THE Thurnday, January 17, 1935 I. O. O . F. G roups in Installation M eeting Christian Churches ¡in County Croup H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Delegates County Miss Sandford Red Cross Hears Bride Mr. Davis Meeting Elected Vera Mae Sandford, (laugh­ About Finances ter of Mr. and Mr«. J. R. S and­ of near Jacknon Mhool, was at Coffee Club ford Thursday Night united In m arriage to F. A rthur ! C hristian churches of W ashing­ ton county m et Hunduy a t the Hillsboro I hurt'll and effected a perm anent association of ttie Chun lu* C. II. Nosier of * 1 Hillsboro I -------■;,r.^„i..,'.i * 1 ,o t h e r i Election of delegates to the Coun- iT ln-¡ofhee«i are“ *!' ^ A w a rd s of F o r-, Federated clubs meeting Frl- the dpi Mr. dupe * Illg. . ..... . * Books A C_laa A , le LA I , U ndent of - elevatora in Is HuakuUht- Grove, vltc-president, and K t (1*y. January 2.» wa« par *J wan fur the McCabe Company putnum , minister, Hillsboro, Deere- business transacted a t the Coffe- wnii iui ...» .. _ — c ----- . cjub „meting Friday afternoon. P«»te Seven ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ■ ■ H ■ ■ I A rt V I ; Duvta, son of Mr and Mrs. J. H Hearing the sem i-annual report Davis of North Plains, January 9 at of the treasurer, Omar Fendall of North Plains Jo in t lu.tlulltttion of officer* of week Following the wedding ceremony Forest Grove, was the main order Morili'/.uuut lodge No. 50. I O. O. a dinner wus served at tne home ol of business a t the meeting of the |- inni Rebekuh lodgi* No. »4 will County Red Cross chapter a t the the bride's parents, members of the held la Uin 1 O. O. I" hull Wi’dlii’H- immediate families being present. ( tiamber of commerce rooms last day evening. January V. with A rthur The bride and groom are popular Thursday night. The report was McConnuliuy of Montezuma lodge, young people In the community, from July 1, 1934. to December 31, fl I, G M . und Ml it. Flossie S m ­ both having graduated from the 1934. and was as follows: elali* of HUlaboro Rebekah lodge, Hillsboro high school. Cash on hand July 1, »412 96, Il I*, as Installing officers TWO ACE FEATURES After a short wedding trip to 1081 annual roll call memberships, Mr Mi■Conimhiiy was uanlsted 111 Seaside the young couple will make (1081 ; 38 contributing memberships, llie Instai hit mu by A. L Brock, G. and Rulpli. and Mr. mid Mrs Eagoi ■ Forent Drove, deìlghted the group with Needleeraft and Woman s He- Hunch- their home a t North Bonneville, (190, tliree sustaining membership.. W ; Il I Pulten, O. C.* K L. Me- mid Don wen* Bunday visitor» ul t with ¿ S hu» a X luci l X cd w bom Leavitt hus been hL*i corps hm ~ " ho»tc»s e d a t clubs. the Veterans where Mr. Davis Is employed. »30; two supporting memberships, Cornnek. O. B.; J- H 9* the Bonneville Dam project (50; contributions less th an (1.00 hull. •f* lion. Brown, G. M.; W. !