THE Thursday, Jan u ary 10, 1036 C o m m u n ist A ctivities fo r O v e rth ro w C ited H IL L S B O R O ARG U S. Miss A. Sew ell Speaks on Art at Coffee Club Miss Boncquet Bride Thursday The weddlnu of Ml»s Urbana Boncquet, daughter of Mr». Thcr- i a I’yi'k Boncquet of Cornellu», to Cornelius Husbuuer of Verboort waa oolcmnlzed In Saint Anthony'» The various phases of a rt will be church, Forest drove, Thursday, discussed by Miss Alice Sewell, who January 3, a t 9 a. in How the Comm uniât party oper-1 L c j ^ d ' ¡S Is heud of the art departm ent at Tile Reverend I t E. Uocscii r e ­ atm und whirl II stand» for were ceived the vow», bleaecd the union Linfield college in McMinnville, told member» of Uw Hillsboro P ar S l l p p l V 1 J l S t o i " uiid celebrated the nuptial ma»» when she speaks at the Hillsboro C onjungat Vo»." It was Coffee club meeting a t 3 p. m Frl- cnt-Teacher»' a»»oclaUoii by Meryl I O erm an Hnpltol church ()[ "Deu» Israel ______ erved by C harles W _____ Frank ____ and day In the ciiarribcr of commerce U lim un of Portlund police depuri- ß rih u n y met Tueftduy for un ull Richard I He _________ ». . In . . _ __ Bendrli k», , »_- vested Btcpli- rooms business m eetlltf will be- ----- i gin a t 2:15. nient ln a talk Indore the local Uuy bnslni-v. »(-»»Ion und fellowship um,, Dalmatics und Nocí «trape.' Members of the club us well as David lllll school i dinner. R eports of the various a c ­ The bride wore u dark brown silk Uroup ut the tivities of tin* church were ver; iy dre: ss trimmed III ecru luce w ith ! others living In Hillsboro and vlcln- Tuesday night For »lx month« llu encouraging. Allhoiiuh the churr . ______ ________ _ small brown h at to m atch. The Ity will exhibit a rt work a t the club " n 1 a » eon was ., ii ie n ib , r of the Commun lost Its beloved pastor, the Rev bridesmaid. Miss Edna Susbauer ol meeting. Interested In a rt 1st party to gain evidence against William U ral, late last summer, the R„y, wus groomed In blue tweed Is urged to Anyone attend the session, offl- (he organisation and obtained val- nirm bershlp bus curried on tin ensemble suit with blue felt h at club I a ■ k. » meeting, », Xaxx* ( »»av tam ing Industrial o r p o lltlcu l become the supply pastor "lor six Chine trimmed ■ . with blue satin the I music uge changes. Full Hedged members ol mouths or longer'' which cull was sash, und wearing a large blue rib- Mrs. E E, Bentley, chairm an of the Communist in her ____ hair. ___ The . Vow A ltar was I C*e a rt departm ent of the Coffee uccepted b »y Mr. Leper, The supply . 1 bon _______ . . ___ - - decorated - ............. Slotiul revolutionists devoting their pastor junior und uni his sister, Mrs. 11 L. profusely with white car club, is In general charge of the lull tune to bringing about u revo- kuiiimcll, will (X'cupv the parson- nations, red ilex berries and green J program for the afternoon, iutlon, Bacon Mid The only time age near the church during the : fern., The musical program was Hostesses tor Uie afternoon ln- lern«. The prog „ __ Mary d u d e Mrs. M. Elder. Mrs. C. H off is (hut necessary for subsistence, tlrne ol his service us supply. I under the direction of Miss according to party literature. i Catherine Husbaüër, organist of St. J*1“ ?