The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1935, Image 1

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    willsb or
Two Sections —
Main New« Suction an
'fax Force loHure
W i t h W h ic h is <' «
County Men
Get Benefits
Ag Program
reader* a quality newspaper with the maximum of service
Non-aubacrlbers arc asked to read this copy carefully and
note the reader-interest feature», th e complete coverage of
county and city new», the community correspondence and the
advertisement* Subscription price* are »1.50 a year In the
county. 85 cents for six m onths and 50 cents for three month*.
F ed eral P roduction Control
Plan* B ring $ 6 3 ,7 9 9 to
A1.LM It coat the taxpuyer» oi
Farm er* Thi* A rea
Oregon »311.17 lor eucll of the
Press lime of the Argu* ha* been set ahead from T hursday
uflernoon to Wednesday night with the result th a t all sub­
scriber* In W ashington county receive th eir papers on T h u rs­
day morning. In some eases this Is 24 hours earlier than the
old schedule and provides greater opportunities to profit from
clussllled and display advertisement*.
State Capitol
N ew s L etter
O regon’« Legi Jative
Coat Ranka Low
in Comparinoli
><-• ) th e I l i l l . horo In d e p e n d e n t
Erratic Weather
Conditions Hold
Forth This Week
A Mention, Non-Subscribers!
P U B L IS H E R S of the Argu* have now added earlier di liver}
to subscribers In their effort* to give the large famllj ol
408 bill* passed by the regular sea-
A rapid glance through the pages of th is Issue will a ttra c t
hlon of the state legislature In 1933,'
the attention Of the reader to the S tate Capitol New* Letter
according to a survey ol legislative
with highlights of official activity hi Salem, agricultural new*
cost* covering all state* Just made
by the county agent and 4-H club new* from surrounding
by the law school ol Duke univer- ’
communities, to comic*, cartoons, world news pictures and
hity ut Durham, N. O.
fashions. T h irty correspondents In various communities of the
The total cost ol the Oregon N ew C ontract* P en d in g for
county provide the news of neighbors and friends of readers,
legislature at Its regular sc.ulon two
while un office staff carefully and thoroughly report official
Hog and W h eat G row ers
year* ago is placed at »luu.iillll 93
utid unofficial news In Hillsboro and the county.
Only seven ol the 48 states In the
Advertising message* oi scores or local business houses also
union spent less on their legisla­
illy Wn». F. ly r u s . toiu n ty A treni I
uppear regularly Careful study and use of these advertise­
tive mills. These were Tennessee,
W ashington county fanners huve
m ents will pay the subscription cost many times over each
A rizo n a. W yom ing. Id a h o , Nevada, received »83,799 50 to date under
year. Scores of small advertisements uppear on the classified
New Mexico and Utah .......
in the
urdri agricultural adjustm ent udniini.lru-
which are of Interest to hundreds of farm families and
n a m e d . U tu li pul up only »40.365.o9 llo„ piududi,,,, control contracts
bring buyer* and sellers together.
lo r its 19.13 si anoli Oti the o th ei
o„ wheat allotm ent* rep-
b....-4 ><,.(■>>
uliin aller
i Inr si
Maine, s ts
u mill'll
much sm
re.M-ul «45.312.50 of this tolul.
After reading this Issue you will be convinced th a t you
than Oregou, spent «300,144.92 oi
Second paym ent hog checks arc
cannot keep informed on local affairs w ithout the Hillsboro
just twice us much.
arriving from Washington, D. O.
Argus. Subscribe today!
Oregon* comparatively small leg- At the time this Is being w ritten,
Lslallve expenditure Is due uhiio.,1 check* for ubout three-fourths of
entirely to tire low sulary paid Ito the contract signer* have arrived,
lawmaker», thl* state footing the Till* check represent* a paym ent
list In lluil
respect. Oregon paid of *1 per head on the approved
it* lawmakers a total of *10,oou for quotu» and the payment* will total
their service* In the 1933 regulur upproxliuately «8000. o n e additional
session Utah, with a m uch sm all- payment on t h e 1034 contract*
er total cost for the operation of Its will come, probably, sometime dur-
leglslullve mill, paid out «10.020, or lug March, although It muy be
nearly twice * . m uch In salarn ,. later Tin* last paym ent will am ount c t U A P l » n ,
R e s is t r a tio n
Hilhi hoopsters will
open t h e
Kansas, the only othei ..taie w ith n, »_• pei head, li ■ the local coats.
