T ivo Sections — Muin Nt«ws Section mul Tux F oréeloHuru itìillsbor r g u s W ith Which is Combine»» the Hillsboro Independent VOLUM E II S ta te C a p ito l N e w s L e tte r Benefit Dance— Shiite Park Pavilion W ednesday Night HILkSHORO, O R EG O N , T H U R SD A Y , JA N U A R Y 24. 1935 Hagg Dairy Leads Herd Keep Informed on County News "Keep Informed on local and county affairs." Keeping you posted, not only on city, county and com* munlty events but on the weekly mercliandlslng offers of tradesmen and farm ers us well. Is the sole purpose of the Hillsboro Argus publish­ ers and stuff. O lance through this Issue of the Argus. Note the com ­ plete coverage o f county, community and city n e w s provided by 30 correspond­ ents and an office staff. Head the reader-interest features such as Uie S tate Capitol News Letter, serial novels, comics, world news pictures a n d fashions. Study the adver­ tisements, both display and classified, and see how easy It Is to save the subscription cost many times over each year. Additional features h a v e been added recently In order to give the large family of readers a quality newspaper with the maximum of service. First hand Information on the activities of Washington county legislators and o n measures of particular Inter­ est m tills area will be fea­ tured during the present state assembly. And finally, the press lime has been set ahead f r o m Thursday afternoon to W ed­ nesday night with the result th a t all county subscribers re ­ ceive th eir papers on T h u rs­ day morning. Subscribe to d ay ! Subscrip­ tion prices are »1.50 a year, 85 cents for six monriis and 50 cents for three months. Backing Law Forces Seen as Big Need Order of Moose to Hold Benefit Dance for Needy NO. 49 Relief Head Hits Rumors of Starvation Change Milk Mystery Serial to Begin Soon Control Bill "The Kennel Murder Case." acclaimed as the greatest and Benefit dance to assist In pro- most baffling mystery story Il V A I. L I N I) Il K O K i vldlng relief for needy transient of th e series w ritten by S. 8 families In W ashington county has Van Dine, will appear serial­ been scheduled for Wednesday eve- M artin's Legislative ly In the Hillsboro Argus be­ Inlng at Shute park auditorium by ginning February 7. | the local Moose lodge. The group Program Meeting Argus readers have enjoyed has also established a commissary "Queen Anne's Lace, ’ the pol­ Opposition R ced v ille D a iry m en M a k e D istrict A ttorn ey D eclares ‘n the old Den of Sweets building D ecla res G overnm ent O riginal Sponsor Consider» itical novel th a t has been ru n ­ > on Second street as a clearing E n viab le R ecord for ning In this paper for the S yn d icalism A ct M ust house for donations of fruit, veget- C om m odities A v ailab le M easure as D an ger , M . ables and clothing. past four months. The pub­ 1934 P roduction ÇAI.KM The administration's inc-' to T ransient Group b e M a in ta in e d Auditorium has been donated for to D airym en lishers believe th a t "The K en­ Inlutive prog ruin h a s boggedj nel M urder Case," featuring ------------- I the benefit dance by R. C. Hub- -------------- down, tem porarily at least, under an ■ the breath-taking escapades , . . . _ . - bard and J. C. Carpenter, who have avalanche ot adverse criticism. A d ­ of Philo Vance, the super­ R ed A c t iv it y / C it e d rink, ,ud and u>® music bunding for a skating A D D rooriation Cut T h re e C lasses D e leg a tio n O p p o se s m inistration leaders In th e house. I T o p s sleuth, will prove even more will be donated rr r where the bills are now pending, j popular th an the previous • i by the "Revelers" nine-piece or- ------------- however, were hopeful th a t objec- : serial. chestra. Mayor O arrett and mem- tlons raised to th e several ..... .. j\v era „e P ortland L eader to hpeak perg of the city council are also co- N o Starving F am ilies K now n C an a door bolt Itself? If P roduction M ark Oil Curb S ought by R o m ; could be satisfactorily Ironed out * operating. not, then how did the killer B efore R otarians to C ounty R elief Body and th a t the entire program, some- ) H igh in A ssociation H ughes S eek s T ax A id escape and bolt the door on