THE Hage Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, January 81, 1985 OREGON $17; I. A Scheel Relief Catherine Morris, ply Co, Co Hosp Exp, $12 46; HanePt E Calkins. De. d. $10, Sheiwo«».l Phar $4 60, Kilpatrick's Relief, Quigley, $1, Electric Shop, Co Jail Exp. $ 1 3 6 . F S i.iacy, R«li*l Exp. $1 66. C urry’ s Gro Lang Mlg Co. Co Hosp Ext», $31.06. K I. eery, Relief Ella Bennett. $4, California W B Conn* Herd Inspector, $ "3 80, Lexter lieland A Co, Co Jail Fxp, $17 10, Mrs M cknight. Dog license Fund, $42 60; I all.h CO In«. R tli‘ 1 l«l» \ "lk. Ill» helfridge Bios, Co llosp Exp. $<19 46; Bennett .Widow's Pension. $10, Palm Drug Pacific Mary Pinkston. Relief, $8, llills lto ro Pharmacy. Rehel Exp, 91.84, ('ash Mark«t A Gioeery, Rebel Bill Grout, Sloie, Co Shrf » Exp I '25. Co Jail Exp Co C lerks Exp, 1 60, $23 34, Sunset $8 2 8; Hillsboro Meal Co. Co Hosp kxp. 1100. Relief Lap. 20 80. Co lim p Exp, Dairy. John Jackson. Prop, Co Jail Exp, $ 6 1 6 5 . Portland General Electuc <’«», Co 3108, $114 13. Violet Anderson Cloth, $36 76, The Craftsman Willow Shop, Crt Hosp Fxp. $26 80. J N Luke. Relief I xp ( .» Court $26 40 Hs Exp. $(• Hillsboro Feed Co Inc, Co Hosp Exp. $36 6 8, Fred s Superior Market, Co Jail Exp, $25 26. Perfection Bakery, Co Jail Exp. 9.78, Co Hosp Exp. 1 50, $11 28. J W Connell. Shrl, Co Shrf s Exp, (B> Mr». Hugh Burdette) $13 90. C L Oakes Groceiv. Co Jail Fxp, $85 81; Dr Chas Hines. Druggist, Relief ORENCO—Local Parent-Teachers Fxp, $6 30, W iley’ s Grocery, Wnlow’ s association will atve Its founders' (By Mrs. R. L. Cox) Ptttsion I xp. Sylvia Bean. $21, Klmge's day program in the school auditor­ KINTON—All grangers are In­ Store, Relief. J l ‘ Rrookx 1 60, I oren t ium February 12 The committee to attend Kinton grange which Davis 5 00, $6 50. Conoly’t Grocery, R has arranged a splendid program vited »ill meet at the hall Saturday In lief M i* Ed W olf f» 00. Mrs Fielder 10 00, part of which will be a play, "The all day session, beginning at 10.30 $16 ; Dr \ erdan F llo c k e tt, Phys for Making of the First F lag" pre­ a m. Lecture hour conducted by Minnie s« anion. Insane, $5. Marion Co sented by members of the dramatic lecturer. Alice Fluke, will club. Everybody cordially invited. range Ore. Insane I vp, Minnie Seanlo. Insane. olio«- dinnci hour This Is an open Women's Circle »ill meet In the $2- s E Eayram, Co Sch Supt Exp. and all arc invited to a t­ church parlor next Wednesday af­ meeting 822 2 5 . M is Bernice ('«»mbs, Relief, $.». tend. ternoon. Hostesses are Mrs. G. A. M Marugg. Cattle Indeniititv, $7 50. Miss Helen Schneider, principal Robson and Mrs. H. E. Burdette. Charlie Helwig, Co Shrf’* Exp 4 65. ('«» of the school, had a moving picture Charles Meyer, brother of Mrs. W. operator put on an educational pic­ Sch Supt Fxp 3 75. Co Crt I xp 69 29. E Brown, died In Portland Fri­ $67 6 9; Frankie C lulcott, Relief Rose at the grange hall Friday for day night, funeral services were ture W«»» h I. $5. Nat i«m al Kr*‘inpl»»yment Sor pupils of the school. held Monday Mrs. Brown and Eva vice. Relief I-xp, $25, W e il* Dept Store Mrs. E. L. Cox visited Mr. and had been with Mr. Meyer the past Mrs. Co Ho*p Exp 5 67, Co Jai, Exp 1196. Jesse Snider of Scholls Friday two weeks. Relief Evp 20 47. $38 10. P.».»l Gardner Ladies Aid society will meet with B. A. Mitchell. Chris Rich and Lumber Co, Co S hri’s I xp. $1 71; Cady Cora Metzentine of Hiteon W. J Enschede were in Salem Mrs. Motor Co. Co S h il's I-xp. $3 70, Ma« February 7, soon after the noon Thursday on legislative business. kenaic M otor Co, Co Shit's Exp, $'.' 