The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 31, 1935, Page 8, Image 8

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Page Eight
al day-
days last week with friends and Henpr SchultA Loya! How ard Mrs
J. W. Raynard. Mrs. Rose Demmin.
IdllVCo a t M
aw* ultnom ah
Benson. Ava Howard. Carl
“ ‘‘t h e j l k i ? " ^
s p ie r iiS T f
Oregon Newcomer
^ r o T r n v w A ' rd1’ S c h o l L ' tM-ODle
Laurel.' and Mrs. F. E
E. Kc
Rowell as
w Laurel,
on program
program hostess^
hostess. This
attended the Farm Un ion
T h i ^ table
W e entc
^ ¡^ W ^ th e
and dance a t Laurel Saturday eve- only tw in.birthday present. M arch
2 'b eing the b irth d iy for W. L.
M rs
H e rm a n Koeber who Ivas Stevens and Mrs. F E. Rowell.
beSii at t i e s" Vmcent's hospital
Take Prise
in Portland the past six weeks, has
April represented Easter with rab -
been moved to a private sanitarium bits and decorated caster eggs. Each
on Powell Valley road. Her condi- guest wore an April Fool s cap and
tton is about the same
the dishes of food were l.n x .'d
Mrs Rose Jackson and son W il- with an April fool slogan Guests
11am visited Sunday at th e Mike were M. B. Bozarth. Ed Demmin.
Yunker home and with other rela- Charlie Burke. Ralph Christensen
«By Mr«. Jeaaa Meyer#»
tives a t Gaston.
and Mrs. Ed Alboin. with Mrs. H. L.
Dr and Mrs. William B. Chandlee Flint as hostess. This m onth took
of Sheri-
attended the W hite Shrine Patrol first prize as the most appropriate- dan and Thelm a LaZott of this
dance a t the Masonic Temple in ly decorated table.
place were m arried at Vancouver
Portland Tuesday evening.
May w as decorated with a pink fast week. They were charivaried at
I By Mm Frank Paeoldt)
Mrs. Bruce Schulm ench of Hills- and white may pole and pink n ap - th" home of Mrs. Booth's parents,
ROCK CREEK—Paul Luethe. who
boro spent Sunday at the Mrs. El- kins. Guests were Mrs. Billy H eifer- Mr. and Mrs H arry LaZott. Thurs-
izabeth Reed home, and Mrs. J. H. nan. Evelyn Hatfield, Doris H eat- dav night and a kitchen
shower is with the marines, was home
Collier who has been visiting there, on. Julius Christensen. Mrs. Jesse was given for them a t the grange Brooks Hill for a few days. He was
returned with her.
Snyder and Jesse Snider Jr. and hall Friday night.
in California and now is stationed
at Bremerton. His brother. William
fTiends of Mr and Mrs.
Fay Mrs.
tretcher as
«d word
June Earl
was S decorated
a center-
Abou'^50* m-rson^xtie^ided’^a card Luethe. who is employed at Bonne-
Appelgate of Albany received
during the week-end th a t he
be is in
In piece, which consisted of a bowl of
a t the Jesse Mevers home Vllle' canu‘
to s**e hlni last
rosebuds --- surrounded by a n small
Tuesday. Mr. , Luethe said that they
a critical condition with c ireepmg
re e p in
„ t g -----------
d m o dolls
m s f T iu a v
n i g l i l . . rs-ibbaee
v r i u u a g e . ' '500
ouu. " Di-
paralysis. They formerly lived at dressed as June brides and grooms. nochlp a£d p ^ , WPre pUyed
foot ot snow “ Ild lce
Midway and operated the Scholls Guests were Lynn Howard. Harold H h
^ re won as fbUows “ t Bonneville.
truck line
Selffert. Veona Russel! and Wayne " ‘«.n y ^ d Wat" , , cnbfcige Mrs.
M rs p « er Zuercher has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Christensen. Andrews, and Mrs. J. E. Bennett c h ris yolke. "500. : Mrs. A. B. Ed- from Portland, where she had spent
Mata S tetts of Hillsboro and Wil- as hostess.
wards, pinochle, and Reuben Kelly. a few’
* h it her dau8hter.
ham Putnam Jr. of Farm ington a t-
The July table carried a small
Another Dartv will be sdoii - Mlss Sophie Zuercher
tended the state legislature Friday flag for each place with a Jardlm er
B A“
Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Jossy and son
Mr Punam and Mr. Christensen full of flags as a center piece.
perrie Retherford home this R ichard, went to Corvallis Sunday
were delegates from the Dairy as- Guests were Erwin Heaton. Mrs. p-idav night
tllelr son “nd blxJther Earl,
R u th
M atta
m u t t H an n n u
who u *Mend*nK O S. C.
