THE Page Ten H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O . OREGON Thurmlny, January 31, 1935 T ly chairmen on baseball, member­ the session started its nightly grind tlu»sc tn office by being present. ship and community service as a whole committee Tuesday in I Brown 'Ht Mr mid Mr» Floyd , says Mary L. Horner, secretary. Fot L. Brown of tthiuly Hrouk. Ja n ­ l-Vrest Grove post won a challenge an effort to find out Just how much | luck lunch will be served at noon uary 28. u boy. attendance contest with Sherwoxl. money it is going to be necessary by the ladies of Hie various locals. tViiglit 1'u lilr mul Mrs Perry I. Musical program Included a vo­ to spend to keep essential activi­ I Gl IW U V .Ill I/ i Wright "f MiiuntatiiiliUe. January cal trio by Joy Welker, Mary Cald­ ties going, so that it can be de­ 29. a girl G rangers O p p o se well and IX'rothy Solder, accompan­ termined how much, if any, sur­ Supplying local poultry markets plus there will be to apply toward Western turkey growers m u s t ied by Mrs. Fred Caldwell, and a In keeping with a major oblee-1 O ld G a m e B ody D ischarged-, unemployment relief. and disposal of surplus are the two M ilk Bill C h an ge live for 1935 of Ils gland exalted CORWIN HARDWARE build up their stock through care­ dance by M e Busch. Next meeting will be lield at principal phases of the poultry Hie McMinnville Elks lodge ful selection, breeding and manage­ N e w Com m ission N a m e d llradquftrtrm Letters asking county legislators ruler, marketing problem In Oregon, ac­ Nil 12H;i hit ■ lie pm 11 i ment and must liold down diseases Banks in April. to oppose the proposed amendment H iUii H o o p e r s Lead H u n tin g nnd F la ilin g tn their flocks In order to retain About sixty Auxiliary members a t­ cording to G. C. Keeney, manager to the state milk control law were tlon of petitions inemorlaUalng eon- i-ress for legislation ileemed neces­ Governor Martin discharged the the industry tn the west This was tended tlie county council meeting of the Pacific Producers' associa­ forwarded to Salem tills week by sary S up p lica to eradicate com m il 111st anil entire game commission Tuesday B asketball T o u rn ey the declaration of H. E Cosby, ex­ at the chamber of commerce rooms tion. This statement was made last members oilier subversive Influences from of the Hillsboro Grange Aladdin I. aiii |>« preceding the Joint meeting at the and in the same sweeping gesture Tuesday before 75 poultrymen a t­ tension specialist, who spoke Thurs- (Continued iron» oaf« on«) the country. liadlo Tube« Traled Krr» ppotnted five new commissioners peter^J,'‘‘" s " '" Helens center, was day before 31 turkey growers at Veterans' hall. Speakers of the tending the monthly Washington This action was taken In accord­ In the hands of W Verne Mc­ .... dismissal the g> - hlgh scorer with clght co X Forest Orove meeting were the state president, county poultry meet at Beaverton. ance with a decision reached last Kinney of Hillsboro are copies of session ^•»th- of the led the locals w Turkey Far eastern markets are good Wednesday during t h e Pomona the petitions, which outline the em or called a Joint . wlth Turkey Indus industry was driven west- Mrs. Cecelia Gunn of t li e Hood Grange meeting at Tualatin. WK in mkai , k h i < tk eight points of legislation em­ legislature and delivered - a IV giOJBVUl V — — — who in the preluninarv game the St ward by a disease known as "black­ River unit, now living to Portland; outlets for surplus since the east Resolution seeking to curtail the phasized ln the Amerleantsm pro­ WrUa ing denunciation of politicians wno He,pns team defeated the head." according to Cosby. Free Mrs. Gladys Turnbull, state vice- will pay a premium for fancy white- number of representatives In the Kir« and A utom obil« Inaurane« gram and now receiving support seek to block passage of bUls which ]oc(U B_s 22 ' ' ' range, availability a n d discovery president; and Mrs Elsie Graham, shelled eggs. Keeney slated. state legislature was laid on the among the 14(g) Elk lodges through­ Mnk« l.oaiia am i l a a t i « Hur«iy H«uttia Pacific l*oultry Producers' associ­ make — up his — program. ..