* THE Thursday, January 31, 1936 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Page Three and daughter Billie »pent the week­ Hi mantel. Margie Musolf and Ruth daughter, Mrs Huttle Davidson, Mr. and Mm Walter Wilde of Port end In Rainier visiting with Mr land. Mr» Nora Dooley, »ley, I 1,mille and Slmantel are attending th e L uth­ who I« employed there. H uffm an’» mother sp e n t eran school a t Blooming Ml»» Marie Itlebvn »pent t h e lohn Htribtch of P urest (trove ■ »pen The Hmder Brother»' Shingle mill Inclement weather has confined week-end In Portland with her »bi­ Hunday evening with Mrs. M ? Dodd». started with one crew last Friday William M artin and family to their ter, Ml»» Naomi Kleben. Mr». M oon lloalr»» but opened with a full force Mon­ Garibaldi residence for the past ( lull Io M eet CEDAR CANYON- Friday m orn­ Mr» (leorge Mo»» of Philomath day morning. They have been closed six weeks. 'I'ho Mother»' club will meet F ri­ vbilled ing whde working on the truck. hl» family here Hunday. down because of the »now. —— .Melvin Meyer now has free use Charles day ufternoon with Mr». J. J. (Menu Mo»», who 1» employed hi Menke caught his hand Hun cl Camp opened up Monday R a d i o P r o g r a m P r e s e n t e d a t of hl» left leg which sustained a between two pieces of iron severely cheese factory at Amity, al»o Hazrldale School Basement after Gaaton Man Selected Leader Hutchens. double break when he fell In a cutting, and breaking the bone of having been cloaed down be­ llev and Mr». Tilton will aecom football game about two months the middle finger on his right hand. any the Epworth League to Port- i'.“ v , lÍ L Í1,1“, cause of the heavy snow hi the M e e t in g o f Assembly Will Be Improved 1 next Three Link Association 1 •’“j1 ago. mil Hunday evening to at- t.*.‘ ’ 11 ,V a,y woods __ Mr. and Mrs Ben Hayens spent B mid u , a ^ e young % r people's t f ' v Epworth S i - at the v it m vby ixirty. Mrh c; High ,**• N A < ard A meeting was held a t the school . Wednesday in Hillsboro visiting relative«. 'The Man from Haturday night to register com- Hillsboro high will enter two de- HAZELDALE Illy Mr. Kr«.l Wolford I service in i Uunk» a t evening. evening. !IaR .®n d prlckett .** *.‘ <4 Bovee, by Nowhere." Hank» th th at M an d 'Ja second k e N aruu presented by the com- plalnts about the lights In Timber bate team s In the Linfield college Mr and Mrs. C. E. M artin of HANKH The Washington County Sellers returned to school, Mr ,in,I Mm F F Grindlc of •nu,‘1,y tlub on Haturday night was L. Arey of Oak Ridge visited annual debate tournam ent Friday Jan et Willard. W ash , are vlaltlng a few Three lju k naoixilatloii met Friday Thursday after u three week»' III- j^ n ia n d visited Monday with Mr » decided sucoe»«. with a large In Il Timber Friday. and Haturday. This will be the days In Cedar Canyon with rela­ evening in U m high school audi II«»«. Mr and Mr». Jesse Brown of second tune the local high school G r ln d le 's ouronLs Mr a n d M rs crowd In attendance. Music be­ tives. turium Following program w its Eugeiie were week-end visitors of has participated In this contest. Four new 4-H clubs have b e e n 1 ll J. Alice, John Bernards and K„ o rln d le a t Batik» and with M r tw e n acts was furnished by Mr». Harley Blanchard of near O re­ given Hong, "America** by t h e J, M Vanderzanden attended the orlndle*« fa t h e r J i e C a w m e at Wilson and Martan Hagg. A quilt Mr and Mr». Berlelgh Tallm an and which Is open to most of the high organized In the GMrden Home dis­ City visited at the J. Moehnke audience; praver, llev it. Youn democratic central committee meet- (¿hEfflln. vawrse, at w|w mad(j by thp of the family schools In the western part of th trict, according to