W ashington c o u n t y basketball
u «2 per day puy » h ed u le ullow.-,
W h eat T otal H igh
for A ll W ork A p p lica n ts
schedule Friday night against the
a maximum ol *150 tor the session
W heat contract signers have rc-
t e r q u in te t« * Uw Tigard high
t o i Oregon
I S ° e » a i h legislator*
Im “ A g are
to a lim
r T it-
^ ’- celled
crop, a. two
i Z . t payment»
m g ’lo a l on
« c , t the
m n 1033
Comp.eU- re -re g n of the school court. The Blue and WhTte
S3 £
" "
‘P P ™
™ w u c a n u for re-
s e t, have been plagued with In-
each hou«- receiving an additional allotm ent, and a paym ent of 30 „ef work In W ashington county was u ^ p 'r e seu^in games ^ u t shewed
*2 per day. W ashington's legisla- cents a bushel on their allotment.'
to r. are paid a t U.e rate of «5 per for the 1934 crop. One additional -'‘»-’ted this week by the local SERA ( OIUlderabIc improvement Tuesday
day » . also are Idaho* while Call- puyment Is due on the 1934 crop office. Additional Information re- I night against the strong McMlnn-
fornia pay* a t the rate of »100 pei which will not be made until next gardlng applicants Is required u n -j vide squad,
m outh straight, seiislon or no *cs- summer.
der the new public works p ro g ra m ,,, r n ® .
‘ ‘gvr q u in tet is be-
»“ «•
C o n tract. are still In existence and and th(. „-re g istra tio n work 1* to ‘^ b m T ^ l i d team s ^ J e i w a ^
While this State has I h c , some-
’t‘‘t f t h . ^ e f T S T v m e n i * C° '" P““ 'd by F“br' T
o h
Uiorn m the »toe
wlial penunuuft in iU treatm en t oi
am ount or Un oeneilt paym ent
Applicant« are to be cia&filited ac- .. Li
locals T iaard features a
the legislate».» tl.em.Mlve» th e law-
,’“ t J *
’ " J X COn“ ng
~ 1 uPaUon „unUer lh ‘‘ driving attack and. H Hilnl can
maker* have b»-«-n r*llirr exlrava- 1 1,11 >'i Junt or July Word from ncw *rl-up. As a result, a work
,» i,,...,« ,h e
in -
gaut In the m atter ol lured help, the agricultural adjustm ent ad - history ol (lie applicant since 1915 ,
uam e is on i
f o r F ri­
ll* at least 13 states senate cm- m inistration Indicate* th a t there ,* being obtained by the five enum - . . .
ployes received less Uiun did those wl11
“ new w heat contract of- erator.s now workmg In the field.
i , Mal, a ro n n e ri tw o ea m e x d u e .
in this stale in spite ol the lacl l,qed to^ Ja rin c rs ^ before the end u n d er the old plan, those seeking
t week lq MeM.nnvjf.e
th a t the Oregon legislature put the
'j*3'1 »eiumn.
work were classified ui accordance
’^'s'.u^tV iV ’l-cond
17 or more slates the house cm- Uh» will be a contract covering the to „ m ,,,,.
“ le ¿ ,ri>t " J ® f
n to « n,
*{“ * •
C lerks in th e local SERA the Ilrst gam e a t M cM innville Iasi
pic. ■ye n is i w as below t h a t o l O r .- I™ lu‘ t'<>n “J * ‘,cat
ii Innuued
I iifiiu ir<< 1 In
till« group
«mint« <ii
«’ U
u.,, . . . : . Wvdxicsduy.
11 this
of •’ver. ill’
is » BOOlC
some I reason
to tllitlX
thing urc
bling ........................
luioniialion obUuti*
were aule to
7 » pull
lower employe cost stales are Col
r to within tnree points of uie
aders several 0#>i-s durtng the
P aym ents Still
D ue
Unemployment Hilhi Hoopsters
to Open Season
Survey Starts
on Tigard Court
*0 w. ll paid a» illusi* of other stales, contract
NO. 48
Solons Open
on Monday
New Governor
Old Jupe Pluviu* has been ex­
tremely erratic In handing o u t
weather conditions to Washington
county during the past week, m ix­
ing freezing tem peratures, snow,
rain, sunshine and east winds In
uls efforts for variety. Minimum
tem perature during the week was A itk en , Ross and H ughe*
2« degrees Thursday and the m ax­
imum was 43 degrees on Saturday,
R epresent C ounty in
according to A. W. Moore of the
S tate A ssem b ly
United States biological survey.
Snow and rain tiave taller, almost
every day during the week, chang-
A loha
CoUlltV M ail V ictim
p A ccidental
S h n otinu
Utai JllOOting
states except Alabama where res
every lour years.