• L ar­ ' engugeu by the association lor The club also voted to present a each received during roll call. »6.52. mor (I 1 O ; mid Victor B utchelm . O ffic e r » I . le t t e li , montlLs cumpulgn total, »1770 48 Supplies for chapter 0 . O. U. Officer» luhtalled fur Flri-makers of W I. a h 1Z..I. - K N e . t 1 - 'im N a n C •'■u a m nii p ulld , L, p, „ ,„d In the plun a t tne county meeting, asking production, including transportation MoiUrnuiua lodge were Perry Hatch- Fire group «uve u din lit r Ih u n Iuy ()| |eVlVuI hvrvU:v* m eac h church each club In the federation to be ii pon-ioie or Chrisirnas cheer to charges thereon, »108.57; home serv­ i lar. P. O ; Graham Ö. \ OU,W» «•veiling lit the home ol u , t h a t tu n . He b. gun the nib. on .11 privileged children in tne The forty-fifth annual meeting of ice for civilians, »53.37; other healtn i H er community, making It a county- the Congregational church was held activities, through county nur.->e, v.iui Christina., paity similar to tne at the church Wednesday evening, *133.40; local relief In disaster. *6.30; party g.ven oy the Collet* thio. January 9 Report of deacons was general office expense, *3125; roll MUs Alice Sewell, head ol the a rt given by Dr. Darland, trustees' re­ call expense, »15 47; disaster re­ departm ent at Linfield college, Mc­ port by Mrs. M. H Stevenson, l i e f rem itted t o headquarters. Minnville. gave an inti i csling talk treasurer's report, Mrs. Lois W al­ 'Nome Fire» »25; First aid h and­ Creative e Art Art, worth; church school, R. E. Wiley, books, »9.60; total cash paid out, k. U B N. G A I, B unk. , . Evplyn uh>1g was appointed Ag n \ '/* aiid * t^*icnt7nc on the "Value Value of creativ ' I I , Jay Phillips, L. B V . , “ dp K1/ al,„r Keed, song lead.. ’ulh* Coida H *d In he Bible ' In tlU“ K Hs < omn.ercial value 111 rnak Bunday sc I kmi I secretary and treas­ (355.46; balance at end of period, VICTOR He K. Dickason. 1. O ; F J '* „ H,,.,UIlhl. Well pianist An Ice- lr d td s L‘ "n the «m aker men- **?« ,u " " lu “ ' and many other artl- urer s reports, Dr D. E. Wiley and »1415.02. Amount due the National The most ambi­ ti . Arnie organization on roll call. »565.25. and Harold ’I » > -! , ,sUalUl|( party ................ for n u m ........ b e r .o l lhe J £ J “1 ‘ “ nd i Ä e as weU ' n ° l k ^ m l y associated with Louise Rossman. tious full-length HERBERT’S 1'eterson, o. — G — . ----- .1,1111 . . i __ , area Saturday s . h i r i l h v at the t n e Col- (Joi- . . . discoveries. The .. art. It was also decided to have local lur, musician. . . i„ Portland other scientific immortal stags! Election oi officers was held and disaster chairm en in all comm un­ f e a t u r e e v e r Many fine works of a rt were ex ­ m a d e b y th e Mrs Bliiclalr was uaslst.d 1 Iseurn has been planned. evangelist promises to give facts, hibited, I success comae including several landscapes, Miss Finn was elected treasurer, ities. and President Norman will noted producer, Blanche Bride, tre-elected i appoint them soon. u u rsh iu " Mrs E lla llan el as grund Lahma Glrla Receive Honor»— fa il., w ithin a n d w ithout th e Bible n owerh, and a p o r tr a it by Mis Mr ' to th e icrean . HAL RO A C H with all lta wool a uili ii Mrs Elizabeth Holt, grund Dibea* Cump Fire group held a *" support his position. And the aeavll; C hina pauiling and a land- clerk; Mrs. E B. Tongue, trustee; ^ r e u a Mm o 5 w He"u»n. ¡ra n d coune.l lire sm u rd ay night at the ocai isjstor says Uiey are * a sto u n d -, Mape by Mrs. Fred Sewell; yarn Mrs Jam es T. Shannon, deaconess; derful music, its’ and J. L. Auld. deacon. Rev. A rthur Ilillickers E ntertain— .s p e c