THE Page Two H IL L S B O R O A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, Junuaiy .'II, 1ft,‘Iß OREGON clude th e adm inistration of the Red Head Gets Sacram ent of O rdination to newly , Owes Cure Hope Cornelius Civic Improvement Helvetia Band elected elder, deacon and deacon- t ess. Pastor Henry S. Haller will ' To First Lady on "The Place of Holy O r­ Club Has Interesting Session Head ‘Read’ ders in C hrist's Church." In the Plays at Hood ' I speak evening the sermon topic will be Sunshin e Club Prepare» for Its B aza a r A ctivity (By M r». John M . Davi’taonl HELVETIA—Helvetia community band played Sunday a t Mt. Hood for the annual Portland w inter sports carnival, under the auspice« of the Cascade Ski club. Band m em ­ bers were furnished transportation and were dinner guests of th e club a t G overnm ent Camp. Many saw ski jumping for the first time. members were present, except two girls, who were ill. Committee» Named Sunshine club met w ith Mrs. Charles Spiering January 16. The club now has 50 members A prop­ erty committee whose duties, it will be to distribute and collect m aterial for the annual bazaar, will be named front each district. The committee named: Mrs. O. Solberg - er, Mason Hill: Mrs J. Bernards. N orth Plains; Mrs. E. Zürcher, Jack- son; Mrs. A. Leppin. W est Union, and Mrs. J. C. W enger Helvetia. Mrs. J. Bertrand and Mrs. W. E. Mulkey were assisting hostesses. Mrs. E Zürcher will be hostess hVbruary a. lit "The l’resentation of Christ." Bible (study and catechism, a t 9:30 each Sunday until Easter. Young people's meetings as announced Pilgrim Guild, eaeh Thursday, at 2 p m. for all Interested ladies, i The pastor may be consulted any i morning except Friday, from 10 a. I m. until noon, or by appointm ent. ! a t the house olftce, 1352 Jackson 1 street Jacob sm u h len and H ering to O pen N ew Store in Old Bank B u ild in g; A ltar Society to Elect Methodist Episcopal Church C hurch school. 9:45. Miss Rose Cave, superintendent; divine wor­ ship. 11. sermon subject. "I Believe in G od:" Epworth League, 6:30: evangelistic service. 7:30. Dr. Louis Magin district superintendent of the Salem district, will preach. Men's Sunday Night club will fur­ nish a male chorus. Beginning S u n ­ day th e pastor will preach a series of sermons on the subject, "I Be­ lieve.” This series will include such titles as “I Believe in G od:” "I Believe in Jesus C hrist: ' "1 Be­ lieve in tire Holy S p irit;" "1 Be­ lieve in the C hurch ' and others. We invite th e general public to hear th is series of sermons. Next Sunday evening Dr. Louis Magin. superintendent of th e Salem dis­ trict. will be the preaeher. A chorus choir composed entirely of male voices will sing. We invite you to us in tliis service.—C harles M A group of Sunshine club women join m et a t the Mrs. E. Zürcher home Reed, minister. January 23 for an all day sewing Congregational Church session. A pot luck dinner was serv­ Service for Sunday, February 3: ed a t noon. Many earmeuL* were made and the ladies took some u n ­ Morning worship. 11 o'clock. S er­ En ro u te to W arm Springs, finished sewing home with them. mon. "O ur Heavenly Allies." C hurch Present were Mesdames E. B atch- school 10 o'clock. R. E. Wiley, su­ Ga.. W alter Fox. 8. aon of a elder, R. Sandford. J. KeHer. *• perintendent, P h ilad elp h ia tru ck driver, Hundley. O. Wallers, Ray Dorland, pauses to th in k his lucky star» Pentecostal Tabernacle the hostess and her mother. Mrs We a re startin g evangelistic serv­ and Mrs. F ra n k lin D. Roosevelt StMr'land Davidson at­ ices S aturday a t 7:30 p. m M. F. fo r his chance to be cured of In­ tended Bov Scout honor court in C aurgham . late of India, Is our fan tile paralysis. R ecently, the Hillsboro 'ritursday. . evangelist He has been some three F irst Lady d irected th a t a Maxine Dahne of Portland visited years in India, and has had wide $1000 prize