An enthusiastic audience heard «•«•Cham'S crossing Thursday eve-
in ¡<1 "iiiv once (he
del..... Sunday
afternoon In •>"»: ««d fatally «rounded himself
E xtends
fall occurred on Monday morning
sident* aw oke to lu m
the ground blanketed with a thin C om m ittee A ssignm ent* in
C redit M anager W ill Speak
coating of white. Snow continued
H ouse Bring Protest
at M onday Luncheon
to tall during the morning, accom­
panied by a bitter cold east wind,
but changed to rain In the a fter­
(B y A. I.. Ll*db«ekl
Co-operation of the chamber of
SALEM—While W ashington coun-
commerce with the city council and
Snow also appeared Tuesday and ty's legislative delegation did not
American Legion in eiforts to have
Wednesday m ornings but again ris- draw any of tne- oig committee
H Martin, who became the airport near Hillsboro taken
tng tem peratures translorm ed the chairm anships they fared as well Charles
over by the federal governm ent for
governor of Oregon Monday.
flakes Into rain at mid-day. The as did the legislators lrom most ol
an army air base was voted at
first real snowlall for almost two the counties in the distribution ol
the dinner meeting Monday night.
years took place last Thursday a ft- committee assignments.
Orange Phelps, C. T. Richardson
err.oon but melted rapidly as did
Senator George M. Aitken of
and W. G. Ide were nam ed to
later precipitations.
. G arden Home will have his hands
work with committees from the proved the paradox of th t full as tliairm an of both the corn-
week. bkie.> were t.e a r of clouds niittee on counties and the com-
T h at the governm ent was con­
and the sun shone almost all day. m ittee on printing, and vice chair-
sidering the location of an adequate
However, the air was cold and m
m a il
u a c
C U I I U I I I lL C e
U ll
lU U U p -
n o n .
D n r tla n d
r w Y in ts w l
to which
‘‘ d
' ula.
crisp .
_ tries,
_ _ _ in
_ _ addition
__ he _ is _ a C ounly Sales Since A u g u it ? * “ . nei r ?
out by P. L. Patterson, who said
AU county roads have remained member of the committee on m uu-
SERA funds in excess of «10,000
A m ount to 3 9 8 0 Tons
open although snow lias been fairly lcipa! affairs and unemployment
had been spent on the local a ir­
deep In the northern p art of the relief.
port. He declared th a t it would en-
county, according to Couunlssionei
A p p o in tm en ts M ade
Toto.l of 3980 tons of hay have lajj the expenditure of from »500.-
H. D. Kerkman. Two feet of snow
Iias been reported
at Bacona 20
1,1 the house. Representative J.
shipped f r o m Washington uoo to »1,000,000 by the government
inches a t Cochran and about four
w Hughes of Forest Grove drew county to middlewestem points since and th a t selection is said to lay
inches at Scofield
the chairm anship of the committee August, resulting in the distrlbu- between G resham and Hillsboro,
Danger that the east wind Mon- on livestock and the vice chairm an- tlon of more than »40 000 to coun- Patterson reported th a t the coun­
day m.ght damage wheat plantings,
X r t - U « d " Durmg M onte a . well as membership on the oom- Schtotz of Forest Grove ’ ho was day afternoon and appointed
afternoon th e tem perature rose be-
On agriculture and the oom- ^ t e d j v « ? * « « * L *
* art a n d
X ‘d ^ e X o m X
“ X H e p _____
r e s on taxation and revenue, rtlf negotiations. Shipm ents com- o ffer the fie ld here free of c.
since R epresentative E. L. Ross of Hills- prised 199 carloads.
m e work oi l . j . Merrill in secur-
boro is vice chairm an of the com-
Purchases have been very well mg government aid on the local
th at time.
mittee on insurance and a member distributed over the entire county, field was praised by Patterson,
of the all-im portant committee on
saiti- Shipm ents have tFen made
Action Needed
highways and highway revenue. He iron? near'y every railroad siding
n esir a b ilitv o f thut lo ca tio n for
will a ls o
serve on the committee ln the county with the bulk of the
Desirability of th is location lor
Win also
s rv e o n tn e c o m m iu e e
eomin«? fro m th p e a s t such a base was stressed by a num -
on food and dairy products and the shipm ents coming irom tne east
soeakers who also cited the
c o m m itte e o n fo re s trv
“ d north parts of the county.