Mr and Mrs. C urtis Johnson of S tetts of Hillsboro. Ed Selffert.
Born. January 21 at Emanuel lios-
P oniand and Mrs Ellen Lytle and Bert Rowell. Earl Russell, and Mrs
,MP ; pital in Portland, to Mr and Mrs.
™ ? L e ste rL Y tle of Hillsboro were A. B Flint as hostess.
?h? nw B k
c ™
h ei WilUam K ™ «»« ot B™ ks «»»• “
Bundav cuests at the W alter Burke
-T he old woman in the shoe with
a t V?e George F u n er
g |ic was nam ed Yvonne Jene
Sunday guests at tne w an er
n w i? children she didn t know home Saturday afternoon. A quilt
Edward Pezoldt of Portland vla-
h t o r i Demmin and Edna Carlson » h a t to d o ' was the centerpiece P‘« ed
' “T nu-m bel^oi ’ th e ited h,s
F “ 11 h P e,i 5 t
visited at the Wes Baney home at Of the August table This m onth
p ii u tt if o l re s id e s^ » and ti ULS, Pt ZO dL S aturda>i
Mountalndale Sunday.
had more birthdays th a n any other
r'elativ“e s ^ e r e laid ?'ard , PeI oldi hiVs J2fcn. “ conduetor
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wohlschlegel month. G uests were W alter Heaton. “ “H*100' ' lslwd relatives here last for
, nr the
, hp Portland
P o r tla n d T
r a c tio n company
ro m n a n v
for th e last 29 years.
and three daughters were Sunday jim Herd. Clifford Trask. , r Lloyd
Miss Ilda Powell, who has been
Spelling Test Held
S S . ^ o P r>
.^ V
iu n d -
again“ *
S° me’
T - j v ' A
I a p x e
Two students of the Rock Creek
Wilma Herd ----
spent the „ week-
Mrs. Ernest Hanson
------ -----------------------
------- —
„ Evelyn
R o b e is r t home
P la c e again.
o f P o r tla n d w a s a school. Aimamarle Zahler. e lg llt ll
end with her cousin Mrs. W. H. Hesse. Minor Hesse. Betty Benson.
ju ic e ot Portland was a
Qlad slxtll
Cuper Smith. In Portland.
f . E. Rowell. Mrs. C harles Haynes.
' » ' » r Fnday nig h t.
ad er ^ j v ^ , a gradc of 100 m
Mr. and Mrs. J. H Moore and Mrs Carl Rueck. Mrs. May Crowder
L n n s Tolke and (he
seniester sp,.UlnK test Fri-
Mrs Ed Selffert and daughter Mary Lawrence Burgyene. Miss Flora
and Norma of Banks attended day
Jane were Sundae guests at th e Ruhlin Lizzie Hesse, a n d May ln ^ ^ ara panv nere m a a y mgiiL
M rj Edward Berger ot
Leslie Moore home in Tigard.
Crowder as hostess.
er and famUv of :lear Gaston vis- Cooper M ountain visited Mrs. Ber-
Mr and Mrs Ed Murphy and
September table was covered with br
_ of
ger. ^ m other Mrs B ertha Dalley.
Theo Murphv went to Salem on a school supplies and a school bell “ d at tne Je ' se Meyers nome s u n a,h(j has befn ^ ,.¡0 ^ ^ . lU Sunday
business trip Wednesday and v u - was th e center piece. G uests were
Robert SlmDson of
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Ited friends and relatives In St Donald Herd. Stanford G oiter. Lyle
« r ®no_Mrs Robert Simpson i o i Jo h n O u u ch m idt were Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Sunday.
