THE Page Eight H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON and spent her girlhood at Laurel She graduated trom the latmel school and later from the muses school ot St Vincent s hospital sh e was married to C. A Tlchenor al Cleveland, Ohio. She Is survived by her husband and two little daughters. Rea Mane and Clauda Kutli She it also su r­ N e w Y e a r ’s E v e C o m m u n ity P a r t y is W e l l A t t e n d e d ; vived by the following brothers and sisters George ChamlM is oi Seal G r o w t h o f F a r m e r s ’ U n io n C ite d tic. Wash,, Dan and W alter C ham ­ bers of Laurel. Mrs H ettie O'Dell cf laurel, a id Mrs W ealths ODell iB y Mr». F. L. Browa) , brother Thee visited the past six of Portland. LAUREL—Prospects of a change weeks with her m other. M rs.'Koontx ......... ........ Mrs. Tlchenor was a member of ui mail routes m Hus section to be K lam ath Fails Suudav evening u„. Fa-sierii S tar ordci e le c tiv e about feuruary 1 were visitors at the Stafford home were made public last week when the j. b . Hall and daughters. Mtss postal inspector visited here Mail Gladys Hall of P ortland and Mrs. tor most, ot the patrons on route Charles Low of Tacoma, one will come trom G aston where DeLOUTtce Cady of Hillsboro vts- George lews, present carrier on ited I'.er grandparents. Mr. and that route, will be transferred. B. Mrs. John MeFee, from Friday un- G. MeNay. carrier on route two til Sunday West Union local oi Lie Farm ers' will have his route extended lo K rtovrm from Poison Union met al North P laint K. 1* cover Hie eastern end oi route otic William Borgelt is recovering hall rhuraday Tan new members Mr Tews is already makuig plans from a ease ot blood poisoning were (aken m during December to move to G aston caused from a cut on his leg with membership drive. Mrs. John Spelling has been quite an axe while chopping brush along E ntertainm ent comm ttee metn- .11 a l her home tlie past week the county roadI last week hers include Mrs itm h G ate ■ M r s . ..... n pened Monday h . . „ . k NIMor Hurl Ve, , B a u h e ld t. M instead of last Wednesday us plan- Francis Nibler ran a butcher w illiam 11. Dterdorff and Pete ned. knife through Ins hand last week Barendreeht. Mrs Dan Erdman is Mrs. Fannie Messinger of Oswego while trying to take home-made t |lairn,an the lunch committee and Mrs. Fnuik Menne and daugh- candy trom a pan The wound is and \ j rs J. M Davidson is earres­ ter Eleanor Anne of M ultnom ah healing satisfactorily. poudent were Thursday guests at the Jolui Mrs. George Rmevear spent tiym meeUn« will be tan MeFee home Mrs. Messinger re- Monday until Friday with her x'k * ' 1 ‘ .. , \ ro, u « card o irtv ni.uned until Bunday when Mi daughter. Mrs Francis Coolidge. lla" ‘L '.‘.nt1, - 1 I ’’ Il> dance. and Mrs. B urgett Vose and son and family in Portland n and n ii./ih e !,- i Members w iS k m ii who e giv w is .i to Lowell and Miss Dorothy Ann Dun- Mrs. Roy Hemeek was the guest; 1,1111 iru n a s niusi go »■Will ' can of Oswego were guests at the of her daughter. Mrs. Ade R uiseh- “ *Tilten invitation, which can be . . h° £ r t w its them tm ’Vecentlv of M ontana ^ a d . . d S .. ' ^ a y • " m , d . ‘siTuV- c h ir g ^ f c i 'i u K 'h . u S a i Orenco Group Urges Cheaper Changes in Laurel Mail Routes Dollar Planned; G. Tews Transferred P la n s Event P . T .A . M e e t» T o d a y : O re n c o Q u in t e t B e a ts H ills b o r o (B y lira . Hugh Burdette! Thursday. Jaiiiinrv ID, IHilft '~3foLa. (Deekí PattüvM u 1 AKI. W. (.KAMI N / Curl W Gram m ». 