“ r of speakers, wno a ls o c u e a tn e
When shipments started, growers im portance of intensive action by
A small revolt developed in tne recelved $10.50 per ton for hay on loca‘ PeoPle and of w hat location
House Tuesday when the committee board the car with the dealer get-
would m ean to the commu-
assignments, already a day late, tlng 50 cents a ton
S p e c i a l tuty- T hat w eather conditions here
R eplacem ent o f Old School were made public. When it was drouth freight rate a t th a t time were most favorable from an avia-
found th a t M ultnom ah c o u n t y was s6
ton . This rate was dis- Uon standpoint was brought out
B uilding Investigated
members headed nine of the m o „ continued September 4 and the reg- wnen 111 attem pt was made several
im portant committees, some of them ular‘
not reduced again until >ears *8° 10 interest the navy in
^ome --------
tim e -------
later when
schedule . a dirigible base here, it was de-
Possibility of being able to secure heading up two big
.. committees,
------ --- a --------------,
a tederal grant of not less than 30 * herea» many of the representa- of j 10.66 per ton became effective, d ared .
pe, cent and with a low interest l ives dld ,not , ' ven dn‘* a Vlce
W ith freight »2A0 a ton higher
Iniorm ation gained Tuesday was
rate for the balance has resulted in chairm anship, the outside m em - tf,an on
shipments, the mid- 10 tiie effect th a t the government
“ > unofficial investigation ol op- ^ L J ataTd a P r i e s t th a t sent the dk.westem purchaser insisted on
such circum stance, requires
„ n in e s for rp n h r r,,. th . r>*Xi Speaker into an immediate hudd.v , iower nrice here As a conse- th a t the siw be donated,
hool ,; j h o
„ „ „ .a n r,. with the M ultnom ah county k u ig - o u e n c e . l a t l r ih iD m en ts h a v e b e e m Invitation to Hillsboro Hurt— «
lamiiies to attend
Hillsboro night a t
was presented by
AT. F. Norman,
set as the time
M eKinaey, Jam es
Drouth Areas
Buy Local H ay X* gX»
Officials See
O p p ortu n ity
llouse uho * ere cnurely ignored in s e i f ' t h e growing
u ^ a y ^ in ^ se th c u c en
''^ s t a c wining
k 1 for CJ * ere n a n n i to co-operate the
lhe qisinoution oi im portant com- a n j
u e cannot o n e c t to Afoh* grangers,
ittee chairm anships
’ for
’ our clover and
'* ------*
- . . . ^ are
. . v also ch
much more
ayor J. "* H. G arrett pointed out
fln« under the lash but saying lit- vetch hay as long as alfalfa lasts the interest th a t members of the
tk. apparently being content W a t ‘the price mentioned
(C ontinued on pa«« 10» column l j
blue their time pending the ‘ expío-
A pparent authentic information
slon" which is freely predicted be- fron, the mlddlewest indicates th a t
fore the session is many days o ld u hay is being sold to farm ers in the
and which is expected to blow the drouth states a t prices of from $20
democratic majority
'5 t per
x r to
n w which
h ich would seem
majority wide
wide open.
to s »25
W ashington county figured ra th - to establish the fact th a t there is
er prom inently in the senate or- no undue profit-taking anywhere
gamzation when Senator Aitken per- along the line, reports C y r u s .
All milk war litigation between
m uted his nam e to be put up as Schultz estim ates th a t there are a p ­
a candidate for the presidency ln proximately 100 carloads of surplus th e Dairy Co-operative association
and various milk distributors and
° PPOS1U° n tO “ 5 C° rDe“ ’ Wh° hay remaining in the county.
dairymen has now been settled
was generally conceded to have the
W ith some more wintry weather. ThR “ fact w L "repeated this week
honor "in the bag." Aitken was this am ount of hay will be im-
fUed a mdgmwa.
(Continued un *Mig. in,cuiumn ii
m aterial and probably need not of voluntary non-suit here in re -
a? i r , any : orry' Cv^
b X X
^ » S y ’E
J ,unv.e. ‘i a.PPear5d ? at Portland. O ther federal and state
the county might have a burden-
_ x. . . . . . . i court cases have also been settled,
A •
i a,nh
ad 1 'iccording to W. G. Hare, co-oper-
been Possible for all of the regions ktiVf* a »tompv
<?» »»*« been
Numerous leial controversies arose
growers h?re could* pretatoy K
fr° “
w ar"
After a successful season In 1934. obtained a price giving them a lit- out’s ta 'ld ln S i a m ong th e se were two
the Long Alr Service at Cornelias lle better return he said
ille^ J at€ ‘J 1 1933 by the two
factions. These have all been set­
« Preparing to enlarge its facilities
' be M d
for 1935, according to Leslie Long -r-
tled, H are stated. The Brandes
creamery made a substantial set­
Another ship, seating three people 1 U r k e V V jrO W erS
tlement with the co-op prior to the
has been purchased, m aking a total
„ .‘ ‘ i
”? .ad,
of four ships a t the field.
