THE Page Two H IL L S B O R O on a few weeks ago, returned to school Monday. Francis Ban- of Hillsboro visited Jo n ath an Weldon Thursday and Friday The 94-mile Journal route of Brooks Luethe of Brooks Hill prov - ed a problem Sunday morning when — 1 -■ he was stalled for about two hours i- r ■ S a l­ at the John Landen place, but tpworth League rood Sale though delayed, he finished his Saturday at Store route Mrs. Charlie Krueger of Brooks Hill has been ill for the last two (B y M rs. FrsU W o lfo n l> mon tlis BANKS Mr and Mrs. Ell O rtndle Hurt While Sleighing Banks Couple W ed 54 Years Miss Rawling W ed Saturday z Rock Creek Girl Winner in an Essay Contest (By Mr*. Frank Feaoltlt) ROCK CREEK—M i s s Audrey Rawllng and K enneth Hardin Portland were m arried January a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. dll of Portland. Mr Hardin grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Nels son of this section. Mrs. Sarah Hardin of Inglewood. Cal., mother of Mr. Hardin attended the ding and is visiting with her ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson, expects to stay two months. Ronald. Aldine and Shirley ler are 111 this week. A R G U S. H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, January 21, 1986 OREGON convention In Portland of l o t Uie advorUneinenU help yo„ 1 were entertained at dinner l a s t suranee Reppeto. Lucille R utherford. IXir- he Is a representative. make your shopping plan«. ' Sum ay at the lioin» of Mr Dever which olhy Shlgeno, Vera Reppelo. Mar- Oliver Clark, who works at Iton- ell s sister. Miss Grave Deverell. In eelle Davis, S ato ri Sunumato. Ray nevllle. visited with hi» family last I Portland. Brown and Rita Cop. Miss Altec Lane, a high school an tl| w ,’d l“ ' d“ ^ ’ ,lKhl CORWIN HARDWARE teacher, was 111 the first of the s - l l v C o U C I I L I H family were entertained lusl Thins 11 radii uniters week and was not able to be pres­ dav evening at the home ot Mrs. ent in her class rooms. Hunting and Fishing C rafton's u nde and aunt. Mr and Teachers Rehearse Flay Mrs ' M1|ler, «*“• family at Supplies H a n sen s C e le b r a te Ktn The high school and grade school E rnest ton, teachers have started practice on A lad din l a m p i Mrs. Ella Coats of Rutils visited W e d d in g A n n iv e rsa r y FO R IB T GROVE Mrs, Rosina; - a play. "The Patsy." which they Mr. and Mis. Oliver Clark and i Ostermann. KJ. died at her home »«»»« s Radi» l utte, 'le»t„| Frr. will give the latter part of Feb­ f“S lu l Ä . Who was „nite 111 I i.ear hëte January I« after an III-1 ruary. Miss Doris Bailey Is coach­ SCHOLLS — Scholls Ladies' A id. , , , , . . ness of four years. She liad been 1 ing the play, which is a th ree-art comedy ot home hie Cast Uieiudes will sponsor a benefit chicken din- .I s ùm.i.ine b e d fa s t fo r the nast year Funeral Dally Trlpn to Portland Scholls G roup G iv p ti R p n p iif Mr “nd M,s Mrs. Ostermann Dies at Vcrboort H illsb o ro A u to ville, IlllUhur». ( i.r i,.||u; Furent Grove Flekup and Itellvery Servie« at Farkagr lt d,-, lllllslMiro Phone t,4J urvlved by three daughters and school on the significance of the maiden name was ia a w ouora. was -.... „ .. . . ...... . . . . . Mrv J(H, Bl„.ovU.kll and two soils as lollows Sirs Mary pictures on the calendars, which born ui Sumerset county. Pa., £ , J**™ »« ° i ■ hand . w o n h ^ i n t o ^ s l d " over M r “ .id M rs C h a r le s Deverell Di’lplanche Cornelius, M rs lirii n i John Lee. who has been living on the Welsh place for several months, were historical. has rented a farm of 160 acres on the Skyline road next to the Palmer place and expects to move about February 1. (B y M rs. Z#ll G. S truthersl Dinner guests Sunday a t the . u . Mrs. . . . . Ernest . . . __ Mrs. R uth Anderson en te rta in e d ’ Epworth home of Mr . _ and Staehle were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert “'.e“i''x l s ot ^ S i'id Rebekah club sale ~ t o b K i n l