15, All ladies invited to attend. Mrs. Kraus, Mrs. A. Barron and hour. Busch s Service Garage. Co S h rf’» Exp. Mrs. Lilly M. Bierlv spent the daughter Jean Ann of Beaverton week-end with her daughter. Mrs. '1 2 55; Washington County News Times, visited Mrs. Gail Karns Tuesday. Ethel McCormick, of Hillsboro Mrs t'om inr s Proc’s 31 25. Budget E x p 136 29. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Beck visited Bierly returned home the first of Co Shrf’s Exp 12 25. $179 7 9. Edwin I relatives in Portland Sunday. the week. Marshall, O A P Exp, $ 5 . M is Zell. Roy Weaks of Portland spent Banner. Rebel Exp. $18. Ileiie ryetta M Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt of several days lanst week with his Sherwood Culberts«»n, Widow’s Pension. $12. P I. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H cousin, Jimmie Ensley. January 23. r i i (. . it. lu x . in,. Crt 1 'i> * ' •' " The Misses Thressa and Marie Aten Honor roll at the school for the Ralph Dresser. D M D. («» Jail Exp $4. Hitzler and Miss Margaret McGee past six weeks includes Nedra Mil­ Bristol lldw e Co. Co Jail Exp, $0.67, Crl of Portland visited at the J. P. ler. Charles Hemrich. Charles Kul- I 1' Fxp I > * '«» ll«>*p 1 X|' l i t X Rogers home Friday evening. bel. Evelyn Lierntan. Rudolph Karp- )«>*eph Fairchild. Relief F. W MrCorkle, Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Rice and son stein and Dorothy VanKleek. The\ $6 6 0; Mrs Lawrence D Kerr, Co Crt of Forest Grove visited Mr. and were neither absent nor tardy Witness Mate v I. J Miller, $7. Portland Mrs. Fred Hamel Thursday after­ Miss Helen VanKleek. who has General Electric Co, Relief Irene Altman, noon. . , , been ill during the past few weeks $1 : C I. Yankoughnet »1 Co, Retef M m Local basketball team defeated with scarlet fever, is somewhat bet­ J«»e Bovd. $1. W iley’s Grocery, Rehel J Gaston at Gaston Friday night 49 ter and is able to be up. Bigg*. 2 00. J A Green I 00, John Allen to 41. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Aten and 5 00. E E Marshall 3 98. $ 1 1 9 8 , Dr R Miss Eva Hitzler and a friend family spent the week-end with \ Bissett. Rehel Mr I andH-rt. $5. James from Portland visited Barbara relatives in Sherwood, returning Bundaw, $3 20; (»«•> C C«>nnollv, $ > 4 0 . i me Join**, $15; (¡«In of M inor Children of craas, $ 8; Anna Leonora Rotcrmund, $7. Murrovs, O A P Fxp, $5. Harry Flltgsen. Jeanne Burdette Friday evening. home the first of the week Dick. $3. Edna M Dux is. $ 6 8 0 . John ( hns Jvn» n, dee d. $22, Rudolph Krause, Michael Reeve*. $ 7; Rose J Richey, $10 | Dog License Ed, $25 . Fred Eggmtan, Dog Miss Olive Rogers of St. Vin­ Roberta Pomeroy, daughter Geo License F«l. $5; Fre«l Eggiman, D«»g Li \V H.tMiv'*. $5 60. Vesta Karnnta, $4 20; i $5; M r* Katie Bunker. $5; Pearl E Lun cent's hospital. Portland, spent Wed­ of Miss Albert Mizner, $ 5, James P Rhea, $7, rense