THE P age Six H IL L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thurtuiny, Jan u ary 24, 19:15 Harris, superintendent; communion ' Meyers Is still confuted to his bed tills writing. About 1(1 Inches oi guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nhlrlrv Temple at Venetian snow (ell during the storm. j Aeblseher Sunday. Shirley Temple, the child star, Banks high seluxl bus « as u n ­ ' Charles Reel of Indiana arrived able to make the trip Monday m orn­ last w e ek al the home of Mr. ami will be at the Venetian theater ing due to the cold A few students llunell Myers lie Is going to Thursday. Friday and Saturday In were taken down by Ooorge Kess­ Mrs "litighi Eyes' li t tills p i c t u r e o n e work for Aaron Wilcox. nted to all of these services M. Schmidt has not been well tor some ler lu his sedan. will er America's darling as the Putnam . minister. tune. Mr. and Mrs Jerome Cappoen mascot ot the airdrome, Uie g u ar­ George Brocknnller and a n d ^ G us s j x . A S e e k s , n f o r m f t t i o n o n and family visited Mr and Mrs d ia n angel of the airm en and her M e n to G iv e P r o g r a m ; S n o w Westigard and son of C la u d e B ig g ie H u r t ; Y o u n g All Saints' Mission (Episcopal) Rem* Tag lion ami Mr Cn|MXM*ii'x baby laugh Is a song m every heart I T hird Sunday In Epiphany. De­ visited at th e Fred Tesch home father, who recently arrived hero E a r ly L o c a l H is to r y C a u s e s M a i l D i f f i c u lt y F o lk E n jo y S le ig h in g cember 37. 11 a. m. service and Tuesday. from Watsonville, Cal with Mrs, Gregory Nibler. a senior in H ills­ sermon; 9:45 a. in.. church school; 1'aglion. at Cornelius Sunday. T H E K IN G boro high, was able to retu rn to p. ill . Fellowship group, topic. Chehalem Albright Brotherhood OF T N I KEROSENES The 8B class held its annual ban- 6:30 (By Mr». F. L. Brown) illy Mr«. J«»«« M»y»r«l LAUREL RIDGE Mr. and Mis held an o | k * ii meeting at the Moan school Monday after having had 'I s It worth while to cultivate quet at the Junior high school f « * . . ,r Barnes LAUREL- The all-m en program the measles. BUXTON W. B A Ladles will Albert Turnbull were honor guests tain Home parsonage January IS. The cafeteria l u ± ; ,1 lie Ht t o - 71 Mrs. Kay Coolidge, who Is em . Monday evening Thomas give a card party Friday night at. ut a party Wednesday night ln About 15 Attended from Portland. to be given at the community hall ¡pent Saturday ' ‘'^ue^uiB ™ ?^*in- Jftiktns of Nevada will hold ev Saturday night by the Farm Union ployed In Portland, spent evening the Jesse Meyers home. Members honor of their fortieth wedding A men's chorus, led bv Jack Frce- i ^ H l n u n e r was ^ £ y lcw - Rev K' H W‘* ° under the direction of F. L. Brown Sunday a t the &rs. M. Cool- « O w « * \\ isecarver. are requested to bring pies. W. 11. anniversary. The celebration was sen, sang Mr. Culver, formerly dls- will be as follows: a male chorus of ,dge home, A. quilt will be given on th a t date. sponaorod by the Sherwood P T. A : Irlct supervisor of the brother­ ler; Don Foelker gave t h e , ' R ar' _, , __ about eighteen voices; a saxophone A small admission will be charged. at the Sherwood school auditorium hood. was speaker. if welcome to th e teach- ■ ...u honored couple were Invited and clarinet duel; vocal solo by Mr. and Mrs John Strickler. and O ie \- 1 ^ p w p h tx /’bv C hurch s c h o o fT S ? ? Miss Rose I A benefit cord party was given The Edwin B urkhalter; accordion solo Friday night at the Ira Powell to a six o'clock dinner ut the home Kvelvn Hesse and Armour Reynolds by H erm an Schoen; musical saw toerlv Those' present were Cave superUHendent. Divine wor- home by W. B A Crlbbage and of their sou Hurley, at which their attended a party nt the liome of selections by Leonard Purkcy of .J the graduating class I slop «hip a t 11. If. sermon subject "A Sound "500" were played Prizes were giv­ children Delmar, Vick, Al. Rav, Mr and Mrs. Wayne Strong ut members of Hurley and their families were Metzger, honoring Mrs. Strong on Portland; string quartet and a d ar­ teachers of Hie Juntor JuniOT Evangelistic Epworth League at 6:30. Harry