Donations of food, fruit, veget- w hat modified, would be well on Us I the inside? Why was the vlc- j ables, clothing, etc. are being solic- way to completion by the end of tlm killed twice? Can you Good American citizenship m u s t! {tPd by members of the Moose "There are no starving families «By A. L. Lindbaak) the second week of the session. David Hagg Ar Sons. Iteedvlllc take a stand for law and order ^ d8P n" d‘rPi in Hillsboro or W ashington county ! read the story In a dog’s SALEM Amendments to the milk First Indications of opposition to dairymen, have dom inated monthly eyes? a n d support law enforcem ent o f - , « m i r r o r Heraona lh a t knoWn to th(. county re _ control bill proposed by Repre­ the measures which (lovernor M ar- reports of the Y amhill-W ashington These and other baffling flcials, declared D istrict Attorney , 8 communicate Uei committee. • This was the state- sentative Honey man would consti­ Un hud sen t to the legislature the Herd im provem ent association dur- questions present themselves O Russell Morgan in speaking be- h e a d o u a rte rs n t v n ¿¡¡¡to mPnt made today by R w WeU- tute only an entering wedge to tlrst day of the session, cuuie when mg the pust year with alm ost the to readers of "The Kennel fore the Hillsboro R otary club last »alanes Z r e ^ 'd 48 98 adopted Wednesday afternoon mony in crim inal syndicalism cases dents last summer. Word th a t »10,- ablJ . UmU? Another meeting of the t a x ; Like,J' b r ,¡¡¡¡¡..«1..^.L ir a , ¡¡¡¡I pounds of butterfat. by the W ashington County Pomona “ nd from th eir program of tactics 008 had been set aside for the pur- , fa™llles are n° l , . Representative Ross of W ashing- M If-supporting booids u,‘d ^ ' llnla' High producing cow In the asso- G range a t T ualatin. OUier resolu- calling lor strikes, general strikes pose was received last August. Later st n t th eir PUces oi lea8Ue wlU heW a t t*1® : ton county broke into the limelight sion» to pl.uc inelr revenues in claUon ,or December was "Alice." tlons presented sought reduction of and demonstrations. He declared the city received assurance th a t he declared- house a t 8 p. m. this S atu rd ay ; tip» weeg the sponsor of a bill the " ' • f * 8’'“ * ' [ ~ a purebred Guernsey owned by »he governor » proposed budget by th a t overthrow of the United S tates the widening would be completed °rifanizations in Hillsboro with Donald T. Templeton, county which is expected to find strenuous look to the legislature for appro- JaIllt.s crulckshank At Sons at Me- elim inating duplicate ol flees and government by force is an objective, tor a full five blocks. and Waahington county have al- judge, as one of th e speakers, opposition from the big on com- prlallons for th eir support. Sports- T his anim al produced curtailm ent of the number of rep- They suggest Infiltration of their Fourteen other hwhwav nrmecL, u® /8 taken “»» «ctive p art in re- County legislators have also been panics. men of the s t a le who »uppori the J oj „„.g iuul 84 , pounds resentatlves In the state legislature workers to spread Uie germ of revo- wU1 be aw ara., r classes iu » , w » n tliat attracted tio n cConiinu«d on p.»< s, column i ) Thursday Projects proposed in problem’ R was explained. may be held each Saturday night gaging also ln the retail business. i . hunting . ..,.a fishing r r n r .,n r license» » w ith ob- th e B a d e rs In were attracted Dartlcular particular atten attention during the state assembly. A large enactm ent, it is pointed out, s a s •s W ashmgton county, other th an the attendance is urged. would require th e big distributors local Improvement, include the ro- rates on farm - produce x - ~ ......................... .......