McCune. Mrs. H T. Hesse Joseph bor5 st . 0 / ° ^ ' “ n ^d
m other. jQhn ZlmmPnnan and Mr and
Will Gilbert of Jacktow n retu rn - Twigg. H. T. Hesse, and Mrs. Ber-
° f
Mrs. William Freader of Portland
ed to his home Sunday after a
th a Lovegren as hostess. n o n u visited WendsThere one day
M rs- Ernest 'm a c h e r and son
few weeks’ stay In Portland.
a pumpkin cer.terpiece surround- P™ 1 3 ' i d x™n<u nere one oay
Hajjs Ama< hj,r Qf Portland VL, lled
M r and Mrs. Reid Connell of ed by cats and witches was the Oc- „ "
, p„ - xfPV»rs visited h e r Mr and Mrs Louis Zuercher Wed-
HlUsboro were Wednesday evening tober table decoration. Guests » ere
. Jes. e■ aiey ers wsiteq n e r npsda
dinner guests at the Francis Rowell Mrs. Joe Flint. Marv Lovegren. Lu- da“ 8nter. M n _ f r e a Benenei. at
j£>hn SWfhle o{ thia
. cile
o « re
r r a n anci
Mt. band
Hood of Sunday
Mrs. Peggy Haynes visited friends
ence Carlson.
Heaton. Leonard
Don Smith,
and C Mrs.
a n a o GilDert
n o e r t Frost
tj o s . and
an a Elsie
tisie to
whlph with
he Js the
am Hel-
em .
and relatives in Hillsboro and Alo- Grace Taylor as hostess.
Him®°ro visitors s a t
and playg the cornet,
ha during the week-end
November was decorated with a
»■ „
,, „.
and Mrs. W alter Wlsmer of
Several acres of garlic are being black and yellow paper fruit bas-
has installed a new Hillsboro spent the week-end w itti
planted at the W alter Burke and J ket centerpiece and small turkeys . «• « • Marney n w insianea a new theif
a n d daUg hM.r , Mr
C . Hatfield farm s this week.
made of prunes, tooth picks and
plan and ra<uo ln .md Mrs. Ben Leu.
Stanley Bennett Is laid up with crepe cloth as favors. Guests were
O m diiff a n d P e r rie R e th -
Mrs. Morton Congdon and son
a sprained knee received when he Maribel Flint. Wilma Hesse. Mrs.
.£e rr‘
Stanley of this section and M r
slipped on the frozen ground during George LeweUln. Philip Stretcher.
Congdon s m other of l»ortland sp rat
the recent storm.
H erbert Herd, and Mrs. Elizabeth h ° p n n « “ ke * ea^
th e week-end at Horton near
Mr and Mrs. F ran k B ryan re- Reed as hostess. This table was “A re ».2.P
disappeared Eu({en(, ttherp Mr congdon Is
ceived a message Monday stating judged third.
Countv exams were given several spending the w inter w ith his broth-
th a i their granddaughter. Oenevueve A brightly decorated Christm as tree
I ® « J ” ™ s* ' " a^
Brunton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and arch »¡th plaid print napkins “f “ 001 ennaren inu rsaay an a fti
J E. Brunton of Eugene, died Ja n - » ^ the December table. Guests
R . „
A e e n c v M en
Buxton Grange Hall
Marine Visitor at
Brooks Hill Home
7 " T
H IL L S B O R O ,
her seventy-fifth birthday recent­
ly. Friends and relatives gathered
; to congratulate her at the home
of her son. c. F West of Portland
Mr and Mrs West sold th eir cheese
' factory about four years ago. They
built up the business from a small
output of cottage cheese which Mrs
West cooked and made entirely at
home on her cookstove. to an aver­
age of ten tons of cheese per day.
Lions H old P a rty
Nearly two hundred Lions and
their guests enjoyed the banquet
and dance given at the St. Anthony
school The affair was given by the
local club as a get-together m eet­
ing with the other Llotis clubs of
the city of P ortland and vicinity
F ath er T W atson gave the main
address of the evening on Lionism
The club Ivas officially sponsored
an SERA project at T igard which
will provide for Ute employment of
a number of men in the repairing
of furniture.
Tigard P arent-T eacher associa- ’
tlon met January hi Next m eet-i
uig will be February 19 at 8 o'clock
for celebration of Founders' Day.
A card party and dance has been
put on the schedule of social a c ­
tivities for the organization. Mrs
C. F Seliken presented Mrs Gail
In two piano solos and Miss E.
M aurer sketched an outline of the
fifth grade as the program.
