Thursday, January 31, 1935 Grange People Give Surprise THE Suit of Another Stripe M r«. R a /fe ty H o n o re d ; P la n * 4 B e n e fit P a rty S a tu rd a y B en efit Saturday > 4 School Resumed Following Storm r MASON HILU Schoo! resumed Monday after having been dosed for one week on account of th e deep snow. Mi and Mrs. O tto Salbcrgrr. Clifford and Joyce attended the Northwest Rkl T ournam ent a t Mt. Hood Sunday. Next church services nt the schoolhouse will be Tuesday eve­ ning. there being a three weeks’ In­ terval this time on account of a five Tuesday Month. Lucille Renfrow has returned to school here after a two months' absence In W ashington with her parents. where she ha» been for the lust > four years and Is on ai. special nurse. Stanley Shuck came out from Hillsboro Friday and 1» »pending the week with hl» grandfather, L. T. Flnlgan. Stanley ha» Just finished the eighth grad*' ut Hillsboro and will begin high school work next week. 1 Mrs. Everett Morgan entertained with a dinner Hunduy In honor ut her little daughter Marvel's third ARGUS, (JUeeki P a ü w n íu . ■ • and aunt, Mr and Mi.. It II Brown, at O arden Home. Mr. and Mr», Clayton Whitmore | entertained her parent.». Mr und ; Mrs I x w I h Carow. Mr und M r».1 Grover Brown und family of Hills­ boro nnd Mr. and Mr». Mervln W ldtm ore Sunday. Nuvy blue and gruy wool In diagonal strip es Is used to erento th is sinurt but »1 in pin su it dis­ played by Sully Illune, film uc- tress. The trim , tullored blou»o Is blue Jersey; th e Bllver buckle on (lie Oxford gruy tiut m atches th e blouse Clip«, und arccHsorius sru in n a w bluo kid. Hiteon Members at County Meeting illy M m Z»ll G H trutheral HITEON Hiteon club met T h u rs­ day at tile home of Mr». Lena Olson and gave the name ol a noted Oregon woman in answer to roll call. There were fourteen members and eight visitor» present. Plans were made for an ufternoon tea to be given soon. W atch the club new» for the datP. The fol­ lowing member» were named us delegates to attend the county fed­ eration meeting ut Hillsboro J a n ­ uary 25 Mr.» Gladys Meyer. Miss Elsie Caldwell, Mrs Bessie Bum­ mers. Muss Murgaret Hummers. Mrs Ida llite and Mrs Surah VanKleek. Children m the lower grades have been enjoying a two-day v a­ cation while the upper grades took county examinations. A num ber of friends from here attended the funeral January 23 of John Krcy, which was held Ui P o rt­ land. Mr. and Mrs Vincent Willough­ by are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Verdu Jean. January 23. Mi ■ Torn West, who underwent an operutlon Bunday at the Good S am aritan hospital In Portland 1» improving. Mr and Mrs. William F. C am p­ bell entertained the Jam es Cam p­ bell family a t dinner Friday in honor of Mrs. Jam es Campbell« birthday. M r und Mrs. C harles VanKleek attended Pomona G range at T u al­ a tin W ednesday. Handy B rothers are clearing a piece of land on their farm here. The Misses Elizabeth Struthers, Verna Mae Walters and Evelyn Wallers. Messrs. Guy Wilson Lee Wilson und K enneth Struthers, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robinson e n ­ joyed winter sports last Sunday a t Mt. Hood. Mountain School Honor Roll Given i lly M r- DM McCarmlek i Eva M uttern was absent from Newberg high lost week and this week suffering from measles Oeorge B urkhalter of Hillsboro was a guest of Mervln Whitmore Trlday and Saturday. Erwin B urkett hiked up from Newberg und spent the week-endj with u cousin, Cornelius Ott. Sum O tto and Proctor attended a I meeting of potato growers at S h er­ wood city liall Saturday. O tto be­ gan sacking his potatix-s Tuesday and will sell through Schwab of Mt Angel. ( leorgc Zeigler and family a t- | tended a birthday dinner ut the Charle.s Zeigler home at Carlton, complimenting u daughter. Vera 4 N Interesting design, bright-colored buttons, and slenderizing Zeigler. Mrs Ix-na Meyers entertained the ■** lines make the m orning frock pictured as P a tte rn S7 4 the following guests Sunday: a duugh- I envy of all who see It. T he sleeves are »lashed, with th e button tel- M gs Mildred Meyers, who ruff serving a« a closing. It