Page Eight TH E HUhi Hoopsters Death Takes Beaverton Local Woman Meet Here on Friday F u n eral H eld Today H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Just in Em ergency, of Course By Munch I'LL HUN HIGHT DOWN, ¿ O ' i \ I OCT HACK BLFORE ANY OF / THE FELLA H S G tY HERE-----/ V iH R T DO YOU WANT ? Thurnday, January 21, 19.35 O R EG O N \ \ j Saturday night closed tils simp Mr will ooiltlnue lit Hillsboro Babson Takes ) Hand for awlille at least Mr. Jueobamuh- i leu lias purchased tlie old Cornelius building and Is opening a Rap at Plans ' ' bank market there. I lagg Dairy Leads I lerd Tests Here (Cottlli*u*ii inur naga mt«) pounds biittertul T hree yrar-ohl. •Rose 2." a purebred Jemey owned by tl II Fullenwlilrr of Carlton, i 1246 pounds milk. 69 7 pounds bin terfal. T hirty-three lierds, isnnpristug ( t ’o lll illlH hl fr u ilt ¡605 cows, were tested during in inonn. Mrs. Jacob VanDomelon, < ember anil allowed an average pm . W ashington, Flora; Mrs Alva Lo­ , due tion of 583 pounds of milk ami gan. Washington, lady assistant 128 57 pounds of butterfat. Five I steward. cows In the association prixlureii Dan B urkhalter of Hillsboro went more than 70 pounds of butterfal i>n Hie executive committee for u and 214 produced 40 pounds or three-year period. Holdover mem­ more. Total of 1.10 cows In herds bers are It. Horneeker of Hillsboro tested were «try. and A M Kennedy of Beaverton Two new members Joined the d ia rie s Dickenson <> f Oswego MssiH'lullon during December. The e acted us installing officer. were Hex W Ilenllev of Wixxlbum Annual report was presented by and O II Fullenwlder of Carlton W. F. Cyril., county agent. He also Hie herd o f 12 grade cows »word announced the liome economics con­ by O F Daniels of Hhrrldnn was ference to be livid In March anil sold to Fairview Farm s st Trout- tlie recreation school in H illsboro1 dale during the month. next week. Announcement o f Washington Tw o New County SER A County “Grunge Sunday' at Aloha Projects G el A pproval .sometime In April was made In itia­ Project to provide a commodity tion was held hi tile evening Mrs. D B B urkhalter of Hills­ distributor to serve one day a week boro was declared winner of tlie at each of the six distribution cen­ essay contest on tlie Pomona Orange ters In W ashington county was picnic last summer and was award­ approved this week by the Portland ed a five-gallon tank of gasoline HERA office Another project, grad as a prize. Mrs. Strickler of S her­ lng of the Tigard grade school grounds, was also approved. Tlie wood was second. latter Is to complete an old CWA job Work started tills week on the W lldi Hazel community house / Grangers Seek Change in Law for Inspired by a 24 to 15 victory Townaend Plan In fla tio n a ry over Tigard Friday in the opening Declares Economist game of the county schedule, Hil­ hi hoopsters are preparing for two Mrs. Chris Peterson, 67, of near tough games against Beaverton and ( ( '« M i l I It l i e d |*W M * •»»»•) Hillsboro, pioneer daughter of Ore- St. Helens during the coming week be mare goods to divide? We gel gon died at th e Good Sam aritan The Blue and W hite squad will richer only as we produce and hospital Tuesday o f pneumonia, meet Beaverton here Friday night save more Young people now out which she contracted following an in the second county game and wiU of work could not replace (lie abil­ s t u c k of influenza. She had been travel to St. Helens Tuesday eve­ ity and training uf those over six­ in the hospiUl four days. ning. ty. wtio are still producing. The burden of those now trying to earn Funeral services for members of Locals are still bothered with a their way and raise f outlies would the family and close friends will bad case of 'm issitus'' on both bo multiplied. The Townsend plan be held at 2 30 p. m. todav iT hurs- f’pM goals and foul shots but show is really a scheme to tax those dav> a t the Edward Holman m ortu- promts.