rgus Two Sections — Main New« Suction und Tux Forecloauru W ith Which is Combinai flic H illsb o ro In d e p e n d e n t Lutest Store News Always A ppears in the Argus HILkSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1935 V O LU M E 41 ' Legion Head N ews Read Advertising L e tte r Cites Stand S S 5 S , « , BankerCites Basketball Race Factors for Hllhl busketeers now lead the county basketball race by virtue of I a 4« to 20 victory over Beaverton here Friday night. A return game will be played tomorrow (Friday) ' night at the Beaverton gymnasium.' The Blue and White hoopsters shook off the curse of "mlssltus" Business on U p w a rd T re n d that has plagued thrm all season an d Past C risis, Says and ran wild Friday to snow the visitor« under a barrage of baskets P o rtla n d B a n k e r from the start of the game. Oox, Hllhl forward, came through with 14 points to claim high scoring honors and Patterson, local center, Federal M o n e y A id s was a close second with 12 counters. Hillsboro broke the Ice early In ------------- tlie first period and led 12 to 6 , _ at the quarter During the second R o ta ria n s O ppose R e p e a lin g qunrter, Cox continually connected o f S yn d icalism M e a s u re wlth long shot« to build the local advantage to 22 to 10 at half time. Coach B. M, Goodman sent In re- "Buslness Is definitely on the ;,,.rV(^ |„ the second half but the inspired play continued for a final mend. The crisis has been passed and we are now In the recuperative of 46 to 20 for Hllhl preH,nlllarv K,.,Wp»n H1.|. period leading toward better times." lm!‘ i,ry t»et w«*n Hllls- With this statement E B. Mac- Naughton, president of the first '*(co" t l . National bank of Portland, sum- “ • * 1 , 5 . , , 53 marized .— the present ' . . , do,nlnated the ---------- ------- economic out- lpe,rlod b“t a t , tbne look at the local Rotary club Thurs- by i* ? o8 * P01” 1 day ™ ,1 P 'rlod the teams Business in the Portland area at , pl about, one P°*«H apart. In the tj,u time Is approximately 15 per closing minutes of play, Bosvelt, cent better than at the same time local center, tallied a penalty shot last year. MacNaughton stated. He to knot the score at 24 all. Each warned his audience, however, that team scored another basket and improvement would be gradual and then Just as the gun sounded for not rapid. Business has been sick tfie end of the game, a Beaverton for a long time and It takes time player holed out a long shot to to recover, he declared. Win 28 to 26. Optimism Needed Hillsboro defeated the strong St. "People must be reasonably op- Helens quintet 21 to 18 Tuesday tlmlstlc and must have faith In night on the 8t. Helens court. The themselves, their neighbors a n d game was a nip and tuck affair their government to work out ex- durlng the first half with neither Istlng problems." M acN aughton team able to hold an advantage, stated. We must learn to play the In tlie second half the locals pulled game in the open and go forward." out In front to hold a narrow lead Business increases are noted In until the end of the game. those activities which first respond St. Helens took a three-point lead 10 money ln circulation, according at the start of the game. At the 10 MacNaughton. The stimulation Roy Scouts Here Plan Observance of Anniversary N O . 50 Local Drive on Housing Relief Committee Hires New Social Work Head Here Ross Oil Bill Has Center Miss Alice Maxwell, formerly ex­ Twenty-fifth anniversary of the ecutive relief secretary in Colum-| l founding of Boy Scouts of America B Y A. I» L I N U B K O B bla county, was engaged Tuesday will be observed In Hillsboro Feb­ evening by the Washington county , ruary 8 to 14, Inclusive, according Houseeleuning S tarts relief committee for a similar posi­ to R R. Easter, district chairman. tion here. Mrs Helen Hamilton, District rally and church service a t Salem ; Hanzen who had been executive secretary are planned In Hillsboro, while sev­ eral district committeemen and P o rtla n d O f fic ia l to O u tlin e In this area since May, was trans­ Solona P resen t M e a s u re fo r W a r n e r C ites C om pen sation and Einzig Go ferred Saturday by the state oom- ; their wive» will attend the annual F e d e ra l P ro g ra m H e re M in o r A m e n d m e n ts S ta te mlttee. ’ dinner in Portland February 13 P la n as R ecovery A id The new social service worker 1 District rally will be held Febru­ a t T h re e M e ets M ilk C o n tro l A a t a t J a m b o re e H e re ALEM The long predicted house will take over her duties here eith­ ary 8 at the Hllhl gymnasium