THE Page Four H IL L S B O R O ARGU S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Social News of Local Folk and Their F riends Thursday, Janunry 81, 19,'Jß nday I a. m , subject, "'nu» Price of Re- are requested to bring rrfrenluneuts Mrs. Donald Franklin. ilrm ptloil," young people's m eet-j Mrs H. A 1> Meek, Clyde Llliciiln J Illgs, 7.30 Il “ p “ in . -------*"...........- - —••« - ... •-------- preaching and » | ( und Dr. W ■ 11 ■ I’axley are ------- in charge Mr. and Mrs. Caryll F\>rd of S a­ A comm unication received this week , ■ , , , ! .. « ' song Mivlce, service H p 111 The ( lld e n lls lem were week-end guests of Mr. by the Argus and not published prom pts will have c Charge ol service Every- p r| and Mrs. Herbert Staples. -I-*11IC k I . I l l 111 Cl one cordially welcomed. Rey. I lus», ’ Mrs. Lillian Laughlin of Gaston the publishers to say th a t free discussion W ith WWrk U C ««S i««4 «b. H llU W r. in Rose C ity Sunday Hillsboro e»t»l' .*’» Leger, puslor. visited Thursday with her cousin. ■ U U b x o A r « u » « » t a b . HIM on subjects of the day is alw ays welcome, Diseases of cattle, sheep and hogs PORTLAND Indications point u, M cKINNKT A M tM N O T T . I '.k )u b c r . Mrs. Frank Mitchell a capacity crowd filling the M an. will be discussed by Dr. II. T .1 Foursquare C hurch but letters th a t do not come under this Mrs- E tt* Rucker of Oak Park. Mr. and tie r tn lb« ___, Mrs. ___ ___ __ of Simms, professor of veterinary med- B. __ R. _ Pooley Friday night. 7:4.1, evangelistic nninah Stadium on Sunday, when Hillsboro. Oi classification— th a t th reaten or villify in­ who returned January 18 from a P ortland visited Sunday nt the H ........ .... -rv tc e . Good singing and special the New York tllants. professl,„,„l . dividuals T h or organizations 1h — is cannot be «t 7 a J ° An T g „ ,n ^ S' R Miss En,mott honie during the 4-H chili discussion music Me mge mi prophecy, "The wmIds cham pionship football team Y MKS. Fa. C. M eKlNNKY .i n n h ,i« h » r < a n c r a r e ‘nd *., r .’amines a t Catherine Stongel entertatn- go«.,, Saturday after...»« a. n nl End of the Gentile Age ' Auitday mays the Coast Ail-Stars led by W. V ERN E M cKINNEY Aa»*w*i*t« Editor printed. The pub Ushers or tins p n ap er a n say« It rained » great deal while cq a «ewlng club a t h>* home Mon- goMip Saturday after.»««., aicord- whoo, „ 45 claaaea ,or all ages; 'iron-M Ike" Mlkuiak The game f, Kditor legallv responsible for everything p u b - she was there and th a t she came dav evening lng to L. F. Prani ta. assistant roun- „ lol nlug worship, communion serv- sixwsored by the Ihr*1 PorUaud Rose ® r ». . . . jots of Snow over the j F ir « Audttad r a t« « L an i- Miss Julia Sohler. who Is employ- ty agent, lh e meeting Is scheduled lci, n o'clock; crusade, service, tl Festival and all net proceeds of and naturally expressions t h a t mountains. « m U r -O rcron S ta i« Edi­ a .t Auditad W ««klr C ircula­ lished lor 1:30 p. m. In the basem ent of p. special evangelistic service, the contest will go to tarla! Aaaociat'“’’ “ “ N*' . ...» , ed ln Portland, spent the week-end .......... , ______ __ . _ to d o « to O rw < o border on libel or th a t in any way m ight _________ It... , «■ 4 house.* ■ . _______ . , » singing . - - . __ I ... - and - . . A .. musical ■ ■ ■ . I a. pro- •*■ . ill,. Ck *14* I Rose * . ll*aaa« I II,« help finance Among Hillsboro people who spent ... Hillsboro ■ 4l>. Good the I 103» Festival. tlie rti.l court ___ ____________ ï t ' X r ¿ “ ^ “ AÎdit o’ C a ution jn Hixxl were M Mr. r.'a and ,, , ' , , result in court action m ust pass the scru- u S Mrs u n d d a a y y 'a at t Mt. Hood nd Meeting has been arranged for I gram. We invite all to come and Fritx Meier. Miss Adelaide i t>r.