given h er to r h u ­ lier grandm other Mrs. Rosa F euer­ experience as an evangelist In the m an itarian w orks be seed (or stein Sunday. Helen Pieren, who United States. He Is a very talented W a lte r’s e u rs accompanied her. visited her p a r­ musician, and has a very talented ents Mr. and Mrs Al Pieren. I musician with him . Some of the M i. and Mrs. Alfred Nydreger of special topic for the week are "Riots service a t 2:30. The pastor will Milwaukie visited her parents, Mr. in India.” "M anchuria Troubles," speak on "G ods Ultimate Purpose and Mrs. Fred Youngen. S u n d a y ' "Japanese Soldier." "Crossing Arabi­ of th e Seal of th e Holy Ghost." Lilly Youngen returned to school an Desert," "M ohamadanism Dress­ Sunday, 8 p. m . regular evangel­ Monday after an absence of two ed in M oham adan Costume," "O r­ istic service. Good song service, iental Widow." "My Boy Crushed prayer: a n d testimony meeting. weeks due to illness Mrs. Peter Jossy and H arry B ad­ by a C art Wheel and Healed." Special music. "The Ninety and ertscher visited th eir brotlier. C lar­ Meetings every night except Mon­ Nine" will be sung. The pastor will ence Badertscher. who is conval­ day a t 7:45. Will speak Sunday speak on "The World's Cup of Iniquity, Is It Full?" Tuesday. 8 d . escing a t the home of his sister, m orning.—Harry' Downey, pastor. m.. regular evangelistic service, wltn M rs H. Butterfield, in Portland. He song service to be enjoyed. Come Dopes to be out in a few days AU Saints' Mission Episcopal» Mr and Mrs. K orn Honored F o u rth Sunday in Epiphany. Feb­ and tell w hat the Lord lias done Mr and Mrs Simon Hershey en ­ ruary 3: Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. for you or "see w hat He will do for tertained with a dinner Sunday in Service an d sermon. 11 a. m. by you ' Heb. 13-8 says "Jesus C hrist honor of their parents. M r and th e vicar. Sermon topic. "W hat is th e sam e yesterday, and today, Mrs. C. E. Korn, whose birthdays th e Value of History and T radi­ and forever." — Melvin E. Jam es, tion?" Fellowship group. 6:30 p. pastor. are this month. m . Mrs. Melhuish. leader. Topic. "W hat Things Make Us Happy.” Christian Church Bishop Jenkins of Nevada leads a Lord's day church school. 9:45 a. meeting ’tonight» Thursday. m.. C. H. Nosier, superintendent German M E. Church, Bethany Rememtx r our aim is 300. Decision On G ermantown road. Sunday Beaverton Church of Christ service will be conducted by Evan­ school every Sunday. 10 a. m ; G er- S tate Evangelist Teddy Leavitt gelist Leavitt a t close of study m an service. 11 a. m.. first a n d ! will begin his meeting In Beaver­ period. Classes for all ages. Largest th ird 8undays; English service. 11, ton February 15 and we are a n ­ m en's class and high school class a. m.. second and fourth Sundays ticipating the event with much e n ­ In community. Join a growing school. —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. tf j thusiasm . Preaching next Sunday M orning worship. 11 o'clock. Spe­ morning and evening by pastor. cial musical Serm on by Teddy L ea­ Christian Science Society Subject In th e morning. "The vitt. evangelist. C hristian Endeavor. Services are held every Sunday L ords Supper.” Midweek services 6:30 p. m. Ju n io r with Theona P u t­ a t 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening Wednesday, 8 p. m.. followed by nam. superintendent; interm ediate services a t 8 o'clock; Sunday school ] choir practice. Sisterhood meets thigh school» with M artha James, a t 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age each Wednesday, all-day. for work superintendent, and young people of 20 years are welcomed. Free Services for Sunday as follows: w i t h G ordon Bailey, president. reading room open on Wednesdays Bible school. 9:45 a. m.. T. B. Meetings for young people by young and Saturdays from 2 un til 4 p. m. H arris superintendent: communion people. Children and young people Sunday's topic. "Love." service followed by sermon. 