®“ ' Mrs F Engcldlnger, Mrs. I Alexander’s church, Cornelius. At 8- F F ayram and Mrs. O. Phelps. Extrusive quotations were read the end of the nuptial rite the _ from original documents of the tor presented the newly wedded I? M A flffire o ru Communist party by Bucon, who I couple with u 12 by 18 Inch artiste v iill-v ia wus secretary of ttie international i m arriage diploma Ad Perpetuara i I In a f .jllr w l Labor Defence us well us secretary UNIVERSITY OF OREGON — 1 Rel Memorlam -emphasizing as he LO O tJ 1 IlS L c illO U of the Friends of the Hovlet Union. Both ure Communist organizations, Among the 94 students named on ■'¡'‘«•»“ ‘Iv lth ® ¡ X “ ' Royal Neighbors wUl hold the speaker s a id . He a t t e n d e d Hie University of Oregon honor roll f '“at ¿*"**J* , ‘ »UUatlon Wednesday evening some of the advanced school» lor ” , j ,, , ' ber. binding together the diploma. f t“ “id o ran g e h ill Mr» Ada the training of party workers ,',r 1,1 , l, m “ 1 were to rem ind them th a t m arriage o rV«e . J™ }:. Ada h ir d » Of I h e e a r n i n u s o f Olnsmore, freshm an In science, from WM « bilateral contract, which 3 “ IU» r’S . F’ Two- t llilrd» of the earnings of m u g b o ro . I ni,ri«r i Lord , „ » u,i,iie „n I Mrs. F reda Fro»t. ceremonial m ar- C hrist Our while fiere on Hovlrt workers In K uulu jo to the I shal; and Mrs. B ertha Ennis, ln- In order to receive the dlstlnc- earth raised to the dignity of a ,uh “ tai,- to be used In building up ...... „a .......... K u r r a m e n t b i n d in g t h e m t o g e t h e r ' s l a m n g chancellor surpluses for export. These export Bim of being ............. named . ..... on .1— the .. honor • w h a^ U ierefo ri’ God h ath Mrs Myrna W atkins U to be in- Items ure dumped In other cinni- roll, students must acquire a t least 1 * “ W*“ 1 11 “T » t a i l e d as oracle, Maude S tannard tries to add to unemployment there lt 2.50 grade point average on at ^11,,,^./"* Mut ’ XIX 8 Referring vi.ce o ra tle l Marle Wortman. Mut XIX, (l. 8. H R F eferring Peari a and n d build b u ild 111» u n r e s t In n r e n u r u t ln n , ,___ .......... t asunder is u illie r M a t A1A I t r r in g r re e c o o r r d d e e r r - P earl M a ie r r receiver e c e iv e r ■ up unrest In preparation e „ - t u , |,„ ur8 ... OI .........-1, work to the g gold background on .the In- (3 U H , (,u Kir o iu o a tK g r o u n u o n u i e u i - , j . T raughber c h a n c e llo r re“ F v ly" e lv n ; for a revolution flic li S. S. R ............... ...................... Nlne “tudenU received the grudc scripllon portion of the diploma, -phtmasot^ m arshal” X ?nia C oS sells lor cash und buys on th e lmm ible u/iLh 1 point uverage of 3.00, the highest nil which their names are w ritten r ierl assitant marshal- P it? r o ot esi credit le rn a obluUiaUle with ¡«sslble. ........ • ___ ... „ „ . „ I , , . , - .,« » t h e o u s t o r re. . rl- aa-s l>-a f>l m arshal, E tta Cook, !he l d n r « l rem,uncmgU a lUie h ' .„1x7- since It consists of • __ a" ‘nni'r ^ n u A d ; ^ 1 ™ ^ « national debts when the time 1» "A" average sublccts taken. sentinel: m an. ’ average in in all all subject, taken. ^ ' 7 u V the o f ntwiy p r ^ r v weaaed l ^ ^ m couple u t u ï °* ï outer Ä Ä - Beulah Ä Ä Morlev ' Z ripe. Bacon said. lo v e as a s Incorruptible i n c o r r i m i ih le as n s gold, void the . 1. .