Willsb or Section T w o ---- Tux Forucltmure Section PilgCH 1 to 4 r g u s With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent VOLUME 41 NO. 49 even denser Ilian It liiul been the O w ta ; A lexander C o u tts ; W illiam O /u tU A / ’T I l / I ? f a r A WTWYrxr-w HI (ow laa Eliza f o w l« .; Emma Cowlee . AU i I V JK a I LA INNER night before, und alter another Arthur L. f r a in e Fiat. ; C. H. C ra w fo rd . watt secured a taxi. The drlv • hai ( ’irr«it <4»«r1 uf th» Hiate e f I'hyllia L. (,'roaa. Maiset M Crowder ; Itoy er turned at u most perilous crow» Oregon for W ashington Connty C. Crowder. Brrulah V. Crowe; David Cor- mg to tranaflx her with u piercing WAHHINUTON COUNTY. ■ Municipal j ran ; J I: Currla; la ir » L. C urry; Jacob glance: Corporation and P olitical 8ub-dl»lalon pablndcn Kat. ; Freda Dairy at al ; Flea- ' You gonna wolk fer our candi­ i o f th e Mtate of O regon, nor L. D a ib y ; LindaII D arby; O. E . " P la in tiff. D arby; Ralph E. D arby; Anna Da v ia ; date. ludy'f" he queried; and giving .1 rw i • n ■ • ■ a *•’ . . F.ffta D avis; Frank D a v is, J. C. D a v ie e , hla wheel u sharp twist, added, A braham ; It. M A braham ; J. I) I. M P a r iea . Mary D a rla . Pietro "You better we’re gonnu keep you N o r th { la in * r y t h l a n L o d g e Pocla A h ra in s. Acacia Investm ent Co., Inc. J dettl . K If D en n ey , M argaret A. D en ­ here 'til ya' do.” leouia G. A d o n ; A. W. A d a m s, Marrioa ney . KJhert 0 . iJernaia heim ; Thao. De Installa; School Shut He set her down ut an entrance If Adkirmon . W illiam Adler . Wm A Adler , Hxjalea; D etroit Truet G o .; A lice 8. Dev- which was apparently Impenetrable ■ ■ " Wm. A dler; Bernard Aebly ; D. F. Aager- ereaux ; A nna D ew ey . John I>ewey , Mary ns a. > >.<*<* ter ; Hwnrett« A agerter . Eva K. Alexander ; A D ’Hondt . Berth« A. D ickinson; G. B. und Hanked with eight policemen. (By North I lain« 1 T A . ) Harry A. A lex a n d er. A. C. A lford ; Delay D ickinson; J. D ixon Kat.; Edith D oane; "Where’s your button? one unked NORTH PLAINS PlirentTcafher If Allen . Benjam in Am sterdam ; A lice i rank C. lio a n e ; Florence Dlw*rd* Ethel L- B d - a r d .; E»a as a model in •'elocution" for every A gUVel thudded suddenly down ^ u V h e r n Ca»e Farrington ; Emil u h ic h numerous famous biouruph- man of the imtioiml committee In- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cypher and Hannah J. Blanchard; Blue Lake L ogging Felden; Harry T. Feldm an; Edward active m em ber of G overnor M ar­ ers have aheudy filled to & /u s - , f oduced the temporary chairman, daughter Eugenie Visited Mr. and Co. . Robert If. B God and the con- Planning Commission, and is re­ Mr* W If W le n w k f « la r a r i n g ,,*r" ; Mary Boyd; Jam es Bradford; Min- C. F ish e r ; Bernie L. Fixk ; W. F. Flak; e s s to achleve a roal "salon" In mention to deliver him from the garded as a pioneer and an author­ M rs W. II. WienetXl u canng | lrB power. His fervor amount- for her grandmother, Mrs. Bing- J Bradley; Holland