Section / ito Millsb or - - - Tax Foreclosure Section Pages 1 to 4 W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent IIILI-SK O R O , OREGON, T H U R S D A Y . J A N U A R Y V O L U M E 11 troubled questions, shook the beau­ ty Unit wu» all about her Impatient­ ly from her colisclouaneas. a n d »trained with eagerness to reach lllnslMiro, raw and windswept, and ulcuk as it wa». But Uits wa» the year of the "Long Hesaluli," and Neal would not be ut liberty to go home curly in March. It wu» ac­ tually mid-July before adjourn­ ment came, at two o'clock one tor- mi morning when ugly feeling» had been unleashed bv fatigue a n d uglv word» »poken by lip» winch Were merely tlie mouthpieces for ov­ erwrought nerves Neal, who had been »leering u llllbu»ler, lost his temper that night and aaal unfor- givuule thing» to men who hud been his friends fur years. These unforgivable things were printed In (Omtlnuad fraro w—»| the Kecord, and circulated through "Yea, till» 1» Mr» Ounnul »peak­ the country. Were they unlorget- ing No. Senator Conrurl cannot | uble, too? enemies had been at work conic to Uic telephone Oil thank i all Neal's tile time he w u s chained to I ll s you. Mr. Uuker. I’ll lake the fig­ chair the senate. And now only ures ye». 1 have It right, I think August, III September October Conriul U U rty-tw o, P le c lh e r were left In which a to n d tear down seventeen.” whut they hud built Of course the Anne hung up the receiver anil children must do their shure. even went nwltUy from the llhrury to I though II was u tiny one. Anne tile »liailowy luill In the diiiuie»» make them see must never »he could barely gee Neal standing let them lorgel— how much that la-ar Ute door. Ilia while face share might mean to fluir father. And »lie must do her share, too »trained and lenar. Mr Baker ha» Just telephoned Mu»l shield Neal, spare him, save from Bakei field," rule »aid gently. I him But HOW? "The vote la thirty-two for you1 She went everywhere that »he wu» asked, even when »hr was faint and seventeen for Fledhcr." A liarali nound something like u with fatigue. Bhe picked up the »mothered growl orone from Neal's threads of her old association, with throat Ai, he luul foreseen, tlie > the church, her historical societies, campaign had been u bitterly hard her pupils, »he wore clothes that were spotlessly Ireali. delusively sim­ one. lie hud borne the brunt of It ple Bhe wus gracious, cordial, bravely, almoM. buoyantly, but on urmucrultc, dignified, tireless, dec- election night lie hud nuddenly orutive What did It all umount to? collap.Mil and. leaving Ills head­ How much Influence," after all, quarter», luul come home, refusing did a wile lutve in this frantic, to see anyone or even to »peak with powerful, hideous struggle of poli­ anyone but Anne. tics? Probably very little Perhaps If tlie telephone I usd been a colled none at all. Still. she had done hrr * rattlesnake ready to strike at him best, and II only Neal did not feel h e could not have munireated a h o t l u ll e d h i m . It would not greater horror ut the suggestion matter what anyone else thought. of touching It. So taking her place But how would he leel toward her beside It. Anne sat walUpg for tlie If he were not elected? She re­ tidings which sooner or later would membered the haid months after eome Tidings of victory, tidings his camuulgn for the lieutenant of defeat sh e had no way of guess­ governorship, when he hud been ing which they were to