TH E Page Six Sunday School Date Observed M o u n t» in d a ‘.> G ro u p Se’.ecta O ffic e rs ; School G row s m o u n t a in : j A L E - M oui talndale a Lutheran Sum ,.v sello. 1 • .joyed bn thday part> Sunday a ternoon. conuncmorath., i t s org. izatton. nool was > . -aniz.-u This Sunday two years ago I,, through the • uorui of K ir. and Mrs. Otto Vo s. During t ,.e first year toe enro. ment gradu al.y m- creased and at on? re. .1-, ,1 lit. In October. 19., 4. Mar tin S lueoe, a student of C o noie .a seni nary m St. Louis. Mo., A'.ij» p.a.ed it i charge »ol. The Sunday of the Sunda> school hopes to aave more parties, cnics in tl le near rallies, and p future. Misses Veda Sapland and Ella Hill of Portland »ere week-end guests at the E. F Leming horns Hergert home »ere Mr and Mrs John Oppenlander, Mr and Mrs. Otto Oppenlander and son of For­ est Grove Elmer. Herb. Dorothy and Elva Salino». Brano Land- now Carl Sargnler. Norman Lenor and Herman Salmo» of Seheffltn Scholls Grange Meet Saturday Pupils at Johnson to Gather News w o m e n ’s C lu b Sponsoring a ,B y M r*. B unnell. Phone 1 7 1 IW ) t lty L . It. D m nm ls) H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Thursdtiy, Jitiiuttiy 17, 1935 OREGON Stars of Tomorrow Coniine Mere Pleasant View Hears Program New Sign Installed t'ady Motor company has had In i- liusb.iiul C aptain Stayton, has spent inueli tune on tlieir larm In a new Neon aign installed at Its the Top ctlstrlet. is . rltle motor salesrooui on Thlrvl street ally ill in 1‘oriiainl John Fry, a expected to be gone about ten days ! Mrs Henry Slayton, who wuti ] cousin, pent pail ot last we k al : Hie Stavion home in Portland Mr mid Mrs J A York and chil­ F ir G ro v e 4 -H C lu b Io G iv e dren Kenneth. I ois li n o l l o i u u n ol tteedvillv »ere guests at the 11 M P ro g ra m F rid a y E vening Mi luubt home Sunday I Mi and Mrs Ira II Mel'oiuu. k Visited 5n' and Mis R T Mome illy Mr*, n a d M,'li*n»*»'S 1 ot Scholls Friday Clarenee W.s’d and a brothel ■ UHEHAIEM MOUNTAIN Pleas ant View community club gave a t a i l llurnhain o[ I'hanipoeg wenl 1 program Saturday evening l n - s in Wihmnlha Decemon -II lor a going nuniceis »ere buck Heavin !,horl visit »Uh a brother. Edward tluekaixioM, v mini Ciee, Merv.n UUI uh.1111. I. ill shuck finite out to the i'lii- W iu im .ii. Mi? Ray Ego. Lauren B e n e fit J a n u a ry 25 SCHOLLS All day nieetih • of JOHNSON—Pupils of the John­ son school have planned a school Scholls Grange Saturday A p - paper, m bulletin form, to be is­ 'gram is being prepared L. M. Miller. A rtlutr H.te.i? .k sued once a week Virginia Bun­ , it nell was elected editor and cartoon­ and Mrs Carrie H ll.. i o . » several days last wees at .he M....V ist. with Nadine Bunnell as assist­ Haynes, Fern Ego, L*oyd and Jiss.i beach home. ant. Other pupils of the school will Viisleeg. aessie aim' Emil linn,’ Mrs Mary Williams and daugh­ act as reporters, and news notes, Nellie l lieneverl. Elizabeth Clem jokes and original cartoons wilt ter Clara Jane of Newberg were m i'll.-. Albert Uhviuverl. Wiluui ce used No name has been selected Sunday and Monday gu-'s's at the jinn.'. J P Jones. EdlUl Clem­ A H Flint home tor the publication as yet. mons Leonard Wltimtoie »as n. , Mr. and Mrs J. E Bennett went Carl Brown I s progressing fav­ Oi ul ceremonies. Nest prngiain the o tto Shultz home near Beth­ orably from an accident received to i wnl be February 9 A small uuim .