THE Thurttduy, January 24, 1935 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Three i week on account of an Infected I liuby of Nebruflku ure staying at hill visited her parents, Mr. and Foursquare Church finger. I the Russell Dwyer home Mrs. Marcorn, and others h e r e Friday night, special evangelistic Mrs. Albert Riche has been con­ Miss Iwora Puvey of Portland vls- Thursday. song aervlc* and fined to her home for the past few ' Keil friends In Cornelius Bunday Tc«t: Mink 14:97*111, 51. «0-79 was often as Inexplicable as the Roy Carter, who is employed on service. Regular message, subject "The because of lllnesa. Mr». A llunnlng lui» been con-! the U. 8 Dredge Multnomah spent prophetic most daredevil acts of «elf- day» World and Its King.’’ Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Charles O Stanton filled to her home with the flu. I The I nt<*r im I Iona I Uniform the week-end at his home here. exposure In the most dangerous at 9 45 a. in, classes for all age» Return from California Hiiinlny Hi liool l.cBkofi for J mii . circumstances Due may recall visited in Portland la-st Thursday Miss Jean Miller of Midway was Sunday special missionary and Friday. They reported danger­ A M McPherson returned home [ ... a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs E. service morning, Rev. Oo»ta Athana and hl» the frank testimony ot a man ous road conditions. I Friday after »pending two montlui ! " ' W. Carter. son Leo. mlsalonnrleg from Qreece. Mrs. Hinrichs to R eport Miss Irene Richmond was a guest Firemen Improve Clubhouse In California. While there he vlHlted who was decorated for a partic­ Young people of this community will be with us and will speak to I with Mr anil Mrs. Donald McPher- AN odd oreurreiire In the Ilfs enjoyed a sleighing party on the ular act of heroism, that he had, of Mr und Mrs. Roy Townsend of Community Activity us . A. missionary offering will be — Birthdays Celebrated tam p Friday and Saturday | »on und Mr. mid Mr». Warren Mt- of one whose general career Pearson hill Sunday. as a m ailer of fact, been the vic­ Sunset taken for them at the dose of tile Mr and Mrs. Clarence Oelshberg- PherNon of Ix»> Angeles. win one of such lute oho devo­ Mrs Pearson is recovering from service. An eventful service will tim of Intense fear all through be er and daughter Francine Marie The Cornelius students of For­ tion and rnpuclly for courageous an attack of the flu. ( lly M l , , D o rothy Cook«* performance of the exploit. visited friends and relatives In Sher­ est Grove high school enjoyed a News of the Blooming district, j Sunday visitors of Mrs. Unger yours to enjoy. Come and hear these ■elt sarrlflce. whs the denial of missionaries Sunday morning at 11. All thia means (hat any man wood over the week-end. south of Cornelus, will be printed Bill and Ben Trump o f The two weeks ol »prrlal Bvangel- hollduv Friday on account of It Forty-eight Inches of snow was regularly In the Argus along with were Crusader service at 8: p. m . la subject to a great emotional Laurel. title Hervite» at the M B. church being the end of the first semester. the Mailer hy hl» dl»rlple. Peter. service at 7.45 p. m. reported at Cochran Sunday morn­ He hud left all things to fol­ {the more than 30 communities now Miss Helen Reddlg. who teaches evangelistic temptation, and an Impetuous ing This little community is prac­ conducted hy Rev Charles Keeil fiood music and special numbers. Mrs. E. W Hinrichs school at Fir Orove, spent t h e low Jesus, lie hud been linpelu- were brought to 11 clone Bunday af­ mun, particularly, may be car­ tically snowbound. The only means represented Special cottage prayer meeting will will serve as Argus reporter and week-end at the home of her par­ ternoon In a service following u p ot­ ous and foremost In proclaiming ried away as much by some mo­ of transportation la by train, the circulation representative for Bloom­ ents, bo held at the church parsonage Mr and Mrs. W L. Reddlg. luck dinner of wlüch Mrs ltuy his allegiance und In seeking a road being closed entirely by heavy Saturday night at 8. 