R e t i r i n g O f f ic e r s o f C ity H o n o re d H e r e ta m p Mre uiris Guests of Club Mrs. J. Peppard Heads Phoenicia T" » I cm. « Die (Jttleers New nooks Needlecraft and fa v o rite 1 IV. R. C. Hostess authors were put In general clr- w M * * » a‘ the library last week Federated Clubs and more will be added. Several Camp Fire girls of W ali-Kee-Na and Lohese groups and their guard- luns, Mrs. George Fischer und Mrs. Victor B ryant, were honor guests of the (larden rlub at the meeting good new fiction books now on the Monday evening a t the library, The Installation of officers of Phoe- -enera, list are "While R o m e County of W omens lloiiurlnM member» of the city county council project for this year, subject of the meeting was "Trees,” I n l" ;" ri , , h lan" ¿ J L , ’ "was Burns,” a very humorous book by I elui»“ voMMr Federation toT?.Ln?oi«%hMr ” mpl®’ ‘T'thlan ” taler!L * “ Woollcott, remlnlscenses of h i s m uilnilnlnUtUUm who retired from of­ which 1» a summer recreation pro- on which L. J. Francla. assistant fice on the first of the year, the gram. county agent, gave ...... an i_ Illustrated held a t f„ib.H,i.... an open meeting Friday many-sided life; "Balls Ice," tr e e« tu> « ___ i - i.... i».. ___ Over -• luesl chamber of commerce spon­ Principal speaker was Miss R uth talk, showing two reels of edu- night, following Temple session by B artlett, experiences of « t i h tree« e ! ^ «ciore, " ^ leaving the decision sored a dinner reception here Mon­ llurllngham of Forest drove, who «atlonul pictures obtained from O re­ Mrs. Natalie VanMoock was the navigator of a schooner in n o rth - Bt the meeting Friday at the Bap- day evening. Hhort talks by honor ls director of recreation for ull the K'»n Btute college. Installlng officer, by Mrs. o r ^ R ^ t a U b prooted;"’ Î H t o d i » ‘l and u moralng ‘Î S i î ’T L rnee’tmv. * uuests. a surprise event and curds Puren-Teui her associations of Ore- f Contest for Identification of dor- H. R. C hantier as assisted grand senior and thor 1 of ^ Humanity ^ b o n r é pnsid'ento n n “1 ’ ! gun | m ant trees and shrubs was held for featured Uie pri program. _ p. L. Patterson, vice-president Places were laid for twenty local the girls, with Anna Mary H art- Mrs. Dora Nelson as grand m an- "Brazilian Adventure,,r by Fleming, M - rv e r^ a t™ ^ * V e te ra rn ^ T a ll T v of the cham ber of commerce who presidents mid county officers, ram pf and Virginia Havens tying ager. -- Mrs. - J. R. Peppard was In- a" expedition through uncharted Needlecraft ctab and W R ^ * t hS presided in the absence of II. L I'able decorutloiis were In P T. A for high score One received an hul I I a H bn mntrf. i. e x e e f l e n t chief Jungle In search of a missing ex- h m t « . ' n v ” ln ® ■ ( MucKeintle. president, who bus been 111 several days lauded the rec­ ord of the retiring muyor a n d councilman. He cited the fact lliut the city laid been retained on u I Mrs. M artin made survey of recri an anemone in lull bloom irom tne p eters mistress of records a n d noruers oi i-aiace, crppenneim; M rs A H R lajuon o p,.aci ”7 ,” garden of Mrs. G 11 Ciales.............. I .’ . X p o A d e n c ^ Mrs Henry John* X ' V - V }e 1T a P 'r ’V „ P -™ « m 5£* V W ^ O a t t cash basis during the depression ' lion Interests In the county mid called attention to the progress i 1 ?c “,!?!! Electing of the club will »on, m istress of finance; Mrs G rant Mnc?in ’♦ aIML Malden gave a vocal solo. Robert Peter . made by Hillsboro during the term s I>1. , , : i (. I I on Birds and a bird house Zumwalt, protector; Mrs. H. R. V''yatle. Norris Most old rental played a piano selection, and Miss of ncrvice represented by the former • U ,) 1 I S I i C S C i l t C O building contest will be sponsored ch an tler, guard, and Mrs. Lester books are now in general clrcula- May Cook gave a a reading DeLoss DeLoss _ by the club later In the spring. | Ireland, past chief. Mrs. B a r n e y " “ ' Anderson and a gave a reading ueixms O Phelps, mayor who retired a f - | I ¡<1111, Mrs. H aomg. H. S tannard was unable to attend on account of presented an entertaining dram atic ter 14 year» of service to the city, Erma ’I’uylor Hpurks presented a T o o r - l i n p o i ' l l m u t o I lllness, and Mrs. A. F. Schendel I» 'T A C ^ O lin p il sketch. Mrs W 3. Roberts of F or­ expressed his appreciation lor the group of pupils from her piano l t < B - l i C l n vruV M L fs substltuted for her In the lnstalla- 1 ‘ v u u iiu i est Grove spoke on “Publicity,' co-operation of citizens, business class In recital Friday afternoon al <»f Q o r v i n o f ’ l i i k i tlon. Mrs. W. C. Christensen sub- t r i ¡Vl p p t H P F P stressing the advisability 'of giving men and fellow councllmeii. P a t-I the home of Mrs. V W, O ardner ... »’ . C i V IL . C V 1 „ U I I .J s t l t u t e d for Mrs. Chantler. Eva L llc lc scholarship loan programs more ■ terson cited Phelp's work In (level-j Those who played were Dorothy I eucher» of Peter Boscow, David Irene Peppard acted as goddess of , W ashington County Council of publicity as a very worthwhile en- ...... ... ...... . Allene Mae . . . -------- oping Hliute park as particularly 1 Well, Geneva Imlay. Allene Mae Hill and Junior ----------------- high schools will be , flowers «. with Jan et Johnson. Gloria l ^e P arent-T eacher associations will deavor. outstanding In Introducing the form- | Amacher, Roberta Pi omeroy. Don- entertained by the Women’s Bcrv- barson.' Rosemarie Zumwalt and " “'et at the M ethodist church at aid MaeKenzIe, Jean Hurltnglium. *<;e club Monday evening at a six Hammy Christensen as flower-bear- Hillsboro February 9 a t 10 a. m H ats cleaned and blocked «hne. er muyor. 0 Nancy Alleen Buster, Betty Mor- »clock dinner a t the chamber of ers Morning program will Include par- w n s C. B Wells, councilman for 10 meeting Ö,” - gun. Kathleen Moore, Delo«» An- commerce rooms Honor guests will, Thl. Droaram f(>1iowlnir in s t a ll* Hamentary drill, business ' g " w ° »tam pons, 1132 «««n Main ■ years, called attention to the nr d... ,,,., « ..o . M.'.'rgaü,'HevciTv wiïl'. also lor include m ........... ' / mid Mrs"' o i u n i ( , ‘ ' tlJ tn ? " e !„.iiVht^dT.f w a r ^ f m insiaiia- 1 b v ^ s " w)th conimTtüe report», ___ ... ....... ii.i» ... program i following ...n art. i m li-r« ow roll-call s tre rei. e t-________________________ ,;,.r 37tf ■ cesslty of m aintaining " mmdi i|>ul i ! SÎiwn?"