- of snapping out of the under sixty to support tliose over arv on Hawthorne avenue in Port- do.drums at any time Ability to sixty who have failed or refused land Following the services the locate the basket, coupled with the to be thrifty. Il entirely ignores the bodv will be taken to the Portland excellent checking work of t h e Importance of saving as a m eans of Crematorium for cremation. I a?uad would put Hillu definitely hi creating capital. Yet most uf the Mary Lamira West was born June 1 lp lu n u " '1'’ blessings which everyone has today 7. 1866, the daughter of Josiah and Patterson, local forward, went on are due to tlie th rift and “saving L am ira Harrison, Oregon pioneers. a scoring spree in the final half for old age" of our ancestors. Her m other came to Oregon from of the game against Tigard, scoring Morally Destructive Iowa in 1846 and her father came 10 points during the period to bring I also feel that Dr. Townsend's here from New York state In 1859 ‘he Blue and W hite from behind plan, from the moral tingle, is The family home a t first was on ‘° win 24 to 15. The game was dangerous and underm ining to c h a r­ Sauvies Island and later on C lat- : rough from start to finish with a acter. Naturally, I believe th a t the sop Plains near Seaside. She was total of 25 fouls being called, aged in distress should be given educated a t the T ualatin academy Hilhi scored three points in the succor and protection. To support in Forest Grove and at the Good opening minutes of the game but the aging father and mother, how­ S am aritan Training School o f Tigard offset the advantage short - ever. is one of i lie sacred duties and Nurses in Portland. She taught ly. leading 5 to 3 at the quarter obligations of fumlly life. Basically, school for a number of years In and 8 to 7 a t the half. The locals Dr. Townsend's plan takes no rec­ W ashington and Clatsop counties pulled into the lead once during the ognition of integrity, courage, and In Oregon and in Pacific county, period but it was not until the ubillty. It is simply another of Washington. , final half th at they took a com- those social panaceas which e n ­ On May 14, 1895, she was m ar- llia" dlnS lead to insure victory, courage sliiftlessness and careless­ ried to Chris Peterson and they scored 17 pomts to 7 for ness and which penalize Industry made their liome for five years on Tigard in th e last half, and thrift. Industry and th rift are Mrs Elizabeth Todd, county pro­ the Jacob Kamm place near As- 1 Patterson was high point man of the basis of civilization. If we re ­ bation officer, nurrowly escaped Edgings and Inside, dry. torla. In 1902 the family moved to the game with 13. Cook of Hilhi move the Incentive to work and serious Injury Monday afternoon 16-Inch. C o rd th eir present home three miles and Hughes. Tigard guard, were save, we are underm ining the na-1 call the hay hands, and there is r t c . j when her automobile skidded on northw est of Hillsboro, wluch was second with six counters each. De- iA rC S tillT iT A r t ' l l T tion. Wyatt Williams, blacker than Egyp- r l i n C r a ! S a t u r d a y lee on tlie Sliady Brook road and Excellent kitchen wood. the best her home until the time of h er spite the num erous fouls, neither £» Stripped of its masquerade cloth­ turned over. She suffered severe tian night, m aster of the cloak buy you can find. death excepting for five years In squad was able to capitalize on ing, tlie Townsend plan is nothing room, and by the way. he is a bruises. Forest Grove. | free shots. Hilhi connected with Seasoned S la b a n d lU ocg more or less than inflation travel­ Deceased is survived by the wid- bu‘ two out of 11 aod Tigard five No wrestling bouts will be held at gradua‘e attorney, Wixxi truck, which went out of Funeral services ler Mrs Mary | tug incognito the