e stare Good bad w eather Honor roll for the family dinner at th e ir'h o m e “ ard uite.tox d the Mutual Life lu - member of Ihr Cutholte church Scheldt and Lorenc Scheldt of O r - , Wednesday. grade school tor the past six weeks T' and Mrs. Austin Francis ot enco and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zuer- M.ra- SoPllia Olson was ill last things to e a t w ill be provided l liere are several new cases of “'eludes Joseph Jensen. Mabel K tn- Pot [land were Sunday guests at cher. ! week. suffering from a a . High, from home. I John Berger is Is suffering High school school students students from here here whooping cough m the community o.'“ “ '- K.n Lien, B arbara Wilson, the 11 I. Hesse attack of flu and Gladys have been enjoying a two-day va- and also Quite a lot of flu. KoJl Shlgeno. Connie Lou Ken- M r- » ’d Mrs. A rthur Scott of h „ i returned re io m a d m »erount of the cold and snow Shews,» Islill, M am a Finck. >lcar Twin lulls. Idaho, visited sey- Berger was alas also 111 ill but t o , cation following sem ester exam ina- o ,y„‘ n account last League did not go to Se“ ««- Ju an ita Wolford. ' ral days > * week at the 11. T. school Monday. I wons. Miss Marguerite Ferris, a t he Epworth Lea dav night but held Kessler. Naomi Kawamata. Hesse home. Merit Certificate Received I S?Lm^ p S i „ ? heb ? ’r.S]1 Portland Sunday . . . . . . . . . in . .... o. ,„sss a g u e in in Banks. ra n k s Rev. Rev Tilton Tilton pre lire- Marjorie Wilcox. Connie Lou Van- H a Stew May art 8 — of M ountain Top “ — evpmm >ii ci,,aiac Miss le league t-end a t the H. N Dorothy Stauss. former Beaverton Ferris is a sophomore and has h a d ' se'nted stereoptican views The views S 0™- Rasa Kuioshita, Norman Lien. Kia iit the week-ei F ree D eliv er y Phone 771 high school student, was awarded a to take no examinations since en- Were also shown at church services Bobby Stohler. Hollis Hartwick, w hisnand home certificate of m erit from the Amer- termg high school. re ” “ v J ..j " , services• i Kudv Berwald. Hall. Billy Born, to Mr an<* at Mrs- Lawrence ----- ------------- - . Shiela ---- — ............................................. - III! ...... ien», T isll asi w w w « w e « — •» X T z - « . I 11I lt'C 1)11 ’41 V < OX-.... 1 e ........ . . . » .slcxltv lu .1 ,-»’ 1 « . . . OKieers Namea Moore. Shizue Kawamato, Ione Ftcken. January 17. a boy. He was lean Lead Pencil company of New Miss Elizabeth Struthers a n d OHicers^for.the League were elect- ß a(eIlliU1 Kelso Shlgeno, T o m i n a m e d Earl Lawrence. Jersey for submittmg an excellent K enneth Struthers and Gay Wilson — . ...... G» entertained paper in the Venus-Velvet S hort- were guests Tuesday evening of ei? 1'ion!P,k tc th,e elected Ui Ishii, Jam es Cason, Flunk Wahl. Mrs. Will S p e c ia ls for F rid a y and S a tu rd a y , Jan . 2 5 and 26 hand contest. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robinson at 1? n fal ' T*1? 56 elected were Earl Hagina Nishakawa. Alta Brown. wlth a dlimer ■r for eight January Roy Grossen. who was o p erated ' Portland H4}er' vice-president; Lloyd Geraldine ......... Kessler ....u and Peggy Peggy Wtl- Wtl- 13 13 ln honor honor of of her Sunday school - -----------... Miller, treasurer; Bthel Brown, go,, Evelyn Kessler, who u In the class. third vice-president, and Theresa third grade, was perfect ln spell- Claire Beeler of Hillsboro was a P a e t s c h , , ing during the past six weeks. Wednesday night guest a t the J. Miss Wilma Rosencrans of Ba- Peoole Injured i S tretcher home. cona Is staying with relatives and . . . __ , . Rov McCool s n e n t s e v e r a l d « v s attending high school. On account p J S u J J P d Mr*- ' 4£ U w Galoway of j Portland durliui the w e ek e n d KITCHEN QUEEN HARDWHEAT Ivory Rents East Hide Terminal l*ortland Phone EAst u iji Farm WILEY’S Hiteon CURRY’S GROCERY X FLOUR «1.55 n ^ r Ä i Ä B J t Ä PAY CASH .AND SAVE—TRADE WITH IMPERIAL IMPERIAL FEED & GRAIN CO. South