The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 24, 1935, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, January 21, 1935
B usiness W o m e n G ive
R eal M in s tre l S h o w
Evangelist Leavitt
Draws Big Crowds
A R G U S,
meeting ot the temple has been
called lor 7 o'clixk in order tliut I >
( ) f f ir<f‘P <
all business may be transacted be-
i ’ - -r*» v y i l i w i o
(ore time for Installation ceremon- J f j s t i l l l c d
H c l 'C
Royal Neighbors held Installation
Miss Avis Drbdell of IHirtlunil and
of officers
Hillsboro, who has been ap p o in ted ;'* 1 . 1 . ..
. . . . . evening,
. n ,, -
director of the National convention
W au-Kah-Nee ( am p I-ire group miry 10. at the old G range hall
in Scuttle in July, wus invited to * “ l 1»<> .il
U1 fl»-..
u flremakcrs'
«km f'iiliiirinl'il Inti. KAfini ! I
<4 , u , rlr<4
Page Five
(Mrs. Wolfe Given
Wells' Declare
U.S.W .V. Install
Study Group of
A. to Meet
Hillsboro Best
Officers Jointly P. P T.
Mrs. Scott Wolfe was gl
T. A. child study group for
surprise party a n d handkerchief
age children
meets Wednes-
J i i v i J i ’ n r s i V school . W
“” n m
a t her home Friday a fte r­
Town on Trip shower
IT lin /iUXlliary ¿w afternoon at the library. Study
noon by members of the Royal
included "The Dollar Sign In F am -
The revival meetings being con­
ducted ut the Clirlutlun church try
Evangelist Teddy Leavitt are guln-
Ing hi Interest nightly. In spite of
I the extreme cold weather till» pant
week the evangelist hud u well-
Hillsboro was the best town seen
A mlnatrel »how und a newspaper " Flowering Wllderne*»" mid "One filled liouge each night to h ear hl» by Mr and Mrs. C. E. Well» on
li-aturing every member of the club More Itlver, Galsworthy; "Unflii- sermon« on "Silence and the Bible. their rerent 6000-mile automobile
A large young peoples choir, led trip to the Oulf Coast section of
was if»' |»r«Ki'»m offered by the Idled Cathedrul," Htrlbllng, "Van
publicity committee ul the mect- e mi ," Walpole; "Comedy American hy C. It Nosier, ut one of the out- Texas. This was the opinion ex­
Mother," Buck, Mending features of this meeting.
111« of the UuaUica* unit Profoiwluii- Htvle.
Kendall, Monkey j Evangelist ls avltt 1» u one-m an pressed by the local couple when
ni«iil. ut "New
“ l,e ^ h m n b 5 r% U
f“ c w
X M e ii‘“!ni(X9
Wrench." G riffith; Proselyte," Krtz; b um ' He has'been characterized us they returned Sunday from a two-
takltig p art as inlnstrelettes tbluck- 1 Modern Tragedy " Bentley; "Mas- be man who
_h ‘*_
,l uk nn ami ni’ |, 'o.‘t‘uni'e" ' wcre”Mui le i: n t .labia ’ I)e La lb" lie','"Home » a ik , his sermon, talks his sermon w iia t the wandering Hlllsborltes
g a rrt Halil ow, Marie Schmidt, lid - thing Human," Darbyshlre, "Years and pounds Ills serm on.' lie has Naw and did and where they went
en H , M a i n e Caldwell. Patty are Ho Izmg." Lawrence. "M r 111, o be
•" » e l r travels Is best told In the
»»A » «< n.nul onuiisl or »p< < tu tu - fol|„ wl,1({ ru n nlng narrative given
Isiniax and Sigler. Emma derlilll s Progress," Corbett; "H earts ' lur
lie still." Wilder; uud "Three Mus- ■•••
r - • hv M wells-
McKinney acted as Interlocutor. tungeers,"
•'■cllv natural" us the locul * pastor ujr toi . w
in o s. ,
K athleen Culdwcll wan pianist, and
The first ten book» rale as "best
When “ ,nan of 73 «eto In the
und Jacuueluie
ller»” oil the lfot compiled from
lonlgnt lit ra re st Grove night h abit of lying awake nights, rnag-
lim it were the dancing piccaninnies. st
nation-wide canvass made ~by A large delegation Is coming from nlfylng his troubles and talking to
Members of the publicity commit­ a Books
ol the Month " The others tl11' Christian church there and himself, they say It Is time to do
tee ure Putty Lutnux, Elaine C ald­
’ Il,rnlsh the special music i.omethlng about It. Ho, on Ma'i
well. Anna Schmidt, Audrey Heal- have high ratings. Thirty one pop- , I
fiction books. In- r‘*r
service Delegations from suggestion, we loaded our traps In
oii uud i.'mmu McKinney.