age-old idea to 16-lneh O ld G r o w t h Fir the V. F. W. hall this Friday n ig h t,, ^ • ^ a r t e d out to Jell you th a t pm kstan, 81. who died a t her make money cheaper. If Congress control after skidding In ley slush, ower and three children: C a r l,out oi 1* __ ______ Hilhi B. squad lost to th e Tigard acconling t0 _ Ra>' DiUon, local this room, known as the house, was ................................... , ....... Peterson, „ a t „ the home ____ place ______ near home In Hillsboro ............... Tuesday m orn- j should pass this pl«ji tomorrow, crashed into the gasoline pump C o a l a n d G o seo B riq u e ts Hillsboro: Laurence Peterson and B s 26 to 32 in another rough game matchmaker. The next matches will not on the square, for we have lng. will be held a t 2 p ni. S atur we would have a boom of exactly at Moulton's garage on Eust Main . Mrs. Marjory Kunkel of Los An- Nedry of Tigard was high pomt “ week J 0" 1 Friday. just stepped it off, and it is 75 by day at the Young Funeral home ,, street Monday night and «topped H erm an Rehsv c e rn e te ^ " ”*"1 d U .n b u te ^ O « Z *07 , voted geles. Seven brothers and sisters m an with 10 points. •'n g e r^ ’ t u r o e í t£ e tables m in tin ' 90 fe?t' Res phone 2062 em etery I o is m u u ie ».'u.ixxi.ixxi.ixiu ot paper Just short of going through t h e ; Phone 2383X survive as follows: Lloyd G. West. Beaverton high school defeated popular JoJo Howland of Hollywood / nd ?gai" we mlght tel1 F « Mrs. ' Pinkston formerly resided to the public. Prices of plate glass window of the garage. Brownville; Will West. Paul West, the Forest Grove hoop squad 27 Friday night in the m ain event of about the coronation of the gov a t G reat. Falls, Mont , but had lived goods would go up Tlie cost of Mrs. Daisy Fulkerson. Mrs. Rose ) to 25 Friday „ ... in __ an ____ overtime card here. e'n o r, with its . pageantry. Its mag . . i n _______ ___ game. 'h e V. - - F W. ------ wrestling -------------------------- - Hillsboro for the past eight living would soar Those working Johnson, Mrs. Violet See. all of Hilhi defeated G aston 30 to 8 on taking two out of three falls. Back- nificence. dignity and splendor, w ith years. She is survived by two sons on salaries and wages would g reat- Clatsop county, and Mrs. Maud the r ovem nc ley wo" the opening fall In 14 m in- the flare of trum pets am id official Charles and William, and by two |y suffer while those dcDcndlna on feated the Ute? th £ se,rlPa ot hammer locks ostentation, and the members of daugl,lt" s,’, S’n.7 in“ i t ° ‘ investm ents for their Income might Prescott of Theodore. Alabama. while r’ ocmvx d -on«, ozx » a “ th en Howland evened th e score the suDreme court wearing G reat Falls. Mont , und Mrs. Dora 4 ‘ . . Gaston B team 29 to 10. Cox. Hilhi 74, m inutes later with a double' \ i o t h e r H u M u d • a r-in d t ° Robertson oi Portland. Eleven grand x ruined. Hu n a tio n s inconit* w forward, was high m an in the toe hold. The -Tiger ’ took the final '¿ I L Krandm * used children and 12 great-grandchildren measured In goods, not dollars, first team game with 11 points. The fall in 5 l4 m inutes with a body , ? u ’ , n uP°n this also survvie. Raising prices does not bring pros- w z ’ii a < t - 1 locals led by a narrow margin of press after flooring th e Hollywood vast throng of dignitaries and of ft- ----------- ------------- - perlty. The scheme Is a new frost- to 4 a t the end of the first boy_’ -‘th a vicious blow to the « the 7 life-juzeti portraits of 18 gov- ^ --ity R i. CJUCStS LJsC ‘"8 f° r ‘he our old way delusion t h a proa- t we I can spend back to stomach. ' quarter, but moved out in the sec- Cow testing association members ond period to dom inate the came Persistent slugging, hair-pulling ernors from their gilded frames, and nrf dairymen interested in cow I Hilhi <24) ,,-, Z.) and kicking resulted in th e disqual- It *'as grand and great and dull. o f ( l i d A ge S e c u rity S ou nd 1 Cox. 2 ’ s ’ H.fniii location of Art Perkins of D etroit ¡dum b and droll and a bore to F Patterson, IS .......... F ' Carson in his sem i-final m atch a g a in st! some—an inspiration to others .i X ,hn o^ s ^ e ^ ^ That's what a MARFAK chassis lub­ Samuel ............ ...... C 5. Beckham Sammy George of Chicago. Perkins I w e determined to learn the busi- X e ro dom^ g l ^ ^ ^ . “ ^ y | ^ K S , o n u e ^ '8nu t ^ n,f f i rication job really is. Your car rides iT o rb et, 3 ............... 8 JdbnMon won the first fall with a pin hold ness of the lo ia la t u p > years cow testing association work Richardson . _____ G l. Barney in j 8 minutes and then George ‘r ? ' „ „ o„ ! gUla‘ure fr?n\ the easier. It is less likely to need repairs. 1 has been carried on in W ashington .Mataen ó H uitZ brought the Detroit grapplers shoul- ," d “ * p .*Tn_t _ ? own s s Marfak is the world's finest grease lubri­ K Ä dêiTλ the m « wTth a crucûlx h ^ d | “ « "o f « P jt o l. an d got GrorgV’ MeGe\-me?y tnanager' ‘C on- s U U s t l M ^ X w ^ t h i r o ? ” '.i“ county in co-operation with Yam­ B a rr cant and we do a first class job. Quick hill county dairymen. Grogan s nine m inutes later. The final ses acquainted with the cook. It is B urt siderable confusion has resulted a t . lh a t ° ut of Referee: M aple. As far as is known now this will service too. sion was rough and vicious with Crary and he runs the restaurant ?f Perkins being disqualified for con- for the hungry members and Job the postoffice, due to the fact th a t be continued, but there is a pros­ a number of local residents have finanOallv tnderwiri i ’t ’ ¿ | tinned illegal tactics. pect of extending the work in this hunters a n d of course we did not been using the new numbers before S w ^ n ^ e " £ .,,',Vrn? ' Charles T raber and Wayne Rash, overlook Josephine Anderson and county and it is for the purpose « c D « « I N.T___ 1 h0“ 1. , 0! Put on a good pretty Mary Stovell, who preside s s of going into th e details of this T h ird and W ashington Streets Phone 1703 wrestling in th e curtain a t the pie counter with great VUI cul- th a t those people interested are --1— '— — ‘IM exhibition iT 15 rrtirvutzac N e w numbers have been n u t n n 1 th e r i,n a ln U 1 « fourteen are depend- _____________ raiser, going m inutes to a a /Iron- draw. inary dignity. asked to meet next Tuesday after­ I in noon, says W. F. Cyrus, county The fate of bills you will get In;*“ o '’™ 1 °*«n» ods such as the present tiip nmh (C ontinued from p a re one) £? * J 1* I • your dally newspapers, but they arrived Monday and will be in place iPm ls e ‘e“ 1 . ’ . J** '* agent. cate lining up the bosses against D lC le llg h t S ( j l V e n will probably not tell you th a t ev- 800,1 A cltJ directory ls also be- Iy ft.e, th^ D T o X the wall and of taking over all ° property and factories. S ta te A < « e m h lv ery tUne that thpy read the roll ‘" » prepared in connection with th e rlght church lh Removal of much of th e teeth pew. from the criminal syndicalism law (Continued from peg. onei two years ago had an immediate £ ,5 „ “ T here is a vital need for the en- • actm ent of some uniform old age Ed Hillsboro litivity"decfarod ^ f o r g ^ 'w h o ^ e i d thn 8 p ,a,‘ , “ "¡I I doubt ip c r a in i 7 o t _____ ... _ _ Saturday, o th e r officers are Frank committed suicide S u n - th ® city of Hillsboro are now being ° 11 »«I be stopped short of a Final clean-up. Blue denim Finnicium, president, and Chester of the good citizenship interested rest of the auill Dushers ’ who have years Dickey, secretary-treasurer, both of in law and order had a m aterial eyes like blue eagles noses like day . nl»ht b> shooting himself a t ,prPp£'ri l J LS p art ,ot the city lnven- J„d* ral law this year. Under any P a ir bibs ........... effect in m