and cleaning In the «lute's ofllrlul er Friday or Saturday, according ------------- the public In Invited to attend. family got under way tht» past to R. W Weil, chairman of the . . , _ . Demonstrations and competitive week with the resignation of Henry D eclared games will be staged and certlfl- Local S u rvey P lan ned county relief committee. No other I A id Sm all D a iry m en Just D e b t Huuacn us director of the budget changes ln the personnel of the | / j cates of standards awarded. The county office is anticipated at pres- ------------- und William Elnslg as ittate pur­ . church service Is planned for Feb- chasing agent Hansen's resignation ent, he declared. | I ruary 10 at the local Methodist was bona fide. In fact Governor S ta te A u x ilia r y P r e s id e n t February allotment f o r direct,: A itk e n W o u ld M a k e O re g o n Episcopal church. Members of the B ro n le e w e Seeks to A rouse Martin wanted him to remain on work and transient relief ln Wash- ■ four district troops will attend and In te re s t in S et-up Prison S e lf-S u p p o rtin g P lead « fo r A m e ric a n is m the payroll until February 1 to ington county has not yet been re- ‘ Rev. Charles M. Reed will deliver explain hla budget to the ways and the sermon. ceived, Well stated today. However, means committee, but Hanzen was Committeemen and roster of of­ Vigorous campaign to arouse in- a small additional allotment was re- t (B y A. L Lindbaak) Ad J us ted compensation to the vet- taking no chances of being put on ficers for the Hillsboro district, terest ln this community ln the ceived last week to make up th e . SALEM—The bill by Represents - the spot In defense of that muchly e r a n s o! the world war Is a Just Portland area, were announced this lederal housing administration pro- deficiency in the transient fund criticised document and found that obligation o f t h e g o v ern m e n t , live E. L. Roes, striking at the re- week as follows by Easter: V W. gram for repairing and remodel- tor f°r January. and should be paid now. declared his M l B m i i l l I>u ' Oardner, district commissioner; W. ing houses will open Monday with Four new SERA projects were a p - ' tall business of the big gasoline Harold Warner of Portland, nation- C. mnnded his Immediate release. Eln- al ~ Christensen, treasurer; R. F. a .series of meetings at the cham- proved for the county tills week distributors, is attracting a lot of vice-commander of the American slg. on the other hand, Is under­ legion and past state commander, (Continued un p««e io, column 2 ) te r of commerce for business men, t»y the Portland office, according attention, not only locally, but stood to have been asked to vacate In speaking before more than 200 contractors, dealers and farmers, to W. J. Mills, county S e r a man- throughout the nation. It te Un­ his post, which he did at a star legionnaires and auxiliary menibt-re s’ Following the meetings a house to ager. Largest of these calls l o r ' derstood here that several repre- chamber session of the board of at the county jamboree of the Am- L,£*il(TSlPrS house canvass of home owners in clearing, grubbing and ditching of . sentatlves of big oil companies will control. J this vicinity wll be started, ac- 36 9 of roads in the area come to Salem Friday night to ertcan Legion here Tuesday night. cording to T G Bronleewe cam- south of Hillsboro and Cornelius | oppose the measure which is to be D. O. llood, Portland bond brok­ Warner urged that the question be paign c h a i r m a n to the Yamhill county line. Other t the subject of a public hearing be- er. has been placed In temporary taken out of politics. V. H. Dent of the Portland fed- projects include canvassers to work fore the house committee on Judlc- ’"•liarge of the budget deportment, As u recovery measure It would _____ eral housing administration office on federal housing administration 'ary. but Is understood to have agreed do more good and get money Into , will outline the general set-up of campaigns in Hillsboro and Forest, Senator George M. Aitken is the to accept the post only for the local channels, according to R epeal o f S y n d ic a lis m L a w the program at the regular cham- Grove and for grading and clean- author of a resolution providing duration of the session, and will all Warner, who said that »20,000,000 for the appointment of an interim ber of commerce luncheon Mon- m8 Hayward school grounds, serve also us liaison officer between T op ic S a tu rd a y M e e t ’ committee to make a study ot ln- the governor and tlie legislature In would come to 