82. dled De eeinher 31 ut Ille home »I hl» daughler. Mr» Hugh Cullultun ul l ’allou vallev Ile was lairn May 2-1, 1852. lp Germany and luul bem ln llils country tl.i years Ile wu . maiTieil In Illinois In 188(1 and sin. e Ih m liad llved tn l'atton vallev ORENCO—The Missionary »octet) will give its annual birthday lunch­ eon in the church dating room next Wednesday at one o'clock. A program lncluumg a speaker irom Portland is heme arranged. The usual olfering a ill be taken The Misses Virginia Robson and Barbara Jeanne Burdetle en ter­ tained a number of their friends a t a New Y ears Eye watch party at the Burdette home December 31. Those attending were Rose Mane and Alex Bella, LeRoy and H att.e W arren, Dons. Byrdene and Don­ ald Rogers, Morris McBntee. Bud­ dy Baughman. Jack Curry, Ira Rogers. Rodney Gibson. Arlene Ber­ nards. Lots Robson. William Sabo. George Csergei, Jennie Warren. Donald Cate. Hugh and Robert Burdette. The evenmg was spent in playing games and music. Basketball game played on the local floor January 2 between O r­ enco and Hillsboro was won by the Orenco team 35 to 15. Catherine Goodman gave a party for a number of her friends at her home Saturday night. W E. Brooks and W. A. Hum­ Opening the 16th annual con- and a former resident'of tins com- Mrs. J H. Haase was a guest at * ,\m /,lJd'iesl’a iid ,ii-ake ^ l 'm b c r ^ u 'c phreys of Portland were guests S a t­ niunity. is at the John MeFee home a party given for Mrs. Fred H uh- 7l". asked to bring* c a - ’s on l'c a rd vention of the American Farm urday of Mr. and Mrs. W. F H un­ for the winter. man a t her home a t Cornelius F rl- 0 ™ ‘ " rU Bureau Federation in Nashville, ter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tesch Sr. and day celebrating her birthday an- ■ ________________ Tenn.. Edward A. O'Neal, slated Donald Cate of Forest Grove son Fred Jr. were guests of Mr niversary. for re election as head of the or­ Tesch spent Monday night and New Year's s mother. Mrs. B ertha Tesch, Sunday guests a t the J. H. day with Donald Rogers and Robert ganization, pleaded for fu rth er and his sisters at Woodland, Wash.. Haase home were Mr mid Mrs Burdette. devaluation of the "commodity over New Year s . going up Monday John Haase and children and Carl (B y H ai« I Church ley) Sunday guests at the W. F. dollar" to restore prosperity and returning Wednesday. Peterson of Flrdale. H unter home were Mr. and Mrs. Ladies’ Aid society will have its r p lI I S sm art school frock. P attern 372, offer» two ileev ei; ono among American farmer». Party Well Attended Thf monthly food sale Saturday In Sam Oo.v and Mr. and Mrs. J L -t »hurt, with turned back cuffs, the other a com fortable bishop Auld iuld of Hillsboro. j ....i New Veat s eve puity at the com- ara' Union will nut on the program the store Everyone cordially In- sleeve. Heavy cotton fabric», broadcloth, or poplin ara » tig - Joseph Wtlfert of Los Aiigeles Jesus Christ At 2:30 the pastor ntunlty hail was well attended to u.. Blv. n a t the monthly social " te d to come Cal., is visiting his brother. Ernest will bring the message on th e dis- Games and cards were enjoyed be- lnpptlni to bP hPld a , , bp hali J a n . Mrs H J C h u r e h le v a dtn- gested a» m aterial». P attern s come In »tie» 8 to 18 year». Site Wilfert. and family. ciples of Jesus Christ of 1935. fore lunch and dancing afterw ards. the foiirih Sw urdav eve- ner for the tx>v fne i s of Howard 14 call» for IT« yards of brnld and 5 *s yards of cord fur lacing». Miss Elma Gottlieb of near Hills- At 8 will be the regular evangel- High scores in pinochle were won 2 tbp u n d tu S o f churehley Sunday afternaSn m boro was a guest a t the S. W istic service after a good song by M r arid M rs L F. Davis mid „ heretofore ‘ ‘ ho,m ■ o , ? l,LsU” X iy e e n , h ____ _ Wide contrasting lapels and Iwlsled belt, a paneled »klrt elid­ honor of Ills eighteenth birthday Baughman home Sunday. service ar.d testimony meeting the m "500 by Adolph Schm idt and ing In pleats, featu re llio »marl frock Illustrated »» P attern 340, Those present were Bud Isaacson. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooke of pastor will speak on "The modernist Ben Thull Seersucker or pereale 1» suggested for this model, which Is su it­ Don. Robert and K enneth George. Cornelius visited friends in Orenco in the day of judgm ent." You will Mr. and Mrs. W. M. W hiting and Bert Finch and Homer Churehley able for many occasions. Wednesday. also hear special music concerning little son W alter Lee of Sylvan and "he party given gi ~ for the Rabbits The It Is designed for sizes 84 to 44. size 38 requiring 4 yards ot Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Mitchell were this. her mother. Mrs. Sidney Johnson. (By Mr». Bunnell, l’hone i t u w i by the Turtle es Saturday tn the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. P ar- Tuesday night at 8. the pas- of Hillsboro visited the latter's aunt. W alter Keim, an employe at the schoolhouse was 35-inch fabric with S yard ot contrasting m aterial. very successful. sons of Portland Sunday. tor is bringing a series of sermons Mrs. E. C. Mulloy. New Year s day. Bradford CCC camp at Camas Val- Refreshments were served. The To secure a PATTERN and HTKP-IIY-STEP HEWING IN- Mrs. Alice Clow, F ran k and Bes- on The Sermon on the Mount. Doris, 7, daughter of Mr and lev returned to eamp last week Rabbits were given alfalfa meal sie ot Multnomah, form er residents M att, the fifth chapter Is being Mrs. Richard Whittle, had her ton- after spending the holidays with STRl'CTIONH, nil out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION M tl Io ea! of South Orenco. visited friends taken up now. sils removed since C hristm as at his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred T IIE NAME GF THIS NEW SPAPER. Mrs. Jay Frost gave a surprise here Sunday afternoon. —: : — th e Jones hospital. Dr. Huggins Keim. A daughter of the family. party Saturday for her son Willimn Mr. and Mrs. H N. Robinson and Beaverton C hurch of C hrist operating. She was able to attend Mrs. G rant Hartley of Gaston, was Those' present were Edward Jan n - Miss Estella Leaverton of Forest Basket dinner was enjoyed S un- school Monday. also a holiday guest, together with sen. Leland O'Connor. Miriam Lew­ Grove called Tuesday morning on day. after which the annual m eet- Mr and Mrs. Sidney Rothstrom her husband mid baby daughter is. Vivian and Bert Finch. Marian FASHION BUIIEAU, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK their way to Portland to g re e i Mrs. mg was held. Good reports were and sons Engene and Ray were Ruth. O ther recent guests ot the and Bud Isaacson. Hazel and How­ Mary Beach and Mrs. S. L. C ar- made from each departm ent of the Sunday guests of Mr. Rotnstrom 's Keims were Enul and O tto Hoag ard Churehley. Monty MeMayfiehl. Knrlosed A n d ............rents. Please send ma tbs pstlerns lyle church, and people are optimistic mother and sisters in Portland. of Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs. Wilmu Scott. Coretta Adams, Don checked below, a t IS cents each: Mr and Mrs. Robert Hofer of about the work of another year Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Stoller and A rthur Grieg and Mr. and Mrs and Robert George. Portland visited his brother. George Services as usual next Sunday, children were Sunday guests of her Ed Bietlespaeh of Cornelius. Size P attern No 372 McCulloch, and family Sunday. with preaching by pastor. Bible parents. Mr. and Mrs John Will Miss Virginia Bunnell, accom- Giddlapl Harold Holmes. Mr and Mrs school, 9:45 a. m.. Communion serv- S r , of Beaverton i panted by her mother. Mrs W A Size P attern No. 34C Over in the John Day country, Forrest Holmes, Virginia and W an- ice, followed by preaching. 11 a. m .: Mrs. W. N H athorn and son Bunnell, of the Henry Behrnian da of Dallas were guests a t the Young people s meeting. 6:30 p m .: Harold ot Hillsboro visited their farm, made a trip to Portland where they . still have nags for hire. .. Names .............................................. Address W. H. Ring home New Year s day preaciun«». 