The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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H IL L S B O R O .
Thursday, Jan u ary 17, 1985
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W ith W hich t . C o m b in i I k . H illM » « ln d ,p .« S ~ .l
■llU born A nru. - l . b 1X8« Independent » l e b I» .»
rublfhed Thursday.
E ntail
poatoffic« at Hillsboro, O iW ”"
u onal
Editorial A««»*iation
Member »d the Audit
o r m u i
Aaaoeiato Editor
ttOA <■ O r w
Bureau of O r cu ,*tu'n
M M M ’ tr E «
malUr *° lh<
W A S lliM iT o s
S«h.crlp li»n Rate* S tr ic tlj C a.k In A d e n «
U. S. O u U id . O i w «
if » '. . .
« I
I i« n
C o u n tr ic *
- u . H iltebom Ar*u» n—t u n « n» fin an cial ■ * ■ * ■ " ■ * £ * £ * 5
. - n ± 7 n t “¡í K S
the typographical m istake occur*.
a» Indwwnd«.! W«wyM»y. Whow^SM^icc.
I l u n l on the Principio of th e Golden K oi»
» M n* 7e
11 ? h ,< m « ehould do to rou. do r e nUo to th en . U k -
crien.'*— Metth ew l : H .
Veterans Oppose Repeal
Hillsboro post, American Legion, joined
w ith patriotic forces last week in oppos­
ing the repeal of the crim inal syndicalism
law and ordered a letter of com m endation
sent to the Oregon Journal for its op­
position to radical and sob-sister element.'
th a t would repeal the m easure. W ash­
ington County Council of the Legion took
sim ilar action recently.
Crim inal syndicalism in the Oregon
statu tes is defined to be the doctrine
which advocates crime, physical violence,
sabotage, or any unlaw ful acts or m ethods
as a means of accomplishing or e t t c c t i n g
industrial or political change or revolu­
The law stands on the record books as
a protection to the law -abiding and peace-
loving Am erican citizen. Any attem pt to
scuttle the law should receive short shift
when and if it comes before the legislature.
These veterans have been “through the
mill,” and their love of country is unques­
tioned. Their recom mendation s h o u l d
carrv weight and be fully understood by
those who have the m aking of our laws.
Our New Governor
It is now Governor Charles H. M artin
of Oregon. The state's chief executive is
rounding out a notable career of service
to his country as a soldier and statesm an
by this newest honor conferred upon him
by the peuple of Oregon.
He has a splendid opportunity for
worthwhile achievement for his state in
th a t he goes in without the usual political
encumbrances. As executive he need not
tem per his actions by a desire fo r re-elec­
tion as honors aplenty have been bestowed
on this distinguished Oregonian. His p re­
vious service has proven his courage.
May he have the enthusiastic co-opera­
tion of the people of Oregon, its law m ak­
ers and other officials in giving this state
an outstanding adm inistration. His friends
wish him well.
Pension Benefit
ople will wish for the enact­
m ent of an adequate old age pension w ith­
in reason for those over 60. It should and
must be within the ability of the nation’s
resources to pay without proving a fail­
ure within a few years. A “flop” a fte r a
few years would be the worst thing that
could happen. This compensation should
not be such th a t it would encourage
younger members of the fam ily to lay
around home and “sponge off“ th e pension
An adequate old age pension t h a t
would be open to all who would give up
productive labor and that wou’d not re ­
quire a pauper's oath would I ring about
a g rea ter degree of security and comfort.
In many ways it would be a i economic
saving to the country as w e l.
Problem Needs Relief
The new legislature is in se.- on ■ ' i
ay it have the blr - n g of th e ’ o n '. o.
le state tor worthwhile at o
. .1 ¡enl.
et us all fervently hope th a t for the good
F the country in general some change can
b brought about th at will cut down on
roperty taxes with their insufferable bur-
en. With the state being able to tap
ther sources some arrangem ents m ight be
lade for it to finance some local activity,
jr instance possibly, county roads.
Sheridan Sun makes a laudable sug­
gestion when it points out th a t consider­
able mailing expense could be saved the
state if automobile license fees were to
be handled by some county official. It
would be a convenience to the autom obile
owner and should result in some saving.
The loyal Red Cross roll call w orkers
are to he congratulated upon the quota
rolled up for this county; also for the con­
tributing, sustaining and supporting mem­
berships, which mean th a t a larger per­
centage will rem ain in the county for re ­
lief and disaster.