11 a. invited to join these societies E van­ m. : young people's meeting. 6:30 gelistic service, 7; 30 p. m. Big Banks M E. Church p m : preaching, 7:30 p. m. You young people's choir led by C. H. Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 will be made welcome to all of Nosier. Special music. Sermon by a. m.. Mrs. H. Jensen, superintend- , these services.—M. Putm an, m in­ Evangelist Leavitt. This will be th e last week of our revival services. ent Preaching services by Ellsworth ister The meeting closes Lord's day. F eb­ Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ ruary 10. T here will be nightly- ning, 8 o'clock. Ladies' Aid meets Whosoever Will Tabernacle services. except Monday, until then. first and third Wednesdays a t 2 »Above N orth Plains) We urge everyone to hear th is u n ­ p. m. M1 Sunday school. 10 a. m. We have good attendance, and everyone is usual but mighty gospel preacher. learning more of th e Bible b y He has Just the message your heart Pilgrim House S aturday: Presentation of C hrist memory We believe sincerely in craves. "The church w ith a family in the Temple (St. Luke 2:22-40» Psalms 119:11. The word for th is spirit" invites you.—R. L. Putnam , Sunday: F ourth Sunday after the Sunday is "Righteousness." At 11 pastor. Epiphany, with public services of a m. th e pastor will speak on "The L et th e advertisem ents help you worship a t 10:30 a. m. an d 7:30 p Glory of the Revealed Church." m. Choral morning service will in- This would interest you. Afternoon make your shopping plana. All » M i». J. M . CHURCHES F a ir w a y M ark et INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED FREE DELIVERY Second at M ain Street P hone 3251 P rices E ffe c tiv e F riday, S atu rd ay and M onday — F ebruary 1, 2 and 4 SUGAR BARGAINS F ine G ranulated POWDERED BR O W N 10 ib»......47c 3 ib»........ 16c 4,b,........ 18c GRAPEFRUIT SALMON i '. i i X , “ ! SAUERKRAUT Ä Armour’s Best. tall cans...... 23c Matches Crackers FLOUR Jell-W ell Tissue GUARANTEED TO STRIKE. ...................... ............ F ull Count B oxes 6 10c 10c 10c Bend People Hold a Birthday Party Beaverton Mayor Names Fire Group a^M ^ ^ s WILEY’S SEND 3 Gold Seals to H. J. Heinz Co. and receive a wonderful Meat Cookery Book FREE! CARROTS 2 bunebe» .. and SOAP BARGAINS BOB WHITE Good Laundry 5c 10 bars 18c Red & White, fancy cut 2..»?ccd...25c 29c Green & White 4 2 cans le/V cut. — A nnou n cin g — Red and White SOUP A new ready-to-serve Soup. Superior in «¡iiality and flavor to any Soup we have taated. H varieties. Ijirge cans. “ cans Ä v K * A BACON BACK 22c HAMBURGER Off ZtfC ä SUGAR Crystal White Soap 10 H. D. Jell Powder 6 VANILLA 48c 29c 25c 10c 31c C laber G irl— D ouble actin g. for Perfection Bread and Pastries is Increasing and Indicates that people know a quality product. Perfection Bakery Phone 451 W e Deliver CLAMS — Royal Club. 2 7-oz ,c.„. PICKLES— D ills. Bulk. 1 quart ... C A K E FLOUR - Large 60c FOLGEN S treets X . ............ 25c LYE Made by Babbitt 2c.„.......15c Gr. BEANS Krispy Crackers 29c POTATOES MATCHES B aking P ow d er — Crescent. Even though fashions change from year to year, the demand 5c 5c A Fancy Red & White GROCERY Tuneful Sally says th a t the fashion note, “back to bibs and tuckers" sounds good!" 39C A ll Flavors [NEW DEAL] A Perfect Dessert. ASSORTED FAVORS. U. 8. NO. 2 BEETS 18c 2„„...........27c SALMON. Tall cans 2 can s .......................... 19c ASPARAGUS TIPS 2 can s .......................... 25c 19c 29c Sirloin STEAK CORN BEEF — 12-oz. can. Large 14-oz. bottle ... 3 bottles ............................. 55c Black or Green Vg-lb. pkg. . »/«-lb. ....................... I9c 11 C HARD WHEAT BLEND. IOC Red & White I Brand POT ROAST 15c CATSUP. Preferred Stock. 14-oz. bottle 14c LETTUCE,™* S POTATOES £ M em orie ED’S MARKET 49-lb. bag ............................ HeinzKetchup DALLES FLOUR - T 69 GELATINE TEA SOAP 35c $£.19 10 29c 2 10-oz. cans FRESH VEGETABLES S p ecia ls for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1 and 2 22c 22c FINEST QUALITY. 1000-SHEET ROLI23. Bar ' ^ Ere«' D elivery M eK r man Saturday evening. Miss Alda | Lehman was In charge of the de­ votional period. Mr and Mrs. J. F. Miller e n ­ flc ^ a n d t™ s a V y w hkh T c c i S - » ‘th Mr. and Mrs. Albert tertained with a party Saturday eve­ ning Dancing was enjoyed. inands is ,12^ U p»rtv Miss Joan Bowne returned Sun- Missionary study c I aos of the Con­ s t give Alexander's from OUo a two Hoffman, weeks' visit with - gregational church m et Thursday. club a c L d Young w rty In Peonies J u n - day her uncle' and fam A group of ladles presented "A 6-boa ning's^hall Thursd » • 'evening F ire lly at Sylvan. Since her return she Mountain Uurbanka Carton hundred and pinochle were tlic hat 1beeI? J aid ,uPa “ ,'5 ry 2“ ° cast Included fifteen ladles dressed games played Tliose winning high had been giving her in «m fashioned clothes, Grown on the top of scores were Flve^hnndred -M ? s1 trouble for some tune. H er mother. Elmer W alters entertained the Pumpkin Ridge. George B artlein and Jake V ander- ^ rsfnrB C hristian church C hristian Kn- ven first and Mrs P rank Walbel 111 se' eral «a>s 1» much Im- deavor at his home Friday. Onnws and Charles W underlich second Pr°ved- were the diversion of th e eve- 25 lbs. in Pmochle - Mrs Frank Heesacker Inln< Twenty young people were ( in H A r t h u r ^ ¡ n ie ‘u u 'h a e r t f i r s t a n d b t r t of I ortland \tsittd their sum - present. Shopping bag Red & White Mvra Oppenlander a n d E m i l m er hon,e here lttst Thursday. Miss M argaret Peterson Is vlslt- Wvffels ^ £ m d Mrs Ferd lavngcr and daughter ing friends at Ryderwood. Wash, 100-lb. w ytieis, t- ?cona. Gloria of Six Corners visited Mrs. ------- ----------------- Sack large bars Club will give a dance In B un- ” .erbert Eliincr' ' EDITH ZI'VER nlng's hall Friday evening, to which and. ' an]“ Y Thur.,day. TIOARD Funeral services lor everyone is invited. “ i®' ? 11 n ^ . pr?J v¿ A B d i t h Alspagh Zuver were held Remodel Building Thursday at T ualatin community Bank building is being remodeled Wl»i Church and Interm ent was in Wln- and made into a modern and con- f *?jLrs n J u f nc» ’ C J ece2Illy ona cemetery a t T ualatin with W venient grocery store and mM t .^ [ J o sU v with her sons E ln m arket. Henry Jacobsm uhlen and and daughter Eunice, has b e e n Mrs Zuver was born In Port- Henry Bering are the proprietors *“ • . . land February 29. 1907 and died They plan to open soon. . '"J. , an0. She attended the Tualatln-N ew - The clogged school drain was merly of this neighborhood, visited p,.rg school and was m arried t o 1 in rear o f Piggly Wiggly Store Peterson anu and Eur| Earl Zuver December 17, 1927 successfully slushed out last week M r and i Mrs “ , O u H ... eeierson bv Lloyd Weidewltsch and Ray ,,a/"*h' ,ifld a „ 5 t,,th5 lr i°W hom,e' She Is survived by her husband Q U A LITY M E A T — S p ecia ls for Saturday, Feb. 2 Trites The clogged d rain had , ' eLe H»ey moved their nice variety and two sons. Homer and Wilbur caused water to stand In th e base- 01 'o f T ualatin; her parents. Mr. und ment for several days. Mra- w w A,SP“ UK>) of Tigard. Miss Blanche Finegan, Ronald truck threugh this neighborhood for three sisters and four brothers. Mrs Sugar cured. Webb and W alter WUfley registered Hed Hock dairy for a goixl Fred Leuthl and R. W. Alspaugh S teer B eef for their second semester a t Pa- ?1“ ’Y ,7ears: •?