Ànït» liso lauded Phelps lor I Phyllis Amacher. Hubert Peters. l’heD» and C H Nosier. ; VanMoock and Rus^-l Morgan Wlth PreJ!ldent 8 re i» « » and a P’T credit He also Old Time Dance The of dinner Is given tl in ie apprecl- l i ^ “T c i o n ^ n “? ' mer Un? i Ills loyalty «nell, und devotion to the for city Irene Bngledbiger, councilman six Rosaline " Well. K Louise athryn Rossman, Cttwrse.' »tlon the efforfiTo? leath ers **“ ? Mnum S s ^ ’r s e ebv “ita b e rt" ' Tuesday night, Verboort C. O. F * h . u T d M n ’2 * ; Thom as Connell, councilman for six ~ lllf M-MC l i t - I t t r» t a r s e » r s iim H a » r « h u U n h o r t P £ t t * r .S 49tf years, « a i brier In Ills remark-. Marjorie Patterson. Mary Manley. ft»d Mr Phelps In the annual pro- ? »tlort ta lk bv Mrs B a r b a r a G r a v e s memory of the P. T. A. founders ' while • ........................ “ - lor •— . . ardner, . - Mur - r{B n iiagg, a xram ram a sponsored m n a n r r ii hv rrvirr ri..h by the the H Service club. » snort "“n .r i laig l'and oy Mrs. « a m a ra Graves wlH held a t the luncheon table.; Jake Well, councilman Theodore G Good Time Dance Proceeds of the program go to a r l J ^ V 's k h bv Mrs H H t l n In lhe “ B-crnoon a historical p age-| At G range hall every Saturday two years, urged citizens to lake and Blanche Flnegan fu . n d . , fo r . providing free milk for L eM a n t' T h e Tree." _ will be a n active Interest In council actlv- ------------------ ! night. Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad­ en, and Mrs. William Kletzer. si lTZ Ilion Mrs. I.ortnor Hoateso— school children. Committees In i Fred Sewell — 25 cent» —- ie mission esldent, will speak. speak Mrs Mrs. A Allen Wives of the couni Ilmen were In- Kaoim T a u . i „ i . m e t l a « t T h i . r « < h a r « ' ' Mrs. W R. Manley und r r 2" oeweu. president, lie n | ;-------------------------------------- ----- 50tf troduced by P altriso n as tl..- long dav fw one < “c U h k hmchemi at i i ’L t T ' n r°nleewe. decoration: u,,° “n„c.1" f r h T & r^ s e w .m K" ‘Kht' council president, will pre- strictly Old Time Dance suffering women wlu, wall up un- tin- home of Mrs W F Dirmor Mesdames E. R Bailey, W alter p ilh * P ils‘c-Jhy M>-s. Sewell and Mr. side At Aloha G range hall Saturday til ull hours for their husbands to members wore costumes reorc- ¿ '‘ws' Ow>rk° Selfridge and J. E 1 «li1 Local presidents are asked to evening, February 2. Sappington’s ____ _ argum ents und .....< ,^1„J A" ' A "chlltl w,,re coaiumes repre- ,. p vps dinner Mr« w in trn d attendance Irom were Mr« J t - M- M Person eiidni. ___ 25c 50 finish council w h o ! »entlng ch arartersnm books" h SHVo?' >e»4.. 1 ___« » w w w . ____ « - ■ ■ ■ - . I A flP M P I V P tla H a ll At t t the Helvetia hall Saturday, . . . . . . , 1 Sm ith gave a reading and stu n ts T . ... ■ ent. and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schul- _ February 9. Music by th e “E ast- ■ J II. G a rrrtt. new mayor, a as I n - 1 were given by the other members LiOCfil WoiTieM merlch, members of the Yamhill l . a i f F P l P p O T f l P side Entertainers, ' Everybody mask B troduced and called attention lo the n,.xt meeting will be February . . . is » Temple, now residing In HUIsboro * 1 ,c ; Admission 25c. 50-1 m a n y a c t lv lt le , ..I Phelps and Ills 7 w llll M rs. dj Worlmun A patri- A t t e n d M e e t R efreshm ents were served cafe- M a i T y 1 U e S C i a y I* 1 I I 1 i u r t o u a r«s ^ . e t - a 1 it also I ... « z»««l . . . . . . ** willingness to serve. 1 He out- ot(c program will be presented by North „7 W illamette district con- lerla style. l i n e d ---------- . 