THE Page Four Rillsbonjj^Vo us Keep History Alive H I L LS R O R O A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Unemployment Studied H ere OREGON T hursday, Jan u ary 10. 10.35 H ilC C N ¿ lin e d Jesus Tests JI is Disciples Local Men Named Hillsboro Rotary club is undertaking T o d Luke WilN-'JA; I I V l e r concerning th a m etaphysical ha­ y? R ^ arJ Officials of City a splendid work when it backs the plan 9: A. II lin n of Jean». It waa tha m oral W ilk WSUS I* C mb M m Z IS» H illoW r. In Z tp tfU 'n t The In tern atio n al (iillo rn i of safeguarding and keeping the historic Patterson a n d A I., and sp iritu al reality of Jeaua Blltzbor* A tom » t a b . 18*4 H iltalxr.. Independent «Mab. 1ST» Unemployment insurance plan u n - j Sunday School 1. canon for Jail. relics of the valued history of the Oregon Amuchir of IlllUboro were nuined liiat P eter acknow ledged In ball­ M rKINNKT « M eK INN BV . Pubi ie b e n which the employers, employes IX ing tli» M aster aa the Uivina Bon Henry Itagg ¿M toidvlle w..a nom- | ' “ V attorney and auditor, reaper- country. All should be proud of those pio­ der r o b lb h e d T h a n * * « . Entered »• eeeond-claM m atter in the • • • the state would all contribute pnatoffiee at Hillsboro, Oreiton ol (tod. hiated to succeed Joe K c.ldrtch. ot of J ‘**.**t" " 1 " neer ancestors th at went through untold and to a state-w ide pool was favored YRANKINR’S Interest In Hie W hat a disappointm ent It Amity as Dairy Co-opemtlve direr- ,l" ' tln* Monday night. O ther of- hardships to leave such a priceless legacy here Tuesday evening during a MRS. K. C. M cKINNEY V ERN E McKINNEY story of Jesus' life an,I min* must lia rs been to P eter, with tor from district two during a n ‘ “ li* mumM wrra: I red tloyl, to us who have followed. As natives of forum meeting a t the cham ber oí ¡ I’ lry Is a* great a* it la ami hue l i i l a d r , -n nt of (ha M essiah se t­ ................................................. A asociats Editor Editor Kiiperliiteiident: Harvey Wll- Wil­ meethig of members from II... the urea area »»»'T biiperlnleiident; W ashington county the publishers a r e commerce to study four basic p lan s., been because, In the four gnatwla, ting up an earthly kingdom , to Tuesday liams, fire chief; Cecil Barnes, aa- at Laurel. First Audited Paper. Lar*> _ O r sg i n S la t« Edi­ Jake Weil. local chairm an of th e • the etory bna been set forth Iti have Jesu s spuuk of ilia sorrow extrem ely interested in this endeavor and W arnlng th at dairymen should Bl»l»«t chief. est Audited Weakly Circula­ torial A ssociât ion and N a­ Pacific Northwest Kegtonal com- ¡ brief and simple fashion, bereft tion In O rssoa and death th a t aw aited H lm l tional Editorial Association hope th a t individuals and organizations notify the milk control board Ini -1 Couni tl committees: Lyndon My- ini.lce for studying uneiiiployiiient! ¿f i l l rom pïiratiB g'd’etsÏÏ.- Member of the Audit Rareau o í C irculation medlately of the loss of any anim als ets and F m iiiis W LI vendor«, Il- will give th eir w holehearted support to insurance, presided and E. J. M e -, 11 doe», however, m ake II nec­ 0.NK can Im agine th a t even condemned for abortion or T. li nance, Dewey D Drorbaugli, w ater, OFFICIA L N E W SPA PER Of W ASHINGTON C O l'N T T bringing this movement to a successful Alear discussed the various pro- essary ' ' Pe for us to look through *eter, and the o th er disci­ so that basic averages could b e II M Barnes, streets, A. II. Itobsl, conclusion. The D. A. R. c h ap ter and gram s prior to the balloting. th e pages as through window», ples who had left all