“•'’ .rt‘1slgned. J ,nd. h>s °f Portland, Harry a n d Elmer cific university Monday. They fin- ? “iL ?1 the dairy In the cheese Alspaugh of Tigard. Mrs. K. J. Mar- Pound ished the final exam inations for .,’5 .nU Y. route llas been shall Of Newberg; C. W Alspaugh Pound li the first sem ester last week. ° ne ¿” n r vBuU of Esparto. Cal , and Mrs Fred Fern Hill Ladies'club met T hurs- m ountain and over the Scholls I erry Sagert of Tualatin, dav with Mrs Charles Selfridge road ,n d thc other truck goes o v e r ________________ Frenh ground Fifteen were present reSlrtven *hvd To T” * O perators Neighbors of Woodcraft l o d g e ven py Leland Moore of Tl- M artin Redding, exam iner of op- No cereal. sponsored a dance a t Bunning's k»™. erators and chauffeurs, will be In Pound 2 lbs...................... hall Saturday evening. Mr. and Hillsboro Wednesday. February 8, 10c K R A U T -Just in. Q uart Mrs. Bill W alker of Forest Grove JOHN KR1.1 . at the court house, from 9 a. m furnished the music. A large crowd HITEON—John Krey died Ja n u - | u» 5 p. m. attended. a rV 20 aiter a lingering illness a t ------------------------- PHONE 3131 FREE DELIVERY Move to Portland ! the age of elghty-ftve years. L e| tjle advertisem ents help you Mr. and Mrs. E. O. P otter and M r Krey was born In G erm any make your shopping plana. family have moved to Portland. In *849 He came to America In Mrs John Huson of Beaverton 1872 and In 1887 was m arried to called on friends here Tuesday Mrs Ida Huber. W ith the exception Mrs. F rank Dooher. who teaches of a few years he made his home at Mountalndale, was obliged to a t West Portland He is survived by two stepchil­ rem ain there during the snow dren. Alfred Huber of Portland and School Closed Heywood school was closed on Mrs. Ida Hite of Beaverton, route 1 Tuesday because of water in the also five grandchildren and four basement. Miss Myra Wiedewitscb, great-grandchildren. Funeral serv- the teacher, spent the day visiting lces were held a t Miller and Tracy's a t the C arpenter Creek school. undertaking parlors In Portland P U R E CANE. The sixth, seventh and eighth w*th interm ent in the Catholic cem- grades In th e local school took etery a t Tigard. 10 lbs. ... semester exam inations on T h u rs -, ------------------------- day and Friday. Hauling Perm it Granted Mrs J. Delmonte was in the St. Log hauling perm it was granted Vincent's hospital In Portland last to H. W. Wilkinson T hursday by week suffering from blood poison- the county court. Bund of $1000 was R eg u la r bars lng. required. Miss Frances Gnos has been 111 ------------------------- at her home. S tate Capitol News L etter—Glv- ALL FLAVORS. Mrs. H enrietta Morgan and Miss ing the highlights of official ac- for Emily Young of Hillsboro spent tlvity a t S alem —Every week In the Wednesday evening with Mr. and Argus tl Mrs. L. C Mooberry ______ Mr and Mrs. D an Pidcock of ! ■ ■ ■ IMITATION FLAVOR. Portland spent Sunday with Mr. 4-oz. b ottle ....................... and Mrs. John Pidcock. Leslie Brown of Gervais spent th e week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Llsenby. of Gales Creek spent th e week-end a t the Charles Selfridge home. Mrs. Ellen Vickers Is very 111 at her home east of Cornelius. for quality merchandise a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Buck of at lower cost. Portland visited Mr. a n d Mrs. "Served on planes Buy two pounds, Charles Selfridge Friday. C orner 3rd M ain and trains." Save two cents. Mrs. H erm an Thies of Portland SUPERIOR. PLAIN or SALTED. 2-lb. box IVORY Medium - d CURRY’S GROCERY P hone 771 .by Miu I' r.-ih» c»«k«i visited relatives In Cornelius over CORNELIUS Civic Improvement the week-end. club met January 16 at the city hall. Miss Marie Melanson. who works Hostesses were Mesdames D. J In the telephone office at Hills- Barrett. John l’eabody. and Jules boro, was able to return to work Vuylsteke Mesdames Ellen Vickers .