35,000 Oregon veter­ day. The meeting will be open to 'dustriefi that might be conducted securing favorable action on th e ' ans and of that sum »656.000 would the public and questions regarding come Into Washington county. If 'by the state prison withent Inter­ administration's program. Law under which county treas- lhe plan are invited. fering with free labor. The resolu­ the government waits until the 1945 Sam Gillette, for many years In date fur payment as argued, 25 per urers would be permitted to Issue „ . Builders to Meet tion declares that “It Is necessary warrants In large denominations for Contractors and building material the state purchasing department, cent of the world war veterans now that some way be found. If possible, sale to the highest bidder was pro- dealers are urged to attend the has been designated as acting pur­ living will be dead If the rate of make our penal institutions self- posed by Donald T. Templeton, meeting called for 3 p. m. in the chasing agent pending a permanent mortality continues as at present, supporting in order that they no county Judge, a t the county tax chamber of commerce rooms. Ques- rppolntmcnt to that post for which he said. ------- I longer may be a burden upon our equalization league meeting here tlons of particular Interest to this there are said to be a number of Debt Set lip Saturday evening. Resolution op- °* tradesmen will be explained, C o u n ty F e d e ra tio n to Seek • taxpayers. applicants. Including Day Fry and Amendment Sought Commander Warner declared that posing repeal of the criminal syn- The session will be In the form of Milton Myers of Salem and a Mr. G u a ra n te e o f P ro fits The names of Senators Aitken opportunity existed to meet a Just dicalism law will be presented and a round table discussion with Dent Kent of lHirtlond. -------- 'and Peter Zimmerman and Repre­ obligation without Increasing the measures pending before the state as tbe principal speaker. Unem- Frank A. Spencer of Portland, public debt as the sum was nutural- senting to assure farmers cost sentative Roes appear on a bill ln- (•iifi of tin* firs t (im irtcr tH<* com ps, n o t fro m thie b asic Indus* legLslature discussed at another Pi°yed tradesmen are particularly once mentioned In connection with ly set up as government debt years ( a and at the half the Utes, bul ,rom the government'» meeting of the league at 8 p. m mvlted to this meeting. Bronleewe of production plus a reasonable troduced into the senate hopper the purchasing agent's Job Is now ago when the Obligation to the vet- X e was still k.»ttw i ll to D Program of "priming the pump Saturday ln the court house. All stated. profit on their produce, the county this week providing minor amend­ being referred to us a possible ap­ erans was realized. Tlie government - 8 1 ll to 11. with --------,-------- money for public works, relief taxpayers are Invited. Arrangements are being consid- federation of farm organizations ments to the milk control act |Contlnu»d un pug» 10, column I) pointee to the state liquor control Immediately after the war laid _________ ered for another meeting at the was formed at the court house Fri- passed by the 1933 session. The bUI and re-financing. commission from the third district down the principle of adjusted pay­ P. Johnson of , » said to represent the views of Factors favorable to the con­ chamber of commerce in the eve- day night with N . ____________ now represented on the commission ments by puling out more than 8 nln8 d tradesmen and home own- Cedar Mill as its first president, the dairy Interests. Among other tinuation of upward progress arc Ain H arry A number of names four billion dollars In adjustments Representatives from various coun- things it would relieve the “ o m the turn of the administration to an interest rate of 3'x per cent ers desire it. are being bandied ubout by the to the railroads, war contract hold­ Projects to supply SERA labor ty Farm Union Locals. Granges, j farmer from the necessity of the right and the change ln the political prognosticators in connec­ er». government employe» and oth­ r aSm cH fv^larhu0D^ n ^ ! i nPlTT?iR for conducting house to house sur- Dairy Co-operative units." Berry taking out a license or of submit- attitude of the people from "de­ tion with the seat on the commis­ ers. he said. vey» in the Hillsboro and Forest Growers' association and the HUI- ting to inspection of his dairy bam. featism" to optimism, the speaker sion left vacant by the resignation 4, 4 8 Grove districts were approved this side-Thatcher Mutual Telephone