1-- - — _ t . . W. O. Morley. . Rambling M ountaineers lined iMiatress In obtaining a fed- Mesdames H Smith, Miss Dlone Miller and Thom as _ . ---- IT - —i,”" ■ Oregon Business and eral air I««- In Hillsboro I F W Heintz, and George Fischer. ¡.rofe»®| Mullaven of near Laurel were m ar- . , , " a.nc£, ua^ La ’JJ i 2*.a. Saturday Women’s clubs a t ATec T? II S p n tf ried T hursday a t St. M atthew's "^kht, February 2. Old time and Mrs. J M Person und nL J. e W Kel There will also be a Valentine box. u G o u resh am Hi resham was attended by «■J'-UVL I ley hv u.nn m iir it i l s i m i n o Sunday i won high Mi-orcH scores at contract church. F ather Jonas of Verboort modern. Admission 15 cents and Mcsdumes H. II Morgan, Ivy 8 y ver- N í í I T I P í ] ï ’ i 'P ^ i i l P i i t bridge. Mrs. S B. Fayram and Jam es Methodist Men Given Dinner— performed the ceremony In the ab- 25 cents. tf lyetta x ic o iu c ilb A . chicken dinner was served to Fayetta Crulckshunk were high at auction . . . . . . . .......... . Allen. A W. Hoff- Annual meeting of Pilgrim Guild. ^ Z . . o t I? t.*’.e.r_ C®*1*“?®: J _wh?_1î I Townsend. Dance a t Z______ Cedar Mill ____ | brldgr. while Mrs Fri-d Kngeldlnger Ion persons Januury 23 by the men At Cedar Mill G range hall S at- und Lester Ireland won al pinochle of the Methodist ■day night, February 2. Music by It. It Easter. Patterson and T. Proceeds were use Greenwald's orchestia. Everybody G Bronleewe had general charge of 130 note th u t hud ...... ..U. ..... .e . . . npanled them rills district In- <«n*. Mrs. T heresa M erritt to be served a u e r m e ceremony at m e the program 48-50 for considerable lime. It Is the rllides "lul is i 1 AsbirU Portland recording secretary. Mrs. W. L. home of the bride’s parents near welcome. “ ’.‘i a" ’1,Uaw l ,,f lr Hillsboro Oregon and G resham Bergreen as financial secretary, and Laurel. The codple will make their — by ,<..1 I the church. tie- M,-,.ti.ii. e l d . at . . t the in . 1 “— _Mr« activities ? , " men t 7 \ h of « “ the uw?r,nm t t h We r 1;..:;,: M eetm were is were h held library Mrs. Frit« Fritz Ahendrt.th Abendroth «« as activities home home on a farm near Laurel. sire tukc m this opportunity m through *'eld. „ ? l Masonic tho irt 10 to taut u opponuiuty iyugu wllh secretary. The following have ac- ------------------------- J A Z Z P IA N O the press to thank our many friends * 1,1 . luiltheon a ____ t t h ye e Mi p,_ cepted chairm anships of various HILLSBORO P. T. A. who. supported this effort by the ?irT .?L „“e e ^ U te1?5'!; Special offer during January purchase of tick......... .. by "dt.nu- ■‘i o r e - "A "? The Hillsboro P arent-T eachers’ gon Slate college, was the principal coming year. Mrs. Zula Woolrldge, 1 course (10 lessons 1......... $4.00 . lions of various kinds. speaker. 8he has ~ been In W ashing1 ashing­ - Mrs. G race Harvey, Miss Ethel association will m eet on Tuesday, IVAN KOEBER ton. D. C.. where she 'was called Bergen. Mrs. C. S Schomaker. Mrs February 12. Instead of on Lincoln s Return to c a lle d States Mlnnle Downs. Mrs. Della Arm- birthday. Mrs. M argaret Mooberry, Phone 2943 Hillsborc Mr. und Mrs E. N orthrup ot work on Uie relief program strong. Mrs. Ruff. Mrs. M erritt and secretary of the organization, an- near N orth Plains received word Mrs. Bergreen. The ladles plan an nounced. The meeting will be held open house for all friends of the at 8 p. m. in the Junior high school m ™'" w ‘ d house to be held February 7 a t auditorium. Work of th e t-H clubs , ;lrtl,^ t e7„45 f t e T A T ’V ¿ in ^ . ^ ‘^ v e ^ n l l v ^ l n * ! : » ? - N u i S P l ' V School which the feature of the event will will be discussed at the meeting the first rally of tin year. It will jor (( number of yea years, will re- i ’ G lS C I y «5CI1OOI tw the annual C hristian Endeavor turn to the states uiiout February All kinds kinds of of clothing clothing «... are urgently "Treasurer Chest.” Refreshm ents E ntertainm ent will be provided by Ah ---- B ' — ••• be served ------ •» local talent, Mrs. Mooberry added. - - - -- — - - day. rally andI » . ’•/J® I and will locate In Chicago. Mr needed for the David Hill nursery will expected to “ llc'xl, d l‘‘ Tale has been the American m an- school and those making contrl- Mrs. Miller Honored— (erent socletle» In *J,r r ®"n lJ' , ager oi Swift Ac Co. plant at Lon- butlonx are urged to tuke them to P i l < r r i r n S o C l P t V Dr. VanNuv of Portland will 1« hj m j,,. wlt| t | lut conlnany the school a t once. Special needs -1 **i->I**I* O U L I b t y Mr. and Mrs. George T. M cG rath the prtncu»! speaker Special music ^ nc i,Jlg * com,mny ^ ch id e underwear, stocfcmgs. sw eat- N l i m P S O f f i c i a l s entertained Thursday evening for will be furnished by Bethany. Joe ers and galoshes for children from -t-v c tlflC h V J l l l L l c l l b . . . , .. _ . . . . , Mrs. T. Boone Miller of S anta Rosa. Bates of G aston lias charge of the < tub Women to Meet Feb. 0— 2 to 6. ” Yearly — -------- --- of * the Society of Cai {hep. house guest. Those pres- meeting When You Buy Pllgrlms on Sunday morning re- ent were Messrs, and Mesdames W. devotional». American citizenship departm ent - - suited In the election of George p Cyrus, V W G ardner W. J. Checkup on the number of regls- of the Hillsboro Coffee club will Visitor ( oinpilm rntrd— ... . . George T M cOrath was Sclm rider of route 1 as an elder Enschede. J. W. Holt, R. F. Peters, tratlnns for the slate C ^ E con- J have charge of the organization's Mrg ventlon to be held a t The Dulles program February 8 In the chain- hosteas for dessert bridge Friday year,s'^ and, i he re ‘el®c " L. T. McPheeters and Robert Bur- April 25 to 28 will be held a t the ber ot commerce rooms. Mrs. El- afternoon honoring her house Lon Mrs. John Johannsen as jingame. Mr. and Mrs. Burlingame rally Mrs Jam es Henderson Is w<«>d Johnson Is rltlzenshlp elialr- .„ e st Mrs T Boone Miller Onesbi dc»coness and Paul Ennis as dea- made high scores. countv booster and she has aroused n ard will “ ™ r. s Boon. , .... ............. .... ■d man man Mrs. Mrs. H H H H S S tan tannard will be be a““ 1 . Miadam. 'T ' W ‘ Miller. Baiii v Guests i T — 1’ .fi . ------.u™ r “ ‘^ree-yea- term 1- -. in charge of program. The Coffer «... Cr F B Tongue I 1 M ernu Mr 8rlineld('r will receive the Quilt 8 Shower February 15— considerable Interest among m e m M l Club Will give » Colonial ten on « „ ¿ f S L i J . » ! of P n e b i / c T Sacram ent of O rdination next Sun- Oenei G eneral Ransom corps. W R. C., bers for registering W ashington Ä r d ^ j n HOf R ^ m a nn.' O £ « « » S S « !» w»«».