°_J a r“ ’ Marji upw ard, m an- love ! metal tlial never corrodes ager tnrec .year». Fay Saunders, There are only 300 dut«-|>ayln‘i « hite Swans on Lake— ,codernus, Communists in Portlund, but about Vuvlsteke reported FoUowtim a sh o rt wedding trip u -arer“ “ Irerm ‘ iT o ^ t^ F u ith 8' flag No?I Mrs Omar ,lx white swans <»n i PortliRidwards Mr. and Mrs. Bus- Duxbury, Modesty” R h /c o sle tt Nf!ni 10,000 oilier persons belong to or­ Unit there are six ganizations sponsored by the Com­ the lake at Jackson kson bottom south w111 make th eir home In Ver- selfishness; Mabel Lockett, E ndur- munists. he added The latter em - j boort ante, and Eleanor K lln g d , Cour- brace' à large number of groups îf * îî ' P ï ï L “ ’ VB b‘* n therC tOT age. AU officers elected are re- whose purpose Is gradually to bend M,nu l,ow' “ONE LIVE GHOST" quested to wear white. A musical the members toward communism. Home Iroin llim plul— program will be given after the STAGED THURSDAY the speuker declared. Farnham , who In lias P been play, wl.h ceremonies. Refreshment« were served follow- the Hugh Veterans' liospltul ° rtla n 11 d 1 , „ The A " ' p/? y., "One Live P G host" n^ t *l«n Robert Dinsmore on Honor Roll Illg the meeting- E ntertainm ent in- eluded a (lance by Collene Mae- IXiwell. u pluno solo bv Ann IN-ters, und group kinging led by Miss - -- M aunne if Moore, with Mrs Lyman Howe us urconipnnlat. Mrs. I). Sellers Installed Head of Relief Corps for more than a month, wa.s brought home Saturday, and Is convalescing »lowly O. E. S. Meri» Tuesday— — First meeting of T ualatin chapter, ill D n e iU O. E 8 . lor IMS W will be C 1,. ki . wa Tm-sday evening at the Mu I... temple. “nd,,‘" “ ¡2?.. sented next Thursday evening l a i t the K. P. hall In North P lains un- lie- iiu sp ic.. of the TCiiiglit., of I.obese Group Nominate Evelyn Ann Busch was nom lnat- ed president a t the meeting of Lohese Camp Fire group at the olh',.r!* » . *> lno ti* ci C ’t tuulas are a».vs»uw«u^. of ¿ean A1111 P<«>ey l*»t u in iv ii, v/sisaasva »?»” , Cox. Marie Sm ith Thursday. x O thers nom inated for D o t iu lu A flr iU I l Hornecker If< ir n » (' a a n n d H ( office ifflc P U -pro • M arv U«« Douglass. Adrian were; Mary Manley, w vice- -------- ’ president; and Haworth. Nell Stangel and Evelyn E' secretary. Mrs. B ryant helped the ! older girls and Miss Minerva Fuller Library Work Advancing— | H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Laid to Rest D . Page Seven U. V. Tents Jointly Install , ■ . , Auxiliary, D. A. R. in state Conference Edris Morrison Speaker A.A.U.W. Meeting Tonight . . . Many : American Legion Auxiliary and -... . ! D aughters of the American Revolu- Alma ---------- B ennett ------- Olden -------, tent, — D U. l >on conference _ on - National ------- - - - - — - D - e -• . The Hillsboro and Forest Orove V . and Mary L. T anner tent of '®ri»e held in Portland Saturday branches of the American Asocla- Beaverton hdld Joint Installation January ¡9, Irom 10 a. m. to 4 p. m tlon of University Women will pre- Monday evening a t the V eterans’ »t the Multnomah hotel. This will i sent Edris Morrison of P ortland on liait Mrs. Efatella M Weed of port- : be » »t»le meeting and members of the "Little T heatre Movement," at land, departm ent president, and her both groups all over the state are the Hillsboro library tonight (Thura- ’ staff Installed the officers. | invited to ---- a attend, f — . . 