He would, however, be required to stated. He pointed out th at the , cent Hope that veterans would never of E E Brodie of Oregon City. to the county cent to th c o tu U y a n d week, according to W J. Mills, coun- company attended the organization comply with the minimum price government was placing less re­ amount to sev Among these are Arthur McMahan secure the adjustment compensation .eral thousand dollars ty gERA nlanagcr Porms for meeting. I provisions of the milk control act If of Albany. John Thornburg of For- If they feel that It Is a reward for Mi s. D o n ia G o o d in B u ried liance ln the "brain trust," was during the course of the year, he recognizing t h e mounting public said. The proposition met with canvass are being supplied by the o th er permanent officers elected; b® 301(1 to territory in which e t Grove, Lynn McCredle of Eu­ patriotism was expressed by W arn­ N o rth P lain s T u e s d a y debt, was modifying the NRA, and unanimous approval of the league. local branch of the Oregon BuUd- included P. Patton of Gaston, vioe- the pnce ot 1,11111 was ftxed. gene and Gordon Baker of Mc­ er. who In reply to critics said that waa rationalizing the relief pro­ ers' Congress. president, and J. R. Greenwood of Representative Ross Is at work In no sense was the asking of this Minnville. Should the Spencer ap­ Members of the county legislative gram. Workers on this project will vis- Kansas City, secretary - treasurer. °n a bill designed to place the pointment materialize In the third sum commercializing on patriotism Mrs Donla McNamer Goodin, 68. meeting it every home owner In this area, Three members of the executive i maintenance and construction of Regarding the optimistic attitude delegation attended the district that would eliminate Mc­ He declared that "bonus" was a wife of former County Judge J. W of the •— people, according to the plan proposed. In- committee v. ill be selected at the secondary highway« under the su- -- —- «■—. MacNaughiou ---- -— ------ de«- — ho? Mahan, a democrat, as the first misnomer, that adjusted compen- b y home at.N orth ejared that people recognized that bills now before the state assemblj formation to be obtained will stress definite profit and farmers have, peryiswn of the county engineer. district choice since Spencer Is Aif • vtion means wages. It was reels'- tXsds of the work would come oat nlzed by the government because of J,,“ 1" , _?y ' ’VX _ K , Wr, an tlle system of private enterprise, Representative J. W. Hughes ex- data on needed repairs and ren- next regular meeting th at same political persuasion as the cluinge m the economic scale dayv Funeral services pt-opPr,y alld profit has been tested plained the house bill intended to OVatlons and on remodeling u,, . _, of highway department funds set also is Judge Burns of Condon allow county courts to compromise The federa] housing program lias Pb*31“ utliltl? , y ? guaranteed a tor secondary highways. The who win probably be retained on from the time of enlistment to the 7 er£, conducted 1 uesday afternoon !ind tried and has taken the coun- the payment of delinquent taxes on iagged Jn Hillsboro,P Bronleewe Just “ m“ch 1 ?.^h t- t? a stmj5aT Washington county representative io . R r'r»A *5 the. Tu“ latln try a long way. He expressed the the commission. No Inkling has lime when the veteran came back Plains Presbyterian church and In- tx-uef that people now sought to property damaged by fire, flood or 5 ^ ^ a n c j drive is being con- surance . , Pr0^^- Johnson declared e c la r e « t that h a t s such u c h a an n i ir ra n u p m p n t . .. d declares arrangement yet leaked out as to the possible to find purchasing power of his terment was at the church cem- co-operate with the government in acts of Ood. He declared that the d u c t e d for the purpose of arous- In explaining the purpose of the would provide more work for local successor to George Snmmls, who dollar greatly changed. Tremendous etery. interest of home own- organization. He also stated th at people than the present aystem un repairing the present system rather measure was recommended by the resigned this week as liquor ad­ rewards and profits were made as a Donla McNamer was a members of the group would ta k e ,der which outside contractors bring of county Judges and ers and contractOTs in the plan, ministrator. except that he will In result of the war. 22.000 more mil­ daughter of Washington county, tllan scrapping tt for an untried association an active part in seeking the se- ,n their own creW8. commissioners and cited the case of ’’ plan. all probability be selected from lionaires or almost as many as the having been born July 8. 