Joint Meet Planned
Tigard Lions club Is planning a
Joint meeting of the service clubs
of W ashington county to be held
in Tigard soon, according to O. L
Moore, president. Rotary and Kl-
clubs of the county and civic
Harcombe. Oregon center,
leaders are to be Invited to the
spent ever a year on the bench banquet
which is expected to be
b « o r . uncovered . . a re-
the big affair of the year
Dr. R. A. Bissett Is in the St.
. _ _
Vincent's hospital recovering from
N J p .,1 , n o J q H o n o r e d
a severe attack of septic sore throat
U IV « 1 U S t l U H l i t t u
It was reported Saturday th at he
is out of danger.
Run&ell and Verona Russell a n d ,
Wayne Andrews of Sherwood.
] Several men are trim ming and
! training youngberry vines at the
O roner and Rowell berry fields
John Sehmeltzer. Otto Brose. Bill
Peters, Ernest Heaton and several
others attended a meeting of po-
tato growers and shippers at Slier-
L a d ie s ’ A id B e n e f it S u cce aa WOOd Saturday, when plans were
made for shipping a pool to Texas
S a tu rd a y E ven in g
B e n e f it S u c c e ss
The benefit birthday party which
the Scholls
S was a
(By L. B. Demndni
L adies^A id Friday by evening
SCHOLLS- -A benefit partv spon-
d SUPPPSS anj nH>rp than
sored by Scholls W om ens club will w netted A table for each month
be given at 8:1# p. m. Saturday- a t was decoratPd as follows: January
the F E. Rowell home. All num bers wag alJ white wltn silver covered
and friends are Invited.
greenery and the guests were M ar-
Armor Reynolds has been 111 with ga rpt Stark. Mrs Elsie Stevens of
th e flu and tonsilltis.
Laurel. Joseph Flint. Mrs. M ane
S tar Sunday school class held a S p arin g of Laurel who was cele-
,t luck supper and party at the bratlng her birthday, L. W Uuila,
mer Howard*^ home January 22. George Jack. M i« Alpha K e rr
About 35 were present.
Thelma Hesse, Ernest Lovegrtn.^and
Mrs L. W. Guild as hostess Fed­
h o ^ i c h ^ ^ c o n s t r u c t e d ruary w d e o » t e d
h red hearU
b> ^ n e ^ v i r a ? ' * £ - e k ? ®
M r e R e '& r a R ow ™ " E.£l S titc h - '
we«k after several wreks dt..t oe
Waltpr Orr. Harold Christensen
Si K
^ ^ a ^ w
r t h ^
’¿ F a s “
£ £
Scholls Group
to Hold Party
« is
Entertain Leader
Thursday, January .'It, 1935
The Restoration of Peter
T e ilt Jo h n 21 11-IP
In te ritM tlm in l
I in fo rm
Sundrty School I . c r m i i i fo r I'c b . H.
of I’eler'g r„-
pentanes accom plished part
of tils restoration
Ilia p o ig n a n t
rem oras, a fte r the cock had
crowed thrice and P eter rem em ­
bered Jesus' words, m arked Hie
first step of his retu rn io grace.
But not until later was full
restoration to come.
How anxious the days must
have been for Peter following h is
denial of th s Master! What grim
tragedy muut have entered hla
•oui when he re a llte d th a t they
had taken hla Muster and cruel-
fled Him!
It waa the d ls a p iin ln ttn e n l of
Ills hopes, because It Is doubt fill
w hether Peter, prior to Calvary,
had quits realised that Jesus was
not going to establish an earthly
kingdom He had left Ills fisher­
man a nets Io follow Jesus with a
vision of glory for himself In a
kingdom that ho expected Jesus
was going to set up on earth.
The ndlustniente to a different
sort of kingdom a kingdom In
which the strong should serve the
weak and the great should he
those who would serve were not
Various Incidents show
how slow Peter was tu grasping
(he truth.
• • •
IM 'T Peter, during these day» ot
| ' 111: s in c e rity
m ust have th o u g h t
It ia pnsslhle th a t
new mennitiga o f the life and
m inistry of Jesus came to h im ,
though, nt tlie dark m om ent fob
lo w in g the c ru c ifix io n , III* hopes
seemed ready to re tu rn to his
fisherm an s nets w ith a sense o f
a great hope and a great tragedy
th .it had passed from his life .