227 Second mentary ternptal Ion as by a mo­ ing. The publishers are glad to Hhaw und Mr». Joseph Cochran hud street, everyone welcomed to come foremost place among the disci­ mentary Impulse tuward some snow. Bcnool children have been announce this addition to the con.- charge. Ladles' Aid held a pot luck Fond Mother; "How much do you and receive a blessing. unable to attend school, but It Is munity news service lri keeping with ples. 4 lly M lu M a rth a VarnJaraandaii) sublime act. dinner Wednesday In the social expected th at the road will be their efforts to give the best news­ charge for taking childrens pho­ • • • He had followed his Master room of the church followed by a ROY Clarence Vandcrzandcn en­ tographs?" open some time during the week. A paper service possible to the people Agricultural News — Regular ar­ devotional liour led by the pastor. tertained a group of Ills friends at after the arrest sod had gone T)KTEK may have been over- warm heavy rain began Bunday of Photographer; "Five dollars a Washington county. Mrs Hin- dozen." hl» home near here on Monday even Inside (he court, where he About 35 were present ticles from the county agent, and 1 come by the suddenness of j night and caused a lot of snow to 1 rlchs will appreciate the co-oper­ night, the occasion being Ills birth­ Neighbor» of Woodcraft met In Fond Mother: "You'll have to 4-H club news from surrounding was sluing warming himself hy the young girl's charge. The melt, but caused road conditions ation of the people in her com­ give Huunlng'» hall Thursday evening. day anniversary. Present were mil me more time. I have only communities.—Every week In the to become very dangerous. Snow munity, who are urged to give her mere fact that he wag cold and j ! plow» Saturday evrnbig a group attend­ and Joseph Bernards, Fred Meeuw- the fire, when one of the maids ten now.”—Ex. Argua tf liave been working steadily news items. of the high priest accused him ot ed the meeting <>f the Korest Grove sen, Aloyslus Vanderxanden, Hen­ uncomfortable may have Influ­ to clear the roads. circle They will sponsor a dunce ry Vundomelen. Ralph Cop, Fran­ being a disciple of the Nazarene. BLOOMINO—A large gathering enced him, for the Inner spirit Because of the impassable condl- a party January 16 given In Bunnlng's hall Buturday eve­ cis Dcrlckx. Pete Herhickx. Alfred If Peter had been overcome often Influenced by such out­ j lion of the road betwen Vernonia attendee* by Mrs L. H. Muhly in honor of Delplsnche and Mr and Mrs If, in . by fear. If hs hud wished In any Is ning. i and St. Helens, all outgoing mail her ward circumstances. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Vundrrzanden. The evening was Mr. and Mr» A Kitsch and fam­ from Vernonia was routed through and Mrs Rudolph Schiroo, way to dissociate himself with If he had had time to think [ I Timber who are ily of Portland visited at the M »pent In Playing cards. Monday. Very heavy snow the Master, why should he have The card party given In the Roy [ and to get hlmeelf In hand, he and slides are reported on the road, Minnesota visitors here. Also a t­ Etlbon home. Buturday afternoon. entered the court at allT He tending as honored guests were Mr. hull was quite successful. There I would have met the crisis In a i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berrong re- bast week Mr» T. Urunnock Irad and Mrs. Melchior Muhly, visiting on display at the Cornelius public were eight tables of card« played. I would naturally have sought i turned to their home In Oregon different way. Afterwards be here from Granuni. Alberta, Can­ school exhibís and pictures of the Those receiving prizes were Doro-1 some way of escape and safety, was overcome with grief and hu­ ! City last week after having spent ada. thy Vundomelen, Ernest Vander-1 but here we find him In the very Philippine Islands. the previous week visiting Mr. and