a report from I gon home Sunday. roll cull of ludi ge»; addresn of we*i- hig In Hillsboro Friday evening. M A r th u r f lm lih i t . d u b and was received by M rs A small slide caused the delay of state. In addition to the debate the county school superintendent's i Mrs Henry N arup of near Banks F nop ’ ' --------- E 0 . Richard of Tuulutln was u ,,. ,. dPd th e funeral of Mrs H m ith ’x Henry Hagg The fund» raised by a train from Tillamook about four teams. Hllhl will this year for the office. Mrs C. R. M artin Is leader i visited a t the William Shepard renponse, A M Porter of Gaston, Mrs Leo Adkln» a t Hills- t,,e Play 1,r” to •be us5r “ “ d Mrs. O. O Olb- charge of the next card party visitors Hunday. Bronleewe, R uth Craft, Howard Da- Two county clubs received achieve­ - -- Miss Alice lain, »pent the w n k - p, j.v,reBt Grove Haturday eve- little son Harold of Portland Mrs Myer» of - — Beaverton; songs, | Mrs. 8. D. Willi« returned to her vis, Rena Hertel, Anna Schwanke, ment certificates this week for 100 and ning In celebration of the blrth- February 18. visited feuixlay a t the home of their Gale M cFarlane' tup dancing Alma end In Io rtlan d . Mr and Mrs P L. O'Connor, home last Tuesday after having Glenn Owen, Mitchell Kerr. How- per cent completion of projects by uncle and the week“ i S Glb8° “ aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Ksltngrr of Hillsboro, talk on his­ I - “ lhs Nelson Miss Mary G rand and K enneth spent about two weeks with her ard Miller. Helen Stannard, and members. These clubs were the liam Shepard, and family. tory of Odd Fellow lodge. Mr Bow­ Miss Marian Hoffman, who lives Wlels attended the Burns celebra- husband In Salem, where he Is em- Eldwin Watt. Extempore contest- Aloha-Huber Clothing I club led by man; song. Mrs Minnie Williams; In Vernonia. Mrs F. S. Reed and the Glenwood tlon concert and dance at Neigh- ‘ ployed a n t s a r .e Royal G ardner and Rob- .0,1,. • ”wo.“ « / ' „ " ^ ' “ L 01. 1» Staying with Mrs recitation. Kav Lien; songs. Gale Paint Building Front Mr. and Mrs. W alter Brlnkmeyer cft Patterson. Clothing II club with Mrs. Jodie * ' lh Mr and Mrs. Stanley q w Moore, who was Injured se v -, bor» of Woodcraft hall in Portland McFailane A M P u lle r of Gaston Rl1,,<£“y "**» m * eroi weeks weeks ago ago In In a a fall fall Mrs. Mrs Haturday Saturday night. mgnt. bi Westlmber drove to Portland I lie debate team s will use the Sm ith as leader. F ront of the K uratll Ac Wlamer ....... .... crul c li‘,r5 - ‘.'4 was elected president and Mrs. »-••••» Mr. and Mrs Ray Parmley and Mo,)ro N |()W fy |,n pr„vln({ and After the regular Hundav school Thursday and returned with Mrs. state league question ot Federal real estate and Insurance office on Merle o . Helfrldge of Hillsboro, «ecre- ta rv i A t a . . . w i l l lu. luuat r.„ next children spenl the week-end with IIOW UB and »round the house there will be church service in the Alberta Bergin und Donald Hefner, aid for the public schools. The Let the advertisement« help you Second street has been painted by 4 m . J t . £ H l o w n . j th e m-,wrr« , . M r" «’» r in h y » parents. im d ¿ ¡ih u l^ r iG . of "ehool hou*.- Sunday a t 11 o’clock who will visit here for several days exu-rnpore subject Is "Leisure make your shopping plana. J. Murrow. nut ling rxuowtiig the the program “**u ‘**,?1 M o t n u i i m n u i ui r ’r ................. . uy ,iv ^ i .,..u P,,* ra,n a “ A J ^ l ^ ^ ' *'■ u hi . e ^ m a t l v e ........ oi the* O id io ^ W. w w ‘ l u U l d ...... w a a .. a H i i l ^ r o Tim#- „ has been given EC m T r J a m e s M< F a rlo n .