Webb received high score, present. and the h . a h « c h o o l services a t 7:30. Ser- en. After dinner they were in ­ | her birthday anniversary. key play. The program will begin 1 By M r*. B int M cCorm ick! and Harold Fisher and Ethel Mey­ mon by - How Much u a vited to the school uudltorluni. prom ptly at 8 30 and will be fol­ CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN Traffic m gn scnooi. A group of neighbors gathered ut ers tied for low ln crlbbage. where many of their friends were lowed by lunch and dancing. _ 7B, G iv,s ,Vo«ra ™ , Man B etter T han a Sheep," here on some roads has been tied Mrs. Jessie Tillm an and sons athered. A program of vocal and (lie W C. Edy home Friday for Friday afternoon the 7B class, We „ivite vou to attend the serv- Snow Causes Difficulty due to th e snow, which was dinner. Those present were Mr were given a surprise party J a n ­ Flve or six Inches of snow In th e J niches deep at Bald Peak Sun- under the direction of M aunne ices of Ults church. You will find a istruniental music was presented Mrs. II. P Strickler. Mr ami 15. The evening was spent In a fter which refreshm ents w e r e and valley which Increased to a depth day. Mail carriers had consider- Moore, presented an Irish program, welcome, helpfulness and lnsplra- uary Mrs. H am ll Myers, Aaron Wil­ playing cards. Attending were Mr served, followed by dancing. The of more th an two feet on top of able difficulty. W ashington county consisting of two Irish songs, "W hen tlon for daily living. cox. Mr. und Mrs. Jolui Strickler The pastor will speak both m orn- and Mrs. Alex Allen, Mr and Mrs. sons of Mr. ami Mrs. Turnbiill p re ­ and rninily. O ther eallers were Mr the m ountain caused considerable snow plow went over this rood S at- Irish Eyes Are Smiling" and "Come David Edwards, Mr and Mrs. A B. sented them with a set of silver travel difficulties for several days, urday. Milk and cream trucks have to the Fair, and a one-act play uig antj evening tills coming Sun- Edwards. Mrs. Fred Watson. Mrs. and many of their friends also and Mrs. Jam es Harris und M er­ stu d en ts d ay . The M ens club will furnish Both rural mail carriers from Laur- been able to go over only part of entitled "Broadcasting. lin. Bob Porter, and William Kln- . . . . . . The therm om eter ln the play David the men for a chorus choir on Sun- Victor Wlitte. Mrs. Mollie Tallman. brought beautiful gifts. el encountered snow so deep th a t th eir routes here. gold. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Meyers. Rus­ E°,versX. Cox. j ay evening. There will be good sell. The Young M arried People's class they could not cover all their routes registered six above zero a t Bald Wiley. Gerald and Melvin Powell, Howard Hulit, Billie Corwin, M ar- congregational singing, an Informal Mountain Home Sunday school in cars for several days. George Peak early Sunday morning. Our classified columns may tiave Billy Best, H arry Webb. Lucille of Miss Marie Fuchs of Newberg was i,n H ammer of the point. Midweek services each T hurs- Meyers, Mrs. Bonnie Harry Sehmeltzer January It. The sisted by Charlie Schmidt. who a house guest of Mrs. Vernon Mey- itANOAIO Oil COMTANT OF CAUFOINU Jesse Ttllm an and evening was spent In ulaylug games Read thrill. class also took a p art in th e j ay evening a t 7:30. Choir rehearsal walked through two feet of snow ers last week. Oren and G ilbert Frost. Neighbors of th e Frank Shook Play; «*>« tht2'? *,ere 1 •» 7:30 Friday evening with the mail from the A. D. Hill About 25 were present. .m ilv have h a v e been been enjoying enlnvimr tobog- toboe- 0o\s in the 7B class to fill t il t a two weeks' e evangelistic vangel Owing to the deep snow and A meeting ___ — ......... family place over Bald . Peak to ........ the Moun­ Mrs. o . K. Austin and K enneth ! wil1 begin on March 10. The pastor cold weather, Clifford Sandy Is of Newberg visited a t the C F. tain Top school and down to the gan and skiing parties on th eir ™«cs, seek Historical D ata will do the preaching and will be leaving the Banks school bus In Nystrom home Sunday. Albert Schm idt place. W. H. M e -; fields near their home. T w enty-| J J l5 _ 6A ^ ! 