TI m * dinner was sei red by tin eluding mystery, western, and light lbp otbPr churches of the county the Ford and started lor the G ull
legislative coinmitlec,
Mesdanies i romance. have also been added to ure alho attending the meetings. , Coast section ol south Texas, whence
1/ iu U h * Klgtf». Portia Laver, Muud Lhe library thU year.
j we came to Hillsboro 22 years ago.
B omtow , Murguret Moobcrry uud El-
| ¡VT e u N v p l i o n n V
"1 took the golf sticks along hop­
cuiux Mt Dougull Table drcorutioiui Mr». I>rr»*er Entertain»—
« * *
ing to get some occasional exercise
were dell blue bowls with daffodils
Mr. Ralph Drei -er entertained G l l C S t clt Pill'tiC S
in the sunny south, but Oregon's
and pussy willows, and blue caudles. Thursday ullernoon In honor ol
Mrs. J. M Person entertained at old Jupiter Pluvlus roosted on the
The birthduy table was decorated Mrs Itollln Deck and Mrs Claude Informal
With blue I undies uud sliver toll- Morley tlm i., wi ie Mi .dame ito s and
".l.a'r '1 Wednesday
ilal,l^ íiJ'™ <S?.,.
and went right along
this week In honor rca‘
... bumper
age, Willi a wilder Mlow scene al ,,»11. Pete Schukart. Reid Connell ol
her mother, Mrs. N. Nye, of
111 children. The farther we
the head Tliissi' having birthday» Shelbv Forney. John Laurs, Rupert
in 'sunny California' t h e
went clear
found a
into wlth-
th e doble
gan was elected us local convention
> liulrnuui for the national coliven-
tlon bi Seattle next July Eleven
ncy members were udtnllled to the
H IL L S B O R O ,
k-end in
astw ard fol-
route through
Im perial valley, El Centro
i where we bought elates a t the
roadside date farm and sent to the
children lor C hristm as!, Yuma and
Phoenix. The country surrounding
: Phoenix Is a beautiful site, where
winter garden truck Is being h ar-
vested from the irrigated fields. East
ol p iloeiiix we passed through the
Neighbors The affair was a fare­
well to Mrs. Wolfe, who left . this
Mr. and Mrs. Cox
See W. M. Smith about your i au-
tomobtle ii insurance, au t r n o r lie d
agent f„r reliable western
------ —
P h o n / a M i x ° “"
-» « -
Auxiliary Members
Comedy Staged
Verboort Sunday
well to assist her on the reception
strictly Old Time Dance
committee. Following the council
At Aloha G range hall Saturday
and C harlotte G a rth o fn e r? cofoi
h ^ ^ " - * eVe'llng
2 W g t o n '»
Mr Bernard Kemper.
Antone Van- g
„ I n a T tarv Ih vers Pe m ,3
J ^ i
n r ' Where n orchestra. Admission, 25c
d e r b e r e M rs
F r e d V a n d e r v ;.n d e n ™a rers., and Mary Rogers, report- joint meeting with the Legion will
’ f'r
l.olrl Mesdames
ra Witts A.
A ti
be s held.
H. Oiasttk«
„ _ ...
Mrs Antone Vanderberg, Pius Van-
Ralph Dresser, Elmer Batchelder
Rambling M ountaineers
dehey, Ernest Hermens. Mrs. Wil-
and Leon Davis are the Auxiliary
Dance a t Laurel hall Saturday
liam VanDyke. Ernest Ileesacker, E n i u p n n i l 1 i i l n «
committee in charge of the re- night, February 2. Old tim e and
Cornelius VanGrunsven, Irvin Van-
freshments. All members are urged modern. Admission 15 cents and
Dyke and Albert Evers.
to attend.