- a several days' slay during the holidays when a calf any Mr. for and sum i.ul be iiiargeu. tne Harry S.hnieluer he was watering jerked limi do»n. visited her Mrs. Dora Simons and Pei-omee Ego and parents. Mr and Mrs breaking a rib and bruismg him W D Baker, at Manning Wayne Jimi's me mi the piogiam severely eonimillei'. supper »lb be servea Mr. and Mrs Ed Murphy vis­ i.ileteria style »illi a small eliaig. t oiistiuets New Buildings ited friends and relatives at St Dan Bailey Is busy completing a Paul last Tuesday. lor eaeti ailiele Mesuatnes 11 Vei- new garage, the fourth new build­ stieg. a. P Jones unit E C Wool Mrs. Qualls Hostess Charles DeVoure of Jacktow n is setiligoi uie in charge Muss Mai Mrs. P. A. Qualls entertamed the ing since tlie fire that destroyed having his home wired for electric­ guilt Neill will liave ellalge o l a Banks - Mounla.nuale "50 vj c l u b his barn several months ago, A ity. , . popcorn, eunuy aim punen booth Thursday afternoon. Honors »ere new barn and two other buildings Mountain Home young people s Money raised will be used on the won by Mrs. A. E. Willis, first, have been erected and Mr. Bailey class held a party at the Harry Mrs Cass Wilson, second, and plans to start the construction of Schmeltzer home Friday evening pnuib fund a milk house soon. They have a Miss Lena Taylor, tlurd. in the Twenty-five »ere present. Muss Margaret Neill is home again game Mrs Grover Rogers »as first new 1935 Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crow of alter several weeks spent in - Mr. and Mrs. H. Skuse of Hills­ Camas, Wash., were Sunday guest and Mrs. C B. Hall second. Mrs. land » illi an aunt. Mrs J Neill Fred Bovee will be hostess to the boro visited at the Carl Brown at Ute Theo Nissen home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ego attended home Sunday. club on Washington's birthday. Sunday guests at the 11 L. Mc­ la party tor young married pcop,e Leilia O'Connor lias moved from Cool home »ere Mrs Nellie Vauglui Mr. ano Mrs James Matlueesn at tlie Harry SchmelUer home al visited Mi and Mrs. John Jansen the John Simpson home to Reed- and Mrs Vina Hill of Portland Mountain Home Friday evening of near Hillsooro Sunday after-i viile to be with her parents. Mrs. J H. Cottier of Portland Mrs. 11 F. Delord attended a Ruth Keim celebrated her twelfth Mrs. Anna Wenstrom of Portland noon. limiting Januaty 8 at the home ol birthday January 6 with friends. are spending a »eek with then Melvin Erdman President her nephew. Charles llayiles. ul Roads in Johnson district are sister. Mrs Elizabeth Reed. Sunday school during then morn­ Scholls. Mrs. Peggy Hay nes spent Friday ing session elected folowing ofti- being repaired. Mrs Collin fre e spent from Flovd and Ruth Keim were taken and Saturaay with her mother. cers: Meivin Eromau. president; Thursday till Saturday in Newueig Rooert McNew. vice-president; ano to Hillsboro Monday by their par­ Mrs. L. Dodson. as a guest of a sister, Mrs. John for eye examinations, and re­ I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Demmin were Elaine Corey, secretary' and treas- ents smith. home with new glasses. Sunaay guests at the L. A. Wtuttle urer. , _ , turned Mr and Mrs. Collin Cree. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Essner of! Bernice Lawrence is working m home at Laurel. amt Mis Marvin Ornduft. Mr ami Given Surprise Meacham s Crossing visited Mr. and Portland. Mi.. Meivin Whitmore, Don ami Birthday Observed A surprise party »as given Carl Mrs. Sam Raiiety Sunday after­ Lauren Haynes and Leonard Whit­ Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and Seiffert Saturuay night on his llf- noon. .. . more were entertained at ttie Frank enjoyed a family gather­ tv-fifth birthday. Present were Mr Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hahn ac­ children Shook liome Wednesday eveulng. at the home of Mrs. Simpson s and Mrs. Hugh Kellogg. Mr. and companied Mr and Mrs. William ing Clarenee Wood look a loud ol ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O Con­ Mrs. George Lewellen. Mr. and Mrs The Three B's of Harmony and Jean Ann Mognett Mann oi Kansas City on a busi­ par blaek walnut tunber to Portland ness trip to Olympia. Wash., last nor of Aloha, recently. In honor Joe Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Janies ; the first ot this week to be slop­ of her birthday. Moore and Harold Self tert. week. ped to Los Angeles to be used lor Walter Lorence spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs. Gene Northrup ana Beaverton Return from South gunstocks. Cupiam Stayton lias had with his brother-in-law Orville Reynolds »ere entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hayuard re­ several of Hie olaek walnut trees on Mr. and Mrs. P. Riedwtg and at a dinner party by Mr. and Mrs. turned trom California Friday eve­ tils larnt here grubbed tins winter. family visited at the Jake Schmidt ning. William Wall Friday. They encountered snow all home at Laurel Sunday. Mrs Kurt Jaety and baby Don­ Mrs. Earl Hollenoeck visited rela­ tne ’ Oregou coast highway ald. wtm have been staying al ttie Mrs. Bailey Honored tives in Portland last week. Aoout 40 attended the Schous liome of tier parents. Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Loel Hollenbeck; Mrs. Dan Bailey was honored by Epworth League skating party Fri­ Arthur Hill, lelt Januai.y 8 ami are and son Howard spent the week-, a surprise birthday party at her day evening at The oaks skating at llietr liome at North Plains Mr end In Portland witn Mr. and Mrs. home January 7. Those present rmk. and Mrs. Hill visited them and Mr. B. R. Gunther. Eimer Howard injured his fore­ were Mr. and Mrs. W. Lorence, Jaeky Sunday. Royce Harris, who is with com­ Hans and Pete Rasmussen. Mr. finger white womuig on a p s t.t.j pany 1922 of the World War Vet­ and Mrs. Charles Robinson and grader al the Roweii potato house Miss Marte Fuclis. who lias beeu erans' camp at Sublimity, spent the , Emma. Lois and Marge. Mr. and last Monday. lieipmg with the housekeeping at »eek-end at his home here. Hie Ira O. McCormick liome. re­ Mrs P Riedwig a n d daughter Mr. ar.d Mrs. Joe Stretcher and Sunday guests at the Frank Corey I Hazel. Mrs. J. Rauch and daughter son* Joseph. Tom and Phntp Stret­ turned to her liome in Ni »berg home were Chris Pieren of Port - , Josephine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank cher »ere Sunaay guests at ttie Sunday. Mrs. McCormick is able to land. Mrs. Minnie Bradlord. Ed Simpson. Mr. and Mrs B. Hering. Bui Eawaras home in Sherwood. take charge of tier liome work af­ and Chris Maurer of Cornelius. Mrs. Auarey Heaton attendee* a ter several montlus' illness all of Cornelius route 2. and Mrs. Miss Gladys Overton of Buxton Bailey's daughter Edith Woods, turkey dinner at tne W. L. Stevens Floyd Whitmore returned home spent the weea-end with Miss Marte 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Woods of home in Laurel Saturaay night. Thursday utter a »eek's visit in Raiiety. . _ _ Tenino, Wash. Benefit Planned Portland with a brother-m-law and Sunday visitors at the Joe Ba­ A January birthday benefit din­ sister Mr. and Mrs Arthur Mc­ ker home were Mr. and Mrs. George! ner sponsored oy the Scholls Wom­ Cormick Herniens and family of Verboort,; en's ctuo will be held January 25 numbers will be a feature of Venetian program. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker en ­ Mrs. Clark Inkley and son Sam­ at the church parlors. i By V ivian Hudson) joyed a horsebuck ride to Lakeview my, Mrs. Clarence Meek and chil- Sunday evenuig dinner guests at James Penman started trimming Sunday, where they were guests ol ai’en. Marjorie and Vincent. Miss popularity will play a return en­ Favorites of thousands of radio tlie H. T. Hesse home were Mrs. Gertrude Jacky of North Plains his prune trees during the fair days Edna Robinson and Clarence Drake fans and theatergoer*, presenting gagement In that theater in the Mr and Mrs. William Neuen- schwander and Miss Martha Pouch of Port- last week. entertainment that has never failed near future Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Updike ot Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill of 1IUL- - land. Among the many Stars of To­ boro Ctuldren of the Mountainside to please all types of audiences and »ere guests al ttie Cliarles Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carson and and Floyd Updike