THE Pago Eight Lodge Installs at Cornelius Fair Enough H IL L S R O RO Silver Wedding Date Observed B a n k P r o p e r t y S o ld ; R o b e rt R o c k C r e e k M a n B u ya S to re G r a z e r O b a e rv e » B ir t h d a y in P o r t la n d ; N a m e H e a d s (lly Mi«»« Dorothy Cook«) (lly Mr». Frank l'«aoldl) CORNELIUS-Neighbors of wood- w att installed officers at Bunnuig » hall Saturday evening Mrs J Rock, advisor, was in charge and introduced Mrs. L. Fiske as in­ stalling otficer. Officers installed: Mrs. J R ock , past guurdian neigh­ bor; Mrs. William VanLom. guar­ dian neighbor; Mrs. L. Mooberry, advisor; Miss M a r i e Melanson. magician; Mrs M Melanson. cor­ respondent; Mrs. C. Lathan. a t­ tendant; Mrs. J. Fincgan, musician; Mrs. R, ScnulU. clerk; Albert Bun- mng, flagoearer; Mrs J. VanLom, first assistant installing officer; Mrs L. Fiske. Mrs E. Wolfe and Frank Dooner. managers, Mrs. A Buniung. sentinel; Earl Phelps, cap­ tain of guards, Mrs. Ellen Vickers, outer sentinel; Mrs. W. Dusick. Junior guardian. Mrs. Frank Dooher presented retiring past guardian neighbor, Mrs. L. Fiske, with a Woodcraft pui and Mrs. C. N. Miles presented retiring banker. Mrs. Edna Russell, retiring attendant. Mrs. A. Buniung. a n d retiring guardian neginoor, Mrs. John R ock . also with Woodcraft puis Mrs. C. Latlian presented Mrs. Josepn Fine- gan. magician, with a gilt 01 mon­ ey. Mrs. Stannard gave a t a l k on Woodcraft. The guard ream, dressed m white, included Earl Phelps. Mrs C. Latlian. Mrs. E. Russell. Mrs F. Dooher. Mrs. O. Cartwright. Mrs. E. Smith. Misses Lottie Lnestnut, Lucille SchuiU and Frances Pugh. 1'he hail was prettily decorated with reo. green a n a white, the Woodcralt colors. Fol­ lowing the installation ceremony a delicious lunch was served to guests and neiguoors and dancing was enjoyed. Music was lurnisned by Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoffman, Mrs. F. Dooher, and Lee Dierdorf. ROCK CREEK Mr and Mrs Nicholas Kies celebrated their twen­ ty-fifth wedding anniversary Ja n ­ uary 8 All members of the family were present at the dinner and during the day. while in the eve­ ning a number of friends called to offer congratulations. Purchases Store Herman Trachsel. former owner of tlie Rock Creek store, has pur­ chased The Crescent Variety store at East Sixtieth and Qlisan in Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zunmerman of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. William Fuegy Sunday. They are former local residents. Mr and Mrs. John Qutschmidt visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sclinabele on Sauvies' Island. Bank Building Sold Cornelius oiu : k bunding nas been sold and a meat market is being planned to occupy it. The graae school children were presented witn small banks from there Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bellinger of Forest Grove visited Mrs. M. Edson and Mrs. Edna Russell Sun­ day. Mrs. John Jacobsmuhlen has been very ill at the Guymon hospital in Forest Grove. Miss Dailey Married T h e ir b eauty won fo r each of , . . . f 1» 8 coveted h o n o r Her- nice Lannon, above, of Muske- gon. Mich., student at St Mary’s Co!’, ge. Notre Dame. Ind.. has been named ’ Miss St. Mary’s.” Harriet DeBusman. below. 18- year-old Kansas City girl, won a 10-week movie coniracf in a nationwide camera contest. Minnie Dailey, daughter of Mrs Bertha Dailey, and Edward Berger of Cooper Mountain were married January 7. They are livmg on a farm at Hazeldale. Josephine Lemacher. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemacher of Brooks Hill, has been ill but is re- Icovermg. Muss Lemacher Is employ­ ed in Portland. Sunday School Elects Sunday school of the Reformed church has elected the following otlicers: John Boeckli. superintend­ ent; J. J. Dumas, assistant superin­ tendent; John Staehie. secretary; Dorothy Stauss, treasurer; and Eliz­ abeth Boeckli. organist. Mr and Mrs. Join: Qutschmidt visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kakree of Portland. Mrs. Kakree liad calla lilies in her garden which had big buds. Mrs. William Dailey has been ill with the Hu. uut has recoveied. th e Valle Vista w f. cluo met at the home of Mrs. H J. Getty Friday. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Lou Davis February 14. Buxton Folk Given Surprise Monday ourvey on Death anu last week. H IL L S RO R O . Miss Mary Corl of Portland vis- Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk and Mr ited the W. R Cooke home Sunday and Mrs. Charles Justice of near R . t - t n o a v f i f ’ C T I S t F ilt lO il Rudolph Schultz is employed at Vernonia visited at the George Kirk M U dy tflD J li a meat marxei m Sanay. home here one day last week. A compiete survev of birth and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Edson and Have death registration, along with other daughter Bonita of Eastern Oregon ner home here the past 10 day8- phases of vital statistics work, will are visiting at the M. boson noine.l Harold Peterson. Fred Watson Qg made throughout Oregon in the Mr. Edson is convalescing from a and Tra Powell were home from next month, it was announced here recent tilness. Westimber for the week-end. today. This is an SERA project. Mrs. Duncalf Hostess Several cases of flu are reported with 42 workers assigned for the Mrs. A. Duncalf entertained a throughout the community. task to the State Board ot Health group of ladies at her home Tnurs- Mr- and A. B Edwards by the State Emergency Relief ad- day. A pot luck lunch was served and ^fr - and Mrs. David Edwards ministration. at noon. Present were Mesaames F. entertained with a dinner for a wor(jers are fie|d agents. O. Shay and Miss Doris, Goldie number of relatives Sunday. Six- and are to call on physicians, local McCoy and Gloria Ann, Josepn teen were present. vital statistics registrars, chiroprac- Cooper, J. Horner, John Hergert. L. „ ^Tay Bealy of Portland was a tors naturopaths, osteopaths and M Nickerson, J. H Fariey. J N. Buxton visitor Saturday night embalmers. One field agent is as- Jepson and Miss Jean. Frame Huis- Alex Allen made a business trip signed to each of the 36 counties man, Charles Selfridge, H. R. Hu- t0 Hillsboro Saturday m the state, the other six workers son and Connie Lou and Bobby, W. B. A. met Saturday with pot being distributed among the coun W. R. Cooke, Harold Duncalt and luck dinner at the grange hal,. ties of larger population. Wilfred Clark, and Mrs. L. Smith Mrs Etta Edwards was taken In as - In survey especlal att, ntlon of Portland, and the hostess. ,a will be paid to the completeness ot Jacob Correll, who has been very Harley Edwards of near Ver- statistics on births and deaths.” ! ¡11, Is improvuig. noma was a Buxton visitor one sald Dr Frederick D Stricker, sec- Mrs. Howard Dooher of Portland day last week. retary of the board. “For this we spent Saturday and Sunday with Frank Rinck of Banks was haul- already have a valuable founda­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mute >n6 logs to the Elwood mill from tion in the returns from our Regis- Susbauer near Manning last week. ter-Your-Baby campaign Parents are still mailt Number of Cornelius friends at- Card Party Friday ,r<£s in that cam- A card party will be given by paign, and field agents in our sur- tended the funeral services oi Mrs. Susie O’Brien a t the Pnckett Un­ the W. B. A. ladies at the Ira vey will be looking out for instances dertaking parlors at Forest Orove Powell home in Buxton Friday in which fathers and mothers for- i night. Lunch will be served with a ; got to make reports on births of [ Thursday morning. Miss Ernestine Brown ot Hills­ small admission for the benefit of children.” In some counties it is expected boro was a guest Saturday evening the club. ----------------------- that the survey will be completed In : at the W. R. Cooke home. a few days, but in others, It la an ­ Mrs. Belle Lilly returned last ticipated, the work will take a week from an extended visit with _ _ „ _ ». month. relatives in Banks. (Br I. f t Strubb) Mr. and Mrs. C. Kraus. Mrs. H. Mrs. Frank Schmidlin and daugh- __ „ ___ Kraus, and Miss Helen --------- Aschen ters Theresa and Frances returned ----- ---------- Agricultural News ar- brenner, all of Portland, were New Saturday to their home at Treharne i r?m the county agent and Years guests of Mrs. Alice Berger after spending two weeks with Mr 4 H club news from -surrounding and daughter Miss Oleva. and Mrs Joe Smejkal ; communities.—Every week In the Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kaikwarf and c. A. Teller was home from Argus. tf daughter Carolyn ot Hillsboro called Portland over Sunday i ' "" at tne F. Horlacher home Sunday. Sam Strubb visited Ervin Mead George Wilcox has been quite ill on Bald Mountain several days last at his home. week Mr and Mrs. Ole Olson and Prank Bailey sold a truck load of daughter have moved into t n e hogs in Portland last week. Standard OH company house. Rev R. D. Everett of Portland will preach at the school house MRS. ALICE HUBBARD February 3 at 8 p. m. Everyone is Mrs. Alice Hubbard, 61. ot For­ urged to come. est Grove died Sunday at the Love- _______________ joy hospital in Portland. She was D ■ . «xz’*u l « j ram August 5, 1867, in Tnppvllle K a |P » w it n y c o m b e M as Wis. She married Andrew Hubbard G o o d R e s u lts w it h A d there January 23, 1884, and they „ Ralph Wlthycombe of south of came to Forest Grove December 7, HilLboro