Is available In p a tte rn s sized 36 to teaches In Portland. Mr. and Mrs 62. Percale, ebam bray, or gingham Is recom m ended, size 44 re­ Mike Susbauer und Leo Susbauer q u irin g 4% yards of 39-lnch fabric. of Cornelius. Guest» a t the Flnlgan home 8 u n - j A nother graceful m orning frock, useful and chic, Is shown In duy Included Mr and Mrs. Jam es| P a tte rn 423. G ingham , percale, or ebam bray Is recom m ended Bai hln of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. for this model, also. P a tte rn s come In sizes 14 to 20 and 32 to Oscar Hagg and daughter of Reed- [ 4» Size 18 calls for 4 *i yards of 36-lncb m aterial and % yard vllle, Mr and Mrs. Frank Shook of of co n trast. Yamhill and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shuck and family of Hillsboro. To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY -STEP SEWING IN- Mi .Hill Mi , J D. Kilmer 'O lga: S'IP.1 i I l o s s , nil out th e coupon below , being su n - to M ENTION Whipple) of Bend announce the birth of a »on. Louts Edward, Ju n ­ T H E NAME O F T H IS N E W S P A P E R . su v 11 Mis. K in n e r c. well known here having made her home In the Buck Heaven district in 1926 and 27. I FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK Mr. und Mrs. D. M McInnis re- I celved an announcem ent of the wed- I Enclosed find............cents. Please send me the pattern« o f u grandson. John York. 1 checked below, a t 15 centa each: son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A York of Reedvllle, to Miss Beatrice Way of P a tte rn No. 374 Size ................ Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. York will make their home In P a tte rn No. 423 Size ................ Portland, where he Is employed by the Irwin-Hodson company. Mr. and Mrs K u rt Jacky and Name ................................................... A ddress bubv son ol North Plains were week-end guests of her parents, Mr. C i t y .............................................................S tate and Mrs d ia r ie s Tatm an. Robert Ornduff, 5. son of Mr. and Name of thia new spaper .................................. Mrs O tto O rnduff Is suffering an uttu ik of measles this week. All m aterials specified in above patterns may be purchased Mias Alice McInnis and niece Vir­ ginia and nephew Sherm an M ur­ in local stores. ray of Portland are staying a t the D. M. M cInnis lioine tills week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Magnuson. Mountain Home Ladies' Aid is scheduled to meet with Mrs. Harry ,, i i Schmeltzer February 7. (B y Mioa M a rth a V a n d erianden I K a n s a s t ltv F ie ld s Y M. P. of Double-tree class of I \ d l l 5 d 3 V D i y I 1L 1U S M ountaln Home Sunday school will ROY—Dick Wilcox, who fell some , vt w.,„ ,__________ ____ time ago a t his hom e here, was KANSAS CITY The few days of meet with Mrs George Allison Feb- ood weather this week got the ruary 8. Mrs. Elvln Lorenzcn will be removed to th e Good arm era of this community busy assisting hostess. hosP™ l J u e s d ^ . * Iter aa pruning th eir orchards and burning Mrs Ethel Egan of Portland was was taken It » a s determ ined his brush. the house guest of Mrs. B ertha hip was broken. Mr. and Mrs Verne Prlckett of Waldron the fore p art of this week. KarHclc and son of Bank* were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. B. I Lekas and children of Salem are visiting a few days with Alfred Lewis Tuesday Portland spent several days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. M r and Mrs. E. B Webb of Fair- her mother. Mrs. Harry f u n d e r s , i Vanderzandem . , and view visited Mr and Mrs. Claude last week. Miss Demarls Saunders Mr. and M rs L J. Doherty and Eslinger Saturday evening. »pent a portion of the week In son P at of Trout Lake. W ^ h .. -P? 1 Mr. a n d Mrs R aym ond Hodges Portland us the guest of relatives, the W^ .h e rtv P a ^ w m ent^r CoL spent Sunday at Scapoose visiting Dale Boulln, who spent the fore Dick Etoherty. P at will enter Col Mr. and Mrs Campbell part ol the winter with his mother, umbla University as a high school Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hudson