7:30 p. m. Midweek serv- parents and grandparents. Mr. and Thursday of last week, to have an two ladies stopped a t Hoot Perkins Mr. and Mrs Rooert Clark, Mr. ice a t 8 p. m. Wednesday. A cordial Mrs. E. C. Mulloy. Sunday. The examination made of her left arm stable and asked for a gentle horse City ................................................................... S tate. and Mrs. Al Leonhardt, C aptain and invitation is extended to all. M Mulloys are convalescing from severe at the Shrine hospital The arm to drive. Hoot hitched up Ivls swan- Mrs. William Henderson. Billy and Putm an, m inister. colds. was am putated at the elbow a year kiest outfit, helped the ladles get Name of this n e w s p a p e r.......................................... June of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Al —::— ! Mrs. Fannie Messinger oi Oswego ago, and havmg been a difficult aboard and gave them some parting Johnston, R eatha and Mary cf Cap- Christian C hurch was an overnight guest of Mrs. A. case, has been watched carefully advice: itol Hill. C aptain Art Taylor and Lord's day church school, 9:45 a. Naderer Friday. by the surgeons since. The last "I reckon this horse be perfect- All m aterials specified tn above patterns may be purchased Mrs. Tayior and Bonnie were guests m. Squads attention! T h at is ju s t' C. W Brown of Portland is vis- exam ination proved very satisfac- ly gentle so long as von don't let ____ tn local stores during New Year s week. to remind each ciass th a t we are iting this wek with his brother. F. tory. i the reins get under her t a l l " G uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. divided into squads. Let each lead- L. Brown. He visited his grand- Residents of this section are in- Three hours la te r th e la d le s re- sboro Argus contains all the If you change your address kind- H unter during New Year's week er have a 100 per te n t attendance son. Lloyd Brown, of Scholls Mon- vited to telephone interesting news turned of Hillsboro the e »m sur- - | y notify the Argus direct and at were Mr. and Mrs- Markiey Stiver, in class. Our big evangelistic cam - day. items for publication in the Argus "How hih von w ,,ioni»"Hoo» in I “ new» r " » ul m nsuuu, and unu m M r and Mrs. F. Frost ot Fresno, paign begins today. L ets greet Miss Mildred Merz of Portland to 1713 W or mail them to Mrs. W. nnired ’ *' 1 | rounding communities Read It and Cal., W. E. Brooks and W. A. Hum - Teddy Leavitt w ith a 100 per cent was the guest of Irene Stevens A. Bunnell, Cornelius route 2 * “£\u "Oh. - we got along Just fine. Had keeP Informed on what to liappen- phreys of Portland. record. M orning worship. H a. m. from Tuesday until Saturday. Miss a couple of showers while we were ing at liome. tf P. T. A. Meets Today Special music. Serm on by state Merz teaches school a t N orth Bend. LADA THOMPSON WEITZEL out. but we _________ took turns _______ holding __ the J Parent-T eachers' Association will evangelist. Teddy Leavitt. Pot luck H annah Rutschm an went to Mrs. Lyda Thompson Weitzel. 58. parasol over the horse's tall Ex. Argus classified ads get results. meet in the school house today dinner at 1 p. m. County meeting Portland Sunday to resume her na‘SPa vnnrtkv a» h e r h o m e (Thursday ___ _____ iT h u r s d a v afternoon). a fte r n o o n I following „ for _ organization of _____ coun- work, where she was employed last \ i ujtnom ah F p S i .? ow nsend pen- n e n - sum m er. fene. was ° ° rn F eb ru ary Mr. and Mrs. c . P. Beck spent tv D’ association association. T I h h e e T Townsend summer. 18. 1876, on a farm near McCune. New Year's with E. O. Miller in sion meeting at 2:30 p. m will Mr. Herman cke 'x.uisas. K a n e s ' S ant he b e c a m e an a n accom­ a -,-o n , rn m and en n e Mrs. a-»™ o m an service. 