THE Thunuluy, Junuury 17, 1935 I home Mr. and Mr» Darrell Bill», H IL L S B O R O ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON H I E G REAT AM ER IC A N HOME night The evening *'»i Orenco P.T.A. j Saturday »pent In dancing ] Mr», Jack Miller, who hue been III for several week», I» much Un­ Hears of Bills proved "Dock" Wolfe of lluher It, < on G ive mb TUB m eo- ojt we Lo- ‘ P age F ive North Plains P.T.A. Studies ruienTiES; CU h E n op joss ano i llliul io ills home with rheuniutUm I MMN MONCt U M 8 P k s N n m u » Ralph < Ire, . i who made hi A nother M eet P lanned; Men S ch o o l H on or Koli lo r SIX- |,o„„. Wifli hi »liter, Mrs Floyd I TUogE we ye rwe G o o d o ld envy/ , , , i ■> • j a ...I Itlce, lust yeur, I» confined Ui the to W ork at Church W e e k P e r i o d A nnounced lHr,plla| al , h Zlu Zl, c ,-,- ,.u„,p » — with I h r flu. Mubrl Wolfe, who Ls *-iiip'oyed In Illy N orth M a la . F. T. A .) iMOMgY? ¿ON, YOU NS'jSi? *>AiW Aw MONEY ,n> M » Muuli li u r d .n .i | ,,o l t u „d gp,,„t Munday with hei NORTH PLAINS—Study group ot oitKNCO Junuury meeting o. .,u l,.,lU IN YOUR. LIFE. UUHY 1 GOLD the local P T. A met at the home ul Die loc ul P. I A win held The of Mrs Lester Cypher January 8 R ush of '9 8 , when tue y haulep o u t gold •cnool m ursduy aitem oon im , , This wa» the first of three meetings topic lot discussion was is tie- J ( o u n * | •(/ V i f O U p NUGGSTS SO N LOAD. on "home economic»." Vegetable illild ’i In teiw l forgotten in Oregon» j * . cookery was the main topic Miss DP P R o S P ffK lT Y -^ “ - legiuiullve progruliii' Ml ..ei.ilioi I I S p r i t ’-, Lucy A. Case, O. 8 C. nutrition gave • review ol Hie » uhl.. I H IT I IU v specialist, demonstrated the cook­ to oe coiiMUcicd uy tne coining leg- (|(> p,,,,,,!,, i,..y > ing of the strong flavored veget­ laiutuiv lie ul ai g.tve a »Uiiimaiy «1 liHTIIANY -CEDAR M ild. A ables. Next meeting will be with tne iiictnou» u « il in me vanoui mretiii,; in the Inline Economic* Mrs. W E' Mays from 10 a rn to »tales lor financing llie piium Fxtl.n M-rvier of Oregon btute J p, m. February 8. Miss Case wlll 1 , i college win In Id ul the Leedy again be present to dem onstrate the g l V l l l g a paiv liian . im- lilapa e,. ... (iraI1K,, Grunge hull lust Wednesday •f in» cooking of the mild flavored veg­ tue 1 u i e i i l - te.n Hei u •o* .ulien tiu Wua tile first of a serie» id three etable» These meetings are open pioeeeds Wlll lie ll»cu to Ouy new | incrtln;'.» on vegetable cookery »ent to anyone Interested and should »uige curtuln» lor U» achuul audi- . lilt liv the I limity u g e l l i , W liilani prove to be a benefit to any house­ I- Cyrus The di ministration ol tonum hold. I iiendly Cuele chill will meet ¡ | (I)W ( ) , ,MJg strong flavored veg Clark Inkley of Portland and ul Ule nmne m Mls a> k bilup-vm e tu Idei w.i . givi n by Miss Lucy A 1 C fcM fM M ft. M erritt Jackson spent the week­ touuy im uisU uyi Mi .»uivin P er­ Case, nutrition ilei lalr.t troni on* end fishing In coast streams t O li could g e t twê . .