* wU‘ «‘V® Ä program commemor- county'» quota Is 50 and she ex- W ashington’s birthday. H irniirnw n 1 m xruuman r- u- - - ___ ... — - - - - - « - - - - — -------------- . When You Wash peeled th a t number to he reached „ , , S m i T ^ T w ito m J M r c ,ul1 ch°ra l service. O ther officers atlng the birthdays of ----- Lincoln hd ' and bv rally lime It is her aim to K r ,u ™ » fr,,m California— m erlrh Joh'n C o nnrii W G ^ ^ r e elected were former Mayor Orange Washington, In conjunction with a with our have Washington county inarching W E. M asters returned from six . w y. phelps. m oderator; John M. P er- quilt show and silver tea a t the 1.1 the head of the different unions weeks visit at Han D ago. Cal., with ( A {«»• son. clerk, and Mrs Fritz Abendroth. V eterans’ hall Friday afternoon, ZENITH ELECTRIC in the flag race ut the state con- hl» daughter, Mrs. H. T. Moores He ’M1« K„ r> e »» n “ IT Kna,rtd treasurer H aller ic Ha 1» re U « «* . m Ji ^ Iiriu su ic i I Pastor iw iu i n Henry c i i i y o S . v iin n r i February 15 The program will be- left for' display hi the window a **“ " • *"* . “ ®''y. . ’¿ ’“X™1.'}'’ gave a brief report of the past gin at three o’clock. The public is WASHERS lentlon Mexican straw figure, and lemons, YL,l?!Va " d; " ‘®c® M cG rath. yeal-s activities. cordially invited, oranges, an avocado, a tangerine, *’ l a ,lcr w,ln serving, —---------------------- Call in today and W ed s und u lem on-grapefruit, which he Miss Mcl-rod Honored— Rev. RonDurant III— see our line of brought liome with him. Mrs H H S tannard s dram atic Rev. O. W. BonDurant. formerly Thursday ’with a luncheon and W ashers! Merlin» l*o»lponrd— club held a party Tuesday evening of here, was taken to St Vincent's bridge Ladies present were Mes- Rcgulnr February inerting of A a t. lile Si*!}« aJ x , r a ,,d M rs K o b ’ Portland January 13. dam es A. Newby. R. H arris. C TIG ARD In u setting of green .95 and A U W! has ta rii ¿ s t p o X d until i i t , H ^ K,' l y’ ,h onorlnK « ' adys * her® f® u slo’Y ? recovering, and Hupy. E Helvogt. V. Nash. B. Jen - and flowers. Miss Esther Strom, Sir the liitfíT lulUT m part tlm e m who Hoeffel. Mrs. B. Jen- « Oi irt n t th m onth o n iti whe w h n n McLeod «. " “ u has n.w» r recently c v c u u y r recovered cx u v v rc a hopes to o soon w n be able to be re- kins and „ daughter of Mrs Edith P. Mtrotn of th»» u it inner p«ri 01 u n rnuiiiu. wiitn fr„,„ „ —... —«. »— 1 ..1 — . «« to - home of his daugh- gins had high score. a nu¿h-¿ o r m írom a Iong ll,nesf» Cards furnished moved to the Tigard, became the bride of Jiunei Easy Terms M r. g Ä ? i e T O Ä e W^ f l c ,Uru Ä Clyde C Hender.son, Jan u ary 23 23 K u T t y The TOe data bS « un- - & S M r Mrs. Ih ,h l® *" H o sp ita l- Mr ’ H Mr f Helv r e Slly y ^ luculty. date win will be F f X n 'M e la n s o ^ M r s S o g V -'Jíííu ‘¿«ld lr in at a pretty ceremony in lig a rd l u i i i n c n d Marie M« ianson, Mrs. Stannard, Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Helvogt en- KvnngeUcal church Dr Paul C an(1 Mrs. Charles Douglass, Nell .. Mrl John Ihle is convalescing at tertalned Saturday night with din- ilrown of t/M Angel?* performed Auxiliary Meet* TueMay— Stangel. Mrs. C. Shellabarger and the Oooa S am aritan hospital In ner ancj pinochle. Guests present the ceremony Auxiliary to the American Legion th ® host »nd hostess. Portland .f r o m «an operation per- were Messrs, and Mesdames Louis The bride, who was given in m ar- will meet Tuesday evening at 8 E ntertain Saturday nbin'J verSnn i U d v S ' e “ ^ “{/w art and Guy Paine of P ort- rlage by her brother. John Erie o'clock ot the Veterans’ hall, with Mr. and Mrs H E StaDles en- n onf! ' ery nlcely- i?nd’ f ha£jes Wilkins of Aloha. Harry Hoeffel and Earl Johnson. Strom, wore an Ivory satin d riss Mesdames Leah Nlcodemus, T Reva tertalned Saturday evening with n Newly-weds Visit— __ Mfttk» •■•Ho» VS«tl rt«XII*»l«4 I tV IkllK**« W it 11 tktlswwl L b -n ««lr 4«W ( ) l s o l l .I« .. • ». ___ __ with tulle veil ruught In place with Nicol Frankie Olaon, Lueile Imlay card party. G uests were Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cox oi R. N. A. Has P arty— Kelly ’a» orange blossom» ... to and »„„.»vu.c Christine «»«u, «» as „...