1 as ------- ---- ' ‘ davi at 8 o'clock. - _ well . " . as _ any- omen who are alumnae of col- Miss Virginia Brogden was In one Interested. Mrs. Charles Gunn, ,c Hills xiug,- President °( th e Legion Aux- leges and universities, those who stalled as sncuucm, president u, of u the boro tent, and Miss Joy Hulett, r ‘“ 7 , Weatherford, state have attended college without grad- president of the Beaverton tent., \ D A K • wllJ Preside uatlng. and women who arc sln- O ther waa*«gv«o officers of ten Cal- ______ cerely • Interested In w the VI the fc**V local Ttl V CUb t in- 1” ' a t the meeting. Mrs ______ . ______ __ -.w - educational ..«c taYled'were ‘ m JE i EUle*May cimliS)' vlri w i“ n” of Longview, Wash., advancement of "the"? s e i" are ln- en io r vice; Mrs. W C Gifford na l‘onal chairm an of national de- vlted to the meeting and to become junior vice; Miss Anna Bias, chap- I, ^ se V?r Auxiliary and Mrs. members of the local branches of lain; Mrs. Viola Sundberg. trea3- Jo“ n ,c ; RR'hardson of Portland, the association. There are three • ' s Ju n ta Johnson, secre- 'i re|C 2‘ oi th £ D \ J 1 types. oi «nembershlp. National, as- urer; Miss T c» “ n speakers. O ther soclate and group. ( tary; Mrs. . G ertrude C ale/ Dress _ wU1 , »m . Mrs. O ra Laws.'M i .. »«... —---------------------- correspondent; rs speakers during the meeting will Edith" Stew art, and Mrs. Á. W. d L, Mayor Joe Carson of Portland, f a r d Party and Dance Walker, council £ mignbers; Mr». P“rsîïïs Cedar « — Æ Capi. c ™ . of Y“ the ' ur^ At yC n^ , Mill Gran Adìnliaton George Darland. m Mi esime E. Brown, Æ ^ ¿ c Ä n d J oí Ä Ä Mrs. J. Peterson a M t t r Veterans H W all C.IC./WI1O jJ U Mrs. P. Challacombe, musician. MBs Alma Eslinger gave a tap Mrs L. F. Emmott, wife of former accompanied by Miss Dc- local business man. dies after ex­ dance, Laurlce Bump, and Mrs. Willard tended Illness. (Story on page 1) Hughes gave a reading after the installation. Mrs. George Fischer. O ther offi­ cers elected are Mrs. Robert Bur- l \ < ; _ „ t ? Ungame, vice-president; Mrs. R alph iV U S S H i. d tte P S O n Ramey, secretary; and Mrs S. E. r . . , „ r Thwalte, treasurer. Mrs. Fischer, the retiring president, was pre- x - 'u x x j f sented with a gift. Miss Emily L.ouise P a t t e r s o n daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Past Noble G rands Initiate— .. . , t i Patterson of Hillsboro, was m ar- Inltlatlon was the order of busl- ried New Year's Eve to Lieutenant ness a t ttie Past Noble G rands' Marcellus Duffy air corps U 8 „i.,K ------ k Qf Mrs o . . . S . F Wh,m v r ? „i„h 1 nrv , “»"¡¡7 >. -------------- D^ffy’ -------' at„I,h® F ® N ' S i T be wedding was S ^ m ^ T a n d I t te n d ^ ^ P l a n s were ‘De °? 'tnK 10 attended. Plans were the death of Lt. Lt D Duffy's Noble for G rand, attended uffvs father. f father a th er made 15. ‘n_w _L L _D uny»_ made lor a a pie pie social social February reoruary 13. Hostesses for the February meeting W"1 be Mesdames Helen Delchman, Honored on Birthday— Maud Zumwalt and In a Bowman Mrs. W E. Ogilbee entertained Revival u M" —11--- with Monday “ n ° u«M__ honor a „ card f - , h party Pa£ÍIhSí onday night night in m of the birthday anniversary Revival meetings 1 progress nonor Revival meetings are are In of her husband Three tihle« dr at the Cornelius Methodist Epis- bridgew ere nUyedfSTowSSi h l copal church each evening a t ¿30, Mrs Morgan f t i .5 T:30, s u p T r " M k * '“M o?gM “ ' and S d 1 Allen ex':ePt Saturday. These meetings ogiiS-e received high scores ^ iith „ext ni,-i?Oney'— v'Sc Simplified