■£ ry will usutat us noutess. gon H ate collet e The next m eet­ Attendance Good Annuni om luiay luneneon of tne ing will be i.n the cookery ol mild jelly S eans foc . one A good attendance was reported Mia. itiiiary Society, scneduied l o r llitvored vegetili.Il a on T uesday, G ent — S oy , tu s e at the card party given by the Wedncsuay, haa oeen p .upoltcd tine hcoruary 5. ut io a m. to 3 30 p ladles of St. Edwards' church J a n ­ were TK GooO OLD (o tne death ot Mm. M. G Ander­ 111 ul m e Leedy Giunge hull. All uary 7. High scores were made by lire invited. There were twenty-four I st®. .. CAYS. Ethel Spienng and Harold Sohler, in D. A Thompson ol 1‘oriland. present ut the meeting. and seconds were M argaret Sohler Hynodieul cxccutin m Oregon, A dinner wus given ut the home and Charles Speinng Another party pn aeiieu ul ole i o n ii n * , Church of Mr, and M r, Juines Wulters will be held Wednesday night. aunuuy niornmg. honor of Mr and Mrs. Earl Mr and Mrs. A rthur Davis left Mr. and Mls Albert Lindgren ui in Hull ol Oi l ansale. Those present Monday morning for their home in holest liiuve Wen* gut t» ut llie were Mr. and Mrs N 1*. Johnson. North Bonneville, Wash. J A McOee Itoiiu Bunuay. Ml»» G ertrude and Art Pearson ot Mrs. Sue DavLs and Dr. P. E. Hale Hollot roll lor the lu»l Slx Week. Portlund »ml Mr mid Mrs. James of Portland and Joseph Wenzel of tn the pruiuiry uepiirunenl l» as Wulters and faintly Helvetia visited Mr and Mrs. Julius tollo»» tn.sse reeetvmg ali "one.s Cornell club met ul the home ol Schoenberg Sunday. wen- Nancy 1 , *1 Uinti,. ......' ¿ j W , i lihani . V v u Ixisli, ' i g j Mi . Janu s Wulters Junuury g F. F. LaHale of Gaston spent a Ilo n en P u lu u n , few days last week with his daugh­ "ones mid "twos weie Rouen Seventeen were present ter. Mrs. Jam es H Davis, and a t­ Hen.arils, IkilotliV Weuu. lxinuid 1 Mrs J u m r . Wulters attended the tended the wedding of his grandson. W unen. Andrew O uigel. Artnut wedding leerptlon ol her nelce the Valeric . r,,nuer MU» Vela Sandford. Wed- Many Attend Anuersnn. Richard The large attendance at the wed­ ihew urt Mary June Meulnlee. I a n l ie s ,l u y nt the home ot Mr. mid ding dance of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur ■ He Hcncult W arren mid ,\g, j R Hundford ul North Plain» Davis at the K. of P. hall Friday Daniel ueilu Forrest Jones spent the week- li A M itcnrll attended u meeting , im ut Corvallis with hl» brother, night was a splendid testimonial In Poriiuiul Monday ol llu- Oregon iiuilis June. here temporarily. They vlaited from YOU MUST SELL OUT of the high esteem in which the btute N Ul aery men S usueluHon und! Twenty lubll s of "500" were hi Tuesday to Thursday a t the C. H “Cure our boy of his Incurable young couple are held in this com ol tne Oregon S tale is u eryinen» pluy ut the curd party und dunce Gunyo home. disease and have him for whatever munity. Ralph Egg-,tuff of Salem called you will.” So prayed the Bible class Mrs. Mary Zimmerman and son control board I of Cedur Mill Grunge hull Suturduy Mr unu Ml ■ Lester Gross und night High honors were won by C. at the B E Waldorf home on F rl- teacher those anxious days. W alter of T hatcher visited Mr. and ilh id ien of Poltiund visited Ills Hlutter mid Mis N Hnys and sec- LAUREL RIDGE Twenty-seven1 Gay. "Then the Lord spoke to me Mrs Julius Schoenberg Friday, UroUier, Calvin u ru s,. and iumlly und high by H H Reeve» mid Mr. larlo ad , <>f hay have been bought Mrs. B. E. Waldorf spent two He didn't want the boy; he wanted Ross Jones of Baker spent Sun- III 111,- Sherwood district by the days last week In Portland. m e; my abilities, gifts, life Itself day with Mr. and Mrs. John Loftis. Sunday. I E' Kruske. H.iughinun spent