ta c le and emoroloered pictures and water col­ treasurer; Mrs. Emma Long, grund , home of Evelyn Ann Busch. G ir l s '" ‘g facts._______ Dungan of Portland will fill the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HUllcker e n - 1 ors by Mrs. Lois W alworth; lan d ­ p V grandeur—4 musician, Mrs- Mary Johnson,grand receiving national honors were E v e -1 tertained Sunday evening with a scape and still life by Mrs. C. A. pulpit during the coming year. plus the In* chaplain. Mis Alberta Hargrave, , 1 lyn Aldl A Bu Anna Mary - H - - art I op A d d e d C iH I p i l l 1 1 1 , IV» 1». /u ABAS.A ^ C . s S ^ h .., ......................................... dinner and card party, their guests ..... i ....... . ..■■tt.Iiiii rs ram pf, T LouUe / m i I u * ftosHinan, fti ii iilni M.lTV liM L /lX o Cl I V i l U U v V - l Lamkln, landscapes by Mrs. B. W ?iT im itablean- grund iiudde guardiun. miH and M Mr», und Mary being Dr. and Mrs Ralph Dresser Barnes, ten piece« ol pottery, and M arguerite Munson. ouUldr guar- Mauley. Those who received Hank , | . ... I I pv ■4;! tics of the Mr and Mrs. L. M. Townsend and illun IP lu'kah otllei i i ____________ Installed were i,us[ , w«»» were Busch, _ W in- VO la < H <11 I j l O l t l f . V ™ - Evelyn _____ ___ oil paintings by Mrs. E. E. B ent-j Tjja world’s fa-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wortman. Del'l'a 'n rn io i" "noble grand; K alil- ¡'fred” Whey, and Louise itoasmun Hillsboro library has recently add- ley; still life picture, a drawing, and -ueAvorite com! i rine Weik vice grand, M argaret Mm lorn* Kidney was adm itted into ,d u num ber ol good, non-fiction a p o rtrait by Mrs. A O. Pitm an; R eturns from Hospital— .^ '.f e d y team ! Miss Evelyn Hesse assisted by M ohr sccreiiu y Helen Delchman, in,, group as a new member. Re- books to Its shelves. The list as plaque by Sidney Ellingson; four Edson, who has been in the treasurer* Lucile llarty , conductor, freahmenls were served following given by Mrs. H. L. Smith, librarian, p o rtrait drawings by Jean Aou Mrs. John Sutherland, entertained U. Guy S. Veterans' Hospital In P ort- Arline ¿slinger, warden; Flossie the council meeting. ¡includes: l# original drawings and designs with a shower at the home of Mr Sinclair It B N. (I Violet John- . .. . Forty-two y ears ill th e W h l te b y M a r g a r e ta n d f c o n a B o n le r ; sev- and Mrs. H. T. Hesse a t Scholls alnd for some time, returned T hurs­ sion l hi n O Lily Brock. II. B ‘ «"»up Meets— House," hy Hoover: "Walk With Me eral paintings by the late Jam es Saturday afternoon in honor of day and with his family Is visiting v (1 jViM-uhlne S tu art L. B. V Adolescent study group of t h e , Lad;■ Monroe. Nijinsky," Madam Bigler; two paintings and severa. Miss Dorothy 8nyder, bride-elect a t the home of his m other and sis­ ter in Cornelius. o Mmerva Fuller, Inside guar- P. F T. T A A met m d a ul the library Tuesday N1Jlnsky Nljln;,kj ; White White Headed Headed Eagle, drawings by H. Morrison; a painL- of Lyle C. Potter. O Muierva t the library - I »,'11 I * .1 1 I 1 ltliul Jilliuury 8 Il*‘ ul-’O Uttcildcd a».. / ’»,ililh<»<»d " I • ” M fidf»rn A k TordUxi Milo bv H airy Pvan*un. l»nd Junuury H«- u I mi a tte n d ed y c h ild h o o d , L agerlof; "M odern ‘ ’ “Seek and You Will Find,” a Ross, Dorothy Sohler. W alter fo e l- pegeant. and a program of in­ ker. David Crittenden, Allen Sigler. strum ental music will be presented ; Eischen was Dick Abts. and Leonard Peschka. Friday evening a t the Foursquare honored on her seventy-first b irth ­ Games furnished entertainm ent for church. Everybody invited. m atndrr of the evening evening day by an Informal parly given by the evening. Joint Uistullallon ol Dayton eu- duy evening Mrs. Gates H oste«— her daughter, Mrs. Frank Waibei. Mrs. Deck Hostess— rainpuisot. S hafer encam pm ent of snowbound In California January 9. Present were Mesdames Delphian society luncheon m eet­ M. MiniiHlle, and HlUsboro e n c a m p -, Mr und M, M I{ stevenson. Congregational church executive ing will be held Monday a t the T. Pyle. H. Peters. E. Boge and Eve­ held Friday¡hl the lodge Mrs .Swearingen and Mrs ji-ssie L’ Y <,»-»■,,.1 j f v W i t p l f ment wa* field board members, Mesdames A. D un­ home of Mrs. O. B. Gates. lyn. H. Flcken and Shirley, F. ontezumu lodk« No 1>cnknuin lelt l'riduy for "-»At I I l | J l l I J . V» „ O I , K hall of Monte . . SO. . .............. — , morning ....... .. —- , Haase. John Haase and Mildred. gan. E. B. Tongue. B. W. Barnes I O O F. , a t Hillsboro About .............. ym pper,, . California A ------ letter -- re- - - _ ...........- .. First meeting of T ualatin chap- Lucille a n ti Alvm D P e a r s o n a n d and J W Bailey, met for luncheon Social Club Meets— righty u atrtarclu were pi '■*,,1* celvod Tuesduy morning from ter. O. E. 8 . for 1935 was held Darrell Am m on S Cleric T hurn- today a t the home of Mrs. H. A. Eastern S tar social club will meet InstaUlng officers weiw Jot ‘ "Steve" told of being Snowbound at Tuesday evening at the Masonic j,er p Unger und Louise and Mary Deck. G eneral meeting of the church Friday afternoon a t the home of zer, fault grand im trlari h, ai I)ulls,nulr und th at the hotels Temple, with the new officers put- j.* w aiocl and Celestlne Norbert social circle was held during the Mrs. L. T. McPheeters. V 2 w,-| r f. F I Ms- were crowded With snowbound trav- , UIg on the work. Initiation was L id K i G i a r d ^ a t and afternoon a t the Deck home. Card Party Tonight— J. N Wiley, D H .1 ,^ E L._ ms ,lt.ld W,U) Mr;> v w O ardncr M u e Verly Llober. Give Benefit Dinner— Cormick. D G a. W . IL ii Seaton —---------------------- soloist during the ceremonies. Re- '___________ Eastern S tars and Masons will D G J. W , Mutt Savage. D G Sunday Night Men's class of the have a card party tonight in the ML« M artha faipkl and Gene Ports « « ’" ’ittees were given a n d , ^ auU ful l(|lMJIlls E xhl b i t e d - r / 't ’ ^ d T T ri ^ o i S nlS ; i ^ l tk°. M r. J. J. N,«»ba«mer Of He.- Methodist church will give a bene­ Masonic Temple. Everybody invited. fit dinner a t the church basement Hopkins, D G O. H T he iu d p. y Ja >miry 9 . SL M at <)f n .ircsJlm(.nts waa Mr and Mrv vetia brought to th is office Mon- Wednesday evening from 5:30 to Hats cleaned and blocked, shoes team was composed of patriarchs of w a7,d R. F Peters, chairmen. Mr. and «°‘ne blooms which closely ire- 7:30. The support of the commun- shined. W. G. Stampolis, 1132 Main thc tliree encam pm ents present, p r e - , won by Mrs. Joe Jo< Kunuuer R um m er unu • seinble orange blossoms. She had ii.