It was under these rln u m «
stances th a t Jesus came to h im ,
and It was to Peter, w ith these
uuestinnings in his heart, th a t the
R esurrect ion restored fa ith , ami
in b rin g in g film hack to fa ith and
hope brought In to his life again
a il the power of Ills deep ulle*
glance and devotion.
a tr e a t deal.
Local Bowlers Win
Honors in Portland
Tlicr« la n prophetic keenness
III the questions Hist Jesus asked
him three times and In the re-
aponse th a t Jesua gave to I'o le r’e
“Simon, aon of Jonae,
Invest thou me more Ilian these?”
Peter was no longer b o a stfu l:
he wae not aura th a t he excited
nnyctio else In hla love of the
M aster; and th is was his sim ple
“ Yea.
L ord. Thou
knoweat that 1 love Thee."
• • •
rp H E N It was th at Jesue gave
him a elmpla task, not one of
glory, not that of sitting near a
throne, not that or some Buhllmo-
ly niRKiiltlcent service rendered
In the glory of great reward, but
a very simple though very nec­
essary th in g —“ Feed my lam ha.".
question. again
Peter a avowal, and again the
simple admonition of Jesua.
"Tend my sheep." And then the
third time the question and ill«
deeper intensity of Peter's avow,
ul. “ Lord. Thou knowest all
things; Thou knowest that I love
Rut the same simple
task of service, "Feed my sheep "
Then came the words, mani­
festly w ritten nome years after,
prophetic in their reference to
the death mid martyrdom that
Peter was to enduro for his Mas­
The whole story of the lesson
must ho read In relation to
Peter's entlro life. Its full Im­
port nnd leaching for us ure do
rived only when we relnle it thus
to the whole life of Peter nnd to
our lives.
Hero was n man o f most Im ­
petuous c h a ra cte r w lih eu In-
tebse u m h lllo n to excel ami to liud
a forem ost place, whoso fisher­
man's Ufa was enriched w ilh
dream s ot his place In a Mes­
s ia n ic kin g d o m ; nod yet In Ills
great clim a x o f Ills life ho tlnds
his grealest m ission In a sim ple
Is It not so concerning a ll of us?
I l is the th in g s th a t wo despise
th a t. I f we h u t knew It. would
m ake us great. It Is tho th in g s
th a t too often we disregard (hat
w ould lead us much nearer. If
wo only know It, both to God and
to man.
i communities of (lie state und draws
his admirers to Ids mecctlngs where- j TIGARD Funeral services were
j ever he goes.
held Friday for llelbtnuli Jane
The loenl revival Is now In the |
Hlilrd of a foul week campaign. Fellows, 8-1 late of Tigard. She was
More than a ca|uiclly house Bun the m other of Mrs. Leila Mayllss
i day night gives promise ot a stead ­ of Tigard. Wirt J FsUowa of W ash­
ily growing Interest this week
ington, I) C Dr. Floyd Fellows
la u t wek the evangelist delighted of Portland: sister of Mrs, K M
Ida audience wilh Ids splendid .series Dennis. Burlington. Wash , uud C
o f sermons on "The Jew ln Proph­ H Moody of l|iM|idam, Wash Inter
ecy" and Ilic ¡Signs of thc nines." ment was In Crescent Grove ceme­
l'lllx week's themes cover the sub­ tery.
jects. "The Lust Will and T esta­
ment of Chrlat," "False Hopes" and
¡Second (Aiming of Christ. Kutur-
day night he continues Ids sermon.
"Choked by the Devil."
Next Bunday the aim Is 3Ü0 In
the church school and decision serv­
ice conducted by the evungeliat.
Flue liltlr seven-acre place wlih
gissi Improvements, all In cultiva­
tion, clear of debt, 12 ndles from
(lly Vivian llutUnnt
The snow having melted, William Portland; to trade for larger place
Eberlv made the tilp lo the end will assume difference.
of the stub route with the mad
George Fisher of Buxton, load
Insure with
boss, came through with a cater­
pillar and grader Friday, scraping
Hie snow off of the roads.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lucmcrmun
visited at the Hunger brothers
homes of Orchardule Wednesday.