mility, and sincere repentance Mrs. Many friends and neighbors en­ sanden, Bill Vandehey and Julius Albert Riche. Celebrate Birthdays front of circumstances where be a "500" party given by Mrs. when he realized wbat ba had Duyck. Morris Dean, who has been vis­ joyed Jack and Jerry Curtwrlghl cele­ Mr. und Mr». Frank Moore liave Is likely to be recognized and ac­ Rose Gurske in honor of her birth­ done; yet at the moment hs iting with his mother, Mrs. Bert brated their btrtlrday anniversary moved Into a house near Aloha. day Friday. cused. broke beneath the strain. Tlllotson, and family for tire past at their home Wednesday. Many children In the Roy school Donald Hinrichs of Williamsburg. How can wa account for thia It Is a wonderful story to have | two weeks, left Tuesday for Ban Iowa, Mr». Jessie Henderson, who I» In have been absent from their studies sudden spending the winter at the where he is now stationed home is change In which he pro­ In Scripture, because it Is so full Francisco u Portland hospital recovering from on account of the flu. of Rev. E W Hinnchs. Mr in the the Marine Corps. Having tests moat vehemently that he an operation. I» reported Improving of meaning and of warning for been gone for three years, Morris Hinrichs is assisting the pastor in Dick Wilcox bus been bedfust for Mr» W. If. Milne of Forest Grove the past week as the result of a ' ha» had nothing to do with his work, especially in the capacity us all. was renewing old acquaintances. was a guest of her »on. George full 111 whlrh he Injured his hip j JesuaT The problem seems dif­ of preaching and leading the young If Peter could thus he swept Milne, and family lu»t week. He 1« reported to be recovering j ficult for thoso who approach It people's society and Ladies' Aid for awny In a moment of emotion Ready to supply you with the Mr» Bchuh I» very 111 at her Ml»» Peggy Doherty spent the the congregation at Forest Grove home following a stroke of puraly- week-end In Hillsboro and Philo­ only from (he standpoint of and weakness, how much more He is a student of Concordia Theo­ finest MEATS at the least cost. thoory without much knowledge are we subject to danger? How math with friend«. logical Seminary. St. Louis. sts. Mr«. P. A. Qualls attended a I of actual psychology, especially Mis» Regina Neumann is now in much more zealously should we Marks Renovate Home Ready to adviae you in purchasing. shower given nt the of the psychology of Impetuoua Portland, having taken a position watch, and pray, and strive In Mr und Mr». Jolm Uluck are miscellaneous ( O r M r*. E. L . Cox* Ready to give real values. O. Coslrtt home bi Hillsboro last there. and Intense men like Peter. having llielr house renuvau-d on Tuesday. every respect to build up re ­ KINTON—Services at the church All meats Inspected by Dr. Nicol the Interior. J. llelnle 1» doing the Ilut when one considers the serves ot faith and strength and were called off last Sunday on ac­ —— I I and Dr. Almqnist. work. Incident Ic the light of nil the courago against some moment count of weather conditions but the Jolm IJebnow. who Is working farts of human history, the mat­ regular services will be held next th at may be pregnant with dis­ Saturday, Jan. 26th Specials near Beholla. spent Bunday with j Sunday, Bible school at 10 o’clock ter Is not so strange. aster for our souls! Wllllum Mann. Mrs. James Graf i Evelyn Rich­ • • • born, to Mr. und Mr». Ilraxton Fortunately the momentary ards* of North Plains spent last Home Cured \ \ ' \R experiences have shown McGinn, a girt. ___ < By Haze! Ch urehleyj act of denial did not lead to week with her parents, Mr. and T hat 1934 was the biggest year Mr». C N Miles and Mrs. Lee SMOKED MEATS REEDVILLE—Ross Hacker, a vic­ ’ ’ unmistakably that men who P eter’s downfall. Too often, Mrs. Harry A. Richards. Kht out at have on occnslon been capable Mile» of Lyle. W ash, have returned In Its history was brought Mr and Mrs. E. L. Cox attended tim of a car accident here a week