5 ? n_2‘1i £ 5 L £ 1*a* J 5 ;>bly assisted in the music by Buxton Instead of coming from Nay assisted his brother, B. G. one were here Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. C E Asbnhr and McNay, on route two by walking Mrs. E. P. Sm ith returned home booklets on P rcs? n ', ““ ‘i Thomas Isaacs and Mrs. Rhoda 1 Vernonia each day. Eleanor and Allen :cNi Aslmhr of Portland visited from the John Davis place near Friday from a two weeks' visit in they uouki welcome any stories oi Rennison of Forest Grove.—Charles August Strassel. students ut Banks Sunday with Mrs. Joseph Werre | high and Pacific university, who Sr. tlie Fuiigan farm over four miles Portland with her daughters, Mes- incidents concerning th e early hls- M. Reed, minister. ' come from Strassel each uay, are of the route to th e Buck Heaven dames Victor Schmidt, George 11 a 9y resident of Past Noble club m et nt staying at the William Bidding the home Of G rands' school. This route was cleared by Gould and Jam es McMillen and a Hihsboro could furnish inform ation Trinity Lutheran Church Ml'S Nettle B roun the road m aintainer Saturday. A friend. Mrs. Nellie Fishburn, a t tJn£. , J® llr?ed,..i°,,,ca,1 Public worship. 10:30 a. m.; S u n ­ 1 home until the w eather moderai >s., In Sherwood with seventeen m em ­ raise in tem perature of 21 degrees Sandy. ^ rs a t 5i?e . Ju nior high. day school. 9:45, and Bible class Miss June G arvin was over-night present. New officers elected Sunday night and a “Chinook" Mrs. Mike McCann, who teaches Phone 1551 who will see th a t some — ...» guest of Muss TiUle K norr of near bers at _ 8 p. — m. --------- Sermon . subject, “The for the year are Mrs. Clara Edy. wind niched much of the snow. at M ountain Top and lives at her student will call for the m aterial, pg jth of Abel." third ln a series Banks one night lost week. president; Mrs Neva Cereghlno. Eniov Snow home at Midway, was unable to , Ou* Due ,1Aness on the "Heroes of F aith.”—Heb. 11, Orval H annan of near Bend, who vice-president; Mrs. Clara Smock, Coasting and skung parties were l y ¡B?HowSrd H u i i t w o rlT p w U h WelCOnWd tO is working on a farm near Banks, secretary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hester and was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben 5 5 ? Ctn Uth e Ur S 6 tUroiidiUon. Some Zei«ler home School attendance ¡^£ ™ ed extended —— - -- ------ — B arbara Dell of Portland w e r e Kelly one night last week. " as ean j° Ved, M S S i m t * weather® to m easles d ^ d f r ^ s i - h J ^ V ' f o r t h e ^ - s t ^ i N o tic e o f T im b e r S a le Mrs. Julia Fisher, who has been of short duration. A number of folks ■< •• • • ■ • the term due to illness. Carvl Es-1 R e v e s te d L a n d s G iv e n 111 for sometime, was taken to the T h e b a la n c e in y o u r s a vin g » a c c o u n t to d a y coasung M i n n i e Emice w S S h k ^ b absent 'W ^ t h e ^ ^ e r °B o ^w Sregm , ^ c & i f ^ a S S Guymon hospital in Forest Grove P a p e r h a n g in g P a in tin g last week. She is reported lm- 1 s h o u ld »h o w a p r o f it on y o u r w o r k f o r th e p a s t proved at thus writing. followed by . . « „ t a f f y ^ p u U ^ h e from Uie B - ^ H e a v e ^ school t t i s U oyd_ A n d e a n . i ^ Ox» ¿ );° w Z y e a r. P e rh a p s y o u h a v e m a d e u n u s u a l p u r ­ Mrs. M. Coolidge home Saturday week with measles. M arjorie Petroff o n ly s tu d e n t absent t o r n lore th an h m.wiKheH m r V T inSIi page L i » of ? Muss Evelyn Jackson of near i «■ co art ftAiiMO night. Eighteen members of th e was absent from school three days °^t-e Yates ^ f i h e t h t f k .' Banks was a week-end guest of ch as es , b o u g h t a h o m e o r a business, o r i n ­ Hillsboro Christian Endeavor soci- last week due to the deep snow -« class s m i s h e d h is f in g e r w h ile . ..'