25 cents.
AU S aints’ Episcopal annual p a r­
ish m eeting was held January 9,
Card Party and Dance
Dance at Cedar Mill
At Cedar Mill G range hall S at-
following a , pot ______________
luck supper a ____
t the Given by Huber Commercial club
church. H. D Chambers of Portland Ladies' Auxiliary a t Huber hall urday night, January 26. Music by
T o a l a t i n V a l i e v ehanter
Teague gave a short address. D epartm ent Saturday night, January 26. A dm is-! Greenwald's orchestia. Everybody
of Western w S . ^ i & t ^ - ^ d v i ^ y c & t ^ e“
'’1° n
“9P * “ COme'
day evening a t the home of Mrs.
V W ^ a r d ^ r “ n 'o t a a r d ^ X '
E. W Hillis. 321 Pacific avenue, “ y --- Melhulsh.
- - 'i* ™ ? * ' Junior
senlor warden.
Forest Grove.
All attending are requested to j ^ n . ^ k . ^ ^ g e
bring one short, unsigned poem. G rath, treasurer
Anyone interested in writing Is wel-
Delegates to attend the annual
' diocesan convention In Portland at
St. Stephen*’ cathedral January 30
Attend Installation—
and Alf O. John-
Hillsboro Royal Neighbors who
M cG rath “ hemM es* ” “
attended installation a t M arguerite
1 MCGratn, alternates.
camp In Portland Tuesday evening
were Mesdames Thelm a Peppard,
Maude Stannard, Marte Wortman, t a advertising to th e Argus.
Matinee Saturday, 2 P. M. — Evening at 6:30
Inez Traughber, E tta Cook, Mary
Upward. Leah Nioodemus, Marie
Mockley, Ada Qualls. Freda Frost,
Lena Sorenson, Lily Maier, Tressa
M erritt, Iona Lormor, H attie C ran­
dall Maud Zumwalt, M artha Lap­
kin. Myrna Watkins, Jessie Sewell,!
Ida Coslett. and Cornelia Jo h an ­
sen, Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Jungnickel.
and Misses Pearl Maier, Lena Tay­
for under your
lor, and Mildred Coslett.
Society Elects Officer*—
Bethany Presbyterian Missionary
society met Wednesday afternoon
with Mrs. Herm an Schindler. Elec­
tion of officers was held and Mrs.
Albert Meier was elected president.
Other officers are Mrs. Ben Leu.
vice-president; Miss Rosa Stuckl.
treasurer; Mrs J. J. Wismer, sec­
retary; Mrs. H. A. K uratll, litera­
ture secretary; Mrs. Elisa Stuckl,
stewardship secretary; and Mrs.
Herman Schindler, young people's
Entertain With Parties—
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barney e n ter­
tained during the past week with
several bridge parties, lour tables
being in play at each party. On
January 12th, Mr and Mrs. A. W.
Hoi fm an receievd high score., with
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Busch second.
On Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrs.
Verne McKinney received h i g h
score, with Mr. a n d Mrs. J. L. |
Searcy second.
School Reunion Planned—
Prints and the plain water
color shades.
All students or form er students
of Jackson or West Union school
one of these new
districts and their families are in ­
vited to attend the annual reunion
Dresses under your winter
a t the K. P. hall In N orth Plains
coat and you will feel like
February 9 Those attending are
a different person.
requested to bring reireshm ents.
Coffee will be furnished. Members
Other Short Subject*
of the committee are Mrs. S. A. D.
x X x x x x x :: /. ;• x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ::
x x x x x n .:|
Meek, Clyde Lincoln and Dr. W. H.
Surprised on Birthday—
Mrs. H erm an Voges of northeast
Geo. M. Cohen in
of Hillsboro was given a surprise
party Saturday. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Voges and fa m -!
E. M. BARNES, Prop.
lly of M ountaindale. Mr. and Mrs.