S tandard Course of Jazz Second St. Phone 283 IX. I VENETIAN g I w " T H IS W EEK FRI - SAT. M atinee at 2 P. M. Dance night, Ja n - 47 ln.stidlaLtnn of offlcera of H i U h - . . . . - — - blocked, shoes Seattle— boro Woman*« Rollef Corps wa* word recently of tin- birln ol a protects and Is a great b e n e f it t o ! . " « r « eraueg was honored on shined. W. G. Stampohs, 1132 Main W. H. M iller left son, Harold R ichard, to Mr. anil v or n e w » h b birthday O B ^ w ia n f F rid o r eve- . „ Wednes ' atreet held Friday afternoon at trie Ve 37U ntn)r wltl) # gurprlse !)artv a t hlg day with her sister, Mr H arry 1 em us' hall Willi Mrs H H. Rogers Mr Harold Cook of Portland on m t library. Singer, for Seattle, Wash. home south of Cornellu» by a 8in—’ v- She will as Installing officer. Mr» J R H ar- December 2. Mrs Cook was a for- Leave on Trip— nd the rem ainder of Uie winter mer high school teacher here grnvc wax installing m arshal. Dr. and Mrs. J O. Robb and their " i ‘iii’bo£5- / rb o ‘e pr» ^ n t »{*« ise guests and Mr. , , and v 'i- aere . with her sister, who has been Mrs. H K. Lucas of Be Bend 1« a house guests, Mrs Mrs. Johann« Johanna Robb ?.tre ? ,r ‘ M.r ,.V 5* ? Mrs. R Robinson. °h'/i - ™ Mrs. Dwight Hellers was Installed isiting here. iMr^ - as president; Mrs. E. J Peterxon, guest of tier |>arcnta, Mr. and Mrs anil grandson K enneth of Ilderton, , , „„71“ . ........................... .................... .............. ..... . . . _____ _ i» n t o u t - Ontario. Canada, and B ert Robb V iihnij,nM r' .a£ld M rs- Wicklund, i H. ............... it. Emmott. coming „ dowr .enliir vice, M r. A W . Walker Dr. ThompMm ha» bean ntafc« mm.,, vice;' Mrs J E Hutherl.iml tend th e funcrul of fo r aunt M, of Russell. M anitoba, will leave ’ ’’ “ ifarm ree in s regular visita to treasurer; Mrs E M. Bowman. L. F. Emmott. Xu“ dav ior a two weeka' trip to a “'jd nh,npJ 1 i i n ^ . b fur the past 18 years. Hundm tn B a r n e s o f his patrons have found his secretary ; Mlsa May Cook, con- Mrs N F Cochran, who ha» been f,all," F“Aa M7 . J 0*]?*!,1!“ *?, and W alter Dirence ^V aher Her service to be prom pt, accurate and reason­ (luctor. M r, S .K Olsen. as-.? - a guest of her daughter. M rs, J ¡{a'bbn,oU’cr of I,r ,tobb ller‘ | in '? and Mr a £ i Mrs' R.eriwU“ ^ able in cust. Hotel W as h in « ton, next ln<’ and Mr. and Mrs. Riedweg and lam conductor. Mrs Cora C odi- Barney, ilice Thanksgiving, h it Tuesday. 16th. family. rane, guard; Mrs J. Nlrexlemus. ttie |1Ust ,,t the k for her horn, Circle No. 2 Meet« 17th— ! Mrs. Curry Hostess— assistant guard; Mrs. Mary Habln lu Uuker. CARD OF THANKS . «*»■ Circle No. 2 of the Methodist chapluin; Mrs H Hyrc musician. B reakfast club m et Wednesday vi»h to express uur heartfelt thanks Chris G hmacht of north of H ili, tuolle, a m win n,.-,, ,s Miss Anna Bias, patriotic instructor DOWN HERE IT'S HEAVEN I I I I BAXTER I Savage» in the »ki»»|.,.