Bradley; T. A Brad- F leg el; Laura M. F letch er; W. T. ity in th is fie ld . woman wtosc dress drew forth ,-d U. frenzy. He mopped Ids brow, hum. In Wabhougul, Wash. ley; K ate F. Bra I ley ; Jaraea L ew is F letch er. M. F o ea ter; V erne M. F an n er; B rew er; Brix I»ogging C o.; Roelna C. T. Furbee; Em ily F oster; D orothy May royal commendation at Buckingham “nd threw out his arms llut Ills Officer« Ina tailed . . J _________ _______ ___________ _ A. __ O. Haage ; W. B. H a in es; John H alden; B ridges. B riggs B n » ; F. Brock _ ; C. __ Fredden; H annah _______________ Frederickson; _ 8. palace as the only Mils and that audience remained calm. Anne suw Pythian Blatera installed , n B rod erick ; K atie “ Brueren ; - Peter - i 1 ................. - - ---------- - paiace. as u conspicuous h „ »«Y .JJ£cl‘Uri several men looking ut their watches. Fredericks«» ; Albert 8. Freem an . - Bernice J Haley Land Co. in various capacities new officer» Friday night a» fol- nr( C. 1 reeman ; Elizabeth Freem an ; M argaret | H W. Hallock ; Maude Hallock ; Laura Id. Her and ,n the press gallery, has also been sa Summons P. T. A. Serves Hot Luncheons W »n . ’ TO® WOOJJ« * n< "5*.°fj JJ come and take her out to lunch certain hot aftcnus.ll III nitd-Junc out W ‘UUM boarded the coiqcrcsslonal express “ Ut cu ti e s h e h a d k t i l l « - T n With her husband, bound for till* J 13? r i f . t vrvut national convention In New ’.o hl1"' “,ld tnends bon- s ik ; z u iv - Y ork ll,r triumphantly uwav. The lore- • O riic rA lobby of - thr .............. • ■ ”“ nrw... ™n3 went. Waldorf - Astoria. »«.• «.«I,,« came and went And And t u-v enured it weurv after their “l lw,t'. Rtnulnely worried, Ann, ,m * t' ¿ u r n e v w a s MJ so ‘»FP, **ppr«uclir3 ’w « » r u o ttonator e n a v o r Lee. i x t , who WHO Jed DUG warm and , , dusty Journey. liurrilv . „ ...„ a ( H .v Jollied I lls W ife, a n d n s k e d If her Jumintd ttiat they tin > could toulil liar vour husband 1« one Ol r v n t r u il v W i t h ' r v er v tu r n thev ^ry' nwn. He can't be »¡Jared ts iu t’uiy. n u ll ^1V/ , for Window -dreaMnu like thia He assistant nutnagrrs. The Argus Gives Q uality Service at Fair Prioes HILLSBORO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1935 ioiik h Good Printing strove In vain to perforin their normal func- lio n s lauien elevators sunk and to’I S ' bo'priii. endlOM en: dvavor to convey the Jn^ u hunuuiitv which bounded into them y w nai m auc you i lim it Jeaeie J. j« z y k Knudaon ; H yaeinthn R o s a lie Kotodaia* K n ln d a ie jc t y k . Julius Kopplin Ket. ; Andy K uatur; Kath­ leen K netur. A ltha K. K rai; Robert E. K rai; Susan K rata; E. O. K rook; Hulda C Krook; Fauline B. K rueger; Louie K uhn; Sam uel Kuna; Elsie M. K u ratll; J. B L aher; Cora La B orne; 0 . W. La B orne; W « l R. L a e e y ; N ellie La Chap­ p ells; C. R. Isa F o lle tt. Kldin W. Lam b: E m en t A an d graff; F. W. Lange; E. A. Larrance; A. 0 . L au sn sea; R. J. La w ren *; M innie L aw reas; Joseph D. Is « b o ; A nna M. Ledw