T h u rsd a y , J a n u a ry 17, 1935 THE Monday February ID. 15)16, at 10 o’« tar k a. ni uf eaid day hated am i firs t p u b lish *! Jan uary 1?, IVlt Last publlratton February I t . IV36. J (* M A Y A dm inlet rat or of the Letate of John l( Htepheneon, Itereaeed M II lluu ip, reeldem a end addreae, Hillsboro, Oregon, A tto rn ey for eeld Relate. 48-62 Classified Advertising < la««lflr>d Columna ( Io** at 10 o'rlocli Wednesday Mornlnf. A KKADV MARKET WITU HKI KKSVLTM AT L1TTUC CO»T f Oount Wurde Send Money Gowat Your B rü llt« ■lock Fae« n l lt W . Oaek ekeuld H e arin g s — N o t per- n. aeeompany the order. O ut o í fairneoe to a ll ao In fo r ma­ ttaa oa the 1 5 0 ; aawod before delivery | l Phone 2081. 2i)lf la U*a County Court of the Ml a La of (Jre- «on, fo r W ashington County. I» . HEEDS— PLANTS In the M a tte r of the K atale of T. Au- •leraon W IN K «rapa plante and hl«haet q uality Notice la hereby given, th at the um ler- uue ran lead « ra fte d eurkerloee filb e rt haa been duly appointed by the treaa, w alnut«, peach««. prune«, rh e rry , >l«ned . l — r. a n ti« . b—r r l—I, n > a , h r u l» ’ * 7 ? • » U t l . l Co urt. . . A d m ln l.tr .lr lM H .nd lo r bargain I U t todi U day. Nut “ ‘ í,1’ , , ,W F la u tín « (luida** on requeet. Phone, duly qualified as such Now therefore. e ll persona having w rite or vielt ue. C a rlto n N u rsery Co., claims against said estate a re hereby < .ti li o n « tragón ;v»i | notified end required to present the 1 sarna» together w ith proper voucher« M. HAY AND FEED | therefor, to the undersl«ned a t the law H A L F D hay am i ■(raw fo r aal«. U»n or offices of H are, M r A leer A Peters, In carload A H F.i«i-h«ii, Gastuii. 47-Mp the First N a tio n al llan k hulldin«, In Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in el« m onth« fro m the ilale hereof FARM MACHINERY Dated thia 20th day of December, 11)34 JO HN looio tra c to r* and fa rm m achinvry J E N N Y A N D E ItH O N , A d m in is tra trix of fo r «al«. In a la r Ireland A Co. 45 lf IlM F .aisle of «aid D—wrtup. _______ 4 to Monday. D m I l M day nf Jan u ary. 1986. at J. P irat Insertion. per w.»rd Io (N u aaraU « l«M Ih a n S ie) Baeh o fd iita n a l l a a e r l l o a , » e r wonl 1« (M o «ervtae leee thau St«) Kami er*. per II n« lUe (N o eerriee iaee ihan M e ) ANNOUNCEMENTS b T O M A C H ulcer, «ae paine, and indlgea- tlon victim «, why suffer T For quick relief «et a free «am ple of Udga T ab ­ le t s . a doctor s prescription, at H ills ­ boro Pharm acy. 47-4p k. V E R Y RO D Y kaowa th a t our Perfect b lue W h ite Diamonds are priced lower than most jeweler« price Im perfect el ones. Anderson'« Jew elry store. 16 H IL L S B O R O or A R G U 8, H IL L S B O R O , MAC I * Hank hulldin«, In Millsboro, Oregon. w ith - In sis month« from the date hereof Dated this Mth day of Jan u ary, 1*36 RALPH L A K Y , A d m in istra to r of the M t a le of said dee* sued Ha« ley A lia r« . Attorneys fo r A d m inistrator. 47-61 Page Nine A Touch of Sign* Trouble WHÄT HAhZE V0U I W t A ï . MM.C0VM ? N O T H K T O ( K E D IT O K H In the County Court of the H tate of O re ­ gon, for W ashington County. In the M a tte r of the E s tate o f Cora Elisa J*/nvry. Notice is hereby given, th at the under- signed haa been duly confirm ed by the above entitled C ourt, as Executor of the last W ill and Testam ent of said da- I rvaaed, and has duly q u alified as such. Now therefore, all persons having claim s against said ealate are heretjy notified am i required to present the same, to­ gether w ith proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned a t the law office« of Bagley A H are, in «he F lre t N a tio n al Hank hulldin«. In Hillsboro, Oregon, w ith in ala months from the date herw jf Dated thia 6th day of J an u ary, 1926. HENHY A L O W K Y , F.aacutor of the last W ill and Testam ent of said deceased i W illia m G. H are, A tto rn e y fo r Esecu- lur. «7.» i N O T H K OK K IN A I. H E T T L K M K N T In t h . C .njnty C u urt nf Ow, H in t, o f O r* - g»»n, fo r W ashington County. In the M a tte r of the E etate o f H K Denney. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given th at the under- signed ad m in is trato r of the above named estate has filed In the abov« entitled Court and causa hia fin a l accuont and report as such, and the Court has fixed the 1st day o f F eb ru ary, 1936, at the hour of 10 o’clock A M of said day, and the C o urt room of the above an- title*! Court in Hillsboro, Oregon, as the tim e and place fo r hearing objection« to said fin a l account, arid fo r the fin a l set- tlen ient of said «state. Dated this 31st day of December, 1934. T. H. D E N N E Y . A d m in is tra to r v t the E state o f aaid Decease*! H a re . Me A tear A Peters. A ttorneys fo r A d m inis­ tra to r. 44-iOp OREGON I OH, OUST -SOIAt T H IN G S TO HANG UP IN W ROOM TO N\AK.t IT LOOK l i k e ^U M PT H IN ' X By Munch I NEVER THOUGHT HE'O TAKE AN INTEREST IN ANYTHING U K t T H A T ---- WELL, I'M G.IAQ TO S E E IT AND I'L L HAVE TO tfKOURACE HIM I meeting with Tigard. A num ­ ber from here attended the m eet­ ing. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Aten and aon Jack spent Saturday In Sherwood. gueaU of relatives. Mra. Ethel McCormick and fam - llf of Hlll.tboro visited Mrs. McCor­ mick'., mother. Mra. Lilly M Bler- ly, Sunday. Official and Unofficial New»— All th a t Is fit to print In Hillsboro and the county — Court, a r r e ts , schools, taxes weddings, b i r t h s , deaths, society —Every week In the Argus. tf Real Estate Transfers IS ! 1 0.K / m o m - - 0 0 VUH WANNA C'ME UP 'N GEE (T NOW ? ' I b tH G O d b U lV K - 1---------- ' ÑS" i bLOVtEXIT r -H 0K IM 6 M ary E. Hm idt et v ir to Em eet Z ur- rher et ux. part o f Joseph L. Meek claim T I N K2W Fred Schmidt to H en rietta Schmidt, 89 acres .Section 12 T2S R.tW W illiam St. Thomas to Sarah St. Thom ­ as. 10 acre« T 3 N R3W Section 32. Irene Hetu to Theodore G. Hetu et ux. part L o t 8 Steel’s A ddition, Beaver­ ton. D A Sherer et ux to Eugene Buru et al. 2.50 acres L. H a ll D. L . C. 43 T1S R1W A lth a Kester to O ra N. Keater, 10.226 acres T2S R2W. V io la E Buckley to C arl Decker et a l. Lots No. 14 and 16 Kennedy Acrea. D e tro it T rust Co. to Law rence A. Kie- sel et vir. NE>4 of Section 21 T I N R6W U rban F. D item an to J. P. Slaughter et □ x. 4.284 acres T l S R2W . P ortland T ru at A Savings bank to Gladys Ig n o re Flem ing . T ra c t «7 W itch Haxel L ittle Farms. Charles H a e flig e r to Frneet Tsehabold, p a rt Section 33 T 2 N R2W , G eorgia A. Skeels to Hazel Signor, Lota 1 and 2 Glen mo rag park. O. L . Rahn to N. F. How ard et ux, 5.63 acrea Sections I and 6 T3S R lW C lara Reeve« to A lv e rta Gates, part Section T lS R4W J. H. Jack to Josephine E. Deieephinasse, i p a rt o f Peter Scholl claim 40 T 2 8 R2W I M V .ld ^ L .,h u r n y u ll-ta . Ir a l x h l . .. .. ,h " ? ' “ ''' e h lrk ., .11 l lu y h n ,h M k . Alao Karie ? ‘i ’ i , ' " " " 1' .ff.“? " .<;ou" " ' and Kucha, available Jan uary I I and M; ~ " '» HlllelH.ro, W a.h ln « tn n .h ereafte r. W r i t , fu r natalu«. V U l t . r . i r- *“ • > - - n * P l~ l> .t - l « w .lvo m .. |-n ,..n 1 ... p r ltw . 'f*? , " '1 P‘- r- .fu r , lh - H n .l .(-count .n each W A N T E D W ork of any kind by young Juna 9. 191« (39 Htat 218). and M ay 17, in IlllU b a ru . U r * * a fl. u t h . t lm . .n d ( j l b b S under the direction of William I The annual L u IU D P l a t l S The annual pre-Easter parish vis- I causes w akin g up, frequent desire, scanty G ötter, at Urholle. 