of Mrs. William Boulln. has gone to Junior vanrtomelen had the cast Oales Creek spent Tuesday a t th e Salem, where he has work. He will f ^ r hl^ arrri wmph W E M arr home reside with an uncle ' hroSS-nd s l ^ weks^ axiT ' He Is now Sunday dinner guests a t the Vic- The snow is gone from the ground ST , »line8 ' " tor Lewi* home were Mr. and Mrs. in this locality with th e exception R in a d , Charles Demmln. Melba and Alta, of a few secluded spots on northern ¡„ p o iS S d vtshinE Mrs. Ed Schoeler of Blooming and slopes. There was more than a foot « e Portland visiting Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jackson of of snow on the ground when t h e , re ia u v e . _________________ Carlton. warm rain began to fall last week Mis. Jeff Kennedy of Banks vis- Mrs. Emery H am s and Mrs. Ber- I m n r o v p n i P t l N O il IBM Mrs Allred Lewis Friday after- lh a W aldron were guests a t the A iiiJ J k v r v 5 .iiic .a u ; » vras noon. home of Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard1 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M arr «pent Stum m a of Springbrook Sunday. the week-end a t Vernonia visiting JOHNSON—Henry B ehrm an has Mrs M arr's parents, Mr and Mrs. a crew digging potatoes on a plot Cliff Sandy. of ground he cleared last spring. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. M arr went He expects a return of around 500 to Portland Wednesday t o visit sacks. The potatoes are exception- a friend. John Jemison, who 1.» Ill L EISY V lL L E -"O ur Awful Aunt" f t * o ^ o f^ w “ ho^ at the home of his daughter. Mrs. William Stull. M l ».» Florence Batem an of Forest Orove visited a t the W E M arr Ladles' club. Cast Includes Mae La- lhe n ar L , ' Good home Saturday afternoon. heyne Cyril Lzirenz. Marjorie Sin- paper published bv th e J o h n - c,ltt,!r ' i r d8in^ n J i r trlijihevne' ®°n school has l*'c“ named after John O ates Jr.. Leonard a general vote. "The Johnson Jour- Enimott Routh. Wilbur Lorenz and have made their Thom as Oregg. O ther short n u m - i" Dick Wilcox Has Fracture of Hip Famiers Busy in 7, Ranch Arranged Lcisyville Pupils Form New Groups CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—VlrgU Morgan made all grades above 90 and was perfect In attendance at the Mountain Top school last month. Claudia Wixxl and Zane Wixxi were other pupil.» who were neither absent nor lardy A ttend­ ¡w hich lunch »111 be served by th e j staff Qf the major ance has only been uboui bi) p *r I n r M >hrl n A lih a n ) ‘ ladles » cent owing to sickness and bad O M E - The Five Mr ana Mrs. MOUNTAIN H HOME H ndion called "Wild H u n t” weather. Attacks of scarlet fi v> r. T hrifty Cookers 4-H club postpon- tertalned with a card party Sun- Ernie H udson cauea who Hunt, measles and mumps have gone cd their meeting last week on ac- day evening. About 30 guests were through this school th is year a - of th e county examinations, present. i have moved Into cording to the teacher. Mrs Mike count Officers of the newly formed club Mrs. Lily Hanley and family a t- i three daughters have moved m w McCann Fifteen pupils wrote o il are M argaret Caldwell, president: tended th e birthday d taner of her \T O° ™ {e” ¿ e e S ' for a a few the state examination here Inst Wilma Boulln, vice-president; Mary brother. Oeorge Bagley, Friday eve- where where they t h e v lived lived for few weeks. weexs. The three girls are school-day pas­ week Nudyne Brunson was 111 mid Boulin, secretary, and K enneth nlng. sengers on the Walker bus. The unable to take examination. Jaqulth, yell leader. Next meeting Mrs. Ray Loveland and Miss ElMe unquiui, yeu leaaer. next m o . ru v k j o . e . u a . u o r l a i n o l l v c a m e f r o m N orth Twelve children a t P leasant View Will be this afternoon (Thursday). Loveland of Corvallis are visiting family originally came from Norin wrote on the state exam ination Miss Ruby Hodson Is leader. " at the Rowton home. _i Dakota.Several Have Measle» lost week. Five wrote on the state The following pupils of Moun- Mr. and Mrs. John O ates Jr. and ; exam ination nt the Buck Heaven tain Home school are on the honor