tdge; Anna J. L ee; Is«on L. Isen; Forest Hart L eh n er; Jacob Isenta. Nora B L en ts; 8 . W. L eonard; Jaceb Iseaeer: Fhilip Leaser. Jr. ; Gordon H Leatar, Fred L illy; Marion Lilly; A lm a Lindberg; Marie L ie n « ; Anten L ita e r . Max L oeb . M argaret J. L o n g ; Faye L ord ; Frans L o re n s; A. A. L aefi; K atherine L ou gh rey; Frank D. L ow e; Guy K L o x le y ; Joe L a c ie r ; Clara E. L undburg; L. V. L u n db u rg; Chas. F. L u ts; A Wee M. Lyon Wm. O M acK innon; Libbie M M ailer; A lfred M alm ; T. F. M aloney, Helen D. Manley . Clara M arks; S tanley G. Mar- rion : John B M athew s; E. A. M atthew s; Elsie M atthews ; Eather M atth ew s; Ger­ trude J. M atthew s; J. B. M atthew s; G eorge Mattia ; Dayton C. Mays ; Gertrude M ays. J no. McCann; Robert M. McClure ; Harry Palm er M c€on- n e ll; S tella McConnell ( Heirs) ; Wm. John MeiVrmark ; Theresa McCormick ; Mary T. McCoy . Norman M cD onald: J. Russell M ciiee; Martha M cGinn; M. McGovern; H eirs of Thomas B. M clndoe; Mead In­ vestm ent C o .; Meier A Frank O a; W W M ellar; E. M ereaae; L. M erease; w*»z Cb«l t o i ^ r . John C. B uch an an; Lotta H. Bu- ter H. G aU nsaa; Dorothea C. G atem an; I H a r n a c k ; Brydon W. H a r k n ess; Lizzie Moyer. . h .,,.n ; M yrtle M .rLeod B uchxnsn ; G r . « G e sr ln ; H u sh C. G e sr in : W alter C. C. H a r p e r; B. R. H a r rin g to n ; Frank Mr and Mrs. Chris Ohmacht en- A,chi• ** » “•»•‘«l: O . B u ch tel; J. H c « r i n ; R. R. :elt„ er; Frederic c . Gerl- H arrison ; Wm. H arrison; B. T. H art; tc rta in e d With a d in n e r H u n d a v JJuckley; l r « l B u ch n er. Mary Buchner; D. ing ; Naomi P. G e rlin g ; Fred W German Mary H a rt; Fred Harvey ; L illian Harvey; J rtainea with a dinner Sunday- p. Bum p; with Hurb.nk; o. M B a r- C o . in c .; J. H enry G a r is h ; J. T. Cer- Nora L. H a rv ey ; W alter R. H ask in s; ouesw included Mr. and Mrs b .n k . Byron 8. B u rley; H enry A . Bur- rixh Eet. Roy H a s tin g s ; Jam es H. H aynes ; R. O. tru est Nelson Of Hillsboro, Mr and ley ; A rrhle Eugene H orne: A _ g u e. Bor- Albert P Gibson ; Bertha J . Gibson ; Jack i H aynes : C. H. H sys ; Chas. H. Hays . Mrs, Carl Christener, Mr. ---------- and -------- Mrs r.,ogh«. J. M B _ u rro u g h s; H. B. B u r to n ; R«»» G ibson ; M artin G ie sy ; Harold 8. [ Jesse E. H a y s ; Lyda V. H a y s ; Mazie F C hrlStC IM F, H lh l C o r n c llU b u n d i- B u rto n . W illltam H. Busby; Earl G ilbert; Thomas M G illiam ; 8 L. N. H ays; Mrs. J. V. H ays; C atherine Heber- I'tivllla ChrtXUner. i f * ’ ” 11. “ u"h ; . L *• B u x to n ; I.ueinn G ilm an. Mm. H. G ilror; H s r r n , J . G ls x a ; In c ■ John H ed lu n d ; R skel Hndlund ; M r and Mrs Archie Hutchinson Andrew By»m. C srolin« G l n u r ; H elen s M G leea o a ; E u retts H elm s: O. V H elm s: R. M. Hen- HU M D liu u n w ju n Elh<| B m | Ca, hB, id C sm idm ll; G lob. In » e.tm eo t C o .. R. D. G o d fre j. dem on; Geo. F. H .n m .m E a t.; Robert Of Arcade are recovering from the j . hn c .m e b e ll E e t ; 8 . D. Gsm ptm ll; C. M Good B r t.; Robert C. Good- H err: C h srle. H e » .; H ilda H e » ; Roy lliunip». H urencs C a n n in g ; W illiam C a n n in g ; w in . Ethel G ordon; .Scott E. G ordon. H ea seltin e; D ella H e sso n g ; H. M. H ew ett; Mrs. Anna Hornecker, who hah Martha C arl; Myra E. C arllle; R A M in n ie Ardall G ourley; Geo. D. Georgia R. H ick b e rt; Mrs. Clara R. been VUlUng Mr. and Mr». Roland en ; Christ Hoch ; La Dessa G. Hoc ken ; Robt. J. H o c k e n ; Jam es M. H ocking; Henry H. H o c k in g ; Malinda A. H o c k in g ; A lbert H o d le r; Ida E. H o ffa r b e r; Ru- __________ ________ _______ _ _____ , dolph H offarber; J. N . H offm an E st.; iia ro m jo n n s o n oi ine c o a st w e ... l l . .......... M in n ie M C a t e ; R « « e C ave; ; „ Harry „ r , W Guyer; M arguerite J. G uyer; D elbert > M inna H o ffm a n ; N ettie H o ffm a n ; Mar- Guards at Barview called on lus f C h a lls c m b e ; w .it e r D. C h .n » co m h e; brother, Chester Johnson. Saturday. l «'*l C h .n d ler ; R oth Orph» C handler. garet J. H ollow ay; Chas. B H o lt; A nna 8 Hood ; John F. H< mm I ; Carvol If Hor- en berger ; Eearl Horenborger : W alter R. Koekfna; A M H ow ell; John H. H o w ell; Mary A Howell ; Busan Howell ; G. K Howitt ; Eva K. Hubbard ; H arvey B. H u ff. Ed. J H u ffo rd . J C. H ungerford; Bert C HunXjngton . Ella T. H yde. Albert I lls . Robert L ie; Inveatm ent Co. (C orp.) Irving Inveatm ent C o .. M M Israel; N eils C. Iverson : R. B Jacks ; E. C. Jacob sen ; (.'Kristian Jager ; Mrs R. E . JW fnrigg; Wm. N. J effe r ie s; Mrs. V er­ onica Jergens ; Gertrude Anna Jew eil , Linn B Jew ell . Hilja Johanson , B i ’ John ; A. H Johnson ; A. J. Johnson, Dewey D. Johnson ; In w a rd W. Johnson ; Elenor Johnson ; Elsie M. Johneon ; Ern­ est Johnson ; Eather G. Johnson ; Geo H. Johnson ; George H. J o h n so n . Grace Johnson ; Gust H Johnson ; Jäänee R. John- I -hn A . J >4)noon ; Juha O. John­ son ; Rzamnder L. Johnson ; Roy Johnson ; Wm E. Joh nson ; A nna Eliza J o n es. J. C. J o n es; J. M J o y . A lfred J a n g en i (¿ertrude D. Junkin ; Lloyd O. Jonkin ; Katherine Kahley ; A lice Foley K an e. M yrtle K ane; Edna Shearm an Kata; J essie K ay; Ralph K ay; Levi Ft K eck. Wm. N. K eeler; Jasper W K effer. Jeasie G K elley; Andrew K elly; Charles K elly; Edith L. K elly; Lillian K elly; Lydia K elly; W arren M. K elly; Viola E. K em p; W. H. Kerbe et a l; Addle E. Kerns; Thus. M . K err; Frank Kertson ; Edna K ilb y. Wm. C. K ilb y; J. H. KID g ore; Claudia B K im m el. M. J. K inney; A. L. Kinton ; Dora Klnton ; Harold L. Kirkpatrick ; Elmer D. Kiaeell ; Floyd B. K issell ; B. A. K licks; B .A. Kliks ; Carl K lingsch ; A nna K linker: T. K linker; J o n n n te t r u le s H illsboro. a n a son _____ W e sle y . Arthur H. Clgment: Carolfh* E. Clgment i c u m « ..; Wm. c i « . « . . ; c. a . :_M .ry„ M Cobb.; Ccehrxn S o o th e patient c ,.rll Lorena and Emmett Rouf, a il ■»- L y “ thS » « ‘Bdn't plan on acttln« Why' “ou fro,n “ere ^ ***“ u ■ "Probably shan't get In