- was - also .... Purpose of the equalization bill who now- operate their own filling suriacm g of approximately a half- sought. Resolution on the budget is to distribute the school tax bur- stations to dispose of these proper- nule of the T ualatin valley high­ members of the oUier profession» ________________ wo* laid on the table. P^CCPC C ~ ' |' ' l i n i C den- K raus declared Saturday Larg- tlts at ° “ce w ^d ep en d en t dealers. way in Forest Grove and the grad­ wlxNM* examining boards would also Fay Mills of W ashington G range ing and paving of 1,1 miles of the A er district» would help small dis- Representative Hughes of W ash- be effected by tills measure w ant was installed as Pomona master. Votaw unit, M ultnom ah county line- tricts with low valuations. State mgton county is co-author with flic legtalature to keep hands off O ther officers installed were: Harry a u ,h », T hat a community credit policy Newoerg section of the West Side Transportation and tuition claims school fund, arising from interest Representative Caufield of Tllla- llielr board*. And so it goes. t o L » P H n n n r p J j * h s u d c k l« B h e r w ^ d ^ t . ^ r should l,rotcct h*'111 m erchants and Paciilc Ingtiway. totaling »30.310 for the first half °n the irreducible school fund, the mook county and Senator Staples The other measure ln this group IO D C I l O l l O l C U 3; “ • 8 U ‘‘ k e *\ llr*'(xxl. lecturer, consumers was the declaration of M aintenance agreem ents in con- of the current year were approved two-mill elem entary tax and the of M ultnom ah county, of a m eas- would authorize the governor or ur . i l u « ,n Ste* ’ c c «ram ati of Portland, credit necuon with Uie proposed highway Friday night by the non-high school county school fund would be pooled ure which would prohibit the ie- Ins budget director to revise bud­ ~ Mills, Washington, as- manager of Bedell company, a t the widening project were approved this district board. Claims for tuition with the special equalization levy moval of standing tim ber from any gets of Uie various stale d ep art­ inoi c « ’.nmu r H tvêndrk’e 'l Y n l i i ^ * k Ur.2|U ' rh am ber of commerce Monday noon, week by the city council. Agree- amounted to »19.575 and for tran s- and distributed to schools on the Jand on which th e taxes had not ments and InsUlutlons, shift money Mayor en c °E 'w f r T»d Kx-Counill- R ,' t ’**dt> c, “Plam . A. M. Kennedy, Braman outlined the co-operative m ents to m aintain improvements portation »10,745. basis of the num ber of teachers. Pa‘d. The bill bears the emer- Small school districts would gain ®nd “ aPPro w d would „y the proposed plan, he declared. deco“ e ®ffect‘v® immediately upon Medium sized and large d i s t r i c t s s ^ t m - e by th e governor, action. 715, tuition »1875; Tigard union will still have to levy special dis- ’ except tliosc headed by elective of- arc planned on th e program. Beatrice Hanson, Beaverton. Po- M erchants must work together ln high school, transportation »1795. trlct taxes, he continued. y f • w-»« flcials Representative Homer Angell R. R. Easter, P. L. P atterson and order to prevent excessive open tuition »3750; Hillsboro union high Discussions of the “County School X- 1 O U S 1 H P XT l c L f l of M ultnom ah county, who led the T. O. Bronleewe have general charge i> y— accounts and to elim inate credit school, transportation »3000. tuition Equalization" bill and the ''»3000 C5 fight against the measure, declared of the event O ther committees In- K C C fC a tlO n I j r O U D S p s s i o n H p t * P »3750; Forest Grove union high evils, the speaker declared. On the Exemption" proposal were held in a. a. J th at It would perm it the governor elude: Mrs A. W. H offm an and _ _ * t o r w - o o x v /x a * 1 L I V rfhooj transportation »300. tuition an other hand, m erchants m ust work informal m anner due to the I V J C C tS d ld t C C l to upset the work of the ways and Mrs. R. J. Nicol, bridge, Mrs C. T. P laM S M p P tS H l 'I V with debtors through pooling of _____ I »900; T ualatin high school, tran s- small attendance resulting fro m | _ means committee and the leglsla- Rlcliardson an d Mrs Lyman Howe w - w - x j a bad weather. hire and vested entirely too much pinochle: Mrs. T O. Bronleewe and Recreation school community or- o accounts m ^ id ln to ^ e r Insure in ^ T h collections e ^ ^ o m '^ ^ with- èm authority ln one official. Mias Marlon Lytle, surprise; and 8“,n 4 a t on„ 1lei‘ders , of W ashington n. 8 g th customer em Intensive campaign for house re ­ * * • Mrs Eva Downs Mrs ELhel Humps county will be held ln Hillsboro. pairing and remodeling under th e and Mrs E C.' McKln ev. . “ >d W<«besday Co-operation and organization are th e county jamboree with Hills c o u n t i n g to »1500 from Portland B en n ett In v ited schools were also approved. federal housing adm inistration pro- post and auxiliary unit a i Transportation costs this year are u.!,,™.,! m b. a » fast 1 ^ , one ri^i.i „ J directors . u - R lJîi; '„ . " 4 “ ?