4M 1928 (46 Htat 697. Public No. 417). and p l . r . fu r tuMrinif ublm -tlun. to u l d VulUJiy X 10113 man CaU (EM dl Belcher a t 7:30 Friday l t a t i o n W ill also begin at th a t time, flow , burning and backache. M ake this H IH M U o n . youn« b o .r . .Uo cull J pur. u . n t to d e t r im e n t a l r e r u l.t lo n .. fin a l c cm n t and fu r t h . fin a l arttlam ent o o t . t . t . w .n tm l. A lbert M c U r. K t 2 ¡ C lrcu lar l w „ , h. , lm ber „ „ lh , fu lo w of said estate. Get ju n ip e r oil. buehu leave«, 13. KALE or TRADE—MUcrllaneoui Iteaverton 49 tf , In« i . lands _ u . _ w / n ill »_____ Dated this loth day of Jan u ary, 1986. be sold Jan. 21, 1936, at W A N TF4» Io tra d e Vau«hn dregsaw for little green tablets called Bokets, ( IIE H T E It W h ite p i« , for sale A J WM V A N D k J tV E L D E N . Executor of 19 o’clock a. m . at public auction a t the cow or bus* saw K K MeCluey, Kt __ — — ___ _ v — ii o ic e bladder laxative. In four day« i f not II ne« k s r . n e a r w in - .. . - t W M and Testam ent of Theodore 17. H. Land O ffic e at R4»Ion, lliv e r rwsd near Farm in g - Free Methodist Church purchase price w ith an additional sum 48tf 121 M am Ht A ll County («rneral Fund W arran ts of of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hamilton. ton b rid g e. Hillsboro, Kt. 2. I lo i 197. Pentecostal Tabernacle of o n e -fifth of one per cent thereof, W ashington Sunday school. 10 a. m .; preach­ County. O regon. endorsed h. W A N T E D Cheap horses fo r fog feed. who has been having ear trouble 124g Lincoln street being commissions allowed, must be de- ing a t 11 a m , Evangelist Esther "n o t paid fo r want of funds'* on o r be­ ) ( itaseli engine for aale cheep fo r cash Ar«iia. 1417. 41-69p plaited when the rig h t to purchase la fore February 2«. 1934. are now payable inf ^ o V s h ^ 00" 10- ^ - ra" . moTn - i H " T u r n " wW _ p r ^ h '’ ln ih e eve It Teufel, Hherwisxl, H i. 4. 47-8p H O K H E â for sale, «<««d farm or logging ' aw arded by the K e«ister. but certificate T.1 ..1*?* u fDce o f the County T reasurer. In M E Y E K H doubla-act Ion spray pump to I horses, 14(H) lbs and up F. W W alch, wer oi » Helvetia. _____4**P Baptist Church lug includi me 1W1 »J32 Washinxton O N E 3 year-*■» 1 Hill«b»>rt> A uto lltfk .D auto parts for N W . w d f i r l.UHS M . i * . . to -w ll V H einrich. I I I M . HW W rn k m » If Y E A R L IN G hull fo r sale Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bruce and J 30» ’ . , ? ' Interm ediate Sunday. A fine program at 2:30. 1 % m (l«i west on h ig h w a y . U -m ile .............. " " '7 o' ,'!*•, “ ¡" b* ru J " '* • " 2» M ‘ T h . * " . 19-acre s ííd and Youn M ; none of of Scholia F erry R oad; thence N o rth brated next Sunday. The prepar- j Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hamilton Sun- wlu e ^ n ^ h t ^ m ____ _______ . . , O L D grow th f ir wi - m I, 12-lnrh, 83-69 a ‘ the tim ber to be «old fo r leas than 8176 2u iJeg. Ww»t N.61 chain«, tlience Hillsboro mum house, 2 lots, in Portland . atory service begins a t 10:30 a. m.; | Phone 972 M W t.k , 1432 4th Ht <*}• « .n i per M for the re»I fir , I l .09 j«er M for W«-»t 22.42 chain«, and thence N o rth 8-room house New|H>rt. Io trade d a u g h t ^ ^ S h i^ n ^ T M i^ C a lr t n ‘"a n d ' ¿?b“ : c t a S M t in a iila 12 ’ he m l radar, 76 renta |»er M fo r the B chain« to the place of oeginnm g, i ha*. ' Peter l*ear««m. Gaston 48-9p • rd In tw o c«>rd load«, aingis dead re»l f ir , and 6t> renta per M fo r »ituate in Washingt«»n County, O re­ e rd Hus Is '* dry, g*-M| lan g e and the w hite f i r and hembwk. T . 2 H.. II. gon. fa rm e r* at 4*94 it. fro m tne «tone at the On Germantown road. S undiy r°„rmU Pn ^ lPe? " ? mes’ *orsh‘P with N in th Ht Phone Hill«h«.ru 2<>33 14tf I J M Penoin, aecrotary. H illsboro 9lf '« bee. corner on the West boundary Notice la heretty given, that by virtue - — ' sages, com e once and youll come _________________ of He«. 23 T. 1 H. R. 1 W . and school • every Sunday. 10 a. m.; Ger < f an Execution, O rder and Decree of again. A hearty welcome to every Sale i»»ued out of and under the aeal of fro m which beginning point an iron man service. I l a. m.. first a n d service heo.nninu i m pip« bears H. u Deg. 23 W. 29.9 ft. the C ircuit Court of the State of O re­ third Sundays; English service. 11 m nK J e s S ’i ^ d T ? 3 h gon f»>r the t ounty uf W ashing ton dated (tu n n in g thence uiong the south line a. m.. second and fourth Sundays g “ 6 ' . uf «am iJenny C laim . H. »9 Deg 45’ (he 28th day of December. 