U' M McDougall of Hillsboro
Bead Wot E. j . Ball left S atu r-
n... Z .,.t
“B11“1»1 >
r° ut« 3,
elected president of day morning for the Atlantic coast
County turkey growers will meet
County grand jurors reported one
t,le depression. Ultimate recovery the W ashington County Local Lead- to fly the new m achine home He “t the Forest Grove Chamber of secret indictm ent against three per-
in lU atlve’ however ^ s a l d * priVate
Saturda>' during a will fly back by the southern route. Commerce Wednesday at 8 p. m.. sons Thursdays afternoon. No “not
F o r est r ir o v e u o i . r i . .
w o v e m ”,et’tinB of the Kroup a t the court making a flight of about 4000 miles, according to L. E. Francis, assist-' true' indictm ents were returned,
no, oi ovoovi,,,
, house. Problems concerning the 4-H and will arrive some time in F to - an * county agent. H E. Cosby, p o u l-; Fine of »200 was imposed upon
01 program arrangem ents club program, the county and state ruary.
try specialist from the Oregon S tate J°e T rautner of Vancouver, Wash.,
1 ” ' uwl u" »»*« 1°. «oittmn «)
fairs were discussed.
I W ith the beginning of g o o d rollege, will be present and will Saturday by Circuit Judge Peters
O ther officers elected included F. i w eather a regular air service will discuss "Turkey Management Prob- when the m an appeared for sen-
H. Jossy of Rock Creek, vice-presl- I be m aintained. Regular student in- lenis.”
tence on two charges of violating
« »
dent; Mrs. E. M. Bowman of Hills- siruction will be given, and ships
Incubating and brooding season the Knox law. Sentence on the
bi>ro' » r o t a r y ; and Mrs. Frank will be ready for charter trips any is close a t hand and It is time to second charge was postponed.
__ „ „
, , / Connell of Hillsboro route 1 and where on short notice. Especial a t- be8>n preparations for the 1935 sea-
Suit to collect «195.98 in wages
i.ovifiv Ke‘'ncy',,niant“8Cf. 01 r,1 ie A rti’ur Ireland of
n e a r Fore , tention will be given to week-end son' states Francis. Conditions in alleged due O. H. Bidwell was filed
co-operative Poultry Pro- Grove, committeemen.
trips to the beaches. It will be tht’ past season were such th at the Saturday against Carl Carlson by
i - 1
? 1
? CU5S "Vm’ T
. •— Z----- :----------------
possible for two people to make U.C efficient turkey grower was able the state bureau of labor.
1 .R i
t", I ’ o T u alatin Savings, Loan
run to the beach in 50 minutes.
to realizi a small profit. In order
Gerald "S p ark y ' Beehtold, alias
, , TX,n ,i.v B . n
T 8
G ro u n to M e e t
11 is Planned to pick up patrons to realize such a profit it is neces- ; »• Potter of P ortland was paroled
I or*x
ft.clI ll
Pension Club
Meets Sunday
Airport Site
Here Sought
by Chamber
B usiness F olk, C ouncil and
Legion W orking for
th e D esign ation
irom on,.- to tb. other with A p I I p o in tm e n ts M ade
amazing rapidity. Heaviest snow-
which still tuu, another
I i1*,.u}
tu ~
but they believe in giving service pwyment due The new contract., n ,a a ,«< r - Project under which the abled them to duplicate their vie- ated tliat «6.000 could be secured as
and plenty ui 11 for all that. Witli
offered llie hue uruducer ^*R A would provide «1300 in labor lory ui the second game here ’lu e s- a P r federal
e s id e n t grant
R o o s e in
v e lts
n n h iie --------
w with
a total 01 954 bill* introduced at
and the community »760 in m ateri-
» c « .u « u « i« .» « .iv .ij
nJL e.™ u ----- . . . . . .
‘ C o m " “i n d i c a t e ; *“ «
“^ — d
— k.
program to absorb the unemployed.
‘ d , J,
1l , l L i lvU,^ , , 111 ,l , 1 have been f « warded to W ashing-
Administrative costs ol the W ash-
r^»In ca&<?
ls available
11 | mx t Hut It 1» really 111 the lotui
o u n iv m
c ir A n
f f ir p a untount
m ount
C p C tllY tL
C hairm an Cady .aid it would prob-
ton and so la r as the local corn- lnirLnn
higton e county
■lumber of bills pushed Dial Gre- hog control assoi union 1» concerned 10 approximately 73J per cent ot
a--, . .
to ,use
»id building
m in o rs *TÍ.“ek 4¡M ¡ X ' u / n m k e ^ é
11,34 * ” rk
' b* ''" cle‘Un«l up “ ><’ appropriation* allowed,
,Ur a, ftU >var» longer. He expressed
U„ | \ ,?
w uh ll"' ‘ ”V‘< I,I,O|1 of two or tliree
s J V V F lC o v _ i I .l l .i V j tne thought, liowtver
th a t if the
»red this week.
circult of both house» placed th
contracts about which tecliniculi- Tllt’ governm ent figures th a t 11 per
uS f 01? 8. 10 I,lake su<;1!
slate fourteenth from the top.