1866, ~ on lection of legislate representatives c D Minton of Forest orove, the recent bum in the Trask river The NRA and Its basic principles the ranks of the present organiza­ Americans that lie ln French rem ­ the old McNamer homestead at who would be loyal to agricultural- manager of the Washington coun- section where damage was so great are right and will endure, the re­ eterles. Warner said. If the veteran tion. probably from among the dis­ Greenville, north of Forest Grove. construction of the banking sys­ that, unless some compromise was ists but that they would not ln- ty fair was at the capital this week could have picked up the threads On trict supervisor«. October 10. 1888. she married tem was momentous and the re- effected, the entire amount due to dulge m partisan politics. ___ ,n connection with the governor's of his economic life as he had left Jolui Wesley Goodin. Her entire Further change« In the state or­ Report »'as given on the bfKan' program for budgetary control over the county would be lost. iC onlinum l on phrc 4. column ft) he would never have asked for the life was spent ln tills county. ganization will doubtless await ad­ ization of the Oregon Farm Forum self-supported boards and commis- Hughes opposed ihe county unit Her mother. Nancy Klrts Mc- journment of the legislative ses­ adjustment compensation, he said. _____ at Salem Thursday. This state slons The efforts of the county school bill, declaring that the cost Namer. was an Oregon pioneer of Mrs, Gunn Asks Support sion when several other department group' fonned by representatives of (C«.tin«d «, P. « i. euioma T) ln this county per pupil was as low Alleged to have attemDted to nass farm organizations, seeks to unite, ------------------------ heads will probably be asked to Mrs. Cecelia Gunn of Hood River, 1852 Her father, a "49er from Cali­ or lower than in Klamath, Lincoln “ “ 55 'arm organizations on legislative make way for deserving democrats. department president of the aux- fornia came to Oregon In 1864 and or Crook counties where the system store here Friday afternoon. Elvln C* 4 .^ £ First of those slated to go 1s sold lllary. told the joint meeting that J « * “p a donall°b claim near was used. Road systems in these H. Comils of Bethany was arrested O tS tC I y C IIC I I « 'atsuft ft •> a l i i m n 3) "Il {.»TCx II VU10, (Continued on p « k « III l<>, a column to be Charles M. Thomas, public counties were simple, while this at his home Saturday morning by ™<£ 5 ? gShp£ i Mrs. Goodin was the mother of utllltleg commissioner, who Is ex­ countie has 1600 miles of road and county officers. He plead guilty to Melvel Ooodln of Portland and Mrs. pected to sever his connection with presents a complex transportation the charge before Circuit Judge ¿ 2 ,^ 5 r That erection of a custom smelter Margaret Batchelder of Hillsboro the stute payroll along about March route 1 and the sister of C. W. Mc- In Oregon would benefit the state problem, he said. O. B. Kraus, r . Frank Peters in the afternoon. H 1,0” “ Rre^ , 1 A. II. Averill, Insurance commis­ ga^ l “ e Namer of Heppner and Mrs Blnnche through greater development was county school superintendent, was Sentence was postponed until Feb- p° , aG sioner, Is also said to 1» only (Continued on McNamer Moore of FwcM Grove the opinion expressed during the ruary 9 Report -------- ------ Total of »178,144.06 was spent In awaiting the pleasure of the gov­ cated th at Comils tendered an (18 Punersi arrangements were made Oregon Mining congress meeting Washington county during 1933 and ernor before relinquishing his post check in payment for merchandise from farmlDg activities at the local chmaber of commerce by Donclson * Sewell. 1934 for unemployment relief, ac­ to a successor. Friday night. Formation of a local but that delivery of the goods was _ , < a . n cording to the biennlaJ report of The governor has Indicated that Tax statements for the current IV unit of the congress was suggested withheld until the check was ln- rCUCfnl A lf O3SC , the state relief committee released he Is pretty well satisfied with the year are now obtainable at the ' Sk ating to Start by B. K Lawson, ex-chlef of Port- vestlgated. . recently. Of this amount »128.261.30 state police organization "as Is’’ court house, according to an an land police, who presided. Fine of »50 was imposed upon in O rpann S n j i n s o g s n s t i t2122926 c*me ,rom from the the federal and will probably retain Charles nouncemcnt this wertc by Miss *>« u x state government, and ,22.