T h u rs d u y , J a n u a ry 10, l» 3 ß T H E Masons, Star Seat Officers B e a v e rto n G ro u p » In s ta lla tio n in H IL L S B O R O A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N the home of her daughter in Van­ Mrs. Edwards couver. Godfrey Losll of Orenco visited < w y , a »{ the Alex Alien home Saturday Ip fl M r Allen accompanied Mr Losll * r1 - 1 LtllVldl I * I— IVIU I.»me the same evening returning Chevrolet Announces Two New Lines for 1935 -------- H o u ie w s rin in g at Joint C erem o n y B irth d a y IlkAVEHTON Bcavvrluu I milk' A F A A M. unit lli'.ivi'l t'liap u i. (j. M j o i n t l y I I I lU lli-d o l l m l I),'i u m b e r 27 M asons i By H rs. B u x to n ; C e le b ra te d Jeaaa Meyer«» i Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Lee Randall of Orenco, who visited Bunday at the Allen home. Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards vie- ited Mr and Fred Beneflel at Man­ ning Sunday rs. Thor Oroenbeck of Ver- ' noma visited friends here Frldav Miss Tlllle K norr of near Banks . _________ guest of June \ was __ an overnight Garvin New Year’s Eve Mrs. Erin Stowell and family were visited by relatives from Mt Hood during the holidays ---------------------- _ > ÍÍ BUXTON—Mrs. Harley Edwards i 51. of nejr Vernonia died Decern- her 31 Death was due to a Irac- tured skull. , Funeral service» were held at the Evangelical church in Ver- nonla January 3 with Interm ent In Buxton cemetery. She 1» survived by tier husband, Harley Edwards three sons. a n d two daughters, as follows; Dale White Salmon. Wash.. Herb. Wll- < By Mi«s M arth» Vanderxanden l lara, Wash.; Willis, and Mrs. H er- ROY—Olen Ireland left Tuesday oert Davies, Newport, and Neva at for Lons Beach, Cal., where he Is home attending high school. G iven H ousew arm ing A housewarming was given Wlj- V a n d e X d ^ ^ ^ e i ^ ^ h m s ^ T ^ r llam and Delmar Higgle a t their gan Francisco where thev are m home at Top Hill New Y ears day rendlngK-hool wner( tne? • » »»- A pot luck dinner was served. « “ Peaav rv .h .n v l nose attending were Mr. and Mrs. , her h rn n e ^ n - l i o u t 1 Lake A. B Edwards. Mr and Mrs. David w ^ j , Sunday Edwards, Mrs. Ira Powell, Eleanor teaching at the Boy school, and Leland, Mr. and Mrs._ Jesse Mrs. M rs K atherine Khnk and son Meyers and . Elsie., June Garvin. Tom of Forest ö rö v T v is iU d M Í I Orên and Giloert Fro6t, and Wil and Mrs. Dick W’ilcox Sunday. llam and Delmar Rlggle. John Plass Is ill a t his home Those attending last rites for near here. Mr; Harley Edwards from here at Mrs Thomas Meeuu-sen, who has Vernonia January 3 were Mr and ' U1 , her home here for l ll s t a ll i'u t.lic .trr Hunnit, WfiuMuplui inuni'i . Kuut-ii Hollanti, senior warden, f Jam es Lewis, Junior wurUcn. An drew Kennedy. treasure! . i. I. bneut'Uuvrgci. »rtreiitry. Hmnuel Lawrence, senior deacon, June , Downing. Junior deacon, Isaac A. nuiy. ciiupiuui. I, It. Kicliey, eenioi steward; I'.Ug.u Lusoy. junior mew t, ■ rarer it T M C u u |* model typifies (he Ireauty New Master De L u r * Sport Sedan. m u. 1 noina., Mmei. kyier; anil It and style <»f Chevrolet '• N r # M n«'rr Run D o w n to Ample luggage apace is p ro w le d by I M L in e •enee h i t 10 (J. Improved Il Denney, inur ,nui u . A Neilson t h e built in trunk, and a luggage p e t fo t m a iti e and eu rp tlo n a l iti- win, installing officer, unstated toy compartment behind Ute rear beat uuty slav i I mm m ie n .e ilice« cere. It II Deni