8 a " U. ^ . ^ ^ X>1 dlSi ncU 1 woula
Numerically Oregon's legislature lie* have arisen.
m .u i i 1 tllC J50®1-® was Justified
1» one of the sm allest among the
ion. . as
as. w
Approximately 200 boxes of apples ,nucl, out
place „ for a
“ *n. ^ ^ 8 Ui!a?
“ uon
48 slate* Only ten states send as
were received in the county this trying to get the historical back- , h . ,
y7lul^eme“ u - He fe,t
lew members to the senate a* docs
week for distribution among needy grX
H .iuboio ‘ b ? “ d n X
made T a tew" v ^ r '
Oregon and ln only lour states 1*
th r o u g h o n th e h m h w a v h en n u u . in
, ln a icw Jears
the house limited to 69 members 01
J families. . These
. were , obtained un- through
on the highway, because in with a one-null lew
d< r the federal surplus commodity most cases the critic knows nothing
sa m ta rv im provements at
less. In this connection It Is In­
Progr“m -
! of the subject.
D s T m n ^ T S
m ^
tel esting to note that the little
stale ol New Hampshire, with a
__ cyn u >' * ere built with the idea
Hillsboro Old Age Revolving Pen-
population less th an th a t of sion Z i b ‘ h a ^ s i u r e d 0? ^ " “ ^
Iw to ’K - v ° c lu b " Thu ^sda v? h ‘‘
a ' ^ r " " ! 1" ! !
o rrg u n ha* 4.(8 m vtnben in i u low- n Mogwood of Portland to 'speak
. <
T t* Z S
‘“ Proved school plant a t a later
Ma...... anothe, state
at t l T ’^ n , s í X
a t 3 30
L M T t
A¿ o m ^ Sf the b X m e m
the same population g ro u p a s Orc-
C hr,/Ua„ chtirch
publican but th a t his rem arks came could be used
gon h as 151 reprearntutivv.H and the hcv . Msg wood m a regular speaker
Believed to have accidentally shot .n
HUI school has been the
of the Portland area an
»fat oi
of learlun«
learning lor
for the children of
V'Tmoiit house contain* 248 mem- Of
and d consld- himself with a .38
38 caliber revolver. “ “ 7 X u n n - “for alV,O8“
8 *nl f *u r seat
ered one of their best. When inter- Wilmer H K lnner. 28. sawmill op-
, »nnoriim in,.i i , I 1 ™ .™ , « „ a thls comnuunty for about 45 years
The lawmakers of Massachusetts, viewed by one of the local club erator, died Friday morning a t the xecuritv through the National
New Jersey, New York. Rhode Island members he said he delivered jus. Sm ith hospital here. Reports from " T * „ y “ X “8
“ i “ ” d? “ Olrt ; V I,-1 A ™
11 I I
and South Carolina ineel every the type of message th at should »ie coroners office Indicated th a t , who said ii h S
*hT* k , \ M C D O U g a l l I l C a d
year. Regular legislative session* follow th a t of Judge Jeffrey, a Km ner slipped while attem pting to o,
„rA . „
iT T r
are held biennially In all othe: recent speaker In Hillsboro.
shoot on owl a t his home above other* of t«kin» 2 T v « n r.L „r .h*
4~H L ead er G lib
'■ 11 sessions .ui'
The Argus Gives Q u a sity
Service a t Fair Prices
r g u s
Good Printing
the Methodist church. The sub lett wl,en the gun discharged
- 3 • h e young man was born ln Ohio,
• of - - the — Townsend
old age pension
Jam es Lewis, warden at the slate was bundled by two teams, repri - July 31. 190«. and Is survived by a
prison, found it necessary to d raft seining the public speaking depart- brother, John K lnner of Bend. Fu-
aiiolher cook for duly hi ills kltch m ent of the high school. The a f - |'neral services were conducted Mon-
i ii this week when Governor Meier rirnintlve team was Alice W ak and day morning a t the Donelson &
Issued a
pardun to toy Chung. Gordon Halley anil the negativei ®ewe9 chapel and Interm ent was a t
Portland tongman, who was sent team, Royal G ardner and Anna Hie Hillsboro cemetery.
up hi 1924 tor a tong war m urder. Mur.kcrs. The audience was left to
Ross Hacker of Beaverton suf-
* * *
individually judge the
m erits and fered an Injured back, cuts and
More than »3,000,000 worth oi dem erits of the Townsend plan as bruises anil three other persons
laird liquor was sold by the stall' both sides were presented.
received minor Injuries Sunday in
liquor stores and agencies during
Hillsboro Townsend club exten- 1111 ftuto accident a t Reedvllle. Pete
their less than l l m onths of o p - ' slon conunlltev, represented by R W annebo of Beaverton, driver of
crathm in 1934 according Io the L. Putnam , rhalm iaii, and Henry onc of t*><’ cars, Mrs. A. Anderson
annual report of the liquor control Young, spoke Monday evening nt of Portland, und C. V. Galloway,
the Helvrtl» school house and ex- driver of the oth er car and also ol P,h .t o T ? f
* * *
plained the plan They have noi Portland, received cuts and bruises.