- Ben Easter Saturday when he plead at Park Saturday / cate ?"rp the ?s<' °f ¿he c'°n*r‘'« to *di‘- I* Pray as superintendent. Judge Gladys Eisner, deputy In charge of public concerning proper .................... . guilty to a larceny charge before Developments in the fight to 653 50 from local contributions. Charles H Carey is also understood collections. The warrant was at- Shute park auditorium will be investments ln mine properties, E. ’ A' w - Havens, local Justice of the bring an army airbase to Oregon Administrative costs for the coun- to be retained as corporation com­ taehed_to_the 1935 tax roll Friday giyrn over to roller skating under G. Harlan, secretary, declared. An c"d ^ ac e. He was paroled on »25 of were outlined Monday at the P o rt-; ty ln connection with unemploy­ missioner. Mast of the state Insti­ by J. E. Carpenter, assessor. the direction of R. C Hubbard and appropriation Is to be sought from for business Saturday according to tbe (¡ne on condition th at he make land chamber of commerce forum ment relief projects amounted tution heads are also expected to Taxes paid In full on or before J C. Carpenter, beginning Saturday the state legislature to finance in­ A H. Busch, proprietor. The new restitution for the property stolen, luncheon. Mayor J. H. G arrett and 9.15 per cent of total continue on the Job, particularly March 15 will be eligible for a night. The two men have leased the vestigation of mining stocks with station, located on the corner form- He was charged with the theft of city Manager George McGee, b o t h approximately ___ funds received or »16.296.75 out of since they are under the Jurisdiction three per cent rebate. Taxpayers auditorium and posted a »1000 bond the hope of weeding out worthless 1 M?,™ a watch from Byron Ranes of of Hillsboro, and Mayor A. E. W ll-, the »178,144.06. Average for tho of the board of control and sub­ making quarterly payments three for the maintenance of the floor, tssues. r^io k tL 5 nnday when they plead, plies. He also pointed out th a t, the report. Results of the relief that a total of »976.120 has been Considerable outside capital was of accessories. Building is 30 hy guilty before Circuit Judge Peters Oregon had received but three per canneries maintained last summer set aside to pay old age pensions brought into the state during the 100 feet and has a service floor 30 (Continued on page 4, column 1> | cent of defense money spent ln the I showed a production of 7490 cans during 1935. Multnomah county post year to aid ln the development by 30 feet. Contract for the work , west, that Oregon had no air bases,1 of commodities, with an old age pension budget of A of mining resources. With the con­ was held by the Mohr Brothers. that Washington had five and Cal- ' Source of the (15.275394.67 in »354.660 accounts for more than Busch will continue to operate j C O U t S W i l l / \ W a r O S struction of Bonneville dam making j ifomia 13. ; funds used ln the state of Oregon onc-thlrd of the state’s total. Crook e t r tremendous quantities of electric hts Service Garage at 1163 Third n Designation os such an air base during the past two years was as county foots the list with only »240 power available, even more rapid street in addition to the new sta- DClOre H o n o r COUll ls proposed in the Wilcox bill pre- , follows: Federal, 87.6 per cent, 813,- appropriated for old age pensions.' tlon. Neville (BUI) Bagley and Wll- By C linto n P. Ifn lffh t committee and It renders a decision development Is expected. Us Pyle will be attendants at the Three scouts were advanced to ^ lPd l° Congress amiI calling for 392386. UwU 6.9 per cent »1,049- Based on an average pension of Ed itor, Blue M ountain Eagle that it pass or “do not pass.'' The approximately »10 a month, Indi­ station, while Bob Corrleri and Walt- flrst class rank and six others earn­ an appropriation of »190,000.000 for ¡356.99. State, 5.5 per cent, 8833,061- Canyon C ity , O m ro n housp, the supreme court, with its 68. S c o u t G ro u p cated In a recent survey conducted er Busch will be employed at the ed first class merit badges during 10 bases. (K d ito r'e N o te - («egliilator H a ig h t, de» 60 Judges, hears the arguments | the court of honor for the Hills­ by G. H. Oram, state Inbor com- J Acribnl Service Garage. by Oregon V o ter aa the Irreprea- boro district Thursday night at the mlssloner, this would Indicate that Nible, Iranclbb« editor o f the oft-quoted and renders Its decision with these O rg a n ized H ere Blue M ountain