| „ afraid, I tell youl . . . The only way to forget 1» to love I... That »whyyour caressing arms must be wait­ ing for me— olwaysl" M rs« still has many WARNER Barga ins m e H w iii t u r p s w in in a v n u . i i . iu . k -,..,, W e w ish to exp re«, our »incere iirali- Plans for installation of officers Mrs. M. Wick was elected presl- to our m any frien d , for the kind- fleers of ttie Forest Grove corp» corps to- ,n \ Social ' M'lisooro. Circle will meet at tlic wlU **' n,“dp Prld*V night a t the dent of t h e Episcopal W omens tude ,ie .s »nd sym pathy extended u . In our (lay with Mrs E Peterson as liomf- 4 Mrs H A IX, k 1 next oi Phoenicia Temple, P yth- Church Service league a t their ...i___ ------ - recent w e n . « and for the m any lovely lIV 1'!» OI *>11». II. I A l l l x l lan K ls t j.r « m PPLlIllZ T ’h l i r « « d a . v nt »b«« ,, installing officer. Sisters. m ,ta n g Iliursday a t the home of, flower- l . f . immott and family. Thursduy afternoon. Reginald Reynolds and Lea R ich­ ards of Portlund arc leaving the last Of the week for Kellogg. Idaho. F W Sm ith of Tillamook was a Hillsboro business visitor Tuesday. W ashington county leader»' a s­ sociation plans its first meeting fur MRS. SUSIE O'BRIEN 1935 a t 1 30 p. m. Saturday In the I Mr». ..........___ Susie ..................... O'Brien, 71. .... died Tues- basement of the court house Of- (| lly ¡„.r | lonle near Cornelius fleers will be elected for the coni- She was born M arch 20, 1863. al Uig year and problems in connec- Hastings. Minnesota. She was m ar- tlon with the 4-11 program and rled 17 years ago to John O'Brien, II. ueiivii ,,r tlu (lie asoGalion u irlK llm i will yi.lirs iU,d lll,d “ l Cornelius for 15 the . uctlvlt.e« of 81>e llv,‘d ls »urv,ved by her daugh- lie discussed 1er, Mrs. Alys Norton of Corne- Executive council met last Sat-1 llus. urtliiy afU rnoon for discussion o il F uneral service, were held this f - o —.... r .. tii.. « c n e n i meet- morning at Uie chapel of th e F o r- the piogram L>r th K • l e n t Grove U ndertaking company nig and adopted resolution» to b, ulll) com m itm ent a t the Portland presented to the axsoclatlon lor j crem atorium. Mrs. W II. Wilson their approval. Members of the reader, had charge ol the services. executive council present a t the ’ I.umber Company .Morr» meeting were: Mrs. Frank Connell, president; Floyd Blcrly. vlce-presl- The L. N. Tompkins Lumber com- dent; Mrs. K M Bowman, w ere- pany olflces were moved this week lary; Cecil Heynderlckx, commit- from the First National Bank bulld- ( a t large; O B Ki.,u COUD- tag, up i.m . Io Hie Commere ,ai Many of the policies of the N a­ ly school superintendent, und L. E National bank building. tional Recovery A dm inistration Francis, assistant county agent. Mrs ------------------------- Olen Singletary ol G arden Home. program aim a t rem edying cut­ Birth» the other member of the executive ! Rice To Mr and Mrs. Richard s- th ro at c o m p e titio n , th r o u g h council, wus not present. Rice of Hillsboro, Jan u ary 3, a girl. broad Code reg ulations w h ic h O rnduff —To Mr. and Mrs. C lar­ now govern the entire printing ence O rndutf of Laurel, January 3. Beta Phi (Tub Meets— a boy. and publishing industry. Roberta Oversby and Carol Coul ---------- ------ i Jeike -To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest er were h.».les»es for a nicelln« n Jc |k,. of Hillsboro, Jan u ary 8. a boy the Beta Phi club Monday night at the home of Miss Oversby. Those Recovery under the NRA calls Divorce Suits Filed present were Mrs George Fischer, advisor; Helen Nelson, Helen Oliver, Schlaym an Henry Schlaym an vs. for individual sacrifice in a co­ Evelyn Pivdey, Betty Havens, Merle Ada Schlaym an operative en d eav o r to r e s t o r e Ireland, K athryn Mlsklnunlns, Syl­ business. It was designed to es­ via Muller, Hazel H anna. Emmy Lou Headricks, and