be She defeated. Was It going to be like only knew that »he must be there that again? . . . Would defeat In the long run be when they came Tlial until then she must comfort, clieer, cajole, such a calamity? Bhe saw herself living in Hlnsboro again. In the careaa— In the gathering dusk, her hands house »lie loved so much and Into clasped lightly In her lap. alie re­ the building of which her very soul viewed tlie months that had passeil had gone comfortable happy, un- worrled—no more calls to make, since tlial night of desperation, no "appearunces" Vo keep up. when, bruised and bleeding, the no more "admirers" to contend hail walked slowly along tlie Speed­ with, more time for her children, her way confetjung lierself beaten, vow­ music, her real friends. How much ing tlial since she had tried so »Unpir satisfaction how much real liard aial failed, »he would never JOy »lie was denied because »lie try any more, and then sudden­ could never “find tune" for these ly . miraculously f Hiding t h e thuigs Would she not be happier, strrngUi to vow that she had only no longer deprived of these homely Just begun to fight Turning from pleasures? tlie gray Potomac, she hail walked And yet. even as she asked her­ beside tlie «till pool in which the self the question, she knew that columns of the Lincoln memorial »lie would miss the Insidious charm, lay reflected In the ghastly light. the lascuiaUng e. cltement ol pol­ There wa* peace ttiere -peace not itical life as much as Neal Blie to be found In the rushing river. could bear that philosophically, but She sat down on the bank and because of her own feeling, she clasped her hands over ht?r eyes. could gauge his He must, he must Slowly, surely her sanity seemed go on Bhe slipped to her knees With to return her Ijalance to be re­ stored Go back to Hlnsboro. hum­ the suine simplicity with the same ardor, that stir had prayed on her bled and humiliated, with Neal'» wedding night, she prayed again career Involved! Never, never, nev­ now For Neal lor Neal lor Neal er! Confess that a filthy perlodicu on her knees she reached liad tlie power to challenge her for Still tlie telephone, good name? Hrr dead liaby seemed "Heudauarter» calling again. Mrs to rise from his grave forbidding Conrad We've heard from the last her. She shook the tear» from her five ward» in Belford -("Oh. G o d - eyes, threw buck her head, and let him win- let him win!"—you walked toward home . . . . must get your husband to the tele­ "State Headquarters? Yes. Mrs phone. ' Oonrad »peaking for Senator Con­ Bhe spoke to him. Her voice rad two wards In Belford have sounded strange and distant, like 'one to Fletcher by a large major- that of a foreign woman calling ly. Thank you. Yes." from some far shore. Out In the hall again. Neal "You will have io answer, Neal seized her arm anil »poke before tills time " i "oh God let linn win she could do so. ”1 heard you The —let him win ") Bhe pressed the receiver Into first two wards tliey liave heard from I If I lose Belford I am lo st" Neal s hand, threw her arm uroimd him From tlie wire she could hear "You haven’t lost it! w iiut do two wards amount to In a city? the crackle of laughter—the tumult of triumph, and staccato sharp the Nothing nothing at all . , . '• words that were beulg spoken: Back io the telephone. "You old crepe hunger y o u ! ’’Ye» Mrs Conrad speak'ng. Oh. What the h—Is the matter wllli the report from Liu- Third ward you? two hundred eighty-six to ninety- margaln