < loner 1 E B ennett of he age of 7« year , interm ent w m She spent the time visiting rela- : Portland addressed Sunday after- m Rose City cemetery, tlves and friends In Portland. noon the largest crowd yet as- ..t * ? .,13 aorvlveu by the widow, Mr and Mr . Carl Buchanan and embled in this < ounty to he ar a lib e rtin e Olson one daughter Mrs. son Gerald of Portland were S at- Townsend speaker In t h e local ?,• ve5so*l; a,nc*. S*S sun®. Alfred, urday and Sunday guests a t the Christian church. He declared the G " ottfred, Emfred. ......... Ernest, Harold Dewey Mercer home. Í Townsend plan to be “sane, safe and C harles Olson. House Wired and possible.” Bennett stated th a t Jeffrey a t Cedar Mill J. H Felton had his house wired ^ u S S V E T t h T A m S n “ ^ John A. Jeffrey of Portland will for electricity last week. ,*£ by th^ tanking 7r7tem ltv of speak on the Townsend old age and ^ dRuW Mrs. ¿ rhm°anrh Roy Fields pension plan a t the Cedar Mill 2 Mr th erA n± recently ne e" „ation ^ as U r comrolled e S ^ d e ^ t r a e ^ Wall on G range hall at 8 p. m. Tuesday. a n d a t th e G e o rg e T e w s h o m e u in PursV‘t of us” and we must Everyone Is Invited. urday1 They1* an- Tn7w ‘ hS ng8^ ^ « M a t l o n big --------- Southwest Hillsboro on W alnut en£ £ h e ^ n m i J m J r , 4 | The commissioner declared the Mr. and Mrs. H arry Bllnco (Fan- [he?efo?e ^ n h sn a m e ^ ^ T h p 13"« n ?v ny P arrishi and three children of re m ta 7 for ^ e deD reIX n Is Beat for J ° rw M *loye homeay gUeSU “ t h e , buying pSwer T n ^ h e " t a n t a ALL AGES w im 'hU a ^ V / s ^ r o w ^ ^ v 8 ' he ¿ " ^ ‘ md’e K e ^ ^ t t a era! davs this' weik Brown' nation, B ennett stated. j . H. Haase Honored d iiie " ata a WsWh5oI^ n S u ^ v t cele- ^ m‘enn tn^ ’¿ I b^ f r a ^ vder^ : : x n « „ n t ? « of I. H it E M A N . building «*ontragU>r. rvuoatoiing. kouaw raising and m oviug. «^ncrvto w«>rk. «va ry tklng fr«gn roof to baaonMMtt. Katlmataa fr«« • « ! »or* \ H 14. Page Nine - Ï K Ï Ï “Â S æ S : B l“ Í ! UAexa for m arketing seedb]p o t a t ^ . about Lee Brown is again after a week's confinm ent to the house with a bursted blood vessel in his leg. caused while play- ing bM kettau. Brown Re-elected F. L. Brown was elected president of the Community club for the thirteenth consecutive year at a meeting of the board of directors last week. Dan Chambers was re- elected secretary and Adolf R utsch- man. treasurer. Plans were made to have the hall reshingled in the near future and to have footlights put on the stage. The meeeting was held a t the home of the newly el- ected member. Rollin Meyers, on account of his illness. A record crowd attended the pro- gram, dance and card party given by the Farm ers' Union at the com­ munity hall Saturday night. Mrs. W. H. McNay Is ill a t her Mr a threatened n d ™ C h with a r ie pneumonia s^ r^ n * a n d home L ars an a Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Charles c n a n e s Larsen little daughter of Portland were Saturday guests of his m other, Mrs. A. Naderer. Mr. and Mrs. W H. McNay and niece. P atricia McNay. visited rel­ atives In Newberg January 22. Union to Meet Laurel-Scholls Farm ers' Union meeting will be held a t the com­ munity hall . . . . Thursday evening. a.-»-» Sundav e u e ^ o f her^ taother1'Jacob hel8 and family of Elmonica Miss Lucille B ennett, the teacher, spent the week-end at her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt and son Frank of T ualatin were Sun- day guests a t the Jo h n Peterson home Mr. and Mrs. John Will and daughter M arjorie were Sunday guests at the Al Forcla home near Blooming. Mr and Mrs. L. A. W hittle were Sundav guests of their daughter. Mrs. H. M. W hisnand. and family of Midway. Flay Planned 'H ere Comes C harlie'' is the name of the play which the mem­ bers of the ''Broadcasters" class of the Sunday school have chosen to be presented in the hall, the ex­ act date to be named later. H annah R utschm an of Portland spent Sunday with home folks here. Lcisyville Group to Sponsor Play A girls' 4-H sewing club at Ielsy- ville lias organized and elected Dorothy Kennedy, president; Grace Hudson, vice-president, and K a th ­ ryn Cawrse. secretary. The girls have been planning their project f o r . this year. They have also organized a cook- . ing club. The boys organized a handicraft club and have their first article completed. i Mrs. Ford is tbe leader of the sewing, cooking and handicraft 4-H clubs. . _ . ----------- .