before 1,|1J?r''.J,1,lhine'i's o f.tllc Bght on the j three." he Informed her hastily •} Bicreasjnglv evl-1 Well, goo’-by. B e tte r order your- J,*1?; played familiar »«•If an orangeade and a chicken , i4OUnd * ■ you Bresome and silly, to fill in gaps sandwich and have IXira see Play at Hazeldale Saturday Evening (B y M i» » J e a n S m ith ) | Log. II. It Co. ; B ennie B. C offm an ; Ruby G. C o ffm a n . M yrtle C ole; W. L. Cole; Wsev A. C olem an: R. B. C olem an; Sam antha W Colem an ; J. F. Coligan ; Mr,. Emma Fulton C o lle tt. Frank H. C o llin .; Com m ercial N atl. Bank of H ill.b oro; Com m onw ealth T ru .t A T itle Co. (Corp ); Comte A Kohl,nan Co. ; C ongregational Church o f T ualatin ; Elm er T. C o n n ell; El­ m er Conroy ^ C on tin en tal L ife Ina. Co. ; A. J Mr. Local Advertiser: unpacked und goes to bed. Try You'll have a hard day tomorrow house next Saturday evening. The n e ll u .; Corneliua s t a t e ’ Bank M s r y Itefroshe sponsored by the Commun- lug drink m own a hu ll IX ir a had club and the following artists Official and Unofficial N ew s- «Iram atlc in stab illiy . lacy mghtgow ... . , Arnie. utiTnir ln„-k” in ' wlU t» kt’ P“ f t: Mcsdames FlaveUe All that Is lit to print In Hillsboro spi cud out lor her, and settled her- nfI<.r lt wus . v i n i o n t Jeldrlcks, Esther Heil, Dale Powers, iU>d the county — Court, arrests. n ^ , e iU wer«^ ho w ever'r enu/Tiv- tinr *»'“<<«che. found Neal ."Ung be- Virginia Miller. Dorts Sy verson, and schools, taxes, weddings, b i r t h s . f f i e d * T p X o T V n ‘ w ^ y wU e?; » ..e.m arb led ,,p ^ ‘. ceme*r U - Ewry week In the tf occupying the next room, and who ble' of their "parlttr,” with a sand Kenneth Haldelr, lxmald McIntosh, Argus. had apparently met In secret con- *'Lr h . “ * one »»nd a pencil with Arthur Syv. rson The play was an- ____ c l X wen- either unaware or u - *Lh,ch hr Wfts »fribbling Illegible M've^ *,.ecks a«°' *?U J concerned the w d f a i a t n d that ‘'»viracters on a plump pink senate had be postponed on account of to l d bi- of o irrlx 1 hat thev L e i bkxk 1,1 «'»>rr. P I lln e ss of one of the cast. Mrs. C were disturbing the nubile ueace "Hello." he said cheerfully. "U ,e «’ Syverson Is managing director B est for When Neal returned, haggard and *'or»t Is over 1 am a human being Mrs. Arthur Mills spent several hollow eyed, about live, lie found llKi 11,11 ,,Ar'' y°u Pretty tired?" days of last *eek Li Portlaiid as ALL AGES Anne sitting up In bed taut with "«aUier It's all been so futile U » »best of Mrs. Henry Wilkens, nervousness “nd u«*> 1 believe 1 won't go to •" old time resident here. "Neal, dear lust listen to that thc ,'',<,ntng session " i The Community club held a racket I It hasn't stopped for a sin- ""'O'—I thought we might successful card party last Satur- gle instant. 