Wesley attended the birthday din- j A number of the younger resl- school. At (he F ir Grove district roll: Reída Boulln. Mary Boulln. ner of Joe Letter a t his home at five tk state examination. Erntce Norma Peters and K enneth Jaqulth. Forest Orove Sunday. Wohlschlegel, sixth grnde, suffered Those n either absent nor tardy are ------------------ ------ concurrent attacks of measles mid George Allison Jr.. Virgil Allison. “ F o rs a k in g A l l O th e r» ’ mumps last week. lara.P lepenbrink. Wilma Boulln S u n d ay V e n e tia n F e a tu re Mr«. Ira O. McCormick. Miss H e l-1 C and Mary Boulin en Honun and Hodson McCormick T he gayest picture of the year Local C hristian Endeavor society were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan has postponed the benefit social, This Is the wav "Forsaking All H Comber lit Portland Saturday which was scheduled February 1, as O thers,” which comes to the Vene­ evening when the Combers e n te r­ the members were prevented from tian Bunday, Monday and Tues­ tained with a dinner In honor of arranging the program owing to day, is described. Joan Crawford, Mr. Comber's mother. Inclement w eather and by extra ac­ Clark Gable and Robert Montgom­ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin O rnduff tivities a t school. This group Is ery are th e featured players. were hosts a t a dancing party at planning a valentine social for Feb­ their home Saturday night. Guests ruary 15. They expect to hold this Argus classified ads get results. Included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W hit- 1 more. Mr and Mrs. Fred Meyers. Mr and Mrs W ayne Brunson. Mr ; and Mrs. Collin Cree, Misses Clara Shook. T hora Wood. Opal. Nadyne and Doris Brunson. Messrs. Ray and Frank Shook. W alter and Leonard Whitmore, Bill Wood. D or­ man Blazer, BUI Meyers, Ixturen and Don Haynes nnd K enneth Mc­ Innis. Merl Cady, aeconuvanled by his brother Dick Cady of Hillsboro, re ­ on EXCELLENT FLOOR at the turned Jan u ary 24 from a six days' d ic tio n a ry trip to Pendleton. Miss Ann Ornduff. a recent vis­ itor here a t the home of her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter O rn d u ff,' has resigned her position as a night | nurse at St. Vincent’s hospital, i New Club Formed at Mountain Home » " A H o T X Roller Skating Shute Park Pavilion EASIER »uh MARFAK O P E N IN G - Saturday Night, February 2 SKATING EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY The World's Finest Grease Lubricant! You'll get more pleasure out of your car after we cure It of all squeaks and grunts. It will ride easier. It will steer easier MARFAK Is an exceptionally tough lubricant. It clings to surfaces and protects them against needless wear. MARFAK protects you against needless repair bills. D on't buy an ordinary "grease Job." Drive In today and Ret the finest chassis lubrication Job you've ever had. I t will save you money! We use th e world's finest grease lubricant and give expert service. It only takes a few minutes. The TEXACO ST A T IO N an d W a s h in g to n S treet» P ho n e 1 7 0 3 Special attention given to parties and organizations. — GOOD Page Five dents of thia section have been, or H Berker, $87 77. Joe C orrieri, $95.76, are having the measles None of H Schindler. $87.27; C Cook. $59.35, the case« are aerious, the enforced retirem ent to bed being the only Fiank Reh, $47 3$, A rt Shepherd, $76 83, Inoonvenlence. Among those hav­ A Pate, $63 55; F J Saunders, $74 5$, E Downer. $77 9 6; Bailey'*« Service ing them are Howard Bowlby, Oer- C »tumo, $2.37, West Coast Telephone ald Jeruen, and Yvonne Bunnell. f ft (T ig a rd l, $3, West Coast Telephone Alice K elna 1» working In Hills­ Co, $15 4 0 ; Forest Grove Sand 4k Gravel boro. Yvonne Bunnell »pent Wednes­ C l . $2 4 0. F L Ross, $45 24, E K day night with Lei 11a O’Connor at Sheets, $241 0 8, S E Fayram, $8.60, A rth u r Jessie, $138 14, Archie Jessie, Reedvllle. Countv Court F King, and Mr. and Mr i. Darrel David uhd sons Melvin and Myron of Springbrook. Mr and Mrs. Henry Hanson und family ol Portland visited his broth­ er, Ernei.t Hanson, Sunday Mr and Mrs. Ira O. McCormick