„..««-a. hostesses. ntid Mesaames Mesdames jo John Hare, Thom as Portland, newlyweds, were Sunday «»— A *- d a Q u a lls o f S c h e in i n an d „ w reath oi ... ....... .. ana n n Hare. Mrs ¿ n n P ,« n u tu .?: ,q W ' ----------- 81lol,'s - c Ford ° f S*1®"" M. E. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cox b ioyd ' Hilhckei made h i g h ™ of Johanna Hill roses, lilies oi the m is s Anna Van O runsven ol Lewton _ and_ K enneth Loukes of They were m arried January 7 In a t "500" Monday night at the Royal VENETIAN 1 I I ! THURS - FRI - SAT. I I I HE’S THE! THIS W EEK M a tin e e S a tu rd a y , 2 P. M . — E ven in g a t 6 :3 0 I I I BEST BABY-KISSER IN | I I THE WHOLE COUNTY! ■ I I A n oth er up roarious role for th is lovable star...as a sm all-tow n p o litic ia n w ith b lg - .. ^ t o w n id e a s . . . w ho I I I I » County C. E. to Hold Rally Meet a t North I I a Ills ,ie ^ ’lnkwiu " y air,s'n,»i.Ft?n S.u^Mr^nd Clothing Needed BIGGER VALUES C tfi PERFECT RESULTS Miss Strom J. C. Henderson VI«’ ” me»'*’ a' ttUW" ’ xSV f'* .•- PLUS SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS ■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I $49 PREVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, 11:15 NO EXTRA CHARGE BRISTOL !— HARDWARE COMPANY m SUN - MON - TUES. February 3, 4 and 5 I I I I I I C ontinuous Show S u n d a y — 2 u n til H P . M . Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro Open until 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night room. Mrs. K enneth 8. Wright, Lloyd HUlleker, Sophia Duyck and Mrs. L. C. Brown of north of W atts made high scores and Mrs. Hebekah lodge will m eet Wednes- a ,a d Ys I.t'7Yr. a,.l.d ,M.i'— Mts Davidson Another party will Hillsboro was honored with a din- W atts and W. M. Smith received day 7 ie™n^ ajj the Darlors of the Petrie wore deep pastel dresses of j». ¿iVe"n February '« with ^L.-' WaT- ncr Pa’’,y Sunday, her birthday a n - consolation. I. O. O. F. ***«*»■■«* and s»«»w *4«a^ — as ires oesv as , terTuiui'h IJ ** un’......... 1 niverzary. Those present w e r e . . moire carried colonial »w bouquets as chalrm . Ralph Tarliell of St. Helens was Mer*™.«i,i Messrs, and Mesdames T. H. P it- M- E- ProZra ™ Tuesday— the best man and Maurice Sm ith. . w M C ^n ald m an and dBUghter. R. A Dean and A program of musical and d ra- Edgar Hoover. Albert H Strom and and . ¿®*’urd®d 8tm day Ironi daugbter. Lowell Brown and sons; m atlc numbers will be presented a t Fklgar H utan acted as ushers. Pre- a w*®a ' ‘» p to> v ctoila B. c . aI)f, F M W arner and L. C. Brown, the M ethodist church Tuesday eve- iia J lU X m°Seyc ^ M r ^ w ith ^ e m “ ^ a » r t S t " . Exhibit .