aintaining law and order hounds and ears like w i l T 7 L e 1 « lus wlth 8 -32-caliber revolv- tory SERA project. O ther maps Pension program. I feel th at the Yamhill county. W o r wwxviwwe«-! I « * __„a n la d o r ih the n lld iv ld lin rrti.c» c n i e i h , , . . _ H ^ i n ^ — Z a. _ ^ - n _ ^ g r o u i ’ “ k a n X a e a r s ilX e W ^ UQ a ^ g a f z r e lle e s l . ,»r n e a t h r a m o »«TV « n n p H i in under" program* In d u T i individual m ust contribute a .. . por­ W ith the additional interest th a t were being formed and t h a t ^ f f i . But they H eavy th e £ £ S U« h h<^ 1UL - .» P pad„ . pSPn._1'} m ap "'a ste r plan tion of his pay each week to a S H IR T S , is being taken in herd improve­ Z T ” *' “ “. i wn" ! ; u health for some m onths and for zoning purposes and an ac- general pension fund. T hus a t re­ m ent work it is possible th a t a n ­ their present ............................... f e M ' i i . . . “' — : s “ '“ tirem ent age the pensioner would other association will soon be or­ And th ,„ . h „ t , h , « a,,» h ,,d W « - M£ ~ be receiving an annuity which he For men. Dull ganized, one for Yamhill county All wool for men $- has purchased with his own sav- °7 / ! Pt>a.tPr alts nesday afternoon at the Prickett Survey» conducted under the in- and one for W ashington. finisti. P air and boys ............... J He d^lar'ed 7 £ t t h ^ w a ^ no Lnd“ ^ a u t i f i r s U n ^ ^ s l t t l " 1''" 111" Chapef Wdh A ^ e T S tvp" tory’ wb‘Pb *a to be used in fu- i"»s rath e r th an a public dole u rtaht 1 Ste? og' ?,ttln,g . T* on I n ett OII‘cianng. Officiating. in Interm doubt but th a t the communiste h hi«- tern ent was in ture. Plannln» of ‘he city, cover al- Tills would elim inate the moral every - phase municipal pitfalls - — were back of all the late strikes in » n iace 5d ? " Forest View cemetery.. , most . . ----- ---- o f - ------,. ---- — ..... as well as .......... the economic their effort to spread discord. ~a t» £ ° L ,!mUes', and w?t? Mr Schweers was bom July 30 ^ t® Materials, compensation and hazards oi the Townsend plan Speaking of his office Morgan hls Ieft. scowling and bored. 1862, In Oldenberg. Oermany He »"P^rvi-sion on the project are pro- , Business, as registered by the compared the cost for the years J»Ik» a achool room, and «fas "tarried to M artha Mott in vlded bV ‘he city, while the SERA r,at» ° n chart. Is now 12 per cent 1933 and 1934 as »2500 or <5 ^ r ? “ for the PXPe" “ “ »e W lb u r Wash in 1891 and came to Is supplying the necessary labor ----------------- above a year ago, but still 25 per Skating rink will be operated at cent below normal. —--------------------- - the Shute park auditorium in the cent of the ¿ 5 M f o r m i l L t .JT o taxpayprs ’ we would insist t h a t , Oregon in 1916. Deceased is survived n ear future, according to a lease approved Monday afternoon by the city council. R. C. Hubbard and Just Received, 50 Bolts ____________ ____ Annual meeting of W ashington) to H en ry Jacobamuhlen J. C. C arpenter secured the lease N ew Fast Color Democrats to Meet h^ “ ta .O ? WPrs' aj» « ‘a “ " " Kand. who has operated a from the city and plan to have W ashington county democratic 7 l i . i t 2 P um ' February ™Pat m arket In connection with F e ™ “« - ~ skating each evening except Mon­ Spring Prints. Y d . . S?"1™1 committee will meet a t the 1 . the courthouse basement. DI- j C urry's Grocery for several m onths day until June 15. HUIsboro Cham ber of Commerce rectors m et Tuesday to make a r- has sold his equipment to Henrv Under the lease the city will Then decide K c ^ l l e ^ T ^ m : 1116mCet' ' rangcm cnto' Jacobamuhlen a? Cornelius a iS provide the hall, lights and fuel In the back p a rt of th e room and receive 40 per cent of the gross ably discuss economic trends. on a are the bleachers, a n d bobbing Income. A bond of »1000 will be Divorce Suits Filed