ware guests Himduy of her unde We Make Cara Ride T h ir d OREGON Invited gue ' »en HI Morgan'» parent». Mr and Mi P - ► H IL L S B O R O , b irthday MOUNTAINDAIJC- Hie W ash­ ington O range pleasantly su rp rlail Mr» Floyd lluffety Friday evening. Card« und guino» were played with u dellcloiui lunch w ived lit m id­ night. PreMUit were L»'Rn> Mill», Mr and Mr». John Ixiftl». Mi und Mrs Itiuwell Loftl», Mr and Mr» Fay Mill», Mr and Mr.». Frederick Mill» and children. Mr and Mr» Floyd Hull. Mr. und Mr» A J. 1.OUUH und children. Mr anil Mr». J 1, VanDoinelen and family. Mr». Minnie »lake. Mi». Dayton May» and children. Mr and Mr« Clyde Lincoln «nil m»i We .ley. Mr und Mr». Joe linker and fumlly, Mr and Mr» Rudolph Hcherrer and d augh­ ter France». Mr». Clarence Meek and »on Vincent. Wilmer Ixiftl». |>u»ley Meek. Mark II 1 u k e, Ed Evan», Ituy Jackson. Murlu Juck- »on. Mr.» Kllzulielh Harm». Mr». Hteve Meek and Mary Ann Hi hill Id- lekofer and Mr und Mr» Floyd lluffety and family. A nunitier of ladle« called at the Janie» Mathiesen home Wednes­ day to quilt a quilt for the O e-net- a -h a Camp Fire tllrl who will ruffle It off III a program they luive planned for the near future A pot luck dinner wok served ut noon Present were the Mesdames Delbert Fowle» Ixiel Hollenbeck A F Wil­ lis. N II Toute», Htunley Hului. C arl Jensen. Frank Corey. Alnia and Arleta lluffety Mrs Wnrren Corey und sister. Mrs Ed Ix-mlnit und Page G ardner attended the state legislature ut Salem Thursday. Ml»« Mildred Hergert I» spending the week a t Blooming visiting rela­ tive«. A benefit curd luirty und dunce will be given at Uie M ountaindule community hall Saturday evening The money will be used to make Improvement» on hull A num ber of people from thia community attended a party ut the Wulter» home ut North Plains Thursday evening Present were Mr. and Mr», George Meacliam. Mr. und Mr». Fred Schwander and son Unit», Mr and Mrs Adolph Heiser and »on Walter. Mi and Mrs Page G ardner and daughter Elaine. Mr. und Mrs. Fred Jeune. Mrs Emma Heliwunder. Mrs Kltxubeth Harms und Elmer Meacliam The Misses Mary and Antonia Baker of Ml Angel ure »pending the week ut the home of their brother. Joseph Baker. und family. L utheran Service Sunday L utheran church service« will be held at the Mountaindule school- house Hundav morning ut 10 a. m. Holiday school will begin a t 9 u m. Miss Louise Maurer of Hillsboro and Mrs. Frank Corey visited ut the Paul G renier home Thursday a fte r­ noon. Mr and Mrs Howard Hull and children of Mllwuukle visited Hat- urdav evening with Mr and Mrs Puge G ardner and fauuly. Hunduy visitor» at U v Joe Ilukrr Imine were Anna and Genevieve Baker, Frederick Budkins and Htuart Anderson ol Portland. H ar­ old McKllvIn or Forest Grove, Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Meek and fam ­ ily. Ed Spieling of North Plains and J Moore. Ml«« LeShella O m acht and Al­ bert Uolma were Sunday visitors a t the Floyd R affety home. Mis» Bertha Erdman of Portland spent the week-end with her father and brothers, Adolph Erdm an und sons Mr. and Mrs. U sm urd J 1st 1er and family of Portland were Sunday afternoon visitor» at the Jim Pow­ ers home. Mr. und Mrs. Page G ardner und fumlly. Mr» Ida V Jackson and Orul G ardner attended the funeral of a relative Saturday afternoon. Sunday visitors ut the Chris Tschanz home were Mr. und Mr.» Jotui Meyers und daughter Betty of Portland, Mi»s Buoy Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corey und fumlly. A new fence Is being built around the Harrison school yurd. Mr and Mrs. Uscur Amacher of Portland visited the N. H. Toutes fumlly Friday. Mr. and Mrs l*aul Hchlcltz of Portland visited Mr and Mrs. P h il­ lip Hergert John Willis lias been ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs B L. G unther of Portland spent the week-end ut the Ixiel Hollenbeck home. Must Bring Articles All members ol the W ashington G range are to bring an article made of paper to their meeting Saturday. Sydney Connolly left Tuesday for Willamina, where he will he em ­ ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson and family visited the J. J. H utch­ ens