°™ P ï “ 18e h all cording to B ram an Action on a „ ” stepped Into right „If off Officers . and to A d d ress M eet gram w111 ** started ln Hiusbon» of their t h e trude under Skow. the direcUon of M the tS G N er- credit poUcy a t thte rime is oar of hosU' Indlvld^al business sessions based on C controcU between the representing a- iic t.r iv the two groups will be held orio. the bat of the M ultnom ah county chamber of commerce and their - „ „ . . . . . , ! February 4 with a series of m eet- •kingmakers" when he passed out wive. wUl serve M th e re c e p ito U t»»l R eere.tiof, a s s o c ïa ïto " N“ ' p r o v ^ t h e ^ m r o n c e ^ i th ^ e r e t^ aV t a ? Tn'tÏTe Vrie?ans ^ ¿ r a ^ X ° n„U?„C t y ^ ^ „ h ? o e.tL o T e! ^ d . n tde ? Portland, has has been been Invited Invited to lngs , for businessmen, contractors, _ . -------- __r ----- of Portland, —, a s - ; committee. This group will Include com m unity group entertainm ent evils th a t Dreeederf th* bal1 on West tendent. said. Tuition in the county address th e Townsend club m eet- sealers and farm ers. T hree speak- signments. While the voice was th e Mr. and Mrs. H L. MacKenzle, M r “f adm8lnds an d descripttons will pression P ca tne recent de- Legionnaires will m eet at t h c is based on »75 per year per stu- ing a t 2:30 p. m. Sunday a t the ers, versed in th e federal housing volee of Cooter the luuid lookini and Mrs. P. L. Patterson, Mr. and n,*„dcl!Ji>Il'’.t,r“ted *19’ ,be co o p é ra - pres*’on- Problems which m ust be settled X5tei aii l ,,ha11 8 ° ’clock very much like the hand of G ra- Mrs All O Johnson. Mr. and Mrs ; 9Ti:pl'‘h„‘mtel ‘,dl,i i , i , A in establlshlng cornmunll^r c ^ n f ? ^ d e n t l ' S , ( T wUl r o m m S t o ^ w‘^ c h S ^ k e r * . " ¡P rogram X t be In attendance, ac- ham -L atourette-et-al of the Mult- Morris Well. Mr and Mrs. C. T. d e s Include handling of de- ' ?h ? UX' charge u due t0 the fact th a t most Salem a t the m onster mass Town- campaign m am w er8 * ’ ' policies nomali delegation. Cooter's prom pt Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. L. People intending a tten d 1 sirould ilnquent accounts, excessive m er- . a ry m em bers m eet ln the cham - of the students from th is county send plan hearing Monday after- „ .. 8 recognition of his boner and hi* J Rushlow. An orchestra consisting make plans to be present all three chandlse returns, pyram iding of a c - ' WUh M” ' attendln8 Portland schools go to , noon ln the state house before the I open w th , t h e just as prom pt re-assignm ent o f , of C harles Walker. R. J. Scearce, evenings as the program Is pro- counts and interest charges on open 1 P,a ,ttFr.so" , Presldln8- trade schools. | unemployment committee and Jo in t1 chamber 0 * commerce luncheon, some of the more im portant com- J J. B. Ihle, John Spicker and Tom greasive. according to W F Cvrus accounts. B ram an stated. He pointed “ a r old /• W arner of Portland. Total of 638 students from no n -I meeting of the legislature. .D uring the afternoon, meetings are m lttee chairm anships did much to | Shuck will provide music. ! county agent. • • r . out how P ortland firm s co-operated 1’a u °n al vice-commander ot t h e high school areas were listed by I Several thousand delegates from i scheduled for contractors and build- restore harm ony In the runks an d i — ■■■ — — —— — ---------—--------- through the Portland C redit bureau j An’erlcan Legion and immediate the board. Claims, however, are : the Townsend cluhs of Oregon at- m aterial dealers. A rrangem ents Just to prove tliat there were no on these problems and explained P“ 1, ,s ta,t c commander, will be the based on the average dally attend- tended this meeting asking th e 1are now being made to have the hard feelings the members gave how several stores working to- “~ Principal speaker. He will discuss ance. ' — ------------- ■ B - I .