---- Forest Grove high school defeated that chickens are dormant carriers state child welfare cliairman. Mrs. the country. New commissioners appointed in- d lg 12 prijgy to go Into of "blackhead” and should not be Paul Patterson, county president, ation is one of the five western co­ table following lengthy diacussloii out W illi KURATLI & W18MER eo-operatlon of the Ameri­ by grangers attending the Pomona elude Lew Wallace of Multnoman, & Up for second ,a organization, by having marketing lowtog tlie ceremony, the Winona nity of signing The petitions from ( ( S t ) B e a v e rto n ket the best of their birds and all communities will la- assembled 3. k le in save as breeders only those unfit game body discharged were ca ri CoI 1 14 u ■ specialists I11 the east and having Grunge presented a progrum. E lects M rs. Fiske Hetu 11I the Elks Memorial building. 7 F .......- D Silven of Baker. Dr. Irving E . Mataen. m > wh >. 7 direct contacts with western pro­ must be abandoned. 4. Enwtona for market Pattenaon. 12 c Chicago. February 22. Washington s The Neighbors o f Woodcraft ducers, is able to secure as reliable N e w C ity S tre e t Signs Vining of Ashland, Dr. J C V»"- r tîrx’gan, G* '7 ,7 '» 2 ..... . j . Gibaon C. birthday, mid I here prepared for Thimble club met tn Buunlng’s i market Information as any market­ S. Maaon devert of Bend. Matt Corrigan of Torhet s Torbet, S G B ein g P la c e d T h is W e e k formal presentation to congress. .... 1. Saxton hall Thursday afternoon Officers ing organization. i McMinnville, and Dr. L. E Hibbard l Cook. Cook. t s . The eight-point program Includes: uetton and excessively large were New street signs are now being 1. Bielm an S Everything to Inaurane« B a rr. 5 _____ elected as follows: Mrs. Ida This union of western cooper­ put tn place In Hillsboro and the 1 Investigation ol ail subversive Of Bums. Richardaon S ------ I * * J I should be avoided He pointed B. Fiske. president: Mrs E a r l Action followed appearance of a Hobcher s out that breeding stock should Smith, vice-president; Mrs Charles atives is of marked value to the new house numbers and street aethltles bv the department of rh« II» M a < d > ln ( to n IMI with ample funds provided ; delegation before a house commit- ----------------------- be selected early in the fall and Lathan. secretary; Mrs. R. Schultz, western poultry producers since all names may be u s'd In mailing ad­ Justice - ♦ to furnish personnel and cover ex­ clerk Board of finance Includes of the Pacific coast eggs are m ar­ dresses after the first of the week, penses, with discretionary author- 1 kept separate from other birds 1*^on* the* groimds that If game Scout T ro o p s P lan Mrs. Albert Bunntng. Mrs. Paul keted through the same channels, incubation of turkey eggs presents to Oeorge McGee, city tty to publish facts concerning In­ Melanson, and Mrs. William Du- lie said. This does away with ex­ according commission moneys went Into the YOUNG'S » • y y a numoer number of problems. problems, all 01 of wnicn which sick. manager, i-wo crews of men started dividuals or organizations seeking Installation of officers was general fund these would be di- cess competition, reducing market­ A n n iversary n e r e have not been solved due to the conducted by Mrs William VanLoni to overthrow tne government by work placing tin- new signs Tuesday Funeral H o m e verted to other uses. Governor Mar , u ... ing costs and makes it possible for and will probably finish by tlie force or violence; 2 Outlawing or­ Celebrate Birthday ganizations having for their pur­ tin scored “the display put on b> court of "honor* Judge- O Cosby stated. Experimental work Is Ruth Price celebrated her birth­ the eastern offices to handle