1934, In fa v ­ —E. Julius Tragllo, pastor. tf F.. 614 u (eel to a point in the center N O T H F. O F M H F R IF F ’H H A L E I PO N -•f the Las, W ill and Testament of J«»nn or uf H a rry L . R«4nnson. Executor of Beaverton Church of C hrist of the Hch«>li« F e rry R oad; thence F O K F t L O H I RE Med'd, Ika-eased, and that the said Thoma« the Estate of Raleigh H. Robinson, de- S. ly Dx«g v i w . along the center All members of the Beaverton I By M rs. E. L . Cox) Nutica I« bereit y « i vati by virtu e of an M aruhall and Anna M arshall have dulv coasad, as p la in tiff, and against K. H. Christian Science Society of -»aid road a distance of 238.4 ft. to church are urged to cooperate with KINTON — A num ber of onion exsrutlou, derree and order of saie is- qualifie»! as such Executor and Kxorutrig. lienn y and M arg aret A. lien n y, husband a t»oint fro m which an iron pipe and w ife, and A A. Schram m , Htate Now therefore, all persona hav ln« claims ■ tied «ml of an«l, under the seal of ths have been in the commu­ hear» N ?»9 Deg. 45 W. 31.7 ft. I M raltw t « t d M u i r , « r r b rrrb » nutlhr.1 » t i » m i t l » * l i l uf lU n k » . d » fr..« l.n u . fut C ircu it Court «»f the H tate of O r ne the past week consult- thence N . S9 Deg. 45 W . 638.99 feet r r p n r .1 ... p ra M n | , h „ „ w .lk Ih r i*»- <•’ » ‘ I ' " ” 1»1 *•'►« I n t e r « , i h r w u , fo r W’aehingtoo County, on the 24th day ' to an iron p ipe; thence N . 9 Deg 23 the growers about dispos- .h .r » .n ’ n r - l- r r ..« .r h r n . ... the ..n d m .l,n r .l 5 " '" , .h* ’J * ' , ,U y ,,f 1* 'U ' 1 of Ika-ember, 1934, in E. 22u.9 ft. to the place of beginning, their crop. Most local grow- ............ .. . .... J o h n - n . .. d H - l r r - l d m r . in 8 r t „ l n V . U . r , W » „ - ¿ " X ' r . u n . ^ f pending wherein Olav« containing 2.92 acres, W ashington k . r .t ln » Jidit.Miti, are p l . l n u f f . and N o r- '" J 1" " ! “ Í S * ' <,r™ " n- " r » • l.uraw nenU. and Ih r fu rth e r >u,n of (o u n ty , Oregon, described in dexsl m an L . Cooper and H. phla L. (»»».per. ••( T h '. II Tongue J r . in the f | ¿5.99. atto rn ey fee«, w ith interest thero- re««.rued in Book 141, Page 435. Sub­ s im ri^ . rnnir J ? e " UnUI 4 P' n „ ® „ «rv‘ees “ follows: Bible school topping ------------------- —^Ptng and sacking, getting ready husband and w ife, and George I I. Hid- ¡ ••• Hb . k in the ( B y of H ill« f rwt„ the 22 nd day of Deeernoer. 1934, ject to 849.29, delinquent taxes. Sunday's topic, ^ "Life.' “ »L Communion service followed for shipping by truck into P o r t - : well are defendants, to ma direci«*»! and r" W ashington < m inty. O regon, w ith in a| the rale of t» per cent per annum . ira c t No. 3. A n undivided 1 6 in ­ months fro m December 2<)th. 1934 „ „ meeting 6:30 p. m., preaching~7:30 land? Among those “disposing oV all T , , , terest in 19.23 acres in Sec. 23 T. delivered, and com m anding me «ini which Execution, O rder, a.id Decree Dated this 29th day of Deremt»er. 1934 of Sale 1« al*«» in favor of A. A. Schram m, ■ale o f (be real pr«*perty herein after de- I. H. II. 1, West., W ill. M er. in Banks M. E. Church oy preaching 11 a. m , young people's they have left on h and were J H I a b l e M o d e l s T IIO M A H M A IIS IIA L L . Executor of i!>< State Huporlntenilant o f Hana«, a« one W a»hingu>n C«>unty. Oregon, and m«»re ■eribod !n order to satisfy the aunt of Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 P- m. Everyone - invited - to all Aten, Julius Wedeking and Louise A s p a rtic u la rly descrioed in C ircu it Court 62600.09 w ith Interval thereon fro m Hep- Last W ill and T m tam ent of John Modul defendant against It H. Denny and M a r ­ a. in.. Mrs. H. Jensen, superintend- these services, VanKleek. Jou rn al No. 4 at Page 47 4. being ’ .•ini.ef J.'