i v in unlluia m alum I lusluon. Kualem Suu ofli. in llintulled were Mrs Eininä tierrlnli, wm Un m atron, ituyniomi i errey, worthy B O W L IN G A L L E Y S punon; Mi< M iit.. riia liii, a., iglM F»«ir»t view of New M atter m alate luullun, n u i > , Euiiiiuei, un- Another attractive model In the New »e L Lu me C - , » .owing roominess nuciule patron, Mr# M inaurcl Den b «rxJard aenea ia tit« Coupe pic« and graceful lin e s I t -'.ow The this evening and Bowl t ired here. Numerous body and ney. secretary, Mm. ilaaet b y l i e i u . S9 ney, wuruer, J r r i . ner, aenluiel Manley. Harold Fisher, Mrs. Ira Mr». Hallini i Lawrence, usmsled toy i Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mm. L. D. Hlieilenoerger us to Meyers. stalling chiiphiln, mid Miss M mgur- j D. C om utt Is enjoying a visit MA. et Peterson us installing iiiursiiul. with his mother from Yoncalla (By Vivian Hu nney and (led as attorneys. The list Includes BETHANY-CEDAR M IL L — Mr submitted this week to the county mete of dust called earthly has tin o in d h a rt Saturday night at his All money invested here before January 12th will daughter Surenc left Monday morn- Chtnnock of Josephine, Bynon, Mc- and Mrs Phil Thorne entertained court melted away, we still see the mark hom^ near here. ^¿ten d in g lng lor their imine m M l . Hnastu. Cullough. Dickson and Lessard of w ith II New Y ears party. Tltree draw full 6 m onths earnings next June. ------------------------ th a t sin had made down here, the were Mr and M rs R Thatcner. C m . after spending seveial weeks .Multnomah. Gis.s ol Coos. E lan- laotas of ' 500 were in play. Pres­ O L T B E Y O N D EAR TH , na l-prints In Christ s hands They M r. Mrs A1 M arun. and Ml V ls illn g I I II mis anil relatives here ciaeovlch of Clatsop. Duncan of ent were Mr and Mrs Emery W al­ First mortgage security. S tate supervision. Com­ , .? T , ? D UAKT,\ t<*ll p c « 1 He paid on the old and Mrs w illiam Hiddink. Mrs B 8 Puxtnii and Elwin Pax- Harney. Hazlett oi Hood River, lace, Mr and Mrs B B. Reeves, plete service. Is there a loud speaker In heav- ' rugged crass to redeem men from M rs Jessie Tillm an is home from ton lell for Man k lain ..a u Balurnav Wallace of Deschutes. Hess o l Mr. and Mrs Calvin K ntterm an. I en? i? i G ods Just w rath a t their wilful- a Visjt with her daughter, Mrs- J. where they win join Mi Paxton Union and Mlruyer of Baker Mr and Mrs. G lenn Sills. Betty Lue Do mystic spiritual waves carry ness and sin. Yes the nail-pnnts g Stocker at White salm on Wash ii i, •?V,' r ' **’ •••■•'horn Only seven of the senators are 8111», Mrs Ethel Brllch, Mrs. Row-1 our praise, petitions and prayer# are there for all the eternities to ¡¿rs. George Riggle returned u.ii i, 1 ’ •’YJ'’,*'1’ 1,13 farm ers They are Wheeler and Me- ena Childs. Mrs. Elaine Lmgren up and up to where gather the come and so are you. For m an's Thursday from a visit with rela- Ì *Tii to Hilistxnu e'oniuck of Lane. Dunn of Jack- and. Virginia Lmgre en. all of Port- myriads of angels along with the spirit lives on and on. either with tives a t Vancouver I f .-..,, k ' .'.„..‘ri'.",1.'.1. ? Walkei of Polk. Burke of ¡and. Phyllis and Beverly Thom rnom e, erai Assemoiy u rch of tne Fred Harold Peterson e. tien G eneral Assembly and cn Church the saved ones or with tne the lost. Pred Watson Pe-erson R E L IA B L E I their Hie da m J* Wutcdi N , n y “" 1*’“ 1' ,n d ‘".‘‘i ,lul‘L .