— . grang- --------- nplpal sPeaker- ance state legislature t o memorialize I m a k e r s appear *--«— before local their speaker a vote of confidence.' gether could accomplish far more „ , ayn!.ent of AdJnsted Service Routine business was conducted; congress to enact the Townsend i ers ln the evening to explain how th an one Individual firm. certificates a t the Joint meeting. during the balance of the board old age revolving pension plan In- bhe program affects the farmers. Estes Snedecor, Portland attorney, Members oi th e organization from meeting. j to law. R epresentatives of the Io- ! Program was outlined Thursday Development of standard credit who was one of the outstanding applications requiring competent P ortland and other nearby c e n -; _________ ____ ; cal club were Rev. and Mrs. R. L. when V. H. D ent of the Portland house members ln the 1933 session, (Authentic statement by R<»ver W. Itabeon) r* J tax of from five to fifteen per cent references and credentials is now ' ters are also expected. Forest Grove t Putnam , Miss Theona Putnam , Mrs. office visited ln Hillsboro to check but who was defeated for the dem ­ Copyrieht 1935 being conducted by P ortland mer- has challenged Sherwood for at- 1 a x p a y t ' F S K c d C C D l would be necessary to finance the PubliHhem' Financial Rureau | J. F. Buckland and Rev. H e n ry ' up on progress of the program In ocratic nom ination last May, Is chants. He declared th a t the time tendance at the local meeting 1 z Young. I this area. Babson Park, Florida, January plan. TTie »1,800.000.000 required serving ns legal advisor to Governor would come when m erchants and! -------- ---------------- Land in T a x S u it M nrtln In drafting the adm lnlstrn- *8’ 1038 Som e readers may re ­ for the first m onth's operations of consumers would co-operate In es- r j - f W 7 * the pension would be raised through turn m easures and passing on s u c h , 8ard the Townsend Old Age Plan as Forty tracts of land Included ln a general credit policy. I y CRI W l t l t C F measures as come into the hands [ »hotber white rabbltt, while others the usual methods of government tabllshlng the county tax foreclosure action H. E. Staples of the local Credit of the governor a fter m aking th e may honestly believe th a t the financing. Townsenders see a tre ­ Bureaus, Inc., acted as chairm an. ; for the years 1930 and prior have circuit of the house and senate. (scheme Is a true social panacea. mendous saving ln certain direc­ been redeemed since the summons • • • All. however, m ust recognize th a t tions For example, through the J was first published January 3, ac- The dem and of Harry Hopkins. 11 1,as created a powerful Interest elimination of present pension sys­ Federal A ir B ase I cording to Miss Gladys Eisner of Ry Clinton F. Haight federal relief adm inistrator, th a t froln l h r Pacific to the Atlantic tems, of poorliouses, and through teaches has been sought alike by the tax departm ent. Redemption of Editor, Blue Mountain Eagle Oregon put up $4.000,000 a year to- ln tbe subject of old age pensions, a sharp drop in crime costs. But A fter giving W ashington county the tracts brought In approxlm ate- both saint and sinner, for a sinister in S ta te P rom ised Canyon City, Oregon ward the relief of Its own u n e m -l T h ® discussion already aroused In addition to these savings, Town­ or a scantlfled sentim ent. ,a of real w inter last week- ly »3000 In delinquent taxes. Miss i Editor’» N ote- He- ployed has the governor and th e [ Rhows clearly th a t there Is a tre- send Crusaders see costless opera­ . B ut let us bounce about. y alr base would be end. the w eather man suddenly Eisner declared. , h„ Or^ „ „ Legislator v -,.r „ Haight, ,r„ „ r_ tion when the scheme Is once under ro n irlT ' m 1 arm lawinakers worried. So far no one mcndous pressure ln this country way. room, ■ where the " e? r p?rtland was the changed his mind late Sunday night, Tax foreclosure suit as originally osie. ¡raL-ibiZ editor of the oft-qiot«i . This historic , , has come forward with any p r n c - ) hxlay for the passage of some form central th ought of a confidential cleaned u d the snow and ice in ched included approximately l l 0 0 - l B,u* Mount>in >•*»!