.Ui i 't t . at the rate ««f M l Deraaaed. garet A. D enny, husband and w ife, n ent. Preaching service* by Ellsworth — — E. L. Cox attended the joint in- a p a rtitio n suit relative to a 35.33- A N N A M A ItH IIA L L . E xecutrix of th» (he other defem iants for the sum of per coni 8_. annum , 0.0.0. and the _______ fu rth e r . Tilton, pastor, every Sunday eve­ Whosoever Will Tabernacle acre tra c t in the above described tra ct, of 6299.99 attorney*« few«, for which l«<*‘ W 'H «” d Testam ent of John Me»|.. I ft UN».99, w ith interest th«Tron fro m the stallation of Hillsboro encam pment. R llv t h e b u t t e r i e s a n d o-et a Davton and Shaffer encam e n r a m n pments m p n r < L>uj m e O a lie n e S a n u g e t tt the »ante having been « K k rea.-ed by a i Above North Plains i ning, 8 o'clock. Ladies' Aid meets aaid «urns jud«oient was rendered by said j Decease*! 2nd day of Febru ary. 1933. a t the rate _ . , ------------------- Dayton and Shaffer conveyance ot 2.92 a«-res re»'u rued < 0.141 in »aid . au»e in favor o f (lie 1*1*0 II J r., A tto rn ey f*»r of 8 per cent per annum , and the fu rth e r Sunday school, 10 a. m.. writh a at Hillsboro Friday evening, first and third Wednesdays a t 2 in H<*»>a 141, Page 436, W ashington 44.N sum of 87.99 cisit« and dikbur.einanta, p la in tiffs and against the defendants Executor and F.xorutrix p. m. ti good Bible study and able teachers Robert Pomeroy returned from (oun»jr kec»nd, also by 2.92 acre«, and the fu rth e r sum o f 812(6.90, u tlo r- Norm an L Cooper and Hophia L. Cooper, ■ Special memory work being done Tilamook the last of the week from Hooa 141. Page 433 and 5 acres re­ ney f « ^ . w ith interval thereon from »he hu«hand and w ife, and also the r«wts M iT l C E T O ( K K D IT O R H now with certificate cards, when a fishing trip and a visit with Mr. corded in Hook 141. Page 433. 4 '* 22nd day o f Decern I ier. 1934. a t the rat« Congregalional Church and ex|»enae<« o f said sale, 1 w ill, on acre». I<»»ok 141. Page 43 4, 9*^ acre», Notice 1« hereby given that by virtu e «.f 6 per cent per annum , which Exacu- Church service Sunday, 11 a m. work completed. Anyone can take and Mrs. Mills, who reside there, Haiurday. ih e 28th day of Jan u ary, 1936, Buufc 141. Page 432, a ll dee«! revvidx o f an order made and entered on the ti«»n wa« direct e l to me and delivered There has been quite a lot of at the hour of ten o’clock A M of said The subject of the sermon. When part in this. Sermon at 11 will be «•I W asiiingitm County, Oregon. Sub­ 16th day of llecem her, 1934, by the Cmn. and com m anding me to m ake «ale of the day. at the East door, being the fro n t is a Church C hristian?" by Rev T orought by Perry W right. Tarry sickness around town during the ject to delinquent taxes unknown. ly Court of W ashington ( ‘«»only, O regon, real property herein after «(escribed; by door of the Court House of W ashington ’ he umlersign«hl has bean ap|H'tnted ad- virtu e thereof I have levied ui»»»n and service 2:30 with short sermon b y ' past week or s so. in most of the * » ort serm °n by Hid* w ill ne receive«! at the above -- - - —__ _ A rthur Dungan. Church school. 10 o«? County, drago n, in Hillsboro, Oregon, m in is tra to r of the estate «>f M ae G. pursuant to «aid Execution. O rd er, and , Paswr. Regular evangelistic cases it was flu addraaa and the rg ih t to reject any a. m . Richard Wiley, superintend- pr«N ee»l to sell at public auction to th r 'lecree o f Sale 1 w ill on Monday, the “ “ "'.L M,i ,uch « » '• h rrrtiy rvaerved. ent. service, , 8p m. song e service. . Everyone Everyone is is cordially o — Good ------ ---— invited to M abry, deceased- Now . therefore, a ll |»er highest bidder, fo r cash In hand, and t th r E o t I hi« »»1« w ill t>« made pursuant to an ns havinj cla • ««ainst th r «-»tatr o f ” f Febru ary. 1935 S,r.^æ r '_ 3 îsllÎPony meeting, special attend^ services at the church Sun- according to law , tha follow ing ilesrrlhrd, ¡ M a r h rrriiy 'h*»r o f th r C o urt !. hrret«»íur« «luiy tuno« and enter ( M abry, decei nt. Methodist Episropal Church JUorert “r “ 4 sermo?- , Y,ou are Rev w V« a»hln«t..n . - k»i .... ! C«»«inty. '......... to . ... at . the o. » ... i in ll t the hr M lltIV » xarttll .wl cuurt and cause ........ E. Simpson will give r : r .« Tome» F ir s t S o rv e d parcels of real property, situate in Wash­ n«*tifie«i atM»ve entitled r«»rni ih r »aine together W Oregon, hour C hurch school. 8:45. Miss Rose wnh n»to worship and fellowship the sermon at 1 1 a .m . Bible school r i r s t C o m e — r i r s t ^ e r v e a ington County. O regon. t«»-wit: «utfic »ent «»Í the ........ li »e ............. above «le» ¡ w ith pnq w r voucher* therefor I«» the •f 19 o'clock a. m. o f «aid day «oii at O nly starts a t 11:15 a. m. The n**rtb h a lf of tha southwest .riiHsi I'rt-i-ri» «.it i.,- »„id tu rcaliM Cave, superintendent. Divine wor- ln i ntnlrr»iirn«KÍ at hi* office in ih e W ell« public a u itio n to the higheat bidder fu r qu a rter and the aouthwaat qu a rter «if Miss Helen VanKleek has been : ship, 11. serm on by the pastor. .. KuiM ilitr. HilUiHir... on». Oregon, o r at the ca»h in hand all the follow ing «le»criheer, 1934 vocal numbers will be rendered. nd ( ‘,u n ,Y- Oregon. By H . C. Johnauii. J. W ( tiN N F .L L . S h e riff of W aahiug- and C a rrie N. Cam pbell. hu»hand ASSETS Come early if you desire a good Peputy. 46.6„ ton Csiunty, Oregon. By lln-hard lluach, ' w ife ; Gao. II Jewell amt Lou IL Jew ell, Deputy Wm G H are, A tto rn ry for htodtniid and w ife . M It John»on . J. It test under way. Classes *fe Italey and L illia n llaley » ■ ii ~ i . mi > < i .m a n o t h i: o r s a i . k o»- r k a i . | ' k o i *»: k t y P la in tiff« . 46-9 w ife , and F’orent Grove N a tio n al Farm No. «4165 M orn‘?8 worship a t 11, mis- Loan Aaaoeiation. a corporation, defend­ n the C ircu it C o urt of the State o f O re­ sionary service, missionary message If that investment is wisely made, it will produce dividends for N O T K K O F F IN A L A C C O U N T ant«, therein pending and to me directed. gon, for M ultnom ah County. I £ rus*2er, «cr'rtce at - 6 p. ..... m., w Mrs „ ----- — ,u. >'ears to come. No man w ithout previous experience should attem pt In llio ('•m ntv Court o f Ih r Hiwtr o f O rr- I I •h all, on Saturday, the Kith day of In the M u tie r «»f (he Katate of M alin d a H o TYIP n f f l P P K. bhipley, crusader president, in to layout his drainage system without the assitsance of someone who Febru ary, 1936. at ten o*rl«a-k in the A. M itchell, decenaed. i k ’ i i k D i m e g«»n, (o r W aahi ngton County. Evansehstic service with has made a study of that work. N«>tice i» hereby given thnt the under- In the M a tte r o f the Eiitnte of John A. forenoon there«>f, at th«’ front Ihe W ashington County Court Ilo special music a t 7:45 p. m. Rev. »igned a d m in is tra trix o f the above en- Ifuher, !>••»•«•«»>»•« I. Notice ia hereby given th at ih e tmder- llill»l>oro, Oregon, »ell at public auction . t il l« ! estate, by virtu e u f an order «Inly H arter's subject will be, "A Strang- Drainage is a science and only those experienced In the funda- slgned hne file«i her fin a l account a* for «M.di. all rig h t, title and Intereat had made and entered on the 27th day of vaine io law n .” F rayer meet- m ental laws of gravitation can advise you safely. November. 1934, by the C ircuit C o urt of A d in lu ia trn trlx of tin« Katate o f John am i poaayaaed by aal«l defendant • " , wn! ce ne d at the church par- A llu h er, ita-ettaeil, and Ihe County Court »Ince the «late of execution of plain tiff'M the State o f Oregon, fo r Ihe ( ’ounty o f ! In most instances we are able to reduce your Tile cost and save o.i-;.,e S aturday at 7:30 ......... p m — m ortgage, in and to the follow ing de- of Ihe K lalo o f d ie . ..n fo r W l kltlfl »rriheil . e.. .u.a Mrs. W A. ‘ H arter, pas- real pro|>erty: Isboi1- ton Cqnaty hio* »et Saturday, Jan uary Beginning at a point on the South 20. 