large first of the week. "Thoughtful. Sympathetic a representative of the game com- court of honor Ju d g e ^ O conducted ^ ldarb. w h pose the overthrow bv force or day anniversary last Saturday eve­ shipments. A better control of tlie Service" violence of the American e o n slltu - 1 ^m eUrfundsdwo^iddg<^to board%f review; Dr A. O Pitman, hope that thia phase of the indus- ning with a party Present were I market situation and to open new lllllabnro tlonnl government; 3 Making It a ' Phone 97Í Georgiana Jones, Marie Montgom­ outlets fur the egg supply Is thus L o c a l M an T a k e s A g e n c y fish and game funds would go t ea]th Prohibit Interstate transportation of such publications; nLz-nm int 1 'aw and incensed bv leewe. Hillsboro troop 216 1 Rotary>; toms to replace death loss and In Wash.. Sunday and visited friends. < maud for western eggs, he said. Hillsboro for several months and Making certain deportation of S ^ t X u X ^ t , r h e and Rex Jones, Hillfboro troop 226 V ^ rn a th ? °f Mrs. James Erickson of Portland itollowing Keeney's talk, dlscus- prior to coming here was to busi­ 6 aliens seeking tlie overthrow of visited a t the J. E. Rock home 1 sion regarding various phases of ness In Pasadena. Cal. Mr. Torbet the United States government; 7— „„nosed to his nlan for iAmerican Legion'. David Leger 10 use alternately. Sunday. : the cooperative organisations was Denying entry Into t h e United served as postmaster at Albany 12 sea in scouts Discussion of the handling of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dixon spent S i » r « ^ ° ' ? d w-cal ed IS skipper £ » of - Hillsboro - scouts the years during the republican ad­ States of aliens known to be out Wednesday and Thursday at the ' held. of harmony with American form of The next poultry meeting will be ministration. coast. government; 8 Providing for re­ Ila and Violet Vandehev visited held on ivbruary 26. carded ? T f ™ t d i ^ X o K Hillsboro district heads the Port- i the ?»«’ * ?athere^ Jaily vocation of naturalization of nat­ reiail'cs ip Hillsboro over the week­ B ou g ht an d Sold n^ikeVs to person land area with a rating of 74 8 out and kePt at * temperature of from uralized citizens advocating over­ C h an g e in E m p lo yes A ^ a r tn g ^ before the senators °f a possible 100. This district has 40 to 60 degrees. TUttog of cases end. throw or change o f Kovcriimcnt M a d ? a t D e lta D ru g through force or violence. Lloyd Weldewitsch is 111 at his N a tiv e D a u g h te r and ^representatives meeting to Joint ranked first for the past eight « “ d _e^ ‘! « W. Saunders has taken a posi­ of position daily was recommended. home. session the governor scathingly de- months, according to Easter. Mr. and Mrs. E A. Dixon of Mil­ 1929 B uick S edan Experimental data cited Indicated waukie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. o f C o u n ty P asses tion with the Delta Drug store as M o o se H o ld D a n ce nounced the politicians who have ----------- •------------ that eggs should be incubated with­ C. O. Dixon Friday and Saturday. a registered druggist and has moved been appearing before the legis- T ^ CTI,p. Mrs. Lulu Davis. 59. of Ooston. 1929 N ash S ta n d a rd Sedan in 14 days after being laid. Mrs. John Rock is spending the died Tuesday to Hillsboro. She was here from Portland with his fam­ lative committees in opposition to L / « x : u d U l-zCZctgliC for N e e d y Fam ilies 1931 F o rd R o ad ster Size of the hatching egg should part of the week to Willa­ born In Hillsboro July 6. 