“ nd “ nd th e , F irst’,B<^ Uwhlc,h Brc w rttten And for the saved, in the ages and Ira Powell are with the CCC iiuity New Year s eve Zimmerman of Y am hill.................. Mrs Phil T hom e B B Reeves in heaven? Do they? w come God is pledged to show at Westimber Die P ast Nooie tit nw| d u b of the , i “ rc »n i a,u! ^ Mtrs Lalvln K atterm an rc- And as th e hosts gathered there the exceeding richness of his love- Mr. and Mrs. W alter Fisher and K rurkahn enjoyed not hick dinnei Lhv ST«nMl* ’i.i llonora hour your joy-note rise from out power in H ls kindness to us through son Howard o f Wheeler visited at the hall Fiiuuv Hpauldlnx of S u p lta ol a dance w*> given at the Cedar the fog, wrangle, distress and death Christ Jesus. relatives here during last week. Mrs M C M k e n her entertain- “ ‘T l m a n 'd - ‘ ° ° lM4 “ 1,d t arl.,2 '-.d o _t.h,;y brea,k ! o r _ a,_ certAl,n _ 2 €or.? !_ a 2d ,Cla.ude Rl(« le were cd with u luncheon at her home Corbett of Multnomah is class!- oe given at the hall next Saturday yours? A mighty volume for the disease an d Is longing to depart end J. M. PERSON, Manager Friday. Covers wen laid jor len. fled i*,t as na a u > 11111 rt 1M a i. — llHr Best < 11 night tltfVTvf ___ s a-. _ * , *.» __ . . . . . - . . , r -- building owner; of Savings A Loan Bldg. great God who is the one and only and be with her L ora.i—George N Mrs. Emma Nickel, former! Î5 of Hillsboro, Oregon Umatilla a physician; Pearson of Walters Entertain potentate, the Lord of Lords and Taylor. Beaverton. Oregon.—Pd. ad tins place, is reported very at M ultnom ah ail insurance m a il. A it- Mr and Mrs. Jam es W alters en- ken " i W ashington a safety e n ­ gineer. Carney of Clackamas a t ' l i a i i i e u w i i n a party New Year's . 'i ' - . ■ (t Oiiilnu*«! front i*«Me on«) Eve. Present were Messrs, and live, copies of » h u ll were released Carpenter and Sleiwer of Wheeler Mesdames John Meurer. Dave Edl- a oanxer. (ills wei K In tne house the farm ers p re­ gar. A rthur Schulz. John Zitzman. Utadelmiin ixnnls out (hat out with 16 members includ­ Cleve Owens. O lenn Carr, d ia rie s of 24 preiUiunary petitions filed dominate ing Gouley and Jones ol Marlon. Boy. Joseph Petcreourt, N P. John- with his departm ent only m ur wen cTufteM f TÎllamiôok. b u e rs t ¿Í « f 1' g » « * * 1 of Beaverton. completed. All of these |M-litlons in ­ Yamhill; 'o Cooter of Lincoln, H arri- v *‘r,n“ Ma,‘ JFv^ J’Tn volved additional laoor and ex­ non of Linn; Merriam iir.d Leola Wallers. Jeanette Schulz, ol Lane; pense m the state departm ent, Kiddle ol Douglas; McCloskey of Bill Carr. K enneth Struthers, and ■- i f ’’ which Hladelmun oellevea should be Coo.*. Johnson of Josephine; Brock­ Ilk' host and hostess. Mr and Mrs ■. ; ' ♦ I - a . puld by the sponsors of the in ­ way ol Jackson. Hill ol Hood River; Ju n e s Wallers. .Mrs Joseph Peler- itiative measures. ol Umatilla; Snider o f court and Jack Satchel ol Beaver­ The retiring secretary of state I ngd.itil Beinon ol K lam ath, a n d ton receded high scores, and Mrs also recommended a cureftil study Lane. N P. Johnson and Joseph P eter- . "I Coliinibla. of the present method ol nom inat­ Ma 1 hi ■ lawyers ihe farm ers a court were second. ing independent candidates by a s­ close second In run Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford the house with 15 semblies of luo voters, which has of P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. John ZiUman and Mrs. A Claw- tn recent elections Dickson. Latourette and Norton ol New Year's day. O ther recommendations rontalm d .Multnomah; Entier. K irkpatrick lord Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Sparks of V • ... in Hladelmun » report i n r l u d e mid Eckeraiey of Clackamas, F uhr- Portland Mr. i . a and Mrs ¿ i r f l i u U i e n i f t f f o f t i» f •'1K..II.Y.. »... i l, ,u w K l T .M f v Ü1 LW C K H IH U Ò . r u i i r - • v u m n q v Visited w iw u m nu M u . u Glenn in in í .