Fd. $5. Koht II Warrens, D«»g la Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pomeroy, M oli\ Leach. $ 4 > 0 . Win E Masters. $3 20. stedt. $20. Ritem-ur Children. $ ¡ 5 ; Cath nesday with her parents, Mr, and took part in a piano recital given John E. Reed, $7 50; James Henry Rey S»ott, $5, Hat Married Thursday at the V. W. Gardner home In vey Edwin Stubbs, $7 5 0, Emma Adelia F«l, $ 6, F J Sewell. Coroner's Inq Fee. 1 m I i . i M Marve«> n. $4; Charles Marsh.til. | John Voelker, $4 20; Robert K Wilson. Anton Bella, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hillsboro. *4 Mr* Mary K \«i!*on. $8. \be Naught, Stubbs, $7 50, Elizabeth Sturm. $ 9 j Jos John T .Anderson, Dec »1. $6 2 0, D r C I Adam Bella, and Thelma G Schenck Ivan Bierly. who Is attending O. cph P Shirley, $5, Eva Geraldine >ears, Smith, Coroner's Phys In«, Fee. John T Jane E M iller, $5 .Henry Nutx, of Portland were married in Port­ S C.. spent the week-end with his 1 ' H""'1*'" Bahff t ir e t r i Jot); s | $ 5; B Mrs Short», ; Jennie ' Anderson. Dee’d, $10. F J Sewell Colon A M a |f i i i 11 ' 1 - tt. $5. $ 7; Henry Th»unas land last Thursday. Staagel, Clerk Circ Judge, $75, J F George G arrett and cousins. Sar­ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly. ] W right if ii.I Anna E«li. $1 M , W A Dillon > rah R Powell, 515. Martha E I’o j* . $10. Bn wn \ anllorn, $5; John rtkootas \ an » rs Ini, Fee. S E Calkins. Deed. $10 ; Dr Horn, $ 5. James H Wilson, $10, Samuel H C Fortner. Coroner's Phys Inq Fee, S 1 Miss Vandermost Bride ah Jane and Billy Anderson, of . . .. .. , ciectii-n ex» $3; >3. Abbott Abbott Laboratories Laboratories re re Mrs T B Berrs $ 5. E K Peter*. $5 lection exp Frank E Pugh. $5, Ruth Reed. $15, 1 Westfall, $5, Michael Amato, $5; Phil Portland were guests of Mrs. S. L. Miss Margaret Vandermost. daugh- ,.M. w / c Merle $.>. hp Bahnhne. $7. Mrs. Isabel Beal. $ i , Carlyle and Mrs. Mary Beach Sun- M r ' a n d JM i s ' c Vander- t m L«k« i e i,n u- »15 M.t> Hat Mrs C J Robinson, $10. Geneva Robin AI01* o . - - * / >-v» - j. « » » * . . . .i » . . » i » t « i n r » i t ) n n A n ja n q n ó Beimrohr, $ 5; Caleb (henev Ben day. >* S’ S unday iw u u » tO GJ tr.u tr.m n ip p t baiiiit b a ililt t ir e C rt $3 . J F Jones dist ette, $10. Clarence W R«*gers. $5: M E nett, $15. Daniel Bishop, $10 , Amy L Roper, 510; V ictor Raymond. $5; Mrs U Mrs Howard L. Stout is spend­ George Graff of Portland, in the .. ,i,.r q-, u Brown, $ 7, (hares L Brown, $7, Hora S Reyn M ' . <’> 1 • RockwtR, $ 5 . M r ing a few days with her mother. German Congregational church in Jurors, Cire Crt No» Term. 1934 (No*) tha Sams, $15. Mi*s Olive Shindle. $^ Campbell, $7; Myra E Carlile, $ 7, Ihomas 1 Mrs. Christine Hansen, who is ill Portland. Miss Vandermost has been Elizabeth A Alien, $ 3. Ellie M Anderson. Lester Sortnson. $ 5 ; Mrs J F Tolson. $ 1 0 . H Casey, $12. Mary A Clark, $ 7; George at the home of her daughter, Mrs. a resident of this town all her life. , ... , . „ Maude Taylor, $ • Frances Canby, $6, Law C urry, $7; Oliver M adiw n Galloway, ; C H. Howbrook. in Portland. was a graduate of Kinton school ' , ? ? ' , ? rp '' », Mr. and Mrs. Ted Edwards and and Beaverton high school. For the h '' , jrl ‘ ■‘P’*-»»- ® Cura Tumbleson. $ 5; E M Turnbow, $5; 3»8 Alonzo Garrison Ford, $ 5 , Franklin son Bobby of St. Johns and Del­ past few years she has been em- ' ? 