u few Next Friday night there will be U S government lor shipment to Ernest Obermeler enjoyed a week- lo do with as he would." And this Mr Jones Is a bridge contractor AHs. S. W ------- _ , . _ feed the _________ stock ln , l'T id visit from his sister and two teacher yielded and became the and is constructing a bridge on duys lust wen with her daughtei. nn opening dance ul the Huber t )„. oiikota» to ________ Mrs Tom i ’teren, und Iumlly ut hall. Hie drought area The farmers were children of Portland. r,— fruitful branch Gales Creek. Helvetia The Home Economics' d u b of ____ M j()r clover hay and und »8 lo for, Mr. “ and Mrs »-rciuuc George R. Hill ...............„y r, ™r- “ “ “xr” w ith many of us saved ones It Mrs R- Stetson of Deer Lodge, Mr and Mrs Curl l( ll.uiscn uu i Lcedy grunge wus entertained by ,,„ 0 , I,at Freight rate Io Its des- entertained at a dinner party 8 u n -' is Just th at way. On a day we and Odom of ......... >------ tination ■ is »10 » per ton. «lay for Mr and Mrs. O tto Solberg take Christ as our Saviour from Portland spent Saturday a t the (luugnU r Aita ol Metzger visited Mr. ’ Mrs A rthur - ------ Sd - er, Joyce and Clifford. unu Mis Howaru 1 ato u t auiiuuv lust Thursday. Thelrteen members Ood's Just wrath a t our wilfulness Edward Moyer home. State Honors Won Mrs Guuei t Gro. ■ ai d Mi., were presi nt They lire plunuing to and sin Then come years maybe of Mrs. Fred Brown Is 111 a t the . . . ¡ have . . a valentine ............... party ............. Gladys Carson ot Sherwood and fruitlessness. And at last a crisis home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Floyd II W eulheny and children for the orMulHi.Mh'vÙMt.'u at m e Calvin, voung ìolks ul the Leèdy grange S yrg y j,e rPU,ft^ i ?ór ^the when we make a clean sell-out to Cutting, of near Tigard. I k S U paullne IJrandl o, ,,orllallU g ^ n e Ä Ä O rego^H U te God Then C hrist comes into our A number of young folks in this irosa ......... nome aU" ^ ' lives with power. The C hrist who community spent Sunday skiing born, U, Mr. unu Mi John Motz. I college, under the direction of H. T said Without me ye can do and coasting on Pumpkin Ridge. spent Sunday with home folks. Junuury 10. u girl. Mrs Lucy Lruthe and daughter Vance, radio shorthand manager. LEISYVILLE:—Ladles' club met nothing And again, "Herein is Ernest Troutm an of M aupin spent Mr. und Mrs. H 11. Smiley ol ¡11! 1-, the sixth year ill succession with Mrs. Albert Hanley Thurs- mv F ath er glorified, th at ye bear several days last week with his Scappoose visited al the M. G All­ Isabelle of Longview spent last week that Tigard has won state honors. father, A. L. Troutm an. uci soil home Suturduy. Airs. Smiley with Mr. und Mrs Sam Wulters I ach year competing with new day afternoon. It was decided to much Iruit." Mr. und Mrs. Earl Hull of Ocean- have a play, "Our Awful Aunt," In Take the Apostle Paul—"To this Work a t Church Is a sister ol Dr. Anuerson. the n ear future very h o u r.' says he,, "we hunger num ber of men will meet Fri- Mrs Gilbert Gross ot Multnomah side spent the week-end with Mr m aterial. Hume Economics' club of S h er­ visited ul the Nathaniel Rose home and Mr« N. P Johnson. Following were neither absent nor and thirst and are cold and naked day to work at the Church of Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth mu, Wusn , spent ^ . . . " ¿ « ‘ t k I.' ' w A . I,. t h I* t > , . , * parents, Mr. and m i » G F Ander- preaches a t 11 a. m. every Sunday .all, n inerting Carl Fish- that loved us." answers tailed . a (xcia special om open inerting of 01 ned7 ' Uobby O race Grv,(« Hudaon and Clifford Hud- Him Apostle at the church of Christ. You are Trum Srlrrlrd .. 