> is asked, as proceeds will be Street. 37tf sided over by t'he Junior P G. P , Jack J a c k . Delsman. I P t o ^ Hostesses Hostess.* .*. for lor Hie s i S i , s ia l “ " ’a nd 1 com a plant which Is used to take care of old obliga­ evening were Mesdames L. A. J a r - » ... a cross between a lemon unu a tions. J in * tíwclUer See W. M. Sm ith about your au ­ grapelruit, and the p lan t always HUlaboro encam pm ent officers dee. Henry Peterson Jr., John Jan- Mrs. Georgia Smith. tomobile Insurance, a u th o r iz e d lnslaUcd were Jay PhUÜps. C. P . sen and C. IX'F'rees. blooms about the middle of J a n ­ Attend Party a t Beaverton— agent for reliable western com­ uary. Messrs, and Mesdames Charles L. pany. Can save you money.—1356 J . R . . ----------- Marslial. - B W ; Ray Sinclair, M ls c F Altrce t of Camas. Wash Kp,ur" ^ ro,,, , on« T r*’> - J. Walker. L E. MacDweU, M. P. Second St. Phone 2831X. J W . George H anns, scribe; E Is a guest lor a few week.-, of her Mr a n d Mr G. H Blair return- Blrthday Celebrated— 34tf M Bowman, treasu rer. Perry Batcli- staters. Mr». Nena Cady. B. F. Pile, J. O. Robb and ................................. e w , J ....... Butler a n d Mix. ----- ed hom - e Tuesday, from __ » f ... Mr. and Mrs. C harles Rees of W Piercy were guests Monday eve­ rlur, guide, A K Pickens, F W., Ju lia U ainni She retu rn e d hone m o n th s trip th ro u g h O regon. Wii h- Strictly Old Time Dance ning a t a party a t the home oi E J Peterson. 8 W.; W Lormor. At Aloha Grange hall Saturday T W Victor Batchelnr. F. W ; , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves m evening, January 19. Sappington's Beaverton. Adolpn Mohr, I s . A. L. Brock, j orchestra. Admission, 25c. 48 O S . E L McCormick. F. O. T ; Johnston Transferred— DOROTHY REVIER Moose Dance "l'Ltriareh J It M arshall acted a., 1,1 llts Bunl* Mrv r* snow from Reddings, Cal., to Ash- Ehnor Sm ith of Laurelwood was Lowell Johnston, formerly of Every Thursday night a t the I. Scree» play by H a rry 0. Hoyt Hillsboro, is now with th e state O. O. F. hall. Admission 10 and 25c. toastm aster ul the supper served Mrs. L. M. Cohen and tier grand- ¡anf1 c in lto l Hili Barendrtck of McMinnville were borhood "500 . - party. r - Mrs. W. A Sisters. aasLsted by Mrs. H. R . ,.re vLshor^ t Lhe A J * Wliiddo « “» ‘‘ay gneiss at the H. A. Deck g,Us and L- Chase made high C hantier .us grand senior and Mrs. d„ine ^ l u r d a y evening’' home Dr Barendrtck and Mrs. *'?—: A L* Chase and Kamp are brother und busier oí ^ r - Kenelly, low. Dora Nelson as grand m anager by Earl Prickelt, student at Oregon Mrs Deck A program is Ireland. be plug arranged Mrs S tate rolleue. college. Corvallis spent George W H and- , M r* and Mrs Fred Amacher and Mr« Fred Stali» sn»*nt the Mrs ------- Lester Sewell and Mrs. Lee Oakes. Re- week-end with his mother, Mrs. and M ^ .O ^ r B e W. H and w en, Sundav esU Qf freshm ept committee constats ol Hose Prtckctt. . ThUrsduv lor I t r and m A Clar- Mrs' K Stobcr and Mlss Caroline Mr. and Mrs J I) Anderson. Mrs. Miss Thcresu R othstetn of V an -’ * xL- ,,„d Mrs nili 15e Sto0er oi Portland. Ni.ra McCourt Mrs. Russell Morgan couvcr, Wash., visited Monday and and Mrs ' Mlld'reth