1875. the ily. Burt Bowlby, wlio was former­ his budgetary control program and a i « --- latter mina. of Jacob and Mary Scog- ly employed at the Delta, ls In urged immediate approval of his A d d s NeW T eam S said. ^ Eggs « ^ 1 1 « “t h ^ a ^ u n r e s Benefit dance to raise funds for Guests Sunday evening of Mr daughter n Jtrro ™ in nrripv th a t w aste a n d smaller than 2 \ ounces gto Anderson. She was married to the real estate business ln Oswego extravagance in expen diture of pub- Formation of the Tualatin Valley are not satisfactory. Cosby d e- and Mrs Arthur Bishop and family J. W. Davis at Vancouver. Wash., and will move there with ids fam­ transient relief purpose* was held C h e v ro le t Sedan were Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck at Shiite park auditorium last night lic funds might be halted Baseball league for the 1935 sea- clared It would pay growers to take and son Howard of Mountatodale. in November, 1917. It Is not known ily when school ls out. under the sponsorship of the local 192 9 C h e v ro le t T ru c k whether or not her husband ls liv­ Sportsmen of the state the gov- *°n wiUl el«ht teams entered will tune and effort to weigh each egg Mr. and Mrs H. Mayfield and ing. L ik e new Moose lodge The hall was donated She Is survived by a sister. emor said are unduly alarmed ** completed Tuesday evening at and not take chances on poor in- three daughters of Beaverton were Mrs. Nellie Winder of Enterprise, F r u it G ro w e rs to M e e t by I lie city while music was pro­ guests of Mrs. Geneva Robinette F o rd R o ad ster over the fate of their funds under the Forest Grove chamber of com- cubattag results. and a brother. Lovel Will lams of a t C o u rt H ouse F rid a y vided by the "Moose Revelers." his plan which would put all fees merce- Drexel H. Brown of Port- Feeding of the breeding flock Is and family Sunday. Salem. Six transient families have re­ Receive Honors Washington county Co-operative Services will be held at 2 p. in. into the general fund to be dis- land was re-elected president at another phase of turkey manage- aid from the Moose relief Ila Mae Vandehey and Dick and today iThursdayi from the cnapel Fruit Growers' association annual ceived bursed only on legislative appropria- the first league meeting last week, ment that is often neglected, ac- Bob A g e n c y fo r Grazer received prizes tor the meeting will be held to the court commissary In Hillsboro this week There is no desire to tovert Geor8e Wick o f Hillsboro w a s cording to Cosby. Breeding mash month’s work for scholarship at of the Forest Grove Undertaking Co. with Dr O. H. Holmes officiat­ house basement at 2 p. m. Frtduy., In addition school books are being W IL L Y S and these funds to other purposes he named vice-president and Roy MU- was recommended for hens by the Centerville school. purchased for several needy chil­ ing. The Rebekah lodge of Gaston assured the lawmakers Fees paid Ier o f Grove secretary- first of January and cod Uver oil Mr and Mrs Clarence Kraus will have charge of the services. All Interested in the growing of dren. Jobs were obtained for sever­ G R A H A M -P A IG E berries are invited to attend, ac­ to by fishermen, he declared, would treasurer. “ d green feed cited as essential of Beaverton called at the Geneva Interment will be ln Forest View cording to Mrs O. C. Chase, secre­ al unemployed men. be used to ‘-feeding the fish not Teams held over from last year feeds. He quoted experimental data Robinette home, Monday. cemetery. Cash donations totaling »40 have tary. V Gustavson of Damascus, a CARS PAINTEI» the politicians" include Amity. Carlton. Hillsboro, to show that costs were about 27 been received by the organization resident of Cornelius, died It was th e ' governor's first ap- Verboort. Sherwood and Newberg per cent more per pound to raise former as well as a quantity of clothing, last Wednesday at his home. C o u n ty L e g is la to rs N e w A th le tic L eague pearance before the legislators since ln makin8 up an eight-team league, turkeys on dry feed than on succu- fruit and vegetables. Tile Moose G as - O il - Accessories S p e a k a t M e e t H e re Legion in Itortland donated 300 he deUvered his inaugural message Fci es5 Gr° ve, a former member, lent feed. on the opening day of the session. be taken in and applications; Necessity of protein was