You have the handsomest five In favor of my husband? Yes "What do you call a 'handsome —I will tell him - Neal, did you margaln ?" Neal shouted through hear that? You have earned the tlie receiver, clutching at Anne's Third ward In Belford almost shoulder. three to one " "Well, If fifty thousand doesn't "Well, until I hear from the north look handsome to you Come on of the state, Uial won t reassure me down here, you old son of a gun. and celebrate. . , I | |" much . . . ” (Coollnusd N u t W a t ) ■ Headquarters calling Flgurrs from Chaaelford. Bummeidalr Mrd- S h e rw o o d Loses fleld—Just about a wash-out Mrs. Sherwood town team, member of Conrad Would you care for the Portland inter-city league, last sev­ exact figures?" eral games last week at Sherwood “Oh. no thank you." Tills time Neal was standing In a close and exciting game with above her. h I a weight lieavlly I’acker Scott of Portland Sherwood was nosed out 2d to 3« after two against her weary shoulder overtime periods were played West "Bad new» again! I knew It I” Linn took the measure of the local "You're holding your own." "Holding my own! Good G- d. team January 7. 48 to 17 on the Sherwood floor. I've got to do more than that!” "You will. darling, you will. Would Buborrlbe now to the Argus. In you not like a cup of cocoa or Oregon »150 a year Six months something?" 85 cents Three montila 50 cents. "No— No—don't leave that tcle- tf plione. It may ring again at any Two months 35 cents. moment-" But It didn't. The silence, like the darkness, g r e w oppressivelyI heavy- Dora came In and suggested! that It was past dinner time. Anne i shook her head and Dora went o u t1 again. Hoy Griffin, who knew so many j lawyers; George Hildreth, who was state master of the Grange; Mr I Goldrnburg, whose one small shop had grown Into a great chain wltn links all over the state; Low, who had appointed Neal to the senate, and who had political wires run­ ning In every direction from his gu­ bernatorial seat; would they all do their share? And, If they did. would It eounterbalunce Stetson's .strength with the labor vote, where Neal had no strength? The Wallaretown Bugle and the other weeklies—a great many of them -If they were all friendly to Neal, would that make up for those two big papers of Fletcher's, which were hurling denunciatory editorials a t Neal's head? . . . Spring came, glad and golden, magnolia-scented, to Washington, and Anne, asking herself t h e s e f rgus Modern RADIO Service We are equipped to give you the modern kind of Radio serv­ ice you should demand In 1935. Your Radio Is a fine in­ strument. Why not give It the kind of service It deserves? Call u» with confidence Douglass Radio Service Selfridge Bros. Phone I1X ! FHILCO DEALERS • 5 NO. 4K t r a il- J J. B. M a ith — ; M I>>oley ; Miaa Addle Dornbusch ; Chris­ won from Purkrose 20 to 13 and C -n r -e M -t t la ; Dayton C. M a y « ; G e rtru d - tie D o w n e r, A braham D ra k e ; L . C. from 'I'ualatln 26 to 25. The second M ay«. Jno. MeC—a n ; team won from Forkrosc 27 to 20 In tk» C ir m lt ( • • r t nf lb * H U U •< D rasa l e r ; Evelyn W . b re w e ry . E'hel I. Robert M M eClure ; H a rr y Helm er WclX—i- Ifr y ^ r . H A. D r y e r ; Blanche L a Veils and from Tualatin 28 U> 8 Tigard n e ll; S tella McConnell IH e lr e l . W m . John Orecwn for Wa«Mmrt«m C w n l r . M cCorm ack. T h -r-e a M cCorm ick ; M a ry T. will open tlie county season next W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y , a M u a k ip a i U n if y ; E m ilia P. D u k s . J. H . Ir a R B ro o k *. O tto Br ments in tlie district under the Announcement of Uie coming BERA H. Johnson . Grace B rot ten ; A lice Brow n ; A lva Brow s . Am y Ju lia M. G ra y . Robert G ray ; Edna M ildred Johnson; George relief programs. marriage of Miss Esther Strom, L Br. wn . C. L . Brow n ; D. R- Brow n . G ra x e r ; Guy R. G ra x e r , F .C Green ; Johnson ; Gust H- Johnson ; James R. John­ Tlirougli the efforts of a number Eber son ; John A. Johnson ; John O. John­ B ro w n ; E lla J . B r o w n ; Fred L. R- B G reenwood; Phebe A . G r if f it h . R daughter ot Mrs. Edith Btrom 01 Tigard, to James C. Henderson of of local business men headed by Brown , G rant B r o w n ; M a rg a re t I. W G r if fith Cora Lee G u e r r ie r ; J. P son ; Roeander L . Johnson . Roy Jo h assa; i A lva C. G u lley; Cora M. W m . E. Johnson; A n n a E liza Jones, J. | . A rlene B ro w n le e , E a rl C. C u rrie r . Portland, was made through invi­ C. A. Donnally, the sidings along Brown J o y ; A lfre d Jungen; Bn?wnlee. Charles B runson. J a*. B ry- G u lle y . J. C. G u yer; J W . G u y e r; John I C. Jones; J. M tations to the wedding to be held the highway through Tigard have den . John C. B u ch an a n ; L o tta H . Bu­ W . G u y e r . M arg u e rite J. G u y e r ; D elbert G ertrude D. J u r ik in ; Lloyd O. J u n k in ; been coated with fine gravel by at the Tigard Evangelical church O. Haags W B. H a ines; John H alden ; K a th e rin e Kahley ; A lice Foley K a n e; chanan M y rtle MacLeod Buchanan ; M y rtle Kane; Edna Shearm an K a ts ; January 23. R ev. Paul C. Brown o! the state highway commission Re­ A rchie L . Buchtel; Fred G. B u chtel; J. H. H aley L an d Co. K ay; Ralph Kay; Levi E. Loa Angeles will read thf ceremony pair of the sidings in the business Buckley; Fred B u c h n e r; M a ry Buchner; D. H W H a llo c k . Maude H a llo c k ; L au ra Jessie district had been neglected for so K e ck; W m . N . K e ele r; Jasper W D B u m p ; E d ith Burbank ; O. M . B a r- Acquaintance of the two young M H am b lin ; John H a m m e l; Hamm ond K e ffer. Jeeeie G. Kelley . Andrew Kelly . : people was made llirough work in long that there were large holes h a n k . Byron 8. B u rle y ; H e n ry A . B u r­ Lum ber Co. ; B. E. H aney aa guardian Charles K e lly . E d ith L. Kelly L ilh a n y . Archie Eugene B u rn e ; Agnes B ur- the stale Christian Endeavor when four to six Inches deep along the le rough *. J M B u rro o g h *; H B B u rto n ; of Gerald P ie r t e r ; E. A. H a n k e n * ; L il­ K e lly ; L yd ia K e lly ; W a rre n M . K e lly , Mr Henderson wus stale president pavement. D ire c to r» N a m e d Mae L . B u rto n . W illi lam H Busby; E a rl lian G. H a n n a ; R. E. H a n n a ; A n n a H j V io la E Kemp ; W . H . Kerbs et a l . Addie and Miss Strom was slate publicity axw ell Bu*h L . M . B u x to n ; Lucian H annan ; M ae H a n n a n ; R alph H a n n a n ; E. K e rn s; Thoe. M K e r r . F ra n k Kerteon ; Annual stockholders meeting First M W a lte r H a n n a n ; Hansen C ontracting Co., Edna K ilb y ; W m C. K ilb y ; 1. H K il- ipei superintendent Buxit . Andrew Byera. Bank of Tigurd was held Thursday Ethel Beal C a lh o u n ; David C a m p b e ll; Inc. ; K a tie Han»en . Peter Hansen . Jno. gore; Claudia B K im m e l: M. J. K in n e y ; i Miss Ann luislch. gradual«* ol H H a rm * Eat. ; F ra n k C. H arn ack . K ate A . L . K in to o ; D o ra Kin to o ; H aro ld L. afternoon with directors elected as John Campbell E a t .. 