• and Mrs J. ° R o b b returned Agent« Altriul M m OF W ASHINGTON C O VNTT tiny of our attorneys. C haracter a^ aSi,ina' i ¡¿¡uer W R Mafdey T r S daughter Sul da.v from two week** trip to the benefit of d u b members. but g e tj o u r c u p slu ll. Rev and Mrs ornerai, newspaper Wllllum F. Cyrus, county agent tion has no place in these columns and Mary.' Mr and Mrs. Ed Freuden- California. persons interested In the discussion Harter, pastors. and L E Fraiicla, assistant county SalMtripUw R « '- Strtrtl» 1« Ad««« n w w a i t e m s a r e w e i g h e d as to local im- thal. Miss Mary YanUi. and Frank Maurice Dean went to Salem B a l- , are welcome to attend Tills Is J-O« news agent, attended a meeting In Port­ lit ms are w eignea as io tu iai Walbel. urday Io enroll again In W illam ette | th e first of a series of subject m at- __ gl.SO U 8. Outttó» O«««» . S ft. ft*' portance. land Monday to hear discussion of Forala« Cou»trim Mlss ter meetings Hurt have been or- Miss ROweua Rowena Hermaiu» H erm ann and Mrs. university. unlvewity. Bix m o n t h * --------------- the IU31 corn-hug production con­ L. E. Furrow visited Mrs. P u n » » '» Or and Mrs A O. Pitm an spent rang,si for the purpose of giving trol program. Th» H>ll»boro Amu cX m «bb C*C*r brother, d ia r ie s McCracken o f Sunday at government cam p on Instruction to club members In ltvc- Mvrtle Point, at the Emanuel hos- Mt. Hood. stock and crops work. Junior high school I» presenting a MAXTON A LOONRY N o D a n g e r to G o o d C itiz e n s pltal In Portland Saturday. He is Miss R uth Inm an of Portland Is These meetings are as follows: program tn the school auditorium th« typographic*! inbtak» —»T».____ --------------------------- suffering from a broken back. Producer, of Quality visiting Miss Gladys KuratU this February 3. U T Hlnuns. Dairy; Friday night. February 8 An lllter- Who»« Borrico and P o lk » « A ttitude of law enforcem ent officers Mrs. T. Boone Miller. ho,kse guest week. A» ln d » « n d « t , Golden R u lo —"And «• yo February 18. A O. B. Bouquet. esUnllng fantasy will he given by SAND and GRAVEL „ B««d « U» „ «bo to «h«n hk» ill regard to the crim inal syndicalism law M Ihe^McOrath ,'^ ^ u r l n g the H L ^ U c K e n ^ l . a s been 111 dur: ¿»«„lenjn«;''M ar'eh 3. i t x: Lind-' (he 711 class under the direction ol would t h .t men .Would do to yuu. u. > 1th an attack Bre„ sh een ana Swine March in Rowena Hermann. C haracter! In- P lant located Fnr- M atthew 1 :.»• _______ , - —- was d e a rly pointed out by District _AttOr- Portland, where she will spend a of flu. g ru . Bin. p amt aw, ne. w a r,n is chu)p JwnM AUUo„. Alb(.,.t UM>I111.r . O ri,vp on 4 miles north Creek of ,,,|( V le w ln l. H a v a n a l . a n N o s i e r . I K , , « - IU0UK ney M organ in a recent address. R ather few days before returning to her Mr and Mrs. O. W. Hagle spent O. M V. KUStk. ' . ¿ Fertilisers, i r , . ¡ n , « April sT u S. Virginia Havens, Noslei. Doug- at Salem with friends. Morse. Dairy, April 30. E R llls 8,-ymour. Jack Williamson. Ei- 'h ail repealing they teel th a t it should b e Thp Rev Burton H Jones, teach- Sunday Mr and Mrs chariea L w alker Jackm ------------' ........... *"*— l,,w l‘' A ,irr' 1 Ellis " ami ,,u Lor- T e e th N e e d e d an. — Lorn and Potatoes; May eanor Block, Alleen strengthened as do many local people and of tlle Men's Bible class a t the made P a a ffln to sale,« ai.,utavW !• K w Morse lx‘“'y; M,‘>' 18 * ! " » " May The Treble c le f d u b trip to Salem Sunday. Oregon Editorial association executive organizations. King. Irrigation and Drainage, and the boys' chorus will sing sev­ Church of Our F ather tU nitarian» R. J Nicol was 111 for sever- eral numbers. Candy will be sold committee has resigned as the regional No decent citizen need live in fe a r of ^ o u T s Z V l ù M Dr. dkyTthi. un.» utu» w^k wc-1, . “ l u th i nu“' iiu. « .. IX * I during tlie evening and coffee and Phone 963 IlillMboro code authority for the graphic Rai ph Dre Dresser have f c l l l t O r iJ lS C IO S C S wafers will be served at a nominal the crim inal syndicalism law. There is led by Mrs. Jones. ! Dr. and Mrs. Ralph cost. in Oregon, but in so doing voices its t eh FUNERAL Iti RECTORS nothing in it th a t deprives the individual Thomas w. Houston, who re- been U1 wlth fll> thls w‘‘*’k Ail parents and frleiuL. are cor­ and in the purposes and principles of the fa r of any of the rights guaranteed under the Œ s T ^ H o T ^ u Î X r S Œ s " T . I ______ _ ^ 1 1 , dially invited to attend. There will L1CBN8KD KMHAI.MKKS trad e practices in the code. Such action it constitution of the United States. The law Colorado was tn Hillsboro sùndav T a x L e a g u e T a lk s be a small admission charge (Continu«*! from p««r on«» was pointed out was due to the cost ot serves as a protection to decent citizen- with his son from Clackamas look- after a spring shower. Tlie people; vox popull; vox del. financing through the national code au­ ship. It curbs treason, vj’^ h in Russia Mr Wld Mrs L wltherU and And so. we have many leglsla- I (('ontinuiM from lut g» on«» thority and in failure to secure coopera­ and elsew here is treated by lining up daughter of Portland wer,^ guests DR. R. J. N IC O L against the wall to face a firing squad, n day ^ « . « e r ’* “ *" ‘niorn,#Uo,‘ S t ~ "urmeTs’ tion from the national authority andI R lU s b o r t H ^ r Q U S T h r e a te n in g L e tte rs T a b o o First 4-H Club I -llL P lnillV I «»“ l,1've Junior Hi Scliool to Give Program Donclson SC Sewell » Complex Assembly Legislative Acts the NRA adm inistration in W ashm gton. W hen NRA went into effect in Aug­ ust. 1933. everyone was fo r it and it wa» not in any sense of hysteria but ra th e r in the belief th a t through some degree of rigid federal control certain unfair prac­ tices th at had resulted in beating down m anv industries m ight be elim inated. Ev­ eryone felt th a t they would have to toe the m ark" and they w anted to do so along with th eir competitors. As tim e w ent on th e lack of teeth and ability to enforce prom oted a new type of bootlegger, the one who would use every conceivable m eans to break the codes and get an un­ fair advantage over sincere and con- S S K Ä o T r Ä r / i r X n r a ’S ih ’ n e r cent with the recovery program 01 tne adm inistration and with their fellow bust- ness men .. . ’ minried Deonle will adm it ta r-m i there .Most is much of inae good in p NRA th a t should i .„ m ^..infninpd interest of continued u u uiuvra be aintained in in the the interest feel it business recovery. If (and we business reco\ . ¡«w orked out should) a perm anent NKA is M orxea out bv this session of congress to tak e the nlace of the act th a t will expire June 15 it'V hould h a v ? the "force of - • law and and the the D,B ® - necessary teeth to keep the "rotten i apples” " " ' aPrSt « to in business from spreading their r brintr- the m e sound s u u i iu elem c ic in v ents u » ., and o gradually ------------ « bring- - ine down all commerce to the low level ...lit oeaato whnlpsalp bankruptcy and n J Z o a u r n provisions r n v i s i n n s under L .k o i Labor . h s r 6 fin Chaos. ana d h nour proxisiun» under uuuci such viciousness most certainly w o u l d h r e a l i a l n n ? with it break along Mltn H. Thx V ? t e ? e A13 a T «7rnnoS1llw With state NKA act. A gooa, strong iav> w ilu teeth tying in with the national and one th at m ight be better adm inistered through co-operative local effort in industry should be worked out and without any thought of political lines. It is a problem th a t can­ not be considered on a partisan basis. Although authority A l t h o u g n the m e r regional e g i o n « , code luuu » uvuv»»«, has resigned national graphic arts coae is still in effect. Being som ew hat idealistic we cannot help but feel th a t anything th a t has so much of good and from re ­ ports throughout the nation has had such beneficial effects in bringing us back on the road to r e c o v e r cannot die out. It may be sick for a time but the rig h t and good should eventually prevail. Ross Oil Measure Attracts Attention Free speech ends w here treason begins. DR. E. W . A L M Q U IS T "Brain tru st- Idea of Governor »*>d “ » contribute to the --------- ---------------- (C ontinu e I from pa«« ona» tion of Pythian Sisters lodge in the V eterin arian s ___ M artin was also opposed bv Hughes bttlcs ot laws whlch th » supreme fair officials resulted In the ex- . evening. Mrs. Florian Mills left Sunday to who expressed the belief th a t the Jud*es or legislators have to pass emptlon of funds of the racing | Telephone titJ and 841 Join her husband a t Lake Q ulnault, state was not ready for a dicta- upon- an d - Uu‘t> 1»—Democracy. If commission from the provisions of VXZaeVs .xx.xf b a r accompanied i, Mills M e w m M A itk e n de- . f tlw »4»» ls» *Z I St 1.»f <»P »> rxt«*a ••V «»«’’ lb I »» te «a g Y ! Kill • Wash Her m other her fended to r S e n a to r Q legislator votes "Yes" t h e s Vnlsr \o to r U o V» v » e r S r K n Y o P r '« 's bill IT -1 , V Id ea l as far U«>i- as Chehalis. Wash; Mr. the planning commission lays for him ; if he votes "No" the _ Henry Hagg of 1 lteedvlUe and Ed 1 Hillsboro is ideally located for an a im j wired Saturday th at the roads were and ided stated th a t he believed It a folks gack