1 can't stand ltl We ll B W B er The fact Is—1 am go- d»>' evening In the schoolhouse. Not have to go to some hotel where it s make a speech There seems withstanding the elements seven more quiet.'' to be a sort of feeling that—-well, tables of five hundred were In play. I Quirt I At a national conven-1 u,at lf 1 d*d 1 could straighten out i High honors went to Mrs. William tion! Good G—d, Anne, you don't Hi's platform tangle.” J Heil and Rhea Luper of Portland know what you're talking about. ,, 'o l’- Neal, really? Then, of course, and low to Mrs. Rhea Luper and; There Isn't anv quiet. Those fel- 1 *??.J*0*!1? . . ! Al Jeldrlcks. Q uart lows aren't really objectionable. (,<>?d ' I hoped you would, and I Offllers and teachers of the S u n -1 They're Just having a little friend- ho,llK2lt wr might have dinner—a' day school met at the home of Mr. , ly argument. You should have heard ,real d*hher—on the roof first. 1 and Mrs. Ray Klnchdowe Friday our committee Turn over, old lady1 „ ar . cool and pleasant up there.) evening. Plans were discussed and and go to sleep." Snap Into the tub and out aguln social fellowship enjoyed "I can't sleep.” and you 'll feel better." 1 - Miss - — - • Dlckover, teacher of the “Well, stay awake then, but 1 As she movrd away, slipping her primary. Is ill at her home In Port-1 shan't.” crushed dress over her shoulders, land. Mrs. V s. Jei j e a n O 'C o n n o r is s u b - Flinging his Clothes hastily In -she had the curious Impression stllutlng. every ________ ________________ ery direction, Neal sank down which she had had a few days be­ Phone 21IH beside her and was Instantly dead fore when Senator Lee was talking to the world. Two hours later he to her, that Neal had Intended to “T h e L ittle M inister’* was abruptly aroused by a heavy -say something else and then de­ Sunday V en etia n Film (Kiundln- on the door and stag­ cided against It She turned and Katherine Hepburn In "The Lit­ gered to his feet still drunk with found that he was looking after her slumber. fixedly and suddenly she thought tle Minister,” the story that made " Y » li," —Anne who had n o t there were tears In his eyes. She Sir James Barrie great and the closed her eyes, heard him saying went back to him. romance that has touched t h e "You are sure," she asked softly, hearts of millions, will be at the through a gingerly opened crack— "I guess so. All right, I'll be there "that nothing Is the matter?” Venetian SundAy, Monday, Tues­ "No, dear, nothing," he answered day and Wednesday. "The Little right away." He closed and locked the door again and began to gather and began to scribble again on the Minister." as a novel has been a up Ills garments from the floor, and block of paper, best seller for more than fifty (Concluds'l n ext w eek) put them on. years, and Is still being read and loved by all classes. Millions of per­ "I hoped I'd have time for a Our classified columns may have sons have read the story, and the shave and a shower,” he muttered, Just what you are looking for — "but I'm needed right away. You popularity of the book has never can get to Madison Square garden Itead them. waned. all right alone, Anne, can't you? I've left your ticket on the mantel­ piece Don't lose It. It might be V '1