W ashington Savings & Loan associa­
tion of thia city has an enviable dividend
record, having ju st declared ita nine­
teen th consecutive semi annual dividend.
The success and progress of local institu­
tions is pleasing to their friends.
It is probable th a t a measure will he
presented calling for a one-house legisla­
ture. W hy not? It would make for g rea t­
e r responsibility in lawmaking, speed, ac­
tion, and save money.
have come a long way on the road
very since th e hanking debacle of
933. T hrough co-operation we can
la te our gains and go forw ard to
ier and b e tte r sta n d a rd of living
g re a t country.
Mrs. H . Lull Dies
After Short Illness
Gains Show Faith
Deposit gains of local banks are a good
sign of improving business conditions in
the country. The gain shown by the Com­
m ercial National bank is particularly out­
standing. Officials of the local institution
report an increase of 40 per cent in the
last vear This should be pleasing to the
community and naturally gratifying to
the officers of th at institution.
This is a fa r cry from th at day less
than two years ago when confidence in
the nation's banking institutions was al­
most gone ami banks were tailing dail> .
Then President Roosevelt stepped into the
breach and im m ediately a fter tak in g of­
fice closed all banking institutions. \\ hen
opened thev had to m easure up to a c er­
tain standard before being approved by
the governm ent. This was quickly fol­
lowed bv deposit insurance. Today the
people have a renew ed faith in the banks
and it is clearly shown in the substantial
deposit gains reported everyw here.
Mr». Helen Je « le bull. «». form er­
ly of near Scholls, died Wednes­
day afternoon at her home In Fur-
eat m ove tiller ml lllnes» of one
day Funeral nriiimiemenls have not
been completed but rite» will prob-
ablv be held Saturday.
Mrs bull was born In Missouri.
February 34. IM74 sh e 1» survived
uy her husband, A W lu ll of F or­
est m ove a son. Alvin Wayne
bull Of Woodland, W ash, a n i l
three dauyhtcrs, Mrs Alvera Mc­
Cormack of Strassel, Mr», Jessie
Prpparri of Forest Grove, amt Mrs
Gladys Heffner of Hood lllver.
K. 1». G rand Chancellor
V isito r at Local Lodge
C A. Hioderson of Forest m o v e,,
mu mt chancellor of Ute grand lotiae.
K nlahts of Pythias, visited Phoenix
Itnlae here Monday night for un
Initiation ceremony in t h e page
rank A rthur Hioderson ami Thom
as Dyer ucroinaiiled him.
O fficial Newspaper of W ashington
County Hillsboro Argus a UH » hu ll
I u eomblued the Hillsboro Inile-
A Real Feat
While a certain politically-minded “friend of the
Door in the southern section of thl»_ statei U
w ______________
paring to
shrill his disapproval
throughout Oregon on property on which taxes of
1930 and prior years are delinquent, we see no
prosix x T o f^än y Ä
purpose b¿ln» served by g ir-
mg ear to his vaporing»¡.As a m atte, o
after careful study of the situation as it ex ist' 1,1
th is county, we are forced to the conclusion th a t the
foreclosure route is the best for all concerned.
i r e f u l scrutiny of the indebtedness on many
£ these
¿ meecs
« of 5 delinquent
' reveals
« J th a t
If you X*1 I
M® winter, why
not go through California ami
Southern Arizona? Hole our
famous S iiiim - i 1 imitrd or Golden
State Limited through America**
aunnieat winter region. Stopover
Lor detail*, *ee your local
agent or write J. A. Ormondy,
«‘ix«'«/, 705
Pacihc Building, P o t ila t id , O re
S o u th e rn
Say you saw it in tiu» Argus
The achievement of Amelia E arhart-
Putm an in successfully m aking the tlight
from Hawaii to O akland. Cal., alone is one
of the most outstanding events in aviation
history. This was the first time that this
flight had been successfully m ade alone.
Manv persons have lost th eir lives in the
effort and for a woman to brave the un­
known dangers of such a trip to be the
first one speaks a great deal for the
courage of this intrepid flier.
