THE Page Two I with Harold's parents, Mr H IL L S B O R O ARGUS. | daughter Joyce spent Sunday with ' relatives In Portland Bank* People Injured; Mr*. Move to California Freddie Hamberger, a sophomore McFarlane Hotte»* in Banks high school, moved S a t­ urday with his parents to C ali­ fornia. where they will live iur a BANKS -F irst semester of school few months. The family lut» been vear ended Friday and pupils took residing hi Scofield. their semester tests Thursday and Clell is visiting h i s Friday. An unusual test was enjoyed daughter. Carstens by the public speaking class As d aitg m rr Mrs. Louis Winters, at the class had her“ An all-day quilling bee was held of etiquette. their , last Wednesday ai the liume of w h e X .^ h f^ m e m b e rs’^ f Mrs clfU Carstens. who served a c ^ g ^ f t e T ^ r s p ^ h « Thursday, J annul.v 17, 1935 OREGON ber of the state board for higher education succeeding to the post left vacant by the resignation of George B. McLeod. Mrs. Hackett will continue on her present job until February 1 In order to give the new governor and his staff a chance to become acquainted with their surroundings. • • • Fifty carloads of bulbs, exclusive j of gladioli, were shipped out of , Oregon during 1934, according to i a report of the Oregon bulb con­ trol board. and ¡M rs R M Banks R M. Banks Banks School I who Is IU with flu. Is reported lrn- | proving Whitcomb spent the week- with hu, brother in l*ortland. Term at End I j ! end Lloyd Mr and Mrs John Hartwick and i K H IL L S B O R O . A B onny S ty le Hazeldale Group Sponsoring Party Nine with Mr and Mrs C H Hamilton Mrs Bertha lAillette of Forest Grove spent Thursday with Mrs Alfred l-ewls. Mr and Mrs W K. Marr and Mr and Mrs Stanley Hahn of Mounfaindale motored to Olympia. W ash. Friday to attend a berry growers' meet lug. They returned home Saturday. Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Hamilton were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Hamilton of Forest Grove The occasion was In honor of Mrs. Charles Hamilton's b irth ­ day. lauiore and Vernon Lyda attended j a card party at the Max D reexcn, home at Sherm an's mill Saturday nlghl Mr and Mrs Alfred Lewla suent Tuesday evening with Mr and Mrs Jeff Kennedy of Banks. Beat for ALL AGES McFall Jersey MILK Quart 10c HAZELDALE — Community club and In other ways dem onstrated’ Present will sponsor a card party Saturday the pouits K enneth ol Monmouth spent Sun- "Our people have both feet on | evening In the school house. P la y ' N? 7 i l to r theh f o u r da> ,u« ht *l thelr home liele- the ground, they are Increasingly Phone 3104 will sta rt at 8:30 sharp. lTlxes and donated th e food for the l o u r Mrs i>ed Wlk-ox. M bs [ Interested In the truth In arriving i refreshm ents Committee In charge: courses of the dinner. Hazel' Anna Schneider. Mrs. Ray Parm - at sound conclusions regarding our Mrs. J. C. Smith. Mrs. Waldele and i J i ta8hA1“ X.n,^ n t h i ndw eek^im * in le> *nd Mrs Charles Shipley at-1 national progress In meeting cur­ Max Berger A series of these I^etsch spent the week end in tended the iuneral of Mrs. Lyda rent problems President Roose­ | parties are being held on the third velt. Portland. Weitsel iu Forest Grove Thursday, ’ Saturday of each month. Mrs. McFarlane Hostess | Mrs w ei'acl taught music ill this Paul O Cuiuw r Hurt Mrs. A. B. M cFarlane en tertain- vicinity many years ago Merchandise News -A ppearing] Paul O'Connor sutfered a pain­ ed a group of ol girls, memoers members of oi her n e r, .