7 « , i ’ Mrs W Tibbetts. $.8; Ida Volk. $ 5 . S 11 Luther Francis, $ 7 , Thomas Hayes, $»,_ Vogelsang. $5, M ir v Walker, $5, Martha Janie* A Johnson, $ 7 , Francis A h a Jones, I bert Edwards of Condon spent Sun­ P cloyed In the Ideal dairv in Port- J- " " K _________ _______ — * - is • a son of ’ ------ .2 0 , Andrew $r»d, $b.bO , H ow ard J Westfall. $ 5 ; Henry Wood, $8; Ruth $5; Ella M Ladd $7, Justin G riffith «Mor day with Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel land. Mr Graff Mr. and $ I i 4 ugh son, $ 5; Simon Hershey. $4.00; F lo r­ Westcott $ 5; Grant Westenhaver, $10; ris, $ 5; Henry W Mohrmann, $ 6, John Em Mrs. George Graff, formerly of Rose and family. Mr and Mrs. Tom Ireton of Port­ Scholls. The newlyweds will make ence Holroyd, $4.20, .Mary Johnson, $3; James Winton. $ 4. Mr* Ethel Patterson. m elt Parsons, $5, Margaret Ann lle a rtk y , C W Larlun, $5.20, Wni Matxke, $5, $5. Mrs Ed Wolf, $10. Mr* W V Yates, $10; J M Parsons, $ 8, Thomas D 1 land visited her parents, Mr. and their home in Portland. Mrs. F. J. Meihoff. and family Sun­ Mrs. J. J. VanKleek has been Adah S Moore, $ 3; Ethel .Meek, $ 3, W E t S ; George Y o u n :. $5; A I> Chamberlain, melt, $ 5 ; John Mathew Kvnnrtiy, $ > Mary A rm itid j Sias, $7, Everett L Par quite ill at her home during the McCloskey. $•'»; Louis Albert Reed, $6.60; $ 6 , Sarah E Buell, $5. day. I red W Robertson, $3.SO; Oscar S Shitfer, Leona Mr and Mrs. Tom Pieren and past week. Robinson, $10 Widow's Pensions:— Emihe P Amato, son. $'• ; lunni«* $8.20, Elmer Stipe. $ 5, Emma M Scott, Ida Victoria two children of Helvetia spent Sun­ Move to Portland $25 ; Ruth Beatrice Anderson, $30 ; Mary Martha Jane buchow, $ 5 ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stassens and '■»-” • Schultz. f4.20, Theodor« Jackson, $ 5; Peter Trojanowski, $5, day at the S. W. Baughman home E Batchelor. $ 1 0 . Cora Mabel Bell. $15. Mrs. Mary Beach and Mrs. S. L. family, who have been making their Vanderzanden, 3 3; L n to n Watt», 31 jo . C hristian W althart, $ 7, George Augustus Edith Marie Brostrum. $10: Grace Co, Carlyle were in Portland Friday home on the Frank Holboke place. Grand Jury Witne»»e»:— Seil Hiner, vin, $10, Gra. Marie J Ihngley, L Oscar Ahl*trom , $7, M artin N Bonham, P o w e rs Or J \ Baker witness Henry Krueger $15 ; Mary Maude Dixson. $8. F.l*ie M help celebrate the birthday of Miss J n rtiSfo,S t(i erS ti X w $7 ; Lizzie May Clark, $ 7 ; Elizabeth Dod r e e O t i* ™ 1? » 0 * J ' ‘ nr t 5 D a .k 0 ta a r e t0 alleged I., be inialie, 3 3, B ert Hei-hauer D »dge. $15; Lott . Blanche Ezell. $.’ 3. drtdge, $ 5; Benjamin Franklin Doddrulge, Mary Leverton. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Settles and H ° lb o k le Pla c «- wan,»» Henry Krueger Illeged tu b , in Samuel B G ilpin, $ 5, William M vrtle Finsley, $ 2 2 Mary B Foley. $12. $ 5 ; children Pauline. Laurence and Ivan, ■v 2 „ t,UrC‘ V SU. i d a y &Te 3 3 , I. A s. heel rebel Fred Scherl, Lotta B Fox, $25 Roscita Fie»nor. $20, Sherman Neiberger, $ 7, Henry C Sehocne. and Mrs. Harold Sandström and Robert O Opal Gibbens, $ 1 " . Elsie N«»ble Huson. $ 7; Elizai»«th Harrison, $ 5; Co C" **’ daughter of Vancouver were guests Stevenson, $6, George L Newman, $5; Ed $35; Althea Harm Ernest Wilfert. 