home slay him politically Ereudrnthal of Hillsboro were among air base and everyone should concentrate open move toward a cabinet form of and If he skips roll call he U a the dairymen a t the capttol last Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Chase re­ government. He held th a t such a slacker and ail for three dollars Friday to attend ttie hearing on HARRISON D. HUGGINS on the idea of bringing such a base to ceivea ceived wora word last week oi of the las. weex m e birth Dtrm , u _ , . a d»v the milk rontrol bill Oregon. M. D. of a granddaughter. D iana M argnr- plal1 would reduce the cost of gov- . l e t s take a day's work. House W ashington and California in years «-She TO bm-n January 24 to Mr. League members gave instant ap- railed to order a t 10 30 a. in., roll EVE. EAR. NONE AND THROAT past have recetved practically everything cal. NI'ECIAI 1ST ___ proval to the house bill to prevent rail, reading of bills, resolutions, in the way arm . y . and . navy Mr. and ...... Mrs. . Paul C. Rees ...... and .__■ property owners from selling natural niemorlals bills - pass third .. .. • . of __ ________________ _________ .... v,. ___ ________-_______ —_____ _ (C.„i,ln»i».l iron, [>«v* i,n«I . . construe- ,11 ,,i, «as 11 Several li.staE «1... • (ll.AMMRM V I T n tll tion w hile" O r p tr o n h a s had nothin? It is family were guests S aturday at resources, such ns stone, tim ber or reading w ithout a ripple on the gallery which now covers the walls t i m e t h a t H r e tr o n c a m e i n t o t h e n ip tlLe R E Dunn home ln Porthuul mineral, from the land until all w“ tFr Adjourn at noon. Back a t of both the house and senate cham - M4MM» I n i g n t i m e tnai Oregon c a m e i n t o t n e p i t - They spent the evening with Mr taxes were paid 3 P- m - 1,1 seaslon 30 m inutes and Iwrs forms one of U.e nitwit tnter- paid. ('<»Mim»rrial N alian al Hank A rmi ture in a prom inent way and in the loca- and Mrs. c. h . Lowe of Portland. Representative E L. Ross’ bill adjourn. T h at is the house In the rating attractions In the old capitol buildings Most of the p o rtra its 1 I’honaa tion . of such an air . . base here the . state Sunday guests a ( t «• the Earl designed to break the monopoly of ear|y P“ rt ° r the '«sslon >i lltaura . . . . . . »h re- emblem symbolic of Industry. The MK*- ’ V ’ / V i r<,iiI KT? : m , g u e s T S t ^ T L X5I5 , ,nd •« w it X^ous°o7°a% "¿m u.“ ‘cunnmg1 » n T r o » * M ^'iL uSl. 'w ^ .. _ _ . . . n. rmilt „„„ * * “ uid , ratty, sly and L th o u ah civilisation dT d Thraday of We l.o Estlnu»Unc In Full M r and Mrs Bruce Sehulm erirh Pcrn" t the planning commission to cr“ fty. sly and although civilisation pnrlunol,, H ahnem ann ho , to -operatlon with the lea today for a ten d ^ ! trip to reduce the operating coat of various has «sued the edict of death against ,lta, Portland andI fu«“ »I 1 Federal H o u s in g Administration Orland. Ca!. They are taking h e r,« t* te departm ents and com m ission ,lU11' he P*-' ‘l«,«l«,d all of his en- 1res «111 lx held .,t i o'rl.xk Friday Mrs. Ada now operating on a fee system was « « « « and now -appears, m every ^¡erm a«! at Hohnan A- Hons emulation of a legislator-- cV«lrr,0Si'’ .£,,rn. “l ,C r“nt? II R. NICKESGN. Prop the downtown Penney store l n P o r t - |e n t. AU fees flnea and Ux, to be trapped by a lob- U " Mrs*^.' D*' W l l t t oi land. should be turned over to the state by»st- Salem formerly of Hillsboro She Phone 2102 Past Chiefs' club will meet T hurs- treasurer and paid out under his We are for the coyote; long may Is survived by her husband and two day (tonight) with Mrs. 8. E. F a y -; d, ; l , lo7 Aituon a u he howl! daughters. Phyllis N orm ,' and Paul- ram a t 1473 Lincoln street. Mrs. d !