to follow protected was given by a repie sidewalks. F. W Livermore, lights, Sakw riptlon Ralaa Strtrtly Caak ia A dranc. Plan favored locally is bast'd on or gaps. In which wo may see a »Ï.1XI Native Sons and D aughters organization Jesus, must have had th eir faith sentatlve ol the state hoard, lie and W. II. Boswell, civic liupiovc- y e » . _______________ »I SO U S Outaide O i W 'l the B ritish system which lias been » . S O Eor-eliin Countriaa _______ .8* Rii months will no doubt be glad to co-operate. dlscussed the transfer of grade II nieiils, as well as resolutions and In effect since 1911. The group also J g reat deal th a t Is not recorded. and th e ir hope seriously tested as Jeans spoke of discipleship In perm its to ship on the Portland ’ ordinance». There are many intereting relics con­ favored a proposal under which Here and th ere we are able to Tha Hiltaboro Arsu* aaaumaa no fin an cial leaeeasM M ty for term s of suit denial and tak in g market und staled tiiat there were Iti'luiidtng of $2000 hi Im pioti « T o n published in its column». bul in case, w here th is papar nected with our early history in Oregon federal m achinery would suppie- appreciate how busy was the life the it i is. ra th e r than In term s now approximately WOO such ship- m ent bonds was authorised. la at fkult w ill reprint that part of an arfvertiswmect in which of Jesus, how fully his days were to be found in m any homes. If brought ment th is plan. Discussion favoring U m typographical m b tak e occur». of tn e glory they would sh are I pers. I ' In conversing with tils to a central place here in Hillsboro they ‘be above proposal indicated that occupied T h at he did not ex|M*rt many - \ r r • ■ ■»• dlselphs. or with o th er Individ­ w ith ttiu M aster In an earth ly A b Independent N ew s paper. W h o * Ser vice» and Policim shippers to drop off the m arket V.’I Ilk L IS, I J ll t ’t (OB'S »re Base*! on the Principle of tha Golden K u la —“ And as ye continue through the > eais as a le n ttr ot lha[ he wajJ pa r l^. responsible for uals. and In speaking to the m ul­ kingdom . would that man should do to you. do ya also to thorn lika- It was a m ark of the quality due to better factory prices was the i 1» I 1» ■ attraction and as a loving rem inder of unemployment, th at the employe titu d es Occasional references, wioa.*’— M atthew 7 :1I. of Ir.lllk KC-ClCCtCtl those stouthearted pioneers, who contrib- should do his part in th a t lie was also, rem ind us how largely he of these disciples, and of the representative's statem ent, explain ing tiiat Uie perm it was virtually J and stren g th ot th e ir uted so much to Oregon history. W ash- gainer by the plan and tiiat organised the work of evangel­ depth a franchise. He urged co-operation Officers und directors of the faith, th a t they did not w aver ington county and its early day citizens ‘b^rvs‘ate sh.o. u ld cotiuibute since ism, tending not only bis Imme­ when the tru e mission of Jesu s in the co-op, stating th a t the as- 4 ommerclal National bank were re- President’s Message diate dteclples but "o th e r sev­ had a big part in laying the foundation "o i™ , and the mesne by which He was i soclatlon waa more tmiiernttvc now elected Tuesduy evening during the en ty " also on preaching missions annual stoekholdees' meeting Offi- to accom plish His salvation be­ i th an ever before The desire to work out fundam ental for the Oregon of today. W e should not ployed. to the villages. Itiiproveiiieiit o f p ro d u c tio n *ers Inilude Edward Hcliulmerlch. came ev id e n t let these connecting historical relics fall O ther plans suggested