George Blersdorf. Mr. and Mrs _
K enneth Blersdorf and son. and -
Delbert Blersdorf of Schefflin. Joseph
O tto of Mountaindale. and Mrs.
Gordon Salinow of Hillsboro.
" b -* — —
Writers’ League
Meets Tuesday
Elect Officers
A New
WAS¿z¿tt¿t£,TO H E R - AFTER SHE.
LOST HER crusn—. . ,
Woman’s Shop
SUN. to WED.
Vd B°Wl/
w itk
For youiigtlert, grou'ti-i
W IT H -
Purchase of Rexall Preparations
Sale begins January 26th
With confidence in
your smart appear­
ance—have your suit
('LEANED and
at the
Home Laundry SC
Dry Cleaners
Telephone 47
Hillsboro. Ore
Library Adds
Fiction Books
s s
a s a ^ a &
& • a s : a , % j w w k s s . »
. r s i .
Into business.
\ Pt,'Sa? l J la 1 i 1’ H
connection with children will be
AJ1 the World Loves a Lover"
Cards were the entertainm ent for
J^ce departm ent commander, dtscussed.
will bc presented at Orenco school
the afternoon with Mrs. C. Cook
* allll^ _ officer for both or-
parents to be ,lous*' tonl*h‘- Thursday, a t eight
receiving high score, Mrs, Fred ganlsatlons; Fred Boyd, m aster of
Building j ° 'clocl[ Come and laugh. Two
» r y __
Enrils, second, and Mrs. R. Frost, ceremonies for the camp; and Mln-
eonsolatlon. Those present w e r e 9_lp
f°r . tbe Auxiliary. Hon. Personality In Children," "U nder- P*»ys and music. Admission 10c.
"Every-1-------- --------------------------------- --------
departm ent edmman- J.aJ ‘d‘S ï„ Jí¿,man Nature," "Every-
Mesdames Irene Moody Upward H V
Farmers’ Union Dance
“ W ort,nan C. .
J. R. Peppard. Ed
c . « ; ------- ---------— <mdd. CmîS’ a m L .n S * S ï Â w
And program at Laurel. Saturday
Cook, Max Crandall, E Klinger honorary member of the camp and
night. January 26. Admission. Union
Way with Children."
Fred Ennis, Russell Frost, Inez kavp » tal*t a t the meeting.
members 10c, others 25c.
Traughber, J. Nlcodemus, J. Sor-
Camp officers Installed were E
enson, W. F. Lormor, Rose Steven- D Hite, commander; C E Dumas,
son, J
R. Watkins, Lily Maier, M. senior vice; John Jepson, Junior .
Tuesday night, Vcrboort C. O. F.
Bhayler, O. H. Blair and Scott •ice; Jam es Welch, chaplain; H. S in f f l l i n t v f ’m i n p i l
Itogers. ad ju tan t and quarterm as-
V>27U11LJ' V ’J U f l L I l
hall. Admission 25c.
Fred Boyd, patriotic Instruc-
On, Tuesday night, a t 8 o'clock.
Dance a t Helvetia
tor: Albert Splerlng, historian- I. r‘l£n‘bc,'i‘ ot Legion Auxiliary units
Saturday, January 26, dancing
B. Haley, officer of the day; X. E ot the to <H»ty w111 meet in a coun-
Edwards, guard; and R. F Buck ty council a t the chamber of c o m -! sta rts a t 8.30 p. m. Swiss Alpine
Admission 25c.
h ip ,
i e rooms, witli Mrs Paul P a t orchestra.
- 1 _________________
A t h r e e - a c t e n m e d v “ W1W C to t« 1 o Auxiliary
u x i n u i y officers
o u i c e r s installed
in s ta lle d w
ere, terson, in
e w u e u i., p presiding,
r e s iu iu g ,
a a n n a d | “
Card Party------------------
Bov will
U n a Edwards, president; Ida Hite Mr; Ernie Schmid of Forest Grove
Loyal Order of Moose will spon-
O F liali at^t^rboort*
4 . ? Ï ’ ' e r
¿ ‘5?, “ \ ? eCr!.ta 2 ' .
* ’ S next
? ™ Sunday
* ® ? ¿ '? i? L Vlce,.:..,?r.