£“ ? " ' A t,ken »‘ated. Such a *le nowl1 Ine Joyce of Portland: her 1 : Lloyd Brown will be assisting host- rne,,’°a would result ln economical ents. and one slater. Mrs W. If I handling of these commissions and i ess. Treglown of this city. ■" j Mrs. Minniedel Baker of Port- j departm ents, he said. Mrs O ertler was a member of a-»____ a ___ « w ______ w R e d s o - - r A m e ric a n s? , M ll.l IM.AN HAC KS STORY ----------- land and Evangelist Teddy Leavitt n « ZwTee« ”3 » Hie Rebekah lodge und o f t h e V F < l t * U d l The description of what crim inal syndicahsm Is and family were guests Sunday Kat-iL i J rilC P r A itP « To th e Editor; As a staff writer Christian church, for the Gregonian. and as author as defined in the Oregon criminal syndicalism law. evening of R. L. Putnam and fam - v y in c c i O nr stock is fresh and com­ y b p n n ted on tWs alongside Uy. C Iz v « « . R , « * , , , . T i m o « of the so-called "starvation" story, M IR I ELIZABETH THOMAS a resolution passed recently by the American Civil M lss Mildred DoneLson, student O lU IlS D t l i t L 1 I tlltS I am comm itting my first offemx Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Thomas, 87, plete. of writing a letter to the editor I died Friday at her home In Forest Liberties union of Portland, ^ e re is th e official a t^O r ^ on her Vp a r - ' ri 'C"«,fnue.i r»,m However. I so value my reputation Grove. She was born In June. 1847 Lilly's M orcrop definition of crim inal syndicalism, as defined in the P*nt tn e week end with her par financing of farm credit is com- for accural», news writing th a t I nt Galena. Ill sh e m arried Arthui for lawns and gardens syndicalism law itself »nendable, declared MacNaughton am moved lo explain the story Un- H Thom as at Dubuque, Iowa ln C rim inal syndicalism hereby is defined to be at" Unlvers ty3 of Oregon ns [ x ii! 'th e ' ln cor,imPnt'nk on policies of the doubledly I have made m utakes in 1180 and they came to Forest Grove Law n Grass th e doctrine which advocates crime, physical w e e it-e n a bom» Present adm inistration. The chief P“ ' 1' »'<-•*“ stories, but I stam i ten years later sh e lx survived by .... .. Mrd «nrt iin ,b? Wi rfi i i J o S?r ' drawback has been the attenint to squarely on w hat I wrote about her widower a n d two children. • l e e p i n g Bent 1111,1 othe violence, sabotage or any unlawful act or method ents. Mr. and Mw. E. L. Johnson. ' tb needy families. Hora e Thomas of Marysville, Cat. Varieties fa r fine IllWIlS as a means of accomplishing or effecting in ­ k A dab ?. h ?_ e . r ' cram s« » the S «m ?um e * , * • * < * d . . » W n.ak,' the and VIm. .»■' . t a p es of Winches- , ................. * . dustrial or political change or revolution. born January 25 to Mr and Mrs. Kran's at the same time Recovery fm al statem ent: "'W e c a n 't do a ter Bay. Or, ion Clover, tim othy and u 1 1 Sabotage hereby is defined to be intentional Charles J._P eppard of . Garibaldi, »pust come first and reform later, thing for them , one of the office Services were held Monday aft- other field fram es. and unlawful damage, injury or destruction of They formerly lfved ln Hillsboro. he contended. workers said in desperation 'T h eres cm,ion front th r Congregational Factors interfering with progress nothing for then, to do but sta rv e .'' church In Forest Orovc with Rev. real or personal property Sprays a n d Sprayer« Next of the series of invitational By these definitions wrong impressions of some Masonic and Eastern S tar dances “* cited by the speaker were the The statem ent wax made by an E. D. Kellogg officiating Inter- citizens regarding the syndicalism law may be cor- will be given Thursday evening, disturbance and ncertalnty result- fiEItA office worker. m ent * as In Forest View eeme- C o m m e n t In v ite d rected. Thus, to forbid crim inal syndicalism m eans February 7. a t ^ h e Masonic hall. ¡ing from thep resent session of ‘oVerlookcdnbyetio se funeral arrangem rntsh“d rharfte of I'rrd - Sred - IIggn uiui TtmUry to forbid advocacy of ertme, forbid advocacy of Past Noble G rands club of the congress and state legislatures, un- 5 , “" t l , „¿“„ 7 The Argus calls attention of its rea d ­ physical violence, fcwWd intentional or unlawful dam - jS L .’ g S X i l # ’ "’’i“" * N? bla,ne he a l J MARY VIOLA (O X I’hnnr 30A1 pve2,ln^ Q..Februar^' 1S> ing public debt and slow retirem ent tached ers to a letter under “ Public Forum w rit­ age, injury or destruction of property. All these Items to them __ or to Mr. ________ Well for _________ _____ Mary Viola Cox. 78. of Forest forbidden are already made unlawful by th e ' J ? nan „ of private debts, the resistance of the conditions. They mode a slate- Orove. died Friday a t St Vincent's ten by Loren H. Milliman, local new spa­ so statutes. The crim inal syndicalism law merely makes M^ me s ie“ e|" w ^ ^ e s u ^ n d S ? organized blocs to adjustm ent of m ent of fact. W hatever blame. If hospital In Portland, after several per correspondent for a Portland paper, v advocacy of these unlawful acts an offense punish- a t the home of Mr Mrs Thoml personal preferences and the ram - any, is to be distributed by those weeks' illness. She was born July in which he comments on the r e c e n t able by im p ant nationalistic tendencies In the » '''ku>K to distribute blame goes to II. 185«. at Rock Island. III. She Is prisonment or fine. And it is Reds ad- as M arlin ln Portland, . . —.. the state committee which cut survived bv two sons. Wllllnm R world with ............................ their th reat of war. starvation Story th a t ap p earea in t n e ” vocating commission of these unlawful acts in an Mrs C C Snyder visited dur ---- denoKlt« am ......... ... the ent ol transient re- - Cox of ... Forest Grove, Oregonian. This new spaper welcomes com- effort ----- - — ---- *■-— the *•-- American *---- -— ------------* --- in g 'th e w eek-end'w lth her brother- , Increases i * ln n hank dePP®lts to overthrow government * by - ..... allotm w the ...t ........ « . . . and Augustus are lief funds without regard to D. Cox of Yuma, Arlz. arm ed revolution, who demand repeal of th e syndl- , in-law and sister, Dr, and Mrs. A. | false PremLSPS of prosperity, the needs of Washington county. The Services were held Sunday a t the m ent under th e h e a d l d g o f P u b lic m e m u n a e r t n e iro a « . . . caUsm Jaw jn Qrder w glve them # specU1 ------- pr.vUege - _ j sta rk , . a . t Albany. ...------ 'sp eak er stated. Borrowed money in- federal allotm ent to Oregon was chape] of the Forest Grove Under- Forum ,” but insists on brevity and the sign­ to advocate the commission of crime, -------- Lumsden of Portland creases deposits many times with reduced approximately 25 per cent taking parlors with Miss Bowman physical vio ing of nam es to letters subm itted. It also lence and sabotage. eeek-end _ with G lo ria! the result th a t the latter is not a while W ashington county's share as reader. Music wit. furnished by __________ was cut roughly 6« 2-3 per cent. Mrs. Edith Evans Interm ent was ln How can an Oregon legislature for one m inute ' daughter of Mr and Mrs. fair index of Improvement. reserves the right to refuse articles of _ The story was dcslgni .ed to obtain Forest View cemetery. Resolution opposing the repeal of propose repeal oi a law in order th a t Reds, ln an A“ ' Johnson, libelous nature. the syndicalism*"!«»« results by revealing conditions u.s effort to make a Soviet out of America, be given I . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erickson and Z X i T th«y are Sim ilar conditions existed IVA I.ETIIA MOORE freedom to advocate commission of crime ?-O reg o n d“dg gueste° o f ^ S . ^ n d Mra. Henry w li g^rion,eH h tU?h» o Z 861, U? ln oth,,r counties In Oregon, but Mrs. Iva D 'th a Moore. 67, passed was adopted by the Rotary club, other reporters either because of away Friday at her home a t East Journal. Kroeger. Report on the proposal to obtain false pride In th eir counties, or be- Stanwood. Wash. Services were held Announcem ent th a t the Baseline street ------------------------- Local No. 2, Hillsboro N. E. W. a place for historical relics of this cause of lack of enterprise, failed at the chapel of the Forest Orove from Fifth to Range streets would be _ , ...... .. ... . . . F ' w111 n»e®t Thursday evening a t area was given by L. C. Kramlen, to reveal them. Incidentally, re- Undertaking Co. Tuesday morning th a t churches in his town compete the old G range hall. The public Is committee chairm an widened and paved by the state as fed ­ with Declaring suits were obtained, as your news- with Rev. E. D. Kellogg officiating. the newspaper by selling C hristm as greeting invited. Evangelist Teddv Leavitt w i l l P»Per failed to report, through m ak- She was Interred In Forest View eral aid project and in continuation of the cards from house to house, th a t envelopes used i n ' Lewis G arfield and family moved * ** " i l l ln* Inez more m ,ederai funds fu r tr lti o o n lla L In n n i n u l o r t i beside a t the luncheon available cemetery her fath er a n d work done last summ er is pleasing to local the back of church jjews for receiving collections last week Iron. West Portland to . CnB? n r xlay ‘T hurs- l0 q je iocaj re ue, office, mother, Mr. and Mrs. Euphetnla Members will be asked as