about, are the bell hops or pages posted by the two men to g uaran­ A . F. M acK en zie Takes attaches, helpers, or what we might • W iiita n /v a n Va” tee th a t the floor will not be dam ­ M c C a l l Local M oto r Position aged. A . F. MacKenzie of Forest Grove PRINTED has taken a position with the Mac­ Marriage Licenses A rthur M. Clark of Colton and Kenzie Motor company as a sales­ Daisy E. Gibson of Banks route 1 m an and with Mrs. MacKenzie will PATTERNI Jan u ary 17. move here soon. Mr. MacKenzie. August L. Wiese and Lilah L. who is a brother of H. L. Mac­ Beckwith, both of O ran ts Pass Kenzie, has been with the Cate January 21. Motor company for several years. M rs. Chris Peterson Probation Officer Hurt in Accident FUEL 3 Dark on Friday for Mrs. Pinkston Special Sale on R ID IN G Cow Testing Group Will Meet luesday,5 COMFORT ,J*-st._?5es,ni and fu.tu" W Prc CJti, DenncOc IT.-« Old House Numbers i'rii.cipie Syndicalism Law occn as Kcal iNet Cl The TEXACO STA TIO N Fruedenthal Given Office Herd Group state Assembly «jnw. - w « » ...... ¿ V . ,,"X,.T2 Work Progresses Grove Resident on Oil vuiy inventory Takes Own Life January CLEARANCE GALOSHES OVERALLS 59c RUBBERS 69c BLAZERS 98c Skating Planned Shute Park Hall M a k in g Y o u r F ir s t D re s s ? , - - 5 ^ .. -4 Powers Grocery M A IN S T R E E T WE KNOW CHEVROLETS — YOU KNO W US! P H O N E 81 USED CARS Bought and Sold Prompt Service . . . Specials for Jan u ary 25 and 26 CofSee MANNING’S 1932 W illy s Six Sedan 1929 Buick Sedan, Like new. 1929 Nash Six Sedan 1929 D u ran t Six Sedan 1929 Ford Roadster 1927 Chevrolet Sedan J U G G L E IT 1929 Chev 11/2-ton T ru ck as you please but one of the m yster­ 2 Ford Coupes ies of life wll always be why a young child can look so much like 1928 C hevrolet Coupe an angel while acting so much like the devil. N E W W IL L Y S 77 There's no mystery about our abil­ ity to recondition your Chevrolet H E R E SO ON as good as new. Factory methods i t thoroughness and long exper­ ience as Chevrolet specialists ac­ C A R S P A IN T E D quaint us with every part of your ■ar. If th ere’s trouble or your Chev­ Gas * O il - Accessories rolet is not behaving as normally ts It should let us apply a lasting :ure. We promise guaranteed work­ Cars W ashed and Polished m anship a t an approved price. Hillsboro MotorCo. Used Car Exchange JAMES WHITELAW, Manager C h ev ro let and 3 rd and W ash. O ldam obile Phone 441 2nd and W ash. Phone 2841 Soap Ivory. 26c Lb............................ bars. B ar ...... ...... 5c pkg. .................................. 21c Medium size O xyd ol size Large Crisco 3-lb. tin .......................................... M arm alad e O R A N G E , C. & B. 1-lb. ja r ... Catsup Crosse & Blackwell. 14-oz............. W h eaties Fkg. 52c 23c When bicycles were four feet tall and the theory of evolution was beginning to rock the world? Oddly enough, bicycling is a thoroughly modern sport in new guise, of course—and in cer­ tain circles, evolution is still regarded as subject for controversial discus­ sion, Some things just don’t change —and neither has the fact that the only way to earn financial independ­ ence is by SAVING REGULARLY. Commercial National Bank 19c 11c Many other items specially priced for Friday and Saturday. These prices good Jan. 25 and 26 only. “Tho Largest Indrpenrirnt Bank In W ashington County” 7 H IL L S B O R O OREGON IÎJ g ET your McColl Pattern and your fabric . . . the rest is easyl The pattern above i t a gem of tim pliclty-yo u'll never find an easier sleeve to make than that one. As In all McCall Printed Patterns, you have help from start to finish . . . for the cutting line and mak­ ing directions are understandably printed on each pattern piece. And place your faith In the Cut-and-Sew Guide when It comes to putting the dress together. There are Complete pictured directions to show you how.