were b a se d 1 ______________ W hat was the response to thia economic changes to provide security for through rigid culling, better feeding president, E I KuratU, and W C. Is an experience th a t cornea pto>%r ai?d*t^ em5fov*hJontrm- u ^ T i^ o ^ J a Z u teach Y a in g ’ H ere to It alm and regulutlng the size of the herd 1 h* ulensen. vice-presidents; All O. jobs, the aged and the home was clearly into unappreciative hands, but r a t h e r ost every C hristian dis­ asking hlk uted and on the Michigan act un- was urged by W W. Henry, co-op Johnson, cashier, and W V. Ber- ciple In every age, and dlsclplea stated Friday before the congress by Pres­ should m aintain them in a proper place. der w hat which only the employer was disciples “ — ~ - th e people are h a re m et It In different ways. : manager. Legislative committee eon- wen und Cal Jack Jr„ assistant ident Roosevelt, who again dem onstrated saying. The answ ers a re Inter­ ------------------------- taxed. The latter plan was disap­ H ere and th ere a re those, like j slating of Julius Christensen. Wll- «ashlers. his courage as A m e ric a's le a d e r . He proved on the ground th a t It con­ esting and etpreaalve alike ot Ju d as and Demae, who find the j llam T. Putuani Jr., Mahlou Wll-1 Directors re-elected were Schul- popular hope and popular super­ pledged productive jobs for the jobless stituted a tax on payrolls and would Congratulations llams of Amity und Henry Hagg inerlch. K uratll, C hrlstenarn, 11 E. way too bard and th e goal too work a hardship on employers, who stition. wus appointed. Mating. M P. Cady, It. It. ’ Easter th a t would not interfere with industry and fa r rem oved. T hrough w eakness were already operating a t a I06S. R. F ra n k Peters took over his duties . ................... — ' and Leater Ireland. to prepare for their absorption by indus­ or Im patience they su rre n d e r C O M E believe th a t Jeeua ta T h at unemployment insurance Is as circuit judge for W ashington and Tilla- th e ir fallb, and they tu rn back try as soon as possible. John the B aptist retu rn ed to Old Deed Recorded R ight of prodfit was assured by the mock counties Monday a n tir e p la c e d th e V ^ ia rS life: o th ers aay th at be Is with Indifference If they do not Haeflcger Funeral become Involved In denial and president, who held, however, th at there ?.L“ i A1? ? i„ He. J lecUfed ,th a t son?e l E lijah or one of th e old prophets Here on t u rciti \ /• ■ w a s a m a n d a t e o f t h e ueO D le against ex- C ongratulations and best wishes are due system other than the direct dole! reincarnated to speak forth one« b8^ * * * 1, ® Tssxlrwxb Peters nwo zxn s T T »tr»ifv* frx must e> ri* »v»»b-v»-wxz4 xj.» — a— — _i hiiirn Til* WtlJF of faith Is not easy. .^ i con­ con- ***< for Lhursday Elghty-onc year old d deed e a a a iv ® o n r " o f i t s t h a t triv e H to o r much control Judge on his r opportunity to oowt'o serve m ust K be developed He em phasized' «"°f« lha ‘k* m»aaa«** m essages i\f of Rantlh tru th end and It m eans a trem eudous thing to cessite profits in at g n e too m um control capacity. Judge Bagley has iact t»»t at present people are righteousness veying six Forest drove lota from Funeral services for K arl H a r. acknow ledge Jeaua aa Lord and the Pacific university to Sidney H fleger. 83. resident of H rlvrtU for over private and, sometimes to our soi- . work exceptionally well and comlng to the ldea th a t the gov- But when Jesus challenges the M aster, to abaro His Ufa and • Marsh waa filed with the county Hl years, will be conducted at the row, over public affairs. He held th a t our a o pe nk ' • LI Ce Th I ♦ em m eut must care for the unem - FORD coupe with Ruxtell. 