Wringing Out the W ater
Dairy Co-op Case
Settled This Week
(C ontinued from p«ir« o n ,)
with concealing stolen property,
were filed this week by the district
attorney's office. The three men.
week'’ forA tiU oper-
ation, are charged w.Ui having
three alleged stolen oil burners In
tf ir putrcwuju.
in the
v Orders
ir u e r s u»
m e « following
w uvw um
v circuit
court cases were issued this week:
S S t.o ,d ,. m
tile foundation of a general be-1
I U . „
n i Tl O C
lief In the survival of disease germs b o L U i I K
on fomites. and the attem p t to
Mr and Mrs. H it Em mot t were
disinfect places and Inanim ate ob- week-end guests of their daughter,
jects which have been in contact Mrs. B. It Pooley. and family In
with patients has been one of the Portland. Their daughter, Mrs. II
chief preoccupations and channels K Lucas.
has been visit ng
of expenditure of public health here and In Portland, left lu r il»)
ta d S S itiu ' 'W
*“ U,,,,d
t C Ä I ~ - - I N Mr
try has ^ been
^ ^ n r ^ . i Mrs
Ì ^ e r John
o ^ tlX ro ^ v ^
t nCWHdlh.tOl er!n?
1 ltors Monday, attending the fu-
mkilOfflcal and bacteriological re-
theli neDhcw John Bow -
more mj
by .
« search.
n t r e u . a and
x iu perhaps r even
w u murv
a realization th a t the risks o f
Mrs B w F a M
t ination of . surgical
i woimus
; . «
S . 7 of K Condon
i a :
years back are not the only
d“ Etedness
e ? .n £ d e r TOlimtmiv n ^ ' W k ^ lb le . The most notable con-
Theodore Barnum of Portland
obvious th at, under the load of this Indebtedn . cream ery et al. ordt r voluntary non trl5utw n to m e subject w ithin re- visited Monday with his cousin. Mrs
the owner has no other interest ‘“ ¿“5
suiE -.___ ___ ________ .____ j
cent yrars i s undoubtedly t h e clem Ksllngcr, and family.
th an th at which accompanies a crushing burden.
probate orders were Issued In th e monograph "On the Practice of
Mr and Mrs N E Haworth
from which without foreclosure, there can be no f lo w in g estates J. Carson, Mid- Term inal Disinfection.“ published spent Bunday al Woodouru wim
dleton S. Hanckel. Bartholomew b. bv Prof. C Chagas. D irector-O ener- Mr and Mrs. W. C. Miller
I t la
easv for any political spell-binder to hypo- Scheckla. H anna C arlson Allen, al of Public Hygiene of Brazil, hi
Mrs Soplia Freerksen 1» visiting
critically plead for one or many years of leniency, jasp er N G rabel. Emery Alpheus the ButteUix M eiwiel dH yglene this week with her daughter. Mr:..
what »ould such leniency profit the owner who Stew art. Ray V. Cary Flora C 1 u?*“Ju^ , for May; 19J6' .. ,
Ada Elgin, a t Salem.
is alre dv sunk under th e accrued taxes and other Hither. Oscar S. Hundley and Jo h n
P to L Ch.agas s them e is U w tte rm -
William Holm of Seattle. W ash,
d eb u ^ t t e r by far ¿ ill it be to put the tracts K. Stephenson. O uard.anship orders
S n e ^ •'.»
p K ^ eJ- lias
taken a position with A. b.
through foreclosure proceedings,
roneously founded, alm usl ulways Aniacher. accountant.
Mrs. Frances Swanry of Portland
debtedness and give somebody a chance to sta rt S arah E. Steele, and J D. Shoro. u - il e s s . a n d w h o se p r a c t i c a l r e ­
again with an even break.
sults bear no adequate relation to moved to Hillsboro Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Duppcn and
the labour and the cost Involved."
On practically all this property, the collection of
His m ain objection to It Is the lm - family of Portland spent Sunday
other debts, outside of taxes, has long since been
possibility of finding the germs with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J
regarded as a forlorn hope and not a few who
T hirty Years .Ago
_____ __
it _ is ___
desired _ to kill, and th e H. Hensley. Mrs Happen celebrated
will have no regrets when _
----- — the paper
Arzus January 19. 1905—New city consequent necessity of blindly and her birthday.
for tax indebtedness autom atically elim inates th e“ ch arter passes both houses of legls- the premises under suspicion The
own claim. At the same time, the owner. If he still ia lu re . o n e s town absoute control solutions leave untouched num ber-
¡f yotl iu,vc something to sell and
has any interest in the property, and still clings to 0( streets.