when a man has made such a to their home tiller a visit with the 40th annual meeting of the of of "Double-Six" of the ago Sunday, has deveiojied pneu­ the utmost heroism have on misstep. It becomes a factor In the meeting Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance com­ relatives here. Fellows and Rebekahs at New­ monia. He has a punctured lung, pany, held at McMinnville, accord­ other occasions been guilty of his life above which he can never , Odd three fractured ribs, and his le f t. Improve Club House berg Friday evening. ing to Charles L. Wulker. local wlist seemed like ahjert coward­ again rise. Half or whole. The following were guests during arm is paralyzed. Doctors say he Is The Firemen'» club house has agent for the company, who a t­ ice Apparently one ot the fears Peter showed the finest cour- the past week at the home of In a critical condition. been made more attractive by the tended from here Mrs. A. Nageley of Yamhill vis­ George Hawley and sister. Mrs. that deeply beset men of courage addition or new drape» lor tin- win­ During the past year the com­ ng» of all and the truest sort of her son, Simon Nageley, and dows. Lb. faith In recovering from his act Hattie Lawler; Mrs. Nettie Smith ited pany had a 23 per cent gain In ' and honor during the desperate and daughter, Mrs Murl Star and friends here last week. Mr. and Mr». E Wyffels and assets, amounting to »174.540 40 i years of the World War was lest of falsity and In compensating son The Missionary society held its of Multnomah. Leo Adams, Mr. family of north of town were guest» making total resource» of »918.000 51.1 they should prove unequal to for that false step by the love . and Mrs. Roy Hugan ot Portland “birthday meeting" Thursday at the , at the Vunuker home here Hunduy.! The surplus of the company In­ some particular atralu. and devotion with which be and Mrs. Esther Adams of Sher­ home of Mrs. Thompson. Families Move creased 34 per rent, a gain of »91.- The Parent-Teachers met In the | The seeming cowardice of men served bis Master In after years. wood. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lewis and fam-1 503.78, making a total of »355.692 34 Mrs. Cora Ryan and daughter school house Friday An interesting lly. who have been living north of surplus. Tile Increase In bualnr»» _ _ Miss Alice of Portland were week­ program was presented. Ute park, left Buturday for their during Hie year was approximately \ I n n n t 1 i n < :i e R n v advantage of the recent snow fall end Members of the Reedvllle Ladies' r a y —if —iw-i w Tx gw guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. H. former home In California. Art 20 per cent over the best year ex- i v « 'J U I l U I I I l U a i e D U y by going sleigh riding, Aid society and thetr friends are Aten. Millebrandl and family, who came prrtpnced by the company. This v • • • t -* n Mrs. William Joos, Mrs. O. Berg- invited to spend Thursday after- s-eZ-i»— V 1— ilV. n , ...................................... W Xz A few of the Kinton grangers a t­ from Nebraska recently, liave mov­ guln was general throughout the “nd., M„r,s , Henry CyphU of noon. January 31, at the Manse ______________________________________________________________ ed In the house* which they vacated. five states In which the company ' near North Plains vtslted a t the tended Scholls grange Saturday. Mrs. J. T. VanHorn has been very In Orenco. Ml»» Minerva Fuller of Hillsboro operates . . _____ „ „ . . _ . James Mathiesen home Tuesday 1 111 at her home during the past spent tile week-end with Ml»» W C Hagerty, who has served MOUNTAINDALE—G earhart Erd- afternoon. Ulunche Flnegan. the eoni|Miny us secretary and pres- nl‘ul ls »•’•*'<’1 from school at Mrs. E. Seufert a n d daughter week or so. Mrs. VanHorn Is re­ Members of the George Milne Ident respectively, during the past Schefflln this week due to a fall C*frie of Portland were guests at ported better. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenz family have been III with flu thirty years, and Bert E Haney. which he hurt back nuite the C 8 Reynolds home Saturday, Flcken, .... his _______quite January 16, a boy. Mother Mrs. George flaertllne Is visiting prominent attorney of Portland, “ M and son are doing well. her grandduughter at Tillamook. were re-elected members of the Most of the high school scholars Miss Irene Gardner entertained Mr und Mrs. M. Nuencheff mid board of directors. FIRDALE—Guy Grazer, former did not attend school last week, as resident a number of her friends Saturday of this community, was it was examination week. seriously injured Friday night when evening with a party. Those pres- | Mrs. E. L. Cox spent a few days his car was forced off the highway ent were Opal Stewart. Llela Peters.! last week in Milwaukie a guest of at Camas. Wash. Mr. Grazer is now Muriel Powles, Shirley and Effie! Mrs. Ethel L. Meldrum. employed at Bonneville. Toutes, Robert and Leonard Fowles, j TIMBER— Sunset Camp closed Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Reddlg and Albert Maxwell. Elmo and Irene down January 15 because of heavy W. L. Reddlg returned from Ana­ 1 Oardner. | snows making It Impossible to work cortes Thursday, where they a t­ MLss Opal Stewart, who Is teach- 111 the woods. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Waldorf en­ tended the funeral of their father. Ing high school at St. Helens, sp e n t[ Mrs. Ben Hart returned home tertained with a dinner party for Mr. Reddlg. the week-end with her parents, last week from Portland where she Miss Madelyn Shattuck and S tan­ Mr. and Mrs. Miller and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart. i visited friends and relatives for a ford Cannon Wednesday evening. ter Jean of Midway and Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vanderzan- *cw days. Lonnie Renfrow and family have Carter visited Saturday night at 5 Deliveries Daily Res. Phone 321Z den and Mrs. M C. Olbaon and L. L. Brown and daughter Russie returned to their home here after the Don Pearson home. FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 son Harold of Forest Orove were and Irene Richmond visited In spending several months in Wash­ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vander- schuere (Dorothy Marcorn* of Yam- Saturday evening visitors at the , Hillsboro Thursday. ington. Joe Baker home. Mrs. William Hall Is In Dallas J. S. Cannon of Bonneville vis­ Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 25, 26 and 28 Mrs. Thor Oronbeck of Ver- vlsl(lng with Mrs. H. L. Arey this ited his mother. Mrs. Della Gonyo, from Tuesday until Thursday. nonla visited at the James Mathie- week M. Conrardv went to Portland Mrs. 8. D. Willis has spent the »on home Tuesday. COFFEE Friday fo ran indefinite stay. past two weeks in Salem with her Mrs. Floyd 8tovall was quite sick husband, who Is employed by the SARDINES It has snowed for the past ten CUP-O-OOLD a few day» last week with the flu railroad company there. days, almost constantly, and the Tomato or Mustard Quality un-surpasard. but la Improving now. Jacob Hoffart returned to his snow Is two feet deep. There have Many people In this community, home last week from the hospital, been numerous absentees f r o m 1-lb. pkg. n’val (Ins ....... young and old. have been taking where he had been confined for a school as a result. Cornelius M. E. Services End Blooming News a New Feature Peter’s Penial of Jesus C. Vandcrzandcn Observes Birthday Kinton Services Held Up Due Snow Condition Wreck Victim is Serious Oregon Mutual Has Successful Year HAMSLb..... 2 0 c P IC N IC S BEEF ROAST Lb........... /X Injured in 3 rail Bren' Former Resident Firdale Injured Camp at Sunset i ClOSCd DllC SnOW 25c 2 PORK & BEANS KITCHEN QUEEN CAMPBELL'S $1.57 5 1-lb. cans ......... 25C 7c 29C 29c J3C /» ^ ...................................................... D C STARCH ^ X . 01"368. CRACKERS 8U ,N.bH I^ KRI8PIE SOAP w"1,.1Li'ONUra:................ CORNED BEEF Q A I T FINE table . Small sack QUALITY MEAT COMPANY SERVICE Special Values for Friday, Saturday and Monday — January 25, 26 and 28 S A LE ! Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, January 25, 26 and 28 FREE DELIVERY IOC PEARS—Staregon, la. PEACHES—Sunkist, 2 ^ s . 1 LARD COMPOUND OYSTERS - BACON KRAUT PHONE 982 ÖL“" piece:... 14c 23c 25c 21c 10c COFFEE—Economy. Mild Brazilian. (Lb. 20c) 3 lbs. PEAS—Nature’s Gift, soaked, 303s. Try with ham or *4 f f x» bacon. 2 cans ..................... CORN—Wilton, 2s. Maine Golden Bantam. 2 cans... Vuv AwU, S a lm o n Van Camps ........... 1 0 c Meats are high—here Is a good substitute. White or Yellow. 19c Alta Villa, 48c RAISINS—Thompson seedless. 4-lb. bag .... HONEY—Bradshaw’s clover blossom. 5-lb. pail....’ SOAP—Laundry. Liberty 4 f t /» White. 10 b a r s..................... BEANS—Small white. 5 lb«. ......................19c RICE—Elon Elon. 5 lbs.................................. I9c OATS—Crystal Wedding or Quaker. Lg. pg. 25c TOMATO SAUCE—Val Vita, 8-oz. 3 cans 12c CLEANSER—Old Dutch. 2 cans ................................ ±«7V SALMON 25c SNOWDRIFT 3-lb. 5 3 c 6-Ib. QUEEN or BELL. FLOUR KITCHEN All purpose flours. 49-lb. sack Del Monte, Red Alaska. Y/iis. flat. 2 cans ............. Tea Coffee Columbia Best ’/»■lb green 1 . II» black Tavern Brand 19c 25c 27c 10c 10c 15c DEL MONTE or LIBBY'S. Red 2 large cans 35c HAPPYVALE. Ocean caught. 2 large cans 19C FLOUR Canned Goods SAFEWAY— TOMATOES— 49-lb. sack . Large No. 2J4 can ................ $1.69 10c PEAS—San Wan. SAFEWAY— 2 c a n s ..................................... 29c 24«i-lb. sack 89c GRAPEFRUIT—Fancy. CANDLE LIGHT— A4 aft 19c j 2 cans ..................................... 49-lb. sack ........................... PINEAPPLE—Broken slices. A good family blend. 1 Large can .............................. . 15c Salm on Brooms Oats ^ cL tOE Sugar 4-sew. Oregon made. ä C & H BERRY. Use the best. Made in America for Americans. (100 lbs. $4.79) 10 lbs.............. 25c 45c TU N A FLAKES No. ’4 can .... S H R I M P No. 1 ran .. SARDINES MAXIMUM. OVAL. 2 large cans Is, tall. Q ffx» 2 cans .. U t l V Flour 38c Each ........................ Corn Meal Tomatoes 2 No. cans 21,4. .... 12c u 68c Flour, curve cut. Wholesome, economical SU G A R PICNICS Columbia Best (Lb. 23c) 3 lbs......... Aged 6 months — Just right. large cans .. VEAL ROAST COFFEE Tillamook. Cheese Lb....................... Macaroni ,lbk... Tomato Juice, Tomato Soup, Pork & Beans. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY MUTTON CHOPS Lt....... 1 5 c S afeway S tores GRAPEFRUIT — New pack. Fancy Florida. 2«. 23C 2 cans HILLSBORO VEAL ROAST Lb................ 1 2 c FRED’S SUPERIOR MARKET 23c 25c FLOUR i II/* Mason Hill 15C WHEATIES füüd BAKING POWDER I I \/ l-t 12 SWISS CHEESE Lb............ 2 5 c (Br Lota Richm „ndi ROCHEK’S ASH GROCERY 15c 10c 97c “ 39c î >4e79 ï E -. Candy COFFEE ffQ Hard Mix tfqfV A ffa* 2 ibs.... 15c 4dC clean-up price C O/» A while quantities t>0C lastl AIRW AY- (Lb. 21c) 3 lbs. NOB HILL— 2 lbs................................... EDWARDS— 2-lb. can ....................... SALT—Morton's. 8-lb. sack .................................. PORK & BEANS—Van Camp's. 3 large cans.................. ........... WHITE KING— Large pkg.................................... TISSUE—Zee. 4 rolls ...................................... POSTUM CEREAL— 1-11». pkg....................................... GRAPENUTS— 2 pkgs. ....................................... SUGAR—Brown. Golden C. 4 lbs.............................................. SODA— 1-lb. pkg...................................... i o ib s. 48c TEA EDWARDS DEPENDABLE ORANGE PEKOE— Jí-lb. relio pkg................ JAPAN GREEN— Ji-lb. cello pkg................ OC/» 4 ft _ LW FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES LEMONS— Sunkist. Medium size, juicy. 2 dozen ............................. GRAPEFRUIT—Sunkist. Large 80 size, seedless. 6 for ..................... ORANGES— Extra large. Navels are at their best. Dozen ............