Amerton all of Miss Pauline Selfridge of P ort- and Mrs. W C. Christensen. Tuesday a t the home of tier cousui. Portland land spent the week-end wi 1th her j January 20, 21 and 22 Temple meeting will precede tin* W. II. Wiebcr. mother. Mrs. L. Q. Sellndg Selfridge. installation and will be railed ut Mrs Mary Alice Woods and Mrs. ' “ ¡V *’1 '1 '¡ ’' ‘Vi10,? P °rll" ntl- W a t-1 Mrs Janies C Say returned Sun- 7 o'clock. Continuous Show Sunday — 2 until 11 P. M Andy Grosscup of Portland were .t , r J,,l,.»'s!’n * Melba Kraus and Eve- dav fron, (Wo a*Pt*k.s' visit with Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. a. lyn Schulnierich were Sunday guests |1Pr parents a t O ntario M. P. Club Meets Friday— W. Melhuish. l,t the Frank Schtilmerlch home a t 1 v n ia rio . IS AT COMBINED STAGE and SCREEN SHOW Mrs. Doris Jacobson and Mt*, and 1 •" n' ln' lo‘‘ u j, • Business and Professional Wo­ men's club will meet Friday eve­ Mrs. Ben Grecnburg of Portland ,, ..l, a »d Mrs. Frank Hadley of ning In the cham ber of commerce spent tlie week-end at the L. P. j i .*’rt ft»d were Sunday guests of rooms, with dinner a t 6:90. The S trunahan honia. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown and , ,, ,, _ ,,, , Mis Ernestine Brown. legislative committee, with Mrs. Z Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Wesson o f J. Riggs us chairm an, will liave Mrs. H. Barzee of were week-end guests a t | „ . Mr. .. and . - L. -------- — charge of the dinner, nnd the pub­ Portland the home of their daughter, Mrs Portland were guests Sunday aft- licity comm ittee will present the E B W atts ernoon and evening a t the Paul program, which will lx- "something «» und j Mrs. ». Gale i u Wells , n and j son I I Patterson home. different.'' Mr. <, You can buy a Used Car front a Ford deal' Bobbv were guests Sunday of Mrs. Mrs. Geoige Fischer attended a full confidence. He hopes, some day, to sell III flosfes»— Wells' b iu en ts Ml an I Mis 1. A C‘»»P Fire guardians' meeting at Mrs. A rthur Rellhtg entertained j ¿ ¿ „ i Paiem s. m i . ano m is . l . n i Ujp y M c A porUand £ ,on_ New Ford V-8. And he knows, when tha a t luncheon Tuesday Mesdatnea J. I „ . . day. comes, the Used Car you bought of hint will t A. Elmer, G. W Tantlesle, Albeit ,, Mfs- P- Bonnemlller of S anta s,^ 0 f TUES. | M acKenzie M o to r Co. All makes SALE t'», or other crops. Oregon product — Ground Limestone to acid conditions. Per ton ..................... 1933 Ford V-8 Truck, 157-inch wheel base, closed cab, dual wheels.. The abave Cars all guaranteed 1929 W hippet Sedan ........................... 1928 Nash S e d a n .................................... 1928 Buick Sedan .................................. 1926 Ford Pickup .................................. Use an Dallas correct! $Z*.35 O Farmers’ Cash Store Feed - Seed - Kgg» nnd Poultry Phone 3061 LEDERER ROGthS DRESSES for $ £ - .9 5 — $ ^ .9 5 Values th a t will surprise you ! 'J/Uiquj¡fkthe,\ S¡í2 ANT-ADS Woman’s Shop E. M. Barnes, Prop. And Selected Short Subject* ON THE STAGE— Window Theater of the Air! Nate Cohn’s a i^ M o T ö R C o . AUTNOMIZCD SALES AND SERVICE GOAR'S k o m a tie t ANHATTAN STARS of TOMORROW KEX Talented Children in Person! KGW Stage Show Sunday Both Afternoon and Night M g IOC and 25C