1035, at lh « hour of 10:00 o'clock boundary of the J. II. W a lk e r D L. C. Our help is FREE for the asking. privat«» aale. f.»r cash, and »uhjeet to A M at the County C o urt Room in No. 49, In Tow n»hip Two, South ihe approval of th«« above entitled court, llilh h o ro . Oregon, mm Ih e tim e and place I Pilgrim House Range Throe, We»t of the W illam e tte all of the rig h t, title and intereat of the for hearing objectiona to »aid fin a l a r- I M ir iilia n , »aid point being l>Hale»l ' J i uary 20: Chapel serv­ above entitled estate, in and to the fo l­ count am i the aettlem ent o f naiti cwlntc. South KM* 57’ Wool IK.97 chain» front ices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. lowing ile»«-rihee- Went 7.98 chain», thence N o rth 7* Sec. 31. township 26. South «if Range w a te r to \\ .ne, ’ from the gospel c«»»Nc*i (I. Ituaaell M organ, A ttorney for 19* Final 31.92 chain* to the center 1 Went of W illa m e tte M eridian. i r - r .c " a lesson. St. “ • John - 2: • 1-11. •• — ’ ■ i •' i i i i • ■ Evening. of a »m all «-reck (conine N W i thence W aahington ( ’ounty, Oregon, describe»I South 47“ 9 ’ F’aat along the center Not ILgli H u n g s.' iraní as follow »: o f aaid »I ream 7.28 chain», thence L ib les.vj. , R: mails 12:6-16. N O T K K O F F IN I L S E T T L E M E N T The Southeast qu a rter o f the N o rth ­ South 33* W«‘.»t 5.6(1 chain», thence east q u a rte r «»f Section 31, township A l ■ •rii.u g p.„yvi will oe choral. Be­ In I lie Ctam ty Court «»f the S tale of O re­ South 7" 55* Went 5 chain«, thence 2, Sumh Range 1, West of the W il­ guiling January 2 1 . continuing un- gon. for W aahington County. South 1(1* 66* F'.aat 3 chain«, thence lam ette M eridian, W aahington County, In ihe M a tte r o f the Katate nf Kmery ul Easter, a school of religion will South 2 ’ Eaat 14.93 chain* to the Oregon, containing ten acres, alao the Alpheua S te w a rt, Deeeaaed. place o f beginning, containing 15.61 oe held each Sunday morning a. 9 South h a lf of the N ortheast q u a r­ Notice la her«4»y given th a t the under- aciea. Alao a certain roadway 14 ocloik. with instruction in 'B ib le LIABILITIES te r o f the Southwest qu a rter of the algu«*d, a.lriitii l«l rntor w ith the W ill a n ­ feel wide along the N o rth hank of N ortheast q u n rter of Section 31, tow n­ study and Catechism of Religion nexed of th r above entitled ealate, haa I the above (toacrlbed at ream and ru n ­ ship 2, South o f Range I, Waat of ning Snulheaaterly fro m Ihe N o rth - filed I iim fin a l account In the ('ounty the W illa m e tte M eridian, W ashing- «•*»1 corner o f (he 15.64-acre Ira ct Court of the S tale of Oregon, fo r W ash, ion ( ’ounty. State of Oregon, con­ above deacrihetl to the property of ington County and that Monday, the 14th tain in g Five <5) acrea; Georye H a rv e y ; them e continuing day of Jan u ary, 1935, at the hour of I BETTER DAIRY FEEDS FOR LESS MONEY Rida fo r aaid property should he sub­ in the property of Knleigh W alker ten o’rliN-k a. m. of amid day in the i m itted to ( ’haa. E. Lenon, atto rn ey fo r Sm ith 78" 31* Eaat to the point of County Court ILaun in the Court Ifouac the a d m in is tra trix hertdn, at 616 Couch With Millrun advancing your feed dollar will go farther if you bny our interaection w ith the roadway a l­ in llillalio ro . W aahihgtnn County, O re ­ llld y ., Portland. Oregon, on and a fte r lowed to Geo. H arvey by llaleigh Dairy Feed». You will get more milk with lesa feed. Your cows will gon. has been appointed rm the tim e ' the 7th «lay «»f Febru ary, 1935. W alker, Militated in W nahington ( ’oun­ and place fo r Ih e hearing of all objectiona hold up in flesh and increase their lactation period. Date o f firs t publication J a n u a ry 10th. ty. S late of llirg o n . Io Naid fin a l account and the aettlem rn* J. W . C O N N E L L . S h e riff nf W n • hlng- 1935. D ate of last publication Fehrtiary thereof. MOLASSES DAIRY, 15% Protein—Ton ...................... S30.80 ton County. Oregon. E d w a rd K Pia- 7th, 1935. D a te uf fin d publication December 13, aeekl, one of P la in tiff'a A tto rn ey*. E V A II. S T E E L , A d m in is tra trix . Chas 48-62 COW RATION. 1 6 ' Protein—Ton ............................... 32.0« 1934. D ate of laat publication Jan uary A lto rn e y -a t-la w , 615 D a te of flrat publication, J an u ary 17, E. Lenon, llh lg ., Portland, Oregon. 