---------------- E dw ard O lsen P ublishes A rticle N ational P aper Grim reaper of the poor a n d rich—the young and old—all we can do is make sure that those dependent on us will be well pro­ vided for in spite of his coming! Life Insurance is I n d e p en d en ce Assurance. Get full information from us without obligation. “ s .i? :a Mr. and Mrs. John Boge enter- S M » ‘ T 5 i ! S lyi ¿ “ í „ Í Í ¿ ' S r S M Â î S S ,sS n ilQ m r iA lr n-A«-O Tülamook were hon'w n , ... K P P u V lIlp ‘ r son Of g ü - ï -4 ïü . S c n r» o l x ^ C IlO O I Beats Beaverton lBy ch u rchiey. REEDVILLE — Reedvllle g r a d e school basketball team won from Beaverton grade school 19 to 11 Monday. Mrs. Sam Mcllvane of Cornelius and Mrs. R Hunger of the Hunger Timber Co. and two ladies of For- est Grove spent last week with Mrs w . M Snipes. Mrs. C. T. Im lav and Mrs Chris- tina Kelly visited Mr and Mrs e . Anderson in Suver last week ________________ Mrs. Anna Stocker Buried Wednesday CHAS. L. WALKER Agent Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability, Fidelity. Surety and Life. Phone 1752 11S4 3rd SL S t X r ’ is .^ w h o ^ d irt i ^ o r i l ^ d Sunday were held Wednesday m om - -D A IR Y M A N - BETTER DAIRY FEEDS FOR LESS MONEY With M U Iru advancing your feed dollar will go farther if you buy our DairT Ferds- You wUl re t more milk wi,h lcss iw‘d- Your co” wlu hold up in f,esh and ‘h*‘« lactation period. MOLASSES DAIRY. 15*“, Protein—Ton COW RATION, 16'«% Protein—Ton .. IMPERIAL DAIRY. 18% Protein—Ton Our Dairy Feeds contain no ground Oat Hulls or other Filler of low nutritive value. PAY CASH AND SAVE—TRADE WITH IMPERIAL IMPERIAL FEED Si GRAIN CO. Phone 01 Millers of Quality Feeds South Second St. Drainage Problems - - The "fundam ental law of gravitation’’ bolls down to the fact th at apples fall from trees and w ater runs down hill. If you need more retailed inform ation about drainage we can give you the services of a professional tiler, who has laid tile ln Washington county since 1884, If we can't help you with our own experiences. We can also offer you the best tile made in the S tate of Oregon either clay or concrete. In addition to our own Standard Quality Tile we handle D rain-Tile and Building-Tile made by the Willamina Clay Products Company. Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. Across W ashington Street from Cannery on P. R. A N. Railway Office Phone 1341 Art Kroeger 2548 —Home Phones— Henry Kroeger 1204 Edward O. Olsen, son of Mrs. Harvey Huff of Hillsboro, had an article. "A Modern Magic C arpet.” printed in the current Issue of the Journal of Adult Education. In this article. Olsen, who Is ln religious educational work in New York, dis- | I will sell at public auction, on the late cusses the reconcllatlon trips e m - 1 ployed In New York to reconcile farm, about 1 mile north of Connell station, various racial, religious or economic groups with each other. EXECUTOR’S SALE Karl Haefliger at Helvetia, on February 2, 1:00 P. M. Stop T hat D angerous Three milk cows, two with calf at side, one heifer about 14 months old, all passed the test A-l. Thirteen hens, mower, rake, farm truck, two-horse cultivator, one- C ough—T onight horse cultivator, milk cart, light wagon, disc, grindstone, large iron kettle, set harness, plow harness, blacksmith S leep Sound A ll N ight Long set, 24 bushels wheat. 10 bushels oats, scale, new wheel­ All coughs look alike to Buckley's barrow, harpoon, pulleys, rope and carriage, stump jack, Mixture (triple acting»—one sip of spray pump, incubator, accordion, violin, carpenter chest this grand medicine usu»Uly stops with tools, saddle, cider press, plow, harrow, small safe, an ordinary cough—the tough old deep seated cough and the persis­ washing-machine, and all small tools and household tent bronchial cough are usually goods belonging to the estate of Karl Haefliger, deceased. BRONCHITIS checked and under control after Just a few doses—no more torm ent­ ing sleepless nights. Buckley's Is different — it's su­ Executor o f the Estate of K a rl H a e flig e r preme—It ''acts like a flash"—Just prove it with one 45-cent bottle H . A . K u ra tli, A uctioneer J. J. W ism er, C lerk a t Hillsboro Pharm acy or any drug store—it is guaranteed.—Adv. DAVID TSCHABOLD