•.” wh<*« "exagger-1 house meets is not on the square Purchasing Prosperity tlcal suggestion as to where this of old n8e soclal security. report received in anfhnwU record. The rerlpient prom- j power and prosperity will return the promised governm ent air base, valley. During the day two more will probably be held about M arch , of the It Is, writh the speaker, Jo h n Coo- to more taxes from Incomes by re- i lNes' linder oath, th a t he or she post-haste. With oldsters obligated The letter indicated th a t three lncti£J fel1 fr e e in g w eath- 20. according to the district atto r- Anc* 80 ls the legislature, the ter, standing up behind an elevated duclng the exemptions or to some wl’1 not. Pn8aBe In any fu rth er to spend »19,200,000,000 a year, there Pacific coast bases were to be es- er f,riday and Saturday turned the ney’s office. This date has been h°tise. one of the three legs upon bar, like a saloon. Down ln front sort of a sales tax, n either of 8aln*,tl Inbor nnd th a t he or she will be created such a gigantic de- tabltshed. It also m entioned th a t tenm orature of* toe v m ? w « tentatively set so as to avoid the whlch the 8rand oId state of O re~ of him ls another bar where a whlch Is very popular in Oregon. ! w111 ?Pe n d , »he »200 during t h e ! m and for all kinds of goods th a t Oregon was one of the last areas of S atm ^ay i t o t ‘ wh?S t h “ th??mo- rush anticipated on M arch 1ft when Ron stands, like a tr lp o d -th e ex- cow-puncher from Eastern Oregon, • • • month w ithin th e United States. Idle m anufacturing plants will lm- flrst rank in commerce and Indus- m eter dropped to 10 degrees. | tb ® ilrst quarter of the 1935 taxes e®uriy®. Judicial and legislative— m ight be tem pted to step and buy Both the house and senate have I ¡™® plan ls bflsed on the theory | mediately be forced to operate a t w ithout ealr‘°starions 10 ** en tlrely . Sl’nday .U'ornlng local residents wln be payable. and under our form of government, a drink. Behind this bar are four loaded their payrolls with the u s u a l1 llftl Pach Person spending »200 a | capacity. The sting of the financ- it is with the legislative leg th a t or five bartenders and a member i ...... | awoke to find snow falling again. ntimber of clerks, stenographers and ,” ont1’ crrn tps a Job for one or Ing tax will be eased by our swift governm ent limps. I t ls the parlia­ can step up to the bar and order a 'bo c b I committee consisting of O. Four more inches of snow tell dur- City M anager A tten d s other employes 83 ln the senate i ’PJ? ‘“ Idltl?nal workers. About Journey to prosperity. Some en- t helps, C. T. Richardson and W. Cl.; inff the day, bringing the total m vssv entary »4 • • 1 aa * c * ® j •»• » « ^ v branch i a h u h u of i B government i/v c m u ie iib u th ia a v t resolution, memorial or a bill or _ m u n i c i p a l M e e t F riday has been found wanting. Not only you can find out anything th a t and 114 In the house which is slight- would be expected to ac-1 thuslastlc exponents even claim Ide are acting in the Interests o f ! for th e stor<' to eight. Late Sunday evening a "Chinook • wind sent the George McGee, city m anager, a t- in this country, but throughout the has happened here for 25 y ean , ... above ----- . the first week record for cept the pension. Hence. Townsend there will never be another de­ the Hillsboro designation ly tem perature up to norm al a n d ! tended a session of the League of world the function of legislative from Fred Drager, the chief clerk, the 1933 session. Every senator and adherents allege the plan would pression—"hum anity will forever be hvr M n n ^ v snow blanket' 10 8lush I ? rP8on c ltlw Friday a t Salem. The authority have been merged with representative has a personal secre­ open Jobs for n t least 8,000,000 relieved from the fear of destitution Band Instrum ents Needed legislative program of th e league imperial rule, taking the form of a who knows w hat’s what, who’s who and w ant." and hence "the genial tary whether they need one or not. people under sixty. Band Instrum ents of all kinds by Monday. and why. n tn o z fln n lt _ Tem peratures since Sunday have was discussed. H itler a Mussolini "nr a R n r e n ..