pointed M rs. B elle B o tto rff W ill be C on sidered Benator Oeorge M. Aitken and pounds of flour In addition to a although he has taken advantage considered from Vernonia and St. °ut by Cosby. He declared that Representative E. L. Rosa were contribution. of t ^ opportunity to a d d re sT a Pald- ie " ialuie Busch of For- Special Sale Silk tion is anticipated since most of south of the condenser The first est Orove. F. E. Davis of Banks and Pongee and .00 the teeth have been pulled out of shipment of horses is expected w F. Cyrus of Hillsboro. Com- the original bill. The Erwin bill, Saturday. mittee reports were given by coun- L ace Blouae« changtog the date for the primary election from May to September, is still hanging fire. The bill was up Bleached Mualin for final passage Monday, but was Brown Muslin sent back to the committee on elec­ 36 inches wide and a real tions for further consideration. The ways and means committee which has been working as sub­ committees since the first week of Turkey Men Hear Cosby Martin Scores Lobby Action Poultry Market Problem Cited Petitions Here RUSH LOW USED CARS Used Car Exchange Buy at Weil’s This Fri. and Sat. 27c J. Powers Grocery M A IN WE KNOW CHEVROLETS —YOU KNOW US! STREET P H O N E 81 P rom p t S ervice . . . Beans Red & White, cut, 2s. 2 for Beans Green & White, cut, 2s. 2 for Sympathetic Medicine Hillsboro MoforCo. JAMES WHITELAW. Manager C hevrolet and Oldsmobile 3rd and W ash. Phone 441 29c 19c First C arload o f th e 1935 CHEVROLET STANDARD SIX COUPES - CO ACHES - SE D A N S Pineapple in beautiful new colors Fancy, Tid Bits, 8-oz. tin. 3 f o r .......... A ftJ V Red & White Asparagus Red & White, all green, No. 1 tins. 2 for Beets Red & White, sliced, No. 2 tins. 2 for Noodles Plain. M a c a ro n i, S p a g h e tti. 1-lb . c e llo pkg. Porter's T r u ly an O u tsta n d in g V a lu e Beautiful pure silk full fashioned silk hosiery in chiffons that have the "duo-heels” and "all over tipt toes.” Heavy service weights with the “long mileage” feet and “all over tipt toes.” The colors are correct for spring—See them in our windows and in hosiery department today! L O W E S T P R IC E D M ost E con om ical 39c Full sized car in the world! 25c COUPE, equipped, here .................. $649 COACH, equipped, here ................... 659 SEDAN, equipped, here ..................... 725 15c Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Feb. 1 and 2 only. HILLSBORO MOTOR CO. JAMES WHITELAW, Proprietor D e m o n s tra tio n « S o lic ite d P hone 441 10c Extra Large, Heavy TURKISH TOWELS Big hath towels with fast colored striped ends. PHOENIX Custom-Fit Top yCHEVROlEJ j Specials for February 1 and 2 Said the wife trying on hpr new fur coat, "I can’t help feeling sorry tor the poor thing that was skinned for this." "Thanks,'’ said the husband. 1 When we prescribe a cure for your Chevrolet and apply the bene­ fits of our skilled and specialized j aervice, Its p e rfo rm a n c e a n d mechanical condition will be as good as new. We believe that no Job ls perfect unless your satisfac­ tion is complete and so we do not, stint on thoroughness. A poorly functioning car means Increased gas and oil bills. Have yours re ­ conditioned at this shop now. Arrived & LUCKY PURC H A SE 29c 4,o, SA L E S P R IN G at a new FEATURE 00 See these new FABRIC BAGS Back hantl strap styles with new clasps. $ 00 Special ................ i Men’« DRESS SHIRTS Spring shipment is here. Stripes and plain colors, guaranteed fast ...................... MEN’S WORK SHOES Solid leather uppers with all leather or wearflex soles. Shoes that w i l l stand the hard $61.98 spring wear ....... 4U New Vat Dye WASH FROCKS They’re made and styled after higher priced frocks. Trimmings are new nnd you can buy them now for O « 7 lx S u its, P rin t D resses, C oats W E I L ’S S P E C IA L *1 P R IC E Including many $16.00 to $22.50 Winter Coats, Dresses and Columbia Knit Suits in a Special Sale. i/CiC.