Eagle,” whose '•exagger­ men of many minds. court house. Circuit Judge R. Frank there are approximately 8100 aged I ated Nelf-deprerlatlon ami drolleries have That is only a small part of the Peters presided. Organization of a sea scout ship, people on tho pension roll In this popularised hlin w ith the people o f aouth- legislature, the supreme or super- t-nNi ..r r v * '” , •« - t m . , , „ U | , h itn /Ir n H e n t l l f t l n flld<*1 * ^ y ® d i v is io n O f t i l e B o y Jim Davidson, Arnold Leppin and state. c-Rxt O regon,” la w ritin g thia column, wbi,•!, w , hope to present io our render, legislature with hundreds of little Scouts of America, has been coni- I Ralph Hamar. all of Helvetia troop state, like nlpted ill H i l ls h o r n TVnvirt T e m r I 247, successfully passed exam lna-! The state senate has two boy! eneh week (lurlnir Ih e present le « l,ln tiv e legislatures all over the S £ ? * ¡2 5 5 ! tlons for first class scouts. First pnges, but very few of the members Definite systems of keeping farm part in the discussion, and receive A man is stabbed and bleeds eagle class merit badges awarded were as records and accounts will do much a copy of the record book. are aware of It. Tlie boys are twin ,io n th«i ore not nppeerinit in ih e daily 1 o w man. the butter and milk man skipper and Nelson Weaver to death ln a room bolted and every business. Industry a n d ! SCOUt. as mate Eight older scouts brothers, Fred and Colin Slade, reports o f the le s is le tu n .) follows: Hillsboro troop 216, Loren toward eliminating from year to from the Inside. He dies quiet­ The complete schedule of these Je .e , into activity, the ones that of - the - ----- Bronleewe, leathercraft; Tom Bron- year unprofitable enterprises on Hillsboro trqops 216 and 226 •sons of Fritz Slade, former Snlem ly as he prepares for bed. A Today, T I went down Into ti.o t propORp for lhe they |aws are q^p laws that meetings ls as follows; are members. lcewe, Jr., and Keith Busch, camp- some farms, according to William banker. They look very much alike) restaurant In thejh««*“ revolver Is found in his hand, the orlg,nate ,n thp mlnd„ t„ c lpRls. Ing; Faurest Anderson and Bob F. Cyrus, county agent. In getting The organization bases its pro­ and take turn about at the paging capltol, for lunch—cafeteria. Roy, Monday, 9:30 a. m.. Moore’s a bullet ln his head. But It lators are few compared with what Tongue, pioneering. Hillsboro troop1 necessary information for wheat hall; Hillsboro, Monday, 1:30 p. m., gram on sea and older boy activ­ Job, one working mornings and the was a knife that killed him uiherrv ^ el eHe,rodr m i i v t h e PeoPlp themselves concoct, tor 226: David Wiley, first aid. and corn-hog contracts during the county agent's office; Blooming, ities and has proven successful other taking the afternoon shift. and the knife cannot be andC |t look water and coffee to get’ ev en'w ith^m eone e ^ w h o * l s Ithr0URhO,,t tlW country In keeping post year and a half, many farm ­ Tuesday, 1:30 p. m., basement of Only one of tlie boys ls on the found. appease the appetites of the other towaM hbS fif i 00X8 ta 8C0Utln« for »cveral years ers have expressed an Intention to church; Forest Grove, Tuesday, 8 legislative payroll. These are the bewildering K ruchek G rocery two. There were four appetite., all iX J l ^ r e n t t o ’i ? 8<‘r - niust 15 ycars • • • keep some sort of a farm record p. m., high school; Laurel, Wed­ facts th at confront Philo tllP ’obby_ 8 dlffprent, for oId and fll, t cIaas scputs whereby information of the char­ nesday, 1:30 p. m., community hall; A bill has been Introduced ln th e , different. And then, upstelra the Vance, super-sleuth, ln "The S o ld to P ortlanders acter called for in these contracts Tualatin, Thursday. February 7, 9:30 house providing for a portrait of house convened, the roll was called Kennel Murder Case," one of During nJ» the prol)kbly week we t,\. had ' largcst nwnv r F o u r C e,--------- Z “ " ~ ----- one of the men was Itor the partl(>s o u n ty R esidents be readily available in an a. m., city hall; Sherwood, Thurs­ former governor Julius L. Meier to and one the most baffling mystery Kmchek's Kash Orocery has been would be hung In the legislative halls T u » . r i i , I plan, one against, ont i was Townsend day, when 2500 stories ever written by S. S. day, February 7, 1:30 p. m., city Request N a tu ra liz a tio n sold by C. M Kruchek to R. C. unquestioned form. For the purpose of encouraging hall; Scholls, Friday, February 8, along with those of hts predecessors for a compromise_ and.