Charles Menke of Cedar Canyon
cut the end of his third finger off
1114 Main NlreH
Friday morning while currying a
IlllUtrnr«». O rrfon
saw. It dropped to the ground c u t­
ting Ids finger.
To Exchange
Say you suw it in Uve Argus
The e x tra creaminess o f
M ilk
o f M a g n e s ia is y o u r p r o te c tio n
against harm fu l irritatio n
Here is what the microscope
shows about Milk of Magnesia.
No. 1 is Kexall. No. 2 is the beat
of severs! other brands. Tho pic­
tures explain why Kexall Milk of
Magnesia is free from irritation.
W h a t th e M ic ro s c o p e Show s
1 . R saall
M tlh
> . N e lk e
n .,.«.
« ..„ ...s
so c r y i la b l i a i
cause Irrita tio n .
(M „ , d
¡nations for engineering draftm an,
junior medical officer and associate
supervisor of elem entary education
be held in the near future, ac-
cording to word received by Miss
Angie B. H arrington a t the local
postoffice. Closing date for receipt
of applications for these exam in-
ations is February 18.
Rice and Cranberries
Are money crops th a t grow on wet land. W ashington county Is
little interested In these two crops, but it is interested In the growing
of alm ost every other kind of crop we can think ot and all of these
crops dem and well drained soil If they produce as they should.
T here Is absolutely nothing in which a farm er can invest his money,
th a t will retu rn to him the profit th a t a small Investment ln Drain
Tile and a little labor will bring.
Safety Is the W atchword ot this Institution. Every
known safeguard stands back of your Investment.
Sound F irst Mortgages reduced each m onth by
monthly paym ent—Insured against fire—supervised by
S tate of Oregon.
Any amount accepted. Earnings paid to you ln cash.
Washington Street between 1st and 2nd
Our Motto— ‘‘Friendly Service . , , Fair Prices”
Evangelist Draws
Large Crowds Here
fo r everything in
Common Lumber
Finish Lumber
Cedar Posts
Doors - Windows
Galvanized Eave
Galvanized Ridge Roll
Felt Weather Strip
Glass Cloth
When a .shopkeeper most likely made
bis wares, entirely by hand? When
yon were shown a garment but no ef­
fort was made "to sell"? When only
Paris was regarded as a fashion cen­
ter? Every country has its own fash­
ion center now. Business is a highly
organized internationally operating
mechanism. And now a;, always—
Cement Block
Tile Blocks
Sand - Gravel
Fuller Paints
Roof Paint
Roof Putty
Wood Gutter
Copper Weather Strip
Asbestos Paper
Asbestos Board
Commercial National Bank
If It's Lumber Call Our Number
1011 Ilaaellne
Phone 2691
"T h e
J. M. PERSON, Manager
Savings A lamn Bldg.
Hillsboro, Oregon
to r g r e t Independent Bank
W in h ln g ta n C ounty”
Shaving, today, is only one of the things that
has been simplified by the convenience of
running water in the house.
R. E. Wiley, local manager
Hillsboro, Oregon
G eneral Beauty Work
Telephone 1IR1X
Bahony Iflll.horo Pharmae?
X-Kar and Phyelo-Th.rapr
Commercial National Rank Bid«
Of flea 8211
Ilealtlenra 791 X
Sanitary Beauty Shop
DR. D. E. WILEY. M. D.
All Kind, af Raaatr Work
Physician and Surgeon
W hen
s h a v in g W A S a ta s k
In the days of the gas light, the straight
razor, the pitcher and the bowl, shaving
really was a task. Then, father juggled his
shaving mug and other paraphernalia on
one crowded washstand. No wonder beards
and sideburns were fashionable.
P arm an an ta and all kinds of
baauty work.
Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n
Delta Drug Store
Wells Building
a .pacialty
T.l^phon. 1471
Mal>.l Schandal
Office 24X2
Ileeldenee 2441
Garbage Collection
Commercial Building
Telephone 144
C .enlnei. Runder hr Appointment
Telephone 2325
We will assist with your layout—No cost.
full pint
Federation in Hillsboro Friday. »She
is the music chairm an of the coun-
ty federation.
Mr. and Mrs. Olger Penne enter-
tained the following guests with a
dinner and card party Saturday
evening; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Thompson of Aloha. Mr. and Mrs.
F ran k Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
M ilk o f
_______________1 —
in R eaali.
Goetter, #06. OHy; WUUan D u rst.