1.25, Appolonia Wilkes 1.25, $25.25. J »hn Francis Gillespie, $ 7 ; Alonzo Clap Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnston. .15; Ruth A n trim cook Co Hosp $21.55; $114.16, $202.59; F J Meihoff Co jail exp. J Old Age P e n s io n sC o rilla Allison. $12. •h -w , $ 7 ; Josephine Amato, $4. Lydia Virginia and Howard of Beaverton Vera Sills janitress Co Hosp, $29.70; Ger­ $4 9 0; Krebs Bros Pacific Coast Stamp visited at the M. J. McEntee home trude McLaren laundress Co Hosp, $29.70; Works delinquent ta x foreclosure fund W illiam C A rth u r, $10 ; Joseph Warren Belle lu lly , $ 6; Norman A Fuller, $7; Daniel G«itrude Bennett waitress Co Hosp, $29 Sunday afternoon. exp, $ 1; State Industrial Acci Comm Adams, $10 ; Julia A Bryan, $10 ; Alice Marion Theodore Hutchison, $ 7; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hathaway .70, A E Roe hat nurse Co Hosp, $69.70; Peace officer's contribution $33.35, delin Mary Bascomb, $ 8, Joseph C Brown, $10; Perry Earp. $7; Sally Frances Ia»wis, $7; and three children of Portland Mrs Johnson nurse fo r Mrs Danzer Co quent tax fund exp, 40c, $33.75; Bushong Frank T Blakeslee, $ 5; Sarah Boland. $10; Smiley Carter, $ 7; All>ert T Gilliam $7 S. E Fayrarn, Tax Dept Exp, 56.05, Co spent Sunday with her parents, Mr Hosp, $17 ;94. Mrs Fay ram nurse for Mrs A Co Co Recorder’s exp $62 5 0; Portland Het I wig Anderson. $8, Alonzo Abner Clyde, and Mrs. George Goodman. J Halupoff Co Hosp. $5.98; D r Guy F Via Gas A Coke Co Co Hosp exp, $8 20, C rt $ 8, Mary E Chri*tensen. $10, Henry Treas Exp, 10 60, $66 65; Laura B Mor Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Parsons of Co Physician, $ 1 0 0 ; Elizabeth Todd Pro­ H* exp $1.30, $9.50; Harms A Brock Halleck Cox, $ 6 ; Jacob i.'orrell, $ 8; W il «an. Delinquent Tax Foreclosure Fd Exp. ham E Dunsmoor, $ 8, Barclay Davis, $7; 818; Elizabeth Todd, O A P Exp. $7.25; Portland visited her parents, Mr. bation officer exp $75; D r J B Dinsmore Co Shrf s exp, 65c. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe, Sunday. H«alth officer's salary $150; Maud W R e lie f D e lla Bertha Armstrong, $10; Samantha Isabelle Drake, $ 8, Margaret C I Oakes Grocery, Co Hosp Exp, $101 30; Mr. and Mrs. Art Flint of Salem, B4-C0W Co Treas exp $4 4 1; James H Da Dan Adams, $ 5; Irene Alton, $ 5; Wm H D uff, $ 8, S L E llio tt, $ 7; Nancy J Free Hillsboro Shoe Hospital. Co Jail Exp, and Mrs. Flint's mother, Mrs. F. vis Co Recorder exp $10.25; O B Kraus Boulin, $ 2 0 ; .Mrs Elizabeth Bennett, $10; man. $ 5; Adalaska D Frakes, $5. M aith 1 $2.25; Coslett Truck Service, Co Jail Lundberg of Rapid City. S. D„ were 4 If club exp, $19.60; O B Kraus Co Sch Carrie Biakely, $ 5; August Boren, $10 ; E Clarinda Gray, $12 ; William J Gulden, $5; I xp, $0.40, Co Hosp Exp, $0.50, $0 9 0; guests of Mr. and Mrs Stanley N Supt exp, $104.40; Glen H Epler cattle tn- E Bacon. $ 6, Carrie Barber, $ 6; Susan James Cohorn Gibb*. $ 8; John F re d riik Mrs M A Johnstone, Nurse Co Hosp, Curington and family Sunday. d»st Telephone Co, Co Hosp Class Gives Program J u ro r*.