There was no question as to th r Richardson, Charles Law place near Witch people. Residents along t h i s highw ay are printed out of town, and th a t one church for to tneir opinion on the construe- hum anltarlanlsm of President Roose- — HIGH-HEAT street had to put out a lot of money them ­ which notices of services have been published gratis Hazel- tion of a new school building to velt. The sole question was the e f - , Joint Itrunlon February fi­ for years is now Issuing a bulletin, printed o u t of . ,?Pd Mrs. 8. W. Melhulsh selves for the original work and the con­ town and carrying local advertising, the editor of the ?Trd a n r|dM rsWp«niS Reunion of alumni and other stu- Ku,es£s ?f replace David Hill school provided flclenty of the slate relief office 1,1 Pui'Dand. if politics are to be dents of West Union and Jackson tinual w ear and te a r of heavy highway Beaverton Review has announced th a t he will here- ¡and Ft' a governm ent donation of 30 tx r dragged ----- — - ------------ ---------- ------------ will -- — unwillingly Into the m at- I-—-— school ---- districts lx — held - a ■ t the travel was putting the pavem ent in such after charge advertising rates of five cents a line Mrs B e i d e r Of Heppner cent can be secured. 'ee' K- P- hall. North Plains, Saturday I here is no question as to the night, February 9. Th«we attending SIANOAMP Oil COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA a condition th a t it becam e a worry as to for church announcem ents published ln th a t news- u visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. sym pathy and consideration of the paper.—Newberg Scribe. J. H. Hensley, and family this week. fu tu re cost. people of Hillsboro and of W ash­ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider Thirty Years .Ago ington county because their open- and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schneider decree; S tate Industrial Accident D io .,.-.'« ™ Argus, February 2. 1905 -Governor hcartedness has been dem onstrated j visited relatives ln Portland Sunday. Cham berlain praised bv W ashing- many times. However, some agency commission vs. T rum an Boyd, de- L J a ir V ID C n r i a n n i l l Q ’imteio) * O fault Judgm ent; S tate - Industrial To preserve memory to the Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Olsen and ton County Pomona Grange. slipped ln arranging for the care Forest Grove city council votes ot newcomers, Accident commission vs. M artin J. daughter of Portland visited S un­ rightful heirs of the c o m i n g Bernards, default judgm ent; John You. yourself, adm it in your ed- day with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Olsen. to draft ordinance to provide for years, th a t it may have the same E. Bailey vs. Unknown heirs at (C ontinued from pave one) Form ation of a W ashington c o u n -, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler of licenslng a saloon ln the college Itorlal of January 24 th a t "tran - slent funds were exhausted and as m eaning to them th a t the living to charges of having deer m eat In law of Horace Parsons et a t or- ty cow testing asociatlon was fav- Portland were week-end guests of town. company, Uniform Uniform Rank Rank a « result result grocery grocery orde: orders could not rxissesslon during a closed d e r) M atter of Liquidation of Shute orPd h r„ Tupsdav a f,prnonn hv - Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Coman j „H Hillsboro illsboro company, have found in it, th a t is the duty Donald G arriga“ Savings bank, partial release of groGp of rountv dV irvm ^ X t Mr and M r . F K e r s t e i n S 7f 1pcLs L A' Lo”«' captain; be given. Governm ent commodities season. T he men. Etonald G arrg u s. mortgage regards H in t obligations; fn upt county aeent^s o U 'ir^ Fn r children of P o r t^ nd F. J Williams, 1st Lt.; W. V. Wiley, i do not supply all the needs of a of the m em orial. Only selected John Rand. Thom as Mead and Bank of com m erce of Oregon City with Mr and a t 8 U^ day 2nd LL; T 8 Weutherred, recorder, family.” granite should be used, other R obert LeRoy Oswalt, were arrested vs M arshall T. Ryan et al, order; r 16 {’ast' thre5 years cow testing wh h »Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lentz. * ............... .... . . . . . . . and B. A. Barber, treasurer. W ith kindest personal regards, I m aterials do