less crannies in which germs may 41e ln a hurry to s«'ll It. let the
the belief that, relieved of the debt load, he
John Peters, respected citizen
of survive. Experiments, of which he c.¡¡tssified advertising departm ent of
might make good, is not excluded for making one Hillsboro, dies a t home west of quotes Flugge s. have shown that th e Hillsboro Argus prove Its ability
m o r. effort and
“ " f f i ü K J ’S S S , ,
cW ..m -
S o A iM ’ “ “
those which have prevailed for many years.
al $253,755 and the as- ;u-y p r a n c e cannot destroy all the ,' " tnuni
In those Instances in which the delinquent prop- sessment of Forest Grove ts$225.5S5. organisms in cultures placed on i
c a k ii
of thanks
erty is in orchard, it is imperative th a t the property
H erm an Schuhnerich^^ Installed | wai|g anij doors, alKj th a t ordinary
wt»g 0. mend .«r ih«..k.
Our Yesterdays
ers who pay their taxes and who are having quite , w ‘ death a t CoUI1ty farm when
„ Dr
Halfour on flor.,
Cw<|(. llow-wl
r down
- - - - - pests, - and who do J not appre-
clothes catch on fire as she was ^ùimpèachabli
a task to keep
unim peachable evidence as "un- •tougMae».
elate having an uncontrolled pest-breeding spot in ^tarting firc: m
doubtcdly a process of camouflage '
1 i x h . LICBNKK NOTIt'k
the unm ediate neighborhood.
Cjver (IV 200
To modify
m^ (y the
thc current
curn.n t, methods
methods Thr Thr 1 ii«
1 n « r«< f"f n«n««M»
« t h ptet»a
e r it f
I of w . Conne.1
a t To
s n e —
r i l l — J W «'-■--------
v o n n e t <»
i a t . bv in
r r e n s i n a t the
b p strength
,L rp n irth or
o r nro-
n r o - **r
a n , ,.f n a h l m on th, and fo r a u rh
I t may well be th at, in the process of foreclosure. sold
delinquent tax sale February 16.
P *“
a ..« . . • « „ ! ,,r k»vt w ithin ih r s t a ir
Portland Consolidated has a crew longing th e application of t in dis- , i,re<(„, ,,vvr .1,1 ,iSya fur ihr r« r iWr
a large percentage of form er fictitious value Will be
in field investigating
-- »4 .
- ——• •-- •-
rawo.indo ’T'ka— taatlKcma, IW
* « M • Ir I »< N#
•' HO
Fem ale iJo*
Cornell road
S pay e d F e m a le L>o«
welcomed by those who have tim e to look ahead — G ulch on Fifteen
strong th a t few well-informed per-
Years Ago
A f t e r M a r c h | * t , I9S 6 . th e llrenw e fee
Hood River News.
Argus. January 15, 1930--S. E sons will venture to doubt them. 1 «1 .00 itn«rw fur fa ilu re to prurur* IL
G rail nam ed president Farm ers But. as Dr. C hagas points out. the ren«« fur th* do«« *h<»v» stated
M utual Fire Insurance association
real objection is not so much in
Abo. after M a rc h l e t . i m s . the r»*
Transacted business in county for the technical uselessness
of term - rat“ «» »or itcaraaaMM« <10«» »XurX«r<..**r
37 years.
disinfection aa In the fact th a t „
M. iwrutnin«
r, h
T hree new freshm en a t Oregon it is term inal at all The channels irH| f„r
„„h, month. ,.1.1
S tate from Hilisboro are Dan E r- by which infection Is dessemlnated *>r kept * u h ia ih. gut« of <>.«,.■>. ,..«r
Legislators, with im portant patriotic and co n ­ win. Leon Allen and Helen Killen a rr not the surroundings of the
ui. im s
structive work to do during the coming session
Byron G arrett commissioned sec- patient, but his excreta. Including
-ooL .’' «
should waste little time or attention on those m is­ ond lieutenant ln R. O. T. C. a t sputum.
■un to w h o m th e lire n « « i« to L» l « u » d r , |
guided men who are advocating repeal of th a t loyal
uf ,hr
W Jlu m E Tavlor Hillsboro vet-1 Finally, the part th a t term inal
I e«H ar« payable to
and protective law the crim inal syndicalism act. This eran. and Ciiattie E. Chapm an inar- diam lectlon plays in allaying pub-
EDW C. L U C E . C o u n ty C lerl».