11100k bar associations a t 7 p. m (Contiaasd from pa»» Peters were us lollows: John Ur- rejxirted last week by this paper. good condition, good tires; cheap term ination. Local responsibility m u s t today (Thursday) a t the Elry C ha- te s te r Ireland Co., l’ortlund O as bach vs. Fred Walters, dismissal; Irrigallon |„ Aid C allie Farm for cash Phone 1431. n u i iLi teau near Hillsboro. Co., Hillsboro M otor Co. again be assum ed for taking care of about Kachrl F Walker, executrix, vs. line HI GIUISHAM I'enlallve plana are E. E. Hanycn of P ortland was re- Sustaining 810 Memberships — Francis J. S tatter, dismissal; E d­ being worked out lor the establish- KAHTERN Oregon horae» will nr 1,500,000 of those now on relief rolls, appointed official reporter for the Hillsboro Argus. J. c Penney Co., ward L. Naylor vs A A. Hollcboel. m rn t of an Irrigation system to Wrong Kind of Relief . . ___ rive here about January 18 while a big public works program was One of th e bills expected to appear a t th e ap- Judicial district M onday by post Office employes dismissal; C anadian Bank of Com- '"PPlV water to between &U and Btunkard txarn. bl_XU«« P Vtalirvcv Trvr» leonnom, i Yir.mll*. wi„ia r?li.2 ii Vn!“J ‘S,M'!U< r. "JP l " ' 1 ............... ••— oo-r.i m - should be adequate but not such as to en­ of $3000 property valuations. court bailiff E Mating Inc. (cannery). Well's missal; Ludwig Hltz vs. T. Schall- ¡52!> bergrr dismissal U n i o n C e n t r a l i i 4 /? * ’ ^a^and. according to 8 11 i'ln,e-,,ra a.iuniar un Main *ir»ri «. store. courage men to tu rn down private work This newspaper strongly favors reduction of th e ,ucccedlng c . C. Bannister. 1 i r . ir, 01 111 U nl. ’ CS?tr Hall, county agent, who recently »•'■1 i ..,» .m , 11 j an*rr.. 1 Balance of the cash raised In Life Insurance company v . o w u , ■ msp.-, oxi m e prosposea project for 0 » ,.,» » * burden on property, and The Sentinel would bene- " ——— was the opinion of the executive. Hillsboro was by annual mem ber­ Swenson et al, order, default, de- Mr. Spencer 'n ils farm Lx being de- » XN i r.ii in.i i'„,'i,-i a!„ „ r.»„. A fit by th e proposed $3000 exemption, b u t th e way W altOnianS H old Special praise was accorded those who to ships of $1 and contributions of cree; Union C entral Life Insur- 'eloped Into a beef feeding es- " '••'"«•». i'.»i»»r. 1.1 1..10 the burden on property Is not by taking w ithout com pensation have assum ed posi­ p art reduce mailer amounts. The Busmess and ™ of it from th e rolls, thereby Increasing the b u r­ « " T i X « 1 UH a d C e"n t£ Big Session H ere Professional tions of great responsibility in directing den upon th a t rem aining on the rolls. It Is esti­ harge of the Women's s o l u t i o club n In h thl» K? |A-tnrh I Ha Lie wmm I 14 75 relief program s. m ated th a t th is proposed exemption would remove I (Continued tmm p«»» on«) rorjJ In tw o c r . l l«Mk*U. IS »In«!«* 'H erm an Luux et al. confirm ation, to carry this num ber o f cattle 30 to 40 per cent of th e property valuation of the th a l ,he present sommisslon would city In bringing this stirring report to a Hila l> \ »Irjr, ■uu«| ranh<*«ie 11«* «»r ton close the president said th a t the ledger bur irrigate low land"? YOUNG'S S tates has been restored and th a t 1935 state as a whole is no t assessed at more th a n a Banks $4. O aston $23. Cornelius probate orders In the following during lau* »ununer and t arly should be a y ear of genuine good feeling th ird of its value. A $3000 exemption would thus ¡r O le Ä Ch"rry « « ’V . esU tes ^ e r ^ d m i. wc^k M « y • ia »' Funeral Hom e and spiritual recovery ** actuaU-v a *9000 exemption. Anyone w ith th a t $ . C.l n ood $i. K ansas City 85. y , ureenburg, Cora Elizu Lowry "Thoughtful. Sym pathetic am ount o l property ought to pay some taxes. Any- Fifteen Years Ago 2 rMV.'lan.l. 4' Leaf .C lover_ club $7, LouLsa A Montague, Mary E l.zL "All of us sliare In whatevei Bervtce” The •z president was a . ■ typical one with th a t am ount of r property is willing to pay Argus. M January 1919—Glen Bell W om ans flub $22 25 sm ith Ix u n . a H.urt.r i i ' ro," r!'. to thc “ '''ra g e man • >•% S m essage ■ . , _ za» Caazvzsai y o 8. , Av 8« L jir ii 83x »1 Hillside • *--**■— ..... *--- — - a - half I boon ----- - ------- — ' M,ura A snider, Al- We know thin we nil luive a stake Phone »12 lllllxhoro hum anitarian Roosevelt report on the State a reasonable Wx. The only complaint coming from of McMmnviUe has ■ bough; Co-op l$0«HCl ,,nl|1 L Our Yesterdays p a rtn e rs h ip -in ti»e govrrnincnl >untry ” I’resldent R-ame He is a president of the people and the reaction to his talk cannot be but favor- able. He has voiced the hopes of a g reat people and with real co-operation he will lead t h e n a t i o n t h r o u g h t n h r i i r h t o r r la v a lean tne nation tnrougn IO nrignter Cld>s. in conduct of government, by fewer dem ands upon : of V. W. G ardner January 1 governm ent and by Other forms of taxation. Mrs. Eliza Bowman installed as Instead of removing property from th e tax rolls. « G eneral Ransom He- the U x roUs property lh a t es" R- H. u re e r and Norman r . Greer « » ^S L ax atlo n . incorporate Greer's Grocery under Property owned by anyone other th an some name of Greer, Powers Ac Co. Guy b ranch of the government, with the possible excep- Powers will be m anager. tion of war veterans, should be on th e tax rolls J h levy for stete. county and an d property used by municipalities for the conduct »,05 013 61 1 '* 4 of business should be on the tax rolls John Reichen found dead in his A few years ago household goods were taken off home a t West Union. the tax rolls through an appeal for relief of th e B irtn., A boy. to Mr. and Mrs William VanLom ol Cornelius Jan - P°°r homeowner. The poor homeowner got little re ­ uary 8. ior t? x„ h«fi*hoid goods was not more Thirty Years Ago th a n a few dollars, but there are wealthy home­ Argus. January 12, 19o5—License owners * in relieved of tax on » a ui aci wms a i ro resi Grove, C. N. ** the >-*•>= state who » n o were ic u c .ru m u x un hundred thousand dollars worth of household goods Johnson delealm g Mayor Hoge for An exemption of a few hundred dollars would re- mayor. ^ Ä l 'janm a Ä irv T ^ 1 lbreath ^ 111 dled Uev’e the sm all homeowner and the rem ainder ol Tua.Latm died a al t A m a rlo ht>u^ “ ld good® ou8ht to be p u t back on the rolls, j JotlD F. Kecnon d d lP d <1 a ftt t Arcade Taking property off the tax rolls is the wrong Jan u ary 6. idea. Leave property on th e rolls, but reduce th e tax ! J- D. Housley installed as com- on It.—Cottage Grove Sentinel. m ander Hihsooro camp, Woodman of the World. ------------------------- Haines bank and W atrous ware- m, * o z*T T ' ^ r t h L W y ° t S ’VMrr° ban d Mrs church $«, M ountaindale - Arcade d lm lc ; $8 Bethany Baptist S u n ­ (|a y school $5, Farm ington $2 90. *?.*,' E- church faith in thi­ ng tli ol conimon purpose and i n th e strength ol united aci.-m taken by the American people.”