THE P age Four Investigate Opportunities J $ U s b o n |j|M .r g u s W ith W hich la C am hlnrJ tha H illahara Independent H illa boro A ryus « t a b . ÎB94 H illaborp Independent « t a b . I t T t M c K in n e y mc K I n n e y . p»Mt«>»»r» r u b ila bad Thursday« Entered as aecwnd-claaa m atter in tha poatoffica at M il labori». Orejnxi a W. MRS V E R N E M c K IN N E Y Editor Meaabar— Orearon S tata Edi­ to ria l Association and N a ­ tional Ldt tortai Association M em ber of the A u d it O F F IC IA L NEW SPAPER E C. M c K IN N E Y Assodate E ditor F irs t Audited I 4«per L a n t­ eet Audited W eekly C ircu la­ tion in O m ro n Bureau of Circulation OF W A S H IN G T O N Subscription Rates S tric tly Cash in Advance Par y a a r _______________I l .50 U . 8. Outside Oregon Form en Countries _______.SS S ii months CO I NTY •S.OA ASt) Tha Hilleboro Anrus asaumes no fin a n cia l responsibility for a m n published in its columns, but in case- where th u paper is at fa u lt w ill reprint th at p a rt of an advertisement in which tha tyi'* k.-r... take occurs. An Independent Newspaper. Whose Scrv.ce.- ara Based on the Principle of tha Golden Rule. “ And as >a would that men should do to you. do ya also to them lik e ­ w ise." -M a tth e w T : l t . ________ _ Never Failed in Duty H IL L S B O R O ARG U S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, Januury 21, 1935 by A. J Kav Son at North Range endeavors on the part of certain , amt Baseline. Old Highway Interests and Individuals to disrupt Charles A Hanley died here J a n ­ Don Batchelar Hie house organisation, the legisla­ uary 22, la functioning smoothly and Thirty Tears A* > Suit Settled | Hare All-Star Back ture 1 ffldeutly. Argus. January 26. 11105—W O. He reports having seen ts again pursuing his studies Officials of the Hillsboro grade school district see a possible opportunity to re ­ place the present David Hill school under financing plans th a t may mean a w orth­ while investment and good business op­ portunity for the district. They are right in m aking an unofficial investigation to see ju st what kind of a proposition is pos­ sible under the public works program of the Roosevelt adm inistration for easing up on the unemployment burden. If a thirty per cent graiiT can be se­ cured under the works program and the balance of the money obtained at a very low rate of interest it would seem like a logical move. An individual, if able, under a like opportunity would probably take advantage of it. The David Hill school has long served as the educational center for several gen­ erations of Hillsboro school children. W hile it would probably serve the purpose for a few more years, it is nearing the end of its years of usefulness and con­ sideration will within a short time have 10 be given to its replacem ent. The board is justified and should ob­ tain every bit of inform ation about the possibilities of such financing and keep the people inform ed if such a governm ent donation is obtainable. If not available as a gift th e board will not consider the proposition. the following Hillsboro residents In .