Page Six THE last week visiting relatvles near r a f t and were guests at the H L Flint home near Debake. Mrs. Elizabeth Keed and Thomas Reed spent New Year's at the B Schulinench home In Hillsboro. Mrs. J H. Collier of Orland. Cal.. | was also present. M ille r Buya B onham P la c e ; iv e tu y -rix ‘relatives"attended a L. W . G u ild H o n o re d ^ t h d a ^ u w e ^ « t- n jn ^ h o n o ^ o ., Scholls Spuds Shipped South » (B y -------- 11. Demn.ini L. ARG U S, H IL L S B O R O . OREGON CHARTS SHOW HIGHER EDUCATION INCOME DROP ANNUAL INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES riiui'sila). Ja n u ary IO, 1935 Timber House is Purchased total annual ingomc from s t a t i **i * T0 I|44 M ro Present were Mr- Mrs. J J Gui.d and daughter Alice. M f-.aad . . M r s J D Oliver and daughter Lou Finigan and dauglitei Wanda were Sunday guests at the Carl Wohlschlegel home. Miss Nadine spent the week-end with her cous­ in. Wanda Finigan on the moun­ tain. Bonham Place Bought H IL L S B O R O Posi O ffic e lNC\W>4Vt f in OO l l a a i R eports a G a in P ostal Business lioille at Iti Iglu wo, h | rin I unia v aftei -IH'iiding a week Willi hei giuml uaients. Mi und Mrs Charles Menke Dally Trips Io Portland New Calf Club Formed at Hiteon illy Mr«. Z.II U Nlru(h«r»l IIITEGN lllteoll 4 11 Calf club I H ills b o ro A u Io F re ig h t Bonded ulid Insured C u rie r Nerving lleaverlan, Alolia, lleed- vllle, lllllshoiu, Cornelius ami Forest Grove Pickup and DaUvery Service ut Package Hates Hillsboro Phone 542 was organlM'd December 31 at the Bast side T erm inal Portland home ol F I) lllte with Chester Phone EAst 9131 Timber Mrs. ___ Ida Kllburg _ has Ito b llisn ii .is leader The club is purchased the former Gilmore res-I composed ol live mi'iubet C he .h i .............. and . idence has started •> a luiuvooiu boarding I Robinson, lull Robinson. Ernest tid e J r . Robert Campbell, and lanise Cochran, seven miles above Tim Raymond Kugland. Robert C am p­ ber, was snowed in lor about a bell Is president, HUI Robinson week, because of snow anil I lie vlee-presideiit. and Raymond Rug mad being loo uarrow and danger­ land seeretur.’ . All members plan ous to send a snow plow over. Mad Io show at the county fair next 1 lias been sent In on the train, and .year H iur members have exhibited last Weduesdui the first car, the before, two winning ribbons at Hillsboro and one at Salem i school bus. oame through A verv decided pick-up In busi­ Tigard Rebekah club met Wed ness has been noted in tne Timber nesdav with Mrs Mildred Hiteon postal departm ent II Inis been re Mr and Mrs William Carlstedi j corded the heaviest since 11129 a n d chllilren of ISiwell Valley were Mr and Mrs llurlelgli Tallm an New Year's day guest.', at the 1, and lauiu» lime moved Into ttoeu M Davies home Thet also visited house, formerly occupied by Mi - M rs Sophia Olson Ida Kllburg and lamily Mr. and Mrs a Zweiner anti Miss .Vlavr fu r n it u r e Ellen Zweiner of Tigard were guests Mrs W W McDonald Is spend- New Year's at the Herman Mei 1 mg this week m Eugene removing zentlne home the rem ainder of her furniture to Mr and Mrs Lester Robinson anti Timber. Miss Kllaubeth S truthers of P o rt­ Keluriis from Island« land and Guv Wilson of lleavt rtou Private Morris Dean, who ha. spent New Year's at the C W \Xlicn you go io i alifornia, try been stationed in the Philippine S truthers home. (be train t Big (bangr« have (a im Islands for the past lour years, re ­ Mr Itrd Mrs. Chris Restorff and place on our rail». Pullman turned home Thursday lor a visit daughter of Washougal Wash . w ere charge-« are a third lew (ban with Ids parents, Mr and Mrs. II week-end guests of her parent ■ H Ttuotsou He Is now .stationed Mr and Mrs Charles North last year. Kail fare« are tombing Mrs o W Slrtilhers atiended at San Francisco and is home on bottom at 2# a mile ami lest. a turlougli H e WM jo in e d by Ills the presentation of "The Messiah Complete meal« In our dining brother, Private Everett Dean, s t a ­ at the auditorium m ISirtland S u n ­ ear« coal a« linle a« NO/. For de- day Miss Elizabeth S truthers was tioned at Vancouver Barracks (ail«, «ee your linal agent or M rs p I'.s.,;, x . Mi .iiu l Mi among those participating John Brlx and Mr. and Mrs. T Ray Kurken went to Salem Sun - i write J. A. Ormaody, ’ OS Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. Horn passed through Timber on day to visit his mother, who Is I their wav to E nright Friday. Mrs quite ill. Easley was an overnight guest of Mr and Mrs John Richmond We specialize In quality job p rin t­ Miss Mary Jane Walker ol Wlieel- ing Argus. er visited her mother. Mrs Mary Walker, last Wednesday Mrs. Anna W right lias been con­ fined to her home with illness Ha- I M hiiioik I s past week. Lieutenant Hulslander W atc hex of ttie Westliuber CCC camp has returned to tils home in Seattle His place Is being filled by Lieu­ tenant John. Klllgieen. formerly of Cascadia. Miss Ju an ita Nelson spent the week-end a t her liome in Mon­ mouth. JEW ELER Mrs. C. P Easley of Enright lia.. just returned from a ttiree weeks' LET KELLY FIX YOUR WATCH visit at the home of her parents In Coquille Mr ulid Mrs Gordon White and son C harles and Mrs White .-, m oth­ Stage Depot 11 lllslio T o , ( ll i'lfiill er reiurned to their home Hl Prosser. W ash. Saturday alter ha»- tng spent several weeks with Mrs W hites m other and family. Mrs Osc»r Shifter. Snow Falling At this writing it looks as though Timber was m fur a cold winter Snow has been falling quite heavily and a thin white covering is seen Mr. and Mrs A rthur Beyers mov­ ed Saturday into the house form er­ ly occupied by Mr and Mrs 11 Tallman (H y Mr and Mrs George Ernst and Miss Adelma Ernst ol Sylvan. Mr and Mrs Joe Bursty of Portland. Miss G arnet Guild of Newbeig and M is Rebecca RoweU. Bert Rowell. Mrs. Ina Sutherland, and Mr and Mrs. L. W Guild. Mr and Mrs. Earl Stretcher. Mrs Jennie Farver and Louis Hesse were Sunday guests a t the Jim n ee j home in Portland. Hold M atch Party „ Year's .......... Eve ..... watch party A ... New en a , tlu, Guene Lovegren home included Leonard Hansen. Harold Seiftert Ju an ita Sargent. Stanford ClOUer Bonnie B artlett. Lelana Mcc a n n . Lyle McKune and Ernest and Marv Lovegren. Loia K lt'hinnlull TR Y THE T R A IN TO CALIFORNIA L. M. Miller purchased the M N. Bonham place last week Warren and EJ Miller oi Hood River, F. G. Miner and Grace Mil- ler were New Year's guests at the Can Rueck home. Mr and M rs Ed Murphv visited the H att.e McClure home at Sher- wood Wednesday Emmott Elliott of Corvallis was a Sunday guest at the S A. Got- ter home Evangelical Brotherhood will hold Cyrus Speaks open meeting at the church Tues- About 35 were present when the day evening. There will be a speak- Scholls Grange entertained January ---------- er. g. Wnliam Cyrus gave a talk on Sunday guests at the Dr. C hand­ daffodil culture. ler home were Mr and Mrs. Harry Mrs Jesse Wisniewksi and daugh­ IW4-J» Slyter, Hugh Stewart and William ter Helen of Taft spent last week Slater of Portland. with her uncle and aunt. H. T Bill Ross a n d Miss Dorothy Hesse She returned Sunday with Campbell of Vancouver, Wash., were Tbny Wisniewski Jr., and Mr. and Sunaay guests a t the J. L. Kerr Mrs! Tony Wisniewski S r, who COMPARATIVE MILLAGE INCOME home- were Suncay guests at the Hesse Carl Setifert and Harold Se.ffert home. AND STUDENT ENROLLMENT spent Sunday at the Ado'.ph Seif- Sunday guests a t the N O. Boleen » 9 3 0 -3 1 TO 1 9 3 4 - 3 9 , INCLUSIVI* fert home at Cherry Grove home were Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole Freece Lillegard and family spent and son Jay of Porltand. 