¡ s e V O w J ’, n, Pir a ! Elsie Meyers. ety enjoyed, a coasting party a t This is the first time MarjSrie has 1* £ ^ m V 'X d o w ’ “ ^ " M 2 h £ “ “ U S Land v e s te d h e a v ily in in s u ra n c e w h ic h to o k a ll o f William and Deltnar Higgle, wlio the home of Robert Soule Saturday been absent in two years. ’ nie 'audn'oriuni Ol* *' * * Uldo* 111 office a t Roseburg, have gone to Higgle B rothers' cam p i y o u r s u rp lu s ca s h . R u t e v e n a s id e f r o m such evening. The 4-H party a t the F ir Grove lne auoiw rium . at Berkenfeld to work, visited rela­ in v e s tm e n ts as th e s e , e v e r y p e rs o n o w e s it to CRACK ON YOU? tives here tills week-end. Arkle Rosevear visited his broth- school, scheduled for last Friday Hillshnr.» nminr high hasteibuii . .... DOWN » h im s e lf o r h e r s e lf, i f p o s s ib le , to h a v e som e er, Alden, and his sister. Mrs. F ran - evening, was Indefinitely postponed , euil‘ suffered i t s f i r s t d e f e a t o f '?> 'i11' on r *8ht Miss Manne Sandy, primary £ M W .1 PorHaiid from M m - „•,» ¡ r f f l a a w s s Laurelview school house next Mon- _ Elery McDougal $ 4 7 .5 0 M O N T A G f o r ............................ $ 3 9 .9 5 day afternoon for the purpose of from a two weeks’ attack of la- ^P^K, e .2 cept those days had been shortened organizing a calf club. Anyone in- grippe. services by Ellsworth there should no flesh be saved." $49.50 ALLEN for ........................ $ 4 2 .5 0 terested is invited to attend. Buford Deford went to Portland Tilton. Pastor, every Sunday eve- Mt. 22:24. the the e week a fter a new ‘u n ®’ ° 8 j .oclR , - i-aaies Aid meets Social 1 Postponed th e first of th ° S t FA' . adl . e ' s A ld m « et ? Now th the e end. This world ruler IftS.BO ALLEN for ....................... $ 4 5 .0 0 lly Corner" class of gasoline woodsaw. He and Lauren “ tst and third Wednesdays a t 2 gathers his vast arm ies for the The "Friendl, $19.50 OLYMPIC for ...................... $ 4 2 .5 0 52.^®* Armageddon comes off. the Sunaay sc chool has postponed Haynes are preparing to make a P- eting for tnis week — large am ount of cordwood ~7::— . C hrist vanquishes the - Man its social meeting --------------- — ______ _ on the ------ of -- Sin — on account of weather conditions. Deford place this winter. Longregational t hurcb and sets up his own personal rule Dr. Almquist was testing the Charlene Hobson, a Newberg high C hurch school, 10 a. m., R E. over the earth. No kingdom without dairy herds of Amos Watkins. J. school friend of Eva M attern. was Wiley, superintendent. Morning wor- a king present and the language W. Mulloy and W H. McNay last an overnight guest Jan u ary 14 at ' stup a t **• Sermon, "The Theol- , of Scripture says th a t C hrist will 1 1 3 8 T h i i d S t. Phone 2 1 X week. the M attern home. ogy of th e Church." Rev. T. A rthur present. Mrs. G race Hughes, teacher of Miss Mary Tromp is m aking an Dungan, acting pastor. d£ y of Laurelview school, spent the night extended visit with a sister. Mrs. ,_. — 8a, °£ o rg e N. Taylor, Beav- Thursday a t the Dewey Mercer Samuel Saraceno. a t Walla Walla. . Christian Church erton, o re .—Paid Adv. home on account of the storm. L. T. Finigan and daughter, Miss C hurch school. 9:45 a. m. C. H. —-------------------- Irene, 8. daughter of M r and Wanda, attended a duck dinner Fri- Nosier, superintendent. We Invite M erchandise News — A p p earin g Mrs. Raleigh Whitmore, is con- day given by Mrs. Tom Shuck a t men\, w°tnen. boys an d girls to our regularly ln the weekly advertising THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR valescing from the measles. j her home in Hillsboro. rapidly growing school. Classes for of scores of local business houses. Gilman Wight went to the home M arriage license was issued at aI1 a8es- Morning worship a t 11. A real aid ln homemaking a n d of his aunt, Mrs. S. Penne of Dallas to Paul William Blazer and Special music. Sermon by Evangel- good living. Scores of small ads Scholls last Thursday to visit with Helen P. Swanson, both of Eugene Leavitt. Townsend club meeting th a t bring buyer and seller to- his cousin. David Wight, and friend Jan u ary 18. Mr. Blazer's parents. 2:30 P m C hristian Endeavor, 4 p. aether.