11 a. m.. first a n d will be revival services each eve- consisting of twenty-five boxes of o t j . VT? marriedi th ird Sundays; English service, 11 am g a t 7:30. This is Hillsboro's op- powder, was set otf Friday, loosen- tone t n 1 w E m v,,r, for everything in a. m., second and fourth Sundays portum ty to h ear a mignty gospel mg enough rock for the y e a rs run. Grove b u v n e « m » n » —E. Julius Traglio, pastor. tl Preacher who U stir your soul and G ranupa Stevens. 91. has been Elizabeth w « h^rn tn thi.n, in BUILDING MATERIALS make vou want to come again. We ill for several days at the home of f g u ihe fam,lv nm vert t o D r ,i n Christian Science Society *hv‘te you.—R L. Putnam , p asto r.; his son, W. L. Stevens. a,,d ,„ i927 m w h e r e Services are held every Sunday . - . n NeW Ye a rs Buests a t th e Flora M rs.‘Weitzel and her daughter hive Common Lumber Cement a t 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening CA11 Saints .Mission (Episcopal: B aser home were h er brother. hved slnc th , 5 a “Bnter nave services at 8 o'clock: Sunday school Second Sunday in Epiphany, Ja n - C harles Tatm an. Mrs. T atm an and band sh e is X v lv e d b\’ her d iuah- Finish Lumber Lime a t 11 a. m. PupiLs up to the age 13, lyjo. C hurch school, 9:45 Laurence of Chchalem M ountain \lr s Gilbert Velev two broth- Flooring Cement Block of 20 years are welcomed. Free v e l^ 'is ^ iD 1 °n’ m o ? MrS WUU*m J ° ° S J r ®rs’ Elmer E Thomp^>n of Peta- Siding Tile Blocks Helen W ^ ^ PleadJ?heP d ucussm ^ Growth (Med f t n ^ a d ? C zT T n4 ™ ° = * d ic t io n a r y Mouldings R u n riiv \ , P R. H. Wisecarver, vicar. . About j e v e a t ?i_mem be«_ th e Mrs lAOren£. H o h i g w o f ing“ e-’ Sand - Gravel Sunday’s topic, 'Sacram ent-’’ Shingles says: local Form ers' Union attended the wood Cal. Fuller Paints Methodist Episcopal Church C edar Posts monthly business session a t the Funeral services will be held this Banks M. E. Church Sunday schooi everv Sundav 9 45 „ Church school. 9:45; Miss Rose community hall Thursday evening, afternoon a t two o'clock i l th i Roof Paint Doors - Windows m Mrs H Jensen iuSm S'tend Cave' superintendent. Divine wor- President G. Krause read a detail- chapel of the Fm est Orove Under m P r e ( S u n i Ì 2 ^ ; ShvPm u i ^ ? ; ^ 0 “ • "e™ on W hat Do ed account of the growth and ac- takl‘ DariorsF with ?iterm V m «r G alvanized Eave Roof Putty T h to T eap a ^ Ä Ä G e riV o m ^ ^ " t ^ ,n/ o r e T 1^ w ^ e ^ rmCnt 3t Trough Wood G utter "Power to produce an affect Z " 1« T JZ , 6 45; evangelistic S e rv ic e R was started here aoout tnree m r o r e ^ v i e w cemetery. effective energy.'' Galvanized Ridge Roll Plywood o8 ^01^ j ' ^ ld meets 7:30. A rthur G raper, speech In- years ago. There is now a member- MRS. C. A. TICHENOR first and th ird Wednesdays a t 2 structor of Oregon Institute of Tech- ship of 170 Kelt W e a th e rs trip Copper W eather Strip of Laurel received To do you good Ihe ma­ P- m - U nology, Mrs. uviugy, will win give a 25-minute zo-m inute dram aran i- - -»n»- W « L. c - Stevens o ie v e n s and a n a Elbert r a u e r i . Dan . PiP„ Chambers ra_ atization on the "Book of Job.' and Irene were New Year s day ing1 of ?the deYth do/ m terials used i n filling Free Methodist Church Meeting in e h a r c a o f the Snnriav guests of th eir sister and aunt . the death of his sister, Mrs „ . , lrch in charge of Sunday aunt. a ' m s sister. Mrs. If It's Lumber Call Our Number your preseriplion must Sunday school. 10 a. m preach- Night Men's club. Mrs Clifton Bagley, in Portland. 5 ^..,* ,®u n d a v . a2 &■ Phone 2691 1011 Baseline a ' m .E vangelist Mid-week service Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schm idt nesc fmm Sir?ru he efficacious. O ur drugs E sther H ,T Turner, re- t" eir” nieces - ’- ness nn eu m o i« n ia M r« 'n .