Any attem pt to divert additional enough people in th a t community Hacker. Galloway and Mrs. Ander- sthixil. H. E. Cosby, extension spec-
gusohne tiixug or automobile reg-1 for a Townsend club, but a local son were taken to the Sm ith hos­ lalist, will also be present.
nterest of poultry growers is
lstration fees to the counties or to committee there will work with and pital for treatm ent.
being aroused as a result of the
unload more county roads on tin be a p art of the Hillsboro club
In egg prices, according to
state highway commission without Several new members and a score
L. E. Francis, assistant county agent.
a compensating Increase in rev- of petition .signers wei
ere secured by
The m arket prospects lo r 1935 np-
I lin es will be opposed by the com- this mi etlng.
pear good. Because of tills fnvornuie
mission. Tills was clearly indicated
egg m arket, poultrym cn should be
m the annual report of the high Rew nrtJ O ffered E ffort
ln Keeney’s discussion,
way departm ent which was re-
a ‘J ,
T hat a cook stove mid heater had Interested
lensed Baturday.
I urkey th ie v e s been stolen from her home some- Francis states.
Forest Grove meetings have been
• • •
Stealing of turkeys nt the farm ol i time last week was the report of
In anticipation of an Increased Mn>- Nelin Butler near Hillsboro i. Mrs. C. A. Heck of Sherwood route discontinued.
demand l o r liquid beionilng too regular to suit Mrs j 4 to the sheriff's office.
while the legislature Is In si fusion Htitlcr The turkeys, which are
Thieves attem pted to break Into P h ysical E ducation Plan
at H igh School G iven Up
the m anager oi the Salem liquoi valuable birds, m e tattooed on the the Conoly grocery store n t Beaver-
Proposal to provide physical ed­
store has arranged to keep the rlKlit whig with W. N. II. The birds j ton Monday night but were appar-
plaee open until midnight every 're insured with the Farm ers' Pro- j cully frightened away, according lo ucation nt Hilhi during the la-1
night. An additional clerk ha . also j R'i live association, which offers «3.i reports to th e sheriff. The nlghi sem ester was abandoned by the
been added to take ta re of the reward to anyone giving lnform a- w atchm an discovered th a t attem pts school board this week when It be­
,11011 leading to the arrest and con- had been made to Jimmy both the came apparent th a t the SERA
* * *
vlctlon of such thieves. The last front and back doors of the store. would not be able to assist In the
project. The board met Wednesday
Appointm ent of Earl Goodwin ol theft was made Monday night, by |
evening and approved the physical
Portland to un assistant secretary­ purl les who parked their enr a
education program provided the
ship on the bonus commission came sh o rt distance from the farm build­
SERA would bear one-third of tht
as quite a surprise since the former ings.
The plan will be consider­
secretary to Congressman (n o w
ed again In the fall.
♦ to /» I»
«» vlillnrl
>w»< ■
I <••• « berth
w»*»at« u n ­
" e
W ashington County Tax Equali­
slated F
a « linl
I Ian O rgan ization z e ion li'.ii;in' will meet, at t h e H illsboro S tu d en ts on
der Hie new adm inistration. Good­
house n t 8 p. n t Saturday
win will be in charge of collection»,
U. o f O. Law H onor Roll
rentals and sales promotions for eration of Farm O rganizations will to hear discussions of the "County
K enneth Llnklnter and Thomas
be held a t the county court house School Equalization" bill and of Tongue of Hillsboro were on I he
the commission.
at 8:30 p. m.. Jan u ary 25, according the »3000 "Exem ption" proposal. University of Oregon law "honor
Charles M. Thomas, public utlll-1 to mi announcem ent this week by Meeting was called by H. R. F ind­ roll" for the first term. A list of
ties commissioner, Is said to be N ’’ Johnson, temporary chairm an ley of Cedar Mill, president. The seven ihembers of each class were
pulling every available string in an Perm anent officers will bn elected school bill will be explained by O. announced. Llnklater was ln the
effort to save himself from the and representatives from all fnrm B. K raus, county school superin­ third-year group and Tongue with
groups arc urged to attend.
th e first-year students.