__ ... L ... »> the I»» departm ent at Ann Ar- (. ond,'lunation suit brought by the m,,. Mich. LINFIELD COLLEGE. McMinn the lobby: George McGee. J. M state highway commission In 1227 Ladles' band benefit at operoiville , special' In Don ltatehelar Person, J. J. Wismer. Judge T r i l l * to obtain right of way for the house Saturday night. Members of j , Jn(ll.u, c0|i,.ge found Its first first all­ all-|p le to n and A. M. Jonnaeii, Tualatin valley highway was dis- east aw H. T. Bagley. Claude Cate. c„Ilfen>llr(, rootbsll player In In six s ii , “ S e M H i h H l d k lJ m , . F ni u t ! i i U’ oC' « 'e a rs P o d U .o r e n ln HUH was the missed Thursday Peters, T hat the commission liad obtained tl e . e s i v n X i X J r r o Wilkes. Grace Robinson, Letltia other all e. nlereuce player to b ,- . h „ » ? „ ± , i . n ± * .d Imbrle. Myrtle Butler. Ona Ford soled to that p illio n by the coaches through negotiation amt agreement Manager G A. Wehrung has sue- of conference teams was given as the reason for the dls- Not Criminals Complaints come to The Journal of unkind tre a t­ m ent accorded applicants for help a t some of the public relief agencies. The cold, tyrannical attitude of some of the employes disbursing Jobs or doles was described by a helpless widow with children as u n ­ bearable. "I was approached," she said, 'as if I were _____ by the law. a convict or a criminal and wanted To be in poverty and a petitioner for help is ------- u . . ------- --------- .. bad enou8h - Mai>y a poor soul . suffers in silence v and hunger because prevented bv pride from a s k ln t r r e l i e f Trouble in itself is mournful enough w ithout' as a .seeker of relief, being subjectedÎ T Æ THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME Mrs. Amanda Sharp f uneral I leid Today Loo Late to Classify 347 D onelson Mrs. Lull Buried at Mountainside Good Small Farm Me- ,, ' .. PoStoffli'P 11 ILL r PnqitioFi O S lilO I l O pen at Cornelius set a minimum price to be pajd the producer but the board shall have no power to set the re-sale price. This is where all trouble ln the past has originated. We would be back where we _ were a year ago. uvo. when certain business interests It prum profitable to use milk as ; found u. aoie io ‘» p - even if they had to sell it at a loss- loss. The sponsors of this meas- promise the consumer a lower pnce ior the‘r mllk a 'id °n the other hand promise the Droducer a minimum price for his price for his milk mllk. Under the old m ethod of cut price campetition there are many C o u n t y F a r m G r o u p s ways in which a d istributors re- . turns to the producer can shruik *° '-'rg®n ,ze * onight short weights, lower tests off grade’ Officers of the county federation etc. While the distributor would of farm organization will be elected C. C. Hockley, state engineer for ro*iLb7 a ^ y‘ng PHc® a t the court house here foniKbf Orego^ of”the" pubHc^wwk's admin- tllU .s e ft4CLOr.S W O llIfi m a k f * a t r e m $ * n _ i rP V , i , r c d a v k ar>s«rxf*rl i r t i , tzv M D these factors would make a trem en- cn iu rsd ay ), accordìi« to N P .1 U tritT ó n J'h « ' b ^ n “ ^ r t * " t o T a *' £ o n , tej te m ra rv hch“ c h a ir'Van ir m a n T h e a .. r<>port befor'' i_«_____ M arrh . » . ™ a «ur- UwUSprS i"cernn auch w ______ arrant« mH „«.r„ Herr*,*- ' V,H ' J«»»u»r> w , is e / Local Man Suffers Fracture of Leg T omorrow , , ■, ,,, n o t h f to , K f n i T o u s * * ' County Court df tho S ia la of O ra f " « , for I ha County of W n.hlnyton ..... ... ............ . I róbate llovartm efit '* » n » « a » iter of CHear U Km lth • n«t Alice Sm ith, hla If», tranaa«- ................ .„ J’ “ ’, ' ' ” " . ‘ ï , ‘ 'l* ,.? *“ • f (»rrwn v h rw It " "«"Gupt.; N„ I» lv7Z0 In Dank ruptry. ,’ Notice ,- iit F I« ir r .r iy lv rn b> a || , rrt, .. I« f hen by g given «|| ÎÏ*, ""* l i 'h * ■'«> J » „ u » r F. i > IWilft. l h r « r W • * a * '’G'‘h.,,?r'?„J',.i,“‘v7 t’ .L',„Vr X7,r'.<.,,X I Z- c * 8*nkr"pt >„,i ts«t ,h. n„t J , , , 7?" .t” y •'"«« ........ , t 11,11.1,,,,,, a ' 2nd «lay ,,f February. IM S . « V t in M ■ l which tim e «ai«| creditor« may attend pn»v« th eir rlaim a, appoint a tru«tee examine »he bankrupts. and transact auch other buaine «« may |>r«n>erly rom » Ivrfor» «aid m«*etinir. C la im , m u ., Im p rM M iM d In form ra- I ,|,„ r « l h r the lla n k ru p t A n | 5 i afternoon ' - . « during . - « a . have given us in the past and Jay J. aunng a meeting of of agencies against which I know we can count on your help in anything th a t will benefit the 1thc ^ ' ‘P aU try t0 meet Dairy In d u stry —Henry G. Hagg. a ^ c o ^ Tha arhadul» fllr.1 »belìi G eneral Fund W arrant „ - - H - «« - - , - r . While fishing for steelheads at ,7'’, i i L i J , " »2,», on CITES FINE CHARACTER C all M ade in C ounty Cloverdale Wednesday afternoon of ’ t h «« u ' t o n g u , j , „ , Hillsboro. Oregon January 21.1 O utstanding county general fund l ^ t week. Lloyd Brown, slipped on »»„kmeirr H lil.h .,,,, d e a th ^ f the^iate K arl Haefliger the .7,arr,o « S issued ---------- op “r a !i,iorc Mar^h ar> Icy walk and fell, breaking his J"" - . ------------- ------. ............................ * - - u a r r 21, IBas. Helvetia community lost a once *®34' were called this week by right leg Just above the ankle. M ar- very valuable citizen and neighbor. Mrs. M audW . Boscow, county treas- vln Robinson, who was with him He was a fine friend to me. He urer. Interest on w arrants not here- took him to a physician there and j was an upright man, always ready tofore called will cease Saturday. later brought him home. He was to help hl3 neighbors. Years ago — - - _______ _ I taken to the Jones hospital, where € O ,T H |9 i s \ n h a t he was the neigliborlsiod vcrterln- Schmul: "Which would you rath - arian, and even undertaker, free of „r have a million dollars or twelve . Dr. A. O. Pitm an treated him. He WE G E T ? AFTER was In quite a serious-condition for charge. His life was one of hard daughters?” several days and was threatened work and he took care of his stock , Levy: “Twelve daughters." THREE y e a q s OF to the last day. He was 82 years , with pneumonia, but was able to be Schmul: "Why?" PIANO L.-ESSOH2, old last summer.—John Schneider.1 Levy: "If I had a million, I d taken home Wednesday evening Rt. 1 Hillsboro. want to have two, three, ten, a I «nd Is convalescing. S lj C h t e c h n iq u e . hundred millions more. B ut If I -— ------------------- - SUCH ew u g h !"-E x aUKhtCrS' tHat W° Uld Ro” R eP °r‘» H om e as o Sewell W. G. IDE Open competitive examinations for third-class postm aster at Cornelius have been set by Postm aster G en- Oregon Mining Congress will hold era! Farley, according to word re meeting In the cham ber of com- , etved here Salary Is $1200 ner erce rooms here a t 8 m. F rl- year and applications will b e iu k e n for everyone Interested ln m in. until February I. Examinations may W . Colonel B. K Lawson presl- be taken in Hillsboro or any other dent, former chief of _. police examining office. office Another * „ ol „ Port- , I j examining opening land, will preside, E. O. Harlan, ts listed a t Vernonia. th a t a number ol of secretary, says m ADDllcanU f o r t h .. people ln this district have con- a re ? e o u ire d £ imu ,x “ n“ " atlo,> . L - i idert rM)u £ ¡ £ 7 “,‘th them riegarding th e 're mi “ m ed t u o , . , have Ve actually “ctually re- ost sourccs in this district He ex-1 nffiiu, t 1 ” d®llverr of the p pum sources l n . lnls ° . c i . Me ex office for a t least one year. Age Presses a hope th a t everyone In- limits are set a t 