-h .n x .r Ur5 e,,i' i“ an ex-high ex‘h !Bh school of each week a t 7:30. Choir *’r* e‘- were Saturday guests o of f'th w^s from fo?meVu’ UM i wx(i?hS>-Tlchei,nor are tested before they teacher of Hillsboro will preach hearsal on Friday a t 7:30, Mr. Wil- M rs- Herman Jaemcke, of Com e- was formerly Miss Edith Chambers Sunday morning at 11 You will ham Belcher, director hus. are used to assure the »v3™: ,hKa r th ? me“ a 8e- Sunday com e and worship with us in Bom. ------ —— . , . 3 to Mr. . and Mrs. Jan u ary BWB— I— efficacy your doctor de­ Pasl" r will preach a t these services. Good fellowship. Clarence Ornduff, a boy. m ands ! 7.30- Fhese services are your od - good music and a spiritual uplut M r- and Mrs. Ralph Ca: portunity. We have teachers wL. ught all.—Charles M. Reed, minister, h ttle daughter of Hermiston are are well able to teach, so bring visiting M rs C arter's mother. Mrs. y?W i^ ild re n to Sunday school. We Foursquare Church Nile Bennett, this week, ou r & r d J V °‘ ^ ^ » 5 n l&ht special service, with Mrs. Cally Dailey Is a t th e home atro n a s ^ e said I will come special music and special message ^er daughter, Mrs. Nelson, of «AF are .cort*laRy welcome. on prophecy Portland. Mrs. Dailey is somewhat B. J. Yates, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. C o n -' improved In health. Phone 266 . T L '— test for the Sunday school will s ta rt Adolf R utschm an, little son of Trinity L utheran Church tbks Sunday morning at ten o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Ade Rutschm an, ^ ^ ‘T,Sob! g‘n at Sunday Crusader service a n p m. Sernw n- h « been quite 111 with tonsilitis. f \ir m ' Sermon topic, ets from a number of the crusad* Mr. and Mrs. C. C. S tafford of 9?™ Fv lth of Moi>es —Hebrew* ii, ers Wlil given under the in . Crossfield. Alberta. Canada, a r - Y»pa Sh ?'orshlP structior. of Mrs. K. Shipley, cru- ?ved a t the C. P. Stafford home a wlthus. F aith cometh by hearing sader president. io r an indefinite visit with his K and hearing b y jh e Word of Goii.’ There will be a special Divine « H K a ra « !« /u Healing service a t Foursquare X S!11!- i.. church Sunday night, and all th at X 9 45- Preaching, are afflicted in body are invited to iavan<7 7n3° ‘v ^rayer m eetl5J8 T hurs- come. Eiders of the church will 'ÍÍ- v o id ♦ k30« i v aI e 4cordlaUy Pray for the sick a t the close of u vited to all our services. tiie .service. Rev. H arter will speax ____ ~ the subject “Five Downward W,1 Tabernacle Steps to the Healing of your Body. North of N orth Plains. Sunday Pastors of the church extend an a \ J ° , a ‘ m- wil/ stuay invitation to the public to attend together the lesson of Peter s great this service Sunday night. BEAUTY SIKIPS I S?rliess^2?L are welcome to Also there will be special services study with us, everyone is free to every Tuesday night for those who ?£pirq.d ln the knowledge of W ith the depression came a keen, analytical scrutiny on the part of the buy­ EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP their Ideas on the lesson. The strip - the Won ing public to determ ine conclusively that when a dollar was spent, 100 cents ture verse for this Sunday will oe Under the leadership and direc­ O cneral Beauty Work We offer you complete tion. Everyone bring a verse with tion of Mr. Churchill the Four- worth of service or commodities was received in exchange. People let loose P ir n u n m u and «II kinds of A,Wf £ L „ on ii' „ „ square band is growing and we and friendly service f o r bemiljr work. At eleven o clock B rother Perry wish to urge those who play instru- your car. It pays to deal of money grudgingly and apprehensively. Luxuries and non-essentials on the W riglit will bring the sermon, he m ents to come and help us in Telephone I I R I X where the little things are will preach on John 13:35, "By great program for God. sales curve skidded downw ard and any product