(C ontinued un pane 2. column 4)
Dairy Co-op
Case Settled
LoflQS Expaild
Service in Air
to M eet at G rove
01 the non-suit order’ h,:
P o u ltry Kaisers
ivlcet on I UCSdaV'
Thefts R eported
to S h eriff H e re
C o u n ty T ax League
to M eet S atu rd ay
, P t
I u t 8 d a y e ith e r at
C ornelius
H illsboro, s a r>'
have a good u n d e rs ta n d in g ' to ‘ h e U n i t e d s t a t e s m a r s h a l F r i -
of a11 phases of the
turkev situa- day to face federal charges of con­
Annual stockholders meeting of and probably a t Forest Orove T h e
he T ualatin Valley Federal Sav- jh lp has a speed of 115 mUes w r
mgs & Loan association of Tigard hour, and can travel 600 miles be-
will be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday at fore landimr f o r fu el
fhe I igard Realty company office.
T hree directors of- the association
"'111 be elected,
Subscribers Like
Early Press Time
W arner to S peak
Legion Jam b o ree
spiring to operate a n illicit dis­
has considerable new data tillery. Beehtold was arrested by
as a result of experimental work county authorities last week ln a
carried on with turkeys a t U nion, raid on 11 stiH near Mountaindale
and Hermiston experim ent station and was fined »500 and sentenced
brunches. This m aterial will be o ' to six m onths In the county Jail,
interest to the turkey grower.
He was indicted by the federal
Francis further comm ents tliat If grand Jury following a raid a t the
the turkey growers are Interested Antone Evers farm near Banks, but
enough in this meeting, arrange- had been a fugitive until appre-
m ents will be made for a scries of hended here.
monthly meetings to fu rth er dis­
Iniorm ations charging Clarence
cuss their problems.
M ailer of Banks and M. Kirsch and
______ .2_____
Gerald Beehtold, both of Portland,
I ,w, . , l T n c .M « ™ *
(C ontinued on p age 4, ndumn 4)
. .
Harold J. W arner, past state com-
m ander mid present national vice-
com m ander of the American Legion,
will speak a t the county Jamboree
Favorable reactions to the
earlier press time which re- I of the American Legion here Ja n -
uary 28 on the Full Paym ent of
suits In the distribution ot
Adjusted Service Certificates." Frank « - 'k X - tli J .IIN 1 1 I >II1CC
the Hillsboro Argus through­
Miller of Forest Grove Is county
out the county on Thursday
Jamboree president.
Is being received daily from
Forest Grove has sent a chai-, n
subscribers. They appreciate
lenge to Sherwood for attendance
Gain of approximately »716 000 ln
the earlier opportunity to
a t the meeting here.
insurance policies during 1934 was
study store a d vertlsements
The Auxiliary county council reported here Monday during the
and to rend of meeting dates.
meeting will be held in the cham - the annual meeting of the Farmer»'
The publishers of the Argus
ber of commerce rooms at 8 o'clock, M utual Fire Insurance asociation
are In,, rested hi obtaining
preceding the joint meeting with of Washington county. This gain
the Legion. Mrs. Paul Patterson, brings the total now ln f o r c e
the reactions of many other
county president, will preside.
subscriotis to the new de­
throughout the state to »6,298.338.
livery schedule. They solicit
New H „u.e N um ber.
? £ S S X W f .S S « ," “
letters commenting on the
earlier press time.
In stalled T his W eek
Henry K anina was re-elected to
New house numbers have been the board of directors for a five-
Co-operation of advertisers
installed by SERA workers in the | year term ,
and news contributors Is urg­
western p art of Hillsboro this week,
ed of nil in order th a t the
P onion a G range M eets
according to George McGee, city
earlier press time may be
m anager. T hree men have been em-
Pomona G range will meet Wcd-
continued. All community cor­
ployed on the work which o c^ a n ' ■«’.‘ day with W
inona u G ra
respondence must be in the
the latter p a rt of last week B a l-, T ualatin. Hillsboro O range will meet
office Monday.
anee of the town will be cover to 7 ? ? rRda? ?'£ !“ !',* a t , the O ran*e
w ithin a short time
I ha- ’ - an^ ,in |t la<lon of candidates
will be held.
Firin Shows G ain
C ounty S tu d en ts H ave
H igh R ating at O. S. C.
8everal W ashington county stu­
dents were listed a3 having a high
scholarship standing a t Oregon
S tate college in the fall term. Those
from here with a 2.5 average or
above: Ivan R. Blerly, Kin ton;
M argaret M. Young, Sherwood;
William F. Goetter, Hillsboro, and
Eldridge R. Fendall, Forest O ro te.
B a g ley H ears Trial
in M cM innville Court
Oeorge R. Bagley, ex-circult Judge,
was selected to h ear the m anslaugh­
ter trial of Lawrence Malloy a t
McMinnville this week. Circuit Judge
Walker was stricken with appendi­
citis last Wednesday and attorneys
agreed to have Bagley hear the
rest of the trial.