were in Portland school morrow who wll laupear here are more especially l amity audiences. with their teacher Miss Kerr daughter of Portland, Ross Jones Tuesday. Ross Updike returned with visited the West Coast Telephone Nate Cohn and hi., stars of Tomor­ the Three B's of Harmony, whom Tatman home Sunday. them. of Baker. Miss Gladys Overton oi Snow protects of the Window Theater of the A] Pearce featured on his programs; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hudson a t­ office at Scholls Friday afternoon row Buxton. Mr a n d Mrs. Francis Air will open a special personal Virginia Becker, tlie midget Sophie Farmers here were pleased to Mrs. Christensen Hostess Brandenburg of Orenco and Miss tended the Hillside telephone meet­ who has Just recently signed hate several imlies of sno» hi Mrs. Julius Christensen was host­ appearance engagement o n t h e Tucker, Vernita Raiiety of Forest Grove ing Monday at Thatcher. of the Venetian theater start­ a long-term contract to appear In protect the young grain when the Hayward community received four ess to the the Scholls Woman s club stage visitde at the Jake Raffety home motion pictures for Fox Picture- ; weather turned cold Sunday night. ing Sunday for a t.iree-day engage­ January 8 The program subject was of snow Friday night. Sunday. i inches They will play in conjunc­ Jean Anne Mognett. better known Mr. and Mrs. W R. Hudson were Education" ana roil call '»as "My ment. Program Friday The voung people met at the as Little Miss Personality, who can tion with a selected and appropriate New Year Wish The president. The 4-H club of F'tr Grove anJ home of Mildred Hergert Friday. guests at the William Adler home Mrs. screen program headed by Francis make her audiences laugh or cry J. E. Sutherland, was present­ at Forest Grove Friday. their pareiit.s and patrons are liav- Sunday visitors at the Philip and Ginger Rogers 1 n almost al will with her uncanny ed with a handmade gum»ood gav­ Lederer Interpretation of songs; Mtgno.i tng a short program and social eve­ anhattan Romance." el maue by lo in Stretcher. A can­ "M undoubtedly one of the ning at the school house Friday dle lighted birthday cake was serv­ The Stars of Tomorrow represent Wheeler, finest acrobatic dancers on t h e evening. January 18. Mrs Clayton ed at the 1 o'clock pot luck lunch­ the cream of prolessional juvenue stage today. Mignon has been fea­ Whitmore and Mr. John Wall in the west today. m honor of Mrs. L. W. Guild s entertainers Those who will appear on the Vene­ tured for lengthy engagements dur­ are the entertainment committee To preserve memory to the eon birthday. _ stage have L.en chosen from ing the past two years by and with and Mrs. C. Ott liave charge of rightful heirs of the c o m i n g Miss Ava Howard spent Friday tian hundreds of boys and girls, wno Horace Heldt and I lls nationally refreshments and Saturday at the Jess Westfall over Mr. and Mrs. J P Jones. Wayne years, that it may have the same I home a period of live years, have famous orchestra Ttien there is in the Window Theater of Sanford Cohn, the little boy with Jones and Leland Schmeltzer went meaning to them that the living, Ava in and Portland. Lynn Howard were Sun­ been to Roseburg January 5 where they the Air. The youngsters r a n g e the big voice. George and Johnny, have found in it, that is the duty day guests at the Walter Heaton in age from five to 12 years old the accordion duo. are the instru­ »ere guests al the C W. Hlnnlger home. They have broadcast over radio mental stars of the troupe, while home Mrs. Wayne Jone.