00k LAM nUOfNTS New Year's a t th e P. I. Lillegard bb? S Elmer* Hoew l r t dhomer w e re 'M r and picked four nice Iris buds from Mrs Bruce Bound. Grace. Dean 1 her flower garden last week, which and Clarence Bound, and Roy Work- ( burst into full bloom when placed in the vase. Mr. and M rs W F. Masher and ta O Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask and children and Annabell Kerry of Chart A million » ¿ M ' A r llt£ Ne’ Year s , guests of Mrs Masher's parents, Mr. ana a t their beach home. Hefferman. Sunday afternoon visitors a t the Mrs. Clyde ________________ kt 000 Rose Jackson home were Mr and . , How drastic has been the decline in income Mrs Mike Jackson J r of Gaston. [ \ l r t n n f i l i n ( l U m l Frances Seuiickerof Portland. Frank I v - I U l U I l « iU l for Oregon’s system of higher education is Setnicker a n d son. Mrs. L u e shown in these charts taken from the biennial Moleskny and John Mocusk, all of -á 9.000 Hillsboro. K. Cahow of Vancouver report of the state board of higher education to (By Mrs. Bird McCormick) and Orland Whitmore of Laurel. CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN— S un­ the governor. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murray spent the week-end with her sister at day school was reorganized at M ountain Top church Sunday- eve­ Woods. 9000 ONE Francis Rowell and Bert Rowell ning. Ernest G unther was elected MiLLW Chart A—Total income from all sources, su perintenaent; Miss C lara Shook, spent January 1 and 2 at Depot- secretary-treasurer; Ernestine G un­ Bay on a fishing trip. Misses Patricia Hoeffei and Mary- ther, teacher of primary class; state, federal, fees, and gifts, has declined 41 Ellen Nash of Witch Hazel rode Mazie Burt, teacher of high school per cent. 4000 their bicycles to the J. E. Bennett age class; A rthur Parrish, teacher home Saturday- and returned home of adult class; Clarence Wood, li­ brarian and usner. and Lloyd G un- Sunday. Chart B— State income, including that from ___ _______ Mr. and _________ Mrs. Jordan Natzel ___ and ther assistant. Sunday school is children Barbara June and Bob. at 7:30 in the evening, preceding millage and continuing a p p ro p ria tio n « In « rib­ 9.000 and mother. Mrs Jennie Jackson, church. Revival meetings here witn “ *» p p ‘ Mp‘ '-«uun», n a s ne who recently moved to Portland Elery Parrish in charge ended S at- clined 40.2 per cent. from Idaho, were New Year's guests urday evening. at the C. Earl Stretcher home. Mrs Mr. an a Mrs. Don McInnis and Natzel and Mrs. S tretcher were chilaren of ReedviUe visited his Chart C— M illa v e in c o m e th e c h ie f girlhood friends in Iowa 23 years parents, Mr and Mrs. D. M. Me- v -»linage income, the chief support TE A R ago. inrns. Saturday. Mrs. L. L. Murray of the institutions, continues to d e c lin e a lth o u g h Mr. and Mrs. children and v u iu in u c s to u e e n n e a iu io u g li ars. W. w. H. H Baidra of ol and an a enuaren an a Miss miss Alice a u i x Me- a il - Portland. Mr and ' " Mrs. J. A. York, Inrns and F ranx P am ter came out student enrollment has turned upward Mr. and Mrs- - J. T. __________ _ from Portland Saturday and re- _ _ _ _____________________________ ' _____ * Chart C York and _ chil- dren Doris and Richard. Mr and mained till Sunday evening a t the - Mrs. - - Oscar Hagg and Mr. and Mrs. M cInnis home. river country, visited the B. F. De- the home of Mrs. Ernest Amacher 19H0 Chevrolet l*g-toii. dunl tires Mr and Mrs W Hutchen and Mrs. Bert Ingraham of Chelialem f?rd family and Fred and John D. W. McInnis and four sons. aU of Portland. son of Llnnlon and Clyde Hutchen of ReedviUe. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Center returned home January 2 Haynes January 3. i t t Mr and Mrs. Mallory Brooks and of Carlton visited at the B Haynes I 'J.'iO Dodge I 1 i -tun Flint and Frank Norman and Earl alter spenaing five aays here with . ira O. and Hodson McCormick Burton of Brooks Hill sixiit home Tuesday Demmin were dinner guests of Mr a daugnter. Mrs. Merle McDougal, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. Oomb- Sunday in P ortland with Mrs _ J- Moehnke and family spent er a t Portland January 3. Mr 1933 Dodge 1 1 ¿-ton. 6.50 by 20 (I um I h and Mrs. A. B. Flint New Year's and d baby son. lB y Mr., f'r.nk Pssoldti Brooks Brook's mother. Mrs. Burton. Burton New Yeur's in Oregon City with Mrs. George M aynard entertained Comber ^as been seriously ill since Eve a watch party followed. ¡4rs Edward Fuegy of Helvetia spent relatives ROCK CREEK—Mr and Mrs. Miss Evelyn Hatfield spent New with a dinner January J lor Mr. December 21. He was improving and John Schneider entertained with' 1928 Dodge 1 i r ton l t h 'last Iast week at the home of Mr anu ana Mr and Mrs. Wilburn Moehnke Year's vacation a t the Raymond and MrS. Jerome Buzan and Mr. expected to be able to sit up in a a card party at their home w jqew New» Mrs. Mr''i John Schneider and visited returned home Tue.sduy evening and Mrs. M. M. Harvey. fe* days; Casey home in McMinnville. whUe here I 926 Dodge 1 1 , -Inn eve. Prizes were won by 'o other th e r relatives while here. after spending a ten day v a c atio n 1 Mr. and Mrs. M M. narvey spent „ Barky Jones and brother-in-law, Year's Louis Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Hesse spent - u — of Lents Zuercher and Arnold I Mrs is_.i, E”»*! t Leher Lents and and visiting friends and relative« in until Thursday- of New Year s day in Hillsboro with H erbert Reynolds. Went to Tilla- Mrs. --------- from Monday — --------------------___ . i her son. Dr Pasley mook the first of fast week where Berger. Music was also enjoyed dur- Mr and Mra- Ernest Leher and and around Portland lng the evening Those attending two son-s visited Mr. and Mrs Fairview school opened again » Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blazer went th ^y are falling hemlock trees for were Mr and Mrs Henry Fuegy E rnest Stauss on New Year's day January 2 with an attendance of to Silverton New Year's day, where pu/P,„*'°°d, ,, WE DEAL IN BEAL ESTATE and Evelyn Fuegy. at M rs- Howard Nottage of Port- 17 pupils Three of them are 111 they were guests of her sister, Mrs. Gloria Hoffman is taking a post and Carl W rit, Mr and Mrs. John S ch n eld -: 'an d visited with her sister. Mrs with a slight attack of the flu C an Lorenzen, and old neignoors, graduate business course at New- Aloha; Fire and Automobile Insurance er. Herbert, Stanley and Lorraine C hrist Relchen. Friday Earl Connelly has returned home« Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Clara, until oerg unl°n high school. She Is tslt- Make Loans and Issue Surety Bonds Schneider. Shadv Brook; Mr and Mrs. Blenert In llu»pioi sUer spending the past three the following Thursday evening. one subject at Pacific college. N e w L o v iltio il Mrs. Arnold Berger. Norma. K en-; Mrs. H Blenert underwent an months on the Gus Gtieen place KURATLI & WISMER Mrs. J. E. Blazer was a guest of Hoffmans E ntertain neth. Edna and A rthur Berger operation at the Emanuel hospital near Manning. Mrs. F. M. Dille at Hillsboro S at- Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hoffman en- West Union; Edward Fuegy Hel- in Portland Friday HILLSBORO, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tolke and I t 25 THIRD STREET urday while Mr. Blazer attended i tertained with a watch party New vetia; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zuer­ T-lephone 1J91 1236 Second St. Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs children and Lyle Hled-wx- of neur H ills b o ro W asnington County unit of the Year's eve. Those attending were cher. O re g o n Mr and Mrs. Edward Scheldt. Ben Leu were Mr. and Mrs W alter Mountaindale visited at the William Farm ers' Union. Mr and Mrs. J. E Blazer. Mr Louis Pezoldt, Chris a n d Alfred Niekol and Betty and D orothy, Shepard home Friday Mrs. .Mattern Honored anQ Mrs E. C. Wohlschlegel, Misses Jaggi, Gottlieb Schneider and the Beverly Menke returned to her iny. Nlckol of Bethan; Mrs. Fred M attern was corapll- Gloria Hoffman. Enola Barlow Mr Mid Mrs. William Oswald of DR. R. J. NICOL m ented Saturday evening witn a Betty Coyle, Phyllis and Emice host and hostess the week-end Francis Reichen, Donald Jossy. W ashington s| S T surprise card party, occasion being Wohlschlegel and Merribelie Hoff- rs. Mike Vrllcak her oirthday anniversary. man. Messrs Dorman Blazer. Laur- Fred Stahli. Wilfred and Albert with Mr and DR. E. W. ALMQUIST Orossen visited John Hanson at Miss June Hoicomo and Robert ${?• Don and Duane Haynes and the Good Sam aritan hospital S un­ Sm ith of Scholls visited his sis- Vincent Wohlschlegel. V eterinarians ter. Mrs. Sam o tto , in u rsd ay eve- , M r- and Mrs. Victor Schmidt and day. nlng. family and Mrs. George Gould of Telephone £43 and 642 Mullerleiles W rite Mrs. D. A Otto entertained with Portland brought E. P. Sm ith home Albert Zumkehr received a card New Y ears dinner for Mr. ano Sunday. He had been employed In last m onth from Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Fred G .ao h o m and fa n n y Sandy since November 30. Mrs William Mullerleiie of Zurich 8wit- MASON HILL—School resumed and Mrs. H E. u rao tio m of Cooper Sm ith returned home with them '■ zerland. Mr. and M rs Mullerleiie Monday morning and m ast of the M ountain. Mr. ana Mrs. Sam o tto for inefinlte stay, pupils were glad to return to their and son Willie resided in this com- ’ It .. . and son and Dan c,.amt>ers. Miss Madelyn — Shattuck, mum ty for a few m onths last year , duties, ....................... Miss W anaa Finigan was hostess an d returned to Switzerland last | teacher. spent her vacation a t her home in a t a dinner party New L a . , day. DODDV W e i S e n b a c h Hillsboro summer. Thev wrote th a t they i In v .ttu guests were the Miss«., Vel- ' “ »- a s Mrs. T. R. Mohler of Portland were both employed there. ma an a Naayne Wohlschlegel and spent New Year's week with her Employed a t Bonneville their u ttle sister Jean, and Melburn m other, Mrs. C harles Wood, re ­ Mr. and Mrs. William Luethe o f , turning home Saturday anu Vivian Zeigler „ Brooks Hill have moved to Bonne- ' a-.-o u rn Zeigier is doing chores atzv « , o E « C Mis Helen Kinsey spent from a t .ne Carl Wonischiegel home WeLserihach fell vllle, where he is employed T h e y . Tuesday to Thursday in Beaverton. o f D ecem ber 3 1 ,1954 Next preaching service will be wnne Mr. Wohlschlegel Is suffering „p„ y ng and fractured his are living on the W ashington side of the Columbia. irom an attack oi mumps. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs Shaw of Portland I Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hanson and i, Jvc!bi" l®‘vai;d South Dakota, who TOTAL R E SO U R C E S T O T A L D E P O S IT S and ----- Mrs 1 Subscribe now to the Argus. In family are staying with h er brother, £ “i f « t h e home of his son. sjjent w Sunday « m < » - with ----- — Mr. ------- ci-»— .«-— ri l . Sivard. Is confined ,w„ Sivard, is Clarence Ornduff, a t Laurel Mr house to the „ , < Oregon 31.50 a year Six months with a severe cold and Mrs. O rnduff announce tne Postpone Election i 85 cents. T hree m onths 50 cents. Mr birth of a son January 3. D arrell Ellis, who Creek ladles' Aid m et at I'wo m onths 35 cents. tf were m arried recently, returned the Rock Illness Prevalent home of M rs Landa tier Wed-! --------------- ■--------- " “ with her RESOURCES There was no school a t M oun­ from a two weeks’ visit nesday. Election of officers w a s i Let the advertisem ents help you sister in Spokane tain Top last week because of so postponed Next meeting will be at make your shopping plana. Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $22,722,184.94 much sickness. Children in tne Rufus Ornduff, Earl Etzwiier, and United States B o n d s ...................... 8,670,595.02 $31,392,779.98 Avery Wood homes have oetn con linea with the measles. Vivian Bonds of Federal A g e n c i e s ..................................... 3,960,845.61 Zeigler was ill this week anu last Municipal and Other Bonds . . . . . . . . 8,676,681.60 Some of those attending the Moun­ tain Top Christm as program were Loans and Discounts . . . . . . . . . . 13,374,268.01 coming down with measles. Sev­ Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . . . . . . . 135,000.00 eral cases have been reported since Miss W anda Finigan is ill . i t h Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures . . . . 1,792,430.39 j measles this week. Her father, L. T. : Finigan. went to Hillsboro Monday Other Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . 108,775.38 ) to get Mrs. Tom Schuck to stay 1 with her. Customer’s Liability — A c c e p ta n c e s ...................... 39,455,05 Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Whitmore Due from U. S. Treasury (Redemption Fund) - - 125,000.00 entertained with music and cards Sunday evening. Guests were Mr Interest E a r n e d .......................................................... 310,874.63 and Mrs. Collin Cree, Mr. a n d Subscription to Federal Deposit Insurance . . . 76,904.15 Mrs. Marvin Ornduff, Miss Marie | Fuchs, Hodson McCormick, Loren Other Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,756.31 Haynes and Leonard Whitmore. The Foremost among the features of the Whitmore family are domiciled in TOTAL .............................................................. $60,075,771.09 their new house. New 1935 Ford is the fam ous V-8 en­ S o u th e rn X^cSfic & H. KELLINGTON School Organized B A R G A IN S in USED TRUCKS Cedar Canyon Schneiders H osts n < z-> Kock Creek H om e son CADY MOTOR CO. £ = tx ? School Resumes for Mason Hill D f f to/ • f , S| The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Fractures an Arm Condensed Statement of Head Office and 18 Branches Ai $60/075,771.09 $52,376,814.08 More Than a Million Owners have proved the econom y and dependability TWIN of the FO R D Studio Couch $2850 A luxurious couch by d a y : a rest-giving twin bed set by night! In a choice of fine upholstery fabrics. Selfridge Furniture Co. Program Saturday Saturday evening Pleasant View community club will give a program of instrum ental and vocal music and several short skits, according I to the committee, Miss Marie Fuchs i Leonard Whitmore and Miss Jes­ sie Versteeg. There will be a social evening after the program. Please bring refreshments. , r ^ r ' a.n.d Mrs' B1U H utchens! 