 ^ - a Â
Mrs. C. Esllnger, president of the X y “ ¿ “ l Ä
rtd “ o r a n « ’ hah
Etta H » l« b < « w ü t, ¿ ¡ ¡ i W j « « c Em- Admisión 15c or two
judgm ent, one of the most beauti-
a u M«»t
p " bllr » P ^ l n n g i j l i clause-»
be tlon.
‘■¿me for
n U
T a and
.,“ and L.»
" '»•'-*
u r s d a y will
Via t Halt
Los Z
'"'‘d .a
“,lu *"o>"o“>
• at / the
ent following the cere- ful canons we have ever seen.
library insle
instead ol Tuesdays us form- monies Included vocal and guitar
these hills where ram ordi-
distrlct bi- 'T*y
dtocusslons on coin- numbers by •*“
nuu> * n e rt rdln oral
erly. Lively
North Willamette
UlALilLb, resh-
Ul* , l»»I~ry «»U
lX> * ' * Insurance are “ p,»no seleilloni*by' Mrs.^FYed Sew- “m j i p e M n oider ‘to make’ m" R d
i lulling Hillsboro, Oregon City, will k in g held.
eH and accordion selecUons by ftl tw n|e 8ta({ed a heayy raln sU>rm
am. Astoria, and
Harry pearaon. J R F e ^ a r d j^ w » W|th cataracts coming down over
° --I
- r - Partie»
hold a conference ul G rrsliain Sun-
v a im tln
assisted with drum s for
day. A number ol the linai d u b **“
j the crags which rem inded us of the
member* are planning to attend.
Btjclal rlrr1'' ol th r 1 “.’i i ” ’imr'i'ii-s *n*
‘ Columbia river (w ithout the green
Plana for the stale convention to b e ’ “1 c*,n‘.rch,,
held III The Dalles in M av a lld f o r
"Our route passed the Coolidge
the national ronvenllon in Seattle children in Hie “ “ ' " J “*’“ ' a ,d " " . ,
U "I* V * ,
dam southeast of Globe und thence
in July will be discuss'd at the f° r th* older children In
M p p t MflTlililV
across tiie section ot New Mexico
council meeting An open forum >ib>8
t t i c c v tv id iiv K ij
Trees" will be discussion sub- to El Paso. Texas We were tn
program and luncheon will follow. ( .|ub Hold» Luncheon—
Ject at the Hillsboro G arden club Texas, but still nearly a thousand
Delphian club luncheon was ncid at t j)(, pUbut. library ul 8 p m. miles Irom our destination.
' Monday a t the home of Mrs. O. B. Monday,
"From El Paso eastward for some
elates. Mrs V. W. G ardner was
An m p rcstin g program Including 300 or 400 miles apparently it nev-
i leader on the study subject, im - „ „ illustrated talk on forestry and « b«d rained as the great sheep
; m igrants »1 the End of the Tran a dorm ant tree guessing contest will pastures, all under fence, were as
M r 1 <.rd to Sueak—
'* «»ven.
bare as the Sahara.
’ . ,
t m f w f
Members of UF Camp Fire groups
"To anyone who has never driven
Hillsboro local No. 2. N E. W. F .
, u
icadwrs will be guests.
U“>se vast plains before, they seem
will meet at the old O range hull
________________ •
alm ost erimcss. Some ouucepuou
till* evening < ih u rsd u y ’ ut <
their extent can be had when
W ashington County Fixlerallon „ d o c k Mr Lord of Portland will Postponed Party Given—
it 1» realized lliat it is appruxim ale-
of Women's clubs wilt meet Friday < „peak.
Members of the Junior play cast ly iuoo miles lrom El Paso east to
al tiie Baptist church tn Hillsboro.
i-nkin« Sneaks_
a“ d managers held a long-post- Texarkana and also nearly 1000
Hie meeting will be held
Uev. Jenkim s p r a a * -
,x.m d party Saturday evening They miles lrom Brownsville a t
th e
in the morning, a t which the ad-
Rt. Itey. ¿ h o m a s Jenkins. D. D ,.nJ()y (1,,SM,rt al tht. E H Tongue m outh of lhe ,Uo u ra n o e n u ru l.
vtsabiIlly of continuing the n n ie Bishop "f N'*«dB.