«’ . . . r ? . . ..m Ì li ci law and n. ,vy rnmalt s r< Í « and M arlin ..I Marion. K night g a rr and Mr. and Mrs. C harles im u ia» mm n tav v penalties for of LXiuglas; K rter of Wasco; S to ll Boy Sunday. those w I mj attem pt to secure re ­ of Umatilla. Boivin of K lam ath, Bill C arr returned to school M on­ funds through Iruudulent means, and Albers of t h e MulUiomaii- day after spending the vacation with extenlson of llie tithing tux to in ­ Claekamas district. home folks. clude all so-called sell supporting Boy V visited The of I I the house •’ Mr. and inm m i uiot»». f . * i . i • »»I I nine llllr l members i l t IllD C r .S O UC I1OUD< * * - U and I I U A Mrs. l l 3 . L Charles IL U K S IX lM ltU boards l mid commissions, o " ldall "v iti“ dui,de? w>. ' are engnged in busmes.s enter- Mr and Mrs. Albert Saindon ol placing < ’ snae'^1 ' av .onns i b i ,nv-I>,,,U’ U , P " " s ‘“ elude Rosa of W ashington. Huber Thursday. legislattv tn th e uoncrrn ffiim rtU ** “ EiwIn and L rach of M ultnom ah, Mr and Mrs E B. Anderson- i n s in to Hu general fund. M unyan of Linn; Hill of Lane; went to a New Year's party a t th e , ... . , , C arter of Coos und Curry; Futland home of Mrs Anderson's sister, i»„ i i "i..U i **■“ l,iwl rcqulr- of Gilliam Lynch of Wheeler; and Mrs. George Atterbury of Portland i i i t n i ^ 11 •to'1'“ 11" ' ¿to bury all dead atuples of M alheur . Mrs Ed Hickey and Miss Nellie .tu iu ies so deep that some Indus- O lein of Columbia. G raham of Larsen of Portland visited home d , d,IHl ,a jl “o l..di*1 M ultnomah and Hyde of Lane are folks Sunday. hfa haSa*'* u ,o V0ry ‘’V*‘ “ L lllt “ n<1 ictillois. Barnes and Wallace o f M. C. Larsen has returned to Ul,‘ dto^’vcry Multnomah are In the Insurance Jones hospital, where he Is ex- mimi by the lloon Inver county of- business Hockett of Wal'.vw.i ... peeled to be operated on this week y » wt.i V * i 1''* .! '“ “n old »‘“ “ ite Hosili Of Deschutes are pay icians Born to Mr and Mrs. C W a k.. . . ' ,!>.i 11,1 M THE NEW STANDARD CHEVROLET THE NEW MASTER DE LIXE CHEVROLET T Beauty at Your Window JANUARY Mattress Sale "Spring Filled” I ’ K n « action optional at sm all additional eoat) Drapes and curtains done ! by our DRY CLEANING | processes look newly beau­ tiful and colorful. *465 A N D V P . L is t price of New Standard RoadM er nt F lin t. M ich., 1166. W ith bufhptm . spare tire and tiro lock, the list price ia 120.00 additional. Price* subject t o chnnge w ithout notice. O N DISPLAY T O M O R R O W ^CHEVRO LET $ 560 A N D V P . L is t price of Manter De Luxe Coup« at F lin t, Mich.. |660. W ith bumpers, «pare tire and tire lock, the liat price ia S25.0O additional. PrireB sub­ ject to change without notice. S P E C IA L S 11 14 95 16 .7 5 LESTER IRELAND & CO Hillsboro, Oregon CHOOSE CHEVROLET FOR QUALITY AT LOW COST .8 5 Home Laundry 8C Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 H illsb o ro M o to r Company llillshnro, Ore. T h ir d an d W a s h in g to n Sts. JA M ES W H IT E L A W , P ro p rie to r Telephone 441