— E B Sappington, $7.20, Fields, $ 8 ; John Fahey, $ 5; Ada C urtis, Severe Owens, $15 ; Robert Joseph Pot A very enjoyable entertainm ent; W Grand Fxp, $10 8 5 ; Hillsboro Auto Freight, Co A Goodin, $6.60; John Friday, $8.70; I * 5 ; Katie Gohde, $10 , W H Gerrish, $4; ler, $6; Amanda Jane Perkins, $ 8; Laura was given Thursday evening in th e ' Jacob Crt Exp, $0 50. < 0 Hosp Exp 1.13, $1 63; $ 8 ; Edear A Jones $6; William Geitlinger, $ 5 ; Gottlieb Grau, $ 5 ; school auditorium by the SERA Edw A Kemmer, Alice Phillips, $ 7 ; Amanda Prough, $4; Heme Laundry, Co Jail Exp, 22.46, Co Vandf rzanden. $8.40; Wallace 1( , Sam Garber, $ 8; George Hawley, $6; Daniel Prough, $ 4; Benjamin T Rosen adult class In public speaking, con­ Hoeffel, J $6.70. Hosp 28.HI $51.27; Dohrmann Hotel Sup I.«i ii 1 M Hagerty, $ $ ; B L Hotelicroft, ducted by Mrs. Matilda Whitford. Circuit Court. July Term (No*. •<5 Erla Hall, $7; (.' H Hendrickson, $4; The program was as follows: “Win­ 1 9 Jurors, Julia Bergren, $3.80; Andrew Bis­ Stella Hoover, $ 5; D B Holmes, $8; Sarah dow Theatre of the Air.” music bop, 3 4 ,— $ 6; Sadie Brisbine, $4.90; Andrew I E Humphreys, $ 5; R V Hopper. $12 ; An by Gibbs-Meihoff orchestra; song, That’* Something I and children Marjory and Bobby of Portland were guests at the Qlenn A. Robson home Sunday. County School Superintendent O. B. Kraus and family attended the SERA entertainment m the school auditorium Thursday night Mrs. Jewell Losll Is quite ill at the home of her son and daughter- Quintet Beat* Ga»ton; Class in-law. Mr and Mrs Lee Randall. Orenco P. T. A. Plans Program Give* Entertainment By Munch Kinton Grangers to Meet Saturday For house or street wear, these d a in ty frocks are m ade of the very best quality Prints. Trimmed with organdies. ? 95c 1200 yards fine P R IN T S are here. Fast color. Per yard 12 c C.C. Store W hat Do You Expect from Your Newspaper? The Advance Press of Springfield, Minnesota, recently asked its readers this question: "What do you expect from your newspaper?" —and answered it as follows: Well, you expect more from your newspaper than you tlo from any other person or institution to which you pay the sum of 3 cents per week. County Court Y ou E xpect Your N ew sp ap er — to give you all the news for every day in the year— that’s why you pay for it; but —to take the lead in advocating changes for the bet­ terment of the community. —to expose graft in public affairs, to forestall it by publishing itemized accounts of all public moneys spent. —to maintain a high standard of morality, supporting things that are right and condemning things that are wrong. —to maintain a high standard of enterprise, devoting column after column of propaganda, supporting the band, the baseball team, community celebrations, Boy Scouts, high school athletics, school programs, home talent plays and dozens of causes and events. —to boost for good roads and protect your community’s claim for its share of road improvements. —to build confidence in your home financial institutions and protect home investors from making unwise in­ vestments in surplus funds, wurning against fnke salesmen and other financial pirates. —to give notice of all public meetings, public obser­ vances, conventions, etc. Lois Robson and Dorothy Warren;! reading. Dorothy Parks; play, "Pine­ apple Salad.” cast, Thelma Gibbs, Ema Meihoff, Medford Persons and Ernest Brown; piano solos by Miss Lucille McGee and Miss Lucile Quaintance; reading. Mrs. Laurence Hill; play, "A Lover in Disguise," cast. Medford Persons. Ruth Koleck, Orace Hamel, Ruth Holcomb. Violet Hacker, Viola Warren, Florence Gross. Mrs. Austin Scrafford. Mrs. Emma Persons and Mrs. Fred Ser- jent. Music by Gibbs-Meihoff or­ chestra. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grammari J I M T H R IF T 5 o y s aA If you want simplicity in the tractor you buy, get a John Deere. It’s so simple you can keep it in good running order on the farm, without hiring a mechanic. OAartaad. ^xSUNSHINE Southern Pacific Per W eek It’s the place where friends foregather for fun, for relaxation, and for healthful exercise. Many men have found that they need for the sake of their health and mental alertness just some such place to for­ get their worries. You will find it helpful, too. The fees are low. School child or busi­ ness man derives equal benefits from milk — the ideal food - drink. Allow a quart a day for each member of the family! CLEM’S PLACE F IR G R O V E Order Today! A John Deere tractor will gave you money In many ways. Como in and let ua ahow you how. Regular Price $965.00 SPECIAL 775 LESTER IRELAND « CO. ! A n d You Expect A ll T h is F o r -to publish church notices, church programs, club news, farm bureau information, demonstration unit news, market news, weather news, bring you the mar­ ket reports and cover all doings of the many semi-pub­ lic organizations. 3c "Tell Bill I’li Meet Him at CLEM’S PLACE GD EAST If you go East this winter, why not go through California and Southern Arizona? Ride our famous Sunwl Limited or Gulden State Limited through America'* sunniest winter region. Stopover anywhere. For detail*, sec your local agent or «vriie J. A. Ormandy, G e n tra l P au en ger A gent, 70S Pacific Building, Portland, Ore. —to urge support of poor relief benefits, library drives, Red Cross drives, Christmas seal drives, legion and auxiliary drives, poppy sales, forget-me-not sales, have-a-heart drives, etc., etc. Confection«™ - Rowling Alley* Rill lard, DAIRY 1280 Main 8t. Phone 4RX1 No, it can’t be done for that. The money you as a subscriber pay for the newspaper covers less than one-eighth the cost of publishing the pa­ per. Since advertisers pay a large share of the expense of publishing your newspaper, don’t you think you owe them the duty to patronize them whenever they offer you equal or better values than non-advertisers? But, in addition to the many services which the newspaper is able to give you, you have an outstanding buying advantage when you study the newspaper ads before going on a buying trip. The ads point o u t money-saving values. Articles and services a r e naturally outstanding WHEN ADVERTISED. No adverti«>r cares to invest money in telling you about unattractive buys. His advertising carries the VALUES that will bring you to him, to make pleased and steady customers. Newspaper readers, newspaper advertisers and the newspaper itself are closely linked together in helping one nnother and in helping the community—and all profit thereby.