1 . —- the grange at their new quarters Hi, H.u-i thurrhievi in Olsen h h r ^ s v evening to ^ 7 ^ U s ^ L ^ r t W e S T P a ^ W "" WeIC° me T’h r icrude school gni»' basketball RI.E1)VIl.LE V11 lan Etnch gave uru,miz,‘ a unu icam , ’ n ’ , su s team Ima uern _ mmvcicü . Out _ la alili ' . “ J‘,‘» i" 'io ’ rtn«nM, I nc line-up 1» a b ir th d a . party Kathrduy night f. , Mr Lehman and Mrs. NelUe Rog- Jji’I!'"*' Ha'mev h a £ all "I counted all things" even th e “R om ance in M anhattan IU, t o n u w s H a l l . , v . a i i c i . . 1. H .e i her b irth . 1 Hcrt U nch. One»: , , , ,,, j,iL bur,,, and Miss Ju an ita “ “ J "** “ > „a st week offlce 01 Jewlsh hlBh PnesL "I W ill S h o w at V e n e tia n Bella und Virginia Mouon we« FI ra and Bill Fro i.r (1 Portland were rhursday “ y L j g S F th u counted all this as garbage can __ & X T . '1 i S u - w . ^ ^ , r Mo ^ rV .5 2 ? i5 S : S a ll,ie W altw F u h n r S o^ ^ r^ lvedt T d 01 n n r~ - " must come through utterly.—George u „ - u u ,» . . Mr a n ,1 M r m l a v a n d fam- ‘' ,r a,ul Joiui altcrnoon Strickler wTth and t ives | n Seattle. N Taylor, Beaverton, Ore. Pd Adv. to second divglon of . cookery and Mr C I T I. l Imlay and tain fanuly 5,x,nt Mrs' Frldaj. ------------------------- ibe under ■r MM» Miss mv M, «..»**.«> rvuui. “ipci tisiJii ImlMV’a H.nav . hirthdav birthdav ° ™ ri’ Merchandise News — A ppearing in«‘t Iiut lhuraduy nighL lnvy dc- j Peterson of Portland spent callers were Mrs. Way lie strong regularly in th e weekly advertising ■mt a n d a and nd M r s Frank F r a n k Rowell . ___ . i __ Mrs. ^ a . i ._ b _ ^ i_ m _ ^ .____ h o i S T . u ued on Weuoeauay night as rig u - wc' “ nd M“ rga ' et | m “ c . Edy bus been 111 with A real aid hi hoinetnaklng a n d Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A rthur good living. Scores of small ads G ardner, January 9. a girl, a t their la grippe lor th e past week Mrs tl. N Rouinson und Miss Els- ’ th a t bring buyer and seller to­ home. Christian Endeavor meeting w-as the l.ast Saturday, Grange Day, all gether.—Regular In the Argus, tf nicely. Mother and baby are doing leuu Leverton ol Forest Grove led Sunday by Robert George spent E'rtduy with Mis. H. L. C at- Howard Churchley will leud next of the new officers except one were lyie und Mrs. Mary Beach. Tne Sunday. Business meeting In Ute present to hold th eir chairs. Mr and Mrs. Richard Joyce en- lutler rem ained lor several duys 14 .Mhcxil Thursday evening at 7 30. .JY.!. " lu “\ ï r5 a r ' “y Visit. i- !!!.,.l.'.ui.."o?.,.!5’d E« 7 Í ach m elu er and Mr. aiid Mrs. John , l » ^ ^ e ^ ,ir . r m r : l vS,.V'rw'uii X i S E S ^ v U * * I u K ^ u V l U StflcMler und family ut dinner Sun Orchardale “ ’K . ' l W w . M r e ^ n e t ‘ S H. Ring a u d l * « . M . sn ip e , and Mrs. B m n1 son Hugh sp. nt Saturday Mi M, i h aI;,. 