8. D. C a m p b e ll; Tigard high school, class of 1834. C a n n in g ; W illia m C a n n in g . 1 H arn ack . Brydon W . Harkness ; Lizzie K ir k p a t r ic k ; E lm e r D. K is a e ll; Floyd B lias been given an opportunity to follows: C. F. Tigard, Fritz Eisner. Florence B. R. H a r r in g to n ; F ra n k K issell: B. A. K lic k s ; B Jk. KUks C arl Y O U ’L L never catch h e r ha C a rl; M y ra E C a rlU e ; R. A. C. H a rp e r; go to Los Angelrs and be an assis­ H. W McDonald. A. H Vincent. C. C M a ar* Anna K lin k e r : T. K B n k e r; t 1 standing still . . . she's tiile ; E tta C a rm a n . Roy C a rm a n ; J. H a rris o n ; W'm. H a rris o n ; B. T . H a r t ; K lia g a c h ; tant art designer for a large Los Christensen and W. M Evans. M a ry H a r t . Fred H a rv ey ; L illia n H a rv ey ; Jessie J. K n udson; H ra e in th n Koiodaie- M Carpenter always on the go. And while N o ra L . H a r v e y ; W a lte r R. H a s k in s ; \ j n y k ; Rosalie Kolodxieioxyk. Officers Installed Angeles firm. Miss Lualcti Is the H a rry J. C a rru th e r* ; Lou iee C a r r a t here . she's going — »he's growing. Joint installation of officers of Erm a C. C a rs o n ; James B Caroen ; Eliza Roy H a stin g s ; James H. Haynes; R. O. daughter ol Mr and Mrs. John Julius K oppiin E s t.; A ndy Koet u r ; K a th ­ H aynes; C H. Hays ; Chas. H. H a y s . leen K o s tu r; A lth a E. K r a l; Robart E. I She needs her appetite! S ta rt Lasich of Tigurd Bhe is now study­ Charity lodge, I. O. O. F.. and J C a rte r; A nna R Caee; B ert C aae. Jesse Hays ; Lyd a V . H a y s ; M azie , K r a l; Susan K r a tz ; E O K ro o k ; Hulda ing hi Portland under Judge Toni- Tlgardvllle Rebekah with officers of M arth a G. Case M in n ie V . Caae; P e U r H a y s . E. her o ff rig ht each morning M m J. V H a y s . Catherine Heber- K ro o k ; P a u lin e E. K rueger ; Louis llson und Judge Hendrickson and Is Lincoln lodge and Ruby Rebekah B. C aae; A lice R C a a w e ll; H o w ard E. Cas­ le in ; John H e d lu n d ; Rakel H e d lu n d ; 1 C. w ith a glass of F IR G R O V E Kuhn ; Samuel K u n a ; Elsie M K u r a t li; ' well M in n ie M C e U ; R o m C ave; H a rry an A student. was held at the Tigard I. O O. F T (h a lla ro m b e ; W a lte r D. Chai lac o m b e; E u re tta Helms ; O. V Helms ; R. M. H e n ­ . J B. L a b e r ; Cora L a B o rn e . G. W La M IL K . I t gives It th a t flavor derson ; Geo. F Henm ers Est. ; Rebert hall Thursday evening before a Plan Fla? B o rn e; W m . R. L acey; N e llie L a Chap- Cecil C h andler; B uth O rpba C h andler; of extra richness and extra High school public speaking club crowd of 175 persons Installing of­ C herry Grove I«and Co. ; Ethel J. Cher- H e r r ; C h ari«. H eas; H ild a Hess; Roy pel 1<; C R. L a F o lle tt; Eldin W . L a m b ; ) freshness. Discover these ex­ H easeltine; D e lla Hewsong ; H. M . H e w e tt: Ernest L a n d g ra ff; F. W. Lange; will present a play "The Mysterious ficers were J B Beckham, grand v e n k a ; F ra n k A- Cbervenka . A . C. Georgia R H ic k b e r t; Mrs. C lara R. E. A. La r ran ce ; A. O. Laus m a a ; E tras for yourself. r Chang." in March to, master; Mamie Erickson president; C h ia n . Mabel C h in n ; Mabel M. C h in n ; H e ltx e l; Floyd Case of * ~ Dr. H in e s ; Frances H ines; J. L a w ren i M in n ie L a w r e a x ; Joseph D I raise funds for