■this week a lte r several days of 111- M. Creekpauni. O tto Osborne and ness. Henry Jacobsmuhlen were delegates Miss M artha 8plessehaert, who ts the county meeting at Hillsboro staying with her sister. Mrs. Louise Friday W alnut trees, originally a VanLee of Sheridan, spent the gift to the Boy Scouts by Mrs. Henry week-end with her parents. Mr. and Behrman. have become the prop- Mrs. A rthur Sptessehaert ertv of the club, through th e dis- Mr and Mrs E. O l*otter, who banding of the scouts. recently moved to Portland, spent The C hristm as seal report of the week-end visiting friends here $22 90 and tile Red Cross roll call Their s o n Delbert accompanied of $25 was given by Mrs. A. L. them. Brock and Mrs. Henry Behrm an. Miss Caroline Horlacher s p e n I Mrs L. G annett resigned the of- Saturday and Sunday with Miss fice of publicity chairm an and Mrs Eleanor Kalkwarf of Hillsboro. Miss M Creekpauni was elected to fill Carolyn Kalkw arf stayed with Miss her place. Mrs Henry B ehrm an Dorothy Horlacher. also gave a h ealth report. The club Society to Elect recently purchased a new stove for Mrs. A rthur Spicsseliaert will w i­ th e kitchen at the city hall. They tertain (he St. Alexander Altar so- are offering prizes to be given In elety a t her home Thursday. Offl- the spring for the best worker In cers will be elected. m anual training, also the best server Albert B unnlng Is employed In No, th is Isn 't a h at (or tho at the local grade school. W. B Portland. niornlug after. It's a new dovleo Barnes and Miss Evelyn Reed are used fo r detecting th e bumps leaders. on one's head so tru e abilities 1 may be discovered. But even j Mrs H I-aff ley and daughter Wilma and Mr and Mrs. C. C raw ­ w ithout It anyone could tell th a t ford of G rand Island near Dayton, Iris A drian's au b u rn locks m ust were guests of Mrs. G eneva Robin- (B y Mrs. O. H. P«t«r«on» cover a bum p for acting. ~ BEND — Mr. a n eider d Mrs. “£ 2 . Bowne"*and fam ily ranted Bruce “J an Infant son. and Mrs. L. Qumlln. uary 23 In honor of the birthday Mr and Mrs W Miers. all of Port- their son Clarence. Those pres­ land, visited with Mrs A. Berger of were Ava and Leila Howard. rda ent Ä t t r ° leV“ S* tUrd“y Robert Richards, Roy W urliuan and “ m r a ¿ yrt McDonald and son ^¿« 2 . H° ^ BEAVERTON—The fire comm it­ Mrs. Oliver Clark and son Ed- tee apjjolnted by the mayor eon- Wesley of Pendleton visited Mr and Mrs. D. to C. F W o hiting her ' Cecil Move r e w t ^ last r e week *'“ d *"*2 Barnes. ^Hret*sasisUmt c h te t h a ^ ^ n “s S v S « l£ d ^ s ? U^ e DUyer h#V# nWVed t0 - Advertisements tell you how much foods, clothing anti household needs will cost you before you go shopping. 29c 10c Pillsbury. 25c PANCAKE— L arge p k g ........ 23c COCOA— Hershey’s. %-lb. can .................. 9c Triantes "H IO , 0IUITT' Phone 1001 We pay highest prices for farm produce. 9-lb. sack ....................................... O s A A V g V 55C SY R U P Lumber Jack 25c C A M A Y SO A P DEAL Send 25c and 8 wrappers of Camay and favorite snapshot to Proctor and Gamble, Rm. 400, 205 42nd, New York City for 5x7 enlargement, colored and frumed. 44C PEA R S No. 2'^ tin. Each ........... 21c 19c PEACHES Sliced, No. 2H. Each LIFEBUOY SOAP bars P IN E A P P L E Sliced. No. 2 »4. Each ................... Pkg........................ Compare our prices. We guarantee highest quality merchandise. PANCAKE FLOUR SPERRY. lazrge pkg........................................ 19c e ; r .......2 i c Small pkg....................8c “EAT FISH FOR HEALTH” SALMON— I’ink, No. 1 tall ..................................... lOc SHRIMP— Blue Plate. No. 1 tin ........................... 10c TUNA— White Star, i/a»- 2 for ............................ 29c Pabst Cheese, ’/¡j-lb. pkg. 2 for ,29c Pabst-Ette Cheese. 2 pkgs.............29c Pabst-Ette, 5-oz. jar. 2 for........... 29c Durkce’s Sandwich Relish. Pt. jar 24c ORANGES 19c RINSO Trixie Dog Food. Can ..................... 5C Postum Cereal. Pkg........................ 19c Grapenut Flakes. Pkg.................... 10c Prem. Shredded Coconut. 8-oz. 18c SWEET AND JUICY. Large size. Dozen ...... Friday, Saturday and Monday, February 1, 2 and 4 25c