not stand the test Monday. G raham S. Young vs. LaVem E. been carried on in this coun- Max Sm ith left Friday to resume Eugene W D ant Installed presi­ lloren H. Milliman of time. ■» s u it t„ collect contributions al-1 Young, default: Elfreida Hughes v s., tv >»} co-operation with Yamhill his work with Snoqualmie Falls dent Reedvllle lodge, Lions. ,Pf ^ i . ^ h ^ d o e .m der workmen's Alfred Berger, satisfaction of Judg- county dairymen Lumber company in Washington, Free M ethodist Church Public Interest divided on ques­ O R E G O N M O N U M E N T W O R K S leged to be due under w orkm ens m e n t. CallJornia Jo in t stock Land Considerable number of dairy- Mr. and Mrs. H C. Adams of tion of city buying park — property. jn ertv Sunday school, 10 a m ; love . . n o» ■ .. New salary law by^w hlci sheriff fca«L 11; preaching, 11:15 S acra-, ' ’ *• “ t h U n a r d , M g r . compensation law was filed Tuesday bank Qf S an p ranclsco vs Joseph men in this county desire cow test- 1 Crescent City visited Monday a ft- 4th a t Main, Hillsboro against Fred H. McKennie by tne c Hare a j confirm ation of sale; ing benefits but cannot be In- em oon with Mrs. A. L. Jensen receives «1800 a year goes into ef- rr>ent of the Lord's Supper a t 12 noon. He was expected and now Is S ta te Industrial Accident commis- w illiam H. B Sm ith vs. R. H eluded in the present set-up, It Mrs. Addle Preston of Sunset feet July 1 Perley Campbell drowns as re- here, the m an with the thorn In sion. Ellison et al, order; an d Jo h n 8. was pointed out. Efforts are now f Camp near Timber visited Mrs' A. suit of sail boat accident on Jack- his flesh, Rev. A. C. Archer from Alleged . worthless check for $20 r Harper, trustee, vs. H arry irtrt M. K er- _a_i______ being made to sign up _ enough L. Brown during the past week _ • m _ ». at. . »»it,.. a n ot n 1 n v n e ri 11 i n n _____ 1 A Choice Selection of son bottom. Ed Adkins and Roy U|e sod house on the K ansas P rar- •was passed Janu ary 19 a t the Hills- ron et al, overruling motion dairymen to organize an assocla- Women’s Church Service league have narrow escape from le»' He has a message for you. Come Probate orders In the " following tion for this county. boro Pharm acy, according to a re- " will meet Wednesday afternoon a t death. 7 and '----- hear -- him. Services a t 7:30 each estates were Lsued this week: M a r y ________________ port to th e sheriff's office Friday Stewart, the home of Mrs. M. Wick. Fifteen Years Ago evening next week. The old fash- K arl Haefllger. Andrew T .»• A felony w arran t was Issued Im­ Mazurek, William K nlttel, William Mrs. F. N. O'Donnell of Newport Argus, January 29, 1920 Dr loneP,Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long frequent desire, scanty flow, burn-1 connection with th e th e ft of E state of Mrs. Mary L. P eter­ Marriage Licenses | Ing and backache. O et Juniper oil 1 w atch from Byron R anes of Gales Miss Irta Jones of Yamhill spent l, totaling approxim ately $10,- Official and Unofficial News — son, Anthony F. Vandehey of Banks) Buchu leaves, etc., In little green! New lo catio n Greek. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. route 1 and Marcella Kalsch of ' tablets called Bukets, the bladder O rders In th e following circuit 000 i, was filed for probate Wednes- All th a t Is fit to p rin t ln Hillsboro Bruce 8chulmerlch. ,y. In addition to legacies to and the county — Court, arrests, Cornelius route 2, January 30. I laxative. In four days If not pleased I court cases were Issued th is week: 1125 T H IR D S T R E E T Mrs. H D. Huggins Is very 111 Wayne T. Mullivan and Deonne | go back and get your 25c. G et y o u r! M innie Bradford vs. David B rad­ heirs, Mrs. Peterson left $1000 to schools, taxes, weddings, b i r t h s , with flu this week. H illsboro the D oem becher hospital in P ort- ■ deaths, society.—Every week ln the Frances Miller, both of Hillsboro, regular sleep and feel "full of pen " Oregon ford. default, decree; Anna J o h n ­ 1 r Delta w » . c Drug . ---- store.—Adv. »— *«.. v I Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Barnes spent January 23. , Argus. son vs LeRoy L. Johnson, default, land. Scholls Hillsboro DecoratingCo. Public Forum Farmers’ Cash Store Q uality Our Yesterdays Bethany Man Held Bad Check Charge The Memorial - - - County Test Group USED CARS CADY MOTOR CO. tf