to hold its own was forced to lla lio n y Hlllehoro Pharmacy tnis shall all men know th a t ye are A welcome aw aits you a t the done without your having to prove its merit and usefulness to the consumer. For th a t reason, the Hills­ my disciples. Come and lind out Foursquare church Rev and Mrs. ask for service! the true m ark of the disciples of W. A. H arter, pastors. boro Argus continued on during the past three years of duress and economic in­ West Union Local Gains Members Reedville He to Mtrvlved i>y two iluugnter», M r Liallahan, and Mi Kate Oolulc o( lllllsboro and a snii Henry Gramen/, of Arriba. Colo Funeral serviles wert' hehl Mon- ilav allerniNin (m m Kolien E Burn-. Morluaiy in l-orest (Irove. will» Kev F C Butler <■( Portland nl lii lalm g Intel ment was ln Fuiest View ccmclery. State Capitol News Leiter (liv I h e i H iJ ll ll'.h lI O | o l l I. Ia| a, tlvlly at Halem Kvery Wt ek In lla Argus. tr In C e n te n n ia l F .All L lliiril OU R Wlii'itt 49-lb. .90 1 Roller ( ’iinnry Hirila, Bird V h viil S ac k Seed, Cages, Gold Fish, Fish Food, Bowls, ii n d Aquiiri utils. S |u iitt's Dog and Cut Food, Tonics iiud Medicines. Fanners’ Cash Store I m i - Need - F g o and Poultry Phone 3081 Johnson HIGH-HEAT â UALITY ttANOAXO OU COMTANT OF CAUfOkNIA POOL-GARDNER LUMBER CO. EFFICACY Auto Service The Delta Drug Store Busch’s Service Garage Phone 501 Indigestion worries forgotten n o w ! If you are one of those people to rtu red by indigestion pains you’ll welcome this good news about Bisma-Rex. F o r here is a sensational antacid powder th a t is g e t­ tin g am azing results. It n eutralizes ex­ cess acid, aids removal of gas, soothes irritated membranes and aids digestion foods likely to ferm ent. B IS M A - R E X 434 ounces 50c Main St. GO FORWARD! Has E v e r Been O u r Code activity building a better product with provided “ value received” many tim es and more fam ilies have turned to it for More people read the Hillsboro Argus paper published in W ashington county. ahead throughout the depression. each succeeding issue. And because it over for the money expended, more their home and county newspaper. today, than have ever read any news­ The Argus has consistently forged The Stamp of Approval Has Been Placed Upon the Policies and Condition of This Newspaper. During th e P a st F our Months 366 NEW Subscribers Have Had Their Names Add­ ed to the Subscription List of THE ARGUS. The Palm Drug Store The Texaco Station L. 8 Campbell. Prop. Towing Phone 1703 Nlzlit Call 334 Arrow from (I. E. Depot The Only Station with Complete Service HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll Kinde o f ll»atity Work PHYSICIAN and SCKOEGN A. O. PITMAN, M. D. PHYSICIAN and HITKUKON X-R «, and T h.rap, Commands! Nation«! Bsnk Kid« T«l*phnn«a K«ald«nr« 71117, Offlcs 82S1 DR. D. E. WILEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS Wells Building a epeclaltr Telephone 1471 WEII/B APARTMENTS Mabel Hrhendel TKI.EI'HONES orfica 2IIMZ Realdenr« ZSfll DENTISTS GARBAGE c o i l I c r iO N DR. RALPH DRESSER G arbage Collection Dentht AND CANS Commercial Building D. P. CORRIERI Telephone 144 E ven in g!, Sunday by A ppointm ent INSCRANCE W eshlngten Telephone 2325 RUBBER ATAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATH TOllsbor^g^rgus I f y o u ’re n ea r ow tie r, iz itrrra le d in ax (tid in g ro s ily w in te r d r iv ­ in g Irn u ltle « , |, | u> d ra in y o u r (till lla e il o il. W e ’ll (ill y o u r rra n k e a a e w ith w in le r grad e T e x u r o — th e n il t h a t D o w s fre e ly in r o ld ra t w ea th e r. Y o u ’ll lik e o u r serv ire and w on ’t m in d the lit t le tim e re q u ire d to do iL BUY YOUR RUBBER STAMPS C ounty Aemeaeo INRIJKANCR H K R V Ita Hhete Rank Phone ±211 F«r Inferm ati«« from Rullrfln« Hlll.buro lin i Diri HILIJSBORO ARGUS »r Ms A d .a rlla s n esB Tim Arswa — IIS1