the hostesses. tablish fair com petition and in­ Mr». Merrill llooteaa— crease purchasing power. Delphian society held a luncheon ’ meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. L. J. Merrill. Mrs. George Me- j 80 acres, 60 in cultivation, G rath was leader and the ?.Bidy And with the advent of this new n i e * *Big “ Medicine j K»od buildings, gravity wat- subject was com petition there passes from I er for irrigating 15 acres, | Rood.” the picture the unscrupulous per­ hay, work stock, cows, team Drill Tram» Coming— son, lately referred to as the Moose Drill and Moose L egion' of mules, farm equipm ent, drill team s of P ortland will be here <£] <)()() ,.u g h a n d s o m e t r n d o Chiseler. tonight (Thursday) to drill on the 'M. casn, ami some trade streets and a t the Moose lodge Will handle. meeting a t the I. O. O. F. hall Too m any of our m erchants have We operate under Program a t Masonic Home— Insure with done business with and been gip- Hillsboro Masons and Eastern the sign of the T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y S tars will have charge of the pro­ ped by this parasite in the prin t­ Blue Eagle of gram Hunday afternoon a t the IN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y ing field. But the strict enforce­ fair deal­ Masonic home. The services will be­ m ent of wage regulations, hours gin a t three o'clock. ing. of labor, and of quality specifi­ Engagement Announced— cations will put an end to his Mr. and Mrs William M Lewis 1314 Main Street of San Jose Cal., announce the e n ­ unfair practices. Public in s is ­ Hillsboro, Oregon gagement of their daughter. Eliza­ tence upon high trad e ethics and beth, of Ixuijj Beach, Cal., to Lyle Nosier of Hillsboro. high stan d ard s of quality will Club Leaders Meet Saturday Exit the Chiseler Tride for Smaller Farm W. G. ID E in her January Conchita C le a r a n c e M O NTENEG RO RUSSELL HARDIE SA L E Herbert Mundin- Andy Devine William St t l lin g -Ralph Morgan See them before you buy a Dress, Coat, PLUS--Mickey Mouse Suit or Hat. A n d O th er Short Subjects ■RHHRRRI P R E V IE W GOAR’S SATURDAY N IG H T , 11:15 Roger P ryor and H e th e r A n gel in Woman’s Shop " R o m a n c e in t h e R a in ” E. M. BARNES, Prop. m ss a 3 I IV I f - " b, I SUNDAY - M O NDAY - TUESDAY - W EDNESDAY January 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 W IT H YOUR EYES OPEN OR CLOSED, JÉ IT IS AN E V E N I N G ^ ® FOR THE C O D S !" !;t \ q F il/lrftirirre è Wl OO OUR PART /7,c i n o t f y/çricius m u s ic a l r e m .m e e tn r . O/Ve^llOHTOFjbVE e f a ll ti m e ! It is reasonable to expect more intelligent and skillful service from the Argus, whose personnel is devoting th eir entire lives to the local field of new spaper pub­ lishing and commercial printing, than from one who does not un­ derstand your business problems. The Argus can serve your best interests. Directed by VICTOR SCHKRTZINCER f Story by Dorothy Speare and C harles Beahan Screen play by S. K. Lauren Jam es Oow, Edmund North A Colombia Picture ■ ■ ■ I i •¿"THIS ONE IS FOR YOU. HRA also aid in serving an honest ef­ ficient business structure. II I4 II I I P LU S — “ Pop Eye” Cartoon end O th e r Short Subject». II I I I I I 'TULLIO CARMINATI • LYLE TALBOT n M O N A BARRIE L ib erty gave it 4 Stars and »aid “ It is the best pictu re you w ill see in the next six months.” II II I I * I I ■ W i ■ J