21 a n d m terested will attend. f -------------— ___________ 5 ' li“ I you P ">u a According to our understanding this action will be agitated by pioneer groups of the state, and these organizations are hopeful th a t a num ber of letters will be sent from here to Yamhill county’s delega­ tion at th e statehouse backing up th eir efforts. The regrettable meddling a t Champoeg park which led to Albert Tozler and his sister, Mrs. Edith th eir wora work as as — . Tozier ------ W eatherred, giving up up tueu custodians and historians may be laid a t the door there of political Interference there. y-iucty trutn a commercial standpoint, if from Purely from no o th er Newberg should be in t e r e s t e d i n vL , 's nould be interested in Champoeg JthZ_ipi e ? Pub ic interest, because th e for hi®“ ric sii toe usually passes th r°ugh Newberg. Since the exodus of the Tozlers it will be noticed th at rare indeed the news news story storv -------- --- is — calling statewide attention to activities th ere.—New­ berg Scribe S T. O. llKHileewe, Miss Marlon Lytle and Nell Want attended a banquet ut the Congress hotel |„ Portland Friday night, given by the Portland G as Ac Coke company h, all employes who are eligible to be­ come members of the “Hull of Fame," a sales organiaullon hylic and Mr. Ward were added . Finances Obtained for Flax Industry Public Forum t h e T h :nS X . ' « .u g gest«d by Repre- S / . S t T sentative Honeyman a r e undoubtedly those in charge m ade in good faith, but we quite agree t h ^ w ith Mr. H agg th at in the end such action ^ 7 u , ? l X U S m ight prove costly to the dairym en. Oregon Journal. N. Ward Honored play.' i , ., Lawn cemetery. „ _ ... , . -- — — ---. time. I eleven, T licit season closed his Mr, Altipnwl|l was born In Kan Kutulll place south of Oak pink G rant Bailey of Portland with [ third yeai regular. He was sas December 110 1883. and had Rxrciitvle board of the (tardi drew a previou.s plea of not guilty j w___ ponslble for at least ____ lived In ___ Hillsboro for . the oast five club met Saturday afternoon u to a bad cheek charge Saturday | per ceni of the yardage made years. Bile Is survived by her bus the home of Mrs O II G ates z 75 and plead guilty. Sentence will be by the Wildcats this' season. Not hand. Leo Adkinson. two sons, >' Financial backing for the linen only did Batchelar score six of the Frank and Kenneth, both of Hills- tlie**,,. '.‘k‘Vrnl’ « ’ n h A u v passed by Judge Peters this S a tu r­ Alvuli Ixigun mill expansion program In the Wil­ 1(1 touchdowns but lie took the lain», and two daughters. Mrs M|. ,,, , M day, Audrey Harper of Hillsboro and " logan lam ette valley has been obtained Jeon Anu Donnell of north Aten L. Cooper of G aston re - | from an eastern source, according ball to the tour-yard line from I he Mrs. Frances Duucalf of Cornelius Hillsboro spent the week-end w celved a postponed sentence S a t­ to W. F. Llpman of Portland, who middle of llie field In six plays for Dixie Lee MncDowvIl. urday when he plead guilty in the seventh and passed to a score Hillsboro about a year ago the the Ronald Neilson of I'nrtlnnd t local Justice of the peace court to visited eighth to explain his project. T7ie pro­ on Don lied Bunday at llie ( ’ M p,m Is the best blocker by far a charge of hunting wild anim als posed program would take about 10 home. without a license. In handling the years, cost more than $7.000,000 and on the Linfield eleven and opens case. A W. Havens, justice of the give employment to 10,000 men and big holes for his mates. His pass­ Funeral