uses the classified adver- 1934. Nine children were born to Using of __ the Argus ________ frequently to __ „ .. We offer you complete! their union, eight of whom are Jiv- put over a sales message to the an il f rip n tllv s e rv ic e f o r ing. She is survived by her widower, thousands of Argus readers. Re- , i* ' « i i I Andrew Hubbard, six daughters, cently he had some weanling pigs.your cur. It pays to deal Zulu Huboard and Mrs. Lyndall for sale and not knowing how long i where the little things are Richards of Forest Grove, Mrs. It would take to bring buyers or- .lo n e w ith o u t v o u r h a v in tr to Edythe Bowles of South Dakota, dered the advertisement run until , , 1 • y, n a v i n * 10 Mrs. Josie Heisel of Rockton, Wis., further notice. The pigs were sold! a s k for service! >vrs' Eastman of Hillsboro, immediately after the first publics- ( Wis., and Fay J. Hubbard oi More- tion. One is assured of the biggest head, Minn.; and two sons, Glenn Washington county market in the S. ot Doland, 8. D., and Ronald advertising columns of the Argus. Hubbard of Orowton. S. D . _______________ Funeral services will be held at Official Newspaper of Washington Argus with which Royal Neighbors Incharge. Wlth the County-Hillsboro is combined the Hillsboro Inde- pendent. tf Phone 501 Main St. "We know that economic units cannot exist unless prosperity is unllorm—unless purchasing power is well distributed throughout every group In the nation. — President ’ evelt. Here’s a Tractor That Walks — -2* Auto Service Busch’s Service Garage BRONCHIAL j) ASTHMA S le e p Sound A ll N ig h t Repeatedly out-selling all other cough medicines is Buckley’s Mix­ ture «triple acting)- now made and Collections — Credit R< ports -sold in the U. S. A.—a blessing to In thousands. There’s nothing so safe and sure Washington, Tillamook. Polk and in the world—2 or 3 doses In sweet­ Yamhill Counties ened hot water Just before bedtime; Personal Contact on Collections and many a sufferer from strang- i ling choking Asthma has found re­ Washington County Office lief and a good night’s rest—and that bad. old, persistent, bronchial Commercial Building j cough has left you—if you don't Second and Main Streets believe it get a bottle of Buckley's, Phone 3071 Mixture at Hillsboro Pharmacy with Hillsboro. Oregon the understanding you must get satisfaction or money back.—Adv. Thurmlay, Jan u ary 17. 1035 Last --------1 Rites Held for « John , Bowden Requiem — ... m mass for John Bowden JJ. of Hlllsbo Hillsboro, who died Thursday , at the Jones Jones hospital her*, was of- - ivd Saturday morning al the St frre d Satiiriin Matthews church with Father J. T ( Costelloe officiating. Interment was at the Mi Calvary cemetery In Portland. I The young man. who had been employed the local IMrtland General Electric company office tot the past year, hud been suffering from severe nose hemorrhages for some time Inst summer he was seriously stricken while on a fish­ ing trip in the mountains above Banks. He was born September ¡15. 1»1J at Anaconda. Mont His mother Mrs. Cecelia Bowden of Hillsbodo. and two sisters. Helen of Hunting- ton Park. C a l. and Cecelia of Hills boro, survive. Funeral arrangements were by T ills farm er tlnds Ills "tra cto r” useful on muddy or slushy roads. Wheel-driven tractors get stuck in the muck. but. with two legs, one DoneUon A- Sewell. of which pushes while the other gets into place to make the uext If you change your address kind­ push, this m akeshift contraption, powered by a gas engine, manages ly notify Hi® Argus direct and at to "w alk" along very satisfactorily. once. tlOO.OOO. the amount expended by the county for the purchase of thè naval base site. In the event the war department refuses to further HARRISON D. HUGGINS develop It. M. D. Three thousand bills were intro­ Congressman Janies W. Mott has introduced a bill to amend the duced in the House of Representa­ EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT tives on the opening day. Stanfield O. A c. Land G rant to SPECIALIST provide for annual reimbursement to counties in Oregon for tax loss "It Is tlie immediate task of In­ CLAOMM KITTK11 through revesting of this land In dustry to reemploy more people at the federal government. purchasing wages and to do it now." Room S He has also Introduced two bills President Roosevelt. Cow "••trial N ational Hank Ann»« on behalf of the Tongue Point Nav­ al Base—one authorising an ap ­ I’honM State Capitol News Letter Giv­ Hour« propriation for the further devel­ ing the highlights of official ac­ 2072 9:30 a m . to 12 m. O ffice 2971 opment of tlie base and one to re­ tivity at Salem Every week In tlie 1 :SI1 p m lo A p. m. fund to Clatsop county the sum of Argus.