230. Commercial; and J
198. National.
Hillsboro bowling team placed
third ln the sweepstakes to u rn a­
ment Sunday a t the Oregon alleys
in Portland with a score of 2885
pins, only nine pins behind the
Teddy Leavitt contin­
second place team The local team ues Evangelist
draw large crowds to hear
consisted of Ray Dillon. Claud Cook. him to each
night at the Christian
Hugh Rogers J r . H erm an Rehse
Sunday the evangelist nnd
and William Goetter. Rehse had church.
his family were guests of the lm-al
second high average score in the churrh
with a pot luck dinner fel­
eight-team tournam ent w'itli a n : lowship following the morning serv­
average of 199.
ice. Eighteen young people respond­
Play in the local bowling leagues ed to the evangelist's Invitation
last week were as follows: Com­ Sunday morning following his ser­
mercial league—Fairway 2. Curry’s mon on the "Lost Christ " In every
1; Cosletts 2. Safeway 1. National m e e tin g In' d e liv e rs th is serni'ti
league—Union "76'' 3. National because of a request by a reclaimed
G uards 0; Pharm acy 2. Bristol 1. C hristian nnd because it never
City league—Lentz 2. Pastim e 1; fails lo revive Indifferent churrh
Irelands 2. C. C. Store 1. Commer­ members who hear it.
cial league—Home Laundry 2. Ice
Delegations are coming to these
Works I; Hillsboro Motors 2. Royal meetings from Salem. Portland,
Soda Works 1.
Beaverton, North Plains und F o u st
High scores in the leagues were: Grove. Evangelist Leavitt has held
W Hossack, 189. American; William meetings in a hundred different
entertained ^ I v e S f f i j & ? l R ^ S ? . M r e V a K
g ljy
“ ,U a t
hOme A g ®
evening with a neighborhood card H effern an andI Mrs, M . J . ¿ g m r t h .
M anni£ gu, Coyote
^ 1 6 . in W l k b ^ A ' d i ^ e r
« Virginia McCann Dorothy TT,tv receired the awa?d of third , AIex A11®11 and H arP ' Webb ran and business meeting will be held
. n d V S S f J l Cecil Brockman ¿ 2 2 received tne a s a rd of tn ira
a CQyote
h, h had bppn a t th e chamber of commerce rooms
of Portland were Sunday guests at
The left handed table was decor- a^ gbi]]Pd u ¿¿th arock^ thC Sn0W' 111 th c evening.__________________
th^ ? H T MMvnexn n ^°hraeB axter and r ^
w l l t e r ^ Mr"
Mr. and Mrs. Ohlemi'ller visited C O LLE G E M A N PROVES GOO
H rarv* Petera w e n ^ t o ^ h e L,“ le
to ia^ d M cC a^.' jiST-
*«®® of B anks„Saturday.
"This college is certainly a place
R e tu rn s fro m Vet H o sp ita l
o f miracles.' writes the man. "There
Nestucca on a fishing trip during my Tews. C. W. Larkin. George
Bill Klum is home from Vet- is hardly a student prayer meet-
o n th e hill farm s T iiS in e 1 r^ m m in ' ^ n d 'v fr ''" c ^ W erans' hospital In Portland, where mg in which some one docs not
Many farmers on th e hill farm» Lorraine Demmin. and Mrs. C. W .
tr e a te d for s in u s tro u b le
te testify
? tifu to
e a actual
c tu a l c experience
to th
were sewing grain during th e short Larkin as hostess
being absolutely penniless and ol
__ The program of the evening con-
spell of fine weather. __
having the need m et through sud­
Mr. and Mrs Joe M agnuson^at- sisted of a piano solo by Mr- C. "LiiTfird R l’b e k i l h s
den notification of a job or of
tended the funeral service for their Earl Stretcher, duet by Lynn How
coming from somewhere.
niece Miss Lavanna Peterson a t ar<i and Leland McCann, an exer
"Witness my own case. One night
Canby January 23.
cise led by Rev. R aynor Sm ith as
as listened to some of thc testi­
Mrs. Arena Courtney has retu rn - fath er tim e with the hostess for
monies it seemed to me th a t God
«By C u rtis T itr e r d )
ed to her home after a few weeks' each m onth responding with a read-
taking care of everyone but
a t the home of her daughter. Mrs ¡n g
lodge was host to Mrs G race C hris- me. So I asked him lor some defln-
Gene Taylor, and family.