-. »ho had of the memorial. Only selected Woman Hurt KGW and KEX on Wed­ individual dancing honors go to been visiting her mother. Mrs O. granite should be used, other Mrs. J. Lavin of Portland was stations nesday evenings between 8:15 and Nimble-foot Bobby Brown, the sen­ Kendall, at Grunts Pass, Joined ttie severiy injured when she fell from party Sunday. They returned home materials do not stand the test the auto anven by Mr. Lavin near 8:45 o'clock, and Saturday morn­ sational tap dancing youngster. Little Miss Mognett lias uppeared January 8 ings between 11 and 12 o'clock. of time. the H. L. Flint home Sunday. During Dan Chambers, who has been do­ Christmas week they played here several tunes in programs lor She had opened the door to re­ to the largest OREGON M O N U M E N T W ORKS in the history the Pioneers and Native Sons and ing carpenter work at the Sum move her clothing whicn became of Portland's crowds biggest theater, the Daughters, and is a granddaughter Otto home, left last Tuesday for H. H. Stannard, Mgr. 4th at Main, Hillsboro caught when the door was closed, Paramount, and because of their of Mrs. Flora Pto, well known hen St. Louts to attend the funeral of u and was jerked to the pavement. sister. Mrs. C A. Tichenor. He H. L. f h n t assisted Mr. Lavin in Peters, Is recovering from hl* re­ taking her to the Good Samaritan cent illness. TO GET I T - J U S T SAY hospital in Portland. James Allison will lead Christian Erwin, Clarence and Doris Heaton. Endeavor service Sunday at the I RECONSTRUCTED Lorraine Demmin. Albeit Karp- Mountain Home church. stein, Ava and Len Howard. Dan i By Mi»» Murtha V*nriersaruler»» Mrs. Arthur Berensen of n e a r' Smitn. Otto Jensen nad Alta Clark, Hillsboro attended the shower giv ROY—“The Ready Made Family," accompanied by Elizabeth Hom- en Saturday for Dorothy Snyder. a three-act comedy, wa* presented bero of Portland, made up a skiing in the Roy school hall Sunday eve­ party on the hill at the A. D. Hill ning by tlie Verboort Sodality. Pro­ larrn above Laurel Sunday. ceeds of this play will be put Into Lloyd Murray, H. T. Hesse and with Attachments a fund wlilcn" Is being raised to E. L. Cox of Lincoln Lodge a t­ 1 send Ray McCarty of Verboort, who tended encampment installation in (5 pieces) I has been afflicted with infantile Hillsboro Friday. paralysis, to Warm Springs. Oeorgta. (B y M r*. Zell G. St ru t h er*) Several of the families at Mid­ HITEON—Hiteon club met Jan- Those in the cast were Frank Port­ way have been sick with the meas­ Evelyn VanDyke, Clara Kemp- uary 9 with Mrs. Ruth Anderson er. les the past week. en. Mary VanDyke, Mayme Van- Mrs. Clara Wohlschlegel, who has and answered roll call with a 'sug­ domelen. Ervin VanDyke. Marcella been at the Carl Wohlschlegel home, gestion for scholarship loan Sev­ Klndel, Gerald LaHale, Julia Van­ went to Newoerg Sunday evening enteen members and four visitors Dyke and Oerald Herniens The with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Hu- were present. Mrs Smith, wife of play was und> r the direction of lit, and husband where she will the minister at Tigard, Miss Kathleen Caldwell. gave a lecture on "Life In India." stay indefinitely. luck dinner was given at Meivin and Vivian Ziegler of She exhibited different articles of the A pot J M Vanderzanden home Mountain Top and Velma and Na- dress and Jewelry worn by the Thursday. Present were Mcsdames dene Wohlschlegel were Sunday people of India. Next meeting. Ja n ­ Theodore Vanderzanden, William Hillsboro, Oregon guests at the John Herrington uary 23. will be at the home of Vandehey, P J. Vanderzanden. Mi . Lena Olson. Home near Sherwood. Spierlng. Frank Herb. Henry Mrs Barnum spent Tuesday with Nellie E. G. Heaton and H. T. Hesse Vanderzanden and the hostess. went to Forest Grove Sunday to relatives and friends in Portland. Misses and Helen Aerts, Antone Petersen and children of who have Dorothy visit Ernie Goetter, who is laid up been spending the past with a broken leg received while Portland visited Saturday at the month visiting with relatives here, C. W. Struthers home. pulling stumps. left Sunday night to return to their Mis* Elizabeth Struthers spent i home W. C. Heaton and sons sold three in Nebraska. carloads of baled hay last week.i the week-end at her home here. Matsle Caldwell of Hillsboro Mrs. Alice