1936 «7-51 « t t id i . v a i i i . . t»t. D ate i»f laat publication, February IMPERIAL DAIRY, 18% Protein—Ton 38.00 G F.OllGF. A L L IS O N . Adm lniat rat o r w ith , h . 1935. the W ill annexed of the Katate of Em ery N O T IC K TO ( K K IIIT O H H Our Dairy Feeds contain no ground O at Hulls or other Filler of low In 1 8 , County Court of th r S lu le of O r , - __ _ Alphteia S tew art. Doreoaed. I*. I.. I ’at- N O T IC E O l F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ) KS. gon, fo r W ashington County. I B t f tt r Of O re g o n . leraon, A tto rn ey fo r th«» Adm lniat ra- In th«« ( ’ounty C«»urt of the State of O re ­ nutritive value. In t h , M n tlo r nf t h , E r t n t , nf lin y V. County Of W ashington ) tor. 43-7 gon. for W ashington ('ounty In the M a tte r of the Estate of John R. N n tT ;. ' ¡ ^ “r r b , Kiv ,n , thnt t h , u n . l , r - 1 ’ ■ E- L- Johnson, Secretary of the above named Association, do PAY CASH AND SAVE—TRADE WITH IMPERIAL » O T K K TO C R K IH T O K S Stephenson. Det'eased. N<»tic«» is h«r4>y given th at an order Notiee is her «-by given that the under­ signed ha* been duly appointed i»y the solemnly »swear th a t the above statem ent Is true to the best ol my was ramie In the County ( ’ourt of tha signed ad m in is trato r of the Estate of V 4 ^ rtm.'nnd', ‘h?.‘";uT; I knowledge and belief. E. L. JOHNSON. Secretary Stephenson, ONK DON’T GET UP NIGHTS u. riGM M D. DR. R. J. NICOL iudm™ m N e w iT s itu n S ,“ OPer' j DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Veterinarians __ W. RUSH LOW W e buy a n d aeil u sed cura. — U sed C a r E x c h a n g e . 4 8 tf YOUNG’S W E buy a n d used e a rs. — M a e K e n z ie M o to r Co. hlurk a Funeral Home •» ■ • 8H6, CHURCHES LEGAL Kinton Growers Sell Their Crop P U B L IC A T IO N S R A D IO SALE A ll U sed R a d io s w ill be so ld a t g r e a tly REDUCED PRICES A s low as low as BATTERY RADIO FREE E v ery R a d io th o ro u g h ly c h e c k e d in o u r m o d e rn se rv ic e d e p a r tm e n t a n d g u a r a n te e d to be in good c o n d itio n . Selfridge Furniture Co. Philco Dealers Washington Savings &, Loan Association Hillsboro, Oregon, December 31, 1934 Tiling Your Land Is An Investment- F irs t M o rtg a g e s on R eal E s ta te $ 2 7 6 ,6 7 1 .3 8 L ess re s e rv e f o r d o u b tf ’l a c c ’ts 4 ,172.72 8 2 7 2 .4 9 8 .6 6 ?.ses' 13.194.76 L ess re s e rv e f o r d e p re c ia tio n 1.790.00 11.404.75 O ffic e e q u ip m e n t 2 ,0 1 6 .9 5 Less re s e rv e fo r d e p re c ia tio n . 100.00 Vo a n s t0 .m e m b e ™ on C e rtific a te s ........ »ner ih.' 7th a»» nf coi.ruBry. 111.15, »t A c c ru e d in te r e s t . M u n ic ip a l s e c u ritie s ........... 10.058.79 Less re s e rv e f o r d e p re c ia tio n 3,1 8 4 .8 5 1.946.95 3.035.8:5 1,420.75 6,873.9 I •? ooo 3 1 ,3 6 2 .1 5 3 .5 6 6 n2 ..Mjia 1.823.98 ep. 13:5.08 S to ck in F e d e r a l H om e L oan R an k R eal E s ta te o w n e d . R eal E s ta te so ld on c o n tr a c t R eal E s ta te s u b je c t to r e d e m p tio n C ash on h a n d a n d in b a n k SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD Washington Street between 1st and 2nd PLANT AT SCHOLLS, OREGON ________ _______ Hillsboro O u r M otto— “ F rie n d ly S e rv ic e . . . F a ir P ric e s ’’ 9337.257.01 C e r tif ic a te H o ld e r ’s I n v e s tm e n ts 92 9 4 ,2 2 0 .2 2 U n c o m p le te d lo a n s 953.69 A c c o u n ts p a y a b le ( I n s u r a n c e p re m iu m s, c o m ­ mission«, etc.) 1,441.29 M o rtg a g e s on R eal E s ta te o w n e d R e se rv e fo r d iv id e n d s p a y a b le ............................. R e se rv e s ............................................................................ Notes payable couch| D ue H om e L oan B an k . ....... N one 5,895.16 23,2 4 6 .6 5 N one 11.5 0 0 .0 0 j 9337,257.01 -D A IR Y M A N - SUBSCRIBE TO THE HILLSBORO ARGUS KEEP POSTED ON THE COUNTY NEWS in W a s h in g to n C o u n ty $1.50 IMPERIAL FEED 8c GRAIN CO.