tensen. president of Rebekah As- ite thing on which I could build my
Sunday evening dinner guests at
semblv of Oregon, a t a special m eet- faith. And the prayer was certain-
the Ed Demmin home were Mr.
ing Wednesday night at the I. O ly answered. I had hardly stepped
and Mrs. T. K. S attler and daugh­
(By Mr,. l..,u Wriyht)
o . F hall. Double Six at Newberg inside the house when I was told
ter Betty and Genevieve M ann of |
18 was poorly represented someone had called up several times,
the week-end with Everett Haney, from this district due to the severe It turned out to be a Job lor Fri-
Perfect attendance of the primary
vfS? wlnt^ r conditions prevailing. Com- day. As soon as I was through talk-
room at Midway for the past six M r-an d Mrs. S. Polkdahl and baby piete furnishing of a room a t th e Ing to the woman our landlady
weeks was made by Muriel Kellogg. °f Forest Grove spent Sunday with j. q . O. F. home ln Portland was asked if I could wash her windows.
Dorothv Whiznand. Dorothy Tiffney
and Mrs. C hanes Sears.
accomplished through th e com- And so I was completely loaded
and Pearl and Frances Burke
®nd Mrs. Royal Raymond and bined effort of the Rebekah and with work on the week-end. to
ftn rn to w ' and Mis. Andrew children of N orth Plains spent last
Fellow lodge. The local lodges; the extent th a t I had to skip some
WeUer J r J a n u ^ 27 a gh4
' Tuesd»y
his parents. Mr a n d ;h a d „ne room furnished, but 3e- of my studying.”
IUV Ra'yn “ s 8mith hfld hl* MrR
™ ond
? « Hcre
. . . ---------
Mrs. Jay ^ Raymond.
to furnish another.
in a college surcharged with
Mr. and MTS. LiOyd Morrow and
Class Organized
zeal for thc C hrist of Calvary, are
regular monthly preaching service
students of whom
Sundav evening. A church board with his brother and family. Mr. ln(? class has been organized under
one-third go out into whole-time
meeting was held after the services.
Mrs. Morrow.
!t he direction of Mrs. F lett of Metz- C hristian service. Into the pulpit,
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hesse and and
M arjy Place of near Banks spent Ker with th c SERA sponsoring the into the home and foreign fields
Evelyn Hesse were Sunday guests a t
class. It meets every Friday evening' they go; men and women who be-
Miss Edna Robinson In Portland.
her sister. Mrs. W alter W right.
a t 7;3o o'clock a t the Tigard public lieve the Book word for word and
Aid to Meet
May VanAken of Verboort spent school and all adults, who wish to who prove God by prayer again and
Scholls Ladies' Aid will meet in
n ig h t with Donna Mae reveiw their English
or • ■ to t gain la,_
to whom
th e church parlors Friday. February Wednesday
Tk <zxe»vz»«9r
_ ___
i a«. a are
a. I _ a they
_ . a I____
1 with Mrs Nellie Selffort and M? ir0W' u a
rv . u
experience In public speaking, have they go with their testimony as to
as mint h o stc ie s
. Mayo Hayden and Orval Haney been invited by M rs. n ett
a t - the faithfulness of God to his
Mrs. Rhoda Hesse as joint h o ste ss^ Of S tr a s s i s£ent Wednesday after- £ n d
i promises.
Birthday Celebrated
“If ye abide in me. and my words
Mrs c - w West, who started abide ln you, ye shall ask w hat ye
Mr, i M Stretcher was the C iv il S e r v ic e Exams
the Red Rock cheese factory some will, and It shall be done unto you"
a r e A c n " n " m i s n " r r e ic r e l H
r e - 20
a«° near
wlth T lgard'
h er husband
a d t ' N
—C Tay,°
hrist's r ' prayer
^ onlv
/ X reoresentative
T t e ^ t e n 0 of
] S
e ’ 1» Wo-
com perittee
S S e m
BeaVert° promise.
“ George
Washington Caanty
Hhut. Rank Ralldlnf
Phone 2211
F *r
InforiR atlon
ab«wt DI
A 4 v .rt1 .e n i
ra il
A rgaa — 1141