Ill ....
home after which they went on a ward to the n orth line of Texas.
"iiinity-^Christiniis tree *Jtb th< S aints Episcopal ch u rch 1 h ira
. (.l)a>niu, .,„riy Later they adjourned San Antonio, a city slightly sm all-
asolkiance of other clubs will be dis- January 31. for an i t i ng •
(j)p fjomr o j Lloyd Selfridge, er th an Portland has a very pwas-
1 bs-sixl Luiiciiisin will a- serteu at
where tlp-y popped corn and played a n t w inter climate as a rule, tnough
noon a t the Veterans hull. Needle- r w ia i m
I si*e b v lo ria v '» tu m o r t h a t u
, raft elub and the W R C will
Ladies' Auxiliary of the H uber
no rth er lias » trick ‘^ iT th a t Tvun“
be the hostess rlubs
Commercial club will give a
card Mn, ,.rUrw H.Sites»—
u t This h ^u u rt» .
mnauv ¿iid
Program during the afternoon purtv and d am e a t the Hubi-r hall
Br(.akiast cIub m et Wednesday u i e i / n d it.s ^ h e M ^xicit” . and ah
will Include a speaker, who Is not Satuiduy nlgnt.
morning with Mrs. R. Frank Peters the jest of the population for th a t
knoan os yet. vocal selection» by Attend Itlrtliday P arty—
Mr» I! II. S tan n ard and Mrs. Verne m atter, shrivel up.
Mrs. V. W G ardner an original
n ,,wlnKer at- Currv had charge of the program.
A lter a lew uays with friends
jXM-in by Mr» A. IF Blassing. read-
birthday party lor his The next meeting will be February jn s a n Antonio, we proceeded on
p,g bv IMP» M .y C«x.k and a »k t cn d .d " ^ ' ^ ' “ » r.^ a t hi» honu 13 at the home of Mrs. W. E. southward to Kmgsvme. u n “re tiie
by Mrs H. II S tan n ard » dram atic
Forest OroW FYldav evening Pltllnger with Mrs. V. Curry and writer formerly resiued und where
study group
uroTC «Tm»y_ev
» Mrg peters m charge of the pro. t|w hoUdays i,ere spem wlth old
Announcement has been received gram
At ^ I s distance my troubles
were lur enough away tnul uicy
here of Hie birth of a daughter. Past M atrons Elect—
looked small and I uus able to
Jan u ary 17. to Mr.
__ Eastern »••t 8 ta
r Past I'VntilBo
M atrons club M »jeep
eight ... hours
without a break
r t W.
L ctlll 11 lro m L ast
clem en t Bostad .H en h a Fitzgerald! lnp|
Monday evening
with Mrs.
m 'Ju uneresung
Mr and Mrs. R W. Cox returned of Saco. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Bostad o Hare Mrs J. H Murton. Junior dU U lc tto me was the alm ost uj »-
Sunday evening from »even weeks' are well known here, and Mrs. past m atron,
was Initiated and believable development ot the cit-
trlp by motor bus. They went by Bostad was u clerk In the J. C. election of officers was held Miss rus iru lt erov..s
groves Yn w h a t is k n o w n
wav of S alt Lake City. Denver. |>enney store for several
years. Rose Cave Is president Mrs, D.
as the lower
Rio G rande valley
Kansas City and St Louis to Louis-
Mr and Mrs Paul C Rees took H. Megargel, vice-president; and which extends lrom Brownsvine
ville. Kentucky, visiting relatives
¿ O ud of Hillsboro children to Mrs. J. H Murton. secretary-treas up the river some 60 miles to the
along the way. They visited tn Knox- th -o le n c o e school In Portland S at- urer.