- Ml ttn.,d?ie health ha returned to The h o*e local high school will enter on its much improved th a t she 1» up M, and Mrs. J. J Hutchens were w„. m ,., « j imrfelv who Ihi of Mr and Mrs R. H. Jenkm I>CW SalC S A c tlV ltV and around the houae m o t of the Bunday guests of Mr. and Mrs J!en 111 for some time wh.Te she Is employed. ZAVUVIiy series of interscholastic debates the first of which will take place Hi-llers at a t Hillsboro. _ Mr r “ and ’ Mrs Mni ' A*‘”c A c W ab| and an() oc I xt and Miss Gladys Ul"*- , ........................... Dwight Hellers I " M Wahl Dr. Ralph H Hoeb»r A L lc I Ihe sixth, seventh and eighth Mrs Huttle Davidson o f F o r e st M„ , k , , u7 y ,.t7 All i Brown H... kins of Portland were guests /\K lS dU LOC3l L « a n n e ry about February 7. g,adcs.„»,k the state lesi» n.ursday Grove .,» .,,. Monday night and and Ä ‘M ^ I s ^ b Ä «I Mr. M,.-' lrlbutlon fcr P r o g r a m P r e se n te d and Friday and a r e anxiously T uesd ay 'w ith Mrs M Dodds wl!)l Mr and Mrs Lawrence.H lf ur.dav cventa«. M a . boro product» will be pbtalnec obtained ; uy A ix ErouP Hilhi students directed awulllug Hillsboro. u u t H ik r return* c l u n is from ir o iu Hlll-sboro. M l‘>> V ed a D a le y <>i 1 i<*iit .••ix,n t . . o r p n r o M rs m i l mwi Mr w u i i intT ly in u y lit it c ie « l t . , r. .■ _ „ ■ , r ity M ayes a a n d a u e ia u n c e otainea by {p-tty Mayes Delaurice be5i,“ Xa Ä S “ U .O ,c Ä U1Ä ‘t £ J î i Æ " ' “1 WUh ........... . '•»<* BRHhcr. ’ ' « h ^ ' UTsItv O! Oregon Medical « hool - by means of a public addies»“ sys- ixist week Ell Hopkins of W ishram and Miss Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tay- P f ^ ‘a L f ’w Y ork u exeeii stem loaned bV Koeb's orchestra Mr und Mrs A B M cFarlane Dorothy Hull ol Portland were Hun­ ...r of Portland, former residents of A a c h irg e Nol this Mtivitv He beior'‘ the assembly January 28 visited friend» In Oregon City Hun­ day guests of Moxie, Ida and Clyde Hazeldalc. a boy. Carl Lyle. Ja n - th l G eneral F ^ s \ o n - Pro«ra m included vocal solo« by day, Hopkins. uarv 21. bchot-ne. who ha» been In u ‘““ c m with varioS ” i?pes of fS L c laire Beeler and Betty Mayes; Henry i "'“ n ’’arious ty p ts of R »d piano by Bump; Mr and Mrs. Il W Armentrout Make Profit Ready to supply you with the poor hea th for some time at his P£wuct users roads. saw by Tom Stretcher The Epworth League cleared M 28 visited relatives in Portland S a t­ Illy North l'islt» P. T A.) Lome, Is now a patient a t the WW m d compamed by his brother Joe; ac- urday ut their f ‘ __________ _____ i»eiiv hoods rresid en t IMirii a t the W a lte r h o m e T h . i i S u ? yb“Un« relatives a t Tillamook — O lrl Reserves elected officers F ri- - ----- ---------------- present. Half or whole. T h e i-,ruing was spent playing MW" Prize were won b v Mrs '-.HUrCIl D U d m d l Clinton Hockens, cousin of Glenn «Ii ni eomiTy' v re "eJe<:t«d i y — v • , Carr, of Portland spent the week- '^ n , , J i unkersi J ? eas' Blanche Berggren and Page G ard ­ (FORMERLY KRUCHEK’S KASH GROCERY) ner end w ^ n d M r s ^ n c ^ o ? ad“ i p £ k e n s Mr. and Mrs. A V. Emery and (Hz Lute Richmond, Mill Grange hall Saturday night. .vj p^‘1P™ ltlent' and Marie D °em. children of Portland visited Mr Friday, Saturday and Monday Special» T IM B E R - A business meeting AnoU,er dance will be given next treasurer. and Mrs. Edward Moyer Sunday. Mr. und Mrs A F. C hristcner j was held at the Tim ber Communit; FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2001 Boy and ^ r io Fire M arshal about Dillon i ! k E N orihnlp m.;;- B in k T " K ' r a ¿ Jp o & w er^glviK M Mr r 'a n and T M Mrs ^ G l e Cliarles n n C arr, ¿sited u s phases fire discussed fighting , Mr. and M. Charles Lehman of and plans for repairs on the church Mr and Mr». H erm an Gilsoe of p re tro t on and f ir e ^ s s e s at Portland were