services for Mrs Am- T l l r u d D e fe n s e ( 'u it f r r r n e e __ ing has been one of the main rra- peace, pointed out th a t all persons women, he said. Mrs A. W Moore and Mrs Iti 74. who died over 14 years of age are required j First of a series of mills is to be soils for the success of the Linfield Monday afternoon ai her home on ' rl Kelly of the David Hill chapter fish on a \v “ hm S?bt? “ u,,t , tra P or I at 'c .u lb y ' and farm ers are to passing attack which was unusual­ Hillsboro route 1. will be held today D. A K. attended the S late patrl fish on any but their own land. h * glven , „ ¿ e -y e a r contracts for ly successful this season. He Is iTlitirsdav» at 2 p m from t>«iel- otic conference on nutionui d Orders in the folowtng circuit growing flax at $25 a ton. accord- almost uncanny, not only in Ills son A 8ewell rhapel lu re Itev M tense at the Multnoinuh liotel tn court cases were issued tins week lrg to plans. Investigations Indicate short passes, but also In Ills long 8. Woodworth will be in charge of Fortlund Saturday Fred Haase Ellortl that the W illamette valley Is sult- heaves. One play, calling for a the Inst rite's and Interment will et ux duniLsaai- 'ì i u r ? Hillsboro cemetery, ociation vs Braude? ¿ X ï« D able io1', “ ",e •'lclds„ ? unliorm quick, accurate 40-vard pass, was •»’ «1 live association vs. uran aes Cream complete four out of five times. w.MiL a ® ’" rp^ W.“ s .Bepteuiber __________ «.i QhABty flax from Hillsboro to Bu- ery et al, dismissal; Merle G for Batchelor averauerl •ili' 1B,!0 wt 1 »him bus. Ind Khe Is ______ ____ _ vs. George n J sene, promoters of the plan declare is Puntuiu V »,. k . r .. . A '.su rv iv ed bv one son. Krman A T H R E E J*r«ey b u lb f»$r aala Campbell. receiver, II«-, ,« Z ---» ® 45 yards net foi the season. On show ers of Hillsboro route l H arm *. I(t | (\in ia h u « , near Mefcaffli* G Xr«a/»»» race a et $ a al. I order confirnitiig^sahi defense Batchelar seldom makes u . W IL L do laundry « » rb at my h<>nir g?1 property; s ta te of Oregon ntislake. His specialty Is pass de­ Tenth Hl .a Warrant« ('«Urti s. ' Charl°“ Charlotte c C C. Prince et al. dis­ fense but on running plays of all missal; M atter of Liquidation of OuUtandtxiK county road warrant* io d ix e d •« k »all, all m ineral« ai|,|cl lIlllalMir*» M eal ('« a I , Bank of Beaverton, order to sell kinds he can well take cure of tils endorsed prior to July 31 1»34 bonds, order; Jetuue W Morgan vs side of the line. are now iMvuble, according to a ' George A. Morgan, release of real Thieves broke into the R. D. He ucts as safely man on punts ,a l| issued tins week by Mrs Maud property from attorney's lien; Union C entral Life Insurance company vs. Sm ith grocery a t G arden Home arid lias done some fine work In W Boacow. eounty treasurer. In- Monday evening and stole $3 from tliat capacity this year He Is quick lerest on these w arrants ceases 8nt- Amy A. Wahl et al. default, decree' urdny. Vivian J. Lawrence et vlr vs. Anna the postoffice departm ent and ap­ and acts as quick as he thinks Phone 953 : Hillsboro Batchelar is a Junior this year G. Pettibone, denying motion: Wil­ proximately $1.50 front the store FUNERAL DIKKCTOKS liam H. B. Sm ith vs. R. ... H. Ellison till, according to a report to the and plays a nice game of baseball ------- ------- M in in g G ro u p to M e e t and et al. overruling dem urrer; M. T. I sheriff*» office. Entrance was gained a» well as football His hitting is Meeting of the Oregon Mining LICKNftED L.M U A IJH LU n f i Xi. vs'.,Carl A- Hoffman et al, de- by sm ashing out a window In the wc,l “ho'e the average, Congreas will be held Friday eve­ lault; Union C entral Life I n s u r - l s i o r e ning at the Hillsboro chamber of ance company vs W. R. Zumwalt ______ _____ _ Rosa ____ G reen- _ Shotgun and autom atic rifle were commerce. et al. default, decree; field vs. Charles F? Emerson'^et^iu" Ireportcd stolen from the Henry default, decree; a . A. Schram m vs.’ Peterson honie on Gaston route 1 Ill, I Ils Annie M Pearce et al. confirming Tuesday evening. Peterson was away MacLaren To Mr and Mrs I>>n- ^ % z“ r e . u P ar- from home in the evening and aM MacLaren of Hillsboro. January Funeral services were held for I7. “ host. d,stoVfred the theit °f the Mrs A W. Lull a t the Donelson A - Hoy To Spokane, default, i unon his return , „ __________________- — and Mrs Etnll Roy. 25 acre«, all In cultivation, good decree ; Federal Laud Bank ofi Between ’50 and 300 irraln sark« SeweU rh “Pel here Saturday after- January 1«. Mr boy. Spokane vs. E. L Parsons et al I U and /tw in sacks noon wlUl Hl,v p utluuI, of , ll(. Patterson To Mr and Mrs Joseph m“d,*r ” imlldlnga, fruit; 4 miles partial release deficiency judgment* were stolen recently from J. C. J Christian church officiating Inter Patterson. utterson. January 20. 20, » a hov boy from Hillsboro, on paved highway and Henry 8chlam an vs. A d a Martlnazzi of Sherwood route 1. ment was at Mountainside cemetery Hinkle To Mr and Mrs ’ W W according to 0 report Wednesday near , Scholls. areordinir ro bcnlaman. default, order, decree. Hinkle of Moffatt station. January rreek; has sold for $10 000 Our Probate orders were issued in the to Sheriff Connell. price 14 500, Kood tenm . Helen Jessie Lull was born In 20' “ h” !' following estates; John Medol, Ida I ------------------ Missouri. February 24. 1874 and Sheeler To „ Mr _ and Mrs Merle M. Patrick. Jam es Kirby. E f f i e C«. J «. rT’ 1 came to Oregon as a baby with Sheeler of Gaston. January 20 Becker. Guy C McCormic. George her family, who settled on a home- Klrl Insure with Bell. Amos G. Bates. Freda B. Wells. I stead a t Mountainside In 18»2 she TUALATIN VALLEY Karl Haefliger, Mary Stew art WU- M iiJ Y p a r F y h i u ; Wtts married to A. W. Lull of Farm - „ , vmi o r v iia n k m liain K m ttel. Andrew Mazurek, Wil­ t’ sK s l l d l 1_A <1U 1N lngton Many years of her married *** • r’’ > . . . ..,r .,, i, INSURANCE AGENCY .^ ( „ .,1 ------- for the first hfe were spent In the B ig B e n d fo» i . ■ .............. , k„„, liam C. 1 .■» H annon .» and O rlem a Ader-s. r «i , ssued semester a t n HllhV o n i nave ueen seneu- th« _ SUrVtVCd survived by the h n« hwr, ..«mnu.a.« ...H students Lull Is I has been completed and I .; l • street widower of Forest Grove and four I are now reviewing for the exam ina­ children Alvin Wade Lull. Wood­ « ARI> l i t T I IA N k S llilI«lM»r«i. <> re< ma W . .!.h t„ . , l , n,| lh.„ k tions. our W ash; Mrs i »«.• 1 Members of the glee clubs mid o land. >rn1aHfIU,s,'r..''1 5? Alvera 1 I Mc' m any kind frla n .l. for I h .l r Ion« I OPPOSES CHANGE IN IJ Iw_ LAW principal characters have started 1 ',.,,,« ^ ' t.’nV.J''/ M l' Jl*“ 1® A. i t Itindom . am i .yntpathv .turiny Reedvllle, Oregon O _ practice on the operetta. "Cherry J-.iPa?.. ’«• Grove and Mrs «.n, l.rr^r,,,,,,. ,kr and mother ami f. r (ha lom utlftil floral To the Editor:.D en i of w is h - L Blossom ' “‘ fe mlss Edwnia“>Broadb«‘nt “ *“a>s M Heppner. Hood River n f f a r l r ,. . A W l ull and fan,U r Nah<^ airym d bvJ ‘lerested s ln char» of the operetta, which EiRht KTa”d