Mission section. Having a width of
MU.- and Kingsport. Tenn.. with Mr
d y to N.,. „ program in which
4 to 10 miles this section Is annost
Cox » m other, brothers and sisters Hin i„ movie dog
was featured S<M *»1 I lu*> Meet»—
soliuly covered with orange and
at Bristol and G ate City, Virginia; pyofeMor and Mrs R Hubbs of the
Eastern S tar Social club met grapefruit orchards, the larger acre­
with Mrs. Cox's stepfather, aunt
t ian(i Junior aeademv w e r e Friday a t the home of Mrs. L. T. age being in grapefruit, oranges
and cousins at Big Stone G ap and
Saturday at the Rees home McPheeters, with Mrs. E. L. Moore constituting prouaoiy not more than
a t Dante. Va.. other relatives at K '
imunie “ assisting hostess. Mrs. Robert
Coeburn and Clinchport, Va ; and
W om ans C h u rth b trv iie i . gu n u rlingaine made high score a t one-fourth of the entire acreage.
to c t- >u»tract. Mrs. George T. M cGrath I was told th a t the average a n ­
their old home nt Wood,
output approxim ated 2a to 30
spent C hristm as at the E B. Cox Mrs 8 H Thwaite ^ l ^ a t e s elect- al aurtlon and Mrs w j E n. nual
tliousano cars including their vege­
the church.
diocesan Portland.
convcn w-hpde
received a a sewing
sewing prize.
home In Bristol, where a Cox fam ­ cd
tlon to at attend
8 t David
s<t' eaf received
ci-op which Is harvested early
ily reunion was held
In the spring.
On the return trip they visited January 29 are Mrs. Oeorge Fischer Group Visits Wireless Tower—
was aunost Impossible for me Return» from California—
Lolicse Camp Fire group took
Memphis. Tenn.. Dallas and El and Mrs M. Wick.
Mrs. A. A. Jackson returned
Mr and Mrs. R. W, G ates and lunches and hiked to the wireless to recognize tins section as when
Paso. Ttoxas; a brother of Mr Cox
from a visit with her
at E\)rt Hits«, Texas; L. J. Cox. a children and Miss Mabel Thw alte tower south of Hillsboro Saturday I left tnis country the ground on Thursday
Mrs. Elizabeth Dlvelblss, at
cousin, a t Plioenlx, A rlz. where they drove to Bremerton. Wash., S atu r- afternoon The girls Inspected the which these citrus orchards were S an Leandro.
Cal. She spent over
visited his citrus groves; and other day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W F wireless apparatus, alte r which they
m onth there and experienced cold
relative» of Mrs. Cox at Ix>ng Taylor. They returned home Sun- returned to the home of Mary Man- brush and cactus. The greater por­ a w eather
the entire time.
ley for a meeting. Two members tion of this development occurred She came during
Beach, Pasudena and Riverside. Cal day evening.
home to get where It
prior to the depression, of course,
They came home from California
Ernest O oelter of Oales Creek were voted In.
here T hurs­
through Marshfield along tire coast spent several days last week with Attend Luncheons—
day in the midst of a snowstorm.
In the last few years.
route Mrs. Cox suld they p artic­ his brother. William Ooetter. He
was recovering
recoverniH irom
Mrs Verne Curry attended a ! "About the second question I was Mrs. Compton Honored—
ularly enjoyed the changing' land­ was
from an
an injury
luncheon for 1935 Eastern S tar ;‘sked wherever 1 went was. Well,
scape, cotton fields In Arkansas, h it k w e ran p revived ° in " clearing
Mrs. Orville Compton of Portland
m atrons of Portland and vicinity 1 bow s business coming
ng ud
up in Ore-
desert and cactus blossoms tn Texas,
Saturday at the H eathm an hotel. 8°n." and Invariably I le it Justllied was complimented Tuesday. J a n - 1
orange groves m Southern Califor­
Mrs Charles F. Grabcl ,____
was _ hon-
njrs ».
j B.
B Dinsmore attended a !,n
1 m_ replying th at Uregon did not uary 15. w*’h a party at the home
... ......
nia. and pcua and grapes toward
or guest nt a neighborhood p a ity luncheon for 1935 associate m atrons suffer by comparison with any io-1 of her mother. Mrs. O. O. Coslett.
the northern section.