Willoughby was called has Mrs, been It was shipped to the Dakotas. teaching at the Green­ Mr. and Mrs. P. Prantel oi Ger­ to Portland this week by the serious ville grade school for the past week vais were over-night guests of her illness of her father, Mr. Burch, during the absence of Mrs. Willis niece, Mrs. Lloyd Murray, and hus­ who Is in Emanuel hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Struthers and Peters. band last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Peters Elmer Howard and family attend­ son Kenneth were Hillsboro visitors • Sylvia Duyckj returned home S at­ ed a birthday party at the Bruce Tuesday afternoon and called at urday night for a wedding trip to Bound home at Bend Thursday the J B. Phillips home. California. Mrs, Peters Doyle and Morris Ferris, who Southern WHEN FOUR HUSBAND RAVES evening. It was held In honor oi will resume her teaching a t the were home from the training ramp Clarence Bound. ABOUT HIS FAVORITE SHIRTS Greenville school. Ollicers of Lincoln lodge Installed at Detroit over the week-end. re­ port 30 inches of snow there. Thursday in joint Installation of Buttons missing, collars and cuffs frayed—it’s enough to fray “ Babes in T o y la n d ’ the Scholls and Tigard I O O. F. the temper of the most angelic husband! The Little Woman Maiine* Announce Vacancies and Rebekah lodges at Tigard were; F e a tu re D o u b le B ill will bask In his approving smiles if she will send his shirts to Joe Flint. N. G ; J. T. McCann, V The U. S. marines at Portland "Babes In Toyland,” starring the G.; E. G. Heaton, warden; J. B. announce vacancies for enlistment corned v team of Laurel and Hardy, Bartlett, conductor; George Allison, during the next four months, ac­ and "The Fighting Ranger,” featur­ I. G.; Victor Boleen, O. G.; Ed. cording to Information reeclved by ing Buck Jones, will be shown in a Who would repay you? Seiffert, R S. N. O.; Joe Stretcher, Postmaster Holznagel. Men enlisted double bill at the Venetian theatre L. S. N. O.; H. L. Flint, R 8 8.; to fill these vacancies will serve as tonight, Friday and Saturday. Who would buy hack Erick Retzmen, L. 8. 8.; E. L. Cox, replacements to marine corps sta­ "Babes In Toyland” is a combina­ the jewels and valuables tion of music, fantasy and comedy chaplain; John Schmeltzer, R 8 V. tions in China. Guam, Hawaii, Phone 47 Hillsboro. Oregon G.; W. L Peters, L. 8. V. G.. The Philippine Islands, and to airplane and Is a rare treat for children and you treasure? If you are noble grand and vice grand of Ruby carriers and battleships of the fleet. adults alike. Rebekah lodge were unable to a t­ ROBBED TONIGHT— tend the affair because of Illness YOUR HOME R A N ­ and will be installed later when the list of officers will be published. SACKED — will your tgan home trom Hlllaboto I Inn u.,y .'.ulleiing trom an allaek ot 111,'a.sle, lie was .sutlleleiilly re­ covered Sunday evening to return liome Mrs Slniek accompanied him She had pint the »eel here , . i ;. lo t * 'l l e l . M I.' .-, W a l e . I'Uilgan, »ho was able to sit up Simuay utter being hi bed a wee» » till meusa .s. L o c a l L e g io n E x e c u t iv e on Im p o ita iv t C o m m itte e William I- t ’vru... um m undci ot Hillsboro |> st, American I.e, mu. » a . named on a committee al the d is­ trict eoiiicrcuce ol tin' American legion in Portland Saturday to draw up resolutions Resolutions a . passed »ere to memorialise tlie Or. ( gun i oiiiii s'vsionai delegation to work tor payment of the adjusted seiv a e , Oi.ipensutlon, retention ol tlie Oregon erm i.nal syndicalism la» and creation ot a bureau lor ttie better rate ol underprivileged and delinquent children. Sold 150 Blankets in Three Honrs The local J C Penney store re­ tort* that on the last Hillsboro lurgam Day early In December they sold their entire stork of one hundred and ftttv plaid s h e e t blankets in less than three hours Mr Anderson, manager, states that he has two hundred more of the