4p, n t a lew days last and Alls Axel He.g ul Milwaukie w,,,.k vu,,tlllg friends in Salem. Mrs G u esu ul tne W H. Ring home j Kelglaman returned borne wttb Sunday were Mr. and Mi Itooert th em and spent the week-end WlUi Clark of Portland and Mr. and Mis Mr» w M Snipes. C aucnce Won. ol Sa.rtn Hirthdav « elrt,rated Mias Matilda Blotter of Coke- Mrs f) I, Sullivan and Mrs. vlhc. Wyo . visited her sister. Violet, Bcrdte Johnson gave a birthday din- a t m e Lou llam ei Home Sunday. ner (or tki„ a Meiholf ul the home Mr. und Mis tb n csl W llterl Vis- ol Mrs. Johnson Sunday January 6. lieu Irieiius ill Portland Saturday Guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Joseph W lllert ol Los Angeles.! Gibbs and family ol orenco. Mr. who has b m i visiting his brother, and Mrs. T. Trenton und Mr. and Ernest WlUert, und Iumlly, Icit lor Mrs. Dee VanDyke of Portland. ins home EYIduy. Ray VanDyke ol Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs L T. Woodward Florence Yeo und Mr. und Mr J and son K enneth intended the an - Nelson of Tigard, niversury dance ol the 1-armers' Co-u|N'ratlvr m arket In Portland .Saturday night. Sponsor i.n lr, lalnm cnt Mrs. M D W hitford, teacher In adult education and her class, will Mr«. Caroline Anderson, 75, died sponsor an entertainm ent to be given m the srmxil auditorium Jan - a t her home In Oreneo Sunday aft- ernoon nfter an illness of more uary 34. were ro’n» " ^ ‘. 1 ^ at I he Donelson & Sewell chapel with Rev. T. C. Duncan and Rev. W I. Riley officiating. Interm ent wus at Fir Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Anderson was a native ol (Hr Mr.. II. C, H lv.r.ll AI.GHA Ladies of Aloha Grange Canada, having ..... . born In th at will hold a card parly In the base­ country April 5. 1859. She came to m ent of tlie grange hall Saturday the United States 40 years ago and evening. There will be prizes had lived at Orenco lor the past iclresliinents. Old time dance will 41.. years. She Is survived by the widower. M. O. Anderson of O ren­ be held as usual. llob Chamberlain 1» confined to co. and three sons, Claude A. of Philadelphia, Pa.. Omar F. of O r­ his home with the flu. II. P. Rasmussen, who has been enco and Charles M. of Tacoma, .seriously 111 with the llu, Is im ­ Wash. proved enough to be about. Robert Hillsboro Argus contains all the Jr. Is reioverlng from pneumonlu. new.« of Hillsboro and th e sur­ Jimmy T urner H urt rounding communities. Read it and While pluving with a very sharp keep Informed on w hat Is happen­ ax Jlmmv Lee T urner cut a severe ing at home. W gash In Ills hand. Several stitches were necessary to close I he wound. Let the advertisem ents help you A large group of friends gathered nt the Lee home und welcomed make your shopping plans. Funeral Rites Held for Mrs. Anderson Aloha Grange to Hold Card Party J m a r Cornelius W ednis . .. Waitcr SDalh and g n L h mid Mr md Mr‘V dGtm PK re b ^ Uattended a i t r u e Lb.rihers hmne ‘’’.'“ L ? 1 c o n wrs W i^ n e ^ Iv e t- “L - 8 * Comers Wednesday e „nrt Mr„ „ p q trickler made , . \ | f'.\,lnnvillc Wednesday Mrs" W alter Führer R uth A’r g "g b‘” r!,FJ J “ "r r a “d " viso<-d at the Brown home '.‘“¿V.