—Pre .ident Local Unemployed Form Welfare Unit I?z»/*i lx *-/»/* ¡4 4w d-Iarl 4/Y -I v Y Begins w im t \ . hi leave unaald Is often ■ ■ Local unit of the National Econ­ ■ ™ o „ & r U n ' i »a » wh«‘ ___ u n u n u n was r. omic _ Welfare le federation was o or- ganlzrd here T hursday evening bv unemployed of this community Tli CORWIN HARDWARE To act interchangeably in business should la- the desire of every group seeks rehabilitation rath er Headquarters m erchant In town. To the e x ­ th an charity under the relief pro­ H unting and Fishing A new city adm inistration has taken tent th a t we do this we build the gram and is definitely not com- IxclIU ¿>l«lt t tl prerlty of the community In over the reigns of local governm ent. This Supplies » -» » » . - niunlatlc. according to W alter W hit­ - , which we live paper wishes the new mayor and council- Aladdin Lam p. * 1 A- C. McOully was named as I.»ng. Radio Tulie» Tested Free Godes ol Fair Competition und« r men succès and co-operation and a good n rlm in itttn tln n o f tv.'. t, iconunuci rr.mi p.ue on.) acting chairm an and J C Olson whh h all of us ure operating out aam inistration OI t i t j ailair.- " I’ ll hl? tlly of equipm ent and empty five- as acting secretary Annrnxinuii.-iv business help to strengthen the advent of M ayor G arrett and Louncllmeil gallon cans. 40 gallons of alleged 70 persons attended u » "buy at home” plan because sell “ ...»----- öm,n,Oo'f!at . . Uæ Robb, Kramien and W ismer, the veteran o«»-***" « )u .k » . . COUn lug prices of i »i 11111 xli tics are 1UJ gdUUIUt «I official, M ayor O range Phelps, and Coun- stabilized and there 1« no need tjæ alleged alcohol was found ini oilmen Wells, Connell and Ja k e Wei! re ­ ol going out ol town to buy those the barn things which are needed. tire from a work well done. 8heriff Connell. Deputies John for xon and Busch and S tate Offlct-i ' M i ’P f fzxr IVTzxnzt*..* M ayor Phelps has com pleted 14 years When you buy at home your money W alter Hadfield participated In the *UT IV lO IlU ay Is spent a t home and circulate.-, of service in the municipal adm inistration, Initial meeting of the localcham In the community to liclp those O ur Annual eight as a councilman and six as mayor. ber of commerce for 1935 Is plan- , right here Take our own ease os He has given much time, work and splen­ ° 11. J the garage on Second street during ned for 6:30 p m. Monday, accord­ JANUARY printers and publishers: Condensed Milk did energy into his public service, which How can clergymen, as some of them do in . . -- Oregon ----------------- ---- company m — *z i the week-end was reported to the ing to Ed L. Moore, secretary. An -------------------- --- ------- -------- by p ren t RUey Tli'- Argus buys: Groceries, drugs, nual report will be read and other is greatly appreciated by th e people of Portland, join with the Reds In dem anding repeal o n e ^ t^ P o n la rid ^ n d ^ n e 6 M o n d a y hardware, jewelry, clothing, elec­ business considered during the d in ­ Hillsboro. Little do the people realize the ^ ‘t a o ^ ^ ’a ^ 'X ^ b j e c t l v e T r t ’T be^viet0 Th“ wmc Ravn.-md re Raymond o Gregory and Charles ner meeting. trical equipment, furniture, meut- of 'i n ° n n a ’ PU bllC Certainly, if they do, their attitude as clergymen in Jessup, both of Vancouver, were shoes, Insurance, calls the doctor C. C. Braman, credit m anager of arrested Friday o n indictm ents Bedell store In Portland, will speak wtien sick and patronises tlie OI the sacrifice in one s own affairs th a t dem anding repeal of th e syndicalism act is a spec 15 Day« of charging statutory offenses. dentist, buys oil, gas. tires, au to ­ a t the luncheon January 21 on is required of a conscientious Hillsboro tacle. Thus 'T h e program ," which is to the Com- I ART SAYS ________________ _ mobiles, flowers, and occasional­ "Community Credit Policies." official. Councilman W ells spent several m untst in tern atio n al w hat th e constitution is to If the kids now -a-days think they I „ _ _ ly eats a t one of tlie cafes. Am azingly interested years on the council and was Ameri£a" self-government, says: are having a tough time ol it, they! are way off. Why when we were * 111111 L-iLMU VJTULip Low Price«! considered one of the most outstanding m?st *m«x,rtant ‘•ask-s 01 cu>- kids j Tlie Argus i>ays; Taxes to support we had to sleep In a pup tent d j councilmen th at has ever served the city. ? revolution affecting the wide masses is the i and the schools, provide police and we thought we were in a bed task of systematically and unswervingly com­ fire protection, keep up the city of roses, from the sticking we would The sam e holds good for C o u n c ilm a n Beginning Saturday bating religion—the opium of the people . . . At («fndna.1 from a . (Continued from p « k « one) i get all night long. Then next day streets and county roads. Thom as Connell and also for Councilman the same time, the proletarian state carries on Ma would use our tent for a house had Increased from 66 to 81 during Ja n u ary 12th Petitions seeking the removal ot dress or better known In those the same period. Tlie Argus aids: Churches, lodges, anti-religious propaganda with all th e m eans at W eil, who served two years of the unex­ Mrs. Helen Hamilton, executive I days as a M other Hubbard). And its command. societies, associations, political Directors re-elected Included M ar­ pired term of W. V. Bergen. huva X ♦/-» cinn-, Thus, though they are preachers of th e C hris- i ^ Pa > t ’ wrnilzi °'iW - h.avA sle'P «.¡n. * ‘th his tin C. Larsen ot Beaverton route 2, secretary of the county relief com ­ parties, charities, Red Cross. mittee, have been circulated In this Too . often .. ... . public . officials . . . . . are the vie . tian gospel, clergymen who join in th e cry for re- b u t“ k w p " “hem th t “roo/ F.L. Brown of Laurel, Charles Herb vicinity during the past week P er­ The Argus works in th e tim s of cnticiftrn take the knot-holes o u tUi f m ents and does w hat It can to Request Is addressed to President president. Brown as vice-president, Increase the prosperity of all the officials have been able to conduct city t 7 v S « ^ n u ^ i d ^ e ‘Ï k T J S and J. M. Person as secretary- Roosevelt. citizens of the county. a ffa irs in such a way as to keep the mu- crime, advocate physical violence, advocate arson as save all we didn't eat to stuff treasurer. County School Census nicipallty on a cash basis. a m eans of overthrowing the American system Re- f îiiS spaghetti, th a t is the holes wel _ ‘— —— — — The Argus helps: i l i e unfortunate, Com pleted This W eek the one who has lost, the needy, ________________ £ al >aw — the Reds ,r£e to advo- ^ ‘t l ^ s ^ 7 « ^ ^ gives odd Jobs to help out, and cate destruction of property, advocate sabotage, and anything yet.—A j m Total of 9369 children of school plays the big brother to tlie u n ­ age resided In Washington county advocate other unlawful acts, as a m eans of achlev- ------------------- ----- i derprivileged. ing industrial or political ends or effecting Indus- JOHN MONTGOMERY g u m j iv c u i J d l U T U d y during 1934, according to the census completed this week by the county trial or political revolution. ! a /^ ° f? ebus—John Montgomery of: — (Continuel fr.m p.x« on») Next door to Venetian theater Tlie Argus expects and has re a ­ Com m ents of William F. Cyrus, county As th eir constitution, which the Reds call "The u»™1 d fîi.? ie