home in Hunks Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck visited the William Joos home at North Plain.» Sunday. Vanllomelen» E ntertain Mr. and Mrs. J. L. VanDonielen entertained Sunday afternoon. Pres­ e n t were Mr. und Mrs. A. A. Moyer. Mr. und Mrs. L. W Davidson Peg­ gy. Jean und Bob Davison und B er­ th a Erdinan of Portland. Adolph Erdm an und sons Melvin and G ear­ hart. Mrs. M arguerite Doolier. the M ountaindule teacher, »lient last week a t the J. L. VanDoinelen home a.» the heavy snow made her dully trip from Cornelius Impossible. H IL L S B O R O SK A TES— Evenings, 25 cents Saturday and Sunday afternoons, 15 cents CARPENTER and HUBBARD Managers POTENCY ie qua aterlal results: Power.” Many drugs are worth­ less without their orig­ inal potency. S t e e r clear of shelf-stale pres­ cription ingredients — let us fill your pres­ criptions w i t h fresh, potent drugs. The Palm Drug Store Phone 266 CLAIMS ALLOW ED FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1934 R i t H W ltta m * A Ph»lp* $1.25; M win F Bal|f*-m»nn, $1271 37, lis t e r Row», $22 3 2; John Simmon», $19.53, E i B» II. $14 99; L L M a rla ty rr, $143 7b, L ouin Loma», 344.35; Vernon R i'rh ra u fh , $31 3 9; J W Barney, $199 70; W A Tup H-r, $115; Gao Nowthip, $12 55; John H^rb, $51 63; E D Lu»by. $91 77. I. W Lorin, $7.1$; ThoN Connell, $2, Findley, $ 4, Thot Connell, $ $, A J H artram pf, $ 2; Charle* Kobiaaon, $4 60, Mary Woodard, $65, Ore 5 8 , Frank East, $5.58, W. Kies, $5.58; Altred Nelson, $5.58; Oliver Vandomeion, $5 58, Ernest Townsend, $5.58; H D Wiswell, $5 58, Fred V ungen, $5.58; J R Kay, $6.58; H Staehle, $ 2.7 9; Mat Vrlicak, $2.79, R L .McKnight, dog h cense fund, $20, Mays Bros. Merc. Co., relief Maggie Hoover, $4 9 9, S E Fayram Co Assessors exp., $ 3 1 5 0 ; Reedvdle 'chool board elections, $ 3; W. F. Camp­ bell dop license fund, $5; Thos H Dyer elections, $3, Gladys .McLeod budget exp $75; Albert Greener, dog license fund, $40; N G Johnston dog license fund, $12; Joe Hren C rt Hs exp, $3; L ittle r s Phar maty, relief exp, $ 2; Harrison D Hug gins M D Co bhrf s exp, $2.50; Edw C Luce C ounty Clerk $150, Z R H ia tt Depu t> Co Clerk, $100, Josephine Hughes Deputy Clerk, $75; Eva Oakes Deputy I Clerk, $60; Elaine Caldwell elections and registrations, $50 ; Mildred Hudson, etec Phone 21X lions and registrations. $ 6 ; W i'ard Hughes Selfridge Bros. PHILCO DEALERS riection*. $ 3; Thos Caldwell elections $3, (Continued on page 4, column 8/ FUEL .. *3* RADIO REPAIR • Standard Parts 0 Minimum Charges All Makes Efficient Work Tubes Tested Free. Douglass R adio Service Our First Shipment of Nephi Land Plaster will arrive in a few days. The old tried and proven plaster. Place your orders now! HILLSBORO FEED CO M c C o rm ic k -D e e rin g F a rm P ho n e 271 M a c h in e ry 1 0 0 4 M a in St. What Does It Mean When Your Newspaper Says- MEMBER A U D IT B u reau o f C irculations It means that advertisers, both local and national, can buy advertising space in that paper without guess­ ing the newspaper’ circulation. It means that that newspaper gives you all the facts about its circulation—the amount of net paid; how it was secured ; how and where it is distributed and many other things the advertiser must know in order to obtain the most for his money. It means that the newspaper is a member of an association that numbers among its members virtually all the more important publications on the North Ameri­ can continent. It means that the newspaper will gladly furnish the A. B. C. information to which all advertisers are entitled. The Audit Bureau of Circulations is not an experi­ ment. It was formed twenty years ago by advertisers, publishers and advertising agencies for the purpose of auditing and verifying the circulation figures of its publication members. It is established as the only re­ liable source of verified circulation information. This in­ formation, in the form of Audit Reports and Publishers’ Statements, is available to advertisers. Audit Bureau of Circulations 165 W e » t W a c k e r D r iv e r , C h ic a g o JHllsbonj^Arg us Member of th« AUDIT BUREAU of CIRCULATIONS