Second St. S Ä w L^w m h Mrs f^ J! S » c h a d »avnes M » E D ’S M A R K E T In rear of Piggly Wiggly Store QUALITY MEAT— Specials for Saturday, Jan. 26 BACON BACK Sugar cured. Pound 22C HAMS - _ parties were held oorotny önigeno, Rita Cop. Rita - , d “r R'K the week-end. The hill at Duyck. Richard Highsmith. Vera the McClure farm was a favorite Reppeto. Marcella Davis, Satoru { w s le d sd the S el,iert hU1 was good Sunamato, Roy Brown. Jack Sea- Fresh ground bold, Howard Reppeto, Evelyn Rinck. Burial services were held for Mrs No cereal. Mix Davis. Lucille Rutherford. Wil­ ir n m ,, , , „ ,, Helen Davis Lull, wife of Wade Lull ma Bailey. C harlotte Sullivan. Erma 2 lbs. ALOHA — Miss Leha S ta n s e ll of near Hillsboro, Friday. She was Vandehey. alter Jesse. Mae Cason 'M rs. Freeman has reopened the the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wll- ---- W ---------------------------------- and Eugenia Quier. Honor roll for A1°h a bakery, operating It on the ham Davis, who formerly lived o n the semester was announced as fol- same lines as formerly, featuring the Wenstrom farm and attende, lows: E tta Bailey. Jack Seabold. all sorts of bakery goods, confec- the Mountain Side s c h o o l w h e n w Steer who tied for first place, having Hons and serving light lunches, and W. Jaqulth was the t e a c h e r three "Is" and no grade below a package brer. She has redecorated m i — » ,„ j. "H I." Honorable mention tor those | the interior and installed two new Pound 2 Miss K äillenne Peters, daughter! having a “II" average goes to th e booths. Since leaving Aloha Aloha Miss Mis of Mr. and Mrs W. L Peters ol the I following: Eugenia Quier. Mae C a -' Stansell has taken up beauty cul Mountain Home district und John I PHONE 3131 son. Wilma Rosencrans. W alter anc* expects to complete her T. Carson, son of Joseoli Carson o f ' •• — -—- -. ------- — Jesse, Erm a Vandehey, C harlotte course by going to night school. Hood River, were married January •• -• — - Francis church •»anuary Sullivan. Wilma Bailey, Howard an d also operate her business u For , - H a t •*-- the St. at I -----------1 the past three ..ree years years she she has has had had Sherwood In the presence of a few »,„»,„ fnends and relafives A weddlng a very successful a business , in Aloha Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller ot receDtion followed at thp Pnij,m ? ° r ti a9d VLsited at the N. HUI home home. Mr. Carson ls a salesman Sunday. for the Union Oil company ln Port-1 Birthday Celebrated land and Miss Peters has b em 1 Little John Morrison celebrated ployed the past year ln t ■ L his sixth birthday Saturday by en- Union Oil office. They will Le u tertalning several of his little friends home in Portland alter Lt-oi u,.»- 1 at luncheon and an afternoon of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davies unc games. Present were Janet a n d son of Multnomah visited a t t. Ralph Nielson, Donald and Jimmie J. " C. ~ Hatfield home ■ Sunday. Monday, January 25 to 28 incl. — Hillsboro, Oregon Lee T urner and Bennie Sutton Mrs. Jam es Welch w as hostess to the Home Economics' club of the Aloha G range Wednesday after­ (B y M r». O. H. I'etbr».»nI noon. ________ * Bend school children were en- Jeanne Stvard spent Wednesday afternoon visiting Genevieve Sm ith tertalned Friday a t the school house with a picture show of true color of Hillsboro. Best for cleaning. Best for all fancy bak- pictures of Century of Progress | presented by American T r a v e l bureau. From here the lecturer went Quart .............. a.