™ n i? » dl|n rr°wded the capltol; they were Van Dine and which will ap­ First naturalization papers have Coffey, A. 8. Welch and Clifford In office. The bill carries with It theCrestamRn!^.’’ here w ^ w fom 'lnanlmoH8' pear serially ln the Argus be­ blg for been granted to four aliens In Wash­ Norwood of Portland, who took such record keeping the Agricul­ 9:30 a. m.. grange hall; Beaverton, on appropriation of »800 with which ginning next week. Readers possession Saturday. They will con­ tural Adjustment administration has Friday, February 8, 1:30 p. m. »11 different. aifr«ro„t I county school unit was divided and ington county during January, ac­ ln mind mind, aU all to pay for the portrait. This art types in are invited to Join in the ., we will say like English ale, haf and cording to Edward C. Luce, county duct an independent grocery there prepared a farm record book. This Bank of Beaverton; Jackson school. (C o n tin iiR l on pnge 4, column 7) thrilling man hunt for tlie , th l 8 n m i S L n . hftf But the fur fl,,W and the hallS clerk. Activity along this line has as has Kruchek. Norwood Is the ls rather simple and for some Saturday. February 9, 1:30 p. m., legislation must run, men of many wprp CJ.owdPt, Thp m|lk bln llad been quiet for some time but picked murderer. son of Fred Norwood, who served farms where more complete records school house. minds. Training, environment, ex- draW|ng powers like Will Rogers up markedly this month. The pap­ as manager of the Safeway store are desired the book Is not entirely Where was the man killed? C ornelius B ank perience Interest Influence poll- and t„ stapkpd ,nto thp hou5p ers were granted to a German, a adequate, but It ls a good start. here several years ago. Why was he killed twice? Cannery Contracting tics, and the liber of m nd that ,kpd „ kp sard)nM at t,p wpd. Scandanavlan, a Slovak and a Bel­ The store will be called the How did the murderer escape? These books have been supplied to P ay D iv id e n d accepts, rejects or compromises Ideas d,n([ aga)n wp wpre rpmlnded gian. for Corn Production Hillsboro Cash grocery. See If you can work out the In considerable number and many solution before the great de­ Dividend of 15 per cent for de­ and translates them I n t o t h e of mpn of niany mind^. The public farmers have asked tor copies. To Contracts for the production of Judge Playa Cupid ( hearing on the syndicalism bUI re- Meet at Oregon City tective points to the guilty positors ln the Cornelius State bank phraseology of law. distribute these and to offer what­ com are now being entered Into R. Frank Peters, circuit Judge, Count; ty, munlctpa., clpal, » school a n d ever suggestions may be desired, a between county growers and B. B. Thc legislature la like a supreme minded us of a 4th of July cele- person. Don’t miss the open­ was declared Tuesday and checks other officials ln this — ----------section of ing chapters of "The Kennel are now available at the Commer­ court which passes upon all of the|bration. All it larked was the pea­ performed his first marriage cere­ of meetings has been a r­ Moling, Inc. Although contracts tor the state will meet ln Oregon City series Murder Case” which begins cial National bank ln Hillsboro. The ruling of the circuit courts. The nuts and lemonade. Everybody, both mony since taking office on Fri­ ranged over most of the county. lima beans, green beans, wax beans at 1 p, m. today (Thursday) with next week. dividend ls the fifth declared and circuit courts are the committees sides, was patriotic and Patrick day. He united ln marriage August C, C. Hockley, public works en­ Any farmer, whether or not he has and peas are nearly complete, a brings the total realized by deposit­ and the house has 37. A bill, like Henrys sprang up like toad stools L. Wiese and Lilah L. Beckwtth, gineer, to consider new projects a wheat or corn-hog contract, may few additional agreements are still both of Oranta Pass, on th at day. (Continued on pave 4, column 0) a law suit, la flrat heard In the , under the public works program. attend any of these meetings, take being signed. ors to 76 per cent. o f Veterans S Plan Opens Better Times o f Attention T ax Leaguers Talk M easures Farm G roups U n ite Friday • ta «111 C ounty N ative Passes A w ay Bethany M an Faces Court Sm elter N eed Cited at M eet B ody R eports Current T ax Roll Com plete Service Station to O p en H ere Cow C ountry Editor U nm asks C om plexity o f State A ssem bly Sea w i ih h k c v iu k k i Can You Solve This Mystery? C ounty Farmers to R eceive Federal Farm Record B ooks