„ J e r r e U - , ™ g . Good entertainm ent is prom - M ^ ^ ^ l M ^ r c h a i i t R utan who They encountered flooded roads and .S m a l l wooden figures of c a ttle ., lsed- alw i/aved th e w e d d h ig march detours throughout the trip north h°™®? and poultry are shown In Mudy Group to M e e t- also play«d the wedding the week. They A. adolescent s study 1/ ,’{a. till' ' c ’e e r e -I to t v Port , v l 1 Angeles. m iR vivo. Wash. TTuoti. ---- - Argus —o — window this wwwwm r p, . t a . . zi. iu u y grou giOUp Immediately monv .r e c e p tio following n was l e i d a t the G lenn Norton, high school m - ^ ' “ o ? H l&boro ’ for* a’ c Ä “ L V 30 structor a t Toledo, visited during .''¡fli8 n'i...0 „fn ,Hl1 !‘ e lM ’,r2 f°£ a F h ri? i' ° 'cl°ck at the library. Study subject home of the bride Mrs. Clifton Howe Watson and the week-end with ills grandm other ma5 Presenl Lor... 1Pr s?n ’ ,A ®hlp will be "Physiology of the Family," M r».'Jolui F.'H am ilton poured, ami Mrs Maty Sabin 11c look a group b y^her‘b ro th c ^ ’i ^ a l ^ d l s D h i t e d Cr Wlt« M” ' ^ m.ig leader’ AU G R A N D PRIZE M ODEL 9 Mrs Jule Hutchins, Miss Ferol of his pupils on a tour of the capi- b' " er bro,hrtland. With set of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ooodsteln of Casper, Wyoming, are guests of Attachment! Mr. and Mrs. Morris Well. Mr. Ooodsteln ls a brother of Mrs «4 s ta rtlin g v a lu e / G ra n J P rize (¡Tinning Well. M o d e l a t Sesqui C en te n n ia l Exposition. Mrs Allen K night «resident o f ' Mt. and Mrs. A. H. McGee and S o ld o rig in a lly — u hen n e w - a t 3.50. the Washington Comity Council of “ r Mid Mrs Rex Howell visited P arent-T eacher associations, en ter­ Carl K nott and family a t Oak Grove Sunday. These fine cleaners have been th o r­ tained all the local presidents al Mrs. R uth Longfellow Is now em ­ luncheon ul her home In Forest oughly reconstructed. Full size, full ployed with the local office of the Grove Tuesday. Mrs. K night was power. Fach has new bag, cord, bear­ assisted by Mrs. C. R. M artin, sec­ Portland G eneral Electric company ings, brushes, etc. All worn parts have Mrs. R D. English and Mrs. J. ond vice-president, and a member of the G arden Home association. W. Kelley spent several days this been replaced with brand new parts. Mrs. M artin Is director of the week ln Poiilnnd. They look and run like new. M A N U F A C T U R E R ’S ONE W EEK SALE! ■fck Ip $h> P. T. A. Leaders Luncheon Guests T H IS GOAR’S Woman’s Shop K. M. Barnes, Prop. i At least it LOOKS like new, and feels the same way! That is if it is sent to the Home Laundry SC Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 Hillsboro. Ore. ROSAUNO . RUSSELL Plus bhe Best o f S h o rt S ub jects ai ■ ■ W E E K -N O CHARGE • U p h o ls te r y N o a a lo • R a d ia to r N o u l o • U p h a l i t a r y B ru s h • I n t e n s io n T u b « • C o n n a c tin g H o s e Phone at once. Request free trial. Only ■ limited number have been allotted ua for this sale. Hurry! Selfridge Furniture Co. 1138 Third St. Phone 2 1 X | m WEDNESDAY ONLY, FEB. 6 I W illia m I P o w e ll an d M y r n a Loy in “ E V E L Y N P R E N T IC E ” Small monthly payments Small carrying charge HERE’S WHAT WE GIVE Y O U I D R E S S E S You’ll want one of these, first of spring Dresses, to wear NOW I I I I FRANCES . . . ............ D R / « v|eíToYwá/'/y/rM¿vTT wot»»« $5 4 M DOWN £ .0 0 AUO n/ y * 1 9 8 5 $000 New Spring S ta r - s t u d d .d , ¡¿ugh-pack.d, lov.- th rillin g l 1 9 3 5 's rom antic d .lig b tl C O M IN G SO O N to the V EN ETIA N "David Copperfield” "Our Daily Bread” "Broadway Bill” "Lives of a Bengal Lancer” "Home on the Range” | I