—Regular m th e Argus. tf B ert Flortia, who arrived from a Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blazer, live here P1, Junior and 6:30 p. m. Interm ed- two m onths’ trip through Califor- ln th e Buck Heaven district Paul u t e and Young People. Evangelistic n u and into Mexico They traveled with his fath er and brothers. Dor- service 7:30 p. m. Song .service as- through lots of snow up the coast man a n d Charles, lived for a tim e f“ ted by large young people’s choir Mrs. W. N. H athorn of Hillsboro in ^ t h F ir Grove and M ountain led b>’ C. H. Nosier. Serm on by has been a t the home of her par- neighborhoods and made cordwood Evangelist Teddy Leavitt. T here are ents, Mr. and Mrs. E C. MuUoy 1 He spent two weeks th e first of evangelistic services every night, ex- Safety is the W atchword of this Institution. Every the past week assisting with the December a t his p aren ts’ home here. cePl 4 Mondays, during the revival W e can fill your orders household work as her m other is Mrs. W. F. Wohlschlegel and meeting, Come once and you’ll known safeguard stands back of your Investment. not well. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rey- daughter, Mias Enola Barlow, went ?'a n t 10 co,ne every night.—R. L. Sound F irst Mortgages reduced each m onth by BROODERS | nolds and Harold H ath o m visited A urora S aturday for a week's Putnam , pastor. monthly paym ent—Insured against fire—supervised by there and at the J. W. Mulloy v“ it a* the Collins G raham home „ „ ~ Coal, Gas, Oil and Electric S tate of Oregon. home Sunday. Stockholders on telephone line Free M ethodist C hareh Hugo Sorg of P ortland visited at 30 from the WP ot the M ountain Sunday school 10, preaching at 11. We have th e m ! Any am ount accepted. Earnings paid to you ln cash. the J. W. Mulloy home Sunday 10 Newberg are giving It a com- Evangelistic meetings a t 7:30 p. evening” we are having C H I C K S T A R T E R F E E D S William Hanson of Florence was plete overhauling. They are using m Monday evening _,lem C en- * lth us the m an with th e thorn ln T, , , , „ 3 IN V E S T TOD A Y I an overnight guest of his son-ln- a11 new poles from C hehalem Cen- w'th us the m an with th e thorn ln te r to * Newberg. his flesh, you will w ant *" to h " ear law and ’— ' ' dai lighter, Mr. and Mrs. *“ *“— ---------------- " -------- — him. Use the best! Hodgen-Brew- Rollin Meyers, Janu ary 16. Mr Mr. and Mrs Roy McDougal and There will be services each evening \ f e r f eecJs a n f l q p rv ic e e n n ’t children of Dayton spent last Wed- aU next week a t 7:30. You are cor- „.us anu aer'’ice can t nesday with a son. Merle Me- hially invited to come an d hear o e neat. SAXTON A LOONEY Dougal, wife and young son and him. He is now the district elder' were over-night guests a t the George Iot th e Oregon conference, P ortland , Producer« of Quality M aynard home. district. He will be with us every P a r r n r t f c ’ C o c k S A N D and G R A V E L — ----------------- night, including over S u n d ay ,’ * « F l I l L r S O IO iC T here's lots of inventions w ere Fe“ruary 3. We send you a hearty Feed - Seed - Eggs and Poultry P lant located 4 miles n o rth of For­ reading about, i welcome.—Rev. B. J. Yates, pastor. I _ est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone Phone 3061 B ut w hat we need is a grapefruit 1609R Pentecostal Tabernacle th a t will yell "Look Out." 1246 Lincoln street J. M. PERHON, Manager j Sunday school. 10 a. m.; morning Savinjçs A Loan Bldf. Ifllliiboro, Oregon 1 worship, l l ; young people's serv­ ice, 6:30 p. m.; evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. I Thursday, Bible study, 7:45 p. m I Saturday, evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m. We are contem plating having some special services starting Feb­ ruary 2 with Murrlel Caurghan, recently of India, assisted by Rylie Through proper Tile drainage the cropping season is lengthened C auffm an ot Newberg, a very ac­ both in the spring and in the fall and growth stim ulated during complished musician. W atch for BEAUTY SHOPS PHYSICIAN and SURGEON the dry season. The num ber of special crops is increased. For J fu rth er announcem ent.