\tle e Elect' regularly In the weekly advertising 1 ful injury to his left hand on F ri­ Sunday y school class class, Friday ev*; eve- Henry Alice was elecivu a u of scores of local business house« i day when two fingers were severely ning. Ib-esent were K athleen a n d : ot jerlcno lodge No. 183 S a 'v rd a y 1 A real aid hi Itomeniaklng a n d crushed, necessitating s e v e r a l Patricia Jensen. Mirmin Tresham. \ night. good living Scores of small ads stitches. The accident occurred at M arian Maxwell, Marte Rieben. i Clark Powne is working for the th a t bring buyer and seller to-1 Ills work In Portland. He was given Theresa Paetsch and Mrs. McFar- west Coast Telephone com pan • in get her - Regular in the Argus If first aid at Swift & Company, then lane. FVrest Grove. later treated at the Coffey clinic. Mrs. Tilton in Charge I Little BOvby Prickett, who has Miss D ailey Bride Mrs. E. Tilton will have charge of I been ill with pneumonia In the Ed Berger of Haxeldale and Min­ the church services Sunday evening Port Angeles hospital, is much inl­ nie Datley of West Union were and will present stereoptican slides proved and has been moved to the married at Vancouver. Wash.. Mon­ UST as easy to launder as it Is to make Is the charm ing apron depicting a Bible story and Ulus- home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. day. January 7. and will make th e ir, frock pictured as P attern 389. A hack closing perm its easy trated songs. Rev. Tilton and the verle Prickett. at Neah Bay. Was!:. home at the Miller farm on Cooper ! Epworth League will attend a ! Ernie Tucker and family have ironing. Percale, chambray or gingham are excellent. Pattern* Mountain. A group of relatives and young peoples meeting in Portland moved from the Severance place, are available in sixes 14 to 2d and 32 to 43. Slxe 18 calls for 5 yards Free Delivery friends from West Uulon gave them Phone 771 th a t evenuig. west of Banks, to the Fred Schlegel a charivari Monday night. of 39-lnch fabric and 11» yards contrast. Hazel Wolford spent the week-1 house in the south p art of town Mias Emma Leopold returned to' The originality of the creation offered in P attern 413 is accented end with Mary Sandy a t Vernonia 1 Mr Tucker is now euip.oyed in the her home after spending the last by dolman sleeves with tricky buttons to set them off P attern s Mrs. Moore Injured ! Kennedy garage couple of weeks with her sister, Special* for Friday and Saturday, Jan. 1A and 19 Mrs. C. W. Moore is confined to Mr and Mrs. Charles Shipley vis- come in sixes 14 to 20 and 33 to 43. Site IS calls for 4% yards of Mrs. Courtney Syverson, a t Timber her bed with torn ligaments in h er ited their son. Carl Smpiey, and 39-ineh fabric and H yard 38-lnch contrast for the collar and t» Otto Leopold Is now visiting at hip. Mrs. MaxweU is staying with family in Hillsboro Sunaay , Timber. yard for belt facing. Crepe or light wool make up beautifully. her and assisting with the work. Mrs Vern Prickett, Mrs. George Ray Syverson of Lakeview spent Albert Pindell H urt Moss and Mrs. Cass Wilson attended Toilet Soap. Thursday with his parents, Mr. and To secure a PATTERN and STEP-BY -STEP SEWING IN- Albert Puidell nas a oadly in - jouit installation of Royal Neign- Mrs. C. P. Syverson. STIIUt THINS. All out th e coupon below, being sure to MENTION 3 bar* jured hand as a result of an auto- oors and Modem Woodmen in For- Al Tullock of Portland has been THE NAME OE THIS N EW SPAPER. mobUe accident January 7. The est Grove last Tuesday night, staying with Henry Schocne for ligaments were cut and itw asn eces- Pour tables of "500'' were in play the past week. sary to cut the sain oack in order at the R. N. A. card party Friday All yoa need with this spring M N. Richardson Is quite ill at to tie them. Albert was on his wav night High honors were won Mrs. his liome on the Rosedale road. FASHION BUREAU. 