same blankets due to arrive in a few days to be featured at the same price Adv Hayward The Memorial - - - Benefit Given at Roy School Sunday HOOVER Hitcon Club Hears Talk About India BUDGET EXPERTS SAY You Should Sure 10% of Your Earnings . . . . It is so easy to put off saving, thinking ¡twill lie easier when you earn more. But isn’t it much wiser to save REGULAR­ LY, NOW? so that even should you nev­ er earn more you will have the habit of saving at least enough to keep you from a dependent old age? Open your SAY­ INGS ACC OUNT HERE-ANT) NOV/! Commercial National Bank “The Independent In Washlnfton County'* LESTER IRELAND 8i CO happen of highest quality The batteries we offer and recommend have a coast- to-coast reputation for de­ pendable performance. Un­ der all weather conditions. In every kind of traffic, you can rely upon the efficient, never - f a 111 n g service of any one you se­ lect from our large stock Avoid regret and buy your next battery here. FU EL 3“ Guaranteed Batteries al the low cost of $4.95 LENTZ AUTO PARTS Second and Baseline Streets Return from California Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wohlschlegel returned from a stay of several weeks In California Friday. Katherine Peters of Seattle Is spending several days at the par­ ental home. Her father, W. L. Phone 591 Edgings and inside, dry. 16-lnch. Cord Excellent kitchen wood, the best buy you can find. Seasoned Slab and Block 16-lnch Old Growth Fir Coal and Gaseo Briquets H e rm a n Rehse Phone 2383X Res. phone 2062 IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO IMPROVE Through proper Tile drainage the cropping season Is lengthened both in the spring and in the fall and growth stimulated during the dry season. The number of special crops Is Increased. For example, alfalfa has been Increased two tons, evergreen blackber­ ries one ton, and root crops over five tons per acre In this coun­ ty. Small beginnings may be expanded from the increase In prof­ its until the whole plate is well drained. The increase In value per acre of Tiled land should far exceed the cost of the Improve­ ment. In addition to our own standard quality products we handle Willamina. Clay Drain Tile and Building Tile. Hillsboro Concrete Brick QC Tile Co. Across Washington Street from Cannery on P. R. & N. Railway Office Phone 1341 Art Kroeger 2548 —Home Phones— II. nry Kroeger 1204 THEFT INSURANCE cover your losses? BEAUTY SHOPS r iiv si« IAN and SURGEON EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP A. O. PITMAN. M. D. General Beauty Work P H Y S IC IA N Telephone Cum m arrlal 1IH1X Tlali on7 l|lll*h o ro K ind* of I ’ h a rm a rj llen o tr N a tio n al think Dldp Raaldane« 791Z O f flea 8221 DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Ptiyalelan und Surgeon W ork PERMANENTS Welle Itiilldlfif a «perlaltjr Talaphon« 1471 W E IL S A P A R TM E N T S M a lx l Bchendal TELEPHO NES O ffic e 2(IR2 Itraidance 2881 DENTISTS GARBAGE COLLECTION DR. RALPH DRESSER Garbage Collection AND CANS Commercial Building Tek p h etia D. P. CORRIFRI 144 C te n ln ir., H u nd«, bx A v iin ln tn itiit CHAS. L. WALKER INSURANCE Agent Phone 1732 H IIR G K O N Ta lap hone* Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll and X -R a y and Phyalo Therapy Parm arnm t* and all kind* of baauty w ork. Dentlit Every form of protection — Fire, automobile, casualty, liability. Fidelity, Surety and Life, ORKGON HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY • Home Laundry & Dry Cleaners Nationally Known Batteries HILLSBORO RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH W ashington 1164 3rd St. Shut* llnnk H E R V li.« from llu iltllti | HILLSBORO ARGUS Phone 2211 Par In fo rm atio n BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS County Agaaacfaa IN S U R A N C E Telephone 2326 B llU bom about D lrie ta ry — - ■ -— ------- —.................................... ........ 1 nr 1 la A d ra rllaara r a il T h i A ran * — 1191