guests of Mr and property were discussed. New Huber last Thursday. Y meeting neld Mrs. John Ofeller Sunday. church board was elected as fol- M C Larsen Is getting along fine m ursoay^ Mr. und Mrs M erritt Jackson lows- Oscar Shlffer. chairm an; after undergoing an operation in Hilhi Band a t Hood jent Hunday with Mr ___ and Mrs Barney Webb. Albert Riche, Ben the St. Vincent’s hospital. He Is Hilhi band had the honor of yx'i Light or dark. H art 1 W _ - alter — _ Brinkmeyer of Wes- to ci— come home week. entertaining thousands Emanuel Barber near Beaver — expected ,l — 1.-V this a it.« risx niioovA cxv"cvvAo♦ izyva of of people TT^id timber. Mrs. M. — F. Welter, and - — Mrs. Priscilla Sewing — club met — at the fit at f the queen r> coronation mid E iile r t a in C lu b winter sports held on Mt. Hood last Mr and Mrs William Jons en- Berlelgh Tallm an A meeting of the home of Mrs. Mitchell last week, Sunday. tertalned ihe Post Chiefs' Card club new board was held Thunxlay eve- (T o o la te fo r la a t w e e k ) wlth a "500 party Thursday. High ning The church has been unused buttle scores were made by Henry Cypher for some time, und um I l l s hoped th at A dance was given at the Cedar C —„»U C^JL and Mrs A C hristcner and a Sunday school will be held for Mill Grange hall Saturday night J O U lIl L/tlK O ld rOUs. or SLOW. second by A. K. Reynolds and Mrs. the benefit of the children of this but because of the bad weather and R Sandford. community the small crowd It was discontinued. b»< ........... Mr and Mrs. J. W. Pritchard vl«- Mr and Mrs. W. W McDonald A dance will be given there next lied u few days last week with Mrs. returned home last Tuesday after Saturday night. BLOOMING—T hree new homes P ritch ard s sister. Mrs. Frank Lam- an absence of several weeks. Mrs. M. C. Larsen was operated on at have recently been established in bert. in Portland. McDonald has been in Eugene the St. Vincent s hospital Friday this vicinity, all bv people from Mr. and Mrs Philip Arndt and supi-rvlsi^ the moving of her fu m - and is doing well. South Dakota One is th at of Mr Mr and Mrs. Curl Reiser and ltu rr to Timber. Mtss Gladys Cornils will graduate and Mrs. Leo Musolf and their llt- daughter of Portland visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs George Wilson from the G irls' Polytechnic of t le daughter Margie Carl Sim antel S lbs. and Mr. Bert W alter Sunday. drove t o Albany last week to be Portland Friday night with his wife, three daughters. Mr and Mrs. Henry Cypher and with Mr Wilson's mother, who is Mr and Mrs. J. E Bennett of Erna Lillian and R uth and a son (laughter spent Sunday in Portland m. Scholls spent last week with their Allen are residing close to the golf visiting friends. Mrs. Mary W alker visited friends daughter. Mrs. O tto Schulz. course. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moeller. in Portland last week. C hristian Endeavor of the Beth- who were united in m arriage short- Phone 651 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z Offlctal New spaper of Washington Miss Ju an ita Nelson nnd Miss La any Presbyterian church held a iy after coming t0 Oregon, are also County Hillsboro Argus with which Velle Berg spent the week-end with party In the church basement making their home in this district CLOSE OUT is (ombuicd tile Hillsboro hide- Miss Nelson's parents in Monmouth Thursday night. About 30 were Mrs Moeller is a daughter of Carl pendent. tf Mr. and Mrs. William H uffm an present. Benefit Draws Many Saturday Three Linkers Meet at Banks Hilhi to Enter Debate Contest Cedar Canyon Man Hurt on Friday New Four-H Clubs Start in County wT e A . North Plains Man Hurt in Barn Fall H illsb o ro ® Cash G ro c e ry CHEESE CKEAM 17c BROWN S U G A R S 5c CATSUP OMATO V n iJ V I T Km 9c OATS 47c PEA N U T BUTTER ’ TABLE SALT P I C N I C S u,.................... 