'Jennie Abamsi baby son and Clyde < Hutchens of Holbrook, who had I just returned from spending C hrist­ mas with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. John Adams, in the Rogue IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO IMPROVE PrOli5r THe Jdra,na«'’ cropping season „ lengthened both in the spring and in the fall and growth stimulated during the dry season. The numbep of special crops is increased For example, a lfa lfa has been Increased two tons, evergreen blackber ries one ton, and root crops over five tons per acre in this coun­ ty. Small beginnings may be expanded from the increase |n prof its until the whole place is well drained The increase In value per acre of Tiled land should fa r exceed the cost of the improve­ ment. In addition to our own standard quality products we h i n r i l . W illam ina Clay D rain T ile and Building Tile ha" dle Ve8 E N G IN E gine— road-tested, tim e-tested and ac­ claimed one of the finest autom obile engines built today. You can see its superior power and acceleration every­ where. fo rd experience and Ford resources have produced the only successful anti economical V-8 engine for a car selling a t a low price. The V-8 has proved itself the most economical, most dependable Ford en­ gine ever built. But you need not take our word for it. Talk to some of the ° K d ’¿ X - . F ° rd V' 8' ............................. H illsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. T O T A L ........................................... $60,075,771.09 """ b e in o1f 'r f ’fitnh/m Fnfrd l "’ 1."? nff , lr S y OU Pro v ed p e r fo r m a n c e — plus a num- Ford , st H T o H o c WhlCh. add t0 dependability and economy, and m ake the cast-steel eronb ft own. an,j flrive. One is the tough, w ear-resisting gives to this en In A nother is directed-flow crankcase ventilation which gives to this enduring engine even longer life. W e in v ite you to see this N E W F O R D d riv e th is b ig g e r, easy rid in g F o rd . V -8 fo r 1 935 — to rid e and 1,000,000 in 1935 Fred W arings Thursday Sundays 6 to 7 p. m. KOIN AUTHORIZED JALÍ3 AHO SERVICI MAIN BRANCH . . . . FIFTH; SIXTH AND STARK UPTOWN BRANCH . . . SIXTH AND MORRISON Olher Portland Branches ROSE CITY BRANCH........................... NE. 42d Ave. A Sandy Blvd. UNION AND RUSSEI-L BRANCH......NE. Union Ave. & Russell St. EAST PORTLAND BRANCH SE. Grand Aw. * Morrison St. SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH SE. 82d Ave. • Poster Rd MONTA VILLA BRANCH.................. SE. 80th Ave * Stark St. LI VESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Denver Ave. * Kilpatrick St. Branches Outside of Portland Ford Symphony Hour Pennsylvanians Across Washington Street from Cannery on P. R. * N. Railway O ffice Phone 1341 A rt Kroeger 2546 — Home Phones— Henry Kroeger 1204 LIABILITIES C a p ita l.................................................... $2,500,000.00 S u rp lu s ................................................ 2,000,000.00 Undivided P r o f i t s ........................... 261,882.62 $ 4,761,882.62 Reserve for Contingencies, Interest, Expenses, etc. 239,910.44 C irculation.................................................... 2,500,000.00 A c c e p ta n c e s ............................................... 39,455.05 Other Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 157,708.90 d e p o sits.......................................................... 52.376jn4.08 6 to 7 p. m. KOIN ALBANY ASTORIA GRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO PENDLETON SALEM THE DALLES WOODBURN CONDON DEPOSITS IN THIS BANK AND ALL OF ITS BRANCHES ARE INSURED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE PLAN