the puge In tlie an- A and Ellen Zwelner, grand mar­ T. C. C h in n ; A nna Christensen ; Fred M atthew H in e s ; J. P Hoben Sylvia P Lebo; A n n * M. L ed w id g e. A n n a J. L ee ; I ; Hana Chriatenaen ; H a n * P. I nual. The cast include» Helen shals; E D Hite and Cora Mct- Chriatenaen C h ristensen. L a u ra C. C h riatenae n; C lark Hoben ; C hrist Hoch ; L a D eesa G. Hocken ; Leon L . L e e . Forest H a rt L e h n e r; Jacob Order Today! Behmeltzer. Kenneth Korher, Mar­ zentlne. grand wardens; F e r d R C h ris tie ; M a ry E. C h ris tie : C itixen* Robt. J. H o c k e n ; Jams« M . H o ckin g ; L e n tx ; N o ra B. L e n ts ; 8. W . L e o n a rd ; I garet Olson. Donald Hite. Eunice Stelnhoff and Elizabeth Vincent, N a tl Bank of P o rtla n d ; C ity of Forest H e nry H. Hocking ; M alin d a A . H ocking . Jacob Lesser. P h ilip Leaser. Jr. ; Gordon A lb ert H o d ie r ; Ida E. H o ffa rb e r; R u­ Gault, Jack Blankenship. Katil­ grand secretaries, and Les Erieksen G rove; C ity of Hillsbo ro ; Claud V. dolph H o ff a r b e r . J N H o ffm an Est. ; H L e s te r ; Fred L i l l y ; M arion L i l l y ; leen Hamshy, Thomas Flshburn. and Rosa Tigard, grand treasurers. C la r k . John W C la r k ; Sarah C la rk ; M in n a H o ffm a n . N e ttie H o ffm a n ; M a r ­ A lm a L in d b e rg ; M a rie L ia n e . A nton L itx e r ; M ax Loeb; M a rg a re t J . L e n g ;! ent ; Caroline E. C le m e n t; Evelyn Blierk and Howard Beck­ Charity Installed: George Hosking. A rth I-. u r d B e m Clem o n *. Wm Clem ons; G. A. garet J H o llo w ay; Chas. B. H o lt; Anna Faye L o r d ; F ra n z L o re n z ; A . A. L o a li; I ham. noble grand; Peter Olson vice J. F ran k D. L o w e ; j Cobb; M ary M C o b b ; Cochran Southern S Hood; John F. Hood; C a rro l H H o r­ K a th e rin e L o u g h re y ; Bank Has Good Year rrand; Hans Oaarde. secretary: A. Log. R. R. C o .; Bennie B. C o ffm an ; Ruby en b e rg e r; Pearl Horen berg e r ; W a lte r R. G uy E. L o x le y ; Joe L u c ie r : C lara E. i Bank ot Tigard closed a good zwelr weiner, treafiurer; E Perkins, G. C o ffm an M y rtle Cole; W . L . Col«; Hoskins . A. M H o w e ll; John H H o w e ll; L u n d b u rg ; L . V . L u n d b u rg . Chats. F ! a ry A. H o w e ll. Susan H o w e ll; G. K. L u tz ; A lice M . Lyon year December 31, according to W warden; George Anderson, conduc­ M ary A. Coleman ; R B Coleman ; Sam ­ M DAIRY Eva K H u b b ard ; H arvey B W m . O. M acK inno n ; Libbie M M a ile r ; . M Evans, cashier. Deposits climbed tor; Kenneth Denney. I. O.; Robert antha W .C o le m a n ; J. F. Coligan . M r*. H H o u w f f itt; ; Ed. J. H u ff o r d ; J. C. H u n g e rfo rd . A lfre d M a lm ; T . F. M alo ney; Helen D Em m a Fulton C o lle t t . F ra n k H. C o llin * ; about »45.000 during the 12 mouths Cole. O O ; E D Hite. R. 8 N Phone 4RX1 ercial N a tl. Bank of H ills b o ro . Bert C. H u n tin g to n ; EJla T . H y d e ; A lbert M a n le y ; C lara M a rk * . Stanley G. k i r ­ to a total of (2394)24.22. Willie loans O.; Ray Christensen. L 8 N. O.; Comm Com m onwealth T rust A T itle Co. (C orp.) ; I lle ; Robert llle ; Investm ent Co. (Corp, i n u n ; John B. M a th e w *; E A M a tth e w * ; , were a trifle lower Hum last year s. ! B Wick. R 8. 8.; Jake Baurer. Comte Irv in g Investm ent C o .; M M Is r a e l; Elsie M a tth e w *; Esther M a tth e w *; Ger- A Kuhlm an Co. ; C»f NANONAI 6ANK WUT OF TNf »OCKIW“ Women’s Felt Hats H ills b o r o , O regon E N N E Y ZS