“ s Undav They also Ainwauxu ouiiuay. nicy culled on Mrs. G Werre a t the St, Vincent's hospital In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Rag Ego and fam ­ ily of Mountain Top were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene T ay­ lor. by F eed in g I.X .L . PO ULTRY and DAIRY FEEDS These feeds are high in the necessary elem ents to insure (lie continued high production of your Cows and Poultry even in cold, stormy w eather. HILLSBORO FEED CO M cC orm ick-D ecring Farm M achinery P hone 271 1004 M ain St. The Phone 2601W S tate Capitol News L etter—Giv­ ing the highlights of official ac­ tivity a t Salem —Every week In the Argus. tf cc Store J. H. G arrett, Proprietor 7CHEVROLET ~ -F " . r t yiw -r, itwi . v CHOOSE ' Mason Hill Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth, formerly of Mason Hill, but who | have lived for nearly a year near Hoquiam. Wash., have returned CHEVROLET .. - * I For q u a lity a t low cost / J « I ¡21 The says: T hese Cold D ays Roll i‘„ d ' dictionary Keep Up Production D ouble ]Ve will gladly estimate for you the number rolls required to pa­ per any size room. “ disillusions ions th illJ to g e r k long ® g t in a | th a a t t.w will linger K i « 1 & '® S 3 a S - . “ « 5 : mance In M anhattan." coming to the Venetian theatre Sunday. Mon- VVzT TS izsc H ov ond Q rn n n Vvon day Q and Tuesday and cf starring F ran ­ cis Lederer and Ginger Rogers. The supporting cast Includes Jimmie Butler, J. Ferrell MacDonald, Lil­ lian Harmer. Helen Ware and Elly Malyon. f a r - ■ T _L--. j to and up. Birthday Observed at Reedville Home “ iiu a ., ( Nsw Standard Chevrolet Coach The New Marter De Luxe Chevrolet Coach THE NEW STANDARD CHEVROLET PATENT MEDICINE "A medicinal compound o r preparation, the exclusive right for which has been secured." We carry only the most reliable, approved pat­ ent medicines m odern science allows. Many of them are household necessities. The Palm Drug Store Phone 266 s465 ERE is America’s great family Chevrolet’s new Maater models. It car . . . beautiful to look a t . . . is amazingly quick . . . flexible . . . thrilling to drive . . . very economical spirited . . . the finest performing to operate . . . and the world’s Zouvsl Chevrolet ever built. Yet it’s evm priced six! This New Standard Chev­ more economical than previous Chev- rolet lias a fine, roomy Fisher Body. rolets and a bigger dollar value than It is powered by the same improved ever before. See and drive thia New valve-in-head engine which powers Standard Chevrolet— today! H THE NEW MASTER DE LUXE CHEVROLET AND IIP. Lint price o f New Standard R oadster at Flint, Mich., $466. W ith bumper», »pare tire and tire lock, the Hat price is $20.00 additional. Prices subject t o change w ithout notice. $1 560 "ONGER ■. smartly lower in apjx'araiice . . . beautifully streamlined . . . the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet is the Fashion Car of the low-price field. More­ over, the performance of tliis car will amaze you. Chevrolet’s new and improved Blue-Flame valve-in-head I J AND V P . Liat price o f Masts' D s L u xs Coupe at F lin t. Mich. $660. W ith bumpers, spars tin anti tirs lock, th s Hat pries $26.00 additional. Prices ai ject to ch an ge w ithout notice ( ‘ Knee-Action optional at ama- additional coat. I engine gives remarkable g eta w a y - power and speed. Chevrolet’s highly refined Knee-Action Ride—and longer whecDiase—give new comfort. And operating economy, too, is greatly increased. See your Chevrolet Dealer for full information regarding these new Master De Luxe models. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Compon Cherrolel't low drlivereJ p r i m and ea.v GM.A.C. lerrnt. A Cenoral Motor t Valuo H illsb o ro M o to r Company ash in gton Sts. Third and W ashington JAMEIS W H IT E L A W , P roprietor T Lelephone ele 441