15c BEEF ROAST Lt 10c BEEF LIVER Lb 10c VEAL ROAST Lb 12c 15c 25c MUTTON CHOPS Lb Move to Blooming 23c SWISS CHEESE Lb 10c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET =3E BLACK PEPPER < oa pk< 7c Ç A N t) Y A88OKTED' 5c K attzH SHREDDED WHEAT 25c 19c pkg*. (2OPPEE PREfiH roastkd . ORANGES 21C 25C 19c 150 8IZE L E M O N S Y YX' G R A P E F R U I T T f°E S afeway S tores FREE DELIVERY Prices for Fri., Sat., Mon.— Feb. 1, 2 and 4 FLOUR Bkg P o w d er Kitchen Queen 49-lb. Sack .. QUALITY MEAT JLVC CAMAY TOILET SOAP— 3 bars ...................................... SERVICE TREE TEA— '-¿-lb. sizes. OCd' (Black 33c) Green .............. «91 PEPPER— Black. Schilling’s.2-oz. can ............. CHOCOLATE— OQr Ghirardelli’s. 1-lb.can ............« 4 « /!. MATCHES— Best Searchlight 6-box carton . QOr OATS— Crystal Wedding. Large pkg................................ WHEATIES— OQn 2 pkgs. ...................................... ALL BRAN— K ellogg’s. Large pkg................................ 12 lb. BEEF 39c 10c V D A I VJ IT* OREGON PACK. 1 Ia4.lP pan BAKING POWDER K. C. 29C 50c can ......... 25c can ................. 17c flavor G RAPENUT FLAKES TFA = lie LARD COMPOUND 7c i» 23c 25c FREE DELIVERY 2 regular pkgs....... LIPTON'S, BLACK. (14-lb. can 39c) Lb. can ............. SNOWFLAKES CHEESE Mn*D' oreqon F are Vegetable— 3 lbs....................... PANCRUST— 3-lb. can ............. FORMAY— 3-lb. can ................. 32c 43c 52c iO c 19C PE A N U T BUTTER ,BbULK........ JELLO ASSORTED FLAV0113- MUTTON STEW - PHONE 982 Shortening O A TS R EOULAR or ÇU îck . 9-lb. sack STEAKS MUTTON ROAST CORN MEAL— Yellow or White. 9-lb. bag ................... Friday, Saturday, Monday— Feb. 1, 2 and 4 BLUE ROSE. Whole grain. € lb. OYSTERS - T hat Speak for T hem selves! MALTED MILK Lean and Meaty 14 CRYSTAL WHITE. 10 bars ....................................... PUREX or Sani-Clor -4 dlx- ( ^ -gallon 19c) Quart .......... PORK RIBS and BACK BONES c ROAST S o ap COMPANY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY PORK 2 lb»......... Calumet, bulk. $1.55 HILLSBORO 20c HAMS,» . = K i i C'l-iurrn „ Rnirtl ___ . at Bethany-Cedar Milk Timber Organized lie lie 19c 77c 29c 15c PRODUCE FEATURES See Saturday Evening Post for new offers. PEAS SAN WAN No. 2 cans. 2 cans ........................ S ' .......... $1.69 BAKER GIRL—Made by Crom- .. $1.55 CANDLE LIGHT 49-lb. sack ......... $1.49 49-lb. sack ......... Coffee EDWARDS— 2-lb. can .................. MAXWELL HOUSE Lb. can .................. ALTA VILLA No. 3% cans. 2 cans ........................ 27c 5c CRACKERS 29C | RAISINS Palmolive, Camay, White King. GRAPEFRUIT ’T i i 88.......... 1 5 c laundry Luna 10 bars ......... jije 4 Q/> XÏJV Calo. S . T ...68c 19c 19c Madison’s Flake. 10c | | BEANS Small White. 1 5 ib»........ 19c ...,19c | 1 COLUMBIA BEST j 25c TUNA 1 1 a SALT— Leslie’s 8-Ib. bag .............................. SOAP— Laundry. Liberty White. 10 bara ................. I DOG FOOD no . Standard Bean». No. 2. 3 can» 29c 1 C o ffe e 2SC 3 can» .......... 2 3 C I 19c Crown, Drifted Snow or Fiaher’» Blend. 49-lb. 0 4 QQ Sack Soaps COCOANUTS „ „ ................. 9C LEMONS ’¡S,™ SIZE............... IOC Maine. Golden Bantam. I Choice Seedless. 4-lb. b«£ LETTUCE ?£'"*■ H"A“ ............. 9C CORN F lo u r Krispy. 2-b. box 59c 53c 32c 15c STARCH— Argo. Corn or Gloss. 3 pkg»............................. « I w V r SODA— Bi-Karb. 1-lb. pkg.................................... Sunshine AIRWAY— (Lb. 21c) 3 lbs....... TOMATOES Soaked Peas. No. 303. 2 cans Flour SAFEWAY—H ard Wheat. Keep on the sunny side of life. RICE I Elon-Elon 1 j 5 lb»......... Head. 19C