— H a r r y Downey, pastor. example, alfalfa has been increased two tons, evergreen blackber­ ries one ton, and root crops over five tons per acre in this coun­ A. O. PITM AN, M. D. EV E’S BEAUTY SHOP Whosoever Will Tabernacle ty. Small beginnings may be expanded from the increase in prof­ (Above North Plains) G eneral Beauty Work PHTRICIAN and BURGEON it« until the whole place is well drained. The increase in value Sunday school, io a. m., with per acre of Tiled land should far exceed the cost of the improve­ X-Ray and Phyalo-Therapy Permanent« and all kinda of spirit filled teachers and good mem­ baautr work. m ent. In addition to our own standard quality products we handle ory work contest. Serm on a t 11 a Commercial National Dank Did*. W illam ina Clay Drain Tile and Building Tile. Telaphona 1881X , m. The pastor will speak on the Telephonaa completeness of a C hristian. A fter­ Ralcon? Iflllaboro Pharmarj Office 8281 Residence 791Z noon service a t 2:30, the pastor will speak on “ The Seeker. I Sunday. 8 p. m„ regular evangel Across W ashington Street from Cannery on P. R. & N, Railway DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Sanitary Beauty Shop lstic service, the pastor will preach Office Phone 1341 on "M an's Appointment," special All Kind, of R e n t , Work Physician and Surgeon music and a welcome for you. Art Kroeger 2546 —Home Phones— Henry Kroeger 1204 PERMANENTS Tuesday, 8 p. m., “Comparing Mal- M A N is stabbed and blecdo to death in a room Well» Building a opoelnlty ochi 4:1 with 2 Peter 3:10, 11.— A PLACE where you can Tolophono 1471 bolted from the inside. H e dies quietly as he Evangelist M. E. Jam es, pastor. TELEPHONES * * relax, and obtain proper WEIL'S APARTMENTS O r/ka 2692 Rmldenea 269) prepares for bed. A revolver is in his hand, a bullet exercise and recreation Is a Mabel Rchondel Beaverton Church of C hrist There will be preaching next S un­ need of most men these days. *n his head. But it was a knife that killed him and day morning and evening by pastor GARBAGE COLLECTION DENTISTS And CLEM’S PLACE offers as usual. We also wish to remind avl i ut cj n "ot ,b® f? und’ W here was he killed? you. . ? i ,',7lR Trtldy Leavitt meeting complete recreational facili­ W h o k illed him ? W h y w as h e k illed T W IC E ? In Hillsboro and urge everyone to DR. RALPH DRESSER ties. The fees for the use of G arbage Collection attend during the week. The Beav­ H ow did the murderer escape? our excellent equipment are erton services for next Sunday are Dentist AND CANS as follows: Bible school, 9:45, T. B, 1 8 Y e a r s in H ills b o r o slight when compared with Commercial Building • • • the advantages they offer you. D. P. CORRIERI Telephono 144 Philo Vance i, teited to the uttermo.t to find the to Come around tonight and try E.enlnga, Bunday hy Appointment Telephone 2325 It out. these questions in Van Dme’s greatest, most ha/lling HARRISON D. HUGGINS followed by preaching, 11 neuritis. E ig h th G raders a. service, U n io n to M e e t with m.; young people's meeting. 6:30 B u x to n G r o u p Charlie Schm idt returned to the p. ill ; preaching, 7:30 p ill Mid­ ! CCC camp at Mist after a two vacation with his parents, service Wednesday, 8 p in at L aurel H a ll weeks' E n jo y B a n q u et All ; week friends P la n s P arty Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt. Mrs. and strangers are Hi­ Laurel Rulgc Folk Honored at Party Chehalem Reports Traffic Troubles E PEARL O IL HOW MUCH DID YOU SAVE DURING 1934? CHURCHES Hillsboro DecoritingCo. * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NA TIO N A L BANK JANUARY SALE of CIRCULATING HEATERS Kennel S e lfr id g e F u rn itu re C o . Murder C ase SA FETY 4% -- B a b y C h ics Washington Savings & Loan Ass’n IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO IMPROVE HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. "Sure, Bill Will Be There, Too” A Cady M o to r Co General Auto Repairing Lockheed Brake P arts for All Cars Trico W indshield Cleaner— Exchange Motors Delco-Remy Ignition P arts for All Cars A. C. Fuel Pum p P arts for All Cars M. D. INSURANCE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST CLASHES FITTED Room 1 Commercial Natloaal lUak A n a « Phone. Residence 2972 Office 2971 Jt.Mjrfl g 8