Mr and Mrs Cox have lived In I Salur.c?ay evening a t her home. She t the Mallory hotel Saturday.
ca?,1.ty J had seen on the ^ P - 1 Royal Neighbors and
p r e s e n t . ___________
u ran x e ....... . Pie S ot , . , -
Hon In Los Angeles and Southern passed a half-dozen cars less for­
,h “ 1
: s ^ l e ^ X ’ w ^ T u e S a H^ tu ? -f -s.
X ar pV g ^ m haVW e S „ ^ California shows the m ost severe tunate th a t were In the ditch.
results of the reaction I have oo-
"The best town we saw on the
h X e CVih!-v'‘ w“r e llretun.lng D o r n " « range' h a il
| “ " o í r return trip was pleasant and trip was as we crossed the Dairy
creek bridge coming into Hills­
HeaHh iu,.rrf V I«.|»_
I Without any accident as I was Ire- boro."
i vacation trip to California.
lleiilth Board M « ts—
quently admonished by Ma to "slow
. . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Schulmerleh
W ashington County Public H ealth ' up on the curves."
b t
a ,llst. of non-fiction a nd Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gray of association board meeting was held
"Coming up the coast route we
P’inn. lM’< f“r u,1, ',1' .Ilbrary j Rj-edville were guests Monday eve- January 16 a t the court house In found our old friend Jupe waiting
tW .'^ e e k ’ i'l ls T S r ,Keb « S
at ,h<' h°■"e- ° , Mr ‘“ ' d
for us In the form of snow not lar
John W Kanina Jr,
north of Wlllets und on the high­
Mrs. Vinton Hoste»»—
chased during 1934 Is published as
Willard Newton, student at Mon­
way north over the mountains to
Mrs. Dolores Vinton entertained Eureka. We were told thut t h e
"8o Red the Rose." by Youilg;
week-end at the home of his p ar- Saturday . evening - j with a . "Bowery"
. snow up in the hills was four feet
"Goodbye. Mr. Chips," Hilton; "Mary ents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Newton, j dinner party and five tables of deep. I t took us two and one-half
Peters," Chase; "Lost Horizon." Hil­
days to come from there home as
ton; ’Folks." Suckow; "Pitcairn's
the snow extended down to the
Island," Nordhoff and Hall- "Lamb I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Chase were Card Party Monday—
In His Bosom," Miller; “Anthony Sunday guest« of Mr. nnd Mrs. G .| Roy ai Neighbors will give a card water* of the Pacilic. One old-tim er
Gold Beach told us th at tins
Adverse." Allen; "Captain Nicholas," L. Manigg of Tobias.
party In th e old Grange hall Mon-
....... Trait."
. . . . . . . Lincoln;
Oscar Humburg and son day evening. Everybody Is welcome. was the first real fall of snow in
Walpole; "Peel
"Oil for Lamps of China" and "Riv­ Alan of G aribaldi are at the Fred .
"However, with the nld of the
er Suprem e,'' Hobart; "Nice Long Rood home this week. Alan Is un- Mother Sueeumbi
B arnett. 73. m oth- ■' a nie efficient a n d conservative
Evening" and "House Across the der medical attention.
er of Deloss B arnett of Hillsboro, I driving instructor, we made m e
River," Corbett: "Bool of Longing"
Mrs. Anna Williamson suffered a
I trip w ithout trouble, although we
and "T heir F athers’ God," Rolvag; broken right ankle Sunday In a died a t Troutdale January 22.
fall on icy pavement. Dr. C. T.
Sm ith attended her.
Mrs. Ada Collier of Orland. Cal..
Is visiting a t the home of her son-
Special offer during January
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
B. C. Seluilmerlch.
I course (IO Im aons)......... $4.09
Miss Irene Heintz and Bob W il­
kinson of Portland were guest« F rl-
Phone 2943
Hillsboro day evening ol Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
I Fox a t Lafayette.
County Meeting
Federated Clubs
Here on Friday
ln,l*ll»tion n t Scout H « r- 1 ¡ r k i H ' " r n f T S S S U ^ J ^ i S S ! ^
Hats cleaned and blocked, shoes
shined. W. Q. Stompolla, 1133 Main
y r tf
mt, J O H N B E A L
PLUS — “POP EYE” • nd Other Short Subject*
27 to 30