H illa h o ru . O re««m .
is not the time to do away with governm ental safe­ ried at Forest Grove January 10.
llc *in ?llf’ty. unjustifiably Is almost
I*uhhah*w| by order o f th« County Court
Thom as A. Fowles. prom inent as detetertous a s any of its other
guards. I t is not the time to let the bars down to
O rtfu n
M ountaindale citizen, dleu Sunday, evils. The knowledge th a t a ritual
agitators of violence and sabotage.
R epresentative W. G. Hare Intro- which will d e a r up all trace of
The crim inal syndicalism law on our statu te duces biU In legislature making It the disease Is to be performed a t
books Is a wise and just law. It jeopardizes no right unlawful for state to pay any royal- i Its end undoubtedly leads to the
of private opinion, nor of m em bership ln any political ties on paving form ulas.
neglect of Just those simple pre-
Russell Morgan enters U niversity1 cautions which, taken during the
or sub-political group, however extrem e or radical.
course ol the Illness, would do
It defines crim inal syndicalism as th e advocacy of of Oregon.
Frank Waibel elected fire chief. away with even the hypothetical
1 rune, physical violence, sabotage or oth er unlawful O ther
officers are: J. H. Hensley, need f o r term inal disinfection.
acts as a m eans of attaining revolution.
assistant chief; W O. Morley, pres­ Given efficient 'c u rre n t disinfec­
Agitation and teaching of these subversive doc­ ident: Lee Oakes, secretary; Fred tion." 1. e.. the sterilization of all
1.« the w atchw ord of
trines is designated as a felony under th e act. and J. Sewell, treasurer,
articles soiled by the patient's ex-
thia .«tore which i s
properly so. The people of Oregon w ant neithei
John Thomas Butler, pioneer son creta and the prom pt exposal of
passed on to our many
revolution nor preachm ents of revolution. They are of county, died January 8 a t T a- tj]C excreta themselves, very little
opposed to th e disturbing influence of red a n d coS a . i . .
1 rem ains to be done. The kind of
patron.«. We are inter­
, To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey term inal disinfection recommended
revolutionary propaganda. They know th a t the grimy „
ested in the w elfare of
January 10 a girl.
. 1 by Prof. Chagas consists of the
m is-fits who urge blood and bludgeons against our B atchelar
Officers Hillsboro N ational bank ! X,
our custom ers and our
existing peace and safety are as dangerous to the Ea ' l ’'dk u fa t h l více^présfeenv1 j ena chemical means, of article» th a t
..,.0 r(.P»n , rn n .
public welfare as any other criminal. They have ar. fc I. K uratll. vice-president, J. u
adequate law now against this type of crim inal O ardner. cashier, and Anna Engel- ’¿ “/ e
We expect to grow
an d repeal of th at law would s e rre only to let these dinger, aM lstant cashier.
O. Directors
A“ w ^ : | ^ « ° n of obvtoualy contam inated
with our community by
fanactli run a t large and go to unlimited extremes
j c Hare Anna Engeldlnger objects; the vigorous use of soap
offering H ardw are ma­
in their efforts to underm ine democratic govern- I and George E. Beadle.
and water, the liberal application
m ent. Oregon's crim inal syndicalism act Is a pro-
Hillsboro Argus and Forest Grove
Ihe sick-room of sun and fresh»
terial.« carefully select­
tection against Communism and Fascism alike, is News-Times again designated coun- “Jr.
ed and «old at the low­
protection against all would-be S talins and others, ty official papers.
est possible price, qual­
Jo h n W. Cornelius resigns as
“T hc willingness of all elements
and Is protection of the individual liberty and peace
county commissioner.
ity considered.
to enter into the spirit of the New
of all of us.
Deal becomes more and not less
The repeal movement has brought fo rth some
evident as It goes on."—President
May we serve you?
strange bed-fellows, the Republican-Socialist Zim­
(B y (Jrev< n S uit« Board o f Health)
merm an and the chameleon Oregonian. One wonders
Slowly but surely a conviction Is
if and how they could have a meeting of motives growing among medical officers of
Official Newspaper of W ashington
and w hat those motives are. W hatever they are the health and general physicians th a t County—Hillsboro
Argus with which
legislature should make short shift of them , h alt the
-—• , traditional
------— *i_i i.