«,. . ¡ „ .. I to Durham school. (Hr Mr« Richard H u n g er) Lower grades will have a vaca- Miss Doris _ . Parson attended . ______ . , a tlon Thursday and Friday while Girl Reserve Inter-C lub council and, the higher grades, sixth grade and [“ Hereon a t West Lake Inn ln up are having their m id-year state Portland January 12. examinations. Mr. and Mrs. G erald H arris of Tigard high school students had W ren spent several days with Mr. their m dl-year tests last week and and Mrs Alvin Hunger, leaving were dismissed Thursday noon. Pkg. Saturday to stop off a few days a t Mrs. Albert Scott attended the Satlfying cereal these cold mornings. C' was . on.1.y slightly Injured. ...a t. }he Oeorçrv Rueek ploved m ^P o rtlan d ^sp en t S atuniav The car was badl>’ wrecked. J r j ? o,ne Ul hon° r °f ^ e l r fifth night ail'd Sinidav a t^ ie r n a r e n ts ' Alta Bro» " a “d Theresa Paetsch. »edding anniversary. ITesent were to m e m Banks both members of the W akapl-Nahon Mr- and Mrs. Virgil Uish and son i-ii-i ii u I CamP Fire group, prepared and ^y,ron' John, Ray and Flora Rueek, . , ... Clinic Held served a three-course dinner Ja n - Lilly Snyder of Portland and Grace A health clinic was held ln the uary 16 at the tom e of their guar- Miller. dlan' MUs S m lth- Ou‘--sts 1 />IrS , CJ W' Larkln 'n tertain ed ™*2‘d ‘ B“ nks »ere Rev. and Mrs. E. M. TUton, fifteen ladles with a party In the gTade school ehlldren. A few from mlss Hazel Paetsch and Miss Sm ith. h°«or of Mrs. W alter O rr. ii?vU?18h hearby grade The girls earned Camp Fire to n - Mrs. Harr'- Scluiieltzer spent a «¡tools also l°ok_ the toxoid. Dr. ors in doing this. week a t the home of her brother. R. M. Kines of Forest Grove and The W akapi-Nahon Camp Fire Reif Baker, where she is helping ^i>Url,t»« lie5iiih , b Urse' M ^ M argar- gu-^ held a ceremonial meeting f are for a new baby daughter born DU ?4»th e , i.k' i.ere Tuesday at the tom e of Miss Ethel last, week. assisted by Mrs. A. C. Wahl, Mrs. Smith. Miss Sm ith gave a talk on Allbright Brotherhood club met Mrs' CJ ell , ? ars£ t? CamP Fire ldeals, standards and January 15 at the M ountain Home Mrs. George Moss and Miss Not- achievements. church. L. B. Culber of Lent spoke suko Wakasugi of Banks. O ther Mias Camille Belle, who has been on "How Shall I Invest My Life." i.?,?.1— ".i. . , d . m i he Ilca5 visiting her uncle, Charles M awhin- accompanied by a double quartet, future when vaccination for small ney. returned to her home at Mon- . Birthday Observed pox and th e tuberculosis test will mouth Sunday. Mrs. J. Brown of Mrs. W alter O rr entertained the be given. Roseburg is visiting this week with following guests; Jean Trask, Billy Honor Roll Given her brother, Charles Mawhlnney. Reynolds and Amy Alice Howard. 49-ib. sack Millers of Quality Feeds e ^ Green Mountain is stay“ 'li with her Mislh AdSrnde“ ^ » * “^ ^ J Ä a W 't h e ^ m deaf c£ Saturday, Jan. 26 and Monday, Jan. 28 only Stock up now at this low price Phone t l F reigh t Mondad and Insured Currier Serving Beaverton. Aloh« ,» . BIG F L O U R SPECIAL Flour Prices Tumble! Now’s Your Chance! THE FLOUR SUPREME. CROWN 49-lb. ba« ............ $1.93 bake real bread with BONNEVILLE this ou can flour. 49-lb. bag $1.69 Your old favorite. KITCHEN QUEEN 49-lb. bag $1.52 HARD WHEAT BLEND. 4-H 49-ib. bag ........... $1.49 MILK»— Armour’s double rich 4 tall cans ............................ TOMATOES— Large 2*/2 tin 23c /Y LUC RICE— F fincy, broken 5 lbs. CATSUP— Kern’s. Fancy quality. Bottle 9c QUART With bowl and lid. J Ust ALL >■ CSSOn M il CAN the thing for (hose left overs FOR 4 lC BAKING POWDER. Clabber d Girl. 2 cans IOC OYSTERS Free from grit. POP CORN— Guaranteed to *« pop. Black or white. 2 lbs. JLvL T<^Ii*1ATO s o u p - Van Camp’s 2«/« times larger c a n -f fk _ IOC Made from the pure steel cut oats. 39c Let us fill your relief orders. Advertised items given at advertised prices. We meet all competitors’ regular prices. — PIGGLY WIGGLY CO. Yellow Butter Cake, each , . . 55c W ith a pineapple-cranberry filling and a rich butter frosting. Order today PERFECTION BAKERY Telephone 451 Main Street BWMMXBQXntBQMIOtlDa^^ Peanut Butter Fresh ground. Candy COFFEE Ju st ask any one of its many users! Here’s a treat for the kiddles! 19C t-b. pkg......... 3-H>- P*«»............... 55c 7 of those good ffx w Baby Ruth Kara <>C