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK outfit la a H ighland accent. early in the morning to the S tu n - George Hermens and William Da- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Emerson have It'a a Scotch m ist blue wool Quart can son mill, where he was employed vies, second by Miss Lena Taylor moved onto the Carey farm, which tunic suit with blue, gray, and Enclosed find . . . . . . . cents. Please send me (he patterns when his car crashed into a south- and Robert Schlegel was lately occupied by Mr and checked below, at 15 cents each e ra Pacific fiat car which he did Mr and Mrs. Stanley Clark and black plaid touche*. A bolero Mrs. Shields. not see. The car was a total wreck, sou of Glenwood spent the week- bodloe crosses the scarf ------ sod Mr and Mrs Bert Roberts and type --------------------------------- P attern No. 389 Size .......................... Mrs. E tta Preston was taken to a end with Mr. and Mrs. Cass WU- family of Portland were guests of I lx fastened with a large trlangu- Portland hospital Thursday as she son. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Max Berger Sunday lar burnished silver button P attern No 413 Size .......................... was seriously ill. She stood the trip Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan re- . J K paulete end alltie Oat lend a very well and is reported to oe turned Monday to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Alttclan entertained n .„ i.. N am e.......................... A d d ress................................... resting easily M anzanita after a few weeks' visit with a card and dancing party regim ental aspect. Mona llarrle. Mrs. BeUe LUly returned to her with relatives here. Saturday High score a t » I n actreae 1» the t>«af City ............................ home in Cornelius Saturday after Mr and Mrs. B W Armentrout won by Mrs. William Hell, and Fred _ _ , > a m onth's visit with her daughter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Strickland, low The occasion was R ItlK il’t 1 i t v I Itin Name of this n ew sn aD er............ Mrs. Fred Wolford Archie Thompson and children at the birthday of both Mr and Mrs. »A-»*1*»«»» ' - t t y V lU U Sunday school and church boards Mountaindaie m et January 9. Plans for the com- A C. Wahl, scoutmaster, and a Mrs. A rthur Mills Is spending a All m aterials specified in above patterns may be purchased ing year were discussed. group of the Boy Scouts, went on few days In Portland. For one week, January 1H to 26. ineluaive Lyle Wolford, who is a cook in a a hike Sunday. Earl McPeak. Jim - in local st*>res KANSAS CITY Mrs W E Marr CCc camp a t O tter Rock, spent my Brown and Vernon Wolford | entertained the K ansas City Wom­ the week-ena with his home lolks passed tests la fire building, track- pounds and has been nam ed Helen soon. The 5A class had an exhibit an's c l u b Wednesday afternoon 1 Frances. In connection with its geography Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Winters and mg and pacing. Quilt blocks were pieced for Mrs. little son returned to th eir home Mrs. Doris Lacy, Mrs David American Legion and Auxiliary work. The 7B class of the Junior II Hamilton. Visitors were Mrs at M anzanita Sunday after a few Mitcnell and son Joe and William met Thursday- evening at the R. N. high presents its class program In Kil f Fritch and Mrs. Lloyd Ander­ weeks' visit with Mrs W inter's par- LaPoint, all of Multnomah, and A. hall the assembly this Friday afternoon & sc son of Hillside. Miss M argaret Es­ ents, Mr. and Mr.