«itnh of dLsin-
combined th e Hillsboro Inde-
the repeal movement abruptly and go on about the
" a c t e i d o l S ^ “ ere .p e n d e n t,
constructive, patriotic business It has been called als<:ovcrles *n bacteriology were 1 peou
to u n d ertak e—Oregon Democrat.
wi i •• 'nort MnMO
And Huey Takes Things Over
Quite in con trast to w hat appears in the above
editorial about Oregon's lack of executive leader­
ship a t times, down ln Louisiana "Kingfish" Huey
Long is dem onstrating Just how far dominance of
state m achinery can be carried.
From w hat we read in news dispatches the
United S tates senator from the Creole state seems
to be sitting enthroned on the speaker's dias ln his
home state legislature and. like a despot, com m and­
ing the lawmakers to pass hundreds of la a s he has
originated, all w ithout th eir taking tim e to learn
the details of the measures. Of course, there is no
law giving a congressman such domination, but ln
th e Louisiana case, the governor Is a "yes m an ” for
Long, and w hat Huey says Just about goes.
This week th e Louisiana legislature was passing
bills a t th e .rate of three m inutes for each one j
Somewhat rem indful of Oregon’s legislature which
dallies away the stipulated time of 40 days and then
grinds the statu tes through the hopper at a great
Some of Huey’s m inor antics make amusing
reading In order to "show" T ulane university which
trounced his beloved Louisiana S tate football team
Huey issued an order th a t next year's license plates
be issued in Louisiana S tate college colors in order
th a t the rival school will have to display these colors
- like it or not.—Newberg Scribe.
for everything in
Common Lum ber
Finish Lum ber
Cem ent Block
Tile Block«
Sand - Gravel
F uller Paint.«
Roof Paint
C edar Pouts
Roof Putty
Doors - Window.«
Wood G utter
G alvanized Eave
Copper W eather Strip
G alvanized Ridge Roll
Ashentos Paper
F elt W eather Strip
A«he.«tos Board
Glass Cloth
If It’s l umber Call Our Number
Phone 2691
N rxt door In V rn rtian theater
Open until 9 P. M.
Every Saturday Night
If she isn’t, maybe it’s because your car is hard
to handle. One of our MABFAK chassis lubrica­
tion jobs will m ake your car handle easier ant, ride
easier. It protects your car against wear. It out­
lasts ordinary "grease jobs," 2 to 1. That, m akes
it cost less. Come in today. Quick and expert
T h ird and W ashington Street»
Phone 1703
Cady Motor Co
18 Year» in H illib o ro
General Auto Repairing
Lockheed Brake Part.« for All Cars
T rito W indshield C leaner— Exchange Motors
Delco-Remy Ignition Parts for All Cars
A. C. Fuel Pump Parts for All Cars
T here are some im portant enum erations for
advertising which are as im portant to the con­
sum er as they are to th»* potential advertiser.
There are eight good reasons advanced, hut there
are many others, o. c -se. However, here are
eight th at are very splendid and highly convincing:
N ew spaper reading is a u n .\e. al habit, .»ews
paper advertising, therefore, reaches each week
virtually all who buy, giving them the m erchants’
N ew spaper advertising is the life blood of local
trad e because it touche.« all consumer sources in
every community. ,t give« the national advertiser
th«* same opportunity for complete consum er a p ­
peal in any locality, carrying news of w hat is new
and good to everyone simultaneously.
N ew spaper advertising cuts selling costs be­
cause it entails no waste in locality of circulations.
This cuts costs to the consumer.
N ew spaper advertising insures quick, thorough
and economical dealer distribution and dealer
good will, because retailers are willing to sell
products advertised direct to their own consumers.
This insures freshness, newness and the best form.«
to the consumer.
N ew spaper advertising enables m anufacturers
to tell where their products may he bought. This
elim inates time, trouble and waste of energy to
the consumer.
New spaper advertising enables m anufacturers
to check advertising results and costs in every m ar­
ket which they enter. This is an im portant elem ent
in keeping costs down and distribution at peek for
m anufacturers.
N ew spaper advertising costs less money than
any other kind, and brings results. N aturally, low­
er prices and quick distribution results.
'I he m erchant or other business man who is not
taking advantage of the opportunities offered by
new spaper advertising to boost his business now,
will still lie lacing readjustm ent problem s when
his com petitors are hack on a normal business
plane. And the consumer cannot he well served by
the non-advertiser for the reasons set above.
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