- Clell Carstens Mr and Mrs. H. J. O .its. Tom Haz Final examinations will commence Play in the second half of local linger and Miss Moneca Pongrata. Purpose! to introduce (his exceptional high quality at the Junior high at one o'clock bowling tournam ents got under way- Tile oldest little boy of Mr and e*ett and Ross Cornell, all of P ori- und Mrs. Bert R alph of Paci­ on Tuesday. January 22. and will last week with two new teams en- fic Mr City Mrs. W inters remained for a longer land, visited last Tuesday a n d were overnight guests of Coffee to new customer*. continue throughout the week. Cards tered in the competition. Pastime Mr and Mrs. C. H. Hamilton S a t­ visit, inursday a t the J. M. Kessler home • Y l - c , - l i C wiU be given out on Friday to the Card Room filled the vacancy in urday night. Mr. and Mrs Claude Morgan of Mr and Mrs. A rthur Reeher and graduates. the City league left by Hallie's M anzanita have oeen -pending the two children of Forest Grove vis- Rollle Cox motored to Portland AT THE MARKET The number of absentees at the . In connection with the "Quit K .l- f ^ £ endp^ o æ ^ c l « Î Ï Ï Î Ï S £ d with past few weeks m Banks visiting hed Miss Ethel Sm ith Sunday, Zelbert Baker Sunday to visit u u u i u c j u i a u e c i it c v o 41 ,, ................................, " \ ------------ t o o k I 11»» nlii.'»» relatives. | Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ba- schools has decreased during the ling campaign, the students of 1 his father, who Is 111 In a hospital in the National --- • _ . i-., - . , n i l . . .. th»» o r q d n W 'linnlo •»»- eluniricv f h n UiiiiA Mr. r and Mrs. Harold Banks and ker , Beryl B enefteli. January 11. t At t P e t S b I scow the g rid e s7l%ols “are sg n in g “ th e .™">* there. CrideT w £ underwent following pledge: "I pnimuse for the son of Newberg spent the week-end a ?irl The in fan t weighed 7>, , Mr and Mrs Cobb and Mrs. Vohs “ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' an operation for appendicitis, was sake of Of hum hU----- WW-- honor W.----- of - ¡P. IV anity and . the ^ C SI. es last^w eek were as in follows various oj Portland were week-end guests BOSTON BUTS the only student absent for more niy school: I. To obey all traffic e “ *?. at the Claude Lyda home. th an three davs. At the Junior high Ja w s and try to get others to do p“ ;,..,.“ 8 ir^ ifo d T V Gene Lewis lias been ill with ton- Dorothy Traughber has _______ been ab- the same. 2 To ta le no unecessary k ^ X a n l e i X - H lllX r o Ice silitls several days this week. _____ _ __ Both are boneleaa. fr,- a , week’ , .,1, Robert u - h a r , B D.,,».- t h - c chances h a n c e s o of f being bcim ? injured ln itire d or o r in- in - *>•“ e r k a s u ““ n n u is u o ^ r u k s t “r ie sent for utts of nf the ^ ‘r R 11 o a v g u S e ^ S o tH ^W Mr “ " d Mr Mlk'' Sheeler of 6A class has been absent for sever- Juring others 3. To try to influence ¿V“ *6 » « a Works E va„,,v VL„ t,,(1 Mr ,uld al weeks due to illness. Earl Olson others to follow in all ways the l ia trn n a^ league- Naimnal G . X E Mrs Vlcl° r I-,-wls Sun Elford from Witch Hazel and Don- Wednesday. January 9 On Friday T and n_ . pint must. o. Sugar cured. In bulk. aid M arlatt from Portland entered the Beaverton team, undefeated un- IU u President Roosevelt, the 4A class. Edith Spooner from [U then, was beaten by the Junior . McMinnville is new in th e 3A class, high team by a score of 15 to 10 ¿fit h lp yOU Pound Pin, and Ted M arlatt from Portland 1,1 a hard-fought battle. Much cred- 1118118 your »hopping plans. Just entered the 2A class. - £ 18 due the coach of the Junior The 2A class of th e P eter Boscow high team. Mr. W alter Henry, since FREE DELIVERY PHONE 3131 school is preparing to present a year s team, as a whole, con- «.♦- Bears" - . slsts the smallest boys ever to “Shadow Play y of the T hree — > have played on any Hillsboro team INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED or on any team in the county, and yet their fight and skill in playing FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street make them more than equal to any P h o n e 3251 team played this year. On Monday the teachers of the January 18, 19 and 21 grade schools and the school board Price* Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — January 18, 19 and Cl had a dinner party at the Blue SUGAR— Eagle cafe. The David Hill school was in charge of the arrangem ents io ib*. for the dinner. The Junior high I-ku presented the program, consisting of a short play. "The F atal Quest." Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials and a song. McFall Jersey Dairy A WANT-AD F IN D IT / CURRY’S GROCERY ■ J PALMOLIVE 14c WESSON OIL 43c FELS NAPTHA — . . 9c ~ EXTRA SPECIAL - RED Si W H ITE COFFEE Mt'CtS MaiT HolllC 1 Two Bowling Teams Enter Local Leagues 25C lb. pkg- Absences Decrease in Vjraat ocnoois i h i t i P O T ROAST a PICNICS or 9c a E D ’S M A R K E T Shoulder Roast 22c a. 12c a SHORTENING STEER BEEF 35C BACON 1 lC 18c a. MAYONNAISE 25C 18C SPECIALS PICGLY WIGGLY Capitol News Letter WHEATIES M. J. B. CÎFFEE 1-lb. tin 3-Ib. tin 31c 87c Jello, popular flavors. Pkg. OKz BAKER’S COCOA "A Reindeer Meat Product POST’S WHOLE BRAN 2 pkgs.................................. 23c 23c DURKEE’S SALAD AID Pint .............................. Quart 20c 32c ALBERS’ ROSEWARE OATS Pkg.............................................. 25c 23c Whole W heat at its delicious best. PEARS— No. 2 (4 tin SALMON— No. 1 tin PEAS—No. 2 I f o r ........... BU TTER WESSON OIL Quart tin 39c 22c 25c 29c 30c 20c 25c LEMONS Large size. Dozen UPTON TEA Black 1-lb. tin 23c POTATOES Good quality. 20-lb. bag 25c Vi-lb. tin Vi-lb. pkg. 75c 39c 20c J "f OU r,D,i.-PbB.. 2 5 c 19c STARCH— ( ‘orn or Gloss. P kg. /L Baking Powder Bulk. 2 Iba. FIG BARS— 2 Iba. Offx» Cocoa, Rockwood 2-Ib. can 4 Z* lOC TOMATOES— 2 cans 4 Ae/U a F a ir w a y SPINACH Free from grit. Large 2 ,z2 tin lie 32c M a rk e t STARCH, 2 pk.l5c LIGHT GLOBES E„h 10c 30 or 60-watt. Thompson Seedless. 4-lb. pkg. RAISINS SALMON G uaranteed spring catch FLOUR NAPTHA SOAP ASPARAGUS 25c 2 ‘,t 29c GOOD HARD WHEAT. 49-lb. bag $1.49 6 ‘it. 2 5 c (¡olden W reath. All green. Large No. 2 tin 15c DILLS— Bulk. Cream Oil Soap 4 bar* ................. COFFEE, Eolgers 1- lb. can 2- lb. can A 35c PR U N ES ‘T ia 17c T A P IO C A - Ï 15c Van Camp s Tomato S O U P c Can v, . . . ..................... 5c PEARL B A R L E Y ^ 1 5 c PO PC O R N Tïbs.or/ eIlow 1 7 c 23c 19c 17c 35c 98c OXYDOL. Large pkg. FIG BARS. 2 lbs. PABSTET CHEESE. 2 pkgs. OVALTINE. 50c size PEARLS of WHEAT. Pkg.......... H-D Tomato Juice. 3 cans ORANGES Sweet Large size. Per dozen Delîïlonte 53c one) political skids. Speculation about the capitol, however, has it th a t Thomas will walk the plank for a return to private life shortly after adjournm ent of the legislative ses­ sion. e • e Beatrice Walton Sackett. private secretary to Oovernor Meier, will continue in public life am a mem- 10c 1 2-lb. tin WHITE ROVER DOG FOOD. 3 cans SNOWDRIFT 3-lb. can 6-lb. can JELLO "There's no economy in cheap Coffee." RALSTON’S WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL Pkg. (Continued from 23c 2 pkgs. BACON STEAKS 4 Oa-* A VP Az Q-f OAAz 59c Save the stars from each can and get a large dripalator. Hubby says th a t I’m a sweet little duck and then com­ plains about the bills. But you’ll never com­ plain about the prices at Perfection Bakery as Phnoe <61 GELATINE— 10-oz. pkg. J J A fit Az K ellogg’s Whole Wheat Flake* 3 pkgs. ^vAz See our window for many other special priced items. Our m erchandise is fresh and of the highest quality Trade Here and SAVE 5% WILEY’S [NEW DEAL] We Deliver We charge the least for the best— alw ays! GROCERY Just Phone 1001 Corner 3rd y Main and Street* Sugar Sardines Pure, fine c a n -, VAN CAMP’S in Tomato or Mustard Sauce. 10a,. 100-Ib. sack 48c 2 oval tins $4.79 CALUMET PANCAKE FLOUR BAKING POWDER. In hulk. 32'' PURK VERMONT 9 CSWITTD * Half gallon 15c 2 lb. 2 5 c Fisher’s self-